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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-25, Page 8
Page 8 Renew Now As announced last week the subscription price of the Times- Advocate H being raised from $2.00 to $2.50 per year, the new rate to come into effect on the 15th of January, Up until that time subscriptions will be received at the $2.00 rate. EUCHRE— will be held by the Eastern Star on -Friday evening, Januray 9th, in the chapter rooms. All Masons and Masons’ wives to gether with all Eastern Star mem bers, and wives are cordially in vited to attend. Please keep this date in mind and plan to attend. 30 or 2* Christmas Night Looby’s Hall, Dublin Dancing 9-1 TICKETS 75 CENTS Beta Sigma Phi Holds Christmas Party On Wednesday evening, Decemb- er 17, the Exeter Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held a Christmas party in the Arena. The ’gym decorated in Yuletide trimming gave an air of gaiety, with holly wreaths on tables surrounding the lighted Christmas tree and carols softly playing. Dr. F. J. Milner and Mrs. Milner, Director; Mr. F, A. May and Mrs May, Sponsor, were pres ent. Mrs. Milner introducted as a special guest to the Chapter F/Lt. Mahoney who played a medley of classical selections much enjoyed by everyone. Mr. May jvas chosen Santa Claus to distribute the .gifts around the tree. Each girl was given a gift by her secret pal in the Chapter, which to this time had created no end of inquiries to whom our secret pal could have been. Lunch was served buffet style, by candlelight, while F/Lt. Mahoney encored by playing Christmas carols. The party ended with the Chapter and its guests of the evening circling the Christmas tree, singing Auld Lang Syne, Celebrate Golden Leavitt’s THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions GREETINGS to our patrons and friends at this joyous season .We wish one and all a very Merry Christmas! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY December 25, 26, 27 ‘Variety Girl’ © Bing Crosby a Bob Hope © Mary Hatcher ® Billy De Wolfe and 30 Paramount Stars MONDAY and TUESDAY December 29, 30 M.G.M.’s! 'Unfinished Dance’ Special Teclmicolor Feature ® Margaret O’Brien and an All Star Cast WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY ; December 31, January 1 M.G.M.’s ‘Song of the Thin Man’ ® Win. Powell (Star of ‘Life With Father’) • Myrna Loy ©Keenan Wynn ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 26th, 27th ‘Slave Girl’ In Teclmicolor Yvonne DeCarlo ® George Brent On Same Program “FOREST COMMANDOS’’ “ROUGHLY SPEAKING’’ and “STAN KENTON’S BAND’’ MONDAY and TUESDAY December 29 th, 30,tli Zane Grey’s ‘Sunset Pass’ ® James Warren Blonde’ • Leon Errol and the “LOUIS—WALCOTT’ ’ FIGHT PICTURES Blow by Blow WEDNESDAY THURSDAY December 31st, Jamthty 1st ‘Kid from Brooklyn’ In Technicolor ® Danny Kaye ® Virginia Mayo NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Commencing January 5th, 1043, this Theatre will bo closed on ^Wednesday and Thursday evenings. brideas his •McWilliams 1897, and McWilliams’ I II Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs, Edsell Collins, life-long residents of Clandeboye, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Monday, They were at home to friends in the after noon from 2 to 4, and in the eve ning a family dinner was held at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gordon McDonald, Hellmuth Ave,, London, Edsell Collins took the former Elizabeth on December 22, brought her from the family home east of the village of Clandeboye to the Collins’ home stead erected by his grandfather in 1840. Rev. J. E. Ford perform ed the ceremony. Members of Clandeboye United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Collins take an active part in church and com munity affairs. For a number of years Mr. Collins served as a member of Clandeboye Public School Board, and his wife 'is a life member of the .Women’s Mis sionary Society and a member of the Women’s Institute, of which she was secretary for several terms. A year ago they retired from active farming and moved to their present home in the village. Two sons, Murray Collins, of Ailsa Craig, and Leslie Collins, Hellmuth ave., London and one daughter, Mrs. McDonald, celebrat ed the anniversary with the hon ored couple. There are six grand children and one great grandchild. Christmas Entertainments The Sunday Schools of Caven Presbyterian church, Mai.n St Unit ed church and Trivitt Memorial church all had their 'Christmas entertainments Friday evening of last week. Programs consisted of readings, recitations and music by the scholars and Santa Claus ap peared with treats for the child ren. At Trivitt Parish Hall a sup per was served at six followed by the program Mr. Gerald Lawson, who has been taking a course in horology or watch-making at the rehabilita tion school in Toronto, has com pleted his course and Jias returned home. £b- DINE arid DANCE Spruce Grove Inn Open Every Night Note NEW YEAR’S EVE RESERVATIONS ONLY Saturday Night OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Dec. 27 FRANKIE TRAHER (formerly of the Casa Royal Orchestra) featuring LES. GLENNIE on vocals and JOE BADALATO, pianist Dancing o p.m. to 12 pan. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 Gor- of Mt. Pleasant cem-of MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS Taman’s Men’s Wear ■,) J is sleeping, the stored heat in and with London, his bro the the Batten’s Dec- and Exe- niemory passed away January 1, Mr. ,Glen McTavisli, of spent the week-end with tlier Gordon in town. Mr. and Mrs'. Lambert A Large 43 c. A. Medium, 40c Pullets, 36c B 34c. When ironing, prepare clothes in advance, then turn on the iron •. < turn it off as you near the end and use THE TIMES-ADVOCATE> EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 35th, 1947 Announcement M' CARDS OF THANKS IN MEMORIAM miss Mr. pas- Dec. Mrs, Norval Jones and to thank their friends of Grade 2 for the and treats which were Saturday, Thomas Ward, Penth an<l AlaryhuTe «re Inserted free Of Card, of Thanks 30c. la and Mrs. Jack Elliott and wish to express their and appreciation to all who called, send cards, and treats while Geneva Birth, Ne tires Charge. , r Meniorlam Aotfees r>Oe for single ve«e, »5e extra for each, addi tional verse. Knsajretn enta 30e BIRTHS LINDENFIELD—At Mrs, nursing home on Sunday, ember 21, 1947, to Mr, Mrs. Lloyd Lindenfield, of ter, a son, Edward Arnold, STIRE—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Sunday, December 21, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stire of Exeter, a daughter, Linda Ruth. ■WALDRON—In Clinton General Hospital on Thursday, December 18, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. J. "Waldron, (nee Thelma Hockey) a daughter, a baby sister for Gail. DEATHS APPS—Suddenly at Elginfield, on Friday, December 19, 1947, Charlotte U. Mills, beloved wife of Harry Apps, of Chatham, in her 82nd year. Interment was at St, James Cemetery, Clande- boye on Monday. DOUPE—At the residence of her son, Garnold Doupe, Kirkton, on Saturday, December 20, 19 47, Elizabeth Switzer, widow of the late Adam E. Doupe in her 90th year. RAU—In Clinton, on Saturday, December 20th, 19 47, Christopher Rau in his 90 th year. WARD—In London on December 20, 19 47, Ward, father of John Exeter, in his 9 2nd year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs. Fred Weiberg, Dashwood, announce the engage ment of their oldest daughter, Lor- een Malinda, to Mr. Lome Ray Devine, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Devine, of Dashwood, the marriage to take place in January.* Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johns wish to express their appreciation for the kindness of those who called, sent cards and helped in any way while Lloyd was a patient in Victoria Hos pital, London. * Mr. Geneva thanks those ■flowers was a patient in ,$t. Joseph’s Hos pital, London. * Mr. John Haist and Lillain wish through this column to express their sincere thank you to all who during the illness and death of Mrs. Catherine Haist offered their services and thus helped to make the burden lighter by their ftfriendship. Mr. and Helen wish and pupils cards, gifts sent to Helen while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. * The girls of the Bell Telephone office would like to take this op portunity of thanking Mr. Appleton and his staff for serving such a lovely dinner at so late an hour for their banquet on Monday night of last week. ELLIOTT—In loving memory of Frederick Elliott, son 'of and Mrs. John Elliott, who sed away eight years ago, 23, 1939. More and more each day we him Friends may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies .within our hearts con cealed. —Sadly missed by all the family.* LIGHTFOOT — In loving memory of Edith Jane Lightfoot, who passed away nineteen year ago December 21, 1928. In our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly, tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear .mother That we do not think of you. —Lovingly remembered by hus band and family. * SILLERY—In loving memory of a dear father, .Robert E. Sillery, who passed away one year ago December 28, 1946, Sometimes it’s hard to understand Why some things have to be, But in His wisdom He has planned Beyond our power to see, —'Remembered by Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan and family. ♦ ENGLAND—In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather Henry England, who passed away December, 25, 1946. In that bright eternal city, Where no tears e’er dim the eye In the home of many mansions, We shall meet him by and by. —Ever remembered by Mr. and Mrs. R. Willert and family, * FIELD—In memory of Arthur G. Field, who left us December 24 1941. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss him yet. God gave us strength to bear It 'And courage to face the .blow I s Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Town The Times-Advocare is always pleased to publish items of personal interest, We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phone 31W Hodgins, of Lucan, have moved to Exeter and are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Geddes. Mr, and Mrs. Arthur J. Amy are spending Christmas holidays in Chicago with itheir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown and family, Mr. A. W. Pickard, of Regina, and Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Gladman and family, of Hamilton, will spend Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. O. V. Pickard. Miss Mary Gardiner attended a meeting and banquet of the Gen eral Motors Dealers’ Accountants at Hotel London on Tuesday of last week. ■Miss Shirley Langford, A.T.C.M., of the New Toronto Public School Staff, is spending the holiday season with her parents, Rev. C. L. and Mrs. Langford, Miss Isabelle Alimony, of Hamil ton and Miss Helen Anthony, of St. Thomas, are spending the holi days with their parents, Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Anthony, Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. The latter, who is confined to her bed is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein and Douglas will spend Christmas with relatives at St. Marys and will also spend part of the day with relatives at Crediton. Miss Nettie Reddy is spending Christmas in Toronto. Miss Genova Elliott returned home from the hospital on Thurs day of last week. Mrs. A. E. Delbridge is spending Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, " don Brooks, of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grant family will spend Christmas Mr. and Mrs. C. Blowes, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston and family, of Simcoe, will spend Christmas with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, of St. Thomas, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Amy. home give Less speed, tesy—--these more cost so much. Ernest auce Agency. coming by saving lives, care, more cour- so little—-mean C. Harvey Insur- In the True Christmas Spirit May Christinas joy fill eveiy heart as you and your dear ones gather ’round the Christinas tree ...and may the goodwill and happiness of Christinas time continue throughout the year, MERRY CHRISTMAS Mr. John Ward was in London ■Monday attending the funeral of his father, Thomas Ward, who passed ,away in his 92nd year. In terment was in etery. Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa and Mr. Beavers and Christmas and New Years at home of Mrs. J. C. Snell, Mr. Mrs. Beavers and David will visit at Crediton. Among the students from various colleges home for Christmas holidays are Donald Traquair, Norman Hannigan, Peter Fraser, Norman Jolly, Fred Lux ton, Joseph B. Creech accompanied?* by Mrs. Creech, Don. Southcott, Misses Helen Snell and Gwenneth Jones from the University of West ern. Ontario, London: Miss Mary Fletcher, London; Winston Sliap- p ton from the O.A.C., Guelph; Neil Jones and Douglas Hendry from Toronto. W. A. Patrick, of and Mrs. Eugene David will spend the and also Exeter Markets Wlieat, *1.49. Oats 90c Barley $1.15 Creamery Butter, 74c , Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, R. E. RUSSELL Hear Ye Hear Ye Let it’be known that we extend heartiest wishes for this joyous season. May each and every one of you have a truly . But what it meant., to lose him No one will ever know. The world may change from year to year. And friends from day to day. But never will the one we loved From memory fade away. —Ever remembered by Dad, Moth er, .Robert and ’Winnie. BAKER—In loving Richard Baker who three years ago, 1945. Cahn and peaceful he Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him sadly" miss him. Hint trust in God to meet again. —lEver remembered by wife and family. HELP TO KEEP ONTARIO THRIVING the f; i e ent’ "'■"•m /1C"5<o'necs w a" ou ea, <S aa<l u y»l«tid■ Aea‘ ts h eaMA e" find Seaso» as°fa,s of i on « oUr ch-- ,°U1- Aea OH,„ nta