HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-11, Page 11Page HTHE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH m, 1948 Trust Certificates THE pn Guaranteed 37 Years in Business Issued for any amount.... for a term of five years. • • guaranteed both as to principal and interest .... Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder’s option, may be al­ lowed to accumulate at compound in­ terest. An ideal investment for individuals, com­ panies; authorized by law eepaetery boards, executors and other trustees, Vancouver General Hospital Loses Popular Nursing Head: A Former Huron County Girl CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 1948: To authorize the of money from The Ont, To provide for Expenditure on PREMIER GEORGE DREW LAUDS M0 FORESTS FOR TOMORROW” FRIDAY, MARCH 12 th CKNX 8:00-8.15 p.m Darling Pays Cash DEAD Cows Horses Hogs ACCORDING OR DISABLED $ 9.00 $ 7.00 $ 3.00 each each per cwt TO SIZE AND CONDITION Small Animals Removed 'FREE PHONE COLLECT OF CANADA LTD. CHATHAM, ONTARIO A grave digger, 'absorbed in his thoughts, dug the grave so deep lie couldn’t .get out. Came nightfall and the even­ ing chill, his predicament became more and more uncomfortable. He 'shouted for help and at last attracted the attention of a •drunk. “Get me out of shouted, “I’m- cold." here’’ he l drunk looked grave, and finally distinguished the form of the uncomfortable grave digger. “No wonder you're cold’’ said. “You haven’t any dirt you.’’ , Please let Mr. Want Ad youi’ most efficient salesman whole year. Business Directory DR. H. H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street. Exeter Office 3Gw Telephones Res. 36j Closed Wednesday Afternoon DR. J. W. CORBETT D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Bell Building, Exeter Telephone 273 FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY • Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 ALVIN WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER Specializing in Farm and Purebred Livestock Sales PHONE S7rS R. i DASHWOOD WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures youSpecial training assures you of Your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American • Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crecliton P.O. or Phone 43-3 E. F* CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER. R.R. 1 Phono Ztuflch 02r7 he on be the ELMER D. BELL, K.C. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER. ONTARIO •GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS - SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensail, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN STREET, EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday Phone 348 Regular Session of Stephen Council The Council of tile Township of Stephen met in the Council Rooms, -Crediton Mom, the first day of March;, A,D. 1948 at 1 p.m. AU members were present, The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Moyed by Henry Beaver, se­ conded by John Morrissey: That the following By-Laws, each having been read three times, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk, and the Seal of the Corporation attached thereto; No, 1, borrowing Bank of Montreal, Exeter No. 2, 1948; the Total 1948 Township Roads, No. 3, 1948: tain officials for the year 1948. No. 4, 1948; To appoint a Clerk and Treasurer. Carried. Moved by Roy Swartz, secon­ ded by Willis Gill: That the final date for collection of taxes by the collector be extended to the 20 th of vied. Moved by ded by Roy Law No. 5, ■appoint Elmer Exeter, Ontario, Solicitoi' for the Township of Stephen; and that 592, appointing Goderich, hereby repealed. To appoint cer- March, 1948. Car- Willis Gill, secon- Swartz: That By- 1948 be passed to D, Bell, K.C., B y - L a w N o. Frank Donnelly, IC.C., Ontario, be Carried. Moved by conded by By-Law No. co provide for the Corporation’s consent to, The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada constructing maintaining its lines upon Highways, Streets, Bridges, other public places of the poration; and to authorize Reeve and Road Superintendent to supervize and approve the construction of such lines. Car­ ried. Moved by John Morrissey, conded by Willis Gill: That make a Grant of $10.00 to County Seed Show. Carried. Moved by John Morrissey, conded by Willis Gill: That the Council approve of the issuing of Marriage Licenses Clerk. Carried. The Council decided chase Venetian blinds windows of the Council Rooms. The following officials were appointed: Garnet Hill, Sanitary Inspec­ tor and of Chas. Jardine, Pound Keeper instead of Jack “ drick, Grand Bend Road Fore­ man instead of George Westlake. Moved by Henry Beaver and seconded by Roy Swartz that the General Accounts be paid as fol­ lows: G. A. Love, relief for Mrs. Vansteenkiste, $12.00; Reste- meyer & Miller, relief for Victor Tyler, $16.00; Bert Holt, relief for Mrs. Carruthers, $7.00; Mur­ ray Neil, relief for Ernie