HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-11, Page 3Pago 3 EXETER DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Lois •Mrs. Cecil Canim, of Thomson Send Your Season’s Greetings with These Delightful Gifts Lounge Chairs Lon- fath ago and for the past 17 has lived in Lucan. Interment place in Mt. Pleasant Cerne- London. sur- new Two up- por- Hooper Lloyd Anne were Sunday John Rinn and Electric Irons From our large selec­ tion of irons you may choose very useful THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1947 of his Key COME IN AND LOOK AROUND st. Cole’s Jewellery You’ll Find Practical Gifts Under Our IChristmas Tree a clean and been of of are and attention—unless, of lucky few who own dlluess Eilber, The at the Thurs- John Scott is still under a Results considered, you will find this powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock. Count on Us . .3 lbs. - $1.00 9 lbs. - $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler been r of the Mrs- Samuel On Monday evening a relatives and neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Tilley .gathered at their home church sent reived by Mr. serious it has not had recent you’re one of those car. Sure you would . . . and it’s a cinch that your car needs some minor or major overhauling if course, a new for the most conscientious, courteous and workmanship it is humanly possible to give. That’s our goal, and we’re trying to live up to it in every job we do. in there good attendance at church, McWilliams was a visitor manse for a few days last the of the Mc- Muli- Col. and Mrs. three Diamond Rings Brooches, Necklaces China Cups and Saucers Ear Rings Cut Glass For Him . . . Christmas Gift Suggestions Galore Expansion Watches, Rings , Playing Cards Pen and Ronson Lighters Bill Folds, Bracelets Electric Razors Tie Clip Sets Pencil Sets Cigarette Cases Chains Lockets For Her Birthstone and Signet Rings Silver Chests Watches, Pearls Spoons For the Little Tots Bracelets — Rings Would You Bet On a Cinch? Many Pay Tribute To The Lat$ Rev* MacLean Th© Presbytery of Huron Malt* land was well represented at the funeral of the late Rev. Kenneth MacLean held in Caven Presbyter­ ian, church .Thursday afternoon of last week. The altar rail was bank­ ed with a magnificent array of flowers that bespoke the esteem in which the beloved pastor was held. Rev. Mr. Williams, of Sea­ forth moderator of the Presbytery, was in charge of the service and was assisted by several others, Mr, Jack McKibbon, of Wingham, sang the Lord’s Prayer. Rev, Alex Nimo of St. Andrews .Church, Wingham, led in prayer. Rev. Waldie of Lon­ don, a personal friend of the de­ ceased delivered a very fine mes­ sage and spoke in warm terms of the characteristics of the deceased that had won for him a warm spot in the hearts of those to whom he had ministered, The benediction was pronounced by Rev. J. Pollock of Ailsa Craig. The -church was well filled for the occasion, with the members of Presbytery .occup- ing the centre front pews and act­ ing as honorary bearers. The managers and Board of Session of Caven church also acted as hon­ orary bearers. The pall bearers were Thos. Pryde, Won. Sillery and Harry Strang, members of Caven Session and R- *H. Lloyd, Wm, Hammond and. W, H. Gurney, members of the Session of St. An­ drews church, ,Wingham. All of the ■organizations in Caven church as well as all of the organizations from St. Andrews flowers as did the congregations at Georgetown and Stayner. Inter­ ment took -place in the Exeter cemetery. Aman.g those present for funeral were Rev. Dr. Shortt, Kincardine, Ex-Moderator of General .Assembly; Rev. Jas. Faul, of Oakville; Rev. Dr. gan, of Montreal; Murray, of London, and former ministers that were associ­ ated with Mr. MacLean in his min­ istry in Exeter Rev. M. A. and Mrs Hunt, of Mitchell; Rev. A. B. Ir­ win, of Sarnia and Rev. Norval J. Woods, of Thedford. CRED1TON The many friends of Mr. W. Lawson will regret to that he is under _ the doctor’s' at file home ford Lawson. Word has II. K, Eilber of his aunt, of Ubly, Mich. -Mrs. Eilber, a for­ mer Crediton resident, lias attain­ ed the age of 86 years. Mr, and Mrs. Martin Morlock, of Galt, spent the week-end with their parents. Messrs. William Morlock Wellington I-Iaist, who have confined to the hospital in London have returned to their homes. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hendrick and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Fahrner on the arrival of baby daughters. Rev. S. W. Hann delivered a very impressive pre-Christmas mes­ sage in the .United church on Sun­ day morning. Basing his remarks on th© scripture “Sir, We would see Jesus”, Mr. Hann stressed the importance of seeing the Prince of Peace in all His love and maj­ esty at the Christmas season. The social evening and program under the auspices of the United Church -Sunday School will be held on the .evening of December 19th, The Christmas meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Monday evening, Dec. 15 th at the home of Mrs, Lloyd England. The members have been asked to bring used Christinas cards and the evening will be spent fashion­ ing scrap books to be sent to the Sick Children’s Hospital. There will be an exchange of gifts. 20 fh Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tilley marked the 20 th anniversary of their marriage on Sunday Novem­ ber 30 th. number of surprised when they to spend a social evening. Games and cards were enjoyed after which Miss Loraine Pfaff read a congratulatory address and Miss Winnifred Tilley, on behalf of all present presented Tilley and a 8TH LINE BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Orrie and Elizabeth spent -Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mossip and Mrs. Joe .Mossip of Thorndale. Mr. and 'Mrs. Orval Langford, of Saintsbury, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. John re­ turned with them after spending the *past week with his grand­ mother. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, Lois and Lorene, of Glendale, spent Sunday with Mr, and Herb. Langford. Miss Marion Parkinson, of don spent Saturday with her er, Mr. Harvey Parkinson.Mr, and Mrs. IbjdL, Woodham, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Murray and visitors with Mi*, , family, of Baseline, GREENWAY The Harmony Class Of the United Church are holding their annual meeting and election of officers on Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mr. Elton Curts. The annual Christmas concert of Corbett school will be held in the school Friday evening. The White Gift service will be held in the United church on Sun­ day at 2.45 p.m. Anyone having any­ thing to put in a box that is being sent to a church in England are asked to bring them on Sunday. Master Gordan Brown spent a few days with his cousin, Miss Marilyn Mousseau, of Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillies, Donald and Jimmie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks. Mr. Cleve Brophy, of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophy. Miss Doris Woodburn spent a few days recently with friends in Tor­ onto. 115 affiliated CO-OPERATIVES in Ontario used their Provincial Wholesale tn 1946-47 to a greater degree than ever before. As a result the Wholesale was able to increase its volume, earnings and patronage returns. The local co-operatives in turn distributed these wholesale earnings to their farmer members. Working together in an increasing number of common undertakings, the Central and the \ local co-operatives record with pride a year of progress. OfctancM- fa-rftCMfiae THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO, LTD* i------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------------ROBERTSON’S Condition Powder honest GRAHAM ARTHUR ExeterPhone 50Your Studebaker Dealer — Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S o Electric Kettles Any woman would be proud indeed-to own one of these gleaming elec­ tric kettles. So here’s a, tip, men, that will solve that gift beneath this year’s Christmas tree. Electric Toasters This is another practical electrical present that Will win someone’s fav­ our under the Christmas tree **** pop-up models. Radios A gift that gives hours and hours of lasting pleasure. You have a wide choice of designs and makes from our* dis­ plays. Also Record Players and Radio-Phonograph Combinations Electric Blankets For a super gift that something new we were very fortunate in getting a very few of these elec­ tric blankets for Christ­ mas. You merely set the dial and the blanket keeps you 'warm all through the night at a constant tempera Mr. and Mrs. with a Kenwood blanket beautiful piece