HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-25, Page 4Good Will Toward Men At this Christmas season it is our wish that you our friends and customers may have “Am dat you, Liza?” “Yessuh.” “Am you’ gwine to marry me?” “Sho ah is—who is dis talkin'?” a u Peace on Earth The The The Snell Bros. & Co and Service WE HAVE- • Electric Maytag Washing Machines ® Continental Mantel Radios 9 Hoover- Vacuum Cleaners ® Electric Pressure System • Electric Cream Separator • Beatty Litter Carrier • Root Pulpers SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year to Everyone GLADNESS of Christmas, which is HOPE SPIRIT of Christmas, which is PEACE HEART of Christmas, which is LOVE Remembering our happy associations through the years, we at Traquair’s Hardware pause in our daily occupation to glimpse more clearly the better life which man has paid so much to gain and still so eagerly seeks. May we carry brotherly kindness into the days ahead and gain that deep happiness and lasting contentment so needed in this weary world. Traquair’s Hardware YOUR PURINA DEALER Exeter, Ontario THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25th, 1947 Crediton Resident Dies Christopher Rau, who spent the greater part of his life at Crediton, died Saturday in his 90 th year. He was a shoemaker by trade. Sixty­ seven years ago he was united in marriage with Elizabeth his bereaved widow, who residing with her son Hamilton. Surviving besides widow are four daughters, (Laura) Mrs. Alf Link, of Calgary, Alta.; Mrs. Clara Bowman, of Windsor; (Eva) Mrs, J. Emerick, and (Ida) Roy Mills, both of Cleveland, and four sons, Garnet B Axe, Mich John C„ Mitchell, has been John in his Mrs. Ohio, Bad Ohio Hilton, of Akron, Ohio. The funer­ al took place Tuesday afternoon from the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Chapel conducted by Rev, M. E. Reuber of the Crediton Evangelical U.B. church. The bearers were Messrs. Aaron Wein, Sam’l Broken- shire, Harry Lewis, Jack Jesney, Mark Mitchell and Chas. Anderson. Interment was in the Exeter cem­ etery. Attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rau, of Hamil­ ton, and Hilton, of Akron, Ohio. of of; Wellington of Hamilton and Usborne Board Meet The regular meeting of the borne Township School Area Board was held in “' December 18 present. The meeting were Moved by by V. Jeffery that the secretary contact Mr. W. V, Roy asking foi* literature pertaining to the films. Carried. The secretary was instructed to have all the insurance policies combined into one. Mr. Crescent Dayman was hired to repair the floor of the pump house in >S.S. No. 4. The following bills were ordered paid: teachers’ salaries 1,194.20; Guenther Transport 19 0.00; music supervisor 72.00; Jones & May 19.39; Janitors, 152.50; Huron Lumber 3 2.91; Income Tax 51.40; Jack Hood 12.20; Jack Kellett 3.00; C. Dayman 111.00; A. Snel- grove 6.00; Geo. Hawkins 5 5.00. Moved by V. Jeffery, by M. meeting be held on Jan. 15 p.m. in the Township Hall. Adjournment, V. Jeffery. Us- Eden on Thursday, with all members minutes of the last approved as read, H. Taylor, seconded seconded Pullen' that the inaugural 2 Season’s Tickets at Season’s tickets for the Exeter Arena are now available and may be procured from the secretary, C. - — ■ changeV. Pickard. There is no from last year’s prices. There will be skating arena each, evening this weather permitting. at the week, Six Wartime Houses Ready Six of the new Wartime houses are now ready for occupancy and those veterans to whom the houses are being allotted will soon be moving in. The last thing to be completed are the septic tanks with weeping tile and this work is new being done. More and more houses are now nearing comple­ tion. Elimville Farm Forum forum home Johns and ten The broadcast The Elimville North farm held their meeting at the of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth with twenty-five adults children present, was a review of the month’s topics. The rest of the evening was spent in games and singing Christmas carols. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip. Johns on January 5th. The subject will be “Marketing by Co-Op”. UNEMPLOYMENT Fine Christmas Trade The merchants of Exeter enjoyed a wonderful 'Christmas trade. The weather has been ideal and the town for days past has been filled with Christmas shop­ pers. Record sales have been piled up by many of the merchants. have INSURANCE The Late John McLean COVERAGE EXTENDED (Authority, P.O. 4854, dated December 3rd, 1947) ON AND AFTER January 1st, 1948, every employee in insurable employment paid by the month whose annual remuneration does not exceed $3,120.00 will be insured under the Unemployment Insurance Act. AT PRESENT those paid by the month whose annual remuneration is $2,400.00 or less are insured under the Act. THE CHANGE will not affect the coverage of all hourly, daily and piece rated employees and those paid on a mileage basis, who will continue to be insured regardless of earnings. WEEKLY RATED employees whose earn­ ings are expected to be $3,120.00 or less per year will continue to be insured under the Act. A well-known farmer of the Hen­ sail district, John McLean died on Sunday evening at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elarold Hunter, of Elimville, in his 85th year. He had been ill for five weeks. He was bprn in Chiselhurst and was a member of Chiselhurst United church, 'Surviv­ ing are five sons, Robert, Glenn, Lloyd, of Hensail,* Ross of Detroit and Melvin, Port Dalhousie; two daughters, Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe, of Hensail and Mrs. H. Hunter, Elim­ ville. A private funeral service will be held Wednesday at 1.30 p.m. from the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensail. Rev. R. A. Brook will offi­ ciate and interment will be held in Hensail Union cemetery. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION J, G. Bisson, Chief Commissioner R. j. Tallon, C< A. L. Murchison, Commissioner Commissioner DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs, Duterter, formerly Eunice Haist, of Saskatoofi. visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. spendin'’* Christmas daughter in Howell,Mrs. Ed Nadiger is confined to her home suffering with 'the flu. The Christmas program in the Evangelical night was Crowd and parts well, a cantata. Mr, G&rnet Weiburg of Wa' spent the week-end here, Mr, more Rader returned to Wale with him for & ww days. Nadiger with t Michigan. Church on attended by the children <WI This was followk are are ' 'Ir Sunday a large their with rioo To FOR SALELOST WANTED FOR SALE BY TENDER LOST—On Saturday, a new dress and another article. Finder please phone 354w Exeter. c LOST—Young male collie dog, brown with white collar of fur. Reward for return or informa­ tion leading to return of dog. ■Howard Fenton, phone 616r4 Ailsa Craig. 23c FOR SALE—Quebec heater, pair ladies’ skates, size 5, black boots, all in good condition. Phone 36rl4 Crediton. c FOR SALE—Three pure bred Shorthorn bulls, 2 roans and a red, almost ready foj« service. George Allan, Kirkton. 25* BARLEY ACREAGE We will contract number of acres very attractive Reid, phone 87j wood or 455 Thedford. 18:23:31 WANTED— for a limited of Barley at prices. W.E. or 79 Dash- MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE DESIRING PAINT work to be done within the next ten days phone 0. Blowes, 248r. 24c FOR SALE—Ivory high chair with aluminum tray, $4.00; child’s wheelbarrow, ,$2.00; baby har­ ness . and swing, $1.50, Phone 344w Exeter. 23c FOR SALE—Collie pups. Gordon Moir, phone 92r31 Hensail. 23* HELP WANTED WANTED — Country Buyei- and Salesman for truck routes buy­ ing cream, eggs and poultry, selling stock foods. Wages ap­ proximately $38.00 for 45 hr. week, pay for 8 statutory holi­ days. Apply Box S, Times-Advo- cate. 23c osnNsmtsamaui Fletcher Mr. and held in CENTRAUA Mr. Truman Mills, of Sarnia vis­ ited with his mother, Mrs. H. Mills Friday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Orland Squire and daughter, of Thames Road, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr$. O. Brown, Mr. 