HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-12-04, Page 2THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4th, 1947Page 2
(lines established 1373; Advocate established 1881
amalgamated November 1924
4a Independent Newspaper devoted to the interests
at the Village of Exeter and Surrounding District
Member of the Camwlliui Weekly
Newspapers’ Association; Member
of the Ontario-Quebec Division of
the CWNA
AU Advertising Copy Must be in Our Hands Not
Later Than Noon on Tuesdays
32.00 a year, in advance; six months, 31.00
three months 60c
Those Feed Prices
We were told by one of our farmer
friends that cattle and hog feed had advanced
in price from twenty to thirty dollars per ton.
There is a tragedy in these few words. A dai
ry farmer has, for instance, gone to the trou
ble and the expense of building up a well pro
ducing herd, Let it not be forgotten that it
takes about twenty-five years to build up such
a herd. In addition there is the expense invol
ved in the equipment for operating such a
herd. Let it not be forgotten that such an
equipment costs a great deal of cash to secure
and to maintain. When such a season as the
present season visits the producer he is in a
bad way as far as financing is concerned, Milk
distributors and. milk manufacturers and cheese
makers too, have headaches. The cost of ma
terials for the manufacture of butter and cheese
■ have in many cases, about doubled. Milk dis
tributors have encountered serious increases in
the price of their equipement and general
maintenance cost Old Man Scarcity has been
around, as anyone can see. The increase af
fects everybody. There is plenty of money go
ing but as one farmer expressed it, “I handle
a lot of money but it seems to get away from
me”. A good deal of water will run under the
bridge before times are appreciably easier.
Meanwhile we need to look to our tastes and
not to confuse our likes and dislikes with our
« * * «•
This Fateful Week
Two questions must be disposed of soon.
I’irst. what are Canadians going to do about
the new business arrangements the Dominion
government hos made regarding nearly every
thing they have to buy or sell? Are the restric
tive measures imposed by Ottawa wise and con
structive ? Is the government doing the right
thing in seeking to get on by interfering with
the ways and means all of us must resort to in
carrying on? How will the farmers and the
manufacturers and the storekeepers and above
all else, the homemakers receive the new regu
lations ? What will the United States have to
say about our refusal to purchase their goods ?
What is being done to call out the creative
and inventive powers of our Canadian people
in the way of putting goods on the market
that will give an urge to buy what we have
to sell? These are but a few of the questions
that will be much on the minds of Canadians
at this time.
In the next place, what is to come of the
conference of the Big Four meeting in Lon
don to decide whether Germany is to be bro
ken up into two parts, one side enlarging and
enriching Russia and the other part to be un
der the domination of the western powers.
The Big Four are meeting amid, lowering skies
and the creeping in of winter with the com
plaints of food shortage brought in with every
breeze. What is to be the outcome? All the
world wonders.
While all this is going on France has two
million striking workers on her hands. In ad
dition her people are gravely lacking in co
herence and likely to go to almost any ex
treme. In the United States the game of par
ty politics is being played with the degrees
of heartiness that marks the republic in pre
sidential election years. Who can tell what is
either going on or likely to come of the brew
and stew into which peoples of all lands have
thrown themselves ?
The Only Way
Again we wish to say that production on
the part of Canadians is the only way out of
our present unfavourable trade balance. The
unfavourable trade balance did not come over
night. It is no stroke of bad luck but the out
come of inertia on the part of Canadians,
This minute, the sky is the limit to the a-
mount of grain Canada might sell to the Unit
ed States, had we the grain to sell. But we
have, not the grain to offer and the blame for
this unfortunate lack lies at the foot of Cana
dians. It is urged that this year we had a poor
harvest. But we must not forget that we have
had our "seven years of plenty” in which we
might well have provided against the present
lean year. We see no reason for Canadians ly
ing down because one lean, harvest has been
their „lot, Further, there are enormous tracts
of land in Old Ontario that remain unproduc- |
tive. Along with this land that is uncultivated
We have no end of submarginal farms that
barely pay their way through care become pro
ducers of an unlimited quantity of grain and
the supporters of herds of cattle and flocks of
poultry and pens of hogs. We have mines tee*
ming in mineral wealth. The time is ripe for
it to be and shipped and manufactured right
fi . t «f f ft , , J rp? » , i
ious need, of waking up in this whole situa
tion. This thing of leaving the. serious need of
building this land in the way of real rather’
than of fancied prosperity never will be done
if we leave this great task to our old friend
George. Buck passing is a cowardly business
at best. If we are. to have prosperity in Can
ada is must come as the fruit of our own
brains steeping and the sweat of our own good
right arms.« * * *
Not Satisfied
Our subscriber was not satisfied. We came
upon him as he was shopping on that bleak
November day, just after prices were taking
to the stratosphere, "You see,” he said, "things
are against us on the farm. Little by little we
were got out of the way of making a great
deal of our own provisions. We came to de
pend on the butcher’s wagon, on the bread wa
gon and on the milk truck or the cream truck,
We got rid of our woodlots and of our maple
sugar and our maple syrup. Some of us went
so far as to buying our own beets and carrots
and lettuce and cabbage, to say nothing of
purchasing our apples. We failed to cure our
own meat and to store our own eggs. We got
rid of our homespun. You see where we are
now because of this farm, economy. We are
as helpless as the rest of the Dominion. We
cannot get back to the old way of doing over
night. Our facilities for doing the things men
tioned have gone by the board. The dealers
and all connected with them are seeing that
we pay by the nose for our fine ideas of
making farm life easy.”
