HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-18, Page 6TENDERS WANTEDHEEP WANTEDFOR SALE THE TIMES-ADVOCATE. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 18th, 1948 FOR SALE—1933 Ford half­ ton panel truck in A-l condi tion, good tires. Any reason­ able offer considered. A. P. MeKillop, Exeter. 11* FOR SALE—Battery radio, Mar­ coni; lamp; oil burner stove; good as wood, borne. Coleman iron; Coleman * an as new. Gordon Hey- 2nd concession of Us- 18* WAITRESS WANTED — Apply in person at Rether’s Coffee Shop, Exeter, 4c FOR iSADE"—A quantity of seed Beaver oats. Harvey Perkins, phone 172r25 Exeter. 11:IS* FOR SALE—A play pen. Apply to Milton Kellar, phone 372w Exeter. 18c FOR SALE—Light amber honey 20 cents a pound, bring your own container. Apply Alex Voisin, R.R.3„ Ailsa Craig. 11:18* FOR SALE—Beaver oats, grade 1 commercial, $1.60 per bus­ hel. Galore barley, grade 1 commercial, $2.00 per bushel. Sacks , free. Cleaned at seed cleaning plant. Russell Bro­ derick. Phone 91-5 Hensall, R.R. 2, Hensall. 11:18* FOR SALE—Six purebred York­ shire boars, choice animals from prize winning parents, $50.00 each. At Parrysburg Yorkshire sale in Ohio last January, one of our seven month old boars was sale top IM’ice, selling fox* $285.00, An­ drew Hicks, Centralia. 18c WANTED—Presser for dry­ cleaning plant. Experience not necessary. We will teach trade to the right man, Brady Cleaners. Phone 136. 18* AGENTS FULL OR PART time to sell XTtettl Floor sion. 413, 50r5, well known Plastic Finish. Good Commie- Write Mr. Leis, Box Wellesley, Ont., or call 6-8 p.m. 18c FOR SALE—'Coal brooder stove, only been used one season. Phone 174r5 Exeter. 18* WANTED Tenders, plainly marked as such, will be received by the i undersigned for the hauling of 7,000 yards of pit-run gravel, more or less, to be placed on the roads in the • Township of McGillivray at a flat rate per cubic yard us directed by the road superintendent. Gravelling to be completed by June 17th, 1948. A marked cheque for $200 must accompany tender. Tender to be in the hands of the Road Superintendent not later than 12 o’clock noon, March 25, 1948. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Fred J. Neil, Road Supt. R.R. 3, Ailsa Craig, Ont. 11:18c i Extensive clearing auction of Farm 'Stock, Impients, Feed. W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 14, Con, 9, HIBBERT------ mile east of Staffa MARCH 29th, o’clock and 6; roan bull calf, 1 year old: Hereford heifer, rising 1 year old; black heifer calf, 3 months old. PIGS—6 stockers averaging 140 pounds; 7 suckers, 2 months old. GRAIN —'50 bus, seed buck­ wheat, 75 bus. Alaska seed oats, 50 bus. wheat. IMPLEMENTS. — Mc.D. der, 6 ft.; M.H. mower, 5 Cockshutt steel rake, 10 M.H. manure spreader; M.H. 13 hoe disc drill; M.H,. 3 drum steel roller, 2 section spring tooth harrow; 3 horse cultiva­ tor; Quebec sulky plow; M.H. No. 21 walking plow; Fleury walking plow; 4 section har­ rows; M.H. 12 plate out-throw disc; set of bobsleighs; cutting box with pulley; Fleury 8 in. grinder; 6 h.p. gasoline engine; Steef tired wagon; 16 ft. flat rack; carriage with shaft and tongue; gravel box; cutter; Clinton fanning mill, complete with sieves; 4 good sling ropes; 3 chop boxes, various sizes; do­ zen good grain bags; 3 dozen other bags; 2 sets double har­ ness; 2 sets single harness; 5 new horse collars; chime bells; cedar posts; Renfrew cream se­ parator, like new; onion seeder; wheelbarrow; shovels; forks; logging chains; doubletrees; cook stove; coal oil stove; table; and many articles too numerous to mention TERMS — Cash. ALVIN .WALPER, Auct. R. F. STADE, Clerk JACOB ORTWEIN, Prop. bin- ft.; ft.; AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, REGISTERED CATTLE. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 19, Con. 8, Stephen Twi>. on TUESDAY, 'MARCH 23 194S at 12 o’clock the following HORSES — Aged work team. CATTLE — 12 registered cattle, all Scotch Shorthorns; 15 vaccinated heifers; 7 bulls, not sold previous to sale day; other cows, not registered; calves by hex* bull, « Pedigree of Ransom’s Command =275506= Male, dark red, born Feb. 28, 1944, bred by W. A. Culbert & Sons, Dungannon, Ont. Second owner, Wm. E. Morlock, Credi ton, May 31st, 1945. Sire, Mystic Command = 256420= by Camp­ bell’s Command =232183= by Calrossie Command (275428) out of Cluny Augusta 47th (imp.). Dams include Ransom Rosaline 2nd =3'04077 = ; Roan Rosaline 2nd, Roan Rosaline, Rosaline (imp.) =155150 = , Rosa, Bridesmaid, Lady's Maid, Lass o’ Cowrie 2nd, Lauretta Sth, Lucy. Sires are O.A.C. Ransom 16th = 238153=, Cloverdale1 Fame = 196963 = ; Major Mayflower = 115342 = ; Avanzi, Diamond Douglas, Leader, Majesty, Wind­ sor, Yet a Goldfinder, Lancelot. Herd sire Ransom’s Command bom February 28th, 1944. No. 1, registered, 29, 1941, bred Command. No. 2, born Oct. 13, 1940, bred Oct. 10 to Ransom’s Command. No. 3, not registered, born Apr. 7, 1944. No. 4, not registered, ris­ ing 2, vaccinated, open heifer. No. 5, registered, born Sept. 15, 1943, bred to Ransom’s Com­ mand. No. 6, registered, born Mar. 13, 1941, bred to Ransom’s Command. No. 7, not registered, born Dec. 8, 194 3, bred to Ran­ som’s Command. No. 8, not reg­ istered, rising 2, bred. April foot. Apr. foot, Command, ed, born Sept. 20 to Ransom’s Command. No. 12, not registered, rising 2, vaccinated, not bred. No. 13, not registered, born Apr. 9, 1945, bred Sept. 21 to Ransom’s Com­ mand. No. 14, not rising 2, vaccinated, No. 15, registered, 10, 19 43, bi’-ed June soxn’s Command, registered, not bred. No. 17, not registered, rising 2, vaccinated, not bred. No. 18, not registered,, rising 2, vaccinated, not bred.'1 No. 19, registered, born -Mar. 24, 1944, heifer calf, bred Oct, 15 to Ran­ som’s Command. No. 20, not registered, rising 2, vaccinated, not bred. No. 21, not registered, rising 2, vaccinated, not bred. No. 22, registered, born Apr. 4, 1940, bred Sept. 29 to Ransom’s Command. No. 23, not register­ ed, 17 months old, vaccinated, not bred. No. 24, not registered, 15 months old, vaccinated, not bred. No. 25, registered, born Mar. 13, 1940, bred to Ransom’s Command. No. 26, registered, bom Api'. 6, 19 44, bred to Ran­ som’s Command. No. 27, tered, born Apr. 6, 1945, calf, not bred. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. der, 7 ft.; McC.-D. mower, M.H. ’ ’ * ----- rake; M.H. mers harrows throw disc; drum steel roller; walking plow, set bob sleighs; M.H. bean scuf­ fler M.H. M.H. hay scales; stretchers; double cedar fence* trailer coal oil drum; if 9 a TWJ* on 1048 sharp % MONDAY, commencing at 12 the following: Belgium horses, holstein cows; and 2 year olds; hogs; 500 bus. Ajax oats clean­ ed for seed and a full^ line of tractor and farm implements. Itemized list in paper. No Reserve—Farm Is Sold LORNR, HODGE, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auct. 25 high 15 grade yearlings 50 Yorkshire implements, next weeks CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 14, Con. 2, Biddulph Twp„ 1 Umiles east of .Mooresville on TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1948 at 1 p.m. A complete list of articles will be in next week’s paper. GARFIELD LATTA, Prop, W. S. O’NEIL, Auct. CLIFFORD ABBOTT, Clerk HORSES WANTED—Am in the market for any number of horses, fifteen hundred and over. Can have blemishes of any .kind, unbroken or bad actors, broken in the wind, must have fair condition. Am also buying chunks and wag­ on horses, sound, in good condition, G. J. Dow. 18* NOTICE TO CREDITORS BABY CHICKS AUCTION SALES of p.m. FOR RENT red cow,rising 24 six FOR RENT- I MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE PERSONAL be sold as NOTICE FOR SALE BY TENDER at good NORMAN HOOKEY 35 h.p. Show Cent- an d Pick- Bay years years Draft Smoke Tlier- Toe to those claims of has been received. 