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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-01-29, Page 8
8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY -MORNING, JANUARY 29th, 1948 WORMS DON’T TELL No—intestinal and cecal worms of poultry don't broadcast their presence. Usually, symptoms of wpnji infection pre very indefin ite. So. if you have the least suspicion of worms in your flock, why not play safe?—Use Dr. Sals bury's AVI-TON. a convenient flock treatment for Large Round worms and Cecal Worms, It's easy to give Dr. Salsbury'S AVI-TON-just mix in mash and treat flack 3 days. Really gets the worms! L. V. Hogarth Phone 266 Exeter GREENWAY Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hick? vis ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Peter Gillies and family, of Hast Williams. Miss Viola Curts, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Curts. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Stewardson visited ou Tuesday with his brother, Mr. Will Stewardson of Regina, who is quite ill home wood Mr. burn Sunday with Mrs. of Grand Bend. Misses Ina and Rita Bullock, of London, spent the with their parents, Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Iva attended the their at the Kirk-of his sister, Mrs. in London. and Mrs* Carman visited Sol Pollock, and Marion Wood-i on week-end andMr. Curts and attended the funeral of brother-in-law, Mr. King, of Strathroy on Friday. Congratulations to Mr. and Cecil Pickering on the ar- of a daughter on January in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mrs. rival 13th Howdy Folks! CENTRALIA Miss Margaret Cook, of chener, spent the week-end Mrs. Kit- with B. "Paw.” "Now what?" ".Why didn't Noah swat flies when he had such a cfoajo.ee?’' both good Sitting in a concert__„ hall waiting for the concert to begin, Garrie, seeing a little boy in front of him looking at his watch, bent forward and asked: "Does it tell the time, ny?” "No,” answered the "you have to look at lttle it.” cars. son- lad, YouIt is the same with caax’t always tell when trouble is getting a start but if you let us look at it regularly you’ll be sure t® know that it is in good running condition. South End Service Station RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 her parents, Mr. and Cook. Mrs. Hodgert visited week-end with her Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coward in Usborne. Mrs.-Boyes stayed with Miss Wilson during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. George Bayn- ham spent the week-end in Lon don with Mr. and Mrs. E. Car ruthers. Miss Mildred Elliott R.N. who has been ill with pneumonia, was able to leave the hospital in London last week and is convalescing at the home of het' parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott We wish her a speedy good health. Mr. P. Simpson has duty for several days from a cracked rib. Mrs. Mary Anne McFalls, a former resident of this village, passed away on Monday morn ing at the home of her son, Ar thur in Biddulph. Our sympathy is extended to the family in their bereavement. February 1st is Missionary Sunday in the Sunday School. Slides will be shown on Africa and a good attendance quested. On Thursday evening week .the Truth Seekers School riding sleigh ride they schoolroom of were served a by their teacher, Mrs. K. Greb. (Intended for last week) Mr. Frank Hicks and Mr. F. Bowden were in Goderich for several days as jurors. over the daughter, return to been off suffering is re- of last Sunday class enjoyed a sleigh party.Following the gathered in the the church and delicious lunch HEAR "Owen’s Park Report So. 2 THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION Friday, January 30th CKNX 920 8:00-8:15 p.m Yes, we now have in stock the new approved in sulation. This comes in the following: Thick Batts — Medium Batts —Thick Blankets Medium Blankets — Handy Batts Inquire from us about the cost and installation of your insulating needs. ALSO IN STOCK o Insul Brie © Roll-Brie Siding © Roll Roofing • Slate Surface Roofing ©Thick Butt Twin Shingles in various colours to suit your needs © Your Coal Needs Readily Attended to—- Coke — Egg Coal — Stove or No. 4 Coal Pea Coal — Alberta Lump Coal — Soft Coal Lion Wally Seldon says: “You can’t take it with you. Support the ‘Food for Britain’ Fund.” R. G. Seldon & Son ZION The sympathy of the com munity is extended to the ‘fam ily of the late Mrs, Geo. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Mr. and Mrs. Wellington were Saturday evening guests with ’Mr. and Mrs. Penwarden, of Centralia. Misses Helen Plumridge and Irene Brock, of London, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welling ton Brock. The members of the Junior Bible class enjoyed party in Exeter on evening returning to for a delicious lunch, tion of officers for Year are as follows; Jack Hern; 1 Teachers for Harold Hern Brock. Mr. and Brock visited and Mrs. Eden. Harl, Brock, Brock dinner Fred a skating Saturday the school The elec- the New president, tfeas. Francis Hern. ■ the class are Mr, and Miss Irene Mrs. Wellington recently with Mr. Verne Pincombe, WOODHAM of Master Ray Miller is visiting with his Mrs. Road. Mr. Betty Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pridham, of Mount Pleasant. Miss Evelyn Bullock week-end with Mr. Ernest Cowdrey. Mrs. LaVerne Rodd supply teaching for ion Francis, has been sick. ■Miss Ombra Copeland been on the sick list for time. We hope she will soon be recovered. Master Donnie and Miss Mar ilyn Brine spent with Ronnie and ten. Mrs.