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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-03-04, Page 4
Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 4th, 1948 HELP WANTED ~ FOR RENT FOR RENT—Vacuum cleaners, by the day or week. Beavers Bearce, Realtor. 4c WAITRESS WANTED — Apply in person at Kether’s Coffee Shop, Exeter._____________4c ED— Girl for restaur- Apply at Times-Advocate. 26* ! i i t II or phono quick ad just won’t If your radio graph needs a justment, or play, call us for immediate and expert radio repair service. All work is gua ranteed, costs are reason able, and replacements are . factory made. Call 86 for quick service. Beavers Hardware ■a i FOR RENT—100 acres grass land close to Exeter, to be broken up. eroped for years and seeded again, suit able for corn, beans, flax or grain. Approximately 85 acres to be cultivated, balance flats spring possession. Bid. Victor J. H. Snell, Realtor, 119 King St., London, Ont. Met. 6866, Met. 6194-W. 26:4c. three FOR RENT—45 acres for grain crop and 76 acres in hay, of my farm at Varna. Write Dr. Lloyd .Moffat, London, Ont. 4e NOTICE Anyone wanting to get into the Hurondale Beef Ring please ap ply to Hedley May or Oscar Tuckey. 4:11* The Huron County Crop Improvement Association • Will Hold its First Annual J SEED FAIR IN THE COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM AT CLINTON Saturday, March 13th ADMISSION WILL BE FREE Prize lists include classes for all cereals, small seeds, roots and tubers, and the prize money totals $450.00 In the morning there will be a Seed Judging Competition for young men 26 years of age and under. In the afternoon Professor Bryden, of the Soils Department at the O.A.C., will speak to the meeting, and Mr. K. S. Murphy, of the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, will also address the meeting. Pidzes Lists are available at the Department of Agriculture in Clinton E23 WANTED FOR SALE NOTICE HOUSE WANTED — In Exeter, would like possession by Apr. 15 th or sooner. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4c WANTED—for the season, about 25 head of young cattle. Ap ply Ed Broderick, Box 24 Exeter. 4tfc FARM WANTED—Have a client wanting to rent 100 acres with privilege of buying. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 4c WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 13S Exeter. WANTED—Furnished or unfur nished houses, suites or house-keeping rooms required immediately for married per sonnel of R.C.A.F. Airport. These are veterans, too, and deserve your assistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. rake, plow, FOR Good used side also 3-furrow in good con- SALE — 10 pigs about 60 WANTED delivery tractor dition. good stocker pounds, 9 pigs fit to wean; also good used teain cultiva tor, Apply at Times-Advocate. 4c WANTED—Pasture for 4 heif ers between a year and 2 years old. Melvin Gardiner, phone Kirkton 21rl6. 4c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—125 acres pasture and bush, con. 18 Stephen. W. C. Pearce. 26c COIl. FOR SALE—Royal cer stove, white red trim, like 36r4 Crediton. Chef Spen- enamel with new. Phone 4c 1 FOR SALE—Six piece birch dinette suite in good condi tion. Phone 344w. 4* FOR SALE—Seed barley, Galore clean and graded. Apply to Harvey Hyde, phone 177r42 Exeter, 26:4:11* FOR SALE—6 ton hay, also 16 horse power Johnson out board motor and 16 ft. boat. Martin Laub, Woodham, phone Kirkton 25rl2. 4* FOR SALE — Wooden washing machine, wringer and tub stand in first class condition. Phone 21r4 Crediton. 4c FOR -SALE—McCormick Deer ing Farmall M tractor, good condition; Universal Carrier in good condition, can be used on land; Percheron horse, weight 150 0 lbs.; registered Shorthorn bull, Levita Star 2nd, 279022, 21a years old, bred by Kinsman Bros., sire Klaymor Gem: Jamesway el ectric brooder used 3 months, 500 capacity. Apply to Bert Faber, 2U miles north west of Kippen, 4:11c FOR SALE — Collie puppies. Phone 3 52W. 4v FOR SALE—Bronze turkey gob bler. Apply to Mrs. Bert Selves, Hensall, phone Exeter 177r23. 4c Clearances at Cost Men’s Dress Pants .... $3.95 Leather Pony Coats Reg. $22.50 ............. $14.95 Men’s Leather Yoked Melton Windbreakers Reg. $14.95 ............... $9.95 Boys’ Humphrey and Armour Cord “ Reg. Breeks, $5.45 .