HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-04, Page 4THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4th, 1947Page 4 Election Cards WANTEDFOR SALE FOR SALE STRAYED HELP WANTED *I FOR SALE—A metal-covered box suitable for feed storage, Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED—Upstairs girl. Apply person at Central Hotel. FOR SALE- black chesterfield, size 40 ply at Times-Advocate. A lady’s winter coat, Ap- STRAYED—From Lot 13, Coxi Stephexi Twp., a black calf with white markings, about seven months old. Finder please call 30r4 Crediton. 4* TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen—As a can­ didate for the Reeveship of the Township of Stephen I respectfully solicit your votes and influence on my behalf. If elected I will endeav­ or to keei> the roads qf the Town­ ship open this winter. Respectfully yours If your radio, or radio phono­ graph combination gets sick, call us right away. We’ve the equipment to make it well in a hurry, so you won’t have to miss your favorite pro­ gram. Our service is prompt, expert and economical. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen- didate for Township electorate fluence in next Monday, elect me I will endeavox* to serve the municipality to the best of my ability. TQ PLEASE A GIRL .AT CHRIST­ MAS—Here are 8 Gifts she’ll appreciate: Tennis Racket, Dolls, Scissors, Games, Book Ends, Portable Radio, Skiis, Ice Skates. Don’t say "She has everything.” Wait till you see the gift ideas in oui* Gift Department. Beavers Hardware, Exeter. 4c Christmas ALL KINDS ALL SIZES trees . . Hardware Phone 86, Exeter WANTED Live Ducks and Geese E. R. Witmer Phone 179w Exeter S3TT5E heb» Doan’s Kidney Pills He p Backache may be caused by dis­ orders of the kidneys. Consequently, if you suffer from backache, Doan's Kidney Pills may be helpful to you. Because of their stimulating action on the kidneys and urinary passages, Doan’s Kidney Pills assist in the elimination of wastes from the body. Safe, dependable and quick-acting, Doan’s Kidney Pills can be used by both young and old. Backache as well as minor urinary and blad­ der ailments may be quickly relieved by this time-proven treatment. Sold at all drug stores. The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. A.s a can- the Reeveship of Stephen I am appealing to the for their vote and in- electing me at the polls If you see fit to FOR SALE—10 choice Shropshire ewes, priced mediate sale. R. D. phone 113W Exeter. young for im- Hunter, 4* FOR SALE—Canaries, choice sing­ ers, border fancy and rollers, an ideal gift fox1 mother, also cages and supplies. Anderson's Store phone 37, Exeter. 20:27:4o STRAYED—'Onto lot 4, con. 4, Ste­ phen Twp., a white faced steer around 700 lbs. Ownex* may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Joseph White, R.R. 1, Crediton or phone Crediton 29r5. 4:11:18c FOR SALE—88 pullets, 7 months old. Eli Sims, Crediton. 4c JAMES DALTON TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen—Having been nominated for the position of Oouncillox* I respectfully solicit the vote and influence of the ratepay­ ers. If you see fit to give me your support, it will be greatly apprec­ iated and I in the best cipality. FOR SALE—Girl’s three piece out­ fit size 7 years; ladies’ coat size 20; boys’ school breeches, size 16 years, like new; girls’ • snow boots, size 13, like new. Mrs. Hale, Huron St. at Mr. Presz- cator’s residence. 4* FOR SALE — Wax1 Assets Army blankets for sale now, new and used, $3,50 to $4.50. The Exeter Hoxne and Auto Supply. Phone 342. c A FULL LINE of Avon products for the Christmas season is now available through Mrs. Audrey Moore, 3 blocks east of Texaco Service Station. 