'and Mrs. Scotty Baynham, of Toronto are holidaying with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham. Miss Norma Urquhart is spending the holidays at her home in Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Field, pf Ston­ ey Creek, Mrs. Margaret Fletcher, of Hamilton and Mr. Doug, were Monday guests with Mrs. B. D. Field. Christmas services were ithe church on Sunday. The choir rendered special numbers in the morning and in the evening they presented the Christmas Cantata “Under the Starlight”. A pageant “O Worship the King” was present­ ed under the direction of Rev. Weir with the following taking part, Mes­ srs. Norman Mitchell, J. Hepburn, Elmer Powe, Ken Greb, Gerald God­ bolt, Glenn Robinson, Ken Hodgins, Reg Hodgson and Misses Donna Bowden, Maxine Bowden, Winnie Field, Evelyn Wright, Arlene Skin­ ner, Sam Skinner, Clare Wright, B. Walker, Hazel McFalls. Owing to illness Gerald Godbolt was unable to be present and Mrs. Godbolt took the part A very fine Christmas concert was put on in the school Wednesday evening of last week under the dir­ ection of the teacher, Miss Norma Urquhart assisted by Mr. Lawrence Wein, musical director.. Mr. Bruce Field was chairman. At the close of the program Santa Claus arrived and distributed the gifts. On Monday evening of this week the Sunday school held their annual Christmas entertainment in the schoolroom of the church with a large attendance. Included in the program were recitations, songs, musical numbers, readings, a dialo­ gue, a drill, duett and the play “Scrooge’s Christmas” was present­ ed by the Neodult Club. Jolly old Santa arrived to the delight younger folks and a very evening was brought to a of the happy close. SHIPKA The Sunday School of the ed church held a Christmas in the church on Wednesday eve­ ning last. Rev. Hann acted as chairman. Christmas carols were sung. Singing and recitations were given by the children and a Bible contest was held in charge of Mrs. Hann. Lunch was served and pack­ ages were given to the children. Miss Violet Sharpe, of Iona Sta­ tion, is spending the holidays a’t the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Vera Sharpe. •Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and Douglas are spending Christmas in St. Catherines. Mrs. Russell and Douglas are remaining for a week. A meeting of the executive of the Sunday School was held re­ cently in the church. Rev. S. W. Hann was in charge. In the absence of the secretary Mrs. M. Ratz act­ ed as secretary. Officers for the year are as folh ws. Supt., Ernest Russell; treasur- Mrs. M. Mrs. O. Sweitzer, , Cliff Russell, ass’t. teachers V. Sharpe; Unit­ party Keys; ass’t. supt., Cliff secretary, Stuart Sweitzer; er, Jack Pickering Matz; Missionary Russell; teachers, Miss P. Keys. V. Sharpe; Harry Sheppard. E, Keys,The meeting closed prayer by Quito t munity at »r Taylor Ur, and returned borne after a week’s vis­ it with relatives at Pontiac, Mich. The ladies of the W.A, the sand­ boxes to tho •*.’ ut-ins for ass’t, supt., ■Matt. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. with Rev, Hann. number from the nded the funeral Friday of last week. Mrs. Ira Tetreau have CG ’*• . “ of ir Christmas. - The Christmas concert u, S.S. No. 7 and S.S. No, 11 were great suceess and there were good at­ tendances on Monday night of last week. EXCELLENT REFERENCES can be furnished by quiet living couple, two small children, for suitable accommodation. Prefer­ ably furnished. Apply 'box L, Times-Advocate. 18:24* WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 13%, Exeter. STOP FLOCK COLDS—Save pro­ fits! Use Dr. Salsbury’s AR- SULFA for control of infectious coryza, commonly called colds. Just mix in flock’s drinking water. Ask us for AR-SULFA. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter. Phone' 266. WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. FOR SALE — War Assets Army blankets for sale now, new and used, $3.50 to $4.50. The Exeter Home and Auto Supply. Phone 342. lltfc FOR SALE—12 gauge single rel shot gun, $8.00; new treaded tires, 16-600, $9.25; tubes, $3.25; anti-freeze, 5 Ions, .$8.50; delivered free. B. Thompson, Clinton. 18:23c bar- re- new gal- W. FOR SALE—Quebec heater t in good condition. Phone 17. 24c FOR SALE—A hand washing ma­ chine, nearly new. Wm. J. Thomson, phone 48r4 Kirkton. FEMALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Lady to clean offices Wednesday afternoon. Apply E. D. Bell oi’ Dr. Corbett, Exeter. HELP WANTED—Two nice girls for WAITRESSES, in person at Rether’s Shoppe. FOR RENT NOTICES clean Apply Coffee 23c FOR RENT—Garage. Sanders and William streets H. Blatcliford. 23* PERSONAL RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum­ bago quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained bet­ ter health. At Robertson’s Drug Store. REAL ESTATE FARM FOR SALE—Lots 18, 19, Con. less, house with ply A. J. Kellerman, Dashwood. 