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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-04, Page 9
Protests Over Homes in THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4th, 1947 Clinton Meeting Hears Feed Grain Page 9 Rank Name Address DependentsNo. of No. of In an effort to assist district veterans in securing; accom modation in the local wartime houses the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion asks you to fill in the following form and mail to the secretary, A. M. Easton, R.R. 3, Exeter, before December 10th. Reg. No, R. E. POOLEYA. M. EASTON PresidentSecretary Rooms in Present Accommodation TRY A CLASSIFIED!IT PAYS' Rush And Strain Hard On Nerves Often keyed-up nerves cause restlessness, irrita bility and even nervousness. If you suffer from keyed-up nerves then Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills may be of help. Milburn’s Health and Nervo Pills are a well balanced medicine for those who are run-down and may need a general eon- -ditioner to help build up the system. They stimulate the nervous system, improve the appetite, aid digestion and thus help promote refreshing rest. • Get Milburn’s Health and Nerve Pills at your nearest drug store today. A.ccept no substitutes. Look for the trade mark the uBed Heart”. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. oE&smsmoK Business Directory Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 ZURBRIGG OPTOMETRICAL OFFICE D. B. Tindall, R.O. - O.D. Phone 336 JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN ST., EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348’ ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann Street, EXETER, Phone 355W WM. ri. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex . Special training assures y6u of your ■ property’s true value on sale day, , Graduate of American Auction College. Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton P.O. or Phen© 43-2 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction ; Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phono Zurich 92r7 ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONT. GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS — SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday a to 5 p.m. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD, R. 1 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres. ..WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice-Bres. ..,.... ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 WM, A. HAMILTON .... Cromarty JOHN MoGRATH .... Dublin, Ont. MILTON McCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. I-IAR’RIS Mitchell TlIOS. SCOTT Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F, Beavers Exeter SOLICITORS Giadmnn A Exeter Talk of farmers’ strikes and of mass march on Ottawa, was heard at Clinton at the annual meeting of the Huron Federation of Agriculture, during open discus sion of the current upswing in feed grain prices- Moderate counsels prevailed, however, and the meet* ing finally was unanimous in en* dorsing a resolution that the Dom inion Government be asked to put coarse grain prices under control, and to re-negotiate contracts for sale of farm products overseas, “I should like to appeal ito you to hold down for a while — not to get too drastic,” said W. R. Lobb, of Clinton, who was elected president of the Huron federation, “Let us conduct our business with pride and dignity.” Pressure from farm organiza tions in other provinces for organ ization of a mass delegation testing farmers to go to is becoming very great, Stewart, president of the Federation of Agriculture, here. It may become difficult, he said, for the Ontario Federation to resist the urging of farm bodies elsewhere in Canada for a nation al protest trek to Ottawa. The feed grain shortage in Sep tember and October of this year was not the fault of the western farmer who produced the grain, de clared Charles Coultes, Belgrave, who was Wed. elected 1st vice- president of the Huron Federation. “We could not get grain through in September and October, yet once the subsidy was removed and the ceiling price taken off, there was lots of grain,” Mr. Coultes said. “It was the broker and the specu lator who were holding this grain, — it wasn’t the .farmer.” Mr Coultes declared he would like to see Members of Parliament visit their local abbattoirs this week, be fore the House of Commons recon venes, to see the slaughter of brooa sows that is now taking place. “Where are we going to be next spring if that is allowed to con tinue?” Mr. Coultes asked. “I think the Government erred greatly in removing these subsidies,— espes- ially at the time they did, right after the packing house strike.” “Drastic Error” “I feel the Government