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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-11, Page 7
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1947 Page 7 Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (one door north of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Open Wednesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Reeder, Prop. Tel, 71 Exeter SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP Fingerwaves, Permanents, Facials, Manicures Satisfaction Guaranteed SHIRLEY BROCK, Prop. One block east of Trivitt Memorial Church Andrew *St. Phone 245W Al V’s Beauty Shoppe Be Lovely To Look At . . . with a hair-do styled at Exeter and Dis trict’s Most Modern Shoppe. Cold Waves and Eugene Heat Waves VERA 0. FRASER, Prop. Tel. 112 Exeter I’to The Dashwood Planing Mill Dashwood, Ont. dust Received 1 CARLOAD PORTLAND CEMENT- Phone 90 or Gw Get Yours While It Lasts Evening Service One garage will be open in Exeter on Sundays and dur ing the evenings throughout the week. Open this Sunday and During the Evenings throughout the Week- SNELL BROS. & CO Garage Business Review These business firms Invite your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community POP’S Taxi Service Phone: Orediton 18rll Exeter 357 i LOAD AFTER LOAD USE Stewart’s Taxi AU Passengers Insured. Out-of-town Trips u Specialty. Reasonable Rates. Stewart’s Taxi is owned and operated fey C. J. Stewart. Phone 335 Exeter was 'tabled by examined by 547 Pleaseturn off lights and ap- plianceswhen not needed. Factories and farms must have more electricity to keep up full employment and produc tion. Caven V. P. S. The Y.B.S. of Caven Church held their installation of officei-s for the coming year on Monday even ing in the Sunday School rooms. After . singing Carols, Alice meeting with a Call to Worship and prayer Shepherds Watched their Flocks” was sung and the Scripture, Luke 2: 9-16 was read by Mary Easton. The meeting was handed over to Mrs. Edna Simmons for the busin ess and zMrs. Alvin Moir installed the officers for the coming year, The officers ate: president, Pfaff; vice-pi*bsident, Mrs. Taylor; secretary, on pianist, porter, Noel” gave ’’While Shepherds Watched.” other Christmas Carol "Hark the Herald Angels Sing” was enjoyed. The following poem "Within the Veil” was read in Laura Jeckell and Lean. They love us still, who are hidden With Christ in God, the veil; Though hearts may ache, arise unbidden The Christmas Eucharist we hail. For they and we, in one ion sweet, Together worship at tlie Christ- Child’s feet. They love, and they remember, they are nearer— Nearer now than when they dwelt •on earth, And our communion with them is dearer.—■ Dearer now, than when his Blessed Birth We hailed with handclasp and with greeting word, Warm from the hearts by mutual friendship stirred. Aye, love lives on, just out of sight and hearing, One heart divine is holding us. and them; They have but reached the goal we too are nearing. To be with Christ, the Child of Bethlehem. Ring on, O Christmas Bells, and softly tell Of the bright Home, where our beloved dwell. Helen ,M. Burnside in "Sharing” Mary Easton gave a Christmas prayer. Lunch was served and with Norma Knight at the piano, a sing song was enjoyed by all. I Usborne Council The Municipal Council of the Township of Usborne met in regu lar session on Saturday afternoon of the above date in the Township Hall'at Elimvill© with Reeve Hugh Berry presiding and Councillors Wellington Brock, William Eller- ington, James Simpson and Oscar Tuckey present Minutes of the last meeting held November 8th, 1947 were confirm ed as printed on motion of Coun cillors Ellerington and Simpson. Township of Usborne By - Law No, 12 - 1947 providing for Nom ination for Reeve and Council and Township School Area Board for 1948 and if necessary Election, was given Third Reading and finally adopted on motion of Councillors Brock and Tuckey. A list of names for the Revision of the Voters’ Lists, the Assessor and Council. Fenton Rumble Contractor for the i building to be erected, interviewed