* * # »
An Important Event
One of the best results of the Royal Win
ter Fair is the vim it is putting into a great
many young farmers. "What other young peo-
have done, we can do”, these young people
are saying. The success by their young friends
is putting heart into best of many a farm lad
and lass. Every day in every way Ontario far
mers are seeing that farm life is getting bet
ter and better. The old inferiority complex is
fading out. Before we know it. we’ll hear no
more of the talk about being a mere farmer.
Farmers are .seeing’ that farming is at once tjie
oldest and most honourable of the arts. It is' a
man’s job and a man’s life any day. It may
not be the most moneymaking pursuit in the
world but it is on all fours with the best of
them for insuring delight in adventure and the
joy of achievement and a comeptency for old
age. "There’s axiother side to the show busi
ness” a farmer who had paid for his farm and
had stayed on it. told us the other day when
were descussing the prize winners at the Roy
al. "You'will notice that a great many exhi
bitors did not win” he continued. Yet these
other show people had expended a whole lot
of time and had done a lot in the way of
conditioning their stock. Unless you have "been
in this line you have no idea of the cost of
putting an animal in the show ring. The cost
is there just the same. I know that perfor
mance is said to follow type. I get the type I
want and then I use the animal as well as I
can, but when it comes to any of the highly
specialized feeding, I call quits. This thing of
specializing has a number of places where one’s
profits usually escape and one cannot help it.
I may be all wrong in this. Some may tell me
that I am calling out that the grapes are sour.”
* * * ■»
A Grave Mistake
Skyrocketing prices for articles has been
a blunder. Buyers were prepared to pay a
little more than they had been paying for
such commodities but became angry when they
were asked to pay an advance of from thirty
to fifty per cent on prevailing prices. The
blame of the rise in prices cannot be laid at
the door of the producers of such commodities
as the fruit and vegetables were out of their
hands for many a day. Nor can the major part
of the increase be blamed on the retailer.
Many allege that the nigger was in the whole
saler’s woodpile. At any rate the ultimate con
sumer is the party whose pocket suffers. The
whole situation needs a thorough cleaning- up.
We’ll like to see a few of "the big fellows
given in such matters, but it looks as if the
rising in prices savours of restraint of trade.
* * * ■»
A Good Move
Our local milk dealers have ceased the
Sunday delivery of milk. This move has much
to commend it. Milkmen like to go to church
and otherwise improve Sunday. All of us will
encourage the move, particularly during the
winter months.
* * # #
Note and Comment
This showing of grain at the Royal Win
ter Fair augurs well for Canadian harvests.
♦ * * *
There are funnier pastimes than digging
up wood from the snow these early winter
* * # *
This is good news that Britain’s coal
production is about normal for her own use.
As goes coal, so goes British production of ex
portable goods.
The record of the Winter Fail’ in Toronto
proves that when it comes to putting on a
show that really stirs the continent, the far
mers take top place*
* * 4 *
It is a time when bad news comes all too
frequently, but a brave heart does a deal to
overcome this anxiety inseparable from these
really difficult times. Uncle Grouchy and
Aunt Doleful are fine people we are sure, but
they nevz*r put heart into a countryside or
.at e a nation.
SMILES . .,.
