HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-02-19, Page 7LILY All DERIVATION The term "lunatic" is derived from luna, the moon, which was supposed to have an effect on xnental disorders. d FROM 3EL0W / w •''HEAT __ TRADEMARK MUNDEBSEAL 8NAND RUBBERIZED PROTECTIVE COATING fights underbody destruction of rust, corrosion, wear Every mile you drive, the underbody of your car is being attacked by flying rocks, gravel, corrosive road chemicals. They cause rust, rot fenders, make your car rattle and squeak. Get car­ protecting "UNDERSEAL,” the new sprayed-on coating that repels rocks, rust, cor­ rosion, and muffles body noises . .. keeps cars new and quiet-riding longer. It’s guar­ anteed to protect for the life of your car. WHALEN Recent visitors /with Mr. Mrs. Frank Parkinson were and Mrs. Fred Foster, of Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dell, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking and fam­ ily, of Munro. ■Miss Elva Morley spent Wed­ nesday with Mrs. F. Squire. Mr. and Mrs. Khlare, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Donlad and Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rodd, of Wood­ ham. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire vis­ ited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Bristol Holden, Transvaal. Mr. Bill Morley nas joined the Huronia male choir recently organized in Exeter. A new General Motors 9U horse power engine has been re­ cently installed at Canns mill. The W.A. and W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Cecil Squire on .Thursday afternoon. ■ Miss Dot Massey, of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, of Bryanston, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, F. Squire, Mrs. Geo. Mardlin and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mardlin, of Wesley, spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. Euchre Party A good crowd attended the Euchre party on Monday even­ ing at the school house. Prize winners were; ladies’ high, Miss Elva Morley; gent’s high, Ger­ ald .Chapman;, lone hands. Wm. French, consolation, Cecil Squire Lost Heir winners, Alice Chap­ man, Jimmy Chapman and Ger­ ald Wallis. Lunch was served. Service in the United Church was withdrawn on Sunday due to weather conditions Mr and Mrs. Harry Squire were Sunday visitors of Mr. and ■Mrs. Jas. Mawhinney, Crediton. 1 Newton Motor Sales Phone 216 Exeter THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19 th, 1948 Gleaned From Exeter District High School Last Wednesday afternoon at Leavitt’s Theatre a public speak­ ing contest was held. This con­ test was under the apspices of the student council and decided who would be the representa­ tives from this school in the W.O.S.S.A. public speaking con­ test. Janet Kestle, president the student council, acted chairlady. Two selections were played the school orchestra to open the program. During the intermis­ sion the Glee CIuti. under the direction of Mr. Sturgis and ac­ companied two lovely In the there was Donald Heimrick. Ron spoke on the "Customs of Switzerland." This topic was well given and was very interesting. There were three contestants in the Junior girls was was had and Desjardine presented elocutionized speech she topk the audience back to "Pioneer Days in Upper Cana­ da.” Evelyn was declared win­ ner in this group. June Walters the third speaker chose a rather unfortunate topic "Interesting Advertising.” Despite this, June put more expression into her speech than her competitors. The judges for the Junior con­ test were Grafton Cochrane, Mrs. E. Desjardine and Mrs. A. Dixon. of as by by Miss Taylor, sang selections. Junior boys group only one contestant,, group. Jeanne MacDonald the first speaker. Her topic "The Telephone." Jeanne her speech prepared well had a good delivery. Evelyn a highly in which hoys group contestants, the was talk Bill Elimville Farm Forum The Elimville North Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. with Far- the and for to and Mrs. Wesley Johns thirty-three present. "Are mers Businessmen?" was subject for the evening, there was plenty of room discussion. It was decided take up the Aid For European Children next week. The meet­ ing will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Johns. It is Review night. For an education in BUY-olo- gy . . . Read the WANT-ADS! I CREDITON Mrs. E. Hey, of Zurich, is visiting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. Mr. .and Mrs. Russell spent a few days last Toronto. Mrs. Edwin Beaver from St. Joseph’s Hospital on Monday. Mrs. friends are glad much improved in health. Mrs. Arnold Robertson and daughter, Anne, of