HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-11, Page 4f*age 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1947 The first edition of the “Ink­ spot” which has not been published for two years, will he on sale at the school on Monday. ... course, it was made an option on the school ciriculum. Exeter could stand a teacher of instrumental music who could follow-up the work begun in school. Howdy Folks! If you plan to start a skunk farm, don’t try to keep it a secret. Somebody is sure to get wind of it. o------o The ancients had a rule that I submit to you; To argue with a fool is proof that there are two. o------o Two old ladies were going for their first airplane ride. Said one to the pilot: “You will be sure to bring us back, won’t you?” “I’ve never left anybody up there yet”, was the pilot’s answer. o------o And if you want your car to bring you back make sure our boys keep it tuned-up for you. They'll keep it in A-l condition. South End Service Station RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 WHALEN Miss Shirley Birch was a week­ end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley had as their dinner guests on Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ilod- gins, of Clandeboye, Miss Leona Pym, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm French and. family and Mr. and Mrs. Melleville Gunning and Mur­ iel. The occasion was the 39th an­ niversary of their wedding. The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Norman Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire and Ron­ ald were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire, of Farqu­ har. Mrs. Laverne Morley entertained the girls of Whalen and Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Foster and Jimmy, of St. Marys, on Monday evening in honor of her daughter, Marion’s 12th birthday. The school orchestra is small but is coming along with its faith­ ful practising. Under the capable direction of Mr. Cecil Wilson, the school’s music teacher, the orches­ tra will be showing its accomplish­ ments before we have a “White Christmas”. It is composed of; piano, Mar- jorie Hoffman; violins, June Wal­ ters and Mr. Wilson; traps, Bill Elliot; saxophones, Campbell Krue­ ger and Gerard Jeffery. Exeter High, for a school of three hundred pupils, has few mu­ sicians. Mr. WTilson is trying to remedy the situation by conducting a beginners’ violin class. He has eight struggling musicians who can now play several notes on each string, but wait until mid-summer- After gazing on the smartly dressed bugle band from Hanover High School at the W.O.S.S.A. track meet in London this fall, our girl’s were all pepped up for Exeter having one. It would cost something to start one, but we could get a grant if it were con­ nected with the Cadet Corps. Clin­ ton H., School has a creditable bu­ gle band, so why shouldn’t Exeter? The Student Council might get the ball rolling for another year if not this. There isn’t time in school hours to teach the fundamentals of string and wind instruments, unless, of For years Mr, Gordon Koch’s pupils have produced creditable art. Artistic ability is inherited or acquired early in life. It is unfor­ tunate that those who show some special ability in Grade IX Art could not be given further lessons, in order to give their natural abil­ ity an opportunity to develop with training. Several high schools might share an Art teacher in much the same way that the pub­ lic schools share a music teacher. Then Art, which has cultural Value could be taught in the upper grades. In keeping with the season, Mr. Koch’s classes are producing Christmas cards and wrappings. 'The latter is done with a print cut on a potato, and this is trans­ ferred in color to tissue paper. Many lovely pastels are now on display by Raymond Luck, Grace Regier, Douglas Murray, Gloria Ap­ pleton, Audrey Bestard, Mabie Selves, June Sinclair, Betty Mac­ Dougall and others. Further study in art may be secured at the Londan Technical School in day and night classes, or at the College of Art, Toronto. Com­ mercial artists are in good demand by advertising companies, by print­ ing and lithographing firms and by textile and wall-paper manufacture ers. EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE L. B. Hodgson Resigns as Clerk The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Stephen, was held in the council rooms, Crediton, on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd with the following members present: Roy Ratz, reeve; Arthur J. Amy, deputy reeve and Council­ lors J. H. Dalton, Henry C. Beaver and Willis Gill. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of H. Beaver and A. J. Amy. Correspondence was read from i the Canadian Mothercraft Society j asking for a grant. Ordered filed. Correspondence from Oliver Amos Clerk of McGillivray Township re levy on all municipalities for cur­ rent expenses in connection with the ' dredging of the river at Port Frank Correspondence ordered filed until Dec. 15th. Correspondence from the War Memorial Hospital asking for a grant. Ordered filed. Dr. Taylor’s report as M.O.H. for the year 19 47 was presented to the Council and was accepted on mo­ tion of J, H, Dalton and Harry Beavers. Moved by H. Beavers, seconded by Willis Gill that the annual grant of $35.00 be made to the Exeter Fair Board. Carried. The resignation of Mr. L. B. Hodgson as Clerk-Treasurer of the Township of Stephen to take affect Jan. 1, 1948 was read and, accepted on motion of H. Beavers and J. H. Dalton. Carried. Moved by J. H. Dalton, seconded by H. Beavers that the Road ac­ counts for the month of November be paid as follows: Twp. of Steph-' en $357.27. Moved by A. J. Amy, seconded by i Willis Gill that the following Gen- j eral accounts be paid for the month of November: R. Hobbs Taylor, im­ munization of school children, $1,- 194.25; C; Watson, transportation ‘ of school children to centres for im- munization, $270.00; Corp, of St. Catharines, relief fox- Mrs. Tiede- man $21.50; B. Holt, rent for Mrs. Carruthers for Dec., $7.00; G. A. Love, relief for Mrs. Vansteenkist, $S.0 0; Mrs. T. Kenney, relief for Milton Kenney, $9.00; Donald Ratz wood for Mrs. Vansteenkist, $10.00 Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $1.59 Restemeyer & Miller, relief for V. Tyler $16.00; Centralia Farmers Co.-Op., cement, $8.40; Toronto Stationery, paper supplies, $9.34; Ernest Guettinger, caretaker, $79.50 E. Guettinger, milk inspection, $12.50; E. Guettinger, care of Ath­ letic Field, $)H3.00; County of Hu­ ron, tax collection charges, $8.50; Clayton Pfile, school inspections, $8.50; Village of Exeter, Stephen share of ration board expenses, $20 Bert Holt, taxi service to hospital, $10; Municipal World, election sup­ plies, $1'8.11; E. Pickering, weed inspector, $44.55; F. W. Morlock, electric lamps, labor on chimneys and pipes, Town Hall, $2.25; F. W. Morlock, clerk of court, 7 sittings, $28.00; Eli Lawson, 7 sittings of Court-, $28.00; Geo. Latta, refund of dog tax, $2.00; Exeter Fair Board annual grant, $35.00; Faist Bros., coal oil, 5 0; Geo. Eilber, inspection of O’Rourke and Sitter drain, $7.50 Exeter High School Board bal. of 1948 levy, $2707.44; Hay Twp. Telephone system, tax collections for Tel., $4242.05. Total $8822.48. Geo. Eilber, inspection of Centra­ lia Drain extension, $5.00. Board of J-Iealtli—-R. Hobbs Tay­ lor, M.O.H. fees, $2-30.00; attend­ ing Medical convention, $50.00; R. Ratz, member Board of Health, $8 Arthur J. Amy. member Board of Health, $8; L. B. Hodgson, member and secretary Board of Health, $23 Eli Lawson, inspection, $1.5 0; C. Pfile, inspection, 3.00. Total $323. Schools—W. H. Hodgson, U.'S.S. No. 9, $100.70; Herman Powe, S. S. No'. 1, $1443.30; Otto Willert, S. S. No. 11, $600.00; Gerald Godbolt S. S. No. 14. $10'51.48; R. A. Goetz U.S.S. No. 16„ $1645.08; W. S. Pat­ terson, McGillivray Twp. school area U.S..S No. 17 and U.S.S. No. 18, —Please Turn to Page Eight NEW ® MODERN • DIFFERENT Westinghouse Harmony Now.,.a radio to match your color-scheme. Your choice of four smart color combinations in the ‘‘biggest little radio in Westinghouse history.” Five tubes. Plastic cabinet. Illuminated Incite dial. Attached antenna. Beavers Hardware j FOR SALESTRAYED HELP WANTED LOST STRAYED—'Onto lot 4, con. 4, Ste­ phen Twp,, a white faced steer around 700 lbs, Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Joseph White, R.R. 1, Crediton or phone Crediton 29r5, 4; 11:18c FOR SALE — War Assets Army blankets fox’ ♦sale now, new and used, $3.50 to $4.50. The Exetei’ Home and Auto Supply. Phone 342. lltfc WANTED—Lady 'to clean offices Wednesday afternoon, Apply E. D. Bell or Dr. Corbett, Exeter, STRAYED__From lot 21, con. 3, Hay Twp., about the first of November, a -white-faced steer, 800 to 900 lbs. Anyone knowing whereabouts please phone 83r33 Hensall. Stewart Bell. * STRAYED—Onto lot 14, -conces- session 5, Stephen Twp., a red heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. Adam Kirchner, R. R. 1 Exeter, phone 26r2jl Crediton. 