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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-11, Page 12
Page 12 THE T1MES-ADV0CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH Jlth, 1948 THEATRE Previews its Coining Attractions WEDNESDAX, THURSDAY March 10 and 11 Wild Irish Rose’ Special Technicolor Musical Feature Blue Ribbon Award Winner —- Starring — © Dennis Morgan , • Andrea King ® George Tobias and an All-Star Cast First show commences at 7:00 p.m, sharp ADMISSION: Clnldren 25c Adults 42c 4 FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 13 and 13 Saturday Matinee at 2:30 p.m. 4 McCoy’ M.G.M. Special Feature Starring a Mickey Rooney ® Brian Donlevy ® Janies Dunn MONDAY, TUESDAY, March 15 and 16 — Two Features — ‘The Arnelo Affair’ © John Hodiiik ® Francis Gifford ‘When a Girl’s Beautiful’ @ Adele Jergens ® Mara Platt COMING . . . ‘The Swordsman’ ‘Welcome Stranger’ ‘Fun and Fancy Free’ ‘Green Dolphin Street’ ‘WORLD CHAMPIONS’ Featuring the Ballerina, of Blades, Barbara Ann Scott the HENSALL Mrs. Lee, of London, the week-end with her and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson. Miss Mildred Forrest, R.N., of Brantford, spent the with her parents, Mr. Wm. Forrest. Miss Barbara Michie week-end with relatives friends in London, Mrs. James Morris, of Goder ich, visited recently with her sisters, Mrs. E. Chipchase and t Mrs, F. Adair. Rev. P. A. Ferguson attended the Presbytery meeting in Wing ham on Tuesday. Mr. Lee Hedden spent week-end with relatives in milton. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Riley ted recently with Goderich. Miss Jean Foster, of London, spent the week-end with hei" parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited during the past week with hei" son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and family have moved farm of Mr. and Mrs. MacLean and will take up dence there. ■Mr. Joseph Flynn was in don Monday having X-rays en on his eye. The many friends of Wm. Brown are pleased to of her improvement. Mr. Wm. Dabus, a resident of Hensall for many years, passed away in the County Home at Clinton on Saturday, March 7th. Interment took place there on Monday. Mr. Charles Moore Mr. Charles Moore, a well- known citizen of Hensall, passed away at his home in Hensall early Tuesday morning in his 6 2nd year, following a lengthy illness. The deceased was well- known as a businessman, having been in partnership with his brother, John in a hardware store prior to .operating the Machine Shop for many years. He has been Public Utility Com missioner for the Village of Hensall for the past number of years. One sister, Mrs. Johnston survives. A public funeral ser vice will be held from the Hen- United Church on Thursday, March 11th. Evening Auxiliary Meeting The Evening Auxiliary of the Hensall United Church was held at the home of Miss Mattie Ellis assisted by Mrs. Peter L. Mc Naughton. Mrs. Shortt presided. Following the Theme song “There is a Green Hill Far Away” was sung. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Lome Chapman. Mrs, McNaughton pre sented an inspiring Easter mes- led in Lord’s is Ris- after Announcementsspent sister Patrick’s Day, March 17th, on Wednesday of next Danojjsg 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. MURDOCK’S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 50c Proceeds From These Dances For a Piano Everybody Welcome Saturday Night OPERA HOUSE Frank Traher and his Orchestra Dancing 9 p.m, to 12 p.m. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 week-end and Mrs. spent the and the Ha- visi- relatives in Pfaff to the Glenn resi- Lon- tak- Mrs. hear sage. Mrs. C. Passmore prayer followed by the prayer. “Christ the Lord en To-Day’’ was sung which Miss Edna Saundercock gave an interesting missionary item on Korea. Minutes were read and adopted. Miss Barbara Michie gave an interesting read ing. In connection with the an nual fall Bazaar, a lovely collec tion of tea towels was received. Members are asked to bring to the next meeting an assortment of wash cloths, face cloths, dus ters, dish cloths, pot holders and such like. Collection was taken. On motion of Miss Michie and Miss Goodwin it was decid ed ,to give a ten dollar donation to 'Save the Children Fund. Miss Ann Tate then dealt with a con tinuation of the Study Book. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss Mary Good win with Miss Margaret Glenn assisting. The hymn “Low in the Grave He Lay’’ and the Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting. Lunch was served under the direction of Miss Ellis, Mrs. Mc Naughton and the social com mittee. The ..event was greatly enjoyed by ail- ’ W.M.S. The monthly meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church was held in the schoolroom at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday Mrs. W. The hymn Wondrous the Lord’s Scripture, Rev. 22, was read by with the president, B. Gross, presiding. “When I Survey the Cross” followed by Prayer in unison. The Birth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Meinoriam Notice 50c for single verse. 23c extra for each additional verse. Engagements 50c. BIRTHS BUS WELL—-In Victoria Hospit al, Loudon, on Friday, March 5, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buswell, of Exeter, a daugh ter, Leslie Louise. DALRYMPLE—In Tuckersmith on Tuesday, March 2nd, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. ryniple, Kippen, las Patrick, a . Tommy. LEWIS—Mrs. and Wilmer Dal- a son, Doug* brother for Mrs. Murray Lewis (nee Sally Witwer), of London, are happy to an nounce the birth of their daughter, on Monday, March 8, 1948, at Victoria Hospital, London. DEATHS CROCKER—In New Toronto on (Friday, March 5, 1948, Rogei’ Seth Crocker, son of the late Richard and Elizabeth Croc ker, of Toronto. POPPLESTONE — On Thurs day, March 4, 1948, Victoria Bishop, beloved wife of the late Samuel Popplestone, of Blytli, in her 71st year. In terment was in the Exeter Cemetery March Sth. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Steph en, of Woodham, wish to an nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Lyda Mauretta, to William Monteith Jeffrey, of Stratford, second eldest son of Mi’, and Mrs. Wm. N. Jeffrey, of Thorndale, the marriage will take place quietly the latter part of March. * CARDS Mrs. John express her appreciation called, sent OF THANKS * Flynn wishes to many thanks and to all those who treats and cards during her recent illness. Mrs. Robert Turnbull wishes to thank all those who so kind ly remembered her with flowers treats and cards while a patient in St. don. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon-* •Mrs. Wm express hei all who so her while Hospital home. a Kernick wishes to sincere thanks to kindly remembered patient in Victoria and since her return * cannot express my the many gifts and Words thanks for messages of cheer and the time ly visits of friends which all helped shorten the hours of my recent stay in the Hospital fol lowing my accident. They were appreciated.— *all very much Ed. Lippert. Wm. Baker their many Mr. and Mrs. wish to thank friends and neighbors who re membered them with cards, flowers and treats on their 60th Anniversary. * A smart line of Single Double Breasted Suite are i on display for Spuing and 1 ter, You’ll like the styles, loring and fabrics in these cent arrivals. now Topcoats Both Gabardine and Tweed here for your choice. Drop in and look them over. items pf Spcial and Personal Interest jn and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone 31 w Mrs. R. L. Beavers and Rox anne are visiting with the for mer’s parents in Amherstburg. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Hutton, of Brantford visited with and Mrs, T- 0. Southcott on day. Mr. Thomas Fisher, of borne, has taken up his dence with Mr. and Mrs. Noble Scott. Miss Phyllis Gibson and Roy Gibson spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Cyril Morley, of Lieury. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butler and Miss Mary E. Pybus, of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Pybus recently. Mr. Gordon May, of Bowman- Ville, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. May. Mrs. R. D. Carefoot, of Mont real, was the guest last week of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Guilleman and family, of Exeter, and while here called an a number of Mrs. Guilleman’s friends. , Mr’ Suh' Us- resi- Fred Gibson spent the with Mr. Pat Wilds, St. falls week, Mr. week-end of Dashwood, Misses Helen Walper and Margaret Taylor spent the week end in Toronto. Mr.Clarence Dilling, of Heh- sall, spent the week-end at the home of Mi". E. M. Quance, Mrs. Edna Pinder, of Mont real, spent Thursday and Friday with Miss Stella Southcott. Mrs. Eli Coultis had the mis fortune to fall the latter part of last week fracturing her leg. TEA & BAKING SAW-*- The Ladies* Guild of Trivitt Memor ial Church will hold a Tea and Baking Sale in the Parish Hall on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, from 3 to 5 p.m, Admission to Tea 25c St. Patrick’s Euchre WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17 8:00 p.m, TRIVITT MEMORIAL PARISH HALL Sponsored by T.M-0» Club ADMISSION 35c --------------R--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- Mr. Jack Delbridge attended a Good Year convention in Mit chell Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Forrester and daughter Dorothy, nurse-in- training, Victoria Hospital, are holidaying at Miami Beach, Florida. Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, of Hen sail, is ill in St, Joseph’s Hos pital, London, having undergone an operation the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. B, Atkinson, Wm. Wilson and Isobell Wilson spent Monday evening with Mrs. James Ogden, of London, who is ill in bed. Mrs. Delight Gordon, who has been in attendance upon her sister, Mrs. T. O. Southcott, for the past three months has re turned to her home in Toronto. Miss Doris Penhale, training in St. Joseph’s who has been home weeks recovering from and jaundice, returned don on Sunday, Mrs. Wm. .Sillery was in Lon don Saturday visiting her broth er, Mr. Wm. Hamilton, of Crom arty, who is ill in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, from injuries received when he was struck by a falling tree. Mr, Hamilton is getting along nicely. Over thirty friends gathered at the home of Mr. Wm. Davis on Friday evening last to hon our him on his birthday. evening was spent in games dancing. A lovely lunch served including a prettily orated birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. ,S. L. Moore, for the past five years have liv ed at the home of Mrs. Moore’s uncle, the late Mr. Fred Elliot, spent the week-end with Miss Beta Rowe and left on Sunday night for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will be greatly missed by the many friends they made during their stay in Exeter and the best wishes of all will fol low them. Dies in Toronto Mr, Roger S. Crocker, a native of Exeter, died in New Toronto on Friday of last week. Mr. Crocker was a son of ’the late Richard and 'Elizabeth Crocker and was born in Exeter where he received his early education. He learned the printing trade with the Exeter Times and left here for Toronto where he has since resided. He was united in marriage with Miss Veda Treble who predeceased him many years ago. One brother, Edwin L., of Toronto, also a graduate from the Times office, survives. Miss A. McAnsh and Mrs. P. McFalls, of Exeter, are nieces. Days are getting longer for grabbing bargains here. WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this community attended the hockey games and the carnival ter the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Colin and family visited on with relatives at staff a. Mr. and Mrs. George and family, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Penhale. Mi’, and Mrs. Gordon Prance were in London on Thursday last visiting with Mr. Cliff Carty in St. Joseph’s Hospital, who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns are sporting car. ■Mrs. W. F. Sunday with Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Collier and Grace, Sunday Bailey. Miss tained chums Wednesday.Mrs. Fred Walters and Sandra-4^ in Exe- Gilfillan Sunday Douglas a new Batten Mrs. S. Chevrolet visited on Miller, of of Kirkton, visited on with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kathleen Horne enter- a number of school to a birthday party on spent a cauple of .days last week with relatives in London. Mrs. E. L- Mickle, after which Mrs. E. Geiger led in prayer. Mrs. W. Carlisle gave a splendid paper on Stewardship. The min utes of the previous were read and adopted, ments were made to pale in May of June. Geiger and Mrs. E. were appointed as delegates to the Presbytefial. Twenty mem bers answered the roll call by paying their fees. Tlw offering was taken and Mrs. Fred Ap pleby favoured with a piano solo. The Study Book chapter followed. It was shown what work had been done in transla ting the Bible into the languages which we now read. It took 20 years for one man to have the Bible printed so that Indians could read and understand it. The meeting closed by singing “Come Let tJs Sing of a Won derful Love” am’ the Mini'sh Benediction, meeting Arrange- pk'ck a Mrs. E. McQueen IF YOU WANT the best in Auto mobile Insurance, you want Lumbermens, with claim rep resentatives from coast to coast in Canada and United States. Ernest C. Harvey In surance Agency. SACRED RECITAL POSTPON ED— The Sacred Recital an nounced for Sunday evening, March 14 th, in Caven Church has been postponed. BOX SOCIAL— A Box Social will be held in Winchelsea School on Friday evening, March 12. Euchre, Lost Heir, CrockinoJe and Monopoly will be played. Dancing will follow. Dance Studio At the Centra! Hotel who Crediton Town Hall The and was dec-Phone 91r5 Hensall for Further Information nurse-ln- Hospital for two the flu to Lon- Toe, Tap, and Ballet Special Classes for Ballet FrL, March 12 Cards to commence at 8:00 p.m. Good prizes, and programme. . Ladies please provide lunch ADMISSION 35c Everybody Welcome Come and Bring Your Friends Benefit Bridge and Euchre LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In aid of the Jensen Fund Sponsored by the Exeter Chapter Order of the Eastern Star To be Held in the TOWN HALL BADMINTON CLUB EXETJER ARENA OF THE RATEPAYERS OF GRAND BEND LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Dancing 9:30 to 1 Dress Optional ADMISSION 75c Joyce Broderick ............ /. Friday, Mar. 12 GENTS’ ADMISSION 50c LADIES’ ADMISSION 35c Steve Dundas’ Orchestra Sponsored by the Crediton Hockey Club PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Presentation and Dance FRIDAY and SATURDAY March 12th, 13th Western Drama ’J for i ‘Cheyenne’ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hern OPERA HOUSE EXETER Flannigan’s Orchestra Admission 50c Everybody Welcome — with — ® Dennis Morgan © Jane Wyman ® Janis Paige and © Bruce Bennett On Same Program, Cartoon ‘PIGS IS PIGS’ ‘SPORTMAN’S PLAYGROUND’ (Short) MONDAY amT TUESDAY March 15th, 16th Musical Comedy with Star-Studded Cast EXETER ARENA FOR INJURED PLAYERS’ FUND Friday, March 12th Goderich Louzon Flyers vs. Exeter ADMISSION 35c AND 25c to Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Incorporating Grand Bend as a Village SPEAKER Mr. W. Cecil Attridge, County Accountant of Goderich Aldon Theatre, Thur., Mar. 11 at 8:15 p.m. Sponsored by Grand Bend Citizens’ Organization IT'S COMING The CKNX Barn Dance Broadcast From Hensail 8 p.nu, Sharp, on EXETER OPERA HOUSE . 11•/ 9:30 to 12:30 DON ROBERTSON and his Ranch Boys ADMISSION 50c Auspices of Canadian Legion, • Alary Hatcher © Olga San Juan ® BiUy do Wolfe ® Patrie Knowles © William Demarest a Host of Paramount Star’s Music-Magic, L and A Rom antic; Comedy, Seams with Gaiety , Newsreel, and ‘CAT O’ NINI< —- also ‘BUNDLE lUlOM BRAZIL’ aiiglvLadon Bursting its and Glamour Cartoon 5 AILS’ Don FEATURING THE CKNX RANCH BOYS Ross — Archie Maurice Cactus Mac •— Earl Heywodd and other CKNX Artiste Adults 75c Children 50c DANCE TO FOLLOW — 10 to 12 Paulino a