HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-11, Page 5TUB TIMES*ADVOCATE» EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER H, 1947 Page 5 JAMES STREET UNITED Rev, R. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.O.M. Musical Director 11 a,m—Communion Service. Anthem: “Sing O Heavens”, 3 p.m.—Sunday School, 7 p.m.'—The Pull of the Unseen. Choir Number: Selected. ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Creditor M. E, Reuber, B.A., B.R., Minister Mrs. F, W. Mprlock. Organist 10 a.m.—iMoruing Worship. 11 a.m.—Church School, 7.30' p.m,—Evening Worship. 8,45 p.m.—E. Y, F. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. HaiTy J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—-“The Day Spring From on High”. 12 Noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m,—Dr. John E. Whiting, B.A., M.D., Superintendent of Bella Coola, B.C,, Hospital. Illustrated address. Fri., Dec. 19—Christmas Concert. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Schedule of Masses for Mt. Carmel Church and St. Peter’s Church, No. 4 Highway, South of Exeter Father Fogarty in charge. Carmel o’clock Carmel o’clock. Carmel TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican —> Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford B.A., M.A. Organist—Robert Cameron 11 a.m,—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evening Prayer, Nov. 23, Dec. 7, 8, 21—Mt. 9 o’clock; St, Peter’s 11 Nov. 30, Dec. 14, 28—Mt. 11 o’clock; St. Peter’s 9 Dec. 25, Christmas—Mt, midnight and 9 o’clock; St. Pet­ er’s 10 o’clock. Taxis will leave the bus terminal one half hour before service.—Pop’s Taxi Service. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Thurs. 2;30 p.m.- CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Miss Nonna M. Knight, Organist 10' a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Rev. Jas. Anthony, r. Christmas Trees ALL KINDS ALL SIZES WANTED Live Ducks and Geese E. R. Witmer Phone 179w Exeter i KIRKTON Mrs, Harold Ratliburn is holiday­ ing with friends at Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall, Bil­ lie and Ronald, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallis at Granton this week. The much needed rains of the past week have filled the cisterns and wells which is a great help before a freeze-up. Miss Norma and Mr. Edwin Tufts of London ,spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Truman Tufts. Mr. Reuben Shier, of jjsborne Township ds spending the winter months with his brother, Albert, in the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer left this wek to spend some time at Help flature To Eliminate Waste A combination of valuable vege­ table remedies, blended together under rigid standards of purity, Milburn’s Laxa-Liver P-ills are often valuable in the relief of constipa­ tion and. minor disorders of the liver, stomach and bowels. They help the eliminatory organs and clear the system of waste which is often the cause of constipation, sick and bilious spells, headaches and heartburn. Onee tried, you’ll be delighted by the renewed feeling of well-being which they help to produce. Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills are on sale at all drug counters. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. PREPARE! DASHWOOD The Evangelical Christmas en­ tertainment will be held on Sun­ day evening, Dec. 21st and the Lutheran entertainment will be on Wednesday evening, December ■24 th. Mr, and Mrs, W. R, Miller and son, Billie, of Detroit, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and Miss Lavada Hartleib. Mr, and Mrs. W, Schultz of troit, attended the funeral of late Harry Rader last week. The Business Men’s Club held their election of officers for the coming year recently. Those elec­ ted were pres., A. V. Tieman; vice-pres.^ Harald Taylor; secret­ ary-treasurer, C. F. Pfile; sports committee, M. Tiernan, Harry Hay- ter, Sproule Currie; house commit­ tee, J. Wein, Wes Wolfe, M. Mer- ner. A Christmas programme be presented Christmas eye, HEN3ALU A Bingo and Dance will be held in the Town Hall on Wednesday, December 17, Prizes will be fowl Murdock’s orchestra, Undex* the auspices of the Canadian Legion. Mr. Bruce Glenn of O.A.C., Guelph, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and John M. Glenn. The annual Public School cert will be held in the Town Hensail, on Thursday evening, De­ cember 18th. Plan to attend this concert. The ladies of Carmel* Presbyter­ ian held a most successful