the Council and explained that his plans to erect the building in Sep tember were upset by reason of the cement shortage. He reported that nearly all the materials necessary for the erection of the building were on hand or were readily ob tainable, Council instructed him to procure all materials likely to be in short supply at once, and to erect the building as soon as. pos sible in the Spring. Correspondence for the month was tabled by the Clerk and dealt with as follows: From S. W. Archi bald, -Township Engineer, certify ing that the open portions of the Cann-Mitchell and Wurm Municipal Drains had been satisfactorily com pleted by the contractor according to his specifications, and that the contractor was entitled to payment in full. — | From Co. re crawler promising as early delivery as pos sible. Filed. From the Dept, of National. Revenue re gift rings to ex-service personell, stating that all was now in order* to proceed with the pur chase of twelve more rings needed to complete the giving of these gifts from the Municipality. The Clerk was instructed to see that the rings were sent to the proper parties as soon as possible. From A. H. Erskine, County Treasurer, bill for tax collections made by the County on behalf of the Municipality for the current year $8.52. Accepted. From Oliver Amos of Parkhill, sec’y.-treas. of the Aux Sable Ri ver conservation Authority asking for an interim payment from Us borne Township of $9 8.00. Held 'oyer until more information was available. From the Exeter District High School Board re appointment Township Representative Board. A. W. Morgan apponted for a two year general agreement. From Edward Westcott that he had on his property stray heifer for which he had been unable to find an owner, was instructed to advertise proceed Pounds mal if From ard, and Clarence Knight, notice of appeal to the Court of Revision on the Eliniville Drain to be held on December 16th. Council instructed that the notice of appeal be sent to the Engineer and that he be asked to attend the Court of Re vision, The Road Superintendent was autlfbrized to engage Jack Essery of Centralia, with truck and snow plow to assist work on the the winter, at on motion of and Tuckey. Clerk was instructed to advertise in the Exeter and St. Marys papers in the next editions for a part time operator of the Township crawler •tractor after such time as it is de livered; written applications to be on hand for the next meeting. Mo tion by Councillors Brock and Simpson/ Bills to the amount of $187.74 were presented for payment and orders were drawn on the Trea surer to cover same; Road vou chers to tile amount of >$8240*85 were presented for payment by the Superintendent, which included the cost of road gravelling and part payment for materials for the road machinery building. Payment of bills was authorized by motion of Councillors Tuckey and Brock. All motions were unanimously carried and Council adjourned to meet again in regular session on Tuesday afternoon December 16th, 1947. of Lakeside, road machinery Filed. the Sheridan Equipment confirmation of order for tractor and equipment, and THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER {C'OMM f$S 10 ri • 0 F oilTA R10 ■ & IS Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS ON HAND ON HAND e We Deliver Phone 12 Granton a few Christmas Rfaff opened the The hymn ’‘While Alice Nora Mrs. Vera Mas- Mrs. Sally Luing; press re- 'The First sung and Alice Pfaff delightful reading An- treasurer, , Norma Knight Mary Easton. was a very honor of Miss Rev. K, Mac- the dear ones at rest within and tears with joy comniun- $ Suggestions , . RADIOS—All sizes record players and, combinations. This is _ which he or she will get a great deal of pleasure. and shapes. Also radio-phonograph one gift from li COFFEE MAKERS—Don’t overlook this' as an ideal suggestion for the lady ,o£ the house. We Have a Few Strings of Tree Lights And Other Electrical Decorations LAMPS—We have lamps MERRY CHRISTMAS AL BUM with Bing Crosby, Dec ca No. 403 $05 SUITE (in tempo) with Freddy and orch, Victor No- $3.75 