HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-02-19, Page 5on Sunday THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19th, 1348 Page 5 CHURCH KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Harry and family, of ,Pt. Rowen, and Mrs. Jas. McCullagli, Gravenhurst, called on Mrs. Gregory this past week, The Women’s Institute Greason Mr. of M. JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. II, J, Snell, Pastor Mr, Lawrence Wein, A.W.0.M, Musical Director 11 a.m,-—’‘The Upper Room". Anthem: "Thou Wilt Him in Perfect Peace". Quartette: The Ladies tette will sing, 3 p.m,—Sunday School. 7 p.m.-—"Salt”. Solo: Grant McDonald. Keep Quar- MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A, Y. Wilhird, Organist 11 a.m.—"Personalities of Passion". 2—Judas. Anthem: "O Come to Heart Lord Jesus." 12 noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—'"Dangerous Gods”. the my ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Orediton Rev. M. E. Reuhei* 10 a.m.—‘Flourishing Christian­ ity". 11 a.m.—Church School, 7.30 p.m.—-"A Hand for a Pil­ low”. TRIVITT MEMORIAL —- Anglican — Rector, Rev. O. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Mr, Robert Cameron, Organist 11 a.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evening Prayer. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H. T, Kendrick, Pastoi* Special Services in the Opera House eaph night at 8 o’clock except Saturday night, with Evangelist J. West, Special Speaker, Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. in the Opera House across from the Town Hall. Supt. Mr. Cudmore, Sun., 11:00 a.m.—Worship. Speaker: Mr. J. West. Sun., 2:00 p.m.—-A Special vice, Everybody Welcome. Speaker: Sun., 7:30 p.m.—A E. Ser- Mr. J. West. Great Song- Service, Special Solos, Duets, ■and be sure to hear the Male Quartette. Sun.. 8:00 p.m.—A great Evan­ gelistic message "by Brother J. West. These meetings have been made possible by the kindness of the Canadian Legion Hern-Ford The home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford was the scene of a lovely wedding when their only daughter, Lois Lenore, be­ came the .bride of Kenneth Ar­ nett, son of Mrs. John T. Hern, of Zion, and the late Mr. Hern. Rev. H. Snell officiated. The bride, given in .marriage by her father, entered the liv­ ing room to the strains of the Bridal chorus played by the niece of the .groom, Hern. The bride took in front of a bank of streamers wearing­ length gown of white sheer. She wore her full-length’ veil of net American Beauty white carnations, tendant was Marion Rundle, cousin of the bride, wearing a full-length gown of pink facone crepe with matching finger-tip veil. She carried a .bouquet of CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Miss Norma M. Knight, Organist Speaker’, Rev. Norman Gillies 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—-Public Worship. , Anthem: "Ivory Palaces," Tliurs., Feb. .20, 3 p.m.—WM.S will meet at the home of ■Mrs. W. Simmons. Keep Friday evening, March 5 open for the. Congregational Concert. ROMAN CATHOLIC Father Fogarty in charge. Schedule of Masses for Mt. Cannel Church and St. Peter’s Church, No? 4 Highway, South of Exeter. Feb. 1, 8, 2-2- o’clock; St. o’clock. Feb. 15, 29—Mt. o’clock; St. o’clock. Taxis will minal one service at Taxi Service. -Mt. Carmel at Peter’s •at 9 11 Carmel Peter’s at at 11 9 leave the Bus Ter­ half hour before St. Peter’s.—Pop’s red roses and snapdragons. The his Marilyn her place ferns and a floor- brocaded m other’s embroidered of and I and carried a bouquet roses Her pnly at- M ar ion groom was attended by friend, Harry Dougall. Following the ceremony wedding < the home, received in crepe dress pink mums The groom’s a black crepe dress with a cor­ sage of pink mums dragons. Christine grooin ,and counsin of the groom’s gift to the chest of silver, to maid a silver bread the best man a gold tie The happy couple theii’ honeymoon to Flint, igan. blue with a atdinner was served . The bride’s mother a grey figured with a corsage of and snapdragons, mother received in and snap- The waitresses were Dobson, niece of the Margaret Rundle, The was a brides­ and to clip. left on Mich- navy coat bride, bride the tray The bride wore a dress, a pale green black accessories. inThousands of readers are easy answering distance of your want-ad of Kirkton, are sponsoring a sew­ ing class conducted by Mrs. C. A. Campbell with some 12 girls from the village and district. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Batten spent .a few days this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodge at Staffa, Quite a nunibei*1 from the village and community attended the funeral of the ,late Mrs. Arthui’ Doupe „ which was held at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Exeter, Wednesday after­ noon. Mi's. Doupe came to Kirkton as a bride .from near Elimville. She and Mr. Doupe farmed on the fourth line of Blanshard for a number of years Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rath- bum spent the past week-end with friends in Toronto, •Mrs. Hiram Hanna spent part of the past, week with her dau­ ghter, Mrs. Alex Gartenburg, of Goderich. A large bale of used clothing- five boxes in all for the Euro­ pean relief wag packed this past week and will be forward­ ed by the W.M.S. supply com- mitte Mr. been past Hospital, by hjs doctors this past week and is now convalescing at his home in the village. Miss Ruth Middleton of Strat­ ford, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna and daughter’s Jean and Viola, spent Sunday with Mr. Wm. Mtoore, of Rannoch. The World Day of Prayer was held in the United church, Kirk­ ton, Friday, when the Anglican ladies from St. Paul’s Church, Kirkton, and the Woodham lad­ ies united together for prayers. Mrs. Geo. Allen, Mrs. Cecil Dob­ son and Mrs. Cecil Cann, the three presidents of the WM.S. societies services, churches assisted in, the tional period and Mrs. Goodger and Mrs. Fred render­ ed a duet accompanied by Mrs. Dr. C. A. Campbell Miss Doris Blackler gave the address. Tlio Class That Counts The. meeting was held February 5, at the home Mrs. Goodger with the theme "Love’’. Hymn 306 opened the meeting followed by prayer by Mrs. Lome Marshall. Mrs. Clar­ ence Switzer acted as again. Mrs. again, read Roll call was answered by 15 members with a Valentine verse The secretary, Mrs. Cliff Jory read the January minutes. A card of thanks from Eric Hum­ phreys was read. The programs for the next three months are to he planned by the Third Line group. It was noted that the new church collection plates had been received. It was moved by Mrs. Emerson Paton and sec­ onded by Mrs. Russell Morrison that Mrs. Clarence Switzer and Mrs. Earl Watson be a commit­ tee to arrange for a magazine Doupe. Mrs. thanked the noted to be home a box to Toronto. Eric Humphreys, a Polio patient five months in London, was who has for the Victoria released took Ladies charge of the from all the devo- W. D. We were glad Emerson Paton Mrs. Russell the scripture 1 on of chairman to have present Morrison Cor. 13. Greatly Reduced HENSALL Mr. E. L. Mickle visited re­ cently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. *T. Mickle in Ridge­ town, •Mrs. A. L. Case visited dur­ ing the past week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J Reid in London. Mr. Clarence Dilling, who re­ cently underwent an operation in London hospital, was able to return home this week. This being .Girl Guide Week’ the GirJ Guides in Hensall will attend service in a body in the Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday, February 22 at 11 a.m. when Rev. P. A. Ferguson will conduct the service, Mrs. Lome McNaughton re­ turned home from Toronto where she visited with Mr, and HelenMrs. John Duncan, Miss and Glenn McNaughton. Mrs. Wesley Coleman ed home from visiting home of her son-in-law and dau­ ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mor­ enz at Dashwood. The Girl’s Softball Team are sponsoring a Dance in the town hall, Hensall on Friday, Feb­ ruary 27 th. Music by Lionel Thornton’s orchestra of London, Arnold Circle Meets Mrs. P, A. Ferguson was hos.tess at her home on Monday evening for the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary with Mrs. A. D. McEwen co-hostess. The pres­ ident, Mrs. Glenn Bell, presided and opened the meeting with prayer after which hymn Love Thy Kingdom Lord" was sung. The scripture John 17 vs. 17-24 was read by Mrs. H. Hoy. The roll call was answered by the name of a Missionary. Mrs. H. C. Bell favored with a piano instrumental entitled "Love’s Golden Star". Lead on O King Eternal was sung and Mrs. Fer­ guson led in prayer. The topic from the study book "Upon this Foundation in Canada" was taken Roy MacLaren. The closed Thou