HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-02-26, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 26th, 1948 KIPPEN Mr. nnd Mrs. Arnold Gacksl- wW.er visited recently with Mr, ani Mrs. Amos Ferguson and Boris, of llderton. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and sons spent Sunday with Mr. Thomas Coward at Kirkton. The many friends of Miss Jean Chandler, of Parkhill, for­ merly of Kippen, will be sorry 'til learn she is seriously in .in St Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexan­ der and family, of Londesboro, visited on Sunday former’s parents. Mr. W. Alexander, DASHWOOD I)r. and Mrs. Ferguson spent last week in London where the doctor was Mi's. 8. are visiting Meaford. Mrs. M. on the sick list. Currie and Marilyn with her parents in Every Make of Car HENSALL iDr. Dunlop Addresses Mrs. Collins, Galt, is visiting » t /- . ~ 1 fl with her brother-in-law and sis- j U-Lum-I-Lum Llllb J ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross.? ® „ Mrs. Elsie Case spent the i . regular monthlj meeting U-tiAl.’ fl t-I s I ♦ i t» it with l\.Tre ; ^f the U-(, 11111*1-1.11111 (i-OUIlg 4.4UUUUM. . Club of James Street Softball Club is i Cnited Church was held on Mon oouoau _viuo m aay evening. The highlights of an interesting programme were an address by Dr. J. G- Dunlop on “Some Aspects of Physical Life” and several vocal selec­ tions rendered by the Skinner brothers accompanied by Law­ rence Wein. The Club is anxious to in­ crease its membership and Mon­ day night’s attendance of forty­ seven was very encouraging. A series of special programmes has been arranged for the com­ ing months and it is hoped that as many as possible of the young adults of the community will attend the Club and help make it a asset to the social life of church. Time Sheet: Jack Essery, snow­ ploughing- sts., $168.75; Gerald Cornish, garbage, snow removal and snowploughing, $58.75; Ed­ gar Mawhinney, garbage and snow removal, $48,72; Sam Grainger, garbage and snow re­ moval, $46. 79; Joe Smith, gar­ bage and snow removal, $14.50. All motions were carried. Ad­ journment on the motion of Councillor Caldwell. Myrtle Haist. Acting Clerk Council --Continued From Page One expenditure on roads or streets in the Village of Exeter, was given its three readings and fin­ ally passed on the motion of Councillors Sweitzer and Coch­ rane. By-Law No. 3, 1948—A By- Law amending By-Law No. 5, 1946 as regards salary of Clerk- Treasurer was given its three readings and finally passed on the motion of Councillors Cald­ well and Allison. The mater of parking at the Exeter Arena was considered. The Council is insisting that policing be carried out on Vic­ toria Street leading to the Arena and School and that this be kept open for thoroughfare at all times. This matter was left in the hands of the Property Committee, The matter of the removal of a tree, causing damage to drain on the property of Wilson Mor­ ley was left in the hands of the Property Committee. Members of the Council re­ ported that they had attended a meeting with the Municipal Board, Toronto, on February 19th. The Board indicated that they would consider the appro­ val of the construction of an Area School upon the submission of sketch plans and agreements by the Municipalities concerned as to the financial responsibility. It was rnoveci and seconded^ by Councillors Sweitzer and Al­ lison that we send copies of By- Law to different Municipalities for signature#.. The following accounts were read and ordered paid on the motion of Councillors Sweitzer and Allison: Ernest Knowles, putting in weeper tile and drain $297.00; Ernest Knowles, drain MacNaugliton, $180.00; Salvation Army, grant, $25.00; War Me­ morial Children’s Ilos.pital grant, $25.00; Municipal World, dog tags and vouchers, $10.41; Cud more’s Gravel, gravel, hous­ ing, $45.00: Exeter Motor Sales, towing and winching out snow­ plow, and gas, $6.30; Bell Tele­ phone Co., J. Norry account, $2.05; H. Jensen and Co., refund bldg, permit, $2.00; Cook's Gro­ cery, bal. account, relief, $1.20; W, F. Jennison, fill, Wartime Housing, $4 SO. 00; Laing’s age, .gas and oil. truck, tractor, $35.29; ■Southcott cotton for screen, T. Hall, lion Day, .50; Wm. G. Cochrane, out of pocket expenses, re trip to Toronto. $22.60; B. W. Tuc- key, out of pocket expenses, re