9th day of March, WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 138 Exeter. holds 6-in ch Harry Kirk- 1S* phone 18* merchandise have to sell, sell. Auctioneer cleaners, Beavers 11c Thousands of readers are in ( easy answering distance of your want-ad regis- heifer grinder tractor tractor wagon, 8 tons bushels bushels. 30 14-ft. set of or, body, strongly Centralia, urdays. Team of rising 9 rising 10 FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Hardware, Exeter, it. on day of days. Terms 18-in. gravel box; stock rack; ; light sleigh with cutter; bug- born Oct. to Ransom’s registered, WANTED—Pasture for 6 head of yearlings, preferably in Hensall district. Apply to G. Hamilton, Hensall. 11; ISc FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet, large size ice box. corner cup­ board with glass top. Phone 177r32 Exeter. 18c WANTED—for the season, about 25 head of young cattle. Ap­ ply Ed Broderick, Box 24 Exeter. 4tfc hay M.H. bin- 6 ft.; side spreader; Allis Chal- ; 4 section disc; out- 2- FOR SALE—New house, walls and ceiling insulated, tile floor in bathroom, immediate possession. Apply after 6 p.m. to E. L. Davis. 11:18* ed Angus cow rising due in July; roan cow years, due in April; rising 9 years, due in Durham steers, rising DRESSMAKING, Sewing and mending done. Mrs. Chas. Wilton, U mile east of Ship- ka, off the Crediton road. ISc FOR SALE—16 tons of timothy and clover mixed hay. Apply to Clayton Prouty, Dashwood 361T4. ; washing machine; incubator; 2 fur­ hand seed >; suit ” oil wooden lantern; paper aluminum Toasting pails of various 3 room apartment furniture for sale. Apply ap­ artment over H. Bierling’s Of­ fice. Main St. 11* CLASSIFIED RATES Wants or leas........35c (additiotial words l%c) Succeeding insertions ,lc a word (minimuni charge 28c) Classifieds will bo accepted up to ’Wednesday noon FOR SALE—Several picture frames, various sizes with glass. Phone 337w IS* FOR SALE—Quantity of Ajax oats, grown from registered seed, No. 1 Commercial. Apply to Robert Tinney, R.R. 1, Exeter, 18* FARM FOR RENT—<100 acres, Stanley Twp., about 70 till­ able. Also 120 acres Blan- shard Twp. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 18c the premises, HAY TWP. Dashwood on 30th, 1948 sharp ■? FOR SALE—Massey - Harris 13 spring-tooth cultivator. 5 years old, tractor or horse hitch. Melvin Gardiner, phone 21rl6 Kirkton. 18* FOR SALE—Quantity of cut straw and threshed timothy. Apply at Tinies-Advocate. 18c FOR .SALE—Beatty Cataract el­ ectric washer, excellent condi­ tion, reasonable. Phone 4w. Crediton. 18c FOR SALE—Good firm apples, $1.50 per bushel and up, Sa­ lome, Spy and Delicious, best of quality. C. B. Middleton. phone 906r6 Clinton. 18:15:1* FOR SALE—1937 Studebaker sedan. Apply to Archie Ether- ington, phone 171rll Exeter. 18* FOR SALE—Heavy extension table with six leaves. Phone 31rl7 Kirkton. 18c FOR SALE — 1928 Model A condition; good mot- OPTOMETRIST AND CHIROPRACTOR Exeter Phone 348 ASSORTED colors of wax crepe roses (for Easter) 85c. doz. doz. plain. Order Comics for kiddies all 5 price, other Apply A. Daynes, West., Exeter. IS* (for Easter.) 85c. waxed, 75c. them now. magazines, items, etc. Huron St. Sedan, excellent 1930 Chev. coach. tires; box trailer, built. A. Wright, evenings or Sat- ISc FOR SALE—1 10” feed nearly new, 1 disc harrow, 1 plow, 1 steel 10 ton of baled V. L. Becker. Dashwood. 8 ft. 2-base wheel hay. Apply to Phone 60w 18:25c WANTED—Furnished or unfur­ nished houses, suites or house-keeping rooms required immediately for married per­ sonnel of R.C.A.F. Airport. These are veterans, too, and deserve your assistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. In the Estate of MARY A. NEEB, widow, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST the Estate of Mary A. Neeb, late of the village of Dashwood, ,in the County of Huron, /Widow, who died on or about the twenty-fourth day of May, A.D. 1947, are required to file particulars of the same with the undersigned Executrix on or before the 20th day of March, A.D. 1948, after which date the estate will be distributed, hav- regard only which notice Dated the A.D. 1948, MRS. MYRTLE TETRRAU R. R. 2, Dashwood, Ontario Executrix. 11:18c FOR SALE—York sow, due last of March; water tank, SO gallons; 75 feet -of belting, heavy. Apply to Sparling, phone 25rll ton. FOR SALE—Beaver oats, grade 1, Commercial, ,a heavy yield­ ing early variety, $1.50 per bushel, sacks free. G. Broder­ ick, Exeter R.R. 1, phone Hensall 83r25. 18c Sharon Farm Forum Sharon Farm Forum will hold their last meeting on Mar. 22nd at Sharon school. The rec­ reation committee is Mrs. Henry Eagleson, Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson, Mr. Edward Hendrick and Mr. Donald Kestle. Please bring lunch. Everybody welcome. Late William Prest William Marwood Prest died in McGillivray Township Sunday March 14, in his 73rd year. He is survived by a daughter, Mar­ ion. The body rested at the T. Stephenson and Son funeral home were service was held Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. .Interment was in Nairn Cemetery. klNotice I expect to be off duty for a few weeks. Mr. Art Edi- gh offer, the well - luioivn • and well - qualified barber of Grand Bend will have charge of my barber shop and I will appreciate the cooperation of my many customers while I am ab­ sent. CHICK RAISING EQUIPMENT Brooder and brooder parts; Peat moss; Chick Guards; equalizers; Ventilators; Hoods; Roof Flanges; mometers; Heating Cones; Punches; Caponizing sets; Start­ ing Mashes; Growing Mashes; Tonies and Remedies. Every­ thing for the Poultryman. Neuhausen Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. NEUHAVSER CHICKS Hatching twenty breeds. Govern­ ment Approved. Vitamin fed breeding stock. Thousands avail­ able weekly. Some started chicks in our brooders now. Come in and see them or Phone your order. Metcalf 7482. Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. COTTAGE—Grand Bend. Win­ terized cottage to rent in ex­ change for unfurnished house or apartment in Exeter of reasonable rent. Apply Box F Times-Advocate. c A PLANNED breeding program covering years on their farm i,s behind Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. Get these chicks now and catch the best markets next fall and -winter. Don’t put off buying. You want chicks, then order now. Wide choice breeds. Contact us for prices, etc. J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1 Dashwood. 18 WHY PUT YOUR Chick buying off? You know there'll be good markets next fall and winter. Aim for the "best” markets. Get them with March chicks. Kitchener Big-4 Chicks are the choice of wise poul­ trykeepers. The chicks have planned breeding covering years at their own farms. Get prices from J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood. 11 WHY SUFFER the agony of R ^e u m a t i c Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick welcome re­ lief. At Robertson’s Drug Store. COMFORTABLE Cottage For Sale—Located on Highway 23 at Whalen close to store and school, 6 miles east of ralia, six rooms, hydro 1/5 acre of land. C. V. ard, Realtor, Exeter. NOTICE—Will the person who took a dark brown overcoat from the Exeter pool-room Saturday night please return to the pool-room and get your own. 18c FARM FOR SALE—Lot 7, con­ cession 18, Township of Ste­ phen, 100 acres, no buildings, under pasture, partly cleared, balance fuel wood. Terms cash, $1,000. The Canada Company Continental Life Building, Toronto 1. 