made a drastic error in .this matter,” pro vincial president Stewart agreed. “It was the most untimely thing that could have were lots of other have played with left this alone.” Western grain-growers do want to see Ontario livestock mers put out of business by prices for feed grain. Mr. Stewart declared. On a recent trip to Wes tern Canada, he said, he found that Manitoba farm organizations were “definitely not in favor of having controls removed from coarse grains;” Saskatchewan farmers were almost solidly in favor of holding the ceilings on coarse grain prices; officers of the Alberta Fed eration of Agriculture to whom he talked said they felt that anything done to injure the eastern livestock producers would eventually react against the western grain-growers. Two Members of Parliament who attended the meeting undertook to present to the Government any re solutions forwarded by the Huron federation. “The whole problem of controls,” said William H. Golding, Seaforth M.P. for Huron-Perth, “has been a vexed question from the time they were started.” The govern ment is subject, he said, to strong pressures both for and against. It had been intended by the Go vernment, he told the meeting, to lift coarse grain controls at the end of July, but the lifting was de ferred because of the packinghouse workers’ strike. Hold Breeding Stock “The Federation of Agriculture is the best organization the farm ers have ever had,” said L. E. Cardiff, R.R. 4 Brussels, M.P. for Huron North. "The farmers are being forced out of production,” he said, “at the very time when pro duction is needed. My advice to those of you who can afford it is: hold your breeding stock if you can. It will be valuable. This sit uation will he corrected.” “It is now financially impossible to produce hogs/’ said Charles Coultes, reporting to the meeting for the county hog producers com mittee. He listed cost figures to back his estimate of the cost of production of a bacon hog at $44.08, while at prices controlled by overseas contracts farmers are , getting about '$35 for the hogs they sell. 1 The provincial hog producers’ organization, Mr. Coultes reported, has this year ironed out difficul ties with truckers who refused to take out licences, under the hog marketing regulations, to carry hogs to market. The truckers ar gued, lie said, that if they had public Commercial vehicle licences, they did not need any other licence to carry hogs. The regulations have now been clarified, Mf. Coultes Said, so that truckers can be com pelled to take out licences either as buyers, processors, or producers, before they can legally handle [ hogs. ' Had I’ricc Floor Set The negotiating committee of the hog producers’ organization, • said Mr. Coultes, was responsible, during the packinghouse workers’ strike, from I of pro Ottawa Arthur Ontario said happened. There things they could for a while and not far- high cwt. floor under hog prices when the strike ended, and so avert a collapse of the market when a pent-up flood of livestock came on the market at strike’s end. The organization is now ing, said Mr. Coultes, to better deal for farmers on it insurance rates on hogs to market. It has been found, he said, that at the existing rates on ly 25 cents is paid out in claims for every dollar paid in premiums, Figures which show that poul trymen are losing money with feed grain at its new high level of prices were presented at the meet ing by R. S. McKercher, Seaforth, who was elected 2nd vice-president of the Huron Federation culture, 'Costs Compared The cost figures were within the last few days, Kerhcer said, from records kept by poultry farmers in the Seaforth district. They show that it has been costing an average of $1.59 to raise a pullet to maturity, and that at present prices the farmer is losing 73 cents on each bird It is now expected, he said, that by next season gone As mas’ll $4.05 $1.70 the other side of the ledger, the farmer was getting 46 cents a do zen for grade A large two years ago, and gets 43 cents now. “The production of eggs is not as lucrative an occupation as it was a few years ago,” he com mented dryly. “Government control of market ing is cher, to be Films Reporting on work of the Hu ron Federation of Agriculture in showing educational films to ru ral audiences. Victor Roy, Londes- boro, said that average attendance on the Huron county film circuit was third highest among 32 such circuits on which National Film Board material is shown. In Sep-, tember, he said, Huron rural au diences for the films had an ever age attendance of S3, ninth best among the 32 circuits; in October the attendances interest in the films is increasing, he said, and the quality of the N.F.B. produc tions is being improved. The co-operative medical plan sponsored by the Huron Federa tion of Agriculture now covers 607 adults and 47 5 children in tht. county, Bert Irwin, Hullett, repor ted. The plan was put into effect, he recalled, on August 1, this year. Since then, the groups that have joined up include 13 school sec tions, five farm forums, one far mers’ co-operative, three Womens’ Institutes, and two church groups Amounts paid in fees now total $4,343, and ’$136.10 has already been paid out in claims. More promotion work by the township units of the Federation of Agriculture is needed, said Mr. Irwin, along. Letter from Greece The following is a letter receiv ed by Mrs. Wm. Dickey of Wood ham, in response to >a note pinned in an. article of clothing which was sent overseas in a clothing during the summer- 52 Gifts for the drive fot getting an agreement lie packers to put a $23-*- worlt'- get a trana going o£ Agri- prepared Mr, Me costs will have 45 cents a bird higher. examples, he cited: laying that cost $2.80 in 1945 Is now; scratch grain that was in 1945 is $3.40 now; on essential,” said Mr, McKer- “if the poultry industry ’is saved from ruin.” Popular to help the medical Volos, 4th Nov, My dear lady; Excuse me for my courage ing to you, but before some gave me a packet with old dresses and in a hat I found your address. I thought to write to you, and in English, because I have the commercial school sc I to speak very good English- I live in Volos, in a small near the sea, with my parents and I have a brother of 23 years old also is soldier. You know that the circumstances as we live are no good because plenty guerillas are in tht mountains all the time, they kill the people and burnt houses, and thousands of people are com ing in the homes and there is no work and no homes to stay in, and the soldiers are in the moun tains for them. We are very poor family, my parents are very old, myself I am 28 years but there is no work for to live so we are very unhappy, and destroyed from war, and un til now is like to have war again. We have no money to buy only a little sugar, no bread, no coffee, no rice, nothing, nothing. The life is so difficult. Excuse me again for my courage but if you have good heart and you feel pain for the poor people you must help us as you, can. We are in debt, and we cannot give a few money, because there is no work, and no one help us- Write us please about your fam ily, and your life, and if you want to have correspondence, if you rich people give my address to help us. I am waiting for your response excuse me for my bad english. With love Helen. Helen Dioiujantopullee, Spyridy Street 42, Volos, Greece. 1947 writ- days, finish know house plan HENSALL and Mrs. A. Wesley, of few days last week Mr. and Mrs. Alex De-Mr. troit, spent a visiting with Mousseau. Mr. Mervyn spent the week-end here. Miss Margaret T'udor, ich, was a week-end visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Tud or. Dr. spent the week-end with er, Mrs. Alice Joynt. The ladies of Carmel ian church are holding Stephen, of Goderich at his home i of Coder- Wm. T. .Joynt, of London, liis moth- 8TH Mrs. LINE BLANSHARD Lloyd Thomson, Murray and Anne spent last week with Mr. John Rinn and family, of Baseline. Miss Madeline Dann, of London, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dann. Miss Gladys Switzer, of Kirkton, spent a few days with Miss Helen Loring last week. Monthly Meeting The monthly community meeting was held at Metropolitan School on Tuesday night, with a good atten dance. Leonard Thacker acted as chairman. The program opened with singing ”0 Canada”. Miss Gladys Switzer played an instrumental, Rev. Goodger, of Kirkton, showed his pictures on their trip through U.S.A, and the Western Provinces this summer which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. < Leonard Thacker and Mrs. Kenneth Langford sang a duet. Mr. Russel Mills selection. Mr. George readings. Mr. Louis the aninual report, committee in charge ember meeting are Mr. and Wilmer Harlton, Dave Youngson and Coulthard. Proceeds amounted to $18.50, thanks was given to the committee. Mr. Kenneth Parkinson and and Mrs. George Dann, who responsible for the evening’s gram, after which a lunch served. gave a violin Wheeler gave Mitchell gave etc. and the for the Mr.and Miss for a vote Dec Mrs. Mrs. Betty evening of Mr. were pro- was Price of One , . . ® Here’s a grand gift idea ,, , , one that gives pleasure every week in the year. e Avoid ...line-ups, ...shortages, ...disappointments • . , give a year’s subscription tP The Times-Advocate • Gift certificate card will be given to you, or mailed as yowl direct, when you take opt the subscription. Either new or renewal subscriptions may be given as Christmas gifts. Elimville Farm Forum The Elimville North Farm For um