27:4:11c A FULL LINE of Avon products fox’ the Christmas season is now available through Mrs. Audrey Moore, 3 blocks east of Texaco Service Station.27:4:11* FOR SALE—Genuine old style Northern Spy apples, also pota­ toes. Bring containers. Frank Ryckman, Hensall. 27:4:11* i CHRISTMAS CARDS—A very large selection of the best cards. We personalize them. Times-Advo­ cate. 27* WANTED LOST—- 13 th way, Wed. low Kirkton. -A logging chain, between Con. Usborne, by 83 high- and Fullerton corners, on Finder please notify Ar- Copeland. Phone 34r23 11* MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING and Alterations— For further information phone Mrs. T. Semple, Exeter 351. c OPENING SOON__ Spruce Grove Dine and Dance, Barbaques, coffee Thursday, December 18. 11c HERE’S HELP—On your Christ­ mas Gift List check these sugges­ tions for.Gifts For Mother: Elec­ tric Mixer, Automatic Toaster, Lamps, Figurines, Quality Kitch­ enwares, Serving Tray, Set of Silverware. Hundreds of other Ideas in our Housewares Depart­ ment. Beavers Hardware, Exeter, lie PERSONAL SUFFERING FROM BACKACHES, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lum­ bago is not necessary. Use RU- MACAPS at once for quick re­ lief. At Robertson’s Drug Store. BABY CHICKS NEUHAUSER CHICKS First hatch January 4th: Twenty breeds: Government approved: All leading trap nest pedigree strains from the best breeding farms in the U.S.A, and Canada: Top qual­ ity chicks priced right: .Get them early: It will pay you well. Neuhauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. lltfc Election Cards TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen, - Please ac­ cept my sincere thanks for your support. Wishing you the compli­ ments of the season. ELMER LAWSON* ac- 'the be- TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen,- Kindly cept my sincere thanks fox’ very fine vote polled on my half on Monday. J hope to serve the municipality in the best inter­ ests of all. I wish for all a very Happy Christmas season. H WILLIS GILL ■c to TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen,- I wish express my sincere thanks for the splendid support given me at the polls on Monday. I hope to merit your confidence. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ROY SWARTZ * TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen,- I wish take this opportunity of expressing my appreciation fox’ the splendid vote polled on my behalf. To one and all I Greetings. to extend the Season’s JOHN MORRISSEY* RATEPAYERS OFTO THE STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen—To those who supported me at the polls on Monday I wish to extend my sin­ cere thanks. To the successful can­ didates I extend my congratulations * WM. STANLAKE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF GRAND BEND Many thanks to -the Ratepayers for their generous support in elec­ ting me to the Council. I will do my best to serve the village during 1948. HARMON GILL c MOUNT CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rompre and daughter Lorraine spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Walker at .Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ziler’s. FOR SALE—2 men’s coats. Phone 249 Eketer. 11c FOR SALE—General Motors bus chassis, Hercules motor. Apply Guenther Transport, the Exeter Warehouse. 4tfc FOR SALE—1940 Ford DeLuxe coach; 19 39 Ford pick-up, new motor, new tires; 1929 Model A coupe. Apply Hartman’s Gar­ age, Mt. Carmel. 4:11* FOR SALE—Top buggy, cutter and harness, all in good condition. Will sell cheap. John Schlundt, Dashwood, Ont. 11* FOR SALE—Kitchenette set, con­ sisting of 4 chairs, table and cab­ inet, also new hotplate. Apply’ Art Whilsmith, Exeter. FOR SALE—Cow due Dec. 10. Apply to Wm. Elliott, Centralia. 11c GEESE —- Dressed and drawn, ready for the oven. Order now fox’ delivery Dec. 23. * J. N. Cowan, Dashwood, phone 40rl3. IF. 18c FOR SALE—Frame steel roof, in price reasonable, 1$ miles Grand Bend, apply Lyman ton, Grand Bend, phone wood 4 2rl8. WANTED—A number of pigs weighing between 35 and 100 pounds. Phone John Hodgert 184 Exeter. 