London, are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. E Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Mor- lock attended the funeral of Miss Ruth Truemner in Chesley on Monday. Deceased was a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Truemner (nee Elsie Gaiser) to whom a host of friends in this community extend sympathy. Johnson week in returned Beavers’ many to learn she is World Day of Prayer The World Day of Prayer was fittingly observed by members of the W.S.W.S. of the Evangeli- cal-U.B. Church and W.M.S. of the United The service was held Evangelical Church on afternoon with Mrs. A. Gaiser and Mrs. G. Hill, the two presi­ dents, in charge. The program was opened with quiet music "Sweet Hour of Prayer” in vari­ ations played by Mrs. E. M. Fabrner. Responsive reading was lead .by Mrs. Hill and sev­ eral members offered prayer. A very inspiring talk on "Prayer" was given by Mrs. W. Hann and was Mrs. a de­ Pt ay- thc by J. of the Church. in the Frida j’ Supervitamized 18% Laketeria Chick Starter MANUFACTURED IN EXETER This is the week for early chicks. Ensure chicks a good start with an OFFICIAL CHICK STARTER your It’s LAKETERIA because Laketeria Chick Starter is manufactured in our own mill. This ensures FRESHNESS. Laketeria is packed full of vitamins by using the best vitamin supplying ingredients known. This increases LIVABILITY. Laketeria has the PROPER TEXTURE for chicks. They like it and will eat more. Laketeria minerals FEED. 1. 2. 3. 4.contains tbc correct levels of proteins, and vitamins. It is a BALANCED HOW THOSE LAKETERIA FED CHICKS WILL THRIVE AND GROW WATCH CANN’S MILL LTD. Ptnowe 35w Exeter, Ont. * a poem "This Morning” read by Miss Clara Gaiser. M. E. Reuber contributed lightful solo "The Lord’s er” and a duet " -rake it to Lord in Prayer" was sung Mrs. F. W. Clark and Mrs. Woodall. W.M.S. and W.A. Meeting A joint meeting of the W.A. and AV.M.S. of the United Church was held on Thursday, February 12 with an attendance of twenty-two. Mrs. A. Baker was in charge of the. devotional exercises when the Scripture was read by Mrs. A. Kestle. Prayer was offered by Miss Mary Chambers and Mrs. W. Mack. Mrs. S. W. Hann reviewed several chapters Book dealing work in whinney contest read an the life of Alexander Muir, composer Forever." selection written after Mr. Muir's death, by a near friend. Mrs. Garfield Hill conducted the business period for the W.M.S. after which Mrs. W Mack took the chair for the W.A. business. Several visits were reported and appreciation read from shut-ins. It was decided to hold a quilt­ ing in the church basement Feb. 26th. A social time was enjoyed and an elaborate lunch served by Mrs. F. W. Clark, Mrs. Tlios. Trevethick and Mrs. E. Beaver.■ ........... s in the Study with Missionary India. Mrs. Jas. Ma- conducted a Biblical and Mrs. E. Lawson interesting account of ; ___.___ . . . . the of "The Maple Leaf Mrs. Lawson played a writ ten Hotel Manager: “I shall have to ask you to pay in advance. Youi* luggage is too-er-emo- tional.” Guest: Hotel moved?’ "Emotional?" Manager: "Yes—easily I*—w "So you’ve accepted i suppose he didn’t that he had also pro- me." "My gosh, I ’just how Snip: George? mention posed to Snap: . _ , got it. tie did say he’d done <a lot of silly things before he met me." In the senior there were three Grant MacDonald spoke on R.C.M.P.. George Carver the topic of an interesting by Murray Desjardine. Armstrong spoke on the highly technical topic of Television. Murray Desjardine was thn win­ ner in this section. Anita Datars, of the senior girls group, showed good com­ mand of the English language in her speech on "Racial Pre­ judice." ‘Advances in Medicine” gave Helen Sweet an opportun­ ity to present material which was very interesting to the audi­ ence. Velma Ferguson, in a highly pitched voice presented a more down-to-earth topic "How to Kee p Them Down on the Farm.” In this close competition Velma was awarded first place. The judges for the • senior con­ test were R. N. Creech, Rev. Heimricli and 'Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Considering the few occasions that the students have had to face an audience tney presented their carefully es very well, block for most the impromptu here that the speaker’s real abil­ ity showed up. Each contestant was given ten minutes to pre­ pare for this speech and was al­ lowed a choice of three subjects. Next year we expect the contest will be year. Last Junior won with are home and home games with total points to count. The Goderich much bigger than the game proved of "brains over Junior boys played their best game so far this year and were in top form. The final score was Exeter 25, Goderich 16. The same