The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1948-01-01, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1st, 1948 Letter to the Editor I Ejection Cards District Nominations 2306 Putman St., Ohio 1947 Toledo, Dee. 20th, J» M. Southcott, Esq., Editor of Times-Advocate, Exeter, Ont. My dear Soijthcott; Enclosed find $10.00 (ten dol­ lars) my contribution to CARE foi' the hungry families of Britain. And a very prosperous New Year to all the people of Exeter, and the -Community that gave me birth. Sincerely yours, Frank W. K. Tom am Home of my youth, in its primal art Rests now in my memory alone, The ' ’ ‘transit of Time saw the loved ■ones depart. lights walls •oak; Dismantled The curling plumes smoke, Gave an evening wintered ranch. The dreams of my youth were visioned there In that tranquil Temple of Love. And the tender press of a mother’s care, As she counselled my every move. Within the sanctum of my heart She sits on a regal throne. In the -calm solitude of night, We two are alone. —F.W.K.T. The Its TO THE RATEPAYERS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP; Ladies and Genltemen: I again appealing to the electorate for their support for the Reeveship of the Township of Usborne- I have endeavored to serve you faithfully in the years past and if it were not for the fact that I am in line for the Wardenship of the County, an honor I would like to bring to Us­ borne, I would not be soliciting your vote and influence at this time. It is because of this higher honor which many feel is due the township that I have acceeded to the request to allow my name to come before you, Wishing you happy and prosperous New Year, HUGH BERRY a in its portals are gone, of timbered maple and of bark and of branch, of its chimney cheer to the Concert —Continued From Page One church and community activities in which you were always faith­ ful and so willing to help at all times. Please accept this gift as a token along with our very best wishes and appreciation you have done. Bert, you through the find time to Young Men’s sons taught membered. We ask you to accept this gift from tpe young men of youi' class, who wish for you the best of everything in the years that lie ahead. —To you all, we wish for you the blessings which God can stow may His tent —Signed on behalf of the Thames Road congregation, Sunday School, and Young Men’s Class. for all too, week come Class will person always a busy could and teach the and your les- always be re- and hope and pray that spare you long to carry work to an even greater than heretofore. all be- He on ex- Clearance Sale Of Millinery AH Felt Hats Marked Down For Quick Sale — Even Below Cost — Also Trimmings — Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Reeling. G. M. Armstrong TO THE RATEPAYERS OF USBORNE TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen: I this opportunity to solicit support in the forthcoming I have served four years on if elected you expect a more aggressive At the last election our take your elec- tion. your council and may policy.present reeve stated on tlie plat­ form and in the press that should he be elected again to the office of reeve it was his intention to re­ sign at the completion of that term. The day I qualified for the present election he also confirmed this intention. Your vote and in­ fluence in my election will be greatly appreciated. I wish all the compliments of the season, a happy and prosperous New Year. WM. ELLERINGTON Six Children Baptized At the James St. United Church Sunday morning, six children re­ ceived the rite of baptism. Rev. H. J. Snell, who under ordinary cir­ cumstances would have performed this pleasant duty, was the proud father of two of the children bap­ tised and the ceremony was under­ taken by Rev. C. W. Down. The children were: Emily Jean, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Charles, son Mrs. Eugene Beaver, Donald William, son Mrs. Jack