HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-02-19, Page 4WgC! 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19th, 1948
Mr. .Charleg Jones, of Toron
to, visited last week with his
sister, Mrs. Herb Mitchell and
Mr, Mitchell, Stephen Twp,
Mr. and Mrs, Higgins, of
town, received word that the
former’s younger brother, Thos.
Higgins, of Roseburg, Ore., had
passed away February 7th. He
was a former resident of Exeter
and is survived by his widow,
Lillian Higgins,
Sunday and
Evening Service
One garage will be open
in Exeter on Sundays and
during the evenings
throughout the week
Open this Sunday and
During the Evenings
Throughout the Week
Motor Sales
Poultry Supplies
Made by Warner of sturdy
construction and embodying
the latest developments in
electric brooders. We have ||
three models:
500 Delux, $47.30
350 Delux, $36.75
500 Spacemaker, $42.70
Oil Brooders
The Queen oil-burning brooder is a 500 chick capa
city size, A reliable model.
Coal Brooders
Several models in both the 500 and 1,000 chick
capacity. All well-known models.
We have a good line of Fountain and Feeders in
numerous sizes and designs
Speed ’Em Along . . .
From Chicks
To Checks
if there is one feed that completeness and quality of
the ration are all-important, it is your chick starter.
Since chicks consume only very small qualities of
feed, it is absolutely essential that they get their
full quota of needed nutrients in every beakful. Start
with good chicks—then insure future profits with
top quality starter and that means Purina Chick
Miss Verna Linden, of Den-
field, spent a few days the end
of the week with her sister and I brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
{Archie Parsons.
Mr, and Mrs. B, Beattie and
two children, of Wingham, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Fuss, of Zur
ich, visited on Sunday with the
latter’s brother and sister-in-law
Mr. and Mrs, John Cochrane.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gack-
stetter visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney in Exe
Mr. and Mrs Archie Parsons
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. J, Linden, of
Several from this community
attended the reception and
dance in Hensall Town Hall last
week in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Coopex* (nee Norma Smith)
newly weds, of Kippen. They
were presented with a studio
Friendship Circle will meet on
Monday evening, Feb. 2 3 in the
Sunday School room with Mrs.
E. Jarrott’s group in charge.
The meeting will start promptly
at 8.30 p.m.
Mrs. Elliot and little son,
Ronald, of Bly th, spent a few
days recently with the former’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
World Day of Prayer Service
The W.M.S. of St. Andrews
United Church held theix* Feb
ruary meeting in connection
with the World Day of Prayer at
the home of Mrs. Harry Cald
well. There was a very good at
tendance, The j. World Day of
•Prayex* program was followed
with Mrs. Robert Elgie presid
ing. Special prayers were offer
ed by Mrs. W. Alexander, Mrs.
Peck, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs.
Alec M'cMurtrie, Mrs. Hinton,
Mrs. Herbert Jones and Mrs.
Thomas Kay. The Scripture les
son was read by Mrs. Hinton.
A brief address was given by
Mrs, Robert Elgie. A poem was
given by Mrs. Winston Work
man. The Benediction was pro
nounced by Mrs. Elgie.
Want Ads serve yoxx well
when you want to buy ox1 sell.
STOP . . .
Feed Waste With
It pays to mix Chek-R-Ton
with your chicken mash.
Chek - R - Ton helps keep
them laxative, tones up
appetites and expels round
Mr. and Mrs. M'elvixx Gardiner
and Marilyn visited last Wed
nesday with Rev. and Mrs. Wm.
Gardiner, at Egmondville.
Miss Hyde, of Exeter, spent
the week-end with Miss Lillie
The Missioxx Circle held a
social evening at the church
Friday evening. Owing to bad
roads the attendance was srnall-
er thaxx usual but those ixx at
tendance enjoyed themselves.
There was a short program
which was followed with games
and contests. Refreshments were
Miss A. Sillery, of Exeter,
visited ovex* the week-end with
Miss Mabel 'Selves.
Misses Alma and Ina Dougall
of Manitoba, called on Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Millex* Friday of last
week on their way to Brussels
where they will take a position.
Mission Band will meet Sun
day morning during Church ser
vice hour.
The Mission Clrcxe will meet
at the Manse on Saturday after
noon of this week at 2.30 p.m.
The sympathy of the commun
ity is extended to Mr. A. Stew
art in the passing of his mother
in Exetex* last week.
