HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-11-20, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20th, 1947
lb. Peppermint Paddies ........................
lb. Boxes of Chocolate^ ........................
Temperence Federation Claims
Evils of Liquor Reduced 75 Percent
A loaf of that grand bread
from Brock's Bakery is the
a n s w e r. There’s a lot of
goodness baked into our
bread, because our bakers
know just what people really
like, The kids will like it, and
the grownups, too, Serve
bread regularly at your meals
and that means, serve Brock’s
leave your orders as soon
ExeterPhone 8
Are You Ruptured?
Our Service is Different. We
Sell You a Fit in Our Private
Truss Room.
Trusses, Belts, Supports of all kinds
Over 15 years experience.
Your drugs at
Phone 50 Exeter
Like explosions! Try a Want-Ad
and watch the fireworks.
The seeming paradox of the
Canada Temperance Act which
makes it legal for a person to take
a drink ip Public holds no worries
for temperance advocates in Huron
County where the act is in force.
Delegates to the recently-conclud
ed Huron County Temperance Fed
eration meeting were told that the
C.T.A.. may be credited with "at
least 75 per cent, reduction of the
evils of liquor traffic.”
The following resolutions were ad
That we ask the Ontario Temp
erance Federation to take steps to
the end that the amount of ,food
stuffs, sugar and grain, used in
the manufacture of intoxicating
liquors be drastically reduced see
ing that food is in short supply
and millions are hungry.
That we assure the Attorney
General of this Province of its
gratification over .his declared pur
pose that the measures of the
Canada Temperance Act shall be
enforced in this County.
That we urge the Attorney Gen
eral’s .Department of this Province
to take more drastic action against
drinking car drivers, i.e., to inflict
more severe penalties when con
That we remind the Attorney
General of this Province that thd
liquor interests are carrying on a
very subtle advertising campaign
under the guise of a public service
and .that a protest be lodged
against such advertising as both
illegal and detrimental to the
cause of Temperance.
That we instruct that a letter
of commendation be sent to the
members .of he Ontario Provincial
Police in Huron County congratu
lating them on having effected im
provement in the matter of law
enforcement and the lessening of
That we request all its mem
bers to send to the office of the
Ontario Temperance Federation all
authentic information in regard to
any infraction of the Canada
Temperance ~Act in Huron County.
That ,we "firing to the attention
of all representatives of this coun
ty in both parliaments that this
county is under a restrictive Tem
perance law and that it is expect*
ed of .them that they will loyally
support such county legislation.
That we assure the Premier of
this Province of its awareness
that the highest prerogative of his
office js to promote ,the public
good rather than to increase the
Province’s revenue and that he be
encouraged to give the most ser
ious consideration to that primary
That we go on record as
that every increase in the
of outlets for the sale of
cants is accompanied by
crease in bootlegging,
ance, waste, traffic accidents and
crime and that for the public good
the Premier of this Province and
his Attorney General be urged to
plan for the reduction and not the
increase of outlets.
i That we request all ministers
in the county to urge church mem
bers and adherents to abstain
from the use of intoxicating bev
erages and to resist the pressure
of the growing custom of social
That we petition the Minister ofi
Finance of .the Dominion Govern
ment to lighten the tax burden of
the public by levying higher taxes
on the enormous profits of the
brewing industry.
That we .assure the Ontario
Temperance Federation and Dr,
DeMille and staff of its apprecia
tion of the leadership being given
in the cause of Temperance and
in spite of heavy odds.
That we express to Mr. Cooper
its hearty thanks for his wise and
alert guidance through many years
also to Mr. Lloyd for Jils devotion'
to the cause while in the Presi
dent's chair also to Rev.
his board foi* the use
These resolutions were
The officers are as
President, Howard Campbell,
burn; ilfst vice-pres., Roy Cousins,
Brussels; 2nd vice-pres., Rev. C.