When the paper says the bride
is 24 and the groom 60, it isn’t
necessary to add that he is con
sidered one of the richest men in
his neck of the woods."
A woman was making chocolate
pudding. Suddenly she put on her
hat to go out. Asked her husband
"Why are you going out and leav
ing the pudding boiling?” Said his
Wife: "It says in the cook book—n
when it comes to a 'boil . . . beat
urday last for the riding of South
Huron and it aroused considerable
interest over the whole field, Mr,
Frank Strange was the successful
candidate with a majority of 119
over the other candidates, Gerald
Godbolt, of Centralia, and Howard
Hyde, of Kippen,
At a well attended banquet in
the basement o the James St, Unit
ed Church on Tuesday evening, a
men’s brotherhood was launched.
About 100 men sat down to the
tables. The catering was dpne by
the Women’s Association who pro
vided a splendid repast, Dr. W. E,
Weekes was elected president and
Mr. E. J. Sliapton secretary-treas
At a banquet in the Centra!
Hotel Thursday evening of last
week, a Lion’s Club for Exeter
was organized with Dr. W. E,
Weekes as the first charter presi
dent. The banquet was the result
of some .active work by Messrs.
Earl Nichols and Roy Robinson of
the London Lions. About 40 per
sons sat down to the tables.
On Friday last while Mr, Haroln
Whyte, of the Hydro staff, was
working with a Delco plant in the
hydro workshop -and was in the
act of cranking an engine, the
crank slipped and struck him in
the face. One of the lens of his
glasses was broken inflicting a nas
ty cut which required eight stit
ches to close.
Messrs. Ed Coombes, Lloyd Stan
lake and Victor Seymour left last
week for Northern Ontario in
search of employment for the win
Mr. Preston Dearing made a
splendid showing with his Dorse.
Horned sheep at the Royal Winter
■Fair in Toronto.
Mr. Sandy Elliot is making im
provements to his Ford garage. He
is deepening the cellar and intends
having it fitted up with hot and
cold water for the washing of cars.
0*————------- --
As the
Go By
83—----------- --------—J
A large number of the Exeter
Lodge of Royal Templar attended
the annual open meeting of the
Crediton lodge held there Wednes
day evening and several took part
in the program,
The firemen were called out
Friday morning last to a fire at
the residence of Mr. John Blatch-
ford, Main Street. The fire orngin-
ated from live coals falling from
the stove onto the carpet.
The residents of the back streets
were delighted Monday night at
the first appearance of the new
electric lights distributed through
those Quarters.
The Cinematograph, under the
auspices of the Exeter Public Lib
rary drew two larg.e audiences in
Gidley’s Opera House on Monday
and Tuesday nights last. The prin
ciple views were those of the
Queen’s Jubilee procession which
were shown with splendid effect.
Robert Hodgins of Montreal was
in town Wednesday and purchased
a carload of poultry from Messrs.
Stewart and Abbott for shipment
to that city.
The Salvation Army Marine
Band, eleven in number, visited
Exeter Saturday and Sunday. The
musical concert given in the Town
Hall, Saturday evening was very
good, but the crowd was rather
small. Sunday morning they took
charge of the service in the James
Street Methodist Church. On Sun
day evening they again presented
a program in the Town Hall and
a large crowd was in attendence.
The shooting match Which took
place in connection with the Man
sion House, Thanksgiving Day, was
a fair success considering the very
disagreeable wet day. Sides were
chosen as follows: D. Hurdon,
capt.! T. Routley, G. Anderson, A.
Bagshaw, H. Jones; G. Vosper
capt.; Thos. Sweet, E. Bissett, A.
Hicks, H. Sutton. -Geo. Vesper’s
side won by two birds.
START Quickly
STOP Promptly
Winter brings freezing weather and slippery roads, But
there’s no reason to worry if you know your ear will start
and stop quickly, even under adverse conditions. For
maximum winter winter driving enjoyment—stop here
Your Studebaker Dealer ,—
If you are planning on taking vocational training
under the Veterans Rehabilitation Act, you
should apply immediately, as the right to apply,
with very few exceptions*, ends December 31,
1947. Applications may he made to the nearest
district of the Department of Veterans Affairs in
person or by mail, or to the Veterans’ Officer at
the nearest office of the National Employment
*Th» exceptions referred to above are vet
erans discharged subsequent to January 1,
1947, pensioners and veterans whose entry
into training was delayed by the necessity
for medical treatment under authority of the
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Published under the authority of
The Right Honourable lan A, Mackenzie, Minister of Veterans Affairs.