NUTCRACKER dance Martin 124 WHITE AND THE DWARFS- (non-break- Y- to was term, of the re- by reporting a Clerk and in accordance with the Act to dispose of the ani- the owner was not found. Stanley Coward, Roy Cow- in snow clearing Township roads for five dollars per hour, Councillors Simpson HARRY STRANG, Clerk Mr. and Mrs* J. Cornish Married 28 Years Marking the 28tli anniversary of the marriage of their parents, Mr* and Mrs. J. K. Cornish, BrUcefield, oh November 26, members of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Exeter, -and Mr, aiicl Mrs, Caflyle Cornish, Seaforth, surprised them With duck dinner at their home in Brucefield. Mr. and Mi’s, Cornish Were pre sented with a vase and a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Mrs. Cornish, Who hud intended arranging a par ty to celebrate the event, was un able to do so because of injuries received in an accident a short time previously, and from which she is now recovering. SNOW SEVEN .............. able records), Victor No. 17 $4,50 LAMPS—We have lamps of all descrip tions including floor, table, boudoir, pin up, bed and novelty designs. Attractive matching shades. . * I TWO SISTERS FROM BOS TON with Lauritz Melchior, Victor No. DM-1056 WHITE CHRISTMAS, START THE NEW RIGHT, Bing Crosby $4.00 LET’S YEAR 500 IRONS CHIMES TOASTERS DOOR ELECTRIC SHAVERS A GIRL THAT I REMEM BER, SURPRISE SYMPHOr NY, Tex Beneke 75c Snelgrove Tire & Electric Andy Snelgrove, Prop, Hodgins-Smith Nuptials A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in the Centralia United church parsonage at high noon on Nov. 29th when Marjorie Jean, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith, Lucan,- became the bride of Lome Dubline Hodgins, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Labannah Hodgins, of Lucan. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. G. C. Weir. The bride looked lovely in a gown of white satin with embroidered net yoke and a double net skirt and long sleeves which tapered to a point on the back of the hand. The veil was three-quarter length with a flower ed headdress. She carried a nose gay of yellow mums and red roses with white streamers, The brides ipaid was Miss Shirley Smith, Exe ter, cousin of the bride, who wore a blue nylon dress with matching slip and veil. She carried a nosegay of yellow and mauve mums with pink streamers. Mr. Donald Ab bott, Lucan, cousin of the groom, acted as best man. A reception was held at the home of the bride’s par ents to the immediate relatives. The waitresses were Mrs. H. Hodge, of Birr and Miss Reta Isaac, Lucan. The .gift to the bride from the groom was a chest of silver; to the bridesmaid a bone china cup and saucer; to the best man a pottery tie rack and to the waitresses a pitcher. For travelling the bride wore a black crepe dress trimmed with a blue neckline, a raspberry coat with black hood and black ac cessories. Through showers of con fetti the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, Sarnia and points farther south. They will reside on the groom’s farm near Lucan. of I Public School Board The regular monthly meeting the Exeter Public School Board was held in the office of the sec retary, W. H. Hodgson December 2nd at 7.30 p.m. present were the chairman, W. E. Middleton, E. R. Russell, C. Cann, W. H, Pollen and Mrs. W. Sanders. Absent, W. G. Seldon. Minutes were read together with correspondence and the Inspector’s report. Principal Blowes offered to have his staff and pupils take care of Christmas seals. E. R. Hopper was appointed a member of the Exeter High School mo- on HOG Buy From Your Increase returns by using Co op Hog Mineral. ?! ! ¥It is good business to be cer tain that your pigs have access to a mineral supple ment with which to build Strong and properly develop ed frame. Then you can pro duce a good hog. Co-op Hog Mineral con tains calcium, phosphorus, salt, iodine, iron, manganese and cobalt — all essential to proper development and health. Affiliated with United Farmers Co-operative Co. Ltd Plowmen Hold Meeting The annual meeting of the South Huron Plowmen’s