W. H. Medly, Goderich; 3rd ,vice-
pres., Mrs. Geo, Johnson, Goderich,
4 th vice-pres., president of the
W.O.T.U., Mrs. R. A. Brook, Hen
sail; Youth sec., Rev. Jergensen,
of Bluevale; .Educational Director,
Rev. Gordon Hazelwood, Waltonq
Chairman Law and Legislation, A,
T. Cooper, Clinton.
Lane and
of their
8TH link klanshard
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker,
Orrie and Elizabeth spent Sunday
with relatives in London,
Mrs, Trewartha, of Holmesville,
spent a few days with her daughter,
Mrs. Kenneth Langford and Mr. K.
Miss Marion Parkinson, of Lon
don, spent the week-end with Mr,
Harvey Parkinson and family.
Mr. Fred Foster held a very suc
cessful auction sale last Thursday.
Miss Rosalind Adamson, of Kitch
ener, spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Adam
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake,
of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster
and Trevor, of St. Marys, were
Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Milton Hooper.
Mr. Malcolm Spence and Mr. M,
Carter returned home Sunday from
deer hunting dhd were successful
in capturing their quota.
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Clark and
Keith and Mrs, Walter Patterson,
of Welburn, were Sunday guests or
Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper.
Mr, and Mrs, Mitchell Leibler, of
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Saable
of Mitchell, were Sunday evening
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Hooper.
Mr. and Mrs. Vic. Sawyer, Miss
Ruth Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Sawyer, all of Toronto, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper on
Mr, Jack Thomson, Mrs. Bill Lad-
brook and Bobby, Mr. J. Ladbrook,
all of Toronto spent the week-end
with Mrs. Jack Thomson and Mr.
Fred Thomson.
ing you know the esteem in which
you are held in this community.
We are particularly happy to know
you have chosen one of our local
boys and will continue to reside
in this community. We ask you to
accept these gifts not for their in
trinsic worth but that they will
bring you much joy in your new
—Signed on behalf of youi* friends
and neighbors.
A very enjoyable time was spent
on Saturday afternoon at the
home of Miss Ida Hardy when a
shower in honor of Miss Beta
Gower, bride-elect of the twentieth
was given by her friends and
neighbors. After the guests arrived
Mrs. Emerson Glenn escorted Reta
to a decorated chair in the dining
room in front of a well laden
table, prettily decorated with
streamers, candles and lace centre
piece. When the gifts were all op
ened a sumptuous lunch was
ved. Following is the address read
by -Miss Gertrude Amos:
Reai* Reta:
We, your friends and neighbors
have gathered here this afternoon
to express in some tangible way
our good wishes for every happi
ness in your future wedded life.
We have known you all your life
and could not let this opportunity
pass without letting you know the
kind wishes we have for you. We
are happy to know you have chos
en Florent who will not take you
too far away so that we will still
be seeing you occasionally. Reta
may we ask you to accept these
gifts not for their small worth,
but that they will bring you much
joy in your future home.
—Signed on behalf of your friends
and neighbors.
1 . ........................._
Flat Fifties of Your Favorite Brand ........
Beautiful Genuine Briar Pipes (Only) ...
(Special Boxes For Xmas Wrapping)
We Carry Complete Line Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco,
Pipes, Razor Blades, Combs, Hair Cream, Hair OIL
Business men! Save time and money by phoning for an
appointment, thus eliminating wasted waiting time. Phone
«AI & Walt* Barbers
Shop Located in Connection With Buis Depot
Are You Bringing Your Children to Christ?
Jesus said: “Suffer little children to come unto me," Mark
110 :14,
“I am the way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6.
Parents have a great responisbility to guide their children
to the one who alone can save them.
“He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life.” John 6:47.
“Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37
an in*
Usborne Township Council Grants
Appeals in Court of Revision
Keep Ontario’s factories
and farms producing at
peak levels . . . keep pay
envelopes full.
Hydro is building new
power plants at top speed,
but it takes years to com
plete new generating plants.
In the meantime, do your
part, avoid waste of elec
tricity . . . please save all
you can.