White­ ford, $9.97; D. Tieman & Son, relief for Mrs. Carruthers, $9.50; Department of Health, insulin, $1.45; Arnold Desjar- dine, Fox Bounty, $3.00; Wil­ mer Desjardine, Fox Bounty, $3.00; Joe Martene, Fox Bounty, $3.00; Huron County, Hospital­ ization, $2 6; City of St. Cathar­ ines, relief for Mrs. Tiedeman, $21.55, F. W. Morlock, Tax Col­ lector's Commission and Account $50.40; Desjardine’s Store, re­ lief for Mrs. Carruthers, $6.00; Hay Stationery, supplies, $16.90; Municipal World, supplies, $5.07; Donald Ratz, wood for Victor Tyler, $17.00; Donald Ratz, wood for Mrs. Vansteenkiste. $17.00; Fred Waghorn, Refund Dog Tax, $2.00; Mrs. Thomas Kenney, relief for Milton Ken- " H. K. Eilber, Insu- Premium on Town Hall, Leroy Brown, Clinton, grant, $10; Sable Con- $13 0. Total ARTHUR FRASER * Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann St., EXETER, Phone 355w USBORNE and HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario President ..... Win. H. COATES Exeter ...ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1 Mitchel? DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON .. Cromarty JOHN McGRATH .. Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY Kirkton R. 1 Agents ALVIN L. HARRIS . THOMAS SCOTT ..... T. G. BALLANTYNE SEORETA RY-TilEA SURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ...... Exeter SOLICITORS GLA.DMAN & COCHRANE Exeter Vice-Pres. „ Mitchell Cromarty Woodham Henry Beaver, se- Roy Swartz: That 6, 19 48 be passed and the and Cor- the se- we the se- by the to pur- for the Truant Officer instead Green. Clarence Des- Turnbull. Lionel Ken- ney, $9.00; rance $34.50; County Seed Show, Oliver Amos, servation $429.94, Moved seconded following as follows: Township of Lippert, Road $9 5.20; Stuart plow Operator, Cockwill, $4T.S0; $42.50; $58.80; $2.50; $23.00; Aux Authority, On duty New Year's Eve! By her own choice, that’s where you will find Miss Char­ lotte Ellen Sparkman, even though her retirement begins on the stroke of twelve. Known and loved by hund­ reds of patients, nurses and doctors for her bright smile and her quiet competence, Miss Spaceman is leaving her posi­ tion as night supervisor of nur­ sing at Vancouver, General Hos­ pital. The “Happy New Year" wishes that will follow her through the wards will have a special meaning for her friends know that she has given 25 years of unexcelled devotion to her profession. Hey plans call for the open spaces and that "little place in the country" that is the dream of so many. "You see, I grew up in the country in Ontario, so I want to live In the country again," she explains. "I’ll prob­ ably go to Vancouver Island.’ Miss Spackman's smile is the first thing her associates tell you. about. "She is quite short and always lias a smile—she reminds you of the queen," said one of the senior staff doctors. "I got to know her very well when I was an interne here and I have never seen her flustered and never heard her raise her 'voice. She never seems to hurry but she is al­ ways in the right place at the right time." "No matter what happened, she would give a chuckle and put things right”, said a nurse, Both doctors and patients relaxed and had confi­dence that everything was in j order when Miss Spackman was there. | Miss Spackman is an alumnus of VGH and began her training there in May, 1922. She had formerly taught school for three years at Prince Albert, Sask, She joined the staff of the hos­ pital in July, 1925 and in Feb­ ruary the next year was made assistant night supervisor. Sev­ en months later she became the night supervisor. Her responsi­ bilities have grown with the hospital. "We just had the old annex when I first came," she said; "The infectious disease hospital, the private ward pav­ ilion—all those buildings have been built since I came. “We worked long hours, too. When I became night supervisor I had one assistant and we were the whole night staff. I have no idea how many there are now. We worked from seven to sev­ en, for seven nights a week but one night each of us was off duty until midnight." Monday afternoon the nursing and medical staff gathered at a farewell tea for Miss Spackman and presented her with a ster­ ling silver tray. Miss Spackman loves all sorts of handicrafts and she loves gardening, so she will have full days when she picks out and settles on that little place on the island. The Vancouver Sun Miss Spackman as a child lived with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Spackman, four miles west of Dashwood on the Lake Road, he attended Wey- burn public School, Later the family moved to Manitoulin where she attended High School at Gore Bay and later Normal School at North Bay, We join in this delightful tribute to one so deserving of praise as evidenced by the testimony of those among whom she worked and served so well. A FULL LINE OF CLOVERS AND GRASSES OF QUALITY, PURITY, AND GERMINATION Permanent Pasture Mixtures Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. EXETER,' ONTARIO