Bazaar and supper in the school-room of the church on Saturday last, Rev, Sanderson Guest Speaker The regular meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Young People held in the school-room of church on Monday evening, president, Mr. Clark Kennedy, ducted the worship period, meeting opened by singing several Christmas carols after which Robt. Taylox* led in prayer. The Scripture was read by Russel Moore. The carol “The First Noel” was sung. Rev. R, H, Sanderson was the guest speaker and gave an interst­ ing address based on happenings of his youngex* days in England. He spoke on religious services of that time and also related some orous incidents which were enjoyed by those present. Alma Bell favoured with a solo intitled “The Gift”. Arrange­ ments were made to prepare boxes for shut-ins at Christmas, donations will be accepted by members of Carmel Church, be propared at Decembex* 22nd. by'singing “Joy the Benediction Evening Auxiliary Meeting Mrs. Hedden and Miss land were hostesses for the ly meeting of the Evening iary on Monday night, Dec. Sth. The hostesses were assisted by Miss Margaret 'Shepherd. The pres­ ident, Miss Michie, opened the meeting with “While Shepherds Watched”, “Hark, the Herald An­ gels Sing”, “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear”, “Once in Royal David’s City”, “O Come All Ye Faithful” and “As With Gladness.” Following a Christmas reading by the president “O Little Town of Bethlehem” was sung. Minutes were read and collection taken. In answer to the Roll Call, many love­ ly toys, games, etc. were received for distribution to the London Pro­ testant 'Orphanage, Margaret Shep­ herd and Mrs. Hedden offered to attend to the packing and forward­ ing of same. The various reports showed splendid progress through­ out the year. The Auxiliary Bazaax* which was held recently was a de­ cided success. Miss Margaret Glenn treasurer, gave an encouraging fin­ ancial report. Miss Violet McCly- mont handed in further money for Christmas cards. The treasurer was instructed to forward :$ 150.00 'to headquarters, also to give the W. M.S. a $50.00 donation on motions of .Mis McClymont and Mrs. L. Chapman. It was moved by Margaret Glenn and seconded by Miss McClymont that the two past presidents re­ ceive life memberships in the Even­ ing Auxiliary, Carried. It was decided to reduce price of Hint Books to 35 cents in an effort to dispose of them. Corres­ pondence read from the Canadian Association of Consumers. Miss Ellis volunteered to look after chaptei’ of new study book at the next meeting. Gladys Luker, Mrs. Flynn and Margaret Shepherd were named a Nominating Committee the purpose of submitting ‘at January meeting the Slate of ficers for 1948. The next hymn was “Joy to World”. The devotional period conducted by Mrs. Corbett, using “Christinas” as hex’ theme. Mrs. A. Hyde read Scripture, Matt., Chap­ ter 2, vs. 1:11. Prayer was repeat­ ed by Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. B. Kyle then reviewed the closing chaptei' of the study book on India. The January meeting will 'be held in the United Church Schoolroom. Social committee,- Margaret Glenn, Mrs. Shortt, Violet McClymont, Mrs. Sanders, Miss Michie will give the devotional exercises. The meet­ ing closed with “Silent Night” and the Mizpah Benediction. A dainty luncheon followed un- dei* the direction of the hostesses and their assistants. Miss Margaret Glenn and Mrs. B, Kyle were nam­ ed to select a farewell Mrs. Ivan Kippei' who has village. Council Minutes The regular meeting of lage Council was held December 2nd at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambei' with all members pres­ ent. The minutes meeting were Brown: That the minutes be opted as read. Carried. T. ,Kyle reported re the Poll collections, and was instructed that all taxes outstanding on Dec­ ember 15th was to be handed in­ to the 'Magistrate for collection, J. A. Paterson reported re ,Tax collection and stated that about 98 per cent had been collected, A. W. Kerslake, Reeve; reported re liis investigations re Snowplow­ ing sidewalks. , Twitchell and Middleton: That We purchase the plow offered by J. Essery fox’ sidewalks, Carried J« A. Paterson reported re the applications for Caretaking of the rink, Very few had been received, ;and it Was decided to lay the mat* , tor over until flm December Mww-j* meeting, Mrs. Con- Hall, was the The con- The h urn- much Miss vocal and H. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed. 8 p.m.