County Council
Opening Session
Warden Brown Smith in
address at the opening session of
Huron County Council, at Goder
ich, Monday, predicted that the re
port to be given by the equaliza
tion committee will have far-reach
ing effects.
County Treasurer A. H. Ers
kine’s financial statement covering
the period from January 1st to Oc
tober 31st showed receipts in the
generad account
bank balance of
penditures. The
were $244,600
$242,823 bank
lit the matter of Greetings to
be personalized it is always
well to make your selection
early because available de
signs dwindle as the Holiday
Beacon approches* According
ly, how much more satisfying
it is When you can select
yours from wider selections
ready in
Tlnics-A d voento
carefully chosen cards from
America’s leading Greeting
Card publishers await you!
having the added
they will be
for .leisurely
them now at the
— whore
of $237,361 and a
$2,122.90 over ex
highways receipts
and disbursements ]___.. balance $1,776.54
county home receipts $32,350.
The statements were referred to
the finance committee. Mr. Erskine
said the committees had in general
lived within their estimates. The
county home will exceed its bud
get but when the new building is
transferred to capital account, a
surplus will be shown,
The cost of operating both the
Children’s Aid Society and the
county home is increasing rapidly.
The cost of maintenance in bach
of these branches is reflected mat
erially in the advanced cost of liv
Hospitalization costs for the
county are increasing due to an in
creased number of patients in hos
pitals, over the three month perion.
Administration of justice is down
this year due to the provincial pol
ice replacing the county force, and
few cases. Townships that have en
tered school areas will find a dup
lication of cost for the year, as
they ate paying up for 1947' in
1948, making a difference of half
a mill.
Among the more important cor
respondence read 'by Clerk N. W.
Miller and referred to committees
were the following resolutions from
Perth County petitioning the Ontar
io Government to make available to
farmers and livestock breeders, feed
grain of such standard and price to
give suitable remuneration as to be
an inducement to keep the product
ion of farm products at the pre
sent or higher levels: from the
County of Simcoe requesting the
Department of Health to give con
sideration to the erection of more
hospitals for incurables in the pro
vince; fyom Welland County ask
ing the Provincial Government to
nv-umo the total cost of odnca-
l tion.
The regular meeting of the
Usborne Council was held in the
Township Hall, Elimville, Saturday
afternoon November Sth, 1947,
with Reeve Hugh Berry presiding,
and Councillors Brock, Ellerington,
Simpson, and Tuckey in attendance.
The minutes of the last regular*
meeting held on October 11th, and
the minutes of a special meeting
held on October 30th to consider
Tenders received for the contract
to' repair the Elimville Drain, which
contract was awarded to C. P. Die
trich of Dashwood for $8,000; were
confirmed as printed on motion of
Councillors Ellerington and Simp
W. H. Hodgson, of Exeter, repre
senting the General Accident Assu
rance Co. of Toronto, interviewed
the Council in regard to the renew
al of the Municipal Road Liability
Insurance Policy for the Township.
Renewal was accepted for twelve
months at the usual premium of
$113.38 on motion of Councillors
Ellington and Brock.
At. 3.00 p. m., a court of revision
to revise the 1948 Assessment Roll
was constituted and the following
appeals -were granted and changes
authorized S. Herdman appeal from
1/5 mill Federation of Agriculture
levy; strike off Clayton and Jane
Lightfoot Part Lot 2 Con. I, also
dog; Lorne Oake, Lot 24, Con. 2,
dog to be struck off; Lot 4 Con. 6,
ownership changed from Harry
Cole to Squire Herdman; Lot E.%
10, S. W. B., ownership changed
from Squire Herdman to Norman
Brock; Lot" 9 Con. 6 and Lot Part
9 Con. 5 ownership changed from
Mabel Brock to Harold Kerslake;
Part Lot 10 Con. 7, ownership of
47 acres and barn changed from
Bessie Bell to Harold Bell, Assess
ment to be Land $1,400, Buildings
$400, Total $1,800; Bessie Bell,
Part Lot 10, Con. 7, 2 acres and
house, Land $200, Buildings $800,
Total $1,000; Lot 21, S. T. R., own
ership changed from Arthur Gardi
ner to Roy Ballantyne; Part Lot 19,
N. T. R>, ownership changed from
Thos. B. Allen to Noel Clarke; Part
Lot 19, N. T. R., ownership chang
ed from Farquahar Hall to Usborne
& Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance
Co., B. W. F. Beavers Secretary-
Treasurer, Exeter; Lot 30, N. E. B..