27:4:11* will endeavoi* to serve interests of the muni- ROY SWARTZ RATEPAYERS OFTO THE STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen—As I a candidate for Council in coming election I respectfully licit my vox* the c am the so­ onyoui1 vote and influence behalf. If" elected I will endea- to serve the municipality to best of my ability. WM. STANLAKE c TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen—Having been persuaded to allow* my name to come before you as a candidate for the position of Councillor, I respectfully solicit the vote and in­ fluence of the electors. If elected I will endeavor to serve you the best of my ability. JOHN MORRISSEY to c TO THE RATEPAYERS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen—As the on­ ly member of last year’s council to come before you for re-election I respectfully solicit the vote and influence of the ratepayers. With the experience of the past I should be in a better position to serve you in the future. Sincerely yours WILLIS GILL STRAY"ED—One Durham yearling with clover design in bottom of left ear. Phone 39r7, Dashwood. W. H. Love. * Bookkeeper and Stenographer Expei’ience preferred. Good salary, Modern office. Also part time STENOGRAPHER. Apply Box 250 oi* Phone EMPLOYMENT WANTED—Middle aged woman capable of taking complete charge of home or prac­ tical nursing, would like employ­ ment for the winter. Apply Box .114, Hensail, WANTED TO RENT—50 or 100 acre grass farm. Apply at Times- Advocate, 4c i WANTED — Washing; and ironing, Apply at Times-Advocate. 4c 92 WANTED—25 pullets, ready to lay. Apply to Harvey Godbolt, phone Exeter 178rl3, 4c FOR SALE—Set of sleighs, log bunks and flat rack, 5 ft. x 12 ft., also Modernistic Axminster rug 9 ft. x 12 ft, fawn and rust with new pad. Phone 9,1 r5 Hen­ sall, Russell Broderick, R.R. 2, Hensall. 4* FOR SALE—Genuine old style Northern Spy apples, also pota­ toes. Bring containers. Frank Ryckman, Hensall. 27:4:11* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two furnished in a good home, for a without children. Apply at Advocate. raOTMHwiiiai'HWwaroim FOR SALE—Modern dinette suite in oak, excellent condition, hy­ dro stove, phonograph with records. Phone 212 Exeter. 60 4c rooms couple Times 4* De­ li er the De- her Mc- HARPLEY Mrs. Maria Hayter went to troit on Monday to stay with daughter, Mrs. F. McLean, for winter. Miss Eleanor McLinchey of troll spent the week-end with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linchey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sturdenant of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Love. Mx*s. F. McLean, of Detroit visit­ ed ovex* the week-end with her mother and other relatives. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ily of Mrs. Robert Murray. Main Street Y.P.U I fam- ofThe Yroung People’s Society ■Main St. church held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening and on Friday evening they entertain­ ed their friends to a pot luck sup­ per, 26 being present. Rev. Mah­ oney gave two selections on his piano accordian which were greatly appreciated. A good time was had by all. The weekly meeting was held Tuesday evening, Dec. 2, the theme being Citiaenship. CHRISTMAS CARDS—A very large selection of the best cards. We personalize them. Times-Advo­ cate. 27* UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER— A new, portable model with touch system. A swell Christmas box. $81.3 8, Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Two used 6 00x16 tires in good shape. Apply to Lloyd Stewart, Exeter. 4* FOR SALE—Foxhound pups weeks old, bred from good ing dogs. Apply Glenn phone 92r3, Hensall. seven hunt- Bell, 4c WINTER SPORTS SUPPLIES —- Skiis, skates, .sleds and tobog­ gans—and all accessories fox* winter sports! Visit our complete sports department fox* gift sugi gestions. Beavers Hardware, Exetex*. 4 c FOR SALE—Good clean boy’s tweed overcoat, size 14-15 years. Phone 226 Exeter. 4:- FOR SALE—-Boy’s skates, size 3. in good condition, also an oil burner suitable for a Quebec heater. Apply at Times-Advocatf. 4* FOR SALE—Universal milker mot­ or and pump new, complete witj 5 0 ft. of pipe. Apply Harvej Hyde, phone 177r42 Exeter. FOR SALE—21 h.p. Briggs and Strattoxi gas engine. Phone 17 6x*23 Exeter. 