afternoon our Sen­ ior boys lost a close game to Clinton. The Seniors were def­ initely off form. Whether this was because of the flu-bug we don’t know but. time will tell. Only at times during this excit­ ing game did the Exeter team sliowF its true ability. The final score was Clinton 50. Exeter prepared speech- The stumbling contestants was speeches. It was even better than this Tuesday afternoon the boys’ basketball team their first play-off game Goderich. These play-offs boys looked our boys but the old adage brawn." The 48. Permanent Pasture Mixtures on Thurs- Jas. Knox with spent with Lon- vaea- Shephens, Thursday Mrs. were Thursday guests of Mr Hooper. Herb. Langford A FULL LINE OF CLOVERS AND GRASSES Theo, were of CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wein nd Mrs. Harry Lewis spent Sunday at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Alex .Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘Williams and sons, of Khiva, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. C. Gian ville. Mr. of Exeter, the latter’s Mrs. IL Motz. Mrs. Wes. Lewis, of Brinsley, spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. Mark Mitchell has re­ turned to Exeter after visiting with Mr. Charles Anderson. •Mr. Dan Truemner and and Mrs. Aaron Wein and liss attended the funeral Monday in Chesley of the Miss Truemner. and Mrs. Fred Darling, spent Sunday with parents, Mr. an BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hannon, of and Mrs. Edwin Mitchell, Mr. and Sask., Mr. Saakel, of Mrs Mitchell Leibler, of Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Ruth and Clare evening dinner and Mrs. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Langford and Walter, Mr and Mrs. Glad­ wyn Langford, Shirley and Ed­ win were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ neth Hodgins, of Glendale. Mr. Wm. Richards returned from Stratford General Hospital last Thursday. Miss Madeline Dann, of don, is on a three week lion at her home. Mr. Harvey the week-end his son, Mr. Parkinson at Trenton ___ __ David Parkinson and Mrs. Parkinson. Miss Lorna Dann spent Sun­ day with -Miss Ruth Hooper. Quite a number of the Sth line attended the Case demon? stration in St. Marys day evening. Mr. and Mrs. of Anderson, evening guests Mossey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Joyce spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Danarth, of St. Marys. A Valentine party was held at the Metropolitan school on Friday afternoon. The monthly Red and they had as the at Easter. Valentine Valentines all. Lunch Cross meeting was held their guests children who are to start After the 'program a Box was opened and were distributed was served. Insulate with the new Approved Fiberglass Insula­ tion for protection against next summer’s heat. CEMENT is not going to he plentiful again this year. Place your order curly and be. sure of it. We have a good supply of All Limes in stock now Insol-Brie Siding is more plentiful now. We have lots of Roll-Brie Siding and B.P, Ashphalt Shingles in stock. R. G. Seldon & Son OF QUALITY, PURITY, AND GERMINATION Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co EXETER, ONTARIO ALLOCATION “This detour used to worry me before Exeter Motor Sales started kee­ ping my car tuned for winter driving!’’ Motor Sales Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Coates Fred DobbsTom OF HYDRO POWER SOUTHERN ONTARIO SYSTEM It has become necessary, due to a reduction in the amount of purchased power available, to issue the following notice to municipalities and direct customers of the Commission in the Southern Ontario System. "Effective February 18, 1948, and continuing until further notice, the daily consumption of kilowatthours shall be restricted to a maximum of 90% of the average daily consumption of kilowatthours in the month of October, 1947. This reduction shall not apply to customers whose power supply was interrupted by the Commission in October, 1947 to the extent of 1O% or more of normal delivery.” This is a temporary emergency arising from sub-normal rain fall last Autumn which has forced two of the Quebec power companies to drastically reduce their deliveries of power to The Commission. This restriction will be lifted just as soon as circumstances per­ mit and in the meantime, all consumers must play their full part by saving electricity at all times. If the specified reduction in consumption of electricity is not obtained, it will be necessary to cut off the supply of electricity entirely for definite intervals of time each day, wherever the specified consumption is being exceeded. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO JKt J i i I