$3.95 Boys’ Elastic Top Wool Shorts $1.95 Work Sox 59c — 2 pr. $1 Boys’ Scotch Tweed Longs, Bleated and zippers .. $3.95 ©■ Boys’ blaek and tan School Oxfords ..................... $2.95 Heavy Doeskin Worksliirts, Last call ................... $2.00 Men’s Heavy Cardigan Sweaters ................... $3.00 Overalls, Dungarees and Smocks in Stock I j j The Finest Make and Best Clothing Value In the Country We urge you to select your Spring made-to-measure Suit or Top Coat now either in Ladies’ or Men’s. Woollens are going ujj in price. Our stocks of Gabardine, Shark skin and Worsteds are the best you’ve ever seen and remember prices are low— $33.50 — $39.50 — $46.75 George W right’s TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE ASSESSOR WANTED for Town ship. Applications for the position of Assessing Officer will be considered at the next regular meeting at the Muni cipal Council to be held on Monday afternoon March 8th next at three o’clock, Harry Strang, Clerk. wash tub; 2 3-burner coal oil stoves, like new; hand washing machine; coal oil heater; oil lamps; 2 electric cords, complete with sockets shovels; hoes; rake saw; 2 arm chairs; collie pup and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH ALVIN WALPER, Auct. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk. MRS. IRA TETREAU, Execu tor. 26:4 coal extension cross-cut BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER CHICKS Thousands available weekly. Chicks days Tuesdays and Fri days. Hatching all breeds. Gov ernment Approved. Some started pullets and mixed chicks in our brooders now. Phone Metcalf 7482 81 King St., London, Ont. COCKERELS AVAILABLE Sexing twice weekly. All breeds. 10 lbs. of Purina broiler eho’fr gives you a 3 lb. broiler in 10 weeks. Broiler Chow $5.10 per cwt. Neuhauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ont. KITCHENER BIG-4 chicks are backed by a program of bree ding, covering many years on their misled- kets meat, but catch the good mar kets. .................. them. Contact us soon, etc. - - - - Dashwood. own farms. Don't he —you’ll find good mar- for egg’s and poultry March chicks will get Wide choice breeds. . for prices, J, Earl Burr, R.R. 1, HIGHWAY LEVEL hundred, large L shaped barn, water bowls, lifter carrier, electric; grinder, silo, henhouse, extra 1 well built brick house, 3-! piece bath, hot water furnace, I slate roof, hydro, Mitchell • schools, churches near. W. C. I Pearce, Realtor. 26c j I 1FOR SALE—75 acre grass farm all cleared, Lot 4, Con. 7, Hay Twp., watered by creek and windmill. Apply Ed. Broder ick, Box 24. Exeter. 12tfc FOR SALE — Registered York hog; young sow due May 3; sow due April 5: j.'4 plate tractor tandem disc; 10 ft. dump rake; spring tooth cul tivator with horse and tractor hitch, narrow and wide feet; DeLaval cream separator in A-l condition, with or with out electric motor. Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1, Hensall, phone 177r4 Exeter. 4* AUCTION SALES FOR SALE—100 and 150 acre farm in Stephen Twp. These are both good farms with good buldings and the best of land. Both are close to village and school. Reasonable terms. Also 150 acres in Hay Twp. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 15c FOR SALE—1933 Ford half ton panel trmk in A-l condi tion, good tires. Any reason able offer considered. A. P. McKillop, Exeter. 4* FOR SALE—Findlay coal and wood range, excellent heater and baker, cheap for quick sale. Apply Box J, .Times-Ad vocate. * 4* FOR SALE—A on Highway : corners, about London, hydro. •Chapman, R.R. 7-roorn cottage 23 at Whalen . 20 miles from Apply Gerald 1. Granton. 4:11* FOR SALE—We have a residen tial property for sale which, at present all carrying you over 9 investment. Realtor. rentals, will pay charges and leave per cent on your C. V. Pickard, 15c FOR SALE—Highway, acres, Mitchell, first buildings with conveniences, special milk contract, will sell as going concern if desired, quick possession. Pearce, Realtor. FOR SALE—10(t acres, produc tive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn, 60x40, 40x40, driveshed, garage, never fail ing water supply, 5 acres hard wood bush, hydro available. Immediate possession. R. D. Hunter, phone 113w Exeter.’ 22tfc PERSONAL W. 120 class RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lumbago quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. Recom mended by thousands who have gained better health. At Robertson’s Drug Store. FOR SALE —• Colony house, shingled, 10X12, coal brooder stove, 3 good shelters; 600 lb. Viking separator. Gordon Pybus, Hensail, phone SSr22 Zurich. 