HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-01-08, Page 7I 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINC, JANUARY 8th, 1948 je* •# Page 7 Rh.i» Dis* 3. 1 * e xeter 1 ► neter —T7( dale, >r*aS l&W $ 8 J£ I TT on and the occasion was -a 'banquet at the Hotel Mpnday evening January 2 After twenty-one years of faith­ ful and efficient serviece with the Bell Telephone Company in Exeter, Mr. G, W. Lawson has retired pension marked with Central when some of the top-ranking of­ ficials from London and Goderich were present. Reeve B. W. Tuckey has been returned to office by acclamation. This will be his January 9 "'On Monday Avalon Sandwich . ... ........... candidates for the council, together With Reev-e B. W. Tuckey and the scrutineers were entertained to a hot chicken supper, the suppei* be­ ing paid for by the winners. "After one year in the coal busi­ ness in Exeter, Mr. W. W, McBride Ms sold to Mr. Harry Bierling, of town. ’On Sunday, a Durham cow be­ longing to Mr. Orville Cann, of Usborne Twp, gave birth to its seventh pair of twins, but owing to its age, the animal has since died, January 16 ,Mr, Wm. Hatter, who last Oc­ tober rounded out twenty-five .years serving the citizens of Exeter With their milk, has sold his dairy business to Mr. Lee Learn. Mrs, Wm. Bieber, of Hay Twp., has a Christmas cactus that during the week has had 281 blooms. ,The new uniforms for the Exeter Band have arrived. The uniforms are brown with gold -braid -and comprise coat, trousers and hat. eighth year. theevening at Shoppe, the eight Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. Roy McDonald. Febyaury 27 Boy Scouts’ and Girl Guides’ week came to a conclusion in Exe- lter Saturday afternoon with the entertainment of the Scouts, Cubs 'and Guides to a skating party at the Exeter Arena, The Jones -and MacNaughton Seed Co, have moved into their new building and commenced op­ erations this week. Five Ilderton buildings were damaged, two of them destroyed, when fire broke O.F. Hall there noon, evening. Rev, A* B. Irwin was elected chairman of Huron Presbytery for ithe conference yeai* at a meeting in James Street United Church, on Thursday, Mr. Cliff White, of town, has sold his bakery business to Messrs. Roy and Lloyd Brock, of May 8 Mr. G. S. Howard and Evelyn, of Toronto, and Mrs. G. R. Hess, of I-Iensall, turned Thursday from a most joyable trip to Florida. Engineers from Armstrong, Rev. Harry J, Mahoney, B.A.,t United’ the past and ac- minister B.D., minister of Knox Church, Peterborough, fpr five years, has received cepted a call ito become of Main Street United Church. Hensail, daughter Mr, out in the I.O. on Tuesday at Marcli O Huron County snowstorm accompanied 'by high winds on Monday, it being the worst storm of the season. The annual carnival was held at the Arena on Friday evening last. The - - - was iety. Mrs. January 23 Brown Smith, reeve of West W'awanosh, was elected warden of Huron Counity for 1947. •Miss Barbara Ann Hayter, of .R. R. 3, Parkhill, a pupil at the Exe­ ter High School, was one of the, winners of the annual Ontario Fire Prevention Poster contest. A group of five from Exeter motored to Wingham Thursday .evening nad conducted a round ta.ble forum over CKNX radio sta­ tion on Exeter’s recreational pro­ gram. The program was sponsored by the Exeter High School and Mr. Bert Watson, H.S. teacher, acted ns chairman. Taking part were Art ■Campbell, Miss Helen Leslie. El­ mer D. Bell and J. M. Southcott. J anuary 30 ^An oratorical contest by pupils of the Exeter High School spon­ sored by the Exeter Lions Club •was held in the Canadian Legion rooms Friday evening. Creech was chairman. The subject under discussion was “Is Canada Yet a Nation”. Winners were Don­ ald Bedard, first, and Miss Lenore Normington, second. The judges were Miss L. M. Jeckell, Elmer D. B6U and Rev. A. B. Irwin. A four week’s Short Course sponsored by the Huron County Department of Agriculture is being held in Exeter. There are 54 en­ rolled in the boys’ class and 14 in tlie girls’ class. .Five new members, were initiated into the Exeter Lions Club at their supper meeting at Rether’s Restaurant Monday evening. They are R. Beavers, R. C. Dinney, K. Hockey, Jack Pryde and Wein. R. N, Laurence members Township members February 6 On Friday evening, the of Usborne Council, the officials and several past of the Council and their wives met in the Township Hall to honor A. W. Morgan, who is retiring as Clerk of the municipality, after eleven years of service in this of­ fice. , Teen Town was inaugurated by teen-agers of Exeter at a meeting held in the Exeter Arena Friday evening. Mayor Bill Tuckey wel­ comed . those present. "Harry Crocker, -a pupil of Exeter Public School, won ten tlie Poster Contest of Conservation. February 13 Throughout ’Canada, has been set aside ito the work of the Canadian Girls in Training. To m-ark this event the local C.G.I.T. groups held a most successful Banquet in day School ing. •Last Fri. dollars in Wild Life this week emphasize Mother and Daughter •the James Street Sun­ room on Tuesday even- evening a community Film Council consisting of mem­ bers from the Various organiza­ tions in town was set up in con­ junction with the new projector recently purchased by the Lions •Club Mr. K. J. Lampman is presi­ dent and James P. Bowey, secret­ ary-treasurer. February 20 Four hundred people attended the Exeter High School annual “At Home” at the Arena Thursday evening. Main event of the evening was the crowning of the king queen of hearts, Don Pat Doyle. .The local troops in augurated Boy Scouts1 Gxiides’ week by attending James Street United Church a, body Sunday morning last. ‘ Triplets were horn to a c,oW on the farm of Mr. .Htherington in Usborne on day. * Three hundred fehicks, weeks old, were burned to When fire destroyed a colony Davies Exeter and suffered a heavy number of persons in costume large and were of great var- The judges were Mr. and Farrow and Allen Fraser. About three o’clock on Monday morning fire broke out in the Bai­ ley Greenhouse and was discovered by a passer-by who awoke*' the fa­ mily and the fire was brought under control before much damage was done. March 13 Miss Lenore Normington w o n the shield for girls in the Lions Oratorical Contest held in the Pub­ lic Library, London, Friday even­ ing. Gordon McDonald suffered dislocated hip and shoulder .he was trapped by a cave-in taking turnips from a pit on Hunter's farm in Usborne. Major Elmer D. Bell has appointed second in command the 21st Anti-Tank Regiment Wingham, the unit in which served while a when while Robt. overseas. Marcli 20 Messrs. T. removing an Exeter’s Main by a modern building for Cemetery Memorial work. , On Saturday afternoon and and • in- Girl the in a grade Wm, Mon- three death house been of at he ■arePryde and Son old landmark from Street to he replaced their while crossing Main Street, Mrs. Graham Mason had the misfortune to run into the side of an auto driven by Miss Alma Richards. She suffered some sprained ligaments of the left' shoulder. March 27 The community is again in the grip of one of the worst storms of the year. Business was at a stand­ still. Mr. Cyril Strange, who has been in England since last September, has arrived back in Toronto. The Exeter Agricultural Society met Wednesday evening last and passed a resolution agricultural municipality April 3 William member for ored Friday of last week by the House of Commons. He was ap­ pointed deputy chairman of com­ mittees’ of the whole House. Mr. Jack Doerr has rented the apartment over Gladman and Coch­ rane Law Offices and will start a photographic studio in Exeter. April 3 The Exeter Legonaires are 1947 Cyclone hockey took the series games. to turn the grounds over to the ■as a community park. H. Golding, Liberal Huron-Perth, was hon- champs. Exeter in two straight­ Ontario has been worst flood con- April 10 This section of battling with the ditions of a decade. Heavy rains Friday night started the creeks and the Aux Sables on a rampage. A gas tank in front of the Snell Bros, and Co. , garage sprung a leak one day last week and 125 gallons of gas leaked away. At a meeting of the Exeter Council Tuesday evening, the tax rate for 1947 was placed at 42 mills. April 17 On Monday the price of haircuts in Exeter and throughout the Go­ derich zone was raised from 40 to 50 cents for adults and from 30 to 35 cents for children. Mr. Chas. Godbolt, who has 'been contracting for the growing of flax for seed for the Middlesex Co., has contracted for one sand acres' in this vicinity. Club Night Seed thou- The Exeter Lions their annual Farmer’s quet in the Arena evening last with 165 sent. The guest speaker was Wat­ son Porter, editor-in-chief of the Farmers’ Advocate, London. held Ban- Wednesday persons pre- April 24 Mr. E. director District tion at . London week. Exeter had a black-out evening of last week when pole was broken off north of El- ginfield. The pole was struck by an R.C.A.IF, truck from Centralia. The Exeter Council decided in favor of Daylight Saving at itlielr meeting Monday night. May .1 A crowd of several hundred Spec­ tators witnessed Krikor Heklmian, a 215 pound Armenian, perform several remarkable feats - of strength on John Street Friday R. Hopper was elected a of the Western Ontario Funeral Service Associa- a convention held Arena on Friday ■ait the of last Friday a hydro and re- en- Engineers from Armstrong, An­ derson and Co., are now engaged in making a survey of the drains of Exeter and compiling informa­ tion in reference to a sewerage sy­ stem. Twenty-seven members of Exeter I.O.O.F. motored to London Fri­ day evening last in a chartered were initiated into the and priveleges Lodge. bus and mysteries Samaritan of the May 15 On Day, thrill Mrs. Australia. Rev, A. B. Irwin, minister for five years at James Street United Church, has accepted a call to the Devine Street United Church, Sar­ nia. While burning rubbish at the rear of the Hopper-Hockey Furni­ ture store Monday, sparks from the fire ignited some shingles on the roof of the barn on Miss May Jones’ property. The Fire ment had the fire under before much damage Was Sunday morning, Mrs. L. J. Penhale of talking to her daughter, Keith Colby, of Melbourne, Mothers’ had the Depart­ control done. May At held Mr. - lodge The teams School banquet with Rether’s Restaurant ing last. Following dance was held at Centralia United brated their 25th Sunday. Morning, evening services were enjoyed by capacity crowds. May 29 The • annual commencement ex­ ercises of the Exeter District High School was held in the Arena Tuesday evening. The building was packed for the occasion and a full and interesting program was car­ ried out with as chairman. A crowd of turned out to 22 the I.O.O.F. district at Clinton Wednesday last, Clark. Fisher, of the Exeter i was appointed D.D.G.M. boys’ of the were and girls’ Exeter feted all the meeting ;’ basketball District High to a turkey trimmings at Friday even- the ’banquet a the Arena. Church cele- anniversary on afternoon and Bill Tuckey acting to the the Park J. E. situation throughout is considered quite fell almost contin- close to 1000 fans the Dashwood Base­ ball Park Saturday afternoon witness the opening game of Huron-Perth League. The annual inspection of Cadets of the Exeter District High School was held in front of the grandstand at Community Wednesday morning. Lieut. Malone, ’assistant cadet officer of Western Ontario, carried out the inspection. June 5 The crop the district serious. Rain uously Sunday and Monday. J. Allison Morgan, student at ithe a winner of Scholarship. The firemen evening to erected by Roy Francis on John Street. Fire had broken out in one of the partitions, ithought to have started by spontaneous combus­ tion and was soon brought under control. June 12 first year O.A.C. Guelph was the Huron County ■a had new a run Tuesday ■building being Rev. M. A. Hunt preached' his farewell sermon in Trivitt Mem­ orial Church on Sunday after a successful ministry o f fifteen years. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt are moving this week to Mitchell. “The Pride of Huron”, the Re­ becca Branch of the Exeter I.O. O.F. was formed in Monday evening in Hall. Nearly two hundedrd persons were present. June 19 Exeter’s Community Park proved an ideal setting foi’ the fifth an­ nual field day of the Huron Coun­ ty Federation o f Agriculture. About 6000 persons were in atten­ dance. Officers of the newly organized chapter of Beta. Sigma Phi were installed at an impressive candle­ light ceremony Tuesday night at the Central Hotel. Exeter McKnight’s on June 19 Over two thousand people took the opportunity on Saturday last of visiting the Centralia Airpor the post-war display afforded public to visit the station and serve first hand the work of airmen. t in the ob- the June 26 Dr, R. I-L Doyle, who has been a medical practitioner in Exeter for the past itwo years, has dis­ posed of his practice and property to Dr. F. J. Milner. On Friday evening last the W.A. of-the James Street United Church entertained ithe choir to n banquet and the banquet was followed by a meeting of the congregation ds a farewell tor Rev. A, B. and Mrs. Irwin. July 3 Ladies' Night by the Exeter Lions Club which was held sat ■Cobblestone Inn, Springhank, Wed­ nesday evening last, proved to be a delightful affair. About 80 per­ sons were present. Dr. R, Hobbs Taylor, of Dash­ wood, has disposed of his medical practice to Dr, Donald D. Fergu­ son, of London. Rev, N. J, Woods concluded his pastorate at Main Street United Church on Sunday last. The Exeter branch of the Bank of Montreal has been provided with a new hold-up alarm system, July 10 The contract for paving Highway 83 from Exeter to Dashwood and the erection of the bridges and culverts has been let to the Storms Construction Co., of Toronto, On Friday evening last, Rev. H. J. Snell .was inducted into the pastorate of the James Street United Church. Everything is now in order for Wartime Housing Ltd. to proceed at once with 'the erection of forty- two houses in Exeter. July 17 A number of farmers in the Chiselhurst section had their entire crops wiped out Sunday afternoon in one of the worst hail Storms ever ito be reported in this section. The contract for the erection of the 42 new house in Exeter has been let by War Time Housing to the Parker Construction Company, of Port Stanley. The new rollei’ skating rink put up by Mr. Earl Neil opened this week. of fourteen teachers. The Public School will have six September 4 An old landmark Main Street, once the the old Commercial . .. by the late W. Hawkshaw, is now being razed wand in its place is being erected a modern garage With five apartments above by the present owner. The Exeter Tuesday with pupils. There the primary Public School Labour Day marked the a very successful season popular summer resort of Grand Bend. "Week-ends and particularly holiday week-ends set up "an all- time high for visitors. All places of entertainment report a success­ ful season. teachers on Exeter’s feed barn for Hotel owned Mr. Fred Newton. Hih School re-opened an enrollment of 270 were 39 enrolled in department of the end of at the the opening Of the Pentecostal CUurch in Exeter on Sunday and Monday, Record crowds were in attendance. At the medal contest in singing and elocution sponsored by the W.T,C,U, in the Main Street Church last Friday evening, Evelyn Desjardine carried off the golcl medal, Peggy Coburn the silver medal and Bob Harvey the bronze medal in elocution. In the vocal contest, Shirley Harness won the Bilvei’ medal and Jeanette Taylor the bronze medal, A field and track meet for the Exeter Public School was held Fri­ day afternoon last. Winners were: senior boys, Donald Kirk; inter­ mediate boys, Gary Middleton; junior boys, Doug Wein Jean Taylor; intermediate girls. Barbara Jeanette Huron County Federation of Agri­ culture banquet at Cardino’s Hall, Seaforth. The gimst speaker was Judge H. S, Mott, family court Judge of the city of Toronto, Hon, George A. Drew, premier of Ontario, was the principle spea­ ker at the annual meeting of the Progressive-Conservative Association for Huron Provincial Riding and the Huron-Perth Federal Riding held at Seaforth Friday of last week. 11 Governor Lloyd Edig- Mitchell, paid his official senior Brintnell; junior Taylor.girls, September 11 While in Toronto attending