—Bible Study Prayer. W.M.S. annual meeting. Fri. 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jolly, of Clinton. Sun. 10 a.m__Sunday School. Mr. Edgar Cudmore, Supt. Sun. 7:30 p.m.—Song and Testimony Sun. 8 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. The Pastor. WOODHAM Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Smith and London, Mr. and and Miss on Wednesday the community family of the of the held on Fellow- Mr. Donald Rodd, of spent the week-end with Mrs. Harry Rodd. Miss Muriel Stephens Jean Copeland, of tSt. Marys, spent the week-end at their homes here. Mr. Fred Doupe and Rev. Mr. Laing attended the Presbyterial meeting held in Parkview United church, Stratford of last week. The sympathy of is extended to the lat€- Miss Sarah Shier,, who passed away on Sunday. Miss Marion Kemp, of Kirkton, gave an inspiring talk on Mission­ ary work and her trip through Western Canada and United States. Young People’s Meeting The regular meeting Young People’s Union was Sunday evening with the ship and Worship committee, Phy­ llis Wheeler and Clarence Thom­ son in charge. The call to worship was given by Clarence Thomson. Hymn 295 was followed by the the Lord’s Prayer in unison. 'Scrip­ ture lesson was read by John Rodd. The story on scripture, “Stay Together and Pitch it High” by Jean Copeland; poem “Once When My World’ her followed, minutes were The hymn Wheeler; McCurdy; Future” poem by and the meeting People’s Benediction. poem by Helen Web- ca'll and adopted, follows: Phyllis Bessie for the >> The roll read and was prayer solo “Building Dorothy program 29.3; piano story, by Dorothy Thomson; Betty Mills; hymn 220 National Anthem. The closed with the Young Hey Be­ th e will ZION Gerald Hern is wearing a and Of her Mrs. L. London, home. as by by i the home of their son. Dr. Glen Sawyer at St. Thomas. Miss Agnes Gleason is spending the winter months in London. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ullyott, of St. Marys, spent Monday with ithe latter’s sister, Mrs. M. Gregory. Institute Meeting Kirkton W. Institute held a pot luck supper in the United Church basement. ,Mr. and Mrs. George Waldie, of Stratford, were special guests and during the program Mr, Waldie gave an account of his trip to Britain with the Ontario Plow­ men. Ten dollars was donated to the furnace fund of the church $5,00 to the War Memorial London. and Children’s Hospital in Roll call was answered with the gift of an apron after which these were sold. Proceeds from the ap­ rons amounted to $18.00. “He that bclieveth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that belicveth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36 “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died fox us. I Thess. 5:9 Tune In; Hear Chas. Fuller on Station CKLW, Windsor, 12-12:30 E.S.T. Sunday noon. Chas. E. Fuller P.O. Box 123, Los Angles S3, Calitornia “Tins WOULD NEEDS CHRIST” These boxes are to our next meeting, The meeting closed to the World” and by Rev. Ferguson. Suther- month- Auxil- for the Of- the was gift left for the tlie Vil- of the previous read. Parke and ad- Tax Mr. ■big smile these days, it’s a boy. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ross Hern has been undergoing treatment in Victoria Hospital, London, during the past week. Miss Linda Westcott, of Exeter, spent several days during the past week with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Eph Hern. Mrs. Wellington Brock spent Sa­ turday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter of Eden. Jean Brock, Ken Hern and Har­ ry Hern were in Palmerston on Saturday attending a Leadership Training School for Junior Farm­ ers. Mr. and Mrs. Eph on Sunday with Mrs. Exeter. Miss Irene Brock, spent the week-end with Mrs. Wellington Hern visited Kyle, ofL. of London, her par J ents, Mr, and Brock. The annual will be ’ held in day, December 19 at 8 p.m. sharp. The school pupils under the direc­ tion of their teacher, Miss Anno Elford, are preparing the program. Please keep this date in mind and plan to attend. ChrismaS Concert the school on Fr<- theG. Schwalm appeared re snowplowing of the streets. Parke and Twitchell: engage G. Schwalm with tor sidewalks. Carried. Correspondence .read as follows; W. D. Beath and Sous, Chamber of Commerce, Christinas Seal Com­ mittee, Town -of Listowel, Bell Telephone, Exeter District High School Board, same considered and filed. Middleton and Brown: That proclaim Boxing Day December as a Public Holiday. Carried. Parke and Brown: That grant the Christmas Seal .Commit­ tee the sum of $10.00. Carried. Twitchell- and Brown: That the Clerk 'prepare .a By-Law appointing E. L. Mickle a member represent­ ing the Village on the Exeter Dis­ trict High School Board for a term of two years. Carried. Bills and Accounts read as fol­ lows; School Board, School rates. 