4 ill* FOR SALE—1932 Chev coach in good condition, good tires, fan, new heater. Apply to Wilfred Weido 3 % miles west and 1 s-4 miles north of Hen sall, R.R.l, Zurich or phone 99r,18, Zurich. 4:11c FOR SALE—Kitchen cabinet good condition, newly painted black and white, masonite top, pink congoleum rug, al most new. Phone 310R, Exe ter. 4* FOR SALE—Two Durham hei fers, due to freshen. John Caldwell, phone 13rll Exeter. FOR SALE — McClarey coal burning brooder, large size, used only one year. Apply to Lloyd B. Hodgson, Centralia, phone 401-22 Crediton. 4c FOR SALE—Baby Tenda, baby swing. Electro - steam, bottle warmer. Phone 286w Exeter.* 4* FOR SALE—5 piece sectional chesterfield suite, kitchen ta ble and 2 chairs, coffee table and end table, box spring mattress, coal and wood stove, wood lathe. 48”. R. J. Craig, at Mooresville. 4* CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on the premises Lot 24, Con. 13 Hay Township li miles west and 1 mile north of Zurich on WED,, MARCH 19, 1948 commencing at 12.30' o’clock p.m. sharp the following: HORSES: Matched black clieron mares 8 and 9 true in every way. CATTLE: .Holstein years old, due March tein cow, 5 years old, 2; Holstein cow, 6 due March 12; Hulsvem vuw, o years old, due middle of May; aged Holstein ■May; Holstein year per- old, i cow, 6 22; Hols- , due April years old, Holstein cow, 8 cow due end of cow, milking; Jersey cow, due first in June; 3 Holstein heifers carrying second calf, 1 due in Mar., 1 due first week in week in 3 years 3rd; April, other due 1st June; Holstein heifer, Jan. both Hols- in old, fresh, since Holstein heifers week in April; due first week 3 due first heifer 2 yearlings; small heifer other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH NELSON COULTIS, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on ,the premises STEPHEN TOWNSHIP on 83 Highway, 4 miles west of Dashwood on FRIDAY, MARCH 12 19 48 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp the following; HORSES — Black mare ris ing’ 6 years old; ,black gelding rising 6 years old; true in every way. CATTLE — Black cow due middle of April, Durham farrow cow; red heifer, part Jersey; 4. roan heifers rising 3 years old; Holstein steer rising 3 years old,. 2 steers rising 2 years old; 2 roan yearlings; Hereford bull; calf rising 1 year old; 2 small calves. HOGS — Yorkshire sow due April 5; Yorkshire sow due April 15; 13 stockers averaging 70 pounds. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. 7 ft. grain binder in good condition; McCormick mower, 6 ft.; grain drill; M.H. 3-druni steel roller; M.H. hay rake; McCormick- Deering tractor disc, nearly new, M.H. horse cultivator with trac tor hitch; corn, scuffler; 3-sec- tion harrows with evener, also 3 section e.vener; side delivery rake; pump jack with engine; 2 wheel trailer with stock rack, Cockshutt walking plow; Fleury walking plow; 1-horse scuffler; steel wagon; wagon box; 15 ft. flat hay rack; cutting box with pulley; Chatham fanning mill with bagger; 2000 pound plat form scales; set sling ropes; hay fork rope; quantity of mix ed grain; sorghum stooks; brass mounted britchen harness, single harness; sleigh bells; chimes; 5 gal. cans; grease gun; corn planter; cross-cut saw; double trees; heckyokes, clevises; crow bars; good Collie dog and many articles too numerous to men tion. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Large extension table with extra leafs; 6 strong kitchen chairs; 6 dining room chairs; round top centre table; square top centre table; beautiful china cabinet; 2 Aladdin lamps; hanging lamp; canary, guaran teed singer; canary cage; dishes of various descriptions; baby stroller. TERMS—Cash. OHLEN TREU-MNER Prop. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 2 6:4 tein June; calf 2 months old. All younger cattle vaccinated. This is an outstanding herd of cattle and have recently been tested again st T.B. and have 100 per cent negative. HOGS: 2 ' ‘ sows due March 20. IMPLEMENTS — McCormick Dearing tractor; 10-20 tractor on steel in good condition, re cently -overhauled; McC-D. 2- furrow tractor plow; Cockshutt 2-furrow tractor disc; Cockshutt 11 hoe fertilizer disc drill; McC-D. 7 ft. binder with trac tor hitch, like new; loader, Cockshutt side rake; Deering hay rake; manure spreader; McC-D. tooth harrow; scuff ler, new; mower; McC-D. 3 horse cultivator; steel roller; 4 section harrows; set bob sleighs with bunks and tire wheel rack; grind grain AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY AND HOUSE HOLD ARTICLES Main Street, Exeter FRIDAY, .MARCH 5, 1948 at 1 p.m. the following: HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES — Victorian walnut matching chairs; parlor table; foot BrusselTs floor lamp; walnut hat grandfather’s tree; table; 6 bolstered board; 2 Wilton lamp; 5 office’ table; various sizes; erator; range; piece dinner set; Blue Flame oil stove; kitchen electric Heintzman square piano; carpet; walnut dresser; nut spool beds; small tables; hamper; antique % bed; nut veneer dresser; single beds; chests of drawers; stands; congoleum rug; bedding; springs and mattresses Royal vacuum cleaner and at tachments; 9x12 floor rug; 12x15 floor rug; several walnut washstands and side tables; miscellaneous dishes; glassware, bric-a-back; kitchen utensils; garden tools; lawn mower; ex tension ladder; ton of stove coal and many other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE—The proper ty -consisting of a fine residence on large tree grounds and situated on Main St., Exeter, first outside the corporation will be offered reserve grounds and has heat, modern conveniences, ate possession. TERMS—Chattels, cash. Real Estate, 10 % cash, balance in 30 days. (Terms read at time of sale.) The Canada Trust Company, London, Ontario. Executor Estate of Annie Elliot, deceased. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk settee and’ 6 easy chair: stool; 35 yds. carpet; table rack; antique wall clock; 2 maple hall chairs oak dining chairs; couch; cherry mantle clocks; 3 0 carpet; metal pairs window hall and up side yds. table drapes; 4 kitchen tables, Kelvinator refrig- Progress coal and wood electric hot plate; 32 oil lamps; Good* Cheer range; 3 coal heaters: fan; electric heater; stair 2 wal- walnut sofa; wicker clothes wal- iron wash beds; brick filled South street proven all choice Yorkshire McC-D. Deering walking 2 M.H. hay delivery McC-D. spring hand 5 ft. plow; drum for bid. of an bath sale, subject to a This house well over an oil furnace, steam shower and all Immedi- has acre platform; Ideal rubber wagon, new; low steel wagon; 16 ft. hay sliding gravel box; 10 in. grain er; Woods electric 6 in. grinder, like new; quantity of lumber; 75 ft. cable for grinder large chop bags; quantity set sling ropes; top buggy; 2 harness; Surge ine, complete, in first class con dition; 3 bundles of shingles; buggy harness; bag truck; milk cart; hog hand power clippers; hog holder; manure hook; boat; shovels; steel posts; small vice; feed cans; pails; buckets; sap pan. 14 ton choice mixed hay; 350 bushel Ajax seed oats; 250 bus. mixed grain; 18 5 bus. O.A.C. 21 seed barley; 83 lbs. Timothy seed; 14’0 lbs. red clover seed. Empire kitchen range, coal or wood, like new; 3 .leaf dining room table; cupboard; Daisy butter -churn; butter bowl and spoon; 1 lb. butter print; large tea kettle; large apple pealer and many articles too numerous to mention. Everything in first class condition. TERMS—CASH ALVIN WALPER, Auct. R. F. STADE, Clerk. MOSE ERB, Prop. box; doz. of twine 120 0 lb. sets of milking grain bags; scales; double mach- wheelbarrow; crate grip stone forks doz. 1 gal. milk milk manure ensilage fork; small pails; neckyokes; - ' 30 cooker; 3 100-lb. 2 40-lb. milk cans; strainer pails; 2 doz. sap AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lot 23, Con. 14, Steplien Twp. 1 Smiles west and 2nd farm south of Dashwood on TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1948 at 1 p.m. the following: HORSES—Good work team. CATTLE—7 cows milking good; cow due in April; heifer cow due in April; heifer rising rising 2 years; 8 yearlings; 4 spring calves. 