trip to Toronto, $57.75; P.U.C., hydro, $235.59; Arthur, gas and- oil, $5.65; Broom’s Meat relief, $6.50; Receiver of Canada, tax deductions, $6.65. J week-end visiting with Mrs. j Mary Hennessey, iu London. ( The Girls’ f------ ” sponsoring a dance in the Town Hall. Hensail, on Friday, Feb­ ruary 27, with music by Lionel Thornton’s Band, of London. Dress optional. The Young People’s Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church met at the Manse on Monday even­ ing*. The topic was in charge of Russell Moore, who gave an in­ teresting talk on “British Guiana”. Miss Alma Bell the Scripture. Rev, P. A. guson ness. The gular meeting in the school­ room of the United Church on Monday evening with the presi­ dent, Mrs. -Morley Sanders, in the chair. The meeting opened with hymn “Breathe On Me Breath of God”, followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The > Scripture reading, Rev. 27, 1-11, 1 was read by Miss Ann Tate. The (* roll call was answered with 14 members Luker favored with a piano solo. Hymn “O Master Let Me Walk I With Thee” was sung. Miss I Lenore Normington gave a read­ ing entitled “The Power of Prayer”. The topic was taken by Mrs. David Kyle, entitled “Bible Prophecy” showing how the things t li e prophets foretold came to pass. Mrs. Kyle also a short reading entitled, Creed”. Misses Audrey McGrenere has re­ turned to her home in Loudon after spending some time with her mother, Mrs. O. Restemeyer who, we are pleased to report, is improving nicely. Mrs. Maurice Klumpp is on the sick list. Mrs. Elgin Merrier and Joyce spent the week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Luft in Hanover. Donald Gaiser, who has been I on the sick list for some time, was taken to London Hospital on Monday. j ! with the and Mrs. . also with Miss Jean Chandler in St. Joseph’s Hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. W. Workman spent Sun- diy with relatives in Toronto. The W.M.S. will meet on. Wednesday afternoon, March 3.1 afc the home of Mrs. Wm. Paid-; well. A good attendance is hop-; ed for. I Edward Gackstetter. of > visited on Sunday with brother and sister-in-law, Gackstet- presided over the read Fer- busi- Wohelo Class held its re- MBS, THOMAS HILL, SR. Many relatives and friends, and railway officials from West­ ern Ontario attended the funeral services at Georgetown, for Catharine Burwell Hill, wife of Thomas S. Hill, Sr., former Canadian National Railways ag­ ent, at Granton for $9 years. Mr. Zurich, Iii.T brother and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ter. Mr, and Mrs. John visited recently with •Mrs. Bob Upshall, of smith. 1’Hdendship Circle Meet The Friendship Circle met in the Sunday School room of St. .Andrews United Church on Mon­ day evening with a good at­ tendance. Mi-s. Eldon Jarrott’s group Arnold tjpeued singing Jure reading was given by Mrs, John Andei'son. Mr. Hinton led in prayer. Hymn 55 6 was sung. A short sing song followed. Miss Helen Love favored with a piano instrumental. Marilyn •Mousseau played a piano solo. Mr and Mrs. Thompson played a saxaphone and piano duet. A humorous trio. Mi's. Harold .Jones. Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Helen Love sang "The Too Fat polka” and "I’ll Dance at Your Wedding” after which Mrs. Eldon Jarrott and Mrs. Harold Jones and Rev. Hinton •^•(inducted contests. A dainty lunch was served by the West •Group. The meeting dame to a close by singing the National Anthem. The next meeting will be held Monday, March 8, and Mrs. Carl McClincliey’s group wiU be in charge. Anderson Mr. and Tucker- Mi's. was in charge and Mr. Gackstetter presided and the meeting with the of hymn 681. The scrip- KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson tertained quite a number their friends in the .village Fri­ day evening. The evening was spent in playing euchre, six tables taking part. Prizes were awarded as follows, ladies’ high score, .Mrs. Miller McCurdy, ladies' lone hands, Mrs. Reuben Switzer, gent’s high score, Mr A. T. Wiseman, gent’s lone hands, I. N. Marshall. The host­ ess, assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Lome Marshall, served a very dainty lunch. The .Kirkton Hunt Club were on a hunt Saturday afternoon, with some 35 men in all. They two3u rabbits- and en- or : U-Cum-I-Cum real the present. Miss