HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-02-26, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 26th, 1948 WANTED Sunday and Evening Service One .garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and during the evenings throughout the week Open tills Sunday and During the Evenings Throughout the Week GRAHAM ARTHUR Service Station WANTED-—A child’s play pen. Phone 38, Exeter._____ ____ WANTED — Transportation to and from Goderich or London daily. Apply Box 159 Exeter. 26* FARM WANTED—Have a client wanting to rent 100 acres with privilege of buying. W. C. Pearce. Realtor. 12* FOR SALE LOST oil lamps; cords, complete. shovels; hoes; rake; saw; 2 arm chairs; Stock Reducing RUBBER BOOTS For the Whole Family 6 to 10; 11 to 1; 1 to 5; for Boys 2 to 9 for Mom 6 to 12 for Dad WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor, Phone 138 Exeter. WANTED—Furnished or unfur­ nished houses, suites or house-keeping rooms required immediately for married per­ sonnel of R.C.A.F, Airport. These are veterans, too, and deserve your assistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. WANTED — Good used side delivery rake, also 3-furrow tractor plow, in good con­ dition. FOR SALE — 10 good stocker pigs about 60 pounds, also good used team cultivator. Apply at Times- Advocate. 26* FOR SALE—1947 Hudson 8- cylinder •car, almost new gone about with drive, tires, ing. used car Chapman, or phone 239. 7000 miles, equipped overdrive and master , radio and heater, 5-700 good reasons for sell- Would consider a good in exchange. Robt. Box 262, Mitchell, 12:19:26c FOR SALE—Red Shorthorn bull sixteen months old, eligible for registration, Apply Filmer Chappel, Grom ar t y, phone 441'12 Dublin. 26* FOR SALE—9 months old pure­ bred Hereford bull, register­ ed. Apply Arthur Finlayson, Kippen, phone Seaforth 65rl3. 26* Thigh and Hip Boots, all sizes © Several pairs of brown and black Oxfords, discontinued lines and broken sizes at spe­ cially reduced prices. ® Boys’ school shoes from $2.00 and up. © If that zipper is shot we can put one on while you wait. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Attended To Wuerth’s SHOE STORE WANTED—Pasture for 4 heif­ ers between a year ,and 2 years old. ‘Melvin Gardiner, phone Kirkton 21rl6. 26* PIONEER CHICK MASH start­ er—Formulated and tested by an expert, Dr. J. R. Sparling, Animal Nutrition Specialist. For sale at all Pioneer Deal­ ers. 12:19:26* WANTED—Pigs, 50 pounds and up. Apply Ernie Thompson, R.R. 8, Parkhill, phone Park­ hill 605rl3. 26c FOR SALE—Spy apples, culls, $1.50 per bushel, good for pies and sauce. L. V. Hogarth phone 266 Exeter. 26c WANTED — Engagements as vocalist at weddings, concerts, banquets, garden parties, etc., reasonable rates, repertoire of Ballads, Religious and semi- classical music. For further information please contact Niel M. Morton, Box 18 8, Exe­ ter, Ont., or call evenings Exeter 303J. . 26c FOR SALE—McClary electric rangette in good condition; girl’s skirts, size 12, coat, size 14. Phone 3 3Sj Exeter. 26* FOR SALE—Royal cer stove, white red trim, like 36r4 Crediton. Chef Spen- enamel with new. Phone 26* FOR SALE—English pram, black and cream, in excellent condition. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. 26* ....................... Special Introductory Offer READER'S DIGEST SEVEN MONTHS FOR $1.00 For Further Information Contact THE EXETER SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Box 188 Exeter, Ont. | — Or Phone Evenings —- I Exeter 303j and ask for Niel M. Morton ! ............................................................................... FOR 'SALE—2 Durham heifers in calf, 1 Hereford bull, sev­ en months old. Apply Wm. Elliott, Centralia. 26* FOR SALE—Six piece birch dinette suite in good condi­ tion. Phone 3 44w. 26c. FOR SALE—A number of chunks. Apply to Charles S. Bedard, phone 98rl5 Zurich. 26* M i.-w—■■■■■■ ■■■I.I Ill . ....................................... ' IB Your Guarantee OF QUALITY, PURITY, AND GERMINATION FOR SALE'—3 furrow Interna­ tional blow on rubber, ace bottom, 18 inch notched coul­ ters, hillside hitch. Spence, R.R.6, St. phone Kirkton 3 Sr9. Malcolm Marys, 26* FOR SALE—19 33 Ford half­ ton panel truck,, in A-l con­ dition, good tires. Apply at Times-Advocate. 