150 hens. IMPLEMENTS — Farmall A tractor; 2-furrow tractor plow; International liay loader, new; International seed drill, 11-hoe^ International 7 ft. cut binder; land roller; disc; 2 gang plows; walking plow; set harrows; hay rake cultivator; side rake ted der; combine; Cockshutt man ure spreader; set sleighs; steel tired wagon; cutter; sliding hay rack; gravel box; stock rack; cream separator; emery stone; grain grinder; grind stone; Clinton fanning mill with screens; piping; root, pulper: wheelbarrow; sling ropes; hay fork; extension ladder; set of scales; electric fencer; storage battery; chop boxes; cutting box; grass seeder; corn sheller; 2 5-gal. gas cans; large drums; wire stretchers; block and tackle; old car. Quantity of hay; TOO bus. oats; 8 bags barley; quantity Alaska seed oats. POULTRY EQUIPMENT — Coloyy house 10x12, coal brood er stove; 2 oil burning brooder 1 new, all 500 size; 2' roosts on skids; 7 &-gal. porcelain fountains; 2 syringes for vac cinating l-2o.c,, 1-10 c.c. size; chop sifters; 8 chicken coops; troughs and barrels, 2-wheeT cart. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Banner cook stove; 3 beds, 2 springs and mattresses; 2' dressers; Aladdin lamp; hang ing lamp; rocking chair; spin ning wheel’ churn: 3 barrels; 2 5-gal. jugs; 1-gal. jug; lard press; bureau chest; table; ■blackboard; bench; coal oil barrel; double barrel shot gun; radio; couch. TERMS—CASH MRS. BERTHA WILLERT, ‘ Prop. GEORGH LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. ■Three carnival cos- $2.00. 4c FOR SALE- tumes, size 12-14, Phone 15 Exeter. LOST That’s when a naan is really down. A fellow ri®ks everything else before he parts with his shirt. That goes last. He values it too much. The expression lose your shirt is used for good reasons. A good cotton shirt is something to cherish. The same amount of money could buy nothing of similar quality. That applies also to cotton bed sheets, handkerchiefs, gowns, and scores of other items of daily use that are made of cotton. Cotton with it# freshness, its washability, its resistance to sun and heat arid its durability gives top value for your money. You can bet your shirt on that! FOR SALE—W.C. mers tractor, mechanically in A-l Apply to Fred Dawson, Hensall or phone 172rl6. Allis Chal- on rubber, shape. R.R.l, Exeter 4c 26:4c FOR SALE—Lady’s brown Har ris tweed coat, size 17. Apply Box C, Times-Advocate. 4* grown Beaver Barley, FOR SALE—Seed grain, from registered seed. Oats and Montcalm grade 1 -commercial. G. Bro derick, Exeter, R.R.l. Hensall 83r25. Phone 4* . DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITS Mtutsfaciurers oj products LOST—or strayed >on February 21 from Sharrow’s bush 1% miles north of Crediton road on Con, 19, Stephen, a light Weight, black male collie dog around 18 inches high, black from brown about neck, underbody and tall. Answers to name of Rex Anyone finding him or hold ing him please return to Mary Mollard, Highway 81, one mile east of Grand Bend Reward will he given, Phono 38rl6, Bashwood, 4c shoulders back, with and white markings , head, feet and long bushy AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at North of The Maili St., DASHWOOD Estate of the late Mary Neeb MARCH 6th, 1948 at 1.30 o’clock p.ra. the follow ing: Clare Jewel kitchen range in good condition; kitchen stove; studio couch; Sparton battery radio, like new; New Home sew ing machine; dining room table, cherry drop leaf drop leaf table; 2 side boards; < 3 dining room chairs: rocking chair er : ions chair to match; room i springs with : _ dresser; sink; 2 couches; large rugs, good as new; ehen mg; 2 electric alarm clock; blankets; dishes; SAT., rockers; wicker > fern stands; 3 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Lot, 7, C611. 6. Usborne Twp. on WEDNESDAY MARCH 10, at 1 p.m. the following; CATTLE freshened freshened freshened freshened in April; er heifers; 8 months old; ,8 calves. PIGS—Sow bred; 21 ’ ers; young sow due Apr. young SOW due May 4. IMPLEMENTS — M.H, der; side dump new; Ritte Way milking machine, two Single units; wagon; sleighs; sliding rack; wagon box; gravel I box; fanning mill; fork rope, 155 ft.; hay fork; forge; U h.p. mot er; 36 ladder; pig crate; els; chains; | straw pipe; 1948 Durham Hereford Durham Holstein 3 cows in May; heif- 8 yearling calf in in in in Jan.; cow due due in March; 5 yearling steers; Dec. Dee Feb, cow cow cow cow due wean- . 15;! table; small centre table, china cabinet; chairs; 3 odd ; 2 leath- table; settee piece wooden bed iron mattress; 2 _ ,v, kit- dresser picture bedding; sealers; double suite; i and mattress; springs and sink; 2 lamps; frames; spreads; var- witli bed- With bed MH. 1 delivery bin- M.H.hay loader; mower; harrows, rake; rake; set lever plow; pulper;walking scales; hay sling ropes; gas barrels; ft, extension forks; shov- horse blankets; iron kettle ’ and ■ TURN TO PAGE &