HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-01-29, Page 10Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29th, 1948 Mr. W. G. Medd is visiting with hig son. Geo. at Napanee. Annual Meeting of the #outh Huron Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will be held in the EXETER ARENA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4th at 8:30 pan. sharp launch - Girls please bring pie Keep this date open, and plan to tome along with the crowd. Any­ one interested is cordially invit­ ed to attend this meeting Leavitt’s THEATRE I Previews its Coming Attractions Wednesday, Thursday, Jan. 28-1 29: “FOXES OF HARROW”, special feature starring Rex- Harrison, Maureen O’Hara, Victor McLaglan and an all star cast. Friday, Saturday, Jan. 30-31: i Saturday matinee at 2.30 p.m. “DOWN TO EARTH”, musi­ cal comedy, color by techni­ color starring Rita Hayworth, Larry Parks (star of ‘Jolson Story), Marc Platt (dancing star of Broadway stage play ‘Oklahoma’) Added a 11 r a c t i o n: "THE ROYAL WEDDING” news reel. Evening prices: Adults 42c „ Children, 25c. Matinee prices: Adults 30c., Children 15c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 2nd, 3rd and 4th: “MOTHER WORE TIGHTS”, special musical comedy, color by technicolor, starring Betty Grable, Dan Hailey, Mona Freeman and an all star cast. Richard Eacrett An Exeter Old Boy, Richard James Eacrett, died in Victoria Hospital, London, January 21st. in his eighty-third year after an illness of only a few days. The funeral was Hopper-Hockey January 23rd. Mr. Eacrett of painter with his father, the late Michael Eacrett, and moved to Brantford with the Veritys in 1897, where he was foreman in their new paint •department. About 1911 he was appointed Inspector of Licenses and Hotels for the Ontario government which position he filled with distinction and honor to himself for a period of over 25 years. His wife, who predeceased him, was Melinda Murdock, of Lucan. There were two children, Mrs. Pearl Wallace of London, and Ferd, who died shortly after the mother. Mr. Eacrett was a sport en­ thusiast. won many medals and prizes for his athletical perfor­ mances and was particularly interested in baseball. He was a man of sterling character, de­ cided opinions and was respected and admired by all who knew him. Items of Social and Personal Interest in and Around Exeter Mr. and Mrs, Labapnah Hod­ gins are spending a few days this week with relatives in Lon­ don. «i ti z Pyjamas held from the funeral parlors, learned the trade Attends A.S.T.A. Meeting Mr. O. S. MacNaughton spent the week-end in Chicago attend­ ing the mid-winter meeting of the American Seed Trade sociation. Receives Large Premium Lloyd Reynolds last week shipped nineteen pigs, eighteen of which which he premium. Shur-Gain. .graded selects, for received a handsome They were fed on •‘For your protection in time of trouble—For your security in time of need.” That is an adequate insurance program, one which gives peace of mind and freedom from worry. Er­ nest C. Harvey Insurance Agen­ cy. representing Mutual Benefit. BY ARROW — These are a nice quality sanforized broadcloth designed by Arrow. We think you’ll like the style and colourings. Taman’s Men’s Wear The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these itoms. We and our readers are interested^in you and your friends. Phone 31w Master Norman Peter Prance Mr. Allen Hobbs, of Galt, has returned to London after | visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. visiting for two weeks with his . Southcott over the week-end. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mr, and Mrs. Beavers Reid, Exeter North. 1 and Roxanne visited over the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hern week-end with friends in Sarnia, have returned to Norwich after I Mrs. Jas. Medd, of Clinton, being .called to Exeter owing to the death of the former’s moth­ er, Mrs. Jas. Hern, Mrs E. A. Follick is visiting in Exeter at the home of Mrs. C. A. Southcott. The latter, who is in her 91st year, has been in poor health for the past week, Mrs. Hannigan visited ovei* the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Page, of Sarnia. Miss Mary Hannigan also spent a few days this week in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Wellingon Haist Frederick and Myrtle and Aimer Passmore attended funeral of their aunt, the Mrs. Mary Schaefer at Hamburg .on Sunday and called on relatives at Kitchener. Mr. Clifford Hollinger, of Clif­ ford, returned with them on a visit. spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton. Mrs. Ada Warren, of London, visited with Mrs. R. H. Russell and attended the funeral of .the late Mrs. James Hern Wednes­ day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sweetman and Laura, of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. mother, Mrs. F. J. Mrs. Sweetman and Laura remaining for a few days. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Public Meeting Important Important There will be a Public Meeting in the AUDITORIUM OF THE TOWN HALL Thursday, January 29th at 8:30 p.m. for the Purpose of Discussing a NEW INDUSTRY FOR EXETER Liberals Attention ApriKs Fool Woodham Orange Hall Mr. the late New also Sweetman’s Delbridge. are week underwent an opera- at St. Joseph’s Hospital, is improving nicely. Some Very Important Information is on Hand. Don’t Miss this Opportunity to Provide an Even Greater Future for Exeter and District Sponsored by the Woodham L.O.L. No. 492 EXETER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE W. G. Cochrane, Vice-President. Exeter for organization. pm*poses A meeting of the Liberals ot will be held in. the TOWN HALL THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th at 7 p.m. All interested in the Liberal cause are invited to be present Hospital C. V. Pickard is ill in Friday, Feb. 6 by Thedford Young People ADULTS 40c CHIDREN 25c As- Saturday Night at 8 o’clock GOD SAVE THE KING wumte EXETER OPERA HOUSE ALL CASH PRIZES $1.00 each $1.00 each $1.00 each 1.00 1.00 1.00 Ill In Mr. Victoria Hospital, London, where he is undergoing treatment. His many friends will hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Pickard was taken to the hospital on Saturday and shares a room with a former Exeter resident, Mr. Rollie Motz, who is improv­ ing nicely. Ill With Appendicitis Miss Helen Snell, a student at the University o£ Western On­ tario, .was taken ill with appen­ dicitis and on Friday evening of last tion She us G-E pro- new i ou 11 be surprised at much you’ll save with .a Refrigerator. The extra tection to food brings savings every day on food, current and upkeep. See about G-E Refrigeration. R. E. RUSSELL l I tit I :■ 150 Food Parcels at no FOR BRITAIN Ontario Headquarters of the Lions Clubs reports the campaign for “Food, for Britain” as be­ ing* highly successful in nearly every district where a Lions Club is operating. Exeter District has never fallen down in a campaign for a good cause —- but we are lagging a little in this one. Do not let us fail in our effort to help the Mother Country in her need. Ten Dollars buys a fall parcel — and greater or lesser amounts will help. YOU INTEND TO CONTRIBUTE—DO IT NOW! Donations May Be Left With — Jas. P. Bowey R. N. Creech J. W. Holt Bruce Field Times-Advocate Bank of Montreal Herb Eilber Twenty Parcels Are on the Way See ’That Your Parcel Goes Soon.—$250.00 to date. EUCHRE—The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a Progressive Euchre in the Parish Hall on Monday, February 2nd, at 8:00 p.m, Ad­ mission 25c. Lunch. Friday, Saturday, Jan. 30-31: Two Shows Commencing 7:30 Another great Western star­ ring Randolph Scott, with Ann Richards and George “Gabby” Hayes — “BARMAN’S TER­ RITORY”; Two short sub­ jects, “Donald’s Dilemma” and “Bowling Fever”. Monday, Tuesday, Februray 2-3: Adult Entertainment, “THE CHASE”, s t a r ring Robert Cummings and Michele Mor­ gan, On the same program: Newsreel and a short, “Char­ lie Barnet and His Orchestra.” Intermediate OHA HOCKEY EXETER ARENA Tune in CKNX 920 on Your Dial, for the Following Broadcasts: THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1 to 1:15 p.m. Benson W. Tuckey, Liberal Candidate TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1 to 1:15 p.m. The Honourable Farquhar Oliver, Liberal Leader TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 8:15 to 8:30 p.m. Albert Kalbfleisch, President of the Huron Liberal Association Saturday, January 31st ’S>. Goderich at Centralia ADMISSION 35c AND 25c Listen to Fo rmer Resident Dies Margery Della Wood, of Dearborn, Mich., died January 25, 1948 in Wayne, Mich, after a brief illness. Mrs. Wood was born June 3, 1882 in Exeter, Ontario and had resided the past 7 years with her son, Jas, in Dearborn. (She is survived by her busband, Thomas Matthew Wood, two daughters, Jeanette M. Wood and Mrs. Irene Sam­ ple, both of Detroit; two sons, William and James, of Dear­ born, 4 grandchildren: one sis­ ter, Mrs. Mary Manning, of Vancouver, B.C., three brothers, William Hill, of Alma, Mich., Thomas H. Hill of Tawas, Mich, and Ernest M. Hill, of Port Huron, Mich. Services were held Tuesday, January 27 from Cald­ well Funeral Home in Garden City, Mich, with Rev. Sarah Solada, of First Church of Un­ derstanding, officiating. Inter­ ment was in Lakeside Cemetery Port Huron, Michigan. Comedy Drama in Three Acts Frank ie Traher formerly of the Casa Royal Orchestra featuring LES. GLENNIE on vocals and JOE BABALATO, pianist Dancing 9 p.m, to 12 p.m. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 8:15 to 8:30 A. Y. McLean, Seaforth FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1 to 1:15 p.m. Benson W. Tuckey, Liberal Candidate Grand Carnival CREDITOR Friday Evening, Jan. 30th 16 EVENTS Best Best Best Best Best Best Dressed Comic Lady or Man Best Dressed Girl under 12 ......... Best Dressed Boy under 12 ........ Best Dressed Girl, Comic, under 12 Best Dressed Boy, Comic, under 12 Girls’ Race 12 and under ............... Men’s Free for All ............................ Lady’s Free for All .......................... Boys’ Race 12 and under ............ .... Oldest Person Skating ...................... Youngest Person Skating ................ JUDGING STARTS AT 9 - SKATING TILL 1 Skating Couple Dressed Couple Comic Couple Dressed Lady Dressed Man 1.00 1.00 Admission: Adults 30c; Children 20c THE HONOURABLE Farquhar Oliver Leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario B. W. Tuckey the Liberal Candidate Township Crediton Everybody Welcome. Ladies Especially Invited PROGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE Speakers oh CKNX Wingham CJCS Stratford Mondays—1.00 to 1.15 p.m.12.45 to 1.00 p.m. Tuesdays—7.15 to 7.30 p.m.1.00 to 1.15 p.m. 1.15 to 1.30 p.m.7.00 to 7.15 p.m. Wednesdays—1.00 to 1.15 p.m. 7.15 to 7.30 p.m. 12.45 to 1.00 p.m. Thursdays—1.00 to 1.15 p.m.7.00 to 7.15 p.m. Fridays—1.15 to 1.30 p.m. 7.15 to 7.30 p.m. 12.45 to 1.00 p.m. Saturday—1.00 to 1.15 p.m. Vofe for TO/W PRYDE PROGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE And keep HURON in the GOVERNMENT Rants OAfiCE Drill Hall, Centralia By Kind Permission of Group Capt. M. D. Lister Friday, January 30th PAUL CROSS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION 50 CENTS Join Your Friends for an Enjoyable Evening at the Airport