Gladys i Malting Barley bagged foxes. Miss London, home in Celebrates Birthday Mr. and Mrs, Everett were host and hostess at their home Wednesday evening in honor of their uncle, Mr. Nathan Doupe who celebrated his S4th birthday February 18. Mr. Doupe was the recipient of many cards and letters especial­ ly those from former school pupils, one from Mrs. Ferguson (nee Barbara Stephens), of Tor­ onto, a former Woodham also one from Mrs. W. S. (nee Thelma Marshall) of ton, a former Kirkton Audrey Anderson, was holidaying the village this of herat week. Coupe gave ‘‘My Walsh and Marlene Petsky san. a duet, “You Are My. Sunshine". It was arranged to have, a Box Social and erokinole on March 16 th. The meeting closed by singing “Take My Life And Let It Be" and the Mizpah Benedic­ tion. Miss Maigaret Glenn had charge of the recreation, which a dainty lunch was ed. McGill ivray Board The Board of Trustees of Gillivray Township School Area held their monthly meeting in West McGillivray Township Hall on February 17, with all mem­ bers present with the exception of Mr. Wilbert Young, who was unable to attend because of ill­ ness. In February there was in­ stalled new furnaces in S.S. 3 and S.S. 10. The Board is tak­ ing steps to have all the fire insurance policies on the schools expiring at one date or, if pos­ sible, to liav%. them combined into one policy, in either case the premium to be paid annual­ ly. The remainder of the busin­ ess discussed was mainly routine The meeting adjourned until March 10 th. Neil McRann, Sec.-Treas. Mc- i Our experienced mechanics are equipped to service every make of car. Place your car in our hands and enjoy improved performance, smooth, even trouble­ free driving. When you bring your car here, you are sure of expert, prompt and economical service* Drive in today. GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Texaco Service Station after serv­ •n ZION A. Gunning is visiting ! W anted Ca ven Choir Activities It has been decided to hold the Sacred Recital on Sunday evening, March 14 at 8 p.m. to give congregations of the Unit­ ed churches the opportunity of attending both evening services. A silver collection will be taken in aid of the choir fund from which it is hoped to secure music and encourage the velopment of a boys’ choir. The choir is also taking in the Congregational service Jo be held on Friday evening, March 5. Special Easter music is now being selected for Easter Festival. The church has agreed Sunday morning Sunday, April 11 with the Cav- en church choir which again goes to show the amount of work being done by the choir under the direction of Mr. Niel M. Morton with Miss Norma Knight at the organ. BARLEY ACREAGE Mrs. with her daughter, Mrs. James Earl. Mr. and Mrs." Tom Dickinson and family, of Denfield, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Miss Irene Brock, of London, spent several days with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Johns and Margaret, of Elimville, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Earl. Mr. Wellington Brock was in Toronto the forepart of the week attending the Municipal Affairs Convention. Mrs. Warren Brock visited in Toronto on Wednesday last. We are sorry to report that Miss Elaine Hern had the mis­ fortune to fall while skating on Friday and dislocated a bone in her left arm. Congratulations to the newly weds. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hern. On Wednesday evening a large crowd of friends gathered and treated Ken and Lois to a rous­ ing charivari. Mr. Wellington Brock Tom, Mr. Harold Hern and attended the Father and TO GROW REGISTERED O.A.C. 21 BARLEY For which we will pay 5 cents per bus. more than the price of Malting, Barley / ile w de- pupil Cluff Wiar- Pupil, and a lovely birthday cake with all the trimmings and candles from a niece, Mi's. Herman Paynter. The citizens of Kirkton wish Mr. Doupe many more happy birthdays and the best of health. i Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fletcher i were Saturday guests with Mr. ’ and Mrs. Harry Ford, of Win- | Chelsea. ; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock i and family. of Burgessville, I spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. | Eric Humphreys and Mr. Thos. • Brock. j Mr. J. Graham, of Toronto, j spent the week-end with Rev.j and Mrs. W, D. Goodger. i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Middleton, j of Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wash-i burn. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Routley and MurielI Alex Crago ! Sunday with i man Routly j SDr. G. H. i this week attending the Good | Roads Convention. I Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall ; and sons. Billy and Ronald j j spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. j . Beecher Hanson al Granton- * part the special I Hensail Presbyterian to exchange services on G ar- and Bros. Elec- Exeter ■Graham tractor, Market, General SEED FOR SALE Peas—O.A.C. 181 Barley— Commercial O.A.C. 21 Beans—Registered Michelity and Commercial Michelity w Order Your Requirements Now Cook Bros. Milling Co. Phone 54 Hensail, Ont. St- ZJ Reduced Prices at George Wright’s hy a Work Sox, 69c Ord er Your SUIT for SPRING NOW score of Monday we have other team and Exeter Thousands of readers are in easy answering distance of your want-ad This year we are again Contracting barley for The Canada Malting Co. Rubbers for Spring •Just Arrived of this commu- (3). Wil- (6), and Mrs. weds of them a and Mr. and Mrs. and Billy spent Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ at Aylmer. Jose is in Toronto Contact Us For Particulars Kiddies’ Rubber Boots, $2.49 Men’s Heavy Cardigans Reg. $3.95 — $3.35, $2.00 4 Coats, Beg. $27.50 — $19.75 Leather Coats, Rog. $19.75 — $14.95 Men’s Heavy Doeskin Windbreakers $4.50 Women’s Rubber Boots, $2.49 Boys’ Rubber Boots, $2.49 Men’s Rubber Boots. $2.98 Best Quality at Real Low Prices Geo T. Mickle & Sons HENSALL, ONT. Phone 103; Nights 133 game Mon­ Our (Bond) Showing for Ladies* and Men’s Suits and Top Coats is the finest yet. Sharkskins, Worsteds, and Gabardines in plain, cheeks, and stripes. and Bob Son Banquet for the Boy Scouts in the Central Hotel, Exeter, on Wednesday evening last. On Thursday evening a num­ ber from the community gather­ ed at the home of Mr. i Gordon Johns, newly • last week and gave rousing -charivari. On Friday evening week, February 27th, a nity meeting -will be held in the schoolhouse at 8:30. Come and enjoy an evening’s outing with your neighbours. Hi Highlights — Continued From Page Seven the Juniors put up a good fight against the larger Goderich boys last Wednesday, the was just too strong lost 21-9. In a very exciting day afternoon in Clinton, Exeter Senior boys won their first ron Championship. Although ing into the point deficit, round with a The game most exciting season. Our boys by twelve points at half and it seemed almost hope- but their fighting and de­ game with a our hoys won 89-8-1. was the witnessed were be­ A very important statement HYDRO M isceHaneous Shower For Shirley Appleton A miscellaneous shower for Miss Shirley Appleton was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Appleton Tues­ day evening when about twenty- five young people were present and presented her with some very beautiful gifts. The pre­ sents were brought in in a dec­ orated basket by Peter Frayne and Margaret Ann Coward and an address was read by Mrs. Isabelle Fletcher. A mock wed­ ding proved an interesting event and Miss A. Sanders gave a couple of readings. Lunch was served at the close. Miss Apple­ ton's marriage to Mr. Orland Gaiser will take place Saturday of this week this hind time less, termination to win helped them gain an advantage and win score of 41-34. CLINTON —- Mathews Mustard (4), Tyndall (11), son, Talbot, Heddy, Arkell Postell, Kirby, Martell. EXETER — May (2), Krue­ ger, O'Brien (6), Hunter-Duvar (3) , J. Rether (18), G. Cann (4) , G. Rether (8), Mickle, Schroeder. Referees: Pearson and McNiff. The Senior Girls’ team took an easy victory from the Petro­ lia team Tuesday afternoon. Lil Hunter-Duvar was top scorer with 20 points. Janet Kestle was close with 16. The final score was Exeter 57, Petrolia 16. The Senior Boys’ game was a hard fought affair. It was by hard work that our came out on top. Exeter seem to have that extra and get’’ just when they it. The final score was 26-24. The return game will be played here Thursday afternoon. It will be a very good game and it’ anybody's round. FUTURE will be made by Premier George Drew Listen to CBL - 740 only boys boys "go need X0 p.m. Thursday Feb. 2 6th ® e