11:18c AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES The Estate of the late Mrs. John T. Stewart The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at the premises corner Andrew and John Streets in Exeter on SAT., MARCH 20, 1948 the following: HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES — Oak dining room table with chairs to match; oak buffet, oak china cabinet, two parlor chairs, five eain bottom chairs; clock; mahogany table; floor lamp; 2 fern stands; parlor rug, 11x12; dining room rug, 10x13; hall rack; 3 rocking chairs; 3 small tables; bedroom suite with springs and mattress; bed; 2 washstands; bedroom chairs; 2 congoleum rugs, 9x10 and 9x12, bedroom mats; couch, side­ board; kitchen table; kitchen (chairs; kitchen cabinet; electric range; verandah rugs; quilting frames; mat frames; lawn mow­ er; flower stand; flower pots; quantity of sealers and- other small articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE—The proper­ ty consists of a fine one and one half storey brick residence situ­ ated at the corner of Andrew and John Streets on part Lots 51 and 52, East Andrew ’Street. This is a very desirable location and property will be sold sub­ ject to reserve bid. The house is equipped with furnace, bath and other conveniences and is nicely decorated throughout. Posses­ sion may be obtained April 1. TERMS — Chattels — Cash. Real Estate—10 per cent, cash, balance in 3’0 days. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk ALMER STEWART, Executor CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE CATTLE, HORSES, IMPLEMENTS 50 Acres of Land, 50 Head < Beef Cattle, 2 Horses, Implements The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from Win, J. Hodgins to sell by .public auction at Lot 3, Con. 19. (Mile North of Corbett off Highway 81) STEPHEN TWP. —- om-—• WEDNESDAY, MARCH H at 1 pan, HORSES—Team of .Geldings, rising 6 years old. COWS—2 fat cows. YOUNG CATTLE — 3 fat. Steers, coming 3; 3 fat Steers coming 2; 6 fat heifers, coming 2; 8 Stocker Steers, coming '2; 8 Stocker Heifers, coming 2; 9 Steers, coming 1; 10 Heifers, coming 1. HOGS—5 Pigs, about 80 lbs. IMPLEMENTS •— Low down Truck Wagon, on steel; flat Hay Rack, nearly new; set Log Sleighs; Case Binder, 6 ft., near­ ly new; Mc.-D. Mower; F. & W. Cultivator; Cockshutt Disc, 14 plate; set 3-sec. Harrows; Que­ bec riding Plow; Olivei’ team Scuffler; 3rd set Harness; M.H. Fertilizer Drill; 10-hoe M.H. Grain Drill; -M.H. Dump Rake; Hand Scuffler; M.H. walking plow; 2 electric Fencers; F.&W. steel Roller; Fanning Mill; set heavy Harness; Whiffletrees; Neckyokes and other articles. GRAIN—50 bus. Seed Grain, mixed. PROPERTY — At the same time and place, there will be of­ fered for sale, subject to a re­ serve hid, ■the following proper­ ty, being the North Half of Lot 36, Con. 19, South Boundary of Stephen Township: consisting of nine acres this well vaccinated, not No. 9, not registered, born 3, ‘ " No. 25, bred 1945, bull calf at 10, registered, born 19 40, heifer calf at Sept. 15 to Ransom’s No. 11, not register- Mar. 20, 19 44, .bred registered, not bred, born Apr, 12 to Ran- No. 16, not rising 2, vaccinated, CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has -been instructed to sell by public auction on 1 Lot 28, Con. 15, 1% miles west