26* FOR SALE — McCormick-Dear­ ing cream separator, new style power machine, in good repair. Harold Taylor, R.R. 3 Exeter, phone 39r8, Kirk­ ton. 26* A FULL LINE OF CLOVERS AND GRASSES Permanent Pasture Mixtures Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. EXETER, ONTARIO "" " ............ . „|«H FOR SALE — 3-burner electric stove in first class shape. Wm. J. Thomson, phone 48r4 Kirkton. 26:4c FOR SALE — Maxwell washer, wooden tub, gas or electric driven, cheap for quick sale. Apply Geo. Godbolt, Centralia. 26* FOR SALE—Universal double unit milker with piping; also pup for sale, six months old. Apply to Harvey Hyde, phone 177r42 Exeter.26* FOR SALE—Seed barley," G alore clean and graded. Apply to Harvey Hyde, phone 177r42 Exeter. 26:4:11* FOR SALE-—Outdoor iron pump complete with piping, in good condition, $10.00. J. Hubert Jones. Apply to 26c HELP WANTED WANTED—Upstairs girl and dining room girl, good wages and live in. Apply in person, Central Hotel, Exeter, STENOGRAPHER — Bookkeep­ er required. Apply at the of­ fice of the Public Utilities Commission, Exeter. Ont,, for application forms. 19tfc WANTED— Girl for restaur­ ant. Apply at Times-Advocate. 26* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—125 acres pasture and bush, con. 18 Stephen. W. C. Pearce. 26c HIGHWAY LEVEL hundred, large L shaped barn, water bowls, litter carrier, electric grinder, silo, henhouse, extra well built brick house, 3- piece bath, hot water furnace, slate • roof, hydro, Mitchell schools, churches near. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 26c FOR SALE—J 50 acres clay loam, all .workable, in Hay Township on County Road, five miles to good market, close to school and country store, well drained, fail* build­ ings, lots of water, hydro available, Write P.O. Box 142 Hensail for particulars. HOUSE FOR SALE—Two storey new home, 2 years old, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, one upstairs and one down; ther­ mostat, water softener, auto­ matic hot water, hardwood floors throughout, corner lot, 100 x 100; landscaped, imme­ diate posession. John Mount­ stephen, phone 206w, corner Andrew and Wellington. 26c FOR SALE—75 acre grass farm all cleared, Lot 4, Con. 7, Hay Twp., watered by creek and windmill. Apply Ed. Broder­ ick, Box 24, Exeter. 12tfc FOR SALE—75 acres of pasture and woods, Hay Twp., watered by stream and well with wind­ mill. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. FOR SALE—100 and 150 acre farm in Stephen Twp. These are both good farms with good biddings and the best of land. Both are close to village and school. Reasonable terms. Also 150 acres in Hay Twp. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 15c FOR SALE—We have a residen­ tial property for sale which,' at present' rentals, will pay all carrying charges and leave you over 9 per cent on your investment. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. 15c HOME FOR SALE—The resi­ dence owned by the estate of the late Laura M. Jeckell. This is a one and a half storey brick, comparatively new, hardwood floors through­ out, new furnace and oil bur­ ner, nicely treed lot, imme­ diate possession. C. V. Pic­ kard. FOR SALE—100 acres, produc­ tive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn, 60x40, 40x40, driveshed, garage, never fail­ ing water supply, 5 acres hard wood bush, hydro available. Immediate possession. R. D. Hunter, phone 113w Exeter. 22tfc NOTICES LOST—A light brown female Collie dog. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts please call Harry Hayter 47r5 Dashwood- 26c LOST—License plate 5L322. Phone 35rl7 Dashwood or leave at Times-Advocate. 26* LOST—-A black sweater in Exe­ ter, Please leave at Times- Advocate. 26c In NICHOLAS SHIER, ALL PERSONS CLAIMS AGAINST of Reuben Nicholas of the Township of Usborne, the County of Huron, man, " “ " twenty-ninth A.D. 1948, particulars of “The Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exe­ ter, Ontario, by the 28th day of A.D. 1948, after the Estate of REUBEN deceased. HAVING the Estate Shier, late in Gentle- wlio died on or about the day of January, are* required to file e same with February, which date the estate will be distributed, to those claims of has been received. DATED the 7th ruary, A.D. 1948. ELMER D. BELL, K.C. Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executors. 