Misses Nona Pym and Shirley
Kernick left for Londoix this
week where they have secured
Mrs. Nelson Squire was admit
ted to Victoria Hospital last
week and underwent aix opera
tion for appendicitis. Hex* many
friends wish her a speedy recov
Mr. Kenneth Johns has beexx
appointed a member of the Exe-
tex* High School Board for Us
The Y.P.U. met in the church
basement on Friday evening of
last week with Mr. Mair ixx
charge. The meeting opened
with lxymix 15 6 followed with
prayer by Mr. Mair, Scripture
lesson was read. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
approved. Business was discus
sed and collection taken. Moving
pictures were then enjoyed. The
pictures “It Happened in Spring
field’’ and “Train Busters” an
air picture were well worth see
ing. The meeting closed with
the Benediction.
The W.M.S. and W.A. met at
the Manse on Friday afternoon
for the Day of Prayer service,
with a good attendance. Mrs.
Wm. Ferguson was ixx charge.
Aftex* the .business of the W.M.S
and W.A. was taxeii the Day
of Prayer progranx was followed
with the theme “The Lord’s
Prayer”. Those taking part in
the service were, Mrs. Wiseman
Mrs. Rohde, Mrs. O. Cann, Mrs.
L. Harris, Mrs. E. Pym, Mrs.
Kirkland. Rev. H. Snell, of Exe
ter, was guest speaker and he
chose fox* his address “Forgive
ness”. Mrs. A. Morgan and Mrs.
Wm. Cann rendered a duet. Af
ter the service group 1 of the
W.A. served a lo cent tea.
Farm Forums met at the fol
lowing places on Monday night.
Lumley School House and the
hoxnes of Mr.and Mrs.Wes.
Johns,Exeter,Mr.and Mrs.
James Sixnpson.
We are glad to report that
Mrs. Nelson Squire returned to
her home Tuesday of this week
after undergoing an operation
for appendicitis ixx Victoria hos
pital, London.
Mr. Leslie Hackney under
went an operation Ixx St. Jos
eph’s hospital, London., this
week. His many friends wish
him a speedy recovery.
Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Peters,
of Winthrop, visited with Rev.
and Mrs. Mail* Tuesday of this
Sunday services will be at the
usual hour on Sunday. Sunday
School at 10.15 a.m. and church
service at 11.15 a.xn.
The Y.P.U. will meet in the
church Friday night at 8.30
Lieury Farm Forum
The Lieury Farm Forum was
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. David McLeod on February
16 with a fail* attendance. The
president was in charge of the
meeting and the topic fox* dis
cussion was “Are Farmer’s
Good Businessmen”? Aftex* the
discussion games were enjoyed
by all. Following this a delic
ious oystex* supper was served
by the hostess whicl\ was thor
oughly enjoyed by all. The rec-
reatioxx committee roi* next week
February 23 will be Mrs. Leslie
Shaddock and Mrs. Laverne Al
lison and will be held at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Ellison
Sharon Farm Forum
The Sharon Farm Forum was
held Tuesday evening, February
17 at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Eagleson with a wonder
ful attendance. The topic for
discussion was “Are Farmers
Businessmen?” Patrick Wilds
conducted a contest and every
one enjoyed a game of euchre.
Lunch was served and dancing
was enjoyed by all with the
Sharon orchestra !n attendance.
The evening was brought to a
close by singing “God Save the
King”. The recreational commit
tee for February 23 is Mrs.
Emil Becker, Mrs, Arnold Beck
er, Mr». Clinton .Brown and Mrs.
Wes, Wein, The Farm Fortim
will be held at the school next
week. A wonderful time was
had by all. Everyone welcome
next .week.
mi .... .. a
Birth, Death and Marriage
Notices are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50c. In Memoriam Notice 50o for single verse, 25c extra for each additional verse, Engagements 50c.
BROCK—Cliftoxi and Lorraine
Brock, of Elimville, are happy
to announce the birth of a
son, Frederick Minor, on Sa
turday, February 14 th, 1948,
at Mrs. Batten’s nursing
home, a brother for Johnny,
GOWHIG—On Thursday, Febru
ary 12, 1948, to Mr. and
Mrs. ,W. E. Cowhig (nee
Annie (Simmons), of Red
Hook, New York, a daughter,
Margaret Anne.
DESJARDINE—-At Mrs. Batten’s
nursing home on Saturday,
February 14th, 1948, to Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Desjardine, of
Grand Bend, a son, Larry
KEMBER—At Sarnia General
Hospital, on Sunday February
15, 19 48, to Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy Kember (Mary Turn
bull), a daughter.