* Courtney, visiting with her H. Chatten, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rinn, of London spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Mills, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Mills. Mr. and Ronnie and White and Bend, spent ing with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Euchre And Social Evening A euchre and social evening under the auspices of Woodham Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hall, Woodham with a good crowd in attendance Prizes were as follows, Ladies: Lone hands. Mrs. Dewar, high score, Mrs. George Wilson; Men: lone hands, Reg. Paul, high' score, Harry Webber; consolation, Oli ver was Miss sea; of Zion; vocal solos by Charles Paul, of Kirkton. Lunch served. Proceeds for the ning amounted to $24.00. Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting Y.P.U. was evening with mittee Glenn sie McCurdy meeting opened with the theme song. Bessie gave the call to Worship. Hymns 120, 117 and 18 were sung followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison, ture lesson was read by Wheeler. Vocal solo by Webber, poem ‘My Bible by “ 362 by and opted. Poem "Get Something Else” was read by Florence Kirk. The_top- is was given by Mrs. Doupe. Hymn 288 Bessie McCurdy led Drill. The meeting closed the Young People’s benediction. grandparents, Mr. and Chas. Miller, of Thames and Mrs. Ray Mills and visited on Sunday with spent the and Mrs. I has Miss of Kirkton, been Mar- wlio has some the week-end Barbara Chat- of Midland, is mother, Mrs. Mrs. Elgin Webb, Donna Mrs. William Randy, of Grand last Tuesday even- Jaques. A short program held. Violin selections by June Walters, of Winchel- readings by Lloyd Hern, of held on Sunday the Literary com- Copeland and Bes- in charge. The CREDITON Mrs. D. Maclsaac, who has been ill at her home the past two weeks, was taken tp a Lon don nursing home on Friday, herHer many friends wish continued improvement. We are glad to report that Mr. Godfrey Wein and Henry Finkbeiner are register ing improvement following their recent illness. Mr. Bert Pasko attended the funeral of his aunt roy last week, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sunday in Zurich. Mr. Warren Green, visited on Saturday and Mrs. Chas. Green. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Zwicker visited with friends in Exeter on Sunday. Mr. Calvin Fahrner, of Sarnia spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fahr ner. The Public School pupils en joyed a holiday on Monday due to a leak in the boiler. Service next Sunday evening in the Evangelical U.B. Church will be under the direction of the W.S.W.S. Special music will be provided by Rev. Reuber will ary address. The members church choir were 1 on Friday evening at of Mr. and Mrs. J. Following the regular a social time was Lunch was served when hostess was assisted by Mrs. Pryde, of Exeter Laura Woodall, of Women’s Institute A well attended the Crediton Women’s Institute was held in the Council Cham bers on Wednesday evening. January 21. A very practical demonstration on making Angel Food was given by ,MrB. Mabel Ewald. A paper on Social Wel fare was given by Mrs. Gerald Zwicker and a pleasing piano solo was played by Jeannette Schenk. An interesting and help ful "Accident Quizz” was con ducted by the president, Mrs. Hugo Schenk. Mrs. Russell Johnson delighted the .meeting with a well rendered piano solo Liszt’s Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2. after which a poem on "The New Year” was read by Mrs. Schenk. Mrs. W. Mack occupied the chair for the business ses sion. The date of the social eve ning which had been, slated for Jan. 28th was changed to Feb. 11th when a Pot Luck lunch will be enjoyed. It was decided to serve refreshments at .the skating rink on Jan. 3'0th, ths night of the carnival, and also on Hockey nights. The society Mr. in Strath- Hey spent of Chicago with Mr. the choir and give a Mission- of the United entertained . the home Woodall, practice, enjoyed, the J. and Miss London. meeting of BRINSLEY Keep the date open for the annual Pancake Supper to be held in St. Marys Anglican Church, Brinsley, on Tuesday evening, February 10th. Mr, and Mrs. Andy Strang, pf Manitoba, spent last week at the home of Mr. Wm. Ruth. Clem and of London, spent with their parents, Tim O’Leary. Mr, Karl Pickering is sporting a new Dodge car. Mr. J, L. Amos has returned home after spending some time with friends in London. Betty and Jimmie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dixon, of Exeter, spent last week with and Mrs. Fraser Dixon. Mr. Wm. Hodgins and spent Saturday with Mr. Mrs. Walter Dobbs, of Lucan. Jean Dixon spent, last week with Marjorie and Shirley Light foot. The A.Y.P.A. of Anglican Church, met at the home Mrs. Aaron Scott evening. Pliyl Maguire, spent the week-end he re. Mr. and Mrs. David Morley are leaving thiB week by motor for Florida. Misses Betty and Grace Mor ley spent the week-end at their home here. Hodgins. Jim O’Leary, Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Lon and SHIPKA Miss Dorothy Desjardins is at present engaged at the home of Mr, Hugh Hodgins of Centenary. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Sweitzer and Mrs. Cliff Russell attended the funeral of a relative at Fen wick pn Monday last. Little Susan Dinney, ter, is spending a couple weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Gaiser, The February meeting W.A, will be held Thursday af ternoon, home p.m. Mr. family Hardy Orders Taken Now for Army — Shower Stalls of on St. Marys Brinsley, Mr. and Monday of at his home London, HARPLEY Miss Eleanor .McLinchey, . of Detroit, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey. Miss Barbara Hayter spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Jean Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Whiting and family, of Centenary, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love. Messrs. Jim and Glen Love visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B. Stridervent in London. Miss Donna Hayter js visiting for a .few days with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lake, of the Mollard Line, visited on Friday evening at the home of Mr. Colin Love. also voted to purchase bedding to be sent to Hospital in Eng land. A contest was enjoyed af ter which the .hostesses, Mrs. H. Schenk and Mrs. G. Zwicker served elaborate refreshments. A vote of appreciation to Mrs. Ewald, Mrs. Johnson, Jeannette and the hostessess was offered by Mrs. Woodall and Mi’s- Sam King. of Exe- Of grand Albert of the February 5 th, ,at the of Mrs. Earl Ratz at 2 Suitable foi’ Water ’troughs, Fael Tanks Silo Tops, Basement Showers, etc, , . . and 'Mrs. Ross Love and visited with Mr, and Mrs. at Lucan on Sunday last. Art Gaiser Phone 21r33 or Credit-oil FOR COMMERCIAL FLAX REGISTERED OATS AND REGISTERED BARLEY And a Limited Amount For i Contact Us for Particulars : t Fertilizer ' 1. Place your orders for fertilizer now. 2. Take delivery early. We will deliver to you promptly at a minimum cost. 2. You are assured of well-cured fertilizer now. You cannot be assured when the rush js on. 4. An increase in price can be expected in the Spring. So take delivery now. j I Feed and Grdins f 1. We have a good supply of western grains at at tractive prices. Inquire. » 2. All our high quality Shur-Gain Fee^ls are available at old prices. /f ,■ 3. We have a good supply of feedind molasses^ feed ing oils, oil cake meal and beet p,ulp. 4. A new shipment of steel posts. ’ 7' Get Your Spring Requirements Now CMEWOLET TRUCKS and here’s a "load” of reasons why. Only Advance-Design CHEVROLET TRUCKS Have All These New and Finer Features On a heavy-duty job, Fred sung. Bible with ★ Full-floating hypoid and spiral bevel rear axles ★ Larger, more durable, fully adjust able seat ■fc Specially designed hydraulic truck brakes give me new Advance-Design ★ Valva-in-Hoad 216, 235 and 248 engines ★ Now, thorough sealing insulation I was ★ Cab that "breathes" •fa 22% greater visibility Snell Bros. & Co Hero’s a special, heavy- duty job and an extra- special truckl There's ono made for your special kind of job.★, . , and MANY moral Flexi-Mounted cab ★ Uniweld, all-steel construction •fa New, rear-corner windows ★ Stronger, now frames Scrip- Phyllis Helen and I’ hymn prayer Rhoda Thomson and was followed with Jean Copeland. Roll call minutes were read and ad- Hymn 347 was sung. was was in Play Safe and Pay by Cheque Cash Transactions Entail Risk And Inconvenience Ever sympathize with a friend who mislaid some cash and never found it? It was hard luck.......and so unnecessary. Your friend couldn’t mislay money kept in a* Bank of Mont real account, where it would earn interest as well. He’d find a chequebook just as convenient as a safer. Or cash receipt and That’s another unpleasant pre dicament.......and also unneces sary. If he’d paid by B .of M cheque, the missing receipt wouldn’t matter because 'the •cheque when cashed proof of payment. You’d ‘ • service open a Hendry, and liis opportunity to look after his interests.......and yours, (advt.) roll of bills.......and much perhaps your friend paid for something, forgot his needed one later. Brother, how these stronger, new frames stand-up! Wheelbases are longer, too, for bettor load distri bution. And the brakes aro exclusively designed for greater brako-lining contact! A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS becomes a sounddo that friend by suggesting that he B of M account. J. L. local branch manager, staff will welcome the ★ Standard cab - to - axle - length dimension* permitting interchange of bodies ■ "Nobody seemed to think he was such a bad egg until he lost his money.” "Brother, you never discover a bad ogg until it’s broke.” _____ _____ .......... "breathes" for, comfort!* It’s cushioned on rubber—Flexi-Mounted, ; —with 12 inches more foot room and eight inches more seating space. There's 22% greater visibility, too, they tell me. The seat is fully-adjustable. Mari, ■ this is if I • *Fresh air heating and ventilating system optional at extra cost. There's nothing like the cab that ear-corner windowsl Now It's a cinch to back up without jack-knifing. Yes, sir, these trucks aro brand new—really different wi.th Advancd-Dosign. And thoy'ro packed with power in the world’s most econ omical engine for its size— Chevrolet's Valve-in-Head engine.