Matthews; thryn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Alderson, and James Gordon and Peter William, sons of Rev. Snell. Mr. Snell fine New Year’s for his solo was played W. Tyson; of Mr. and of Toronto; of Mr. and Bonnie Ka- H. J. and Mrs. preached a very sermon taking “Time”. A violin by Arnold Earl, of Waterloo. Mr. Earl played a violin selection again at the evening service. Rabbit Drive theme, eastIn the recent rabbit drive of Hensall some 60 hunters bagged 25 jacks, and Lloyd Venner and Dave Kirk, of Hensall, shot two red foxes. The drive was held on the farm of George Stephenson, of Hillsgreen. A dejected hen-pecked went to the police station, the desk officer a picture wife, who had left home, and said, “I want you to help find her.’’ hubby showed of his USBORNE REEVE — Hugh Berry, William Ellerington. COUNCIL — Wellington Brock, Oscar Tuckey, James Simpson, Verne Pincombe, (accls.). SCHOOL BOARD — Harold Hern, Harold Taylor, (accls.) for two-year terms, HAY REEVE (Accl.) COUNCIL — Oscar Klopp, Irvin Willert, Earl Campbell, Valentine Becker, Accls.) SCHOOL BOARD — Theodore Steinbach, Raymond Fisher (accls.) BIDDULPH Reeve—Joseph Bryan (accl.) Council—>C. Park, Fred (accls.) Announcements Birth, Death nnd Marriage are inserted free of charge. Card of Thanks 50 c. In Meinwriam Notices 50c for single verse, 25c extra for each addi­ tional yerse. Engageiu ents 50c BIRTHS George Armstrong, W. McRoberts, John Dobbs, Leo Morkin McKILLOP REEVE — R, Campbell. COUNCIL — (four to be elect­ ed) — J. Doerr, Frank Kirby, Wil­ son Little, Harvey McLiwain, Ear­ ly Mills, Mat Murry, James T. Scott, Albert Siemon. STANLEY REEVE — Elmer Webster, Clar­ ence Parke. COUNCIL — (four to be elect­ ed) — Alvin McBride, James Mc­ Bride, Carl Houston, Harvey Tay­ lor, Harvey Coleman. SCHOOL AREA BOARD — Ar­ chie Parsons, John Ostrom, Wil­ liam Cal will (accls.). TUCKERSMITH REEVE — Arthur Nicholson (accl.). COUNCIL — Harold Jackson, J. W. Crichton, William Rogerson, Roy Bell, (accls.). SCHOOL BOARD — (two to be elected) — James McIntosh, (accl.), (one more nomination re­ quired on January 8). FULLARTON TWP. For Reeve: W. A. Tuer, A. A. MacDougald, Watson Garbutt. For Council: Edward D. Hock­ ing, A. A. MacDougald, Fred Ratz, J. Wilson Brown, George M. Stos- kopf. Dan Beurmann, Geo. BRINTNELL—At Mrs. nursing home on Tuesday, ember 30, 1947, to Mr. Mrs, Clifford Brintnell, of ter, a son. Batten’s D ec­ an d Exe- LORTIE—At Dr Fletcher’s Hospit­ al on Saturday, December 27, 1947, to Mr, and Mrs, Gerard Lortie, of Exeter, a son, MUNN—In Scott Memorial Hospi­ tal, Seaforth, ber 19th, 1947, Edward Mqnn, daughter. on Friday, Decern- jto Mr. and Mrs, of Hensall, a and are STANLAKE—-Mr, man Stanlake announce the birth Douglas Norman, on December 24, L947, Hospital, London. STEUER—At ing home 26, 1947, Steuer, of Sidney. Nor- to son, Mrs. happy of a Wednesday, at Victoria Mrs. Hunter’s nurs- on Friday, December to Mr. and Mrs. Sid Exeter, a spn, John DEATHS BRYAN—At Thorndale on day, December 28, 1947, Bryan, father of Mrs. J. Dunlop, of Exeter, in his 89th year. GIBSON—In Stephen Township on Wednesday, December 24, 1947, William Albert Gibson, in his 9 0 th year. FISHER — In Alexander Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Saturday, Decembei* 27, 1947, Edward J. Fisher, husband the late Ella Robertson, in 76th year. SELDON'—In Rochester, Minn., Thursday, December 25th, 19 47, belovedArabella Ellen Berry, wife of R. G. Seldon. Sunday, Charles Gordon of his on ENGAGEMENTS" FOR SALE LOST STRAYED FOR SAL®-—Kitchen range, coal or wood. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. 30* FOR SALE —. Frigidaire refriger­ ator in good running condition, also kitchen sink, Apply even­ ings. Art Cann, Huron St. 30c FOR SALE-—Pink 9 ft. x 14 ft,; white kitchen painted. Phone congoleum rug, also black and cabinet, 310r. newly 30* HELPS POULTRY recover promp­ tly from infectious coryza- Salsbury’s- AR-SULPHA, drinking-water medicine, colds—save profits! Use SULPHA. L. V. Hogarth, 266. Dr, new Stop AR- phone FOR SALE—Puppies, males and fe­ males, reasonable. Apply Bruce Rivers,. Phone 79 Exeter. * FOR SALE—.Small female ferret, excellent •‘"hunter. Also 8 ft. white ash skis and harness. Phone 132w Exeter. c FOR SALE—Good Cheer kitchen range, coal, 4 plates, thermostat, in good medium size, $15.00. Times-Advocate. oven with condition, Apply at 30* FOR SALE—2 V-8 wheels and tires in excellent condition. John Caldwell, Exeter North, phone 13rll. * FOR SALE — War Assets Army blankets for sale now, new and used, $3.50 to $4.50. The Exeter Home and Auto Supply. Phone 342. -■ lltfc FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Lady to clean offices Wednesday afternoon. Apply E. D. Bell or Dr. Corbett, Exeter. LOST—A pig between Exeter and Clandeboye. Phone 266 Exeter, c LOST—Blue shoulder strap bag by airman given lift to London Dec. 20. Contact LAC. Hicks, R.S., R.C.'A.F. Clinton, or kindly leave at Rexall Drug Store, Exeter. 30* STRAYED—From lot 21, con. 3„ Hay Twp., about the first of November, a white-faced steer, 800 to 900 pounds, Anyone knowing whereabouts please phone 83r33* Hensall, Stewart1 Bell. 30* TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received for janitor work in school section No. 3 of the Usborne Township School Area. Janitor’s duties may be seen at the home of the secretary. Low­ est tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in ithe secretary’s hands not later than January 2. Garnet Hicks, Sec., R.R. 3. Exeter 25:1* REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE—Lots 18, 19, 17, 175 acres, more or hydro, 3 deck chicken Con. less, house with running water. Ap­ ply A. J. Kellerman, Dashwood. 18:23:31 FOR SALE—1 ^-storey brick house full basement, built-in cupboards, town and soft water, one piece bath, barn, large garden; ear.ly possession. W. C. Pearce. 11* DUPLEX for SALE — We have just listed one of Exeter’s finest homes. This house has been dup­ lexed and will accommodate two families in bathrooms, throughout; This place is and well located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. > full floors comfort. Two hardwood good heating plant, in the best of repair STRAYED—A collie dog. Owner may have same by paying for* advt. Phone 90 Dashwood. 3 0c BABY CHICKS WE’RE AGENTS here for Kitchen-, ei* Big-4 Chicks, Ask us for particulars, it’s none too early to order for 1948. Read what4 customers say: “Never -had chicks like the ones I got from’ you . . so strong and healthy, right from ithe start’’ writes Mrs? Wm. Kaufman of Chesley. Cana­ da Approved, breeders pullorum* tested. Agent: J. Earl Burr, R. R. 1, Dashwood. ». NEUHAUSER CHICKS s First hatch January 4th: Twenty breeds: Government approved: All’ leading trap nest pedigree strains from the best breeding farms in’ the U.S.A, and Canada: Top qual­ ity chicks priced right: .Get them’ early: It will pay you well. Neuhausei’ Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. lltfc* FOR SALE BY TENDER “Why?” asked * the sergeant, when he looked at the photo. BLANSHARD TWP. An election is being held in Blanshard township foi’ the reeve­ ship and the four Township Coun­ cil seats. All those nominated for munici­ pal positions at the Blanshard nomination meeting -Monday, after­ noon qualified immediately follow­ ing the meeting. It was the largest nomination meeting ever held in Blanshard. For Reeve: Dr. G. H. Jose, Louis S. Mitchell. For Council: T. Alvin Crago, Os­ car Matters, Kenneth Hodgins, Lincoln J. White, John Stephen. For School Trustees: Emmerson Paton, Joseph Robinson, Rae Ste­ phen. HIBBERT TWP. Frank Allen was elected by ac­ clamation reeve of Hibbert town­ ship at a largely attended nomin­ ation meeting held in the Staffa township hall Monday afternoon. Joseph Atkinson, the present reeve and Clifford Dow, both nominated for the reeveship, announced at the meeting they would withdraw their names. Council was also elected by acclamation and is composed of Clifford Dow, Edgar Butson, John L. Coyne, others names. Frank -Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pasinka, of Detroit, announce the engage­ ment of their youngest daughter, Olga, to Mr. Charles A. Prout, Jr., oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prout, of Exeter, the marriage take place January 10. CARDS OF THANKS HELP WANTED—Two nice girls for WAITRESSES, in person at Rether’s Shoppe. PERSONAL to c clean Apply Coffee 31c FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont • . 2tfc Earl nominated They were Allen and R. Dick. Three withdrew their Joseph Atkinson, Fergus Lannin. U-Come-I-Come Club of St. Church met Monday U-Come-I-Come Club Elects Officers for 1948 The James evening with a good attendance. The election of officers was car­ ried out and resulted in the fol­ lowing elections: Joint presidents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bell; joint secretary-treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Pyette. Clarence Grainger, a visitor from Wallaceburg took over the next part of the program and conducted a worship service dur­ ing which Arnold Earl, of Water­ loo played violin selections accom­ panied at the piano by Margaret Dougall. Following the worship ser vice, Arnold Earl gave a fine ad­ dress on the place of hymnology in ithe church music with special reference to the genesis of hymn singing, authors and so forth, address was punctuated by singing of sacred hymns. A hymn contest was then ducted, itesting the knowledge of hymns in general. To conclude this part of the program, Mr. ^Earl played four numbers as violin so­ los and a humorous piano solo. Clarence Grainger directed the re­ creation. Lunch was served. The committee in charge is to be con­ gratulated on providing such excellent entertainment. This the con- an Former Resident Dies Word has been received of death on December 19 of Robert J. Brownlee, of Bath, New York, following a lengthy Wness. Mi*. Brownlee was u fc’-'-’esidenl of Exeter having learxu nis trade aS; harness-maker with the late Mr. Peter Frayne. He is survived by his wife and a number of nieces and nephews. Mrs. J. Luxton, of town, is <x niece. the The two storey brick dwelling house on the east side of Andrew1' Street in Exeter, the property of the late Miss Laura M. Jeckell. * Sealed Tenders will be receiv- ed by the undersigned Solicitors on or before the 12th January 19 48,. foi* the purchase of the above de-* sirable residential property and the two Village Lots on which it’ stands. The house is in good condition* throughout. -”A new Toridheat oil burner has been installed. It is a4 six room dwelling with all modern conveniences, fire place in the sit-’’ ting room, bathroom, laundry tubs, clothes closets, etc. The woodwork^ is of extra good quality and well preserved. Possession can be given• on 19 th January 1948. Tenders will also be received for the vil-? lage Lot immediately to the north of the above. i All Tenders are to be accompan­ ied by a cheque payable to the, undersigned for 10% of the pur­ chase price offered and will be re-, turned immediately if Tender not accepted. w The Balance of the purchase money to be paid in 30 days. Thea highest or any Tenders not neces­ sarily accepted. 4 Dated this 15th December 1947. GLADMAN & COCHRANE f Exeter, Ontario Executors, Solicitors FOR SALE—We have a residential property for sale which, at pres­ ent rentals, will pay all carry­ ing charges and leave you over 9 per cent on your investment. C. V. Pickard, Realtor.^BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two-way action attacks the cause, relieves the pain. At Robertson’s Drug Store. FOR SALE—Village house with furnace, bathroom, pressure sys­ tem, double garage, two hen­ houses colony house, green houses with heating systems, wa­ ter pressure system, 6000 ready for spring. Trade 5 some fruit. W. C. Pearce, ter. ex- aR Mrs. Frank Wood wishes to press her sincere those who remembered her with cards, and for all kindnesses at Christmas time. thanks to letters, flowers and treats shown her * WANTED wishes toMiss Evelyn Taylor thank all those who remembered her with cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. * Mrs. Garfield Latta i^jshes to thank her friends for cards, flow­ ers and treats and those who called while she was a patient Joseph’s Hospital, London. WANTED—A room for tap dancing­ school. Phone 91r5 Hensall. WANTED—Load of clover or al­ falfa hay and load of timothy; also a roll top desk. Phone 59w. 30c in St.* WANTED TO RENT—50 or 100 acres. Apply Times-Advocate. 30* boxes acres Exe- 11* SALE—.Usborne twp. with buildings, 100 buildings; Stephen acres with buildings, with buildings, buildings, ■buildings; 100 5 0 acres Fullarton Dies in Goderich Fisher, Colborne town- Saturday night the Alexandra 76,aEdward Joseph former resident of ship, died suddenly of pneumonia at Hospital in Goderich. Deceased was born near Benmiller, Colborne township, and farmed there until eleven years ago when he retired, and had since speut his winters in Exeter, where he resided at the Melville Inn and he spent the sum­ mers in Western Canada. His wife, formerly Ella Robertson, prede­ ceased him in 1932. He was a Pres­ byterian; and a Liberal in politics. Surviving are three brothers, Hor­ ace and Arthur, Goderich; Fletcher Colborne township; and four sis- R. Long, Mrs. Wai- Mrs. William Stotli- James Gallagher, all The funeral service ters, Mrs. H. gate Tebbutt, ers and Mrs. of Goderich. was held Tuesday from the Wheel­ er Funeral Home with interment in Colborne cemetery. The late W. C. Bryan Dr. J. G. and Mrs. Dunlop were at Thorndale Tuesday attending the funeral of Mrs. Dunlop's father, the late Walter Charles Bryan, aged 89 a life-long resident of West Nissouri Township. He was an active mem­ ber of 'St. George’s Anglican church until he became ill. Foi’ many years he was secretary-treasurer of the School Board of S, S. No. 8, and helped to establish a continuation school. After his retirement from farming he acted as a justice of the peace. Surviving are three daugh­ ters, Mrs. Robert Sherman, Hawkes- bury; Mrs. Dunlop, Exeter; Marjorie in Ft. William; one son, A, Millner of Thorndale and 2 grandchildren. Interment was in Brown’s Hill cem­ etery. Mrs. J. Gordon Dunlop some time with her father Thorndale during his illness. spent at CROMARTY quiet December weddingA place recently when Margaret ris, daughter of Mr. and Harry Norris, v?g United in riage to Mr, John McDougall, . of the late Mr. Allen McDougall and Mrs, 'McDougall. took Nor­ Mrs, m ar­ son WANTED— for a limited of Barley at prices. W.E. or 7 9 Dash- BARLEY ACREAGE We will contract number of acres very attractive Reid, phone 87 j wood oi' 455 Thedford. 18:23:31 WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 13 8, Exeter. WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi. RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask. for Housing Officer. Dies at Zurich Mrs. Henry Howald (Clara) Flaxbard died at her home in Zur­ ich, Monday, in her 64th year. She is survived, in addition 'to her hus­ band, by one son, Lawrence Gor­ don Flaxbard, London; and two daughters, Mrs. Orville (Muriel) Steinbach and Mrs. (Idella) Crisp, both of London. A brother and three sisters also sur­ vive. Service was held at the West­ lake funeral home Wednesday 2:30 p.m. Interment followed St. Peter’s Lutheran Cemetery. and ' two Kenneth at in ZION <Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hern and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hern, of London, Miss Minnie Hern, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dickinson and family, Miss Dora Stewart, of t, of with Denfield, Miss Hazel Stewar Byron, visited on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. Mrs. Norman Brock, Mrs. old Hern have past ther, Mr of Exete: warden, of Centralia, and Mr Mrs. Wellington Brock visited on Saturday evening with Mr, -Mrs. Warren Brock. Miss Linda Westcott, of spent several days with, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Eph. spent week Mrs. . and Har- Earland Mr. Angus several days during the with their invalid mo- George Earl, of Exeter. Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pen­ an d and Exeter, grand- . Hern. FARM'S FOR 100 acres acres with Twp.: 150 100 acres acres with without Twp.: 150 acres with buildings, 10 0 acres with buildings. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. NOTICES C. V. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION AND ERECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE on MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1947 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon for ■the purpose of making and receiv­ ing nominations for the offices of Reeve, four Councillors, and two Trustees for the Township School Board. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qua­ lifying for any particulai* office, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY Sth, 1948 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the un­ dermentioned officers in charge as fixed by the Township by-law viz: Poll No. 1, School House No.4, Eden, J. G. Hunter, D.R.O., Fred Ford, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2, House of Lloyd Stew­ art, C. B. Allison, D.R.O., Chas. Jeffery, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 3, School House No. 1, Hurondale, Wm. Jeffery, D.R.O., Wm. Sims, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4, Public Hall, Farqu­ har, Leonard Harris, D.R.O., Roy Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5, Township Hall, Elim- ville, Lloyd Johns, D.R.O., Weston Horne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6, House of Ross Hern, Ross Hern, D.TT.O., Norman Brock, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7, House of Russell Morrison, Oliver McCurdy, D.R.O., Ray Mills, Poll Clerk. Should an election for Township School Board ensue, voters in Blan­ shard- and Blddulph will vote at Polling Sub-Division No. 6. And all electors are hereby re­ quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. H. H. G. Strang, Clerk R.R.i, Hensall, Dec. 15, 1947. IN THE MATTER of the Estate., of LAURA MAY JECKELL, late of the Village of Exeter, in the Conn- > ty of Huron, Spinster, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims’" against the Estate of the late Laura May Jeckell, who died on* the 17tli day of November 19 47, are hereby notified to send them to ’ the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 10th day of January, * 1948. AFTER the last-named date the ’ assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en- ’ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the Sixteenth day of December, 1947. GLADMAN & COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario Executors’ Solicitors. 18:23:2 Like explosions! Try a Want-Ad and watch the fireworks. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Modern Furniture I have been instructed by Sgt. Crandell, of R.C.A.F. Centralia, to sell by public auction at Crediton (Sale will be held under cover at Garage) on SATURDAY, JAN. 3, .1948 at 1.30 p.m. the following: 6 piece kitchen set in natural wood; 3-piece Davenport i M coffee tables; end table, Tri-A "• lamp; Bridge lamps; oak stool, hall tree; ,ash stand; kitchen stool, kitchen utensils, wash tubs, clothes basket; clothes horse; cushions; pillows; blankets; 2-burner hr». plate; electric iron; fruit seali • . floor mats; dishes; cu.tl-: numerous other1 articles. There will also be sold an an* < tractor on rubber. No reserve. Be sure to attend this sale. If you have anything to sell you may bring it to this sale. TERMS—'CASH SGT. CRANDELL,. Prop. E. SMITH, Clerk.’ WM. I-I. SMITH, Auct. Crediton, phone 43r2