11c. WANTED TO RENT—50 or 100 acre grass farm. Apply at Times- Advocate. 11c WANTED AT ONCE—Hudson Seal fui* coat, any size or style. Mrs. N. Hockey, phone 239 Exeter. 4:11* WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 13 8, Exeter. WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. MALE HELP WANTED COUNTY ASSESSOR wanted for the County of Huron, Permanent employment for the right party. Applicants state qualifications, salary expected. Duties to com­ mence on or about January 1st, 1948. Applications to be in the hands of the County Clerk, God­ erich, Ontario, not later than De­ cember 19 th* 119 47. N. W. Miller County Clerk, Goderich, Ont.4:llc LOST —. Registered female Setter, answers to Red. municate with Sgt. A. G. Bily, R.R. 1, Crediton. NOTICES Irish Com- Bor- 11* NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Exeter taxes may be paid to the Collector in the Town Hall, Dec­ ember 13 and 15, hours 9 to 12 a.m. and 1.30 to 5.00 p.m. W. C. Pearce, Collector* 4:11c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In 1 FORD, all against late of in the on or about the 19th day of Janu­ ary, 1934 are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13th day of December next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims has the Estate of WILLIAM deceased. ■PERSONS HAVING Claims ; the Estate of William Ford J the Township of Usborne County of Huron who died of which notice been received. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for Executor, Administrator. 27:4:11 shed 60’x20’f good condition, south Grat- Dash- 11* WANTED—For Twp. of Usborne a part-time operatoi’ foi’ crawler tractor and equipment. Written applications to be in the hands of Wm. J. Routly, R.R. 3, Exe­ ter, Road Superintendent, or Harry Strang, R.R. 1, Hensall, Township Clerk, by noon of Tuesday, December* 16th, next. late of in the Farmer, claims FOR SALE—One good used cook stove. Apply Mervyn Keller, at White’s Apts. Exeter. ,1|1* FOR “SALE—-2 large storm win­ dows. Apply to Jos. White, R.R. 1, Crediton or phone Crediton 29r5. 1(1-* FOR SALE—Two male collie pups, also pedigreed Angora rabbits cheap for fast sale. Phone Ernie Harris, 33rl8 Kirkton. 11* FOR SALE—Used 400 McLary; nice stand; complete clean, brown iron. Clandeboye, phone No..furnace, dresser and double bed, Mrs. Tomes, 85rl3 Lucan. ll>c FOR SALE—Boy’s winter overcoat size 10 years, like new; Edison phonograph with 80 records; guitar, Hawaiian or Spanish, new. Apply to Mrs. Wes. Wit­ mer, Mill St. 11* FOR (SALE—(Girls’ navy wool jacket, size 14; slacks, size also velvet galoshes, size Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Marconi Battery rad­ io. Phone Crediton 18rl3. 11c UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER— A new, portable model with touch system. A swell Christmas box. $81.38, Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Black Seal 42, in very good nicely lined. Apply at vocate. coat, size condition, Times-Ad­ il* FOR SALE—19 31 Model A Ford with rebuilt motor, in A-l con­ dition; also 193 8 Ford radio built in model, in good condi­ tion. Apply Bill Morley, R.R. 1, Granton. 11* FOR SALE—Coleman lamp; Cole­ man lantern; G.E. battery mantel radio; man’s C.C.M. bicycle; girl’s 3-piece outfit, size 6. E. Anderson, Hensall, R.R. 2, oi’ phone 100r4 Hensall. 11:18* TO CLOSE AN ESTATE—Ford V-8, (1(9 35 model, in good condi­ tion, heater and trunk. Mrs. Tomes, phone 85rl3 Lucan, No. 4 Highway, Clandeboye. 11c FOR SALE—Brown Chesterfield coat, fitted, $18.00; brown tweed coat, box style, $10.00; black coat, box style, $10.00, all size 18. Apply at Times-Advocate 11* LOOKING FOR A GIFT FOR YOUR BOY'—Here are 8 sugges­ tions: Pocket Knife, Flashlight, Scout Hatchet, Electric Train, Air Rifle, Skates, Skiis, Baseball Bat. Look for Boys Gifts at our Hardware Store. Beavers Hard­ ware, Exeter. 