KENNEDY—Ill Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth, on Monday
February 16, 19 48, to Mr.
and Mrs. Clarke Kennedy
(nee Irene Hoggarth) of Hen
sall, a daughter.
McGUIRE—At Dr. Fletcher’s
Hospital on Tuesday, Febru
ary 17, 1948, to Cpl. and
Mrs. Charles S. McGuire, of
Centralia, a son, Charles
PARSONS—At Dr. Fletcher’s
Hospital on Saturday, Febru
ary 14, 19 48, to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Parsons, of Hen
sall, a son.
HIGGINS—At his late residence
in Clinton, on Thursday, Feb
ruary 12, 1'9 48, William Hig
gins, beloved husband of
Grace Oke and dear father
of Rhea Ferrol (Mrs. F. B.
STEWART—In Exeter on Friday
February 13th, 1948, Isabella
Campbell, beloved wife of the
late John T. Stewart, in hex*
83 rd year.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Munn,
Hensall wish -to announce the
marriage of their youngest
daughter, Mqry Elizabeth Lois,
to John Frederick, son of Mrs.
Simmons, of Hensall, and the
late Fred Simmons.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Duncaxt
announce the engagement of
tlxeix* youngest daughter, Rober
ta Irene, to John Kenneth, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Temple
man, of Staffa, the wedding to
take place the end of February.
Mrs, Frank Gunning wishes
to thank all those who remem
bered hex* with cards, flowers,
treats and visits during her re
cent illness. c
I wish to take this opportun
ity to express my sincere thanks
ana appreciation to the many
friends for tlxeir cards, flowers
and treats and foi* the several
kindnesses shown to me and my
family following my illness and
during my stay ixx hospital and
especially to Rev. W. Hann and
Dr. Dunlop for tlxeix* interest
and kindness. — Herb Mitchell.c
Mr. Fred Finkbeiner wishes
to express his sincere thanks for
all those who remembered him
with flowers, letters, cards,
treats and visits ana with speci
al thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Pres
ton Dearing, while he was a
patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London. *
Mr. Wesley Webber* and Oret
ta wish to express their sincere
thanks to the friends and neigh
bours fox* the kindness extended
to Mrs. Webber during her ill
ness and fox* the expressions of
sympathy in their bereavement,
with special thanks fox* the flor
al tributes, to Rev. Mr. Weir,
io Dr. Dunlop and to those who
kindly loaned cars. *
The family of the late Mrs.
John T. Stewart wish to express
theix* sincere thanks to the
many friends and neighbors fpx*
the numerous acts of kindness
and expressions of sympathy ex
tended to them during their re
cent bereavement, with special
thanks to Rev, H. J. Snell and
Rev. Jas. Anthony and to all
those who assisted; also for the
floral tributes and the generous
offex* of cars. *
Mr. Frank Taylor wishes to
express his sincere ■thanks to
the many friends for the .flow
ers, cards and treats received
while a patient ixx St. Joseph’s
Hospital, London.
Jack Pryde would like to
thank those who kindly remem
bered him while he was in
Victoria Hospital. *
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowcliffe
Wish to thank all those who re
membered Garry in any way
while a patient 1ft the Children’s
War Memorial Hospital and
since returning home. «
Classified Directory
Want Ads Serve You Well When You Want to Buy or Sell
................................ . , ,.,,,,1—, J L u —. Kt
FOR SALE—Canaries, choice
singers. Hens ready fox* nest
ing. All at reduced prices
foi* immediate sale, Used
cages and supplies, Mrs. H.
Anderson, phone 37 Exeter. 19c
FOR SALE—1947 Hudson 8-
cylinder cai*, almost new gone
about 7000 miles, equipped
with overdrive and mastei*
drive, radio and heater, 5-700
tires, good reasons for sell
ing, Would consider a good
used car ixx exchange. Robt.
Chapman, Box 262, Mitchell,
ox* phone 239. 12:19:26c
er—Formulated and tested by
an expert. Dr. J. R. Sparling,
Animal Nutrition Specialist.
For sale at all Pioneer Deal
FOR SALE — 1941 Plymouth,
custom, good condition
throughout. Apply Broderick
Bros., phone 277 Exeter. 19*
FOR SALE—York hogs, eligible
for • registration, four and a
half months old. Apply Bill
Parker, phone 18rl3 Credi-
ton. 19*
FOR SALE—3 coal burning
brooders with canopies, 500
size, 1 electric brooder, 500
size. Bruce Tuckey, phone
174r4, R.R. 3, Exeter. 19*
FOR SALE—Colony house 10x12
Cockshutt 11-hoe drill, set of
bench sleighs, 3-section heavy
iron harrows. Hubert Hunter,
R.R. 1, Woodham.19*
FOR SALE—Beatty Windmill,
oil bath. Phone 42r24 Lucan.