Coughs And Colds
Require Attention
,The immediate use of Dr. Wood’s Norway Piue
Syrup relieves spasms of coughing, helps to cut
phlegm and mucus, open the air passages and soothe
the irritation.
Dollar Days were observed by
the merchants of Exeter on Friday
and Saturady last and were a great
success despite the very inclement
weather. A heavy snow storm rag
ed all day Friday.
The guessing contest put on by
the Exeter merchants on Dollar
Days created considerable interest.
The total number of guesses re
ceived were 5 69. The marbles
were counted by C. H. Sanders,
Thos. Dinney and J. M. Southcott.
Winners were: Clinton Sweet, 100
lbs. of sugar; Garnet Heywood,
case of canned peas; Mrs. F. Del-
bridge, case of canned corn; Miss
B. Tuckey, Harry Ford, Miss V.
Hodgert, Mrs. Thos. Creech, each
50 lbs. of flour.
The second degree team of the
Exeter Oddellows, accompanied by
the orchestra, motored to Seaforth
on Wednesday evening last and ex
emplified the work of the second
degree. Following the work a ban
quet was served.
At the last regular meeting of
the James St, Methodist Cliurch
Board, an invitation was extended
Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B.A., of Am-
herstburg, to become pastor of
James St. The invitation has been
accepted by Mr. Donnelly.
The Ontario Agricultural College
awarded prizes last week for the
best plays submitted dealing with
rural life. Miss N. Medd, a teach
er in the Exeter school, was one
of the two prize winners.
Miss Francis Nickawa, the noted
Cree Indian reciter, appeared in
the Exeter Opera House on Friday
evening last under the auspices of
the Young People of ’Main Street
Church. The large audience was
more than delighted with the ex
cellent readings of Miss Nickawa.
Miss La Belle Handford, of Inger
soll, and Mr, Ronald Witwer as
sisted with the program singing
several solos.
Dr. Wood’s NorWay Pine Syrup contains no
harmful ingredients nor habit-forming drugs. It has been a popular
household remedy for nearly 50 years.
On sale at drug counters everywhere.
The T. Millrarn. Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
There was a drop in the price
of bread in Exeter on Saturday. It
is now selling at 5 cents a loaf
over the counter and 6 cents a loaf
Rev. E. L. Vivian, L. Th., rec
tor of the Trivitt Memorial Church
who is leaving Exeter . for Brant
ford, preached his farewell sermon
on Sunday evening. Before leaving
Mrs. Vivian was presented with
a pair of book-ends by the mem
bers of the Women’s Insitute.
The Main Street United Church
celebrated their anniversary set’
vices on Sunday, large congrega
tions being present for both the
morning and evening service. The
special preacher for the day was
Rev. Dr. Bruce Hunter, Of the
Metropolitan United Church, Lon
don, and president of the London
conference. The choir under the
leadership of Miss Huston provided
special music. At the morning ser
vice a male quartette was sung by
Messrs. Gerald Skinner, Marvin
Howey, Jas, Francis and Frank
Wildfong and a solo was sung by
the pastor, Rev. A. E. Elliot. At
the evening service, Misses M. Fol
lick, M. Dignan, V. Kestle and V.
Gambrill composed the quartette.
A duet was sung by H, Dignan and
V, Gam brill.
We are continually exploring the rich
possibilities of Aluminumjdoveloping new
alloys, improving fabricating methods,
studying new uses. Such information is
passed afong 16 engineers, production
men and others who make Hie Aluminum
products you see in your neighbourhood
stores, and which find their way to the
market places of the world.
Bill Jones handling stock on the factory,
floor, Mrs. James pushing her "pram” —
both know the energy-saving lightness of
Aluminum. The magic combination of
lightness-with-strength finds new applica
tions every day. All along the line,
Aluminum is reducing effort, increasing
productivity. We have entered the age of
light metals.
Canadians are in a unique position to
enjoy the benefits of this new age. Within
our borders we have the largest Aluminum
ingot plant in the world.ample for all
our needs with lots left over for export.
And this ingot is available to Canadian
manufacturers at lower cost than anywhere
else in the world. Today over six hundred
independent manufacturers of everything
from tank cars to clothes pins Ace turning
out exciting new products made with this
Twentieth Century metal.