3,500.'00; Hensail Hydro Commis­ sion, street lights, 1,000.00; Hur­ on County, county rate, Hensail Public Library, rary rates, 235.02; Reid snow plowing streets, Adair, labor snowfence, J. McBeath. labor snowfence, 1.20: weThat his trac- at 1.5 0' per hour to plow the we 26 we 3,337.26; Bal. Lili­ an d Allan 18.00; F. sts., 11.20; sts . R. Dick, labor snowfence, sts.. 1.20: J. Pfaff, snow plowing and teaming sts., 4.50; Canadian Legion, wreath, misc., 6.50'; J. E. McEwen, tile sts., 1.20; J. A. Pat­ erson, revising Voters’ Lists, 48.70* P. L. McNaughton revising Voters’ Lists, 5.00: Village of Exeter, Ration Board expense, 20.00; R. H. .Middleton, supplies, misc., 1.5 8, A. H. Erskine, misc., 3.50; E. Chief, . J salary M.O.H., 90.00 j. J. A. Pater­ son, salary Clerk-Trees., 125.00; T, Kyle, salary Utility man, 77.60 O, Twitchell, salary Councillor, 28.00; R. H. Middleton, salary Councillor, 28.00; W. Brown, sal­ ary Councillor,. 28.0 0’; W. Parke, salary Councillor, 28.00; Kerslake, salary, Reeve, Ausable River Watershed vation Authority, Levy, Moore Bros., repairs sts., 48.10; Drysdale Hardware, supplies hall, 14,92; J. Passmore, supplies hall, .50; Huron County, Hospitalization Baker, 6.75; Hensail Hydro, hydro hall, 20.21; O. Twitchell, supplies, •pump and fire truck, 11.99; Christmas Seal Committee, Grant, 10.00; F. G. Bonthron, postage, 5.00. Total 8,834.93. Brown and Twitchell: That the bills and accounts as read be paid, Carried. Brown and Middleton. That we charge the School Board 302.55 being the cost of secondary school education charged to the village, also that we charge the Library Board 175.00 for rent. Carried, .Middleton and Twitchell that we order 2217 feet Of 24 inch con­ crete pipe from the Concrete Pipe Ltd. at 2.75 per foot. Carried. Brown and Middleton. That we order 72 feet of 30 inch steel 14 gauge culvert pipe from the Ped­ lar People Ltd. Carried. Middletoll and Twitchell Clerk be instructed to ad ver- in the Commercial News, Lon- Free Press, Seaforth JDxpost- and Exeter Times-Advocate for Main Car* collecting arrears, Fink, salary Fire GO'.OO; Dr. J. G. Goddard, A, W, 42.00; Conser- 1S.00; the tise don tor ...... Tenders on the Hen sail Drain improvement scheme, ried. Parke adjourn nl S 1'1 THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Aitclxlson, of Stouffville, visited over the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. James Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGilJ, Mona and Lorie, of Prospect Hill, visited on Sunday with Mr, Johns, .Miss Elsie Bray, spent the week-end at We are sorry to report that Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne has been confined to the hoifse suffering from a burn she received when a coffee percula- tor of hot coffee was overturned, burning her leg. Miss Anne Morgan, of London, spent the week-end at her home. Mi’, and Mrs, A. Gardiner, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, G. Duncan, The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cann and family in the passing of their infant daughter and sister at Victoria Hospital Saturday of last week. A private funeral was held Monday from the Hopper-Hockey Funeral Home conducted by Rev. Wm. >Mair. Interment was Exeter Cemetery. Don’t forget the 'Sunday Christmas concert in the basement Monday evening, her 22 at 8.30 p.m. The teachers and officers of the Roys Sunday School held then* an­ nual meeting at the Manse on Thursday evening of last week with a good attendance. Mrs, T. McIntyre, spending a few days ents, Mr. and Mrs. tyne. Farm Forums met ing places Monday evening, Lumley .School, and the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodgert and Rev, and Mrs. Mair. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner and Marilyn visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen at Lon- desboro. Sunday services will be at the usual hour on Sunday. „ Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. and Church at 11.15 a.m. Mission Band will meet church service hour on morning. School Concert The Thames Road school was held in the school room Tues­ day evening of this week with a good which consisted of tions, dialogues and well presented. The Gilfillan, and pupils are to be con­ gratulated. The class room was tastefully decorated for the occas­ ion. Santa Claus was present the children received treats gifts. W.M.S. and W.A. Meetting The Christmas meeting of W.A. and W.M.S. was held at home of Mrs. G. Wiseman on Wed­ nesday of last week. Mrs. W. Fer­ guson was in charge of the meeting and the Candlelighting service was followed from the Missionary Mon­ thly. Those taking part in this service were Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Wiseman, Mrs. 'Mair, Mrs. O. Cann Mrs. M. ’ Gardiner, Mrs. R. Maver and Mrs. W. Elford. Roll Call was taken and business discussed. It was decided to make an appeal to members of the congregation for used clothing, quilts, money dona­ tions or home canned fruit or veg­ etables for the Dutch family who have recently come from Holland to live in our community. The same to be brought to the church on Dec. 22, the evening of the Christmas entertainment. The var­ ious reports for the year were then given. The slate of officers for the coming year for the W.M.S. was presented and accepted. The W.A. report was given and slate of of­ ficers presented. The new slate for the W.M.S. is as follows: Mrs. ’Mair; 1st vice-pres, guson; Cann; Harris; treasurer, Mrs. P. Passmore; ist, Mrs. Morgan; temperance sec., Mrs. E. Pym; M, and -M. sec., Mrs. Rohde; Baby Band Supt., Mrs. C. Allison; Community Friendship, Mrs. Mair, Mrs. L. Ballantyne, Mrs. R. Miller; Program committee, ■Mrs. Hunkin, Mrs. Kirkland; Chris­ tian Stewardship and Finance, Mrs. Chas. Miller, Mrs. «S. Coward, Mrs. T. Ballantyne; press secretaries, Mrs Mair, Mrs. Wiseman; Nominat­ ing committe, .Mrs. A. Hunkin, Mrs. J. Kirkland. The slate of of­ ficers for the W.A. is as follows: president, Mrs. retary-treasurer, frey; Group Passmore, Mrs. Selves, Mrs. M, attendance. That and Brown; That we to meet again Dec, now 15 th irk in the School church Decem- of London, is with her par- Thos. Ballan- at the follow- during Sunday concert The program drills, recita­ choruses was teacher, Miss •> 2nd vice-pres,, 3rd vice-pres., secretary, Mrs. president, Mrs. Fer- Mrs. O. Mrs. L. Wiseman; pian- Wm. Elf ord; sec­ Mrs. Victor Jef- Leaders, Mrs. J. Bray, Mrs. Gardiner. FUEL ECONOMY FOR Snell Bros. ■& Co EXETER Give for Christmas? You Say They Have Everything? FLOWERS Leave Your Order With Us Early Special Low Prices the Following Goods WAGONS Reg. $12.95, now $8.95 SLEIGHS SPECIAL $2.75 to $3.25 STEP-ON CANS now $1.60 MEDICINE Irons Chlorena Reg. $3.70, Reg. $1.85, and and For­ an d with We Have Not Increased the Price on NOW .. . Reg. $6.95, now $4.95 CHLORENA POWDER^ REGULARLY,.. AND PHONE 100 Hardware *«*« THAT’S WHAT A MOTOR TUNE UP MEANS TO CAR OR YOUR TRUCK m w TTune Up LONGER ENGINE LIFE BETTER PERFORMANCE MAXIMUM POWER Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, Case Tractors and Implement Sales You Don't Know What Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric Electric EXETER FLOWER SHOP Ralph Bailey and Family Irons Razors Heating Pads Heaters Hotplates Clippers Rangettes Bottle Warmers Coffee Makers Toasters Tea Kettles Vacuum Cleaners Washing Machines Trains Soldering Elimville Farm Forum The Elimville North Farm um met at the home of Rev. Mrs. Mair on Monday evening thirty present. The topic was “The Teacher in the Community”, There was a good discussion. Games and lunch followed. The meeting next week will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weber, The subject for discussion will be “Or­ ganizing for Community Action.” Hospitalization insurance is clai­ ming the attention of many today, a most comprehensive policy, cov­ eting doctor, hospital or nurse, sur­ geon, maternity and miscellaneous expenses is issued by Mutual Bene­ fit, the largest exclusive health accident company in the world and represented In South Huron by Er­ nest. Cl. Hatvev It/urance Agency, Phone 276 BATH ROOM SETS CABINETS now $2,95 Powder meets all the re­ quirements of an effective and con­ venient germicide. It is quick acting ,and thorough-safe to use. After milk­ ing wash all equipment and allow to drain and dry. Just before each milk­ ing, rinse or immerse all washed milk pails and other utensils. It is an ex­ cellent controller of bacteria. STOP . . * Feed Waste It pays to mix Chek-R-Ton with your chicken mash. Chek-R-Ton helps keep them laxative, tones up ap­ petites and expels round­ worms.