met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Miller with 22 mem bers present. The topic, “What’s New in Health?”, gave plenty of room for discussion after which a singsong was enjoyed .The next meeting will be held at the home of Rev. and Mrs, Mair and the sub ject will be “The Teacher in the Community”. For 67 years Mr, Featherstone of Charleston, S.Q., had been gen tleman enough to maintain that he had never yet seen an ugly woman. One who was extremely flat-nosed approached him and said: “Sir, I defy you not to find me ugly.” Mr. Featherstone—“You, mad am, are an angel fallen from hea ven, only you have fallen on your nose.” r T PREVENT f FREEZE UP! I Uff j ‘PrestoneE ANTI-FREEZE 7 raw 11 BE TIRE WISE I Dwisncd lo protect your cooling system against freezing as well as rust and corrosion. FQR REAL WAMffl THIS WINTER! MI THE HEW ns firestone CHAMPION Canada’s No. 1 Tire for Safety, Mileage; Performance Value Presbyter- a bazaar and hot supper in the school room of the church on Saturday, Dec. 6th. Bazaar opens at 3 p.m. and supper will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. MacDonald, of London, spent the week-end at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd family spent a day London. Mrs. Harris returned ___ spending a few days at the home of her son and' daughter-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris. Mrs. R. Simpson has been con fined to her home owing to illnossj Mr. W. R. Dougall, who under went an operation in Victoria Hos pital, London, last week is recov ering. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and family visited recently with Corbett's parents, Mr. and Albert Morenz in Grand Bend. The December meeting (Christ mas) of the Hensail Institute be held at the home of Mrs. Dinnin on Wednesday night, ember 10 th at 8.15 sliarpe Miss Florence Welsh as co-hostess. Roll call (a) “My Favorite Carol (b) My Special collection to aid the War Memorial Children’s Hos pital Fund, London”. Mrs. Cross will give the motto “The manner of giving is worth more than the gift”. Miss Ellis .will be the guest speaker. Christmas carol singing will be conducted by Brown, Social committee, nin. Mrs. H. -Mrs, program Is being prepared, plan to attend. Adair and recently in .home after Mrs. Mrs. Will W. Dec- with I Miss Welsh, Mrs, Faber, Mrs. J. Chas. Forrest. An Mrs. W. Mrs. Din- , Shirray, Paterson, interesting Evening Auxiliary The monthly meeting Evening Auxiliary United takes place at the Hedden and Miss Monday, Dec. Sth. Shepherd will assist the hostesses. Mrs. Jack Corbett will present the Devotional period. The Study willi be given by Mrs. Byron Kyle; roll call, a Chrismas gift for the Prot estant orphanage, London. Social committee Mrs. Hedden, ,Miss Shep herd, Mrs. L. Chapman and Miss attendance interestin of the church home of Mrs, Sutherland on Miss Margaret herd, Mrs. Gladys Luker. A large is -requested at this Christmas meeting. Chamber of Commerce Hensall Chamber of Commerce held its November meeting at the Town Hall, featured by a delicious banquet enjoyed by some 50 mem bers and catered to by Group 2 of the Ladies Aid of Carmel Pres byterian Church. Sam Rannie led in several sing songs during the dinner hour. Special speaker was K. L. Doi- son, of Guelph, representative of Canadain Industries Ltd, Mr. Doi- son was introuced by the reeve, A. W. Kerslake. The subject of his ad dress was “Our Land and its Care,” and he gave valuable information on soil conservation and fertilizi- zers. During the business period it was decided that the stores would re main open Wednesday afternoons during December and also remain open the evenings of December 22, 23, 24. It was also decided to ob serve Boxing Day. During January and February and March, the stores will close at 10 o’clock Saturday nights. The following committees will look after the next three meetings January sports committee; Feb ruary, entertainment committee March, agricultural committee. A committee arrange for the Christmas tree ■day, December with a free picture show in the town hall, All the children in the j community are invited, TARTARBuy a AUTO ROBE High quality, all wool, long wearing robes in assorted tartan designs. STOP Bow fos wisnus Drop m todoy and see 7 selects Approximate Size72"x60"$7.60 KEEP YOUR WINDSHIELD FREE OF ICE install a ELD DEFROSTER 4J5 Meeting Three switch positions, 4 wire element, 4 suction cups and connecting wire. Complete X'*:- was appointed to annual community to be held Saint- 20, at 2:30 p,m.„ I fife## CM WM WSfrefywgMf install “Firestone POLONIUM SPARK PLUGS Qtttofwdiw Wat! The new firestone Exceptional performance; really rmart W loolc Assure faster, easier Starting and smoother, more economical motor performance. Graham Arthur Ford Garage