HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-11, Page 3Congratulations! Ford Food Market Irwin Ford The Electrical Wiring was done by THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH J 1th, 1948 ........... Ford s Food Market Hector Heywood & Son - BUILDERS I AnnouncingHousing. WelcomeI The Opening ofTO ANOTHER MODERN BUILDING IN EXETER Ford’s Food MarketFord’s Food Market Huron Street, Westdis icard, Clerk thank for MeatGroceriesWe are Proud to have Supplied and Installed the Refrigeration Unit Week-*ant som i 3 for 29cto mo-ONTARIO WE DELIVERPHONE 393w o£ I in & Darling McDonald give you bread but ana of and al- of Sam collec were < the held the Thousands of readers are in easy answering distance of your want-ad The holding on the Simpkins Mrs. Bill Stratford. "Your father tinguished with hair.’* "Yes, he lias temperance forth in the evils of stron. March 3rd at the home daughter, Mrs. Emerson Those who -called on her the afternoon and even- Mrs. Harvey Gilbert, need the key, reach through open the door collee- l Grainger, ition, $7.00. carried. Ad- motion of the Scripture Lesson, and minutes were adopted. Hymn 285 and Jean Copeland March meeting of the was held on March 3rd home of Mrs. Martin IRWIN FORD, PROP Aylmer Soups London Special Laundry Soap 2 for ISc Butler ................. others credit, than you deuce anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herb on Wed- looks very his snow-white Mrs. Mar- give their a little smarter Then .work like the aren’t w I wanted t< wait till you Sholdice with Mr. of Bruce- a and then came a voice the rear of the hall, g- drink I" recently completed his Maple Leaf Soap Flakes ...... 24c pkg. ................ 71c lb. Specials Brunswick Brand Sardines ....3 for 29c Chambers & Darling Meat Market ooc/ Luck Congratulations to It is Our Privilege to Supply the Fresh Meat FOOD MARKET ON HURON STREET, WEST from GRAHAM ARTHUR Who Supplied the WRECKER for Moving the Building to its New Location on the Completion of Your New Food Market fl Garfield Thomson EXETER ONTARIO Congratulations and Best Wishes Ford’s Food Market It Was a Privilege to Supply You With the Cement FL G. Seldon & Son We Wish Him Every Success In His New Business ANNOUNCES OPENING Irwin Ford I'ood Market on Huron St. West, Exeter, and this week announces the opening* of his new store, the business will carry a full line of groceries and fresh meats dis­ played in a modern, up-to-date manner. BRINSLEY Mrs. Ed Faulder entertained the Ladies’ Guild of St. Marys Anglican Church to their regu­ lar meeting on Wednesday last. Betty -and Doreen spent the week-end and Mrs. Patterson, field. Mrs. Earl Dixon, wood Prest, and Mrs. Hookey attended the shower of Grace, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. -Rus­ sel Simpson, of Mooresville on Wednesday last. •Mrs. H. McKee, of Sarnia, is spending some time with her neice, Mrs. Wes Morley. Mrs. George Hodgson attend­ ed the wedding her sister, Sherritt, of Parkhill, nesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Frances, Mr. and Dixon and Carol, of visi-ted with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ vey Morley recently. Mrs. Beatrice Dixon dined with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodg­ son on Wednesday evening last. We are sorry to report that Mrs. George Mercer is at present in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. 84tli Birthday Mrs. Margaret Gilbert celebra­ ted her 84th -birthday on Wed­ nesday of her Glenn, during ing were: London; Mrs. and Mrs. William Tweedie, West McGillivray; Mr. and Mrs. Alton Isaac and Patsy, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thompson and family, Moors- ville; Mrs. Stanley Steeper and Donnie, Parkhill; Mrs. Arnold Blake and family, Clandeboye; Mrs. Thomas Collins, Clande­ boye; and Mrs. and Mrs. Lin Craven,' Brinsley. Mrs. Gilbert received two birthday cakes along with other useful gifts.. A chicken dinner was served in the evening. W.M.S The W.M.S. at the Watson. Meeting opened by hymn "There is a Green Hill Far Away" followed by prayer, last meeting were read scripture reading. Minutes last meeting were real adopted. Roll call with 19 mem­ bers present. Mrs. Clover Lewis and Mrs. Wm. Watson rendered a duet entitled "Ivory Palaces" followed by a reading by Miss Kathleen Morley. Mrs. Lewis gave two chapters of the Study Book, Mrs. Wes Morley gave a reading on the Bible. A guessing­ contest given by Miss Kathleen Morley and won by Mrs. Wm. Watson. W.A. The president, Mrs. George Hodgson, presided for the W.A. Hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross’’. Business was discussed. Meeting was then brought to a close by repeating the Miznah Benediction. Ladies of Group 3 served lunch and a. hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs. Watson for her home. Council Briefs The Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter met at the re­ sidence of the Clerk with Reeve Tuckey and Councillors Allison, Caldwell, Cochrane and Sweitzer present. The minutes of the last regu­ lar meeting of February 24th were read. A correction naming as movingCouncillor Sweitzer r the appointment of Councillor Cochrane to the Aux Sables River Conservation Authority was made. The minutes were then adopted on the motion of Councillors Caldwell and Alli­ son. Communications were read and dealt with as follows: Victoria Hospit-al, re Hospi­ talization, refused. Recreational Director, Arthur H. Campbell, -tendering resigna­ tion. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Allison and Cald­ well that Mr. Campbell’s resig­ nation be accepted in as far as the Municipal Council is con­ cerned and that the Clerk ex­ tend to Mr. Campbell the ap­ preciation of Council for the services he has rendered during his term of office. War Memorial Children’s Hospital, acknowledging grant— Filed. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, advice re earnings and assessment. To be handed to Assessor. Condition of trees in front of Mr. Simon Greb’s and Mr. Hoo­ key’s was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Complaints have been received from residents in -the area drained by the Dearing drain complaining that water is back­ ing up into their basements. Council is investigating situation. The Clerk was instructed to write the Bell Telephone Co. of Canada as to when their service on Fire Siren may be expected to commence. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Allison and Sweitzer that Mr. Edward Treble be ap­ pointed member of the Board of Health. The following accounts were read and ordered paid on the motion of Councillors Cochrane and Caldwell: Accounts — Ernest Knowles, labor, septic tile and drains, $273.75; Fred Simmons, refund, overpaid taxes, $4.20; Dr. M. C. Fletcher, Immunizations, 966 (?/' .30, $289.80; Huron Lumber Co. account, re Wartime $419.70. Relief — Chambers meat, $6.00; Learn & milk, $10.00; Sanders Grocery, groceries, $14.00; R. G. Seldon & Son, fuel, $13.00; Broom’s Meat Market, meat, $7.00; Jones & May, groceries, $15.00; Jas. P. Bowey, fuel, $14.00; R. G. Seldon & Son, fuel, $17.00. t Time Sheet — Gerald Cornish sanding streets and garbage col­ lection, $15.76; Edgar Mawhin- ney, sanding and garbage tion, $10.32; labor, garbage All motions journment on Councillor Sweitzer. C. V. .1’1 WOODHAkf Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephens, of St. Marys, spent the week­ end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephens. ■Miss Marian Mills spent the week* end Brown, of Misses Stephens, the week-end at their home here Miss Feme Rodd, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Edgar Rodd. Mr. spent here. Mr. and family, of Mount Pleasant, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray -Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb, Janice, Joanne and Douglas vis­ ited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small, of St. Thom­ as. Mrs. William Thomson and Rhoda and Mrs. Robt. Ross, of Kirkton, attended the funeral of the late William Pulleyblank in Stratford, on Tuesday after­ noon. The Young are holding a box social Friday evening, March the -church basement.. Everyone is welcome. Young People’s The regular Young People’s on .Sunday Missionary Wheeler and in charge. The meeting opened with the Theme Song followed by the Call to Worship by Ruth Hazelwood, story Levy Roll read was led in prayer. A poem by Phyl­ lis Wheeler and a piano solo by Betty Mills followed. A very interesting topic was given by Mrs. John Butters, of Mount Pleasant, A story was given by Helen Webber and hymn 436 was sung. Phyllis Wheeler led in Bible Drill. The .meeting closed with the Young People’s Benediction. with Miss Betty St. Marys. Muriel and Marion of St. Marys, spent Kenneth Mills, of London the week-end at his home and Mrs. Floyd Pridham People’s Union on 12 in Meeting meeting of Union was evening with committee, Phyllis Ruth Hazelwood hymn 39 6 and a by Bessie McCurdy. Harold read call and sung Crocker Refrigeration EXETER me to •o—• In competition, with ways give them the being are. to prove that they "Tom, do you nice plum jam?" “Yes, mother." "I was going some to put on your I’ve lost the key to the pantry’ "You don’t mother, I -can the window and from the inside? "That’s what know Now just father comes home. orator was village hall g drink. "When I. was a young man I determined never to drink,” he said. "Time went on and step by step I got on until I was made cashier of the firm were only two As time went men gave way and now I am whole concern, contributed to more than anything?" The orator paused for merit from "Stron There men above me. on both these to strong drink, manager What, my rise We Appreciate Having a Part In the Construction of the New Ford Meat Market and we wisli them Every Success The Counter and Shelving Designed, Constructed and Installed by Jensen & Co