18:23:31 17, 175 acres, more or hydro, ’3 deck chicken running water. Ap- FARM FOR SALE—Part Lot 15, Mollard line, Stephen Twp., 70 acres, no buildings. Apply te Fer­ gus Turnbull, phone 3 2r7, Dash­ wood. 18:24* FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house full basement, built-in cupboards, town and soft water, one piece bath, barn, large garden; early possession. W. C. Pearce. 11* DUPLEX FOR SALE — We have just listed one of Exeter’s finest homes. This house has been dup­ lexed and will accommodate two families in comfort. Two full bathrooms, hardwood floors throughout; good heating plant. This place is in the best of repair and well located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont.. 2tfc FOR SALE—100 acre farm, lot 3 con. 2, Tuckersmith TWp., frame house with asbestos shingles, bank barn, 90 acres tillable land. Apply to Box 218 Exeter. 25tfc FOR SALE—We have a residential property for sale which, at pres­ ent rentals, Will pay all carry­ ing charges and leave you over „„ 9 per cent on youi- investment. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. SALS—-Village house with sys- FOR furnace, bathroom, pressure tern, double garage, two hen­ houses colony house, green houses with heating systems, wa­ ter pressure system, 6000 boxes ready for Spring, Trade 5 some fru.”. W. C. Pearce, ter. acres Exe*- 11* Usborne twp, acres with buildings, with buildings 150 acres vlth ac *s with bu’k Wi h buildings, buildings; 150 acres with ARMS FOR SALE- ICC acres. TW'k! 100 acres without Twp 100 acres with buildings. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. 100 : Stephen buildings, Ings. 50 Fullarton buildings, 100 acres TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby ’given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Usborne will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ELIMVILLE on MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1947 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of making and receiv­ ing nominations for the offices of Reeve, four Councillors, and two Trustees foi’ the Township School Board. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qua­ lifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1948 when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the un­ dermentioned officers in charge as fixed by the Township by-law viz: Poll No. 1, School House No.4, Eden, J. G. Hunter, D.R.O., Fred Ford, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2, House of Lloyd art, C. B. Allison, D.R.O., Jeffery, Poll Clerk. Poll No. Hurondale, Wm. Sims, Poll No. har, Leonard Harris, D.R.O., Roy Ballantyne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5, Township Hall, Elim­ ville, Lloyd Johns, D.R.O., Weston Horne, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 62 House of Ross Hern, Ross Hern, Poll Clerk. Poll No. Morrison, Oliver McCurdy, D.R.O., Ray Mills, Poll Clerk. Should an election for Township School Board ensue, voters in Blan- shard and Biddulph will vote at Polling Sub-Division No. And all quested to themselves The two storey brick dwelling house on the east side of Andrew- Street in Exeter, the property of the late Miss Laura M. Jeckell. Sealed Tenders will be receiv­ ed by the undersigned Solicitors on or before the 12th January 1948, for the purchase of the above de­ sirable residential property and. the two Village Lots on which it stands. The house is in good condition throughout. A new Toridheat oil burner has been installed, It is a six room dwelling with all modern conveniences, fire place in the sit­ ting room, bathroom, laundry tubs, clothes closets, etc. The woodwork is of extra good quality and well preserved. Possession can be given on 19 th January 1948. Tenders will also be received for the vil­ lage Lot immediately to the north of the above. All Tenders are to be accompan­ ied by a cheque payable to the undersigned for 10% of the pur­ chase price offered and will be re­ turned immediately if Tender not accepted. The Balance of the purchase money to be paid in 30 days. The highest or any Tenders not neces­ sarily accepted. Dated this 15th December 1947* GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter, Ontario Executors, Solicitors TENDERS WANTED Tenders will 'be received for janitor work in school 'section No. 3 of the Usborne Township School Area. Janitor’s duties may be seen at the home of the secretary. Low­ est tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in ithe secretary’s hands not later than January 2. Garnet Hicks, Sec., R.R. 3, Exeter 25:1* Stew- Chas. 3, School House Wm. Jeffery, Poll Clerk. 