12:19:26c having regard only which notice day of Feb- AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL AND HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Main Street, Exeter on FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1948 at 1 p.m. the following: HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES — Victorian walnut settee matching chairs; „ , parlor table; foot stool’; 35 yds. BrusselPs floor .... .......... lamp; walnut hat rack; antique grandfather’s tree; table; 6 holstered board; 2 Wilton lamp; 5 office table; various sizes; erator; range; piece dinnei’ set; Blue Flame oil stove; kitchen electric Heintzman carpet; nut spool small tables; wicker clothes hamper; antique % bed; wal­ nut veneer dresser; single iron beds; chests of drawers; wash­ stands; congoleum rug; beds; bedding; springs and mattresses*: Royal vacuum cleaner and at­ tachments; 9x12 floor .rug; 12x15 floor rug; several walnut washstands and side tables; miscellaneous dishes; glassware, bric-a-back; kitchen utensils; garden tools; lawn mower; ex­ tension ladder; ton of stove coal and many other articles too numerous to mention. REAL ESTATE—The proper­ ty consisting of a fine residence on large tree grounds and situated on Main St., Exeter, first 6and easy chair; carpet; table wall clock; 2 maple hall chairs oak dining chairs; couch; cherry mantle clocks; 30 carpet; metal pairs window 4 kitchen tables, Kelvindtor refrig- Progress coal and wood electric hot plate; 32 hall and up­ side yds. table drapes; oil lamps; Good Cheer range; 3 .coal heaters; fan; electric heater; square piano; stair walnut dresser; 2 wal- beds; walnut sofa; tables; wicker antique % bed; BABY CHICKS STARTED CHICKS Several varieties in our brood­ ers now. Mixed chicks and pul­ lets. Some two weeks old. Get them now and you will have a head start. Come in and see them. Neuliauser Hatcheries, 81 King St., London, Ont. BIG-4 CHICKS. They're the choice of hundreds of success­ ful poultrykeepers over the years. Backed by a program of breeding covering many years on the Hatchery’s own farms. Bred for good produc­ tion. But even Big-4 Chicks should be ordered e-arly enough to get into production for good markets. Large eggs, good body weight. Delay means lost money for you. We can save you trouble of writing, etc. J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood. SUSSEX X HAMPS A great dual purpose good for eggs and meat, breast and yellow skin, full of vigor and easy to raise. Pullets good farm flocks. Pullets $28. Neuliauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London. cross, Broad Chicks are great layers, : $15. per PERSONAL make f 1'00 IF BACKACHES are slowing you Up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. At Rob­ ertson’s Drug Store. PRIVATE SALE Kroeliler chesterfield and match­ ing easy chair; chime mantel cabinet; floor console and mantel radio; electric toaster. Advocate or phone Exeter 97 for appointment. ________26c Westminster clock; smokers’ lamp; “Philco” "Majestic” small 2 electric irons; Apply Times- TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE ASSESSOR WANTED for Town­ ship. Applications for the position of Assessing Officer will be considered at the next regular meeting at the Muni­ cipal Council to be held on Monday afternoon March 8th next at three o’clock. Harry Strang, Clerk. brick filled .South street outside the corporation will be offered reserve grounds and has heat, modern ate possession. TERMS—Chattels, ‘cash. Real Estate, 10 % cash, balance in 30 days. (Terms read at time of sale.) The Canada Trust Company, London, Ontario.’ Executor Estate of Elliot, deceased. sale, subject to a This house well over an oil furnace, . shower FOR RENT FOR RENT—Vacuum by the day or week. Hardware, phone 86. cleaners, Beavers 19c FOR RENT—Two - room ment, .furnished, hot heated, bath, hydro. 44r9 Kirkton. ap art­ water Phone 26* FOR Rent—2 comfortable fur­ nished rooms; also 7 room house. Apply at Times-Advo­ cate. 26* grass to be croped for three FOR RENT—100 acres land close to Exeter, broken ui>, years and seeded again, suit­ able for corn, beans, flax or grain, to be spring .possession. Bid. Victor J. II. “ “ “ King st., 6866, Met. G194-W. Approximately 85 acres cultivated, balance flats Snell, Realtor, , London, Ont. 119 Met. 26:4c for bid. of an bath conveniences. has acre steam and all Immedi- Annie AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received instructions to auction, at North of The sell by public Main St., DASHWOOD Estate of the late Mary Neeb on MARCH 6th, 1948SAT., 1.3'0' o’clock p.m. the follow-at ing: Clare Jewel good condition; studio couch; radio, like new ing machine; cherry drop drop leaf table 2 side ,b°ards; 3 dining room chairs; rocking er rockers ious fern chair room suite springs and mattress with springs cind dresser; sink; 2 large rugs, good as pew chen rug lamps; frames; spreads wash tub stoves, Jlke new machine kitchen range in kitchen stove; Sparton battery ; New Home sew- dining room table, leaf table; ; centre china ci chairs; chair wicker stands; to match; 3 wooden 2 electric extension with sockets; cross-cut collie pup and many articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH ALVIN WALPER, Auct. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk. MRS. IRA TETREAU, Execu­ tor, 26:4 other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH NELSON COULTIS, ,Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. < CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on the premises Lot 34, Con. 12 Hay Township 1J miles west and 1 mile north of Zurich on WED., MARCH 10, 1948 commencing at 12.30 o’clock p.m. sharp the following: HORiSIES: Matched black per- cheron mares 8 and 9 true in every way. CATTLE: .Holstein years old, due March tein cow, 5 years old, 2; Holstein cow, 6 yutut, uiu, due March 12; Holstein cow, 8 years old, due middle of May; aged Holstein cow due end of 'May; Holstein cow, milking; Jersey cow, due first in June; 3 Holstein heifers carrying second calf, 1 due in Mar., 1 due first week in week in 3 years 3rd; _ ______ _____ due first week in April; tein heifer year old, i cow, 6 22; Hols- , due April years old other due 1st Holstein heifer, Jan. both Hols- due first week in June; 2 yearlings; small heifer calf 2 months old. All youngei' cattle vaccinated. This is an outstanding herd of cattle and have recently been tested again­ st T.B. and have 100 per cent negative. HOGS: 2 sows due March 20. IMPLEMENTS — McCormick Dearing tracjtor; 10-20 tractor on steel in good condition, re­ cently 'Overhauled; McC-D. 2- furrow tractor plow; Cockshutt 2-furrow tractor disc; Cockshutt 11 hoe fertilizer disc drill; McC-D. .7 ft. binder with trac­ tor hitch, like new; M.H. hay loader, Cockshutt side delivery rake; Deering hay rake; McC-D. manure spreader; McC-D. tooth harrow; McC-D. scuffler, new; Deering mower; McC-D. walking 3 horse cultivator; 2 steel roller; 4 section harrows; set bob sleighs with bunks and platform; Ideal wagon, new; low wagon; 16 ft. hay gravel box; 10 in. er; Woods electric grinder, like new; lumber; 7 5 ft. cable for grinder large chop bags; quantity set sling ropes; top buggy; 2 harness; Surge ine, complete, in first class con­ dition; 3 bundles of shingles; buggy harness; bag truck; milk cart; hog­ hand power clippers; hog­ holder; manure hook; boat; ensilage fork; small shovels; pails; neckyokes; steel posts; small vice; 30 feed cooker; 3 100-lb. cans; 2 40-lb. milk cans; pails; strainer pails; buckets; sap pan. 14 ton choice mixed hay; 350 bushel Ajax seed oats; 250 bus. mixed grain; 185 bus. O.A.C. 21 seed barley; 83 lbs. Timothy seed; 14'0 lbs. red clover seed. Empire kitchen range, coal, or wood, like new; 3 leaf dining room table; cupboard; Daisy butter churn; butter bowl and spoon; 1 lb. butter print; large tea kettle;, large apple pealer and many articles too numerous to mention. Everything in class condition. TERMS—CASH ALVIN WALPER, Auct. R. F. STADE, Clerk. MOSE ERB, Prop. 3 T.B. April, June; old, fresh since Holstein heifers proven all choice Yorkshire spring hand 5 ft. plow; drum tire wheel rack; grind­ grain rubber steel sliding grain 6 in. quantity of box; doz. of twine 1200 lb. sets of milking grain bags; scales; double rnach- wheelbarrow; crate grip stone forks doz. gal. milk­ milk 2 doz. sap first 26:4c small table; abinet; 3 odd leath- var- with bed- witlx 2 table; settee piece bed iron bed mattress; couches; 2 kit­ dresser picture bedding; ; double 2 electric alarm clock; blankets; dishes; sealers 2 3-burner coal oil hand washing coal oil heater; coal AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to .sell by public auction at Lot, 7, Con. 6. Usborne Twp. on WEDNESDAY MARCH 10, at 1 .p.m. the, following: CATTLE freshened freshened freshened freshened in April; er heifers 8 months old PIGS—Sow bred ers; young sow due Apr young sow due 'May 4. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. der; M.H./ .1 side delivery dump rake new; walking Rite Way milking machine^ two Single units, _ . '' sliding rack; wagon box; gravel box; fanning mill; fork rope, 165 ft.; hay fork; forge; % h»p. motor; 36 ladder; pig crate; els; chains straw pipe; Dec.; Dec.; 1948 AUCTION SALE OF LIVESTOCK, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on ,the premises STEPHEN TOWNSHIP on 83 Highway, 4 miles west of Dashwood on FRIDAY, MARCH 12 commencing at 1 p.m.1948 sharp the following: HORSES — Black mare ris- iiig 6 years old; ,black gelding rising 6 years old; true in every way. CATTLE — Black cow due middle of April, Durham farrow cow; red heifer, part Jersey; 4 roan heifers rising 3 years old; Holstein steer rising 3 years old, 2 steers rising 2 years old; 2 roan yearlings; Hereford bull; calf rising 1 year old; 2.smalL calves. HOGS — Yorkshire sow due April 5; Yorkshire sow due April 15; 13 stockers averaging. 70 pounds. IMPLEMENTS — M.H. 7 ft. grain ,binder in good condition; McCormick mower, 6 ft.; grain drill; M.H. 3-drum steel roller; M'.H. hay rake; McCormick- Deering tractor disc, nearly new,. M.H. horse cultivator with trac­ tor hitch; .corn scuffler; 3-sec- tion harrows with evener, also 2 section * evener; side delivery rake; pump jack with engine; 2 wheel trailer with stock rack, Cockshutt walking plow; Fleury walking plow; 1-horse scuffler; steel wagon; wagon box; 15 ft. flat hay rack; cutting box with pulley; Chatham fanning mill with bagger; 2000 pound plat­ form scales; .set sling ropes; hay fork rope; quantity of mix­ ed grain; sorghum stooks; brass mounted britchen harness, single harness; sleigh bells; chimes; 5 gal. cans; grease gun; corn planter; cross-cut saw; double trees; neckyokes, clevises; crow­ bars; good Collie dog and many articles too numerous to men­ tion. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Large extension table with extra, leafs; 6 strong kitchen chairs; 6 dining room chairs; round top centre table; square- top centre table; beautiful”china cabinet; 2 Aladdin lamps; hanging lamp; canary, guaran­ teed singer; canary cage; dishes of various descriptions; baby stroller. TERMS—Cash. OHLEN TREU'MNER Prop. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 26:4 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell ,by auction at Lot 23, Con. .14, Stephen 1%. miles west and 2nd south of Dashwood on TUESDAY, MARCH 16, at 1 p.m. the following: HORSES—Good work Team. CATTLE—7 cows good; cow due in cow due inApril; rising 2 years.; 8 spring calves. 150 hens. IMPLEMENTS - tractor; public Twp.. farm 1948 milking April; heifer heifer rising yearlings; 4 Farmall A 2-furrow tractor plow;. International hay loader, new; International seed drill, 11-hoe; International 7 ft. cut binder; land roller; disc; 2 gang plows; walking plow; set harrows; hay rake cultivator; sidb rake ted­ der; combine; Cockshutt man­ ure spreader; set sleighs; tired wagon; cutter; sliding hay rack; gravel box cream separator; grain grinder; Clinton fanning screens; piping; wheelbarrow; sling ropes; fork; scales; electric battery; chop box; grass seeder; corn 2 5-gal. gas cans; large wire stretchers; block tackle; old car. Quantity of hay; 1'00 bus. oats; 8 bags barley; quantity Alaska seed oats. POULTRY EQUIPMENT — Colony house 10x12, coal brood­ er stove; 2 oil burning brooder 1 new, all 500 size 7 2 ; stock emery grind mill root extension ladder; fencer; boxes; steel rack; stone; stone; with pulper; hay set of storage cutting shelter; drums; and cow cow cow cow due heif- Durham Hereford ; Durham ; Holstein ,; 3 cows i in May; 8 yearling calf in in in Feb.; in Jan.; cow due due in March 5 yearling steers 8 calves. 21 wean' . 15; roosts on porcelain 2 J-gal. syringes for vac- .c., 1-10 8 chicken coops; barrels, 2-wheel c,c. size skids; fountains cinating l-2c. chop sifters; troughs and cart. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS • — cook Istove; 3 beds, and mattresses; 2 Aladdin lamp; hang­ rocking chair; spin­ churn; 3 barrels; ; 1-gal. jug; lard chest; table; bench; coal oil double barrel shot gun; couch. TERMS—CASH BERTHA WILLERT, bin- M.H, M.H. ,hay loader; mower; harrows, pulper; rake; set lever plow wagon; sleighs scales; hay sling ropes; gas barrels; ft. extension forks; shov- horse blankets! iron kettle and Banner 2 springs dressers; ing lamp; ning wheel; 2 5-gal. jugs press; bureau blackboard barrel radio; MRS Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct