HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-01-08, Page 4jB**a Howdy Folks! Patient’s wife: “Is there any Ihope, doctor?” Doctor; “Depends on what you are hoping for,” The woman autoist posed for a snapshot in front of the fallen pillars of an ancient temple in Greece. “Don’t get the car in the pic­ ture,” she said, “or my husband will think I ran into the place.” A civilian saw a dejected sailor slumped on a park bench. He ask­ ed: “Anything wrong, son?” “I’m listless,” sighed the sailor. “Lost your pep?” “No, my list of ’phone numbers for this town.” Listless sluggish starting these cold winter mornings may mean that your car is not properly tuned for winter driving or perhaps the battery is inn down. Bring it in to the boys and let them diagnose your car’s illness. South End Service Station RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 828 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1948 KIRKTON Master Geo. Rathburn, of Gran­ ton, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rathburn and Mr. and Mrs. I. N» Marshall. Miss Grace Doupe, of Woodham spent part of her Holidays with her* cousin, Shirley Roger, Miss Glenys Doupe is holidaying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doupe, of Hamilton. Mr. man, week Mr. . Staffa, were New Year guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hodge. Mrs. Lorne Marshall entertained quite a number of children in, the village in honor of a joint birth­ day party for Billie and Ronald, there being two weeks difference in dates. After games were enjoy­ ed conducted by Pauline Robin­ son a dainty lunch was served in­ cluding birthday cake and ice cream. Election day Monday passed away very quietly. Dr. G. H. Jose was re-elected Reeve for Blanshard and Reeve H. Berry, re-elected for Usborne. “Cook’s” Meeting The fourth meeting of the Cooks was held at the home of Mrs. R. Ratcliffe on Dec. 20. The theme song was sung. The minutes were read and the roll call was answer­ ed by quite a number present. The next meeting will be held at Mrs, E. Paton’s. The roll call is one point to remember in planning a school lunch. One item of business was to list 3 ways to encourage children to eat vegetables. The leader demonstrated how to make sandwiches for a lunch and party. Games were conducted by Jean Humphreys and Pauline Paton. The hostess served lunch. Harold Tufts and son, Nor- of Toronto, spent the past with -Mrs. Truman Tufts. and Mrs. Lome Hodge, of Hensall Library Fiction The Bishop’s Mantle ... East Side, West Side Deep Doorways .......... Judgement Glen ............. Came A Cavalier ........... There Was A Time ... Friends and Lovers . Heritage Leulous ....... Hour .of Nightfall ..... Fresh Winds Blowing Prides Way .......« The Money Man ....... Silver Nutmeg .........„ Our Red .. Turnbull , Da venpost Dumbrelle ......... Bird ....... Keyes ..... Caldwell ... Mclnnes .... Farnel ...... Brinig Campbell ..... Molloy ..... Costain .... .... Lofts .... McSorleyOwn Kind ......... Sun and Harvest Moon ................. Champneys Prince of Foxes,,. Sheilabanger Tin .Flute .......................... Roy “■ -- Williams ..... Hall Marshall .. Knight Douglas -SI Another idea of an easy Garbage collector in Scotland. job: *1 Announcements Birth, Den th Marriage Noilcew are inserted free of charge* Card ot ThnnKH 50e. Ju Al ent or iiun Notices 50e for single verse, 25c extra for each addi­ tional verae. Engagem euta 50c << MISCELLANEOUSFOR SALE PERSONALMISCELLANEOUSPERSONALFOR SALEBIRTHS BOULIANNE — At Mrs. Batten's nursing home on Tuesday, Janu­ ary 6, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. P, Boulianne, of Crediton, a daugh­ ter. CRAWFORD—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital oix Friday, January 2nd Mrs. son. FOR (SALE—(9-piece Walnut din­ ing room suite. Phone 253r Exeter. Sc DRESSMAKING and Alterations. For further information phone Exeter 351. 8* JANUARY CLEARANCE GLASSWARE SETS, 18 piece, ... CHILDREN’S LUNCH PAILS, With tray, ............................................. LARGE BABY BATH, (seconds), WATER GLASSES ........................... TEASPOONS ...................................... BABY SCALES .... HAND SLEIGHS LAMP SHADES SIMMS HUMIDIFIERS ... $2.95 ....... Reg, .75, Spec. .59 ...................... Spec. $1.95 ............. Spec. 6 for .25 ................. Spec. .15 doz. 'Reg. $8.95, Spec. $7.25 ........................... Spec. .50 ............................ 50% off Reg. $26.75, Spec. $22.50 RECORD PLAYER, with self-contained amplifier, Portable, ................................................................................. $35.00 NOMA ELECTRIC HEATERS Reg. $15.00, Spec. $9.95 CHARCOAL ............................................... Reg. .35, Spec. .31 Beavers Hardware Phone 86 The The House Divided ............ The Great Tide .......... Vespers in Vienna ........ Dr. Christian’s Office . Perry Plain The Hermit King The Border Heart Broken ’Melody Honeymoon Wife ........... Dual in the Sun .......... General Duty Nurse .. Breath of Life .......... Death Takes a Bow .. The The Toil The There Was an Old Woman... Queen Blood of the North ....... Hendryx The 'Stolen iStallion ............ Brand With Spurs ............................ Maur Case of the Baited Hook ... .Gardner’ Remembered Anger ......... Albrand The Hollow ...................... Christie Juvenile Fiction Haven of the Brave ..... Trapped in the Jungle ................ Shikar and Sofari ........ Dickens Stories About Children ............... Merchant Tales from Shakespeeare ... Lamb Echoes from the North ..... Bugbee The Mystery of the Everglades ................. Brazil The Madcap of the School... Rutley Nancy Finds Llerself ....... Dongan The of Thunder v Trumpet .... Gregory Haycox , Norris Provost ...... Busch ...Handcock .... Baldwin , Lockridge Unready Heart ..........Sherman Fifth Man ...................... Coles of the Brave ........... Fletcher Saint on Guard ....... Charteris 1948, to CpL Ivan and Crawford, of Exeter, a .John Wilson. HARRIS—At Mrs. Batten’s ing home on Sunday, January 4, 1948, to LAC. and Mrs. Harris, of Exeter, a son, William. ROGERS—'At Mrs. Hunter’s ing home on Monday, __ 5, 1948, to LAC. and Mrs. Ron­ ald Rogers, a son, Robert William. FOR SALE—-One Purebred York­ shire boar ready fpr service. G. W. Miners, phone Kirkton 32r9. 8 c notices WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu-r matic when Rumacaps will give you, qUiCk ‘ ----- x son's Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, welcome relief. At Robert- Drug Store. nurs- E. R David nurs- January Yates Westerman .... Marshall Phantom Submarine ............... Westerman Stevenson ... Gerrard The The Peggy Wayne, 'Sky Girl ........ Anderson Young Robin Brund Det...... Crofts The Emporer’s Bracelet ....... Coles Flint Spears ........................ James The Milany Family .......... -Enright Smoky .................................. James Bible Stories for Children . Hill The Night Before Cchristmas ....... Moore The Lively Little Rabbit ......... Arianne Oswold Grimn House in the Forest ....... Mitchell Football .......... Edwards in Gaspey ... Hedgeboom Janets Road ........ Dalgliesh and the Butler Bus ............. Bugingrew Ponies and Shannon ........... Thompson Puzzle of the Talking Monkey ....... Wadsworth Hildrette ... Hildrette .. I-Iildrette Talking Wire ... Doings of Hilda Toys ..................... Handel and Gretel The New Canadian Treasure Along Susan Three Turn in Stony . Along the Way At Play .......... Non Fiction Russia and the Russian ........ Crankshaw Roosevelt Liebman Plewman IS aw It of Mind DEATHS McCULLAGH — In Usborne Town­ ship, on Friday, January 2nd, 1948, Mary Ellen Cooper, belov­ ed wife of the late John McCul- lagh in her 71st year. STEWART—In Usborne Township on Friday, January 2nd, Myra Edna Morgan, beloved of John Aimer Stewart, in 50 th year. ENGAGEMENTS NEW CORYA CONTROL. Salsbury’s AR-SULFA, ing-water It’s Dr. a drink­ medicine for poultry. Helps check nasal discharge of infectious coryza, aids in recov­ ery. Handy to use, Ask here. L. V, Hogarth, phone 266 ,-Exeter. FOR SALE—Lady’s black skates, size 6, girl’s winter coat and wool dress, size 14. Call at or phone E. Willard. 8* ANNUAL MEETING—’The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday, Janu­ ary 22nd, 1948, at 8 p.m, for the purpose of receiving reports, elec­ tion of officers and any ather bus­ iness in the interests of the Soc­ iety. Preston Dearing, President, G. Clark Fisher, Secretary. BABY CHJCKS FOR SALE—Lady's winter purple, size 18, chamois coat, _ . . __ _ lined, in good condition. $10,00. Apply — ■ - ■ goat Times-Advocate. 1948, . wife her Mr. and Mrs. A. Lloyd Baynham, of Stratford, announce the engage­ ment of their Margaret, to Beatty, son of late Dr. John ding will byterian Friday, p.m. daughter, Betty John A. (Jack) Mrs. Beatty and the A. Beatty, the wed- place at ,Knox Pres- on 1.30 c take Church, Stratford January 2>3rd at CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Brierley wish to thank all the friends who so kindly remembered Mr. Brierley with fruit, flowers and cards those who visited and inquired him during his .illness. The family of the late John Lean, of Hensall, wish to thank the many friends and neighbors fof their kindness during their father’s illness and the expressions of sym­ pathy in their bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, Rev. R. A, Brook and Mrs. Theron Creery. * Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the flowers, treats and cards and those who called while Mr. Haist was a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital and since his return home. and for * Mc- •c Mr. Aimer Stewart and family desire to express their sincere ap­ preciation of the kindness extended to Mrs. 'Stewart during ' and for the assistance pathy extended during eavement; also for tributes, to those who offered cars and to Rev. Mr. Mair and Mr. Anthony. her illness and sym- their ber- the floral their Rev, * IN MEMORIAM As He Peace The Home Work 'Shop COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE will be held in Exeter in the near future. Persons with anything to sell should get in touch with me at once. Phone 138, Frank Taylor. FOR SALE—2 electric washers, one Cataract and one Beatty, both in A-l condition. Apply at Kuhn’s Repair Shop, Crediton. 8* FOR SALE—Holstein calf suitable for veal. Reg. Knight, phone 174rll. 8c FOR SALE-—About 20 single cord of rail wood. Jos. Varleyt phone 19rl4 Crediton. 8c FOR SALE—Two choice Durham heifers t.o freshen January 15th Victor Jeffery, phone 173rl'3, Exeter. 8 * FOR SALE — War Assets Army blankets for sale now, new and used, $3.50 to $4.50. The Exeter Home and Auto Supply. Phone 342. lltfc HELP WANTED TICKET SELLER WANTED—The Exeter Arena Board requires a Ticket Seller. Duties will consist of selling tickets each night there is skating or hockey at the Arena, Apply to C. V. Pickard, secretary-treasurer. 8c withWANTED—A boy to help chores on farm, close to town. Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED—Girl month to do For further 182 Exeter. 8c or woman for a light housekeeping, information .phone 8c SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Aver­ age $45.0 0 weekly for man or woman to supply more than 250 Familex necessities to the people in your neighborhood. Write to­ day for complete details of our time-tested .plan for fast, easy, direct-to-customer sales. CATAL­ OGUE FREE. FAMILEX, 1600- Delorimier, Montreal. 8:6tc LOST Parcels for Britain FINKBEINER—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Lorne Finkbeiner, who .passed away January 8, 1943. Nothing but memories as we jour­ ney on, Longing for a smile from one gone; None kno.ws the depths deep regret, But we remember when forget. ■r-Ever remembered by wife and family. * LOST—In Exeter on Monday, a wallet with sum of money and identification card. Reward. Please return to Times-Advocate. 8* a loved of our others LOST—In Exetei* recently a lined kid glove, right hand, Finder please return to Box 43 Exeter. 8* The Exeter 'Lions Club joins with all other Lions Clubs in Ontario in sponsoring a “Parcels for Britain” campaign for the winter months and wishes all the people of Exeter and District to join with them in this effort to help the under nourished people of that country to tide over a bleak and distressing period. Britain has been the spearhead of freedom for ages—against Philip of Spain in the sixteenth century, against Louis XIV oyer 100 years later, against Napoleon 100 years after that again, and against Kaiser Wilhelm and Hitler in the twentieth century. a Company to provide the contents, pack supplied by our District Office at a cost of LOST—Blue shoulder strap bag by airman given lift to London Dec. 20. Contact LAC. Hicks, R.S., R.C.A.F. Clinton, or kindly leave at Rexall Drug Store, Exeter. 8* Lions’ Headquarters has arranged for and ship each parcel to individual addresses $10.00 each. Can you subscribe $10.00 for a parcel? a parcel? Greater or lesser amounts will be for, each parcel will have your name, and the Lions Club’s, attached to an acknow­ ledgement card to be enclosed in the parcel. On receipt of the card, the Club will be glad to forward the card to you as a “thank you” from Can you and a friend subscribe $10.00 for welcome. Where a full parcel is subscribed the recipient. Parcels Will Contain— 2 1 pkgs. Cheese tin Klim l/2lb. Tea tin PlumsI I lb. Chicken 3 I 1 pkg. Powdered Eggs lb. Meat 1 1 1 pkg. Cereal tin Maple Butter pkg. Shortbread 2 1 8 pkgs. Hot Chocolate pkgs. Bata Mix tin Sandwich Spread Chocolate Bars 1 1 I pkg. Junket Custard tin tin Plum Pudding Salmon Adam Beck and the Ontario Hydro Pie win an John Buchan ..................... Buchan Forced Labor in Soviet Russia ..... Birds, Trees and Flowers ... Duncan day we ahad ‘There of, be Speed is urgent because designation. Donations may be made Times-Advocate, J. L. Hendry Lions Committee, personally or by mail. Others who will be glad to receive Bend, H. K. Eilber at Crediton or B. D. “Do unto others as you would that it takes four to six weeks parcel to arrive at its to J. P. Bo at the Bank wey at his dffice, X M, Southcott at the of Montreal or R. N. Creech, chairman of the The other call which said seems to be a small thing­ umajig that is loose some­ where in my radio? We responded promptly, fixed it quickly and in no time that radio was working again, the way it should. At the first sign of radio trouble, call us » * . BRINSLEY The congregational meeting Brinsley United church will held on Monday evening, January 12th at 8 p.m. in the basement of the church. Rev. and Mrs, Hann, of 'Crediton and Rev. and Mrs. Turner, of God­ erich, dined with Miss Mary B, Amos on Tuesday last. Mrs. Annie Greenlee, Verna and Elmer spent Monday evening with Mr. Wm. Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhn, of Crediton. Mr. Norman Amos and friend, Miss Latta spent Sunday evening with Mr. and- Mrs. Joe Amos. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis and family spent New Years and Mrs. Jack Hodgson. Mr. Robert Gower, of is visiting with his son, cher Gower, of Brinsley. Mrs, Clover Lewis has returned home after spending«some time with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Jardine, of Camlachie. spending some time with his i ghter, Mrs; Martin Watson. Mrs. Annie Greenlee, Verna Elmer spent New Years with and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee, [ Saintsbury, Mr. J. L. Amos and Gertrude spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lift Craven. Those who spent New Years eve­ ning with Mr. ahd Mrs. Grant Amos were: Mr. J. L. Amos, Gerti rude, .Norman, Margaret, field, of Mrs, Joe with Mr. Crediton, Mr. Flet- your donations VAlham Holt at Grand Field at Centralia. others would do unto you” Beavers Hardware Phone 86, Exeter U >» >, is dau- arid Mr. of Ernest, Owen and Mr. and Mrs. John SchO- Parkhill and Mr. and Amos, Helen and Allen. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, January 20th, at .2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputa­ tions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the ,County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 17th, 1948. N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. 8:15c NEUHAUSER CHICKS First hatch January 4th: Twentyr breeds: Government approved: Alp leading trap nest pedigree strains from the best breeding farms im the U.S.A, and Canada: Top qual­ ity chicks priced right: ,Get them, early; It will pay you well. Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. __________________________lltfc, KITCHENER Big-4 Chicks. Save time, order them right here’ through agent. Canada Approved, breeders pullorum itested. Join’ the ranks of satisfied poultry­ keepers. “Everything you say' they are . . . enjoyed real pro­ fits , . . want ito repeat same' choice next season, only more” writes customer Mrs. F. E. Hig^ gins. Hanover. Agent is J. Earl Burr, R.R. 1, Dashwood. TENDERS WANTED WANTED WANTED—One or two young girls to board in an apartment on Main Street. Apply at Times- Advocate. 8* WANTED—Child’s’ skates boots size 11, 12, 13 Phone 310M Exeter. with or 14. 8c WANTED—A farm of 100 acres in Exeter or Centralia district with ■spring possession. Apply to Earl Haist, phone 30r4 Crediton. 8 c WILL PAY 15 cents each for jack rabbits this month. North End Service Station. 8c WANTED TO RENT——50 or 100 acres of pasture. Apply at Times- Advocate. 8* WANTED—Would like to care for invalid or aged person at my home. Qualified to give profes­ sional care. Phone 161 Exeter. 8* WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 138, Exeter. WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished -houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport, These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. REAL ESTATE HOUSE TO RENT—also two rooms furnished and heated. Apply at Times-Advocate. 8* FOR SALE—100 acres cleared till­ able gravel loam, reasonably useful buildings, convenient to villages and. schools. Bargain price. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 8* FOR SALE—/Want nice investment income? Four suite brick house all - rented. Oil furnace heated thermostat control, hot water on tap, two bathrooms. Re Income contact W. C. Pearce, Realtor. 8* FOR SALE—100 acres on highway close to school and Exeter, hy­ dro, water in barn, fall plowing and wheat. This is a good farm. Spring possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 8c FOR SALE—100 and 150 acre farm in Stephen Twp. These are both good farms with buildings and the best of land, Both are close to village .school. Reasonable terms. 150 acres in Hay Twp. t Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. good and Also C. V. 8c FOR SALE—m -storey brick house full basement, built-in cupboards, town and soft water, one piece bath, barn, large garden; early possession. W. C. Pearce. 8* Marked Tenders' will be received by the undersigned chairman of the- McGillivray Twp. School Area Board of Trustees for a secretary-treasu-. rer of the Board. Duties to com­ mence February 1, 1948. Duties of* the secretary-treasurer may be seen at the home of the chairman or any, ■of the trustees. Tenders to be in the chairman’s hands not later than January 19, 1948. David N. Henry, Chairman* R. R. 1, Clandeboye?8,15 NOTICE T0 CREDITORS of Alicia Mawhin-In the Estate ney, deceased. ALL PERSONS AGAINST the Mawhinney, late Exetei* in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the. 1st day of August 1947, are requir­ ed to file particulars of the same-, with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 27th day of, January 19 48, after the * Estate will be having regard only claims of received. DATED 1948 A.D. ELMER Exeter, .Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator. 8:15:22c HAVING -CLAIMS- Estate of A^kia of the Village of> which date distributed,, to those will regard ' which notice has been the 2nd day of January In the Estate of John H. Cottel, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all per­ sons having claims against the estate of John H, Cottel, late of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, Farmer, about the 8th day of June, 1930, will forward particulars of their claims verified by a Statutory Dec­ laration to the under-signed solici­ tor on or before the 15 th day of February, A.D. 19 48, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed with regard only to those claims of which notice shall have then been, received. , JOHN H. COTTEL Estate By ELMER D. BELL, K.C., Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator 8:15:22c in the who died on or AUCTION SALES DUPLEX FOR SALE — We have just listed one of Exeter’s finest homes. This house has been dup­ lexed and will accommodate two | families in bathrooms, throughout; This place is in the best of repair and 'Well located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. comfort. Two full hardwood floors good heating plant. FOR SALE—We have a residential property for sale which, at pres­ ent rentals, lag charges and leave you over 9 per cent on yoUr investment. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. will pay all carry- ■FOR SALE—‘Village house with furnace, bathroom, pressure sys­ tem, double garage, two hen­ houses colony house, green houses with heating systems, Wa- ter pressure system, 6000 ready for spring trade. 5 some fruit. W. C. Pearce, ter. boxes acres Exe­ s’* EXECUTOR’S AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1048, at the residence of the late Miss Laura 'M. Jeckell on the West side of ANDREW STREET, EXETER at 2 o’clock p.m. the following: General Electric stove, like new; drop head sewing machine; dining room table, 6 chairs, buffet and tea wagon; Heinztman piano and stool; bed, springs and mattress; dressing table; chest of, drawers; (■".iair; dresser; commode; hall tree, parlour table; plant stands; set­ tee; parlour curtains; floor lamp; bed table; small heat' lamp; dr< cleaner; cupboard; tains; large dishes of all rors; crocks; broom: sr ber boot,'', wheelban ov, cot; carpen bUCksaW; g/.i.a^u uuuj wpaut tennis rackets nd other articles TERFtsf—CASH GEORGE i/AWSON, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer pictures; chair; 'ed lamp; toilet set; bridge table; bridge maf table; vacuum 2 tables; cur- 7 book cases; and rugs; mir- mop; rub­ tools lawn carpets kinds; pictures; kettles; stool; rubber hose; Ider; garden oal j „ i tools; ihago can; j to ‘Al U. v scuttle; shovels; f->pade. Like explosions! Try a and watch the fireworks, Want-Adi