4* TOOLS For the homemaker—the home owner there is no gift more appreciated than a practical one. Our Christmas selection includes everything from fine cutlery to completely equipped tool chests. Check your list today. Shaper Hammers Pliers Saws Screwdrivers Braces Steel Rulers Planes Power Tools Wrench Sets Bench Saws Snips Lathes Trowels Drill Press ELECTRICAL GIFTS TOYS Percolators Wagons Toboggans Waffle Irons Games Dolls Toasters Skates Boxing Gloves Irons Skiis Tricycles Tea Kettles Sleighs Child’s Auto Clocks Radios Presto Cookers Chirome Cake Savers Mixers Pyrex Ware Sets of Silverware Coffee Makers Carving Sets Chrome Platters Lamps Super 1Health Aluminum PHONE 86 EXETER FOR SALE—-13 inch speed pulley for International tractor. Apply to Everard Miller, phone 4rl2 Kirkton. 4* FOR SALE—One coal heater, also one desk. J. Strange, phone 225J Exeter. 4* FOR SALE — Girl’s ski coat, size 14- 16; turquoise dress, size 13- 14; boy’s blue tweed suit, size 15- 17; girl.s winter coat, size 14- 16; all articles in good condi­ tion. Mrs. Arthux* Bierling, Hay P.O. 4 c FOR SALE__1934 Chev. sedan, in good condition. A. Lindenfield. FOR SALE—2 men’s coats. 249 Exeter. Deluxe Apply 4 Phone 4c FOR SALE—6 tube electric console radio. Good working condition, no marks or scratches on cabi­ net. Caffrey Cann. 4c FOR SALE—Durham heifer due to freshen Dec. 25. Apply to Wm. J. Thomson, phone 48r4, Kirk­ ton. 4* FOR SALE—2 purebred Hereford bulls and a number of purebred Hereford open heifers, priced Jor quick sale. Clarence Parke, Zur­ ich. 4c FOR SALE—Sparton cabinet radio, 2 short wave and broadcast bands; also 35 mm. Argus ca­ mera, iF.4.5 lens. Exeter Home and Auto Supply. 4* FOR SALE—General • Motors bus chassis, Hercules motor. Apply Guenther Transport, the Exeter Warehouse. 4tfc FOR SALE—1940 Ford DeLuxe coach; 1939 Ford pick-up, new motor, new tires; 19 29 Model A coupe. Apply Hartman’s Gar­ age, Mt. Carmel. , 4:11* FOR SALE—-Auto heater, windshield defroster and visor. Phone 97 Exeter. electric sun 4* FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Plymouth condition. Apts, corner Huron and Andrew, Exeter, 4* 1938 sedan in very .good ■Mr. Belanger, Irwin SALE—4 ton baled second alfalfa hay. Apply to Har- FOR cut vey Godbolt, phone 178rl3, Exe­ ter 4c FOR SALE—iRlonde maple cedar chest. Apply at Times-Advocate 4* FOR SALE—Matched team Clyde geldings, 4 year old with white markings. John Morrissey, Cred- iton. 4* STRAYED—Onto lot 14, conces- session 5, Stephen Twp., a red heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. Adam Kirchner, R. R. 1 Exeter, phone 2'6r2!l Crediton. 27:4:11c STRAYED—From lot 15, concession 15, Stephen Twp., a Holstein calf about 7 months old. Please notify Wm. Ratz, Crediton or tel­ ephone 41 J. 27: 4c STRAYED FROM Lot 17, W.B., Fullarton Twp., a red steex* with white hind feet, weight 800 qx* 900 pounds. Findex* please noti­ fy Victor Grinney, R.R. 1. Science Hill ox* phone 68rl3 Kirkton. 4* MALE HELP WANTED WANTED—Second and third class ‘Stationary Steam Engineers’. Ap­ ply in writing to The Andrew Malcolm Furniture; Company, Ltd., Listowel, Ontario. 4c COUNTY ASSESSOR wanted for the County of Huron, Permanent employment for the right party. Applicants state qualifications, salary expected. Duties to com­ mence on or about January 1st, 19 48. Applications to be in the hands of the County Clerk, God­ erich, Ontario, not later than De­ cember 19tly 11947, N, W. Miller County Clerk, Goderich, Ont.4:11c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE smith, house, water well, barn cattle milker, water bowls, This kind seldom offered. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 4* ■100 acres in Tucker- all fertile, tillable, furnace, pressure .garage, and strawshed, and hogs, brick hard and soft systems, drilled driveshed, good stabling, littex* carrier, electricity. FOR SALE—100 acres productive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 rooxn brick house, L-shaped barxx 60x40, 40x40, driveshed, garage, water* supply, 5 Immedi- Hunter, 4* nevex* failing acres hard wood bush, ate possession. R. D. phone 113W Exeter. NEW HOUSE FOR SALE—In Mit­ chell, 5 rooms, immediate possession. Chapxnan, Mitchell. fully modern, Robert 4c FOR SALE—Immediate possession three bedroom house with hydro, town water and furnace, Garage one acre of good garden land. C. ,V. Pickard, Exeter. FOR SALE—100 acres Stanley twp., brick house, bank barn, has watex* pressure system, hy­ dro in, 10 acres bush tillable, bus W. C. Pearce, Exeter. balance to public school. 