HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-04, Page 10THE T1MES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4tl>, 1947 NO FURTHER IMUNIZATION clinics at Exeter Public School until the New Year. Former Resident Passes A former resident of Exeter and Winchelsea in the person of Regi­ nald Halls, passed away at his home in Vancouver, B. C., on Saturday. Deceased was construction engineer for the Central Mortgage and Hous­ ing Corporation and former super­ visor of munition plants in Eastern Canada. The funeral will he held at Port Arthur Thursday. Mr. Hall is survived by his widow. Mrs. P. Gardiner, of London, is an aunt. THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Mi', and Mrs. Oscar Tuckey spent a few days last week visiting with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tuckey at Cass City, Michigan. Baking, Fish Pond, Quilts and Novelty Apron, Home Fancy Work, Booths.FRIDAY and SATURDAY December 5thf 6th ‘Tarzan and the Huntress* Wed., Dec. 3rd ® J. Weissmuller ® Brenda — also — Joyce Commencing at 8:15 P.AI. in KIRKTON UNITED CHURCH ‘Sarge Goes to College’ Auspices of Women,s Association — GOOD PROGRAM — © June Preisser ® Freddy Stewart ADMISSION FREE MONDAY and TUESDAY December Sth, 9th ‘No Time for Comedy’ ® Jas. Stewart @ Rosiland Russell — also — “LAST BOND’’ and “MOUSE MENACE” Saturday Night DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY December 10th, 11th Sat., Dec. 6th ‘That Way with Women’ @ Dane Clark ® Martha Vickers ART LEMERY The regular meeting of the Mun icipal Council of the Village of Exeter was held in the Council Chambers on Monday evening, Dec. 1, with Reeve Tuckey and Council­ lors Allison, Caldwell. Cochrane and Sweitzer present. The minutes of the last regular meeting of Nov. 17, 1947, were read and adopted on the motion of Councillors Sweitzer and Cochrane. Communications were read and dealt with as follows. Exeter High School District Board—re appointment of repres­ entative to Board. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Sweit­ zer and Allison that J. Hubert Jones be representative of this Municipality on the Exeter District High School Board for 1948 ana 1949. Canadian Underwriters—re care of Fire Equipment. To be referred to Fire Chief. Huron County Christmas Seal Committee—re Grant. It was mov­ ed and seconded by Councillors Caldwell and Cochrane that a grant of $100.00 be made to the Huron County Christmas Seal Committee. An appeal for Food for Britain was referred to the Lions Club through Councillor Sweitzer. By-Law No. 15 providing foi Nominations on Monday, Dec. 29, 1947, from 12 o’clock noon to 1 p.m, and if necessary polling on Monday, January 5, 19 48, was giv­ en its three readings and finally passed on the motion of Council­ lors Caldwell and Cochrane. Councillors Sweitzer and Coch-' rane that we purchase filing cabin­ et previously used by Ration Board. Councillors Allison and Sweitzer that Dec. 26, Boxing Day, be de­ clared a Civic Holiday. Councillors Caldwell and Allison that the Exeter Branch of the Can­ adian Legion be granted in $50.00 to cover taxes. •Councillors Allison and Sweitzer that the tenders received on War­ time Housing Debentures be open­ ed. Councillors Cochrane and Cald­ well that the tender of Anderson Itfims of Social arid Personal Interest . . , In and Around Town The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal Interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends Phone 31W Mrs. Margaret Fletcher was home from Hamilton for a few days last week. Mrs. Judith in St. Mrs. A. Snelgrove and are visiting for a Thomas, C. V. Pickard daughter few days Mr. Heber Snell is ill seph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. Al McFalls, of underwent an operation in St. Jo- Mr. Jos, Hagerty, of Olds, Alta., who came East to attend the Royal Winter Fair, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Layton one day last week, Mr. and Airs. Gordon Brooks, and little daughters, Barbara and Brenda, of Chatham, visited at the home of Mrs. A. E. Delbridge on Sunday. ‘Riding the California Trail’ ® Gilbert Roland © Inez Cooper and his TUNE TOPPERS Formerly of Hotel London Dancing ,9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Admission 50c Minstrel Show %>l z* > The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 I ® o®Legion Dingo LUCAN OPERA HOUSE TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY December 9th and 10th at 8:15 p.m. Funny Black Face Comedians Barber Shop Quartette Choir of Male Voices Spooks and Ghosts Parade in the Night ADMISSION, ADULTS 50c Children 25c Ten /■ McKNIGHT’S HALL Sponsored by the Lucan Vicinity Male Choir Thursday, December 4th at 8:30 p.m. 15 ROUNDS FOR CHICKEN 10 ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS Special Door Prize will be a Turkey Leavitt's THEATRE Previews its Coming Attractions BADMINTON CLUB DAA'Cf EXETER ARENA DRESS OPTIONAL THURS., FBI., SAT. December 4, 5 and 6 SATURDAY MATINEE at 2:30 p.m. £Ruth’ ® Joan Caulfield® 'William Holden ® Billy DeWolfe ® Edward Arnold Acclaimed by Bing Crosby and Bob Hope as the greatest feature com­ edy of the year. Held over six weeks in Toronto. Friday, Dec., 5 th DANCING 9.30 - t P.M. MONDAY and TUESDAY December 8 and 9 — Two Features — ADMISSION 75c ----------------------------------------- Scotty McLachlan AND HIS ORCHESTRA V J ‘Adventure Island’ In Technicolor ® Roy Calhoun ® Rhonda Fleminglr=» 1 Cover Big Town’ O'Philip Reed returned home from Victoria Hospital Tues­ day following her recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Andrus were in Pt. Perry for a few days last week owing to the illness of the form­ er’s mother. and Allison be rebated permit not that it was & Company at 97.26 be accepted. The matter of using Provincial Police in the Village was discussed, and laid over to the next meeting of Council on the motion of Coun­ cillors Allison and Caldwell. Councillors Sweitzer ,and Coch­ rane that the account of T. R. Pat­ terson for restaking Wein Drain be paid. Councillors Caldwell that Mrs. Whilsmith fee $3.00 for building granted. The Clerk reported the intention of Wartime Housing Ltd. to number (their houses and they wished to know if the Village had a Plan for numbering. Council­ lors Cochrane and Sweitzer that the Chamber of Commerce be re­ quested to submit a plan for house numbering and street marking. The Clerk was instructed on the motion of Councillors .Cochrane and Caldwell-to notify “Supertest” thai complaints were being received ii regard to drainage from their sta tion at corner of Main and Sande St. and they be requested to open up drains and have them relaid under the supervision of Commis­ sioner Norry. Councillors Sweitzer and Cak1 well that taxes be received withou penalty to Dec. 15. Councillors Allison and Sweitzer that Jack Essery be engaged to snowplow our streets at the rate of $5.00 per hour. Councillors Caldwell and Sweit­ zer that from Dec. 8 to April 1 the collection of .garbage be made in the afternoons and that when a collection day falls on a holiday or collection is prevented by storm the collection in each section of the Village be set forward one day or more as necessary. The following accounts were read and ordered paid on the mo­ tion of Councillors Sweitzer and Caldwell. A. Easton, Treas. Can. Legion, grant in lieu of taxes, 50.00, Treas, Exeter Library Bd., balance grant 400.00; J. W. Morley, Dist. Chair­ man, -Huron County Xmas Seal Comm., grant 100.00; Clark Fish­ er, Treas. Agric. Society, grant 100.00; W. H. Hodgson, Treas. Exeter P.S. Bd., bal. appropriation 10’00.00; County of Huron, rates for (1947 7182.66; Frank Creech, Treas. Exeter Fire Dept, salaries and allowances 542.00; Geo. Law- son, Div. Clerk and Bailiff fee.- 56.00; Roofer's .Supply Co. Ltd. No Parking Signs and Snow fence and posts 183.10; E. D. Howey, Treas. Exeter District H.S. Board, Share Recreation Director’s Salary 6 months 337.5 0, Cudmore’s gravel sidewalks and culvert, housing, gravel 70.75; Ed, Lindenfield, sup­ plies T. Hall 1.75; H. R. Ander­ son, supplies 1.55; Sandy Elliot, gas and oil, truck 15.36; Prov. Treas. Dept, of Health, Insulin 1. 78; Twp. of Usborne, grading sts. housing 5 8.50, Mrs. Florence Whil­ smith refund, bldg, permit foe 3.00; T. R. Patterson fees for re­ staking Wein Drain 30.00. Relief: Broom’s Meat Market, meat 6.00; Jas. Bowey, Fuel 12.00 Harvey’s Grocery, Groceries 14.00; Learn and McDonald Dairy, niilk 9.00; Southcott Bros., Groceries 13.20; Chambers and Darling meat 5.00; R. G. Seldon and Son, fuel 1117.50. Time Sheet: Reginald McDonald services, T. Hall 25.20; John iStire Labor, Drains 20.06; Gerald Cor­ nish, snowploughing and Garbage Coll. 41.85; Edward Coombes, Drains and Garbage 26.G4; Sam Grainger, Rd. Maint. and Garbage 14.22; William Smith, Rd. Maint and Garbage 10.08; Richard Davis cleaning streets 4.50; Edgar Maw- hinney, Garbage Coll. 4.74. All motions were carried. Ad­ journment on the motion of Coun­ cillor Cochrane. C. V. Pickard, Clerk Biddulpli, in Strat­ ford General Hospital last Wednes­ day. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Don Hughes, an employee for Supertest has resigned his pos­ ition with the company and his place is being taken by Mr. L. Mc­ Donald, of Glencoe. Mr. R. B. Williams opened up his new wood working shop with all new and modern equipment on Monday, At the present time he is working on chests of drawers and clothes racks. Miss Ilene Kerslake, of the Bank of Afontreal staff returned home from St. Joseph’s hospital on Sun­ day following an operation for ap­ pendicitis and is recuperating at her home in Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Geddis and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith, Huron St., attended the wedding of Miss Margie Smith to Mr. Dublin Hod­ gins of Lucan on Saturday last at the Centralia parsonage at high noon. Mr. moved diton. .H. have moved into the residence va­ cated by Mr. and Mrs. Motz, North Sanders St., and Mr. Crawford of the R.C.A.F. has moved into tho apartment vacated by Mr. Welsh. five from Thomas Hackney Mr. Thomas Hackney, who years ago moved to Exeter a farm on the south boundary of Hibbert, died Tuesday morning at his residence on Main Street, in his 83rd year. Mr. Hackney has been a life-long resident in the commu­ nity. He suffered a stroke in Octo­ ber of last year but was able to be around and for the past few weeks had not been feeling well. He is survived by his two sisters, Mrs. John Cole, of town and Miss Alice Hackney with whom he has been living, also one brother, Dr. F, J. Hackney of Centralia, Wash­ ington. Thp funeral will take place Thurs. at 2 p.m. from the Hopper- Hockey Funeral Chapel conducted by Rev. H. J. Mahoney. and Mrs. Roland Motz have into their new home at Ore- Mr. and Mr. Wm. Welsh Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.49. Oats 90c Barley $1.15 Creamery Butter, 67c Eggs, A Large, 44c Eggs, A. Medium, 40c Eggs, Pullets, 36c Eggs, B, 31c There is no Time Like the PRESENT You’ll Enjoy a M errier Christmas if You Shop Early. Here Are Some Useful Gifts for the Whole Family |lSis Hl™1" ' "................... “ '.... The Huron County Crop Improvement Association Will Be Holding Its ANNUAL MEETING in the Board Room of the AGRICULTURAL OFFICE, AT CLINTON Friday, December 12th at 1:80 p.m. Professor R. Keegan, ,B.S.A., of the Field Husbandry Department at Guelph, will be guest speaker at the meeting and Mr. K. S. Mmrphy, B.S.A., Fieldman for the Crop, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Guelph, and Air1. A. AleTavlsh, of Paisley, District Director of the Crop Improvement Association, will also be present and Will speak to the meeting. In view of the great heed for increased acreage and greater production of coase grains, all farmers in the Countj; should try to attend this important meeting. •i®Annual Dinner Meeting EXETER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Thursday, December 4th —* 6:45 p.m. — Town Hall Auditorium SPEAKER, MR. JAS. GUNN OF SARNIA, ONT. PROGRAMME — ANNUAL REPORTS ELECTION OF OFFICERS Members and Local Business Men Cordially Invited Tickets $1.00 Available from Ulric Snell ■la Harry Rader Mr, Harry Rader, a well known farmer residing near Dashwood passed away suddenly Monday evening in his 41st year. He had complained of severe pains in the head in the afternoon. He was twice married. His first wife, Irene Lawson, predeceased him ten years ago. Later he was married to Jessie Heywood, his bereaved widow. Sur­ viving besides his widow are his father, Louis, of Dashwood; one daughter Helen, three sons, George, William and James, also two sisters Mrs. J. W. Schultze of Detroit and Mrs. Maurice Klumpp of Dashwood and one brother John, of Hay Town­ ship, The body is resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home from where a private funeral will take place Thursday, Dec. 4th at 3 p.m. Interment will follow in Exeter cemetery. Rev. H. Getz will offi­ ciate. You must buy it when you need it least, to have it when you need it most, —Ernest C. Harvey, Insurance Agency. 13:20:27 Tie Him For Christmas We have a collection of tics to please any male on your list! Wild ones . . . subdued ones . . . bright ones . . . quiet ones. Taman’s Men’s Wear A swell gift for We have some down checks in family. Strath- mauve, in. x 90 of these. her or lovely green, blue and rose. The size in. You for the fluffy yellow, is 72 can proudly give one Blankets Robes Handsome, warm comfortable describe these lounge and bath robes. Every man’ loves to have a new robe. He gives it so much wear and it gives him so much comfort. A wide selection of all-wools, robe cloths ‘ and rayon. From $8.50 to $18.50 For Him Gloves Scarves Socks Ties Shirts Sweaters Slippers Pajamas Sport Shirts For Her Scarves Handbags Card Tables Hankies Umbrellas Slippers Covers Phone 16 Bedspreads The lady of the house will of a beautiful spread ings. We have designs From Chinaware be prbud to bo the possessor to touch off her bedroom furnish­ in chenille, rayon and homespun. $10.95 to $22.95 Our grand selection of fine china will answer some of your gift problems. These’s always someone on your list who appreciates one of these lovely pieces, Exeter 7