FOR SALE—Two Yorkshire
sows, due soon, Apply to
Glenn Bell, R.R. 1, Hensall,
phone 92r3. 19c
FOR SALE—An axminster hall
runner, 4 yards long; large
white cupboard with porce
lain top. Apply Mrs. Chas.
Godbolt, phone 202. 19c
FOR SALE—1940 Mercury, new
4 x-inig motor, new tires,’ heat
er, $1,'0 00 cash. Aftex* 5.30
p.m. apply F. McKellar, at
E. Gaiser’s, Anarew St. 19*
FOR RENT—Vacuum cleaners,
by the day oi* week. Beavers
Hardware, phone 86.19c
FOR RENT—3 roonx upstairs
apartment, on good road,
close to town, newly insulat-.
ed and papered, oil heated, !
hydro, water, nicely furnished
private entrance,, rides avail
able to air port. ’ ,Phone Exe-
. ter 176rl2. _ 19*
agent fox* Kitchener Bxg--4
Chicks. We believe ourselves
yod can’t do better. They’re
the choice of hundreds of
good poultrykeepers, over the
years. Backed by a program
of breeding covering many
years on the Hatchery’s own
farms. If yoxx want the 'best
prices next fall and winter,
get early spring chicks to get
into production to get them.
Ask us for prices, etc. J. Earl
Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood.
Several varieties in. oux* brood
ers now. Mixed chicks and pul
lets. Some two weeks old. Get
them now and you will have a
head start. Come in and see
Neuhausel* Hatcheries,
81 King St., London, Ont.
Turney and Smith Strains, Won
derful egg size; Thousands hat
ching weekly. Get them now fox*
summer layers. $16. per hund
red; Pullets $28.
Neuhauser Hatcheries,
81 King St., London, Ont.
The family of the late Mrs.
Clara Doupe wish to express
their sincere thanks to the
friends and neighbors for the
kindness and expressions of sy
mpathy in their recent bereave
ment, *
Mr. and Mrs. Johix McElrea
wish to express theix* sincere
thanks fox* all those who re
membered John with cards, let
ters, treats and visits while a
patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
London, *
The annual meeting of Farm
Forum Zone 2 comprising the
counties of Perth, Huron, Mid
dlesex, Lambton, Essex, Kent
and Elgin was held in the Pub
lic Library, London, on Satur
day, February 14. All counties
wore represented with delega
tions With the exception of Kent
Those representing Huron were
Mrs. O. G. Anderson, Whigham,
Mr. Harvey Johnsen, Blyth,
Miss Josephine Muir, Clinton,
and Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, Exeter,
As Secretary-Treasurer of the
Usborne $ Hibbert Mutual Fire
Insurance Company.
At the organization meeting
of the Usborne & Hibbert Mu
tual Fire Insurance Company
following the annual meeting at
Farquhar, February 2nd, Mr. B.
W. F. Beavers, the Secretary-
Treasurer. said this was the
21st annual meeting at which he
had conducted the affairs of the
Company. He was now 71 years
old and although in the best of
health, he wished to retire as
Secretary - Treasurer. According
to the By-Laws of the Company
he will continue in office until
his successor is appointed.
The Company’s Head Office is
Exeter, and the Board is asking
for applications to fill this va
cancy. k.
They require a young maxx
around 45 years old, with an
education equal to juniox* matri
culation, able to meet the pub
lic in a cordial manner and
carry on the affairs of the Com
pany in a befitting manner. Ap
plicants to state age, school
standing and any other qualifi
cations that would recommend
them fox* this responsible posi
tion. State salary expected. Ap
plications to be in own hand
writing and received at Head
Office by February 28th, 1948.
addressed to Mr. B. W. F. Bea
vers, Secretary-Treasurer, Exeter
Ontario. 12:19c
FOR SALE—75 acre grass farm
all cleared, Lot 4, Con. 7, Hay
Twp., watered by creek and
windmill. ’ Apply Ed. Broder
ick, Box 24, Exeter. 12tfc
FOR SALE—75 acres of pasture
and woods, Hay Twp., watered
by stream and well with wind
mill. W. C. Pearce, Realtor.