of TUES., MARCH commencing at 1 the following: HORSES — Geldings, bortli old; bay mare old. CATTLE — 6 years .old, bred 6 weeks; Poll- 6 years, rising 6 red cow July, 3 2 years; 2 Durham heifers rising 2 years 2 young calves. These are all very choice Durham cattle. , HOGS — Stockers averaging about 125 lbs, each. POULTRY — 2 dozen choice Rock yearling hens. A good .collie dog. HAY and GRAIN — of choice mixed hay; Alaska seed oats; O.A.C. No. 21 seed GHANI) BEND Five cabins, Elmwood Ave., J 10x12 in good condition. Tend­ ers to be in not later than Mar. 24, 1948. Cabins to be removed by April 7. Tenders will be re­ ceived on one or all cabins Highest or any tendex* not nec­ essarily received, Harold Webb, Grand Bend, Phone 42rS, Dash­ wood. FARMS FOR SALE—125 acres pasture with bush for wood, Stephen Twp.—125 acres pas­ ture with water pumped by windmill, Stephen Twp.—75 acres pasture with bush for wood, creek water, Hay Twp. W, C. Pearce, Exeter. loader; M.H. manure tractor plow; B type tractor; ; in-throw < M.H. cultivator; once FOR SALE-—100 and 150 acre farm in Stephen Twp. These are both good farms with good buldings and the best of land. Both are close to village and school; Reasonable terms. Also 150 acres in Hay Twp. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. . 15c Having1 taken over the records and stock of the late Mr. Zurbrigg and latterly the late Mr. Tindall, I am prepared to make replacements and repairs and look after your eye needs. FOR SALE—Highway, 120 acres, -Mitchell, first class buildings with conveniences, special milk contract, will sell as going concern if desired, quick possession. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 4c FOR SALE—100 acres, produc­ tive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-fthaped barn, 60x40, 40x40, driveshed, garage, never fall* ing water supply, 5 acres hard wood bush, hydro available. Immediate possession. R. D, Hunter, phone 113w Exeter, 2 2tte CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE LIVESTOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Lot 15, Con. 13, Hay Twp. On the premises; J Vi miles west and 1A4 miles South of Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 25th 1:00 p.m. the following: REAL ESTATE — Consists of 120 acres, never failing water supply, 20 acres of fall wheat, 20 acres of good mixed bush in­ cluding some valuable hemlock and cedar trees suitable for lumber and hydro poles, well built bank barn 68 x 44, drive shed -22x14, frame house cov­ ered with asphalt shingles. Will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS — Made known day of sale. HORSES — Black team, Per- oheron mares, rising 5 and 6; black Percheron mate, rising 4, very suitable for single wagon work; aged bay mare; bay mare rising 8 years old. CATTLE — Red cow, rising 7, fresh 6 weeks with calf at foot, blue roan coW, rising 4, fresh 3 weeks with calf at foot; roan cow, rising 9, due end of April; black COW, rising 4, fresh 2 months, bred, black cow rising 4, dud first week in April; spotted cow, rising 4, fresh 3 weeks with calf at foot; 2 spot­ ted heifers, due end of April; roan heifer, due first week in May; blue roan heifer, due in April: 2 Farrow cows, rifting 4 50 acres, more or less, acres, fall ploughed, six rye, balance pasture. On property is a good rock with a windmill on TERMS — 10% sale, balance in 30 of Chattels; Cash. Everything is -to property has been rented. J. R. McLEAN, Auctioneer TOM DIXON, Clerk SOMETHING NEW COMMUNITY AUCTION SPRING SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRACTOR, FURNITURE, IMPLE­ MENTS AND STOCK at Crediton SATURDAY, MARCH 27th at 1:30 pan. MOTOR VEHICLES — Ply­ mouth Coach, ’34 model with heater, good