Gavest Lord’s were served. Former Hensall Man Honored at Brandon Frank A. Wood, of Brandon, Manitoba, a former Hensall boy, who is leaving Brandon , Man., to reside on the west coast, was honored by the congregation of Knox Church, Brandon, at its annual dinner. For the past. 35 years Mr. Wood has been an active mem­ ber of that congregation, served as a member of the session for ovei- 3 0 years, was for ten years educational superintendent of the church school and for the past 14 years has filled the of­ fices of church treasurer congregational secretary. Dr. H. S. Perdue made presentation to Mr. Wood. Mem­ bers hoard return- at the "We entitled, we Build by Mrs. meeting "The Day Lord’’ and the prayer. Refreshments MacLaren. by singing of the Brandon school also honored him. SHIPKA from this WINCHELSEA Mrs. Don Penbale has a rose busli in the house that had four beautiful red roses. Some­ thing fare in February. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten entertained a few relatives and neighbors on Thursday night in honor of Mr. Alf. Brooks sixty- eigth birthday. Quite a number community attended the dance in Exeter where the Ranch boys played. Rev. and Mrs. Mervin Elston and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Centra­ lia, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin and family, of Brinsley, Sunday with Mr. and Sherwood Brock. Miss ville, Misses ■Mr. on Thusday night Glenn spent Mrs. Grace Routly, of visited .on Sunday Jean and Donna Gilfillan and Mrs. Clarence Flet­ cher spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibson of near Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of Farquhar, Mr. and Mrs. George Davis visited on Wednesday with. Rev. and Mrs. Mervin Elston, Centralia. Elim- with of and and keep it tuned up FUEL SAVINGS SMOOTH POWER QUIET RUNNING There’s no other . for EFFICIENT OPERATION LONGER ENGINE LIFE SPARKLING PERFORMACE ______ ____‘ service operation that pays so great a dividend at so small a cost. In fact, a tune-up often pays for itself in fuel and oil savings. Snell Bros. & Co. Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Case Tactors and Implement Sales EXETER PHONE 100 Want-Ading is More Practical Than Wishing ) $15 to Brown ® Boy's Wool Windbreak ers, zipper front, on sale @ $3.00 each. Howell, to Mr.® (nee Paul at- her fath- Dyke Wind- $8.50, Skirts Ladies’ and the new longer lengths and styles in a good range of materials and colors reasonable prices. Ask to See . . the new Domolite Cloths, 54" patterns. CHEF DATE PUDDING Quality goods—Bargain price Vs lb. tins, 3 for 25c took Misses’ Skirts in at very x The you to come in and look over small rooms. & A Nuback Girdles to choose from. LIPTON’S TEA M lb. pkg. One pkg. of Lipton’s Noodle Mix FREE — All for Red Label, 50c Orange Label, 52c McLaren’s Royal Manor JELLY DESSERTS Requires but little sugar, (While they last) 6 pkgs., 25c MAXWELLHOUSE COFFEE 1 lb. bag, 54c a Table Oil wide—new spring GRAPENUTS FLAKES With FREE Comic Book 2 pkgs*, 25c 5UH ho* w 6 7 DASHWOOD Messrs. George Tieman Ray Guenther spent the week­ end in Toronto. ■Mrs. Ness and son tended the funeral of er, the late Mr. Van Tavistock on iSaturaay. The Bridge .club evenings’ outing and motored Mitchell by bus on Tuesday night where they spent a very enjoyable evening with Mr. and ■Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Nadiger are happy to an ounce the birth of a granddaughter at McPher­ son Memorial Hospital, Mich, on February 16 and Mrs. Wesley Tilkins Zeta Nadiger). program committee was appoint­ ed for the March meeting. Mrs. Hann gave an interesting Bible illustration. A Bible quizz was conducted by the president and a reading was given by Mrs. J. Ratz. Several letters of thanks were read and the meeting brought to a close. Lunch served committee charge. was It is not too late. Call us immediately. Exeter 276 Open UntH 10:00 p.m. For Your Convenience EXETER FLOWERSHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Phone 276 KITCHENSLIVING ROOMS — DINING ROOMS — BEDROOMS New Patterns — New Colorings Many of the new wallpapers are in. Now is the time to get some of your decorat­ ing done. We invite few bundle lots for our samples. Also we have a Tuesday evening of last week S.S. No. 11 had a sale of dif­ ferent articles which amounted to $30.00 Proceeds were for a needy cause. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harlton and Miss Aurdey Harlton atten­ ded the funeral of the late Mr. Geo. Robinson at Wheatley last week. Mrs. .Stuart Sweitzer is at present spending a few days with her parents at Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morenz and family have returned home after a visit with relatives in Detroit. Mr. Paul Humphreys is con­ fined to his bed with the flu. Congratulations to Mr. Mrs. Wilfred were married* recently. The Women’s Association of the United Church ,lield a Valen­ tine suppdr in the Public School on Friday evening. A good sup­ per was provided by the ladies. Mr. Hann acted as chair- a program consisting Mrs. S. Corsets, Girdles These lines have been very scarce for years, but wiei now have a large stock of D & A Nuback Corsets, Corselettes, Girdles and Brassieres gift for Emerson class for that the held at and to take the form of social for the class members. Each member is to bring a dec­ orated box lunch for one per­ son. These boxes are to sell at 30 cents. There is to be a prize for the best decorated box. The roll call is to be an Irish name. It was decided that Mrs. Mait. Hammond and Mrs. Ross Fran­ cis look after sending the lay­ ette 'collected to the iSalvation Army in London. Hymn 330 was sung after which Mrs. Fred Roger gave the evening's topic on "Queen Victoria” from the book of "Mother’s of Famous Men." Mrs. Batten gave several readings followed by hymn 311 and prayer closed the meeting. Mrs. Tom Near conducted a Spelling Match after which the hostess and committee of Mi'S. Roger Christie and Mrs. Willis served a dainty lunch. G-arnie Paton her card. It was March meeting is Mrs. Batten’s Over­ Brown and Desjardine, whoof this prices, heavy, Here is a splendid opportunity to get one year’s These include a good-wearing materials. If you need a new overcoat don’t overlook these values. style overcoats at greatly reduced good variety of colors in Taman’s Men’s Wear .Tim FINANCIAL STATEMENT HAY TWP. SCHOOL AREA Receipts Balance on I-Iand, Dec, 31, 1946 ....$ Grants from Provin­ cial Government .. ’Township grant on Teadhers’ Salaries Section Levy ........... Miscellaneous ......... 15,877.27 $ Payments >$Instruction ................il Instruction^ supplies Administration ........ Pldnt Operation ..... Plant Maintenance Auxiliary Agencies ... Transportation .......... Extraneous Payments Balance Dec. on Hand, 31, 1047 .... IL W. Theo, Brokonshire. Steinbach 45,011 03 18 912 75 2 052 03 869 43 4 076 28 1 259 85 229 45 1 581 90 198 05 15 831 29 45 011 03$ , SGc.-Treas, Choirman Rev. man for of music and readings. W. Hann was in charge of a very interesting ing part. Save the evening to Funeral of The funeral of Donald Jenkin­ son, three year old son of Mr and Mrs. Jack Jenkinson (nee Helen McPhersen), of Thedford, who was instantly killed last Wednesday was held Friday af­ ternoon. Those who attended the funeral were Mr. Sweitzer, Mrs. S. Sweitzer,, and Mrs. G. Ratz, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wray Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. M. E, Ratz, Mr. and The sympathy of is extended to parents. W.A. Meeting The February meeting of the W.A. was held Thursday after­ noon, February 5tli, at the home of Mrs. Earl Ratz. The president ■Mrs. M. C ‘ The meeting opened with sing ing a hymn and prayer Scripture lossion was read by Mrs. Verne Sharpe. Reports were given and adopted. Plans were made tor the supper, Fri­ day exening, February 13th to be held at the public school. A contest with all tak- The singing of "God King’’ brought the a close. Infant Son and 'Mrs. M. C. Mr. J. Ratz, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. I. Ratz, Mrs. E. Ratz, Mr. and Ratz, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. V. Sharpe the community the bereaved Sweitzer, presided © Women s Velvet shades, Black or @ $3.95 pr. @ Men’s Overcoats, $35. © Men’s Mackinaw breakers, regular on sale @ $6.00 ® Men’s Parkas, and Fawn, @ $10. © Men’s Penman’s Macki­ naw Sox @ $1.00; boy’s sizes @ .75; youth’s © .60. The above sox are the heavy long ones to wear with laced rub­ bers. RUBBER STAIR TREADS Real rubber—Brown only with curved edge, at 40c each. Rubber Mats in same size, 18 x 30” at $1.25 each. Prices Quoted are Good for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this Week. AYLMER VEGETABLE SOUP Special Value 2 tins. 17c Your y Superior Store