FOR SALE—100 and 150 acre
farm in Stephen Twp. These
are both good farms with
good buldings and the best
of land. Both are close to
village and school. Reasonable
terms. Also 150 acres in Hay
Twp. C. V. Pickard, Realtor,
Exeter. 15c
FOR SALE—We have a residen
tial property for sale which,
at present rentals, will pay
all carrying charges and leave
you over 9 per cent on your
investment. C. V. .Pickard,
Realtor. 15c
dence owned by the estate of
the late Laura M. Jeckell.
This is a one and a half
storey brie k, comparatively
new, hardwood floors through
out, new furnace and oil bur
ner, nicely treed lot, imme
diate possession. C. V. Pic
HATCHERY, ten acre farm, 2
deck building fox* 1600 hens,
twenty thousand incubator,
battery brooders, furnace,
pressure system, cattle stable,
6 room brick house with con
veniences, adjoins town. Sell
ing equipped or without. Wm.
Pearce, Realtor. l>2c
FOR SALE—100 acres, produc
tive clay loam, vicinity of
Exetex*, 8 room brick house,
L-slxaped barn, 60x40, 40x40,
driveshed, garage, nevex* fail
ing water supply, 5 acres hard
wood bush, hydro available.
Immediate possession. R. D.
Hunter, phone 113w Exeter.
ship. Applications for the
position of Assessing Officer
will be considered at the next
regular meeting at the Muni
cipal Council to be held on
Monday afternoon March Sth
next at three o’clock. Harry
Strang, Clerk. •
This year we are again
Contracting barley for
The Canada Malting Co.
| Contact Us For
Geo T.
Mickle & Sons
Phone 103; Nights 133 |
man for Post Office, ' Apply*
stating age, experience and
salary expected to Box Y,
WANTED—Upstairs girl and
dining room girl, good
wages and live in. Apply in.
person, Central Hotel, Exeter.
WANTED—Woman, m iddle ag
ed, Protestant, to assist in
housework in small, comfort
able, respectable, private
home, adult family, character
references. Apply Box T„
er required. Apply at the of
fice of the Public Utilities
Commission, Exeter, Ont., for
application forms. 19tfc
WANTED—Young man interest
ed in radio and electrical ap
pliance service. Experience
not necessary. Write Box 10
Exeter. 19 c
WANTED—A child’s play pen.
Phone 38, Exeter.
WANTED—A child's pair of
skates, size 11 or 12. Apply
Mrs. Rufus Turnbull, R.R. 1,
Dashwood, phone 32r2. 19c
WANTED—A three ox* four
room apartment or house for
an officer, wife and son, per
manently stationed here. F/O.
Hollinshead, Central Hotel.
FARM WANTED—Have a client
wanting to rent 100 acres
with privilege of buying. W.
C. Pearce, Realtor. 12*
WANTED—A farm, in good
state of cultivation, hydro,,
•productive land, everything in
good repair, preferrably east,
of Grand Bend, priced reason
able. For full details apply
Box P, Times-Advocate. 19e
WANTED—One hundred horses,
heavy or light. Frank Taylor.
Phone 138 Exeter.
WANTED—Furnished ox* unfur
nished houses, suites or
house-keeping rooms required
immediately for married per
sonnel of R.G.A.F. Airport.
These are veterans, too, and
deserve your assistance. Phone
316 and ask for Housing
R h e»u nx a t i c Pain, Sciatica,.
Lumbago is not necessary.
Use RUMACAPS at once for
quick relief. At Robertson’s
Drug Store.
will be held in Dashwood in the
near future. Persons having*
anything to sell please get in
touch with nxe before February
21st. Phone 57r2, Alvin Walper.
In the Estate of
Alecia Mary Wood, deceased
of Alecia Mary Wood, late of
the Village of Exeter, in the-
County of Huron, Widow, who-
died on or about the thirteenth
day of January, A.D. 1948,- are
required to file particulars of
the. same with Elmer D. Bell,
Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by-
the 21st day of February, A.D.
1948, after which date the es
tate will be distributed, Laving
regard only to those claims of
which notice has been received.-
DATED the 28 th day of Jan
uary, A.D. 1948.
Exeter, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executor-
In the Estate of REUBEN
of Reuben Nicholas Shier, late-
of the Township of Usborne, in
the County of Huron, Gentle
man, who died on or about the .-
twenty-ninth day of January,
A.D. 1948, are required to file
particulars of the same with a
Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exe
ter, Ontario, by the 28th day of'
February, A.D. 1948, after
which date the estate will be -
distributed, having regard only
to those claims of which notice*
has been received,
DATED the 7th day of Feb- ■
ruary, A.D. 1948.
Exeter, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Executors.
» 12:i9!26c