Association was held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 6, with most of the district plowmen pres ent. The local match was discon tinued in 194 2, because of the war The Association 1946, and joined tional Match held airfield. This past the shortage of labor, and favorable season, it was unwise to hold a meet. It ned and expected a match held in October 1948. An effort will be made to have more Town ships join the South Huron Associ ation. The fallowing officers were el ected, President, Percy Passmore; Vice-Pres., Asa Penhale; Secretary- Treasurer, Earl Shapton; Directors Hay Twp., Earl Campbell, Cecil Rowe, Frank Wlldfong; -Stephen Twp., Wilfrid Shapton, Allan JVal- per, Roy Ratz; Harold Jeffery, Alvin Kenneth Johns; Snider, Ed. Shapton, liams. Usborne Twp., Passmore, Exeter, Larry Roland Wil- For AH Lovers of the Out-of-Doors "T AIN’T RUNNIN’ reorganized in in the Interna- at Port Albert fall, because of the un thought is plan will be Gifts That Give Aiisa Craig Man Injured in Auto Crash Suffering - a compound fracture of the thigh and considerable shock, Christopher Hutton, 75, Aii sa Craig, was admitted to St. Jo seph’s Hospital Friday night after he had been involved in an acci dent on No. 7 east of Aiisa Hutton was which struck highway and crashed into a tree. Driver of the vehicle, Robert Ea- gelson, R.R. 1, Aiisa Craig, was unhurt. The car was extensively damaged, police reported. Highway three miles Craig. passenger in a car a snowdrift on the NO MORE” ’ by William Sherwood Fox . The story o£ Grand Bend,, The Pinery and The Old River Bed. Profusely illustrated by Clare Bice, noted Oanadain artist. $1.00 postpaid Published by Wendell Holmes Bookshop LONDON Year PleasureArea Board for one year on tion of R. E. Russell and W. H. Pollen, The principal reported No. roll for November 204; number of teaching days 18; average atten dance 190.06. School was closed one day while teachers attended the convention at Goderich. Mr. PI. V. Roy had shown several instruc tive films in the basement of the Main St. United church. nal public school concert held in the arena Dec. cheque for $5.00' will be to Douglas Rivers and Pooley for attaining highest marks in the entrance exams. Moved by Mrs. Sanders and C. A. Cann that the principal’s report be adopted and supplies be pur chased. Mr. Middleton expressed his gratitute to the members of the Board for their «0-operation dur ing the past year and requested Mr. Blowes to express the same to his teaching staff. Mr. Blowes behalf of the teaching staff pressed their appreciation for co-operation of the Board. The retiring trustees this year are W. E. Middleton, R. E. Rus sell and Carfrey Cann. Mr. W, H. Pollen expressed the .wish that the three members would stand for re-election and he hoped they would be returned. C. A. Cahn moved adjournment. W. H. Hodgson, secretary Smokers The an- will be 12th. A awarded Dorothy on ex- the Dies at Brucefield The death of William Thomas Hill occurred at his home in Brucefield, on Thursday, Dec. 4. Mt. Kill was in ill health for a- bout a year with a heart condition and was also troubled with asthma and spent several weeks in hospi tal. Born in Brucefield, 58 years ago, he was married oh Sept. 20, 1920 to Winnifhed Wright, daught er of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright of Brucefield. They lived in Stan ley ’township Until two weeks ago When they moved into their new home at BrUcefield. He is survived by Ills Wife, three brothers, John Hill, Moose Jaw, Sask.; James Hill Stratford and Lyle Hill, BrUcefield and one sister, Mrs. J. K. Cornish, Brucefiold, The funeral took place Saturday from the Brucefield Unit ed Church with interment in Mait- ‘ landbank cemetery. I tl m Solid Walnut, Metal, Chrome ta8a FOR MOTHER /•' Hobbs Peacock Mirrors (Guaranteed) ggav VI- hassocks Vanity Lamps in Wood, Crystal, China > i FOLDING Steel Bridge Sets Chrome and Blue, Ivory and Red Ivory and Tan, Black and Red TAELES n CEDAR CHESTS TOYS AND WHEEL GOODS FOR THE KIDDIES J It FOR DAD Goblin Electric Cleaners L 11 We Deliver’ <