4 * FOR SALE—Pasture farm of 10 o acres, on No. 4 Highway, south of Centralia, Lot 4,Con. 11, Town­ ship of Biddulph, good watex* supply, well fenced. Apply Mrs. Byron Hicks, Crediton, R. R. 1. Pixone 27r2 Crediton. 4c FOR SALE — Apartment house with oil furnace, 2 full baths, laundry room. A chance for er to live in one apt. and an income. W. C. Pearce, tor, Exeter. own- have Real- 4* FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house full basement, built-in cupboards, town and soft water, one piece bath, barn, large garden; early possession. W. C. Pearce. 4* HOUSE FOR IMMEDIATE POSSES­ SION—We have a small home for sale at $2,500.00. Hydro and town water. Small barn and over an acre of land. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. DUPLEX FOR SALE — We have just listed one of Exeter’s finest lxomes. This, house has been dup­ lexed and will accommodate two families in bathrooms, throughout; This place is and well located in Exeter. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. comfort, hardwood good heating in the best of Two full floors plant, repair C. V. FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont 2tfc FOR SALE- con, 2, Tuckersmith Twp house bank land. Apply to Box 218 Exeter, 25tfc •100 acre farm, lot 3 frame with asbestos shingles, barn, 90 acres tillable FOR SALE—immediate possesion, 100 acres brick house and bank water supply, 14 acres small bush, close to V, Pickard, Realtor. EXOtoL Or spring with good barn, good fall wheat, Exeter. C. LOST LOST—Between Exeter and -Cent­ ralia, green end gate of truck, Finder please notify W. O. Mc­ Donald, Exeter. 4* WANTED—iWe require a number of copies of the Times-Advocate ■of Nov. 20th and will pay 5 cents a copy for them, Times- Advocate. LOST—On Tuesday, a pocket book containing a sum of money and valuable papers. Reward. Finder please return to Tuckey Trans­ port cur phone 3 21j, 4c WANTED AT ONCE—Hudson Seal fur coat, any size or style. N. Hockey, phone 239 Exeter. 4:11* HIGHEST PRICES Paid for old or disabled horses. Ross Francis Fur Farm, phone collect 34r8 Kirkton. 27tfe NOTICES WANTED—One hundred horses, heavy or light. Frank Taylor. Phone 13 8, Exeter. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Exeter taxes may be paid to the Collector in the Town Hall, Dec­ ember 13 and 15, hours 9 to 12 a.m. and 1.30 to 5.00 p.m. W. C. Pearce, Collector* 4:1.1c WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married -personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. SOUTH HURON PLOWMEN The annual meeting of the South Huron Plowmen’s Association will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Sat. Dec. 6 at 2:30 p.m. All interested in plowing are requested to attend. Percy Passmore President PERSONAL Earl Shapton Secretary WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu­ matic when quick son’s Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, Rumacaps will give you welcome relief. At Robert- Drug Store. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE The Directors of the Hay Town­ ship Farmers’ Mutual Fire Insur­ ance Company have bought a num­ ber of Powdex* Tube Fire Extin­ guishers which they .are prepared to sell to their policy-holders for $1.50 and to Non-policy-holders for $2.00 each. Consult your nearest Director or the undersigned. H. K. Eilbei1 ,secretary, Crediton 20:27:4c NEUHAUSER CHICKS First hatch January 4th: Twenty breeds: Government approved: All leading trap nest pedigree strains from the best breeding farms in the U.S.A, and Canada: Top qual­ ity chicks priced right: .Get them early: It will pay you well. Neuliauser Hatcheries 81 King St., London, Ont. WE ARE NOW making arrange­ ments for fall whitewashing jobs, big or small, with spray motor machine. Wm. Watson, phone 35rl9 Dashwood. 13-4tp NOTICE TO CREDITORS I of I at CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST Voters’ List, 19 47 Municipality of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that have complied with section 7 The Voters’ List Act and that have posted up at my office Usborne, Ontario, on the 19th day of November, 19 47, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec­ tions, and that such lists remains there for inspection. And I hereby call to take immediate have any errors or reeled according to law, the last] day fox1 appeal being the 9tli day of December, 1947. Dated this 19th day of November 1947. HARRY G. STRANG, Clerk Township of Usborne. upon all voters proceedings to omissions cor­ Li the Estate of WILLIAM FORD, deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING Claims against the Estate of William Ford late of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron who died on or about the 19th day of Janu­ ary, 1934 are required to file par­ ticulars of same with Elxnex* D. Bell, Solicitor, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 13th day of December1 next aftex* which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims has of which notice been received. ELMER D. BELL, Exeter, Ontario. Solicitor for Executor, Administrator. 27:4:11 at AUCTION SALES given of be for TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public Notice is hereby that a meeting of the Electors the Township of Stephexi will held in the TOWN HALL, CREDITON on MONDAY, DEC. 1st, 1947 1 o’clock in the afternoon the purpose of making and receiv­ ing nominations for Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Councilmen and also fox* Trustees of the Township School Area comprising sections <2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Union 8, 10 and 12, two to be elected. And further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qua­ lifying for any particular office, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DECEMBER 8tli, 1947 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by the Township By-Law viz. 1. Mrs. Mills Shop, Lot 28, Con. W. B. Willert, Gordon Wilson; Penlxale’s Kitchen, Lot 20, Con. Preston Dearing, George Walk- 3. Council Chambers, Crediton, Trevithick, F. W. Morlock; 1, 2. 2, ex1 Thos. 4, Town Hall, Crediton, Alvin Bak­ er, J. shen, livan, ger's G. Kraft, Chester Gaisex1 zer’s Kitchen, Lot 10, John Houlahan, M. C. 8. Pollock’s Store, Lot 40, Con. S. B., Mansell I-Iodgins, 9. Frederick's Store, Com, Grand Bend; Leland Desjardine. And all quested to themselves H. Gaiser; 5. Sullivan’s Kit- Lot 9, Con. 13, Patrick Sul- 6 N. B 7. Sweit- Con, 17 Sweitzer, James Mawhinney Shop, Lot 6, Con. Nadi- E. wm Lot 1, Sattble Colin Love, Hicks electors are hereby re take notice and govern accordingly. LLOYD B, HODGSON, Returning Officer. Centralia, November 7. 1947, 20127 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the estate of the late Margaret Johnson. KING STREET, HENSALL on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th at 12.30 p.m. the following: Sherlock Manning piano and bench, Kolster cabinet radio, 5. piece living-room suite, (Antique) living-room table, small tables, rug 12 %’ by 12%, dining-room suite, 3 leather* rockers, other rockers, 2 chests of drawers, pine chest, dres­ sers and wash-stands, studio couch day-bed, complete line of bedding, linens, phonograph and records,, Clare Jewal range, (nearly new) kitchen table and chairs, coal oil stove, mantle clocks, antique clock dishes (some antique), glassware, cutlery, kitchen utensils, quantity of furiicico coal* 20 ft* l&cldor Ibavu mower, onion screens, garden tools, other* articles too numerous to^ mention. At the same time and place there' will be offered fox* sale and subject to resexwe bid the property on which is . situated an eight room 2 storey brick house with full basement, fur­ nace and hydro; also a frame barn 14x24 ft. Anyone wishing to see this pro­ perty previous to sale so by contacting Wm. sail. Anyone desiring to bn property before the so by a marked cheque cent, of their purchase bi, auctioneer. f Terms on household, effects cash, Terms on property TO per cent, of the purchase money sale and balanco in 30 WILLIAM PARKE A. T, DO'JGi A.S. Administrators for EDWARD FT, box Clinton, date may do Parke, Hen­ place a bid sale may do with 10 per to the on date of days. and the estate.IOTT, Aitet.«