of china. After partaking of a sumptuous lunch the guests ,departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Tilley many more happy years of married life. L.A. and W.S.W.S, Meeting The regular monthly meeting the Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. the Evangelical U.B. church was held at the parsonage on Thurs­ day evening, December 4th, with an attendance of thirty-eight mem­ bers and visitors. Mrs. Weber was in charge of otional .period and the was opened with a piano by Mrs. E. Fahrner the hymn “Joy to Mrs. S. Lamport read Luke 2: 4-12 and “Hark the Herald Angels Sing’ was sung. Mrs. Arthur Gaiser pre­ sented the third chapter of the Study Book “Committed unto Us”. Mrs. M. E. Reuber and Mrs. Hey favored with the duet, ‘ ent Nighty Holy Night”, ladies gave brief talks on mas in mental er was Schenk where, niglit”, prayer, conducted Plans were es of food, gation for shipment to Japan at an early date. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting which also featured an exchange of Christmas gifts among the members. Appreciation to the host and hostess and the committees in charge was expressed by Mrs. E. Fahrner and Mrs. C. Sims. “* next meeting will be held home of Mrs. H, K. Eilber day, January Sth, 1948. George Henry Gidley George Henry Gidley, aged 65, died in Lucan last week. Born in England he came to Canada 55 years years took tery, Compliment your holiday visitors by phoning the news to the Times- Advocate. Walter the dev- meeting prelude followed by the World”, the scripture the hymn . L. “Sil- Several “Christ- Other Lands”, An instru- solo by Mrs. Ed. Finkbein- much enjoyed. Mrs. Nelson read the poem “Every- everywhere, Christmas to- closing the program with The business period was by Mrs. A. Gaiser. made to pack the box- donated by the congre- CROMARTY Although the roads were bad state on Sunday last, was a Miss at the week, Mrs. the doctor’s care. We wish her speedy return to health. ( The Presbyterian church has re­ cently undergone a renovation, al­ so the windows and woodwork, outside which adds greatly to the appearance. The inside walls beautiful and very fresh looking. It is some time since there has been thought of getting it renovated. It is a great credit .to the workmen. The color is very soothing to the eyes. Mrs. Alex McKellar made a short visit in the village recently. She has not been very well of late. She makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Lome McKel­ lar, of Staffs. She was always very active and We are sorry to hear she is not Seeling so well. Takes New Position On Friday evening, Nov, 21, the employees of the Canadian can- ners in Petrolia, staged a farewell party in the Orange Hall in honor of J. D. Smith, ■commonly known to everyone as Jack, who has been factory manager of the Petrolia factory for the last five years. Jack has left the employ of the Canadian Conners to go into part­ nership with Howard Wynne, for­ mer plant superintendent, in the dry cleaning business. a token of their esteem, Jack’s follow workers presented him With a love­ ly bill fold contoining a sum of , money. -— Forest Free A CHWS^OR THE HOME! Hours of pleasure and relaxation go with this beautiful Christmas gift. We have a grand selection of chairs with Mo­ hair, Velour or Homespun coverings in a wide variety of colourings. Snyder* Sandman " Delux Lazy With Matching Ottomans Waysagless Lounge Eureka Cleaners Give mother or wife the prise of her life with p, Eureka Cleaning System, styles: the handsome right cleaner or a light table tank-type. Complete set of cleaning tools. Suggestions ® Hassocks ® Lamps © Tables © Mirrors © Smokers Cedar Chests Her wish will come true this Christmas with a beautifully styled well constructed Cedar Chest. Heirloom Lane Red Seal isjii k' Disposal Units There will be no mess or smelly garbage a- round-with one of these Saniboy metal disposal units. Complete with de- odorizei* and a good supply of paper bags. Hampers A hamper is a useful piece t>£ furni­ ture in any home. They also answer the problem of a family gift. There arc several designs in our stock made of soundly constructed framework and attractive wickdr covering. Exeter Share Your Christmas Table With A ^Silent Guest’. Your Contribution tn This Legion Campaign Will Represent His Presence at Your Table. urniture Stor Phone 99