11c Louis—-Walcott Picture Coming to Leavitt’s Theatre Wednesday and Thursday, Decem­ ber 17, 18, Louis vs. Walcott tight picture. TENDERS WANTED died 1947 them duly 29tn VILLAGE OF HENSALL Sealed Tenders foi’ the ting, Laying and filling in feet of 24 inch concrete 72 feet of 30 inch steel will be received by the undersign­ ed up to 8 p.m. on January 6th. 1948. Excava- of 2217 tile and culvert, Municipal Clerk Hensall, Ont. Plans and specifications can be seen anytime by Municipal Clerk. applying to the Lowest ox- any cessarily accepted. Tender not n e- James A.Paterson IN THE MATTER of the Estate of .TAMES ANDERSON, the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, Retired deceased. ALL PERSONS having against the Estate of the late the said James Anderson, who on the 5th day of November, are hereby notified to send to either of the undersigned, verified, on or before the day of December, 19 47. AFTER the last-named date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the persons en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Administra­ tor shall then have notice. . DATED at of December, .TAMES E. R. R. No. Administrator. GLADMAN & COCHRANE Exeter, Ontario. Solicitors for said Administrator , 11:18:25 Exeter, the 8th day 1947. ANDERSON 3, Exeter, Ont. AUCTION SALES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house full basement, -built-in cupboards, town and soft water, one piece bath, barn, large garden; early possession. W. C. Pearce. 11* HOUSE FOR IMMEDIATE POSSES­ SION—We have a small home for sale at $2,500.00. Hydro and town water. Small -barn and over an acre of land. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. DUPLEX F'OR SALE — We have just listed one of Exeter’s finest homes. This house has been dup­ lexed and will accommodate two in comfort. hardwood families bathrooms, throughout; good heating plant. This place is in the best of repair and well located in Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. Two full floors FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont 2tfc FOR SALE—10 0 acre farm, lot 3 con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., frame house with asbestos shingles, bank barn, 9 0 acres tillable land. Apply to Box 218 Exeter. 25tfc AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auc­ tion at Lot 8, Con. 14 Hibbert Boundary 1 miles east of Farquhar on TUESDAY, DEC. 16th, 1947 at 1.30 p.m. sharp the following: HORSES—'Team of Clyde mares 9 and 13 years old. CATTLE — Holstein heifer with ,calf by side; Blue ,cow with calf by side; Durham cow due end of Dec.; Holstein cow due Feb. 20; Black cow due Mar. 12; Holstein cow due Mar. 29; Jersey cow due Apr. 11; Holstein cow due Apr. 14; Holstein heifer due Apr. 2 yearling Durham heifers; yearling Holstein heifers; part Jersey spring calves; spring calves; months old. PIGS—9 chunks of pigs, York­ shire, about 80' pounds. IMPLEMENTS—13 hoe Massey- Harris drill; Beaver single furrow riding plow; No. 3 Fleury two- furrow walking plow; cultivator. TERMS—CASH Positively no Reserve 'HOWARD McCURDY, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. 15; 4 yearling .heifer; 9 Durham 3 Holstein heifer Holstein bull. IS FOR SALE—We have a residential property for sale which, at pres­ ent rentals, will pay all carry­ ing charges and leave you over 9 per cent on your investment. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. ’FOR SALE—-Village house with furnace, bathroom, pressure sys­ tem, double garage, two hen­ houses colony house, green houses with heating systems, wa­ ter pressure system, 6000 ready for spring, Trade 5 some fruit. W. C. Pearce, ter, boxes acres Exe- 11* FARM'S FOR 100 acres Twp.; 100 acres without Twp,: >1 _ __ ______ - 100 acres with buildings. C. V ■Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, acres With 150 acres With SALE—Usborne twp. with buildings, 100 buildings; Stephen acres with buildings, with buildings, 100 buildings, 50 acres buildings. ’150 acres with buildings. Ful I ar ton AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at The .Presbyterian Manse, Main St. EXETER on SATURDAY, DEO. 20, 1947 at 1.30 p.m. the following: Chesterfield and 2 chairs; fern- erys; radio; hall mirror and tree; tables, book cases, desk and chair, dining room table ahd 6 chairs; settee arid 2 Chairs in -oak dressers, chiffonier jars springs Chairs; stand; wheel barrow, ash shaker, garbage cans, radio. TERM'S—CASH MRS. K. MacLBAN, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. beds; robes, sealers, clothes reel and horse; cot; ; lawn chairs; kitchen electric washer, tubs and garden tools; lawn mower,