the Exhibition, Mr. Preston Dearing paid a visit to the Parliament buildings and was successful in obtaining a a grant for ity Park. A tomato village and very promising crop of tomatoes is complete. The vines have dried up and -turned dark and a dry rot has affected the tomatoes both green and ripe. Mr. Preston Dearing and son, Gerald, returned from the Toronto Exhibition, bringing with them 19 ribbons married off by their fine showing of Dorset sheep. They were also awarded ithe champion- •ship diplomas for both ewe. They took down 16 sheep and won ' “ cheque for $2,000 as Exeter’s new Commun- blight has swept the the destruction of a ram and 30 -air attaches of October Eight powers made a conducted Centralia R.C.A.F. day of last week. District Deputy Clark Fisher and Station foreign tour of Thurs- Master July 24 About 2,500 persons attended the annual garden party at Kirk­ ton Wednesday evening last spon­ sored by the Kirkton Community Association. Some 3,000 race fans jammed Community Park Wednesday after­ noon to see a field of forty-three horses race. .Russell Passmore, with the Royal Canadian Navy, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Passmore, was one of the seamen aboard the 2,000 ton destroyer Micmac when it collided with the 10,000 iton freighter, Yarmouth Centre, at Halifax Harbour Wednesday last. Russell was uninjured. July A this ithe son. with and beet 31 local thunder storm visited section Sunday with one of heaviest downpours this sea- The heavy rain played havoc some fields of hay and grain floaded many of the sugar and bean fields. The work of widening Highway 83 'between Exeter and the Blue­ water Highway has started. The road is being widended seventeen feet on eithei* side and will require 150,000 yards of fill for which H. Lawrence and Sons, of Zurich, have the contract. Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Mr. Henry Strang, Mr. Harry Strang •and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, of Caven Presbyterian Church, took part in a broadcast over 'CKNX Tuesday evening sponsored terian Church. by the Presby- August 7 Rev. Harry J. E.D., was inducted ate of the Main Street Church on Friday evening last. Mr. Jack Kestle, who has been employed with 'Zeller’s at Winni­ peg, has resigned his position to accept a position with Hobbs’ Glass of London. Hensall Branch 468, Canadian Legion, which recently received its charter, has purchased part of the Petty Block in Hensall and plans to remodel it as a Legion Hall. Reeve B. W. Tuckey and Coun­ cillors W, C. Allison, W. G. Coch­ rane and A. J. Sweitzer on Thurs­ day last joined the representatives of several municipalities on .a 70 mile tour of the district Sables watershed now veyed. Mahoney, B.A., into the pastor- United of the Aux being sur- August 21 A new barber shop opened up in the bus shop is operated by Alf Tomlinson and Walt Bentley. Kenneth Mills, of Woodham, has been awarded the London Free Press-CFPL Scholarship for music valued at $300. Rev. Norva.1 J. Woods, pastor of Main Street United Church has re­ ceived and accepted a call to be­ come pastor of the United Church at Thedford. This community sweltered in a heat wave that hovered -around the 90 mark Monday and Tuesday- August 28 The largest saw the St. win ithe third of the south finals 10-4 Tuesday evening. Oh Friday afternoon last a taxi driven by Dick Watson collided broadside with a car idriven by James Kirkland, of Usborne. Kirkland was badly shaken up Dick Watson received several ken ribs. Exeter Dictrlct High School re-open next Tuesday with a has been depot, The crowd of the season Marys Intermediate and deciding game Section Hixron-Perth at Community Park Mr. <and bro- win staff 17 prizes-, September 18 At a meeting held Monday even­ ing, Scouting for the coming win­ ter was organized. Mr. Reg Bea­ vers was -appointed chairman and Mr. Jack Pryde, secretary-treasurer to form a new Group Committee. The new Scout Hall is Mr. E. Harvey’s store on Main Street. The Scoutmaster is Mr. Ted Buswell and assistant is Mr. Kenneth Co- well. The opened their new offices and show •rooms Huron Lumber Company December District hoffer, of visit to the Exeter Lions Club at their supper meeting at the Cen­ tral Hotel Friday evening last, A banquet and the first annual meeting of the Exeter Chamber of Commerce was held in the Town Hall Thursday evening of last week. The caterers were the ladies of the Eastern Star, The guest speaker was Mr, Jas. Gunn, editor of the Canadian Observer, Sarnia. Bailey’s Florist received a letter from Buckingham Palace in re­ sponse to -a (beautiful bouquet of bronze mums sent to Princess Elizabeth by airmail. December 18 A banquet was held Saturday evening for the Oddfellows of Hu­ ron District No. 8, and was the occasion of the first visit of the Grand Master, Bro. W. J. McCar­ thy, of St. Catherines. Mr. Lloyd B. Hodgson, of Cen­ tralia, has recently resigned as Clerk-Treasurer of the Township of Stephen. Mr. Eric McIlroy, proprieter of the Lakeview Casino at Grand Bend, suffered from severe burns he received when he carried a burning stove from an apartment near his winter home in the k Pinery. December 25 Saturday was a great day for the the children of the community when Santa Claus visited town and the children were treated to a. thearte party at Leavitt’s Theatre. Provincial Constable John Fer­ guson has recived a new provincial police car which is equipped with a two-way radio. With the exception that the mail from station at Centralia at the Exeter Post year tops anything in volume of business handled. Grand his installing team paid their official visit to Exeter Lodge, No. 67, I.O.O.F., Tuesday evening. There was. a re­ cord attendance. The War Time Committee of Exeter District held a wind-up meeting in the Town Hall Friday evening last. Part of the money is to be turned ovei* to the Canadian Legion and part to the Rehabilita­ tion Committee of the Legion. November 6 The Hallowe’en Frolic sponsored by the Exeter Lions Club was a gala affair Friday evening. Child­ ren, in .all manner of colorful cos­ tume, were present. At a convocation at the sity of - Western Ontario, on Tuesday, Peter Fraser, ter, received the Huron scholarship for Huron man in any course. Miss Reta Rowe, local librarian, has returned after taking a four week intensive university course in library techniques. November 13 A Remembrance Day service coupled with the unveiling and dedication of a Memorial Plaque at the Exeter War Memorial was held on Sunday. While listening evening Musical she heard her name selected, and being able to identify the musical number, she won a Rogers Majes­ tic radio phonograph. Exeter was on the air over CKNX Wingham Friday evening of last week. With E. D. Bell acting as chairman, Reeve Tuckey, Coun­ cillors W. G. Cochrane, A. J. Sweitzei* and Clerk O. V. Pickard formed a panel and discussed the housing situation special mention Housing. November 20 The finale to a Softball season i day evening last bers of ‘the team porters sat down key banquet at rant. Public School teachers from the Central School, Goderich, visited the Exeter School Thursday after­ noon to observe the teaching be­ ing used .here. The Exeter teachers paid a return trip to the Goderich school Friday afternoon. On Wednesday of last week the moderator of ithe United Church of Canada, the Right Rev. T. W. Jones, M.A., D.D., visited Kippen United Chrch. In the gave his illustrated “Britain in Peace -and Univer- London, of Exe- •County of the years the R.C.A.F. ■was handled Office, this the On was erected just north of planing mill, on Saturday evening, held. On Wednesday Air Vice-Marshall E. E. Middletom C.B.E., made his first official peace-time inspection of Number 1 Flying and Centralia. Wednesday, a dance afternoon last, Training School at Fall Fair Thursday surpassed any simi- in this town. There September 25 The Exeter of last week lar event held was .a large crowd and very fa­ vourable weather prevailed. One of the most severe storms Of the season swept across this district Sunday afternoon. Black­ ened skies and high winds' were followed by deluges of rain. Mr. Thus. Pryde has sold his fine brick residence on William Street to Mr. W. R. Dougall, of Hensail. Mr. Pryde has arranged to occupy the apartment second floor. on ithe repre- Thurs- the the the October 2 Most classes were well sented at the Kirkton Fair day last. Master of ceremonies for the afternoon was Dr. Jose, Reeve of Blanshard. Woodham Fife and Drum Band provided the music. The Exeter Band provided the music at the Teeswater Fair Wed­ nesday of this week. Ralph R. Krueger, of Zurich, a student of the Exeter High School is winner of the Helen M. Benson prize in astronomy awarded to summer school students at University of Western Ontario. October 9 Ideal weather prevailed for tenth annual frolic of the Exeter Lions Club which was held in the Arena Thursday and Friday even­ ings of last week. The program was provided by Hugh .Simpson and his artists from Windsor. On Tuesday evening a preferen­ tial Tea was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Cann, Huron Street, on behalf of the Ontario Alpha Pi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Soror­ ity in honor of its new Director, Mrs. F. J. Milner, and Sponsor, Mrs. F. A. May. At the field day for High Schools of Exeter, Mitchell and St. Marys held at Mitchell Friday of last week, the Exeter pupils car­ ried off five of the seven cham­ pionships. October 16 When a jacket heater exploded Thursday morning in the apart­ ment of Mrs. Wm. Abbott, Mrs. Abbott was struck by some of the flying pieces of iron. Othei* pieces did | ‘ fire was men Mr. Adam Brown, of Lake Fur Company, has the vacant property of ence Fairburn, south of ing. Delightful weather has prevailed (throughout the month of October With fine sunny days and cool nights, October 23 ( Five splendid services marked damage about the room threatened the building extinguished before arrived. r. Adam Brown. •the and but fire- Ricethe purchased Mr, Clar- his build- Mrs. John Strange was to the radio Saturday to the “Mother Parker’s Mystery’’ from Hamilton, in Exeter of War with Time Girls’successful was reached Fri- when the mem- •and several sup- ■to a grand tur- Rether’s Restau- evening lecture War”. he on November 27 Mr. -and Mrs. Monday, quietly Golden Wedding Mr. Verne Fullerton, of Sarnia, District Deputy Governor, paid his official visit to the Exeter Lions Club at a supper- at the Central Hotel Friday evening of last week. Rev. U. Cronhielm, of Wroxeter, a returned missionary from Tibet, was the guest speaker at the an­ niversary service of James Street W.M.S. Sunday morning. Dqpember 4 A most greeted phoney this Church program Exeter Recreational orchestra, comprising was condducted by Sharpe. About 350 persons Wells,Fred celebrated anniversary. on their enthusiastic audience the London Civic Sym- for their initial concert in district at James Street The the at James Thursday evening, was sponsored by Council. The 55 members, Mr. Bruce attended ithe . — Man, You’re Crazy Forget your age. Thousands are peppy at 70. Try pepping up" with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body’s lack of iron which many men and women call "old.” Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets tor pep. younger feeling, this very day. New " get acquainted" size only 50c. I'or sale at all drug stores everywhere. CO-OP HOG good hog, Buy From Your Local CO-OP $ , Affiliated with United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd. IxKjreajse returns by using Co- ©p Ks® Mineral, Hog Mineral con- calcium, phosphorus, MINERAL It is good business to be cer­ tain that your pigs have access to a mineral supple­ ment with which to build strong and properly develop­ ed frame. Then you can pro­ duce a Co-op tains salt, iodine, iron, manganese and cobalt — all essential to proper development and health. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS Helps to stimulate the action of the bowels, kidneys, liver and stomach, It aids in the elimination of wastes and impurities from the body. The result is often a smoother, clearer skin. Burdock Blood Bitters is sold at all drug counters. The T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, unt.*