tires; C h r y s 1 e r Coupe, heatei’ and good tires, '30 model; Nash Sport Coupe, '29 model with heater, seal beam lights and radio; 30 h.p. Rumley Tractor for belt work; f" Case tractor, on Steel. IMPLEMENTS —- M.H. row walking plow; new cultivator; push scuffler; drill, 11 hoe; electric radio ease; defroster; "Queen’ brooder; electric washing mach­ ine;'- baby tender; 2 water foun­ tains; 2 iron beds; dining room table, colony house 9x11; Queen oil burner. pimeHoally now. HORSES — Belgium mare, rising 8, 1800 lbs. 200 bushel Cartier seed oats; 6 white ash tongues. CATTLF. — Durham calf, rift* ing year old; polled Angus calf. rising year old. Plenty of other Bring anything you Come and buy or WM. H. SMITH, Phone 43-2 Crediton 11:18 and puller; riding plow; fertilizer 13-hoe drill; 15-hoe drill; 2 wagons; rack; buzz saw; cutter; new bag truck; wire sling ropes; 2 sets harness; single harness; posts; wire fence; steel posts; 2 iron kettles; and rack; gasoline drum, logging chains; belt; *■ pump jack; quantity of lumber; furnace wood; 10 ton mixed hay; chains; forks; shov­ els; ” devices and other articles too numerous to mention. 100 'Sussex pullets. 1937 Ford V-8 cat, in condition. HOUSEHOLD Kitchen stove; couch; tresses; 4 small kitchen bedroom case board, Willis piano Aladdin heater; chairs; 2 rockers; clock; dishes iron kettles articles. Due to the'amount of regis­ tered cattle and large amount of furniture, tractor and tractor implements, this sale will start at, 12 o’clock, Be on hand, early. TERMS—Cash. WM, MORLOCK, Bron, FRDKMAN MORLOCK. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerks FRANK TAYLOR, ALVIN WALPER, Allots, EFFECTS — ____ Quebec heater; beds, springs and mat- 2 dressers and stands; tables; extension table; chairs; linoleum rug; •rug; combination book and writing desk cup- ; hall mirror, settee and morris chair; Aladdin lamp; and many other 50 50 barley; bushels of wheat; 2 bushels red clover seed; 2 bushels Timothy seed; 1 bushel mixed Clover and Timothy seed. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. 7-ft. cut binder, with tractor hitch in good condition; Maxwell hay loader; M.H. mower 6-ft. cut; M.H. mower 5-ft. cut; M.H. 13 hoe drill; M.H. bean scuffler with pullei1 attachment; 13 tooth cultivator; stiff cultivator; Deering 12 out-throw disc, like new; 12-ft Take; 3-section harrows; •2 root pulpers; ning mill; 3 horse scraper; 2 steel wagons; wagon box with shel­ ves; hay rack; i bob sleighs; tongue and shafts; gy; stone boat; 1200-lb. scales; bag truck; 6 good sling ropes; dozen grain bags; chop boxes and feeders of various sizes; 2 sets double harness; single har­ ness, new; lumber; coops; 6 engine; kettle; scalding separator; strainer pail; 4 large galvanized pails; brace wire; logging chains; small chains; 90 white bricks; quantity of tile, cant hook; pea harvester; horse drawn turnip seeder; shingles; onion seeder; 5 onion crates and stand; cistern pump with 10-ft. piping; electric fencer; wheelbarrow; barley fork; hay­ forks; shovels; doubletrees; small tools and numerous other ai’ticles. HOUSEHOLD kitchen stove; stove; jug; 6’0-gal, lard wooden bake box; and spoon; butter 1-lb. 10-gal. crock; churn egg iron bed large like new large teA kettle, etc. TERMS—CASH ALVIN WALPER, Auct. MILFOI.D MERNER, Clerk. EDMUND KRAFT. Prop. 18:25. M.H tooth plate M.H, 2-drum steel roller; gang plow; Chatham fan­ walking plows; 2- tired. w; 4 collars; quantity­ colony house; chicken h.p. Waterloo gasoline grindstone; large iron, large butcher block; barrel; DeLaval cream EFFECTS — 3-bumer coal oil galvanized tub; 5-gallon 6’0-gal. lard can; large butter dish prints: Daisy .butter 250 bed; tub; pan, sizes. f * sz • r » < ‘ * < ‘ I V « .