Beaver andby Henry by Willis Gill that the Road Accounts he paid Stephen — Ed Superintendent, Sweitzer, Snow- $55.10; Jack Snowplow Operator, Cliff Kenney, Helper, Eldon Smith, Operator, Donald Roeszler, Helper Orland Ed Lippert, Gaiser, Helper, Trip to Goderich, $4.00; Wm. Jennison, Blowing Snow, $170.00; Imper­ ial Oil Co., Fuel Oil, $110.42; Department of on Fuel Oil, People Ltd Westeel $153.60; Cartage, Welding Bulbs, $1.10, Repairs $223.00. Total $1122.57 Grand Bend Police Village >— Clifford Green, Sanding $2.50; $5.00; Streets, Sanding be ft $5.00 $56.28; W. F Snow, $65.00 of Earth, $5.00. Total, $158.75. Moved by Henry Boaver that the meeting be adjourned until the next regular meeting to be held on Monday the 5th day of April at tlie hour of 1:00 p.m. F. W. Morlock, Clerk $110.42; Tax Pedlar $70.00; Culverts, Transport, Albert Morlock, Ft W. Morlock Herbert Hartman, Highways, -$49.50 Culverts, Products Ltd.', Guenther $2.00; $13.50 Glenn Shaw, Kenneth Dawe. $10.00; Streets Crown, John Streets, Sanding Sanding Lorey, ; wn- Streots, Trueking, Allan $10.00 Sanding Batiuk. Tennison, Plowing Roy Mason, Load Improve Farm to Meet Food Crisis Abroad Modernization Speeded By Special Loans For Fanners The foodstuffs Canadian far­ mers produce this year may mean the difference between health and hunger for millions overseas next winter. Thousands of farmers plan to increase production, although labour is scarce in many places. They’ll do it by mechanizing their farms, repairing their equipment acquiring more livestock, and .other improvements. Many experienced farmers will adopt a proven plan to fin­ ance these progressive steps. They’ll arrange for Bank pf Montreal Farm Improvement T oans. These loans cost only five per cent in interest. There are no other charges. Repay­ ment can be made by conveni­ ent instalments over varying periods. ' Jim Hendry, local B of M manager, invites farmers who wish to use their credit in this economical way to see him now. (advt.) demonstration. Phone 615rl4 The Hornet is built to do tough jobs. It starts easily in any weather. Weight ROLAND NEIL AILSA CRAIG, ONTARIO Sales & Service Jf* WCAOJLJ.V JL11. lALiy ¥Y VXAV.JL » vv vi&ul approximately 60 lbs. Let us give you the facts. Come in and get a Get a gWMCT suaiw SAW Farmers! Woodcutters! Make money and save work with a Hornet Power Chain Saw. It works fast —slices through heavy hard­ wood with ease, Simple operate. Stomadj Disorders May Cause Bad Headaches Often a headache is caused by an ailment of some other part of the body far removed from the pain. It may be an upset stomach or some intestinal disorder. If troubled by such headaches why not try Burdock Blood Bitters? For Burdock Blood Bitters is a favourite remedy for minor intestinal disorders. It helps to regulate the digestive organs, tone up the liver and aid the natural action of the bowels. As a result, there may be an improvement in the general health. Burdock Blood Bitters is sold at all drug counters. The T. Hilburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont. HANDS AT WORK... LEARNING TO MAKE JEWELRY products are desired and purchased by people all over the world, and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economy and welfare of every man, woman and child within her borders. Because the sale of every article produced in Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we are all more assured of job security ... and we and our children can have more of the better things in life. But to produce such goods in sufficient quantities^ skilled labour is vital. That is why every single one of ns should be glad that war veterans are constantly being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by industry. They receive ON THE JOB training under expert instructors in our Ontario factories. This training, provided through the co-operation of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Educa­ tion. starts the veteran off on the, road to skilled craftsmanship. All types of jewelry products are in demand today and veterans, taught by experts the precision work required in the jewelry industry, will increase its productive capacity as they become skilled. Every effort of these newly skilled veterans helps to make Ontario a finer place in which to live and contributes to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) « • * • • • a ♦ © «b • * • * < # • • • * •*• • ♦••40•••» tSEWELUY MAKING GrfuiiI -.-nr in B. ,L LJcroix, 22, of Toronto, a veteran of 3La years’ service with the Royal Ganadiau Air Force, is shown here putting the finishing touches on a dia­ mond ring. Veterans learn diamond Betting, ring making and watch case construction—ON THE JOB. The normal period of ap­ prenticeship iu the jewelry trade is 3 years. Employers have, co-operated to reduce this to one year for veterans, at the same time safeguard­ ing their seniority* #■* '** * * * ♦ * * * ** * <* W ♦ * * * * * ** w w ♦' *■♦ * *