4, Public Hall, No. 1, D.R.O., Farqu- D.TL.O., Norman Brock, 7, House of Russell 6. electors are hereby re­ take notice and govern accordingly. H. H. G. Strang, Clerk R.R.l, Hensail, Dec. 15, 1947. 1947 noon VILLAGE OF EXETER NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Village of Exeter will be held in THE TOWN HALL, EXETER on MONDAY, DECEMBER 29th, at the hour of 12:00 o'clock for the purpose of making and re­ ceiving nominations of Candidates for the offices of Reeve and 4 Councillors, Public Utilities Com­ mission and three members of the Public School Board. And further Notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qua­ lifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceeding will be adjourned until MONDAY, JANUARY 6th, 1948 when polls shall ibe opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by Village by-law, viz: Polling Sub-Div. No. 1 at the residence of Wm. Baker, Main St. Earl Parsons, D.R.O., Vera Rowe, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. No. 2A at the Town Hall, Main Street, Richard Welsh, D.R.O., Muriel Sweet, Poll Clerk. ' Polling Sub-Div. No. >2B at the Town Hall, Main Campbell, D.R.O., Poll Clerk. Polling Sub-Div. residence of Mr. Roy Webber, Main Street, Andrew Campbell, D.R.O., Gertrude Webber, Poll Clark. Polling Sub-DiV. No. 4 at the residence of Mr. William Webstar. Fred C, Beaupre, D.R.O., Lois Learn, Poll Clark. And all quested to themselves Street, John Alta Hennon, No. 3 at the electors are hereby re­ take notice and govern accordingly. 0. V. Rickard, CLERK Exeter, December 15th, 1947, Tenders will be received by the undersigned until December 30th for janitors in School Sections No. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 and Union 8, of Stephen Township School Area. Janitors duties may be seen by contacting any Board or at any mentioned above. The lowest or necessarily accepted. Wellwood Gill, Chairman, R.R. 3, Parkhill. 25c member of the of the schools any tender not BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER CHICKS First hatch January 4th: Twenty breeds: Government approved: All leading trap nest pedigree strains from the best breeding farms in the U.S.A, and Canada: Top qual­ ity chicks priced right: .Get them early: It will pay you well. Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. lltfc NOTICE TO CREDITORS having claims of the late who died on 1947, IN THE MATTER of the Estate of LAU&A MAY JECKELL, late of the Village of Exeter, in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Spinster, deceased. ALL PERSONS against the Estate Laura May Jeckell, the 17tli day of November are hereby notified to send them to- the undersigned, duly verified, or before 1 1948. AFTER assets of distributed titled thereto, to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, the Sixteenths day of December, 1947. GLADMAN & COCHRANE, Exeter, Ontario Executors’ Solicitors. 18:23:2’ on. the 10th day of January, the last-named date the the said Estate will be among the persons en- having regard only- IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JAMES ANDERSON, the Township of Usborne, " ■ ‘ ‘ , Retired late of in the Fanner.County of Huron, deceased. ALL PERSONS against the Estate said James Anderson, who on the 5th day of November, are hereby notified to send to either of the undersigned, verified, on or before the day of December, 1947, AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among tho persons en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administra­ tor shall then have notice. DATED at df December, JAMES E. R. R. No. Administrator. GLADMAN & ’COCHRANE Exeter*, Ontario. Solicitors for said Administrator , 11:18:25 claimshaving of the late the died 19 47 them duly 2 9 tn Exeter, the 8th day 1947. ANDERSON 3, Exoter, Ont. An eye for opportunity Is the eye that turns to the- Wimt-Ad page regularly.