ownership changed from Martin Mc-
Taggart to Eliza
Lot 21 Con.
ged from John
Bros., Exeter.
The above appeals were granted
and the Court was formally closed
on motion of Councillors Tuckey
and Simpson.
Correspondence was tabled ano
dealt with as follows:
Township of Hay, payment in full
of assessment of lands and roads
for the Cahn-Mitchell Drain. Accep
Provincial Department of Plan
ning and Developement re handi
crafts, Filed.
Orville Beaver and Sam McCurdy
N. E. B., asking for repair work
on the McDougall Municipal Drain,
Clerk was instructed to refer, the
matter to the Township Engineer
and ask him to investigate the con
dition of the McDougall Drain,
Prom A. H. Richardson, Chief
Conservation Engineer, Ausable
Valley Conservation Authority,
asking for a copy of Resolution of
Council appointing Township of Us
borne representative to attend mee
tings of the Authority. Resolution
was passed on a motion of Council
lors Simpson and Brock that Wil
liam Ellerington be Township re
From Sheridan Equipment Co.,
of Toronto, re crawler tractor,
snowplow, and dozer equipment or
der, advising that there has been a
price increase of =$601, also that
they would be in position to deliver
at nil early date. They asked for
confirmation of the order at the in
creased price, and for shipping in
structions. OonncH Ifstrncfod that
I order be confirmed and that equip-
Kinsman, Kippen;
I, ownership chan-
Caldwell to Wein
ment be delivered to Elimville.
From S. W. Archibald, Township
Engineer, re petition of Stanley
Coward, Clarence Knight and Roy
Coward, that no repair work be
done on Branch A of the Elimville
Drain, as they considered that re
pairs were not needed. Engineer
advised the Council that he consi
dered the Branch required work
to about the same extent as the
greatei* portion of the Main Drain,
and that the assessment was in ac
cordance with the maintenance
clause in the original report by
John Roger. He gave his opinion
that the owners on the Branch
would gain by having the work
proceed as laid out. Piled.
Councillor Ellerington presented
a petition from the owners of Lots
from 4 to H inclusive on Con. 4,
asking that the Council accept the
open ditch in front of Lots 4 to 10
inclusive Con. 5 as a Municipal
Drain, and proceed to have the
Township Engineer bring in a re
port calling for repairs which they
believed to be necessary. On motion
of Councillors Brock, and Simpson,
petition was accepted and referred
to Engineer.
Wm. Johns, collector, reported
that he had virtually completed the
sending out of tax notices and that
tax money had begun to come in.
On motion of Councillors Eller
ington and Tuckey, orders were
drawn on the treasurer to the a-
mount =$2513.20 including the an
nual salaries and the payment to
the Township of Hay, the Wilfong
Drain assessment. The Road Super
intendent precented vouchers to
the amount of $1113.81 for pay
ment from the Roads and Bridges
Council adjoudned -to. meet again
on Saturday afternoon December
6th, 1947.
Harry Strang, Clerk.
Mrs. Slack is spending some
time with friends in Toronto and
Kitchener. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Eastman,
of Arkona, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Hodgson.
Misses Betty and Grace Morley,
of Ailsa Craig, spent the week-end
at their home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Glenn
and Charlie and 'Mrs. Margaret
Gilbert attended the birthday party
on Monday evening last in honor
of Douglas, son of Mr, and Mrs.
Murray Collins, of Ailsa Craig.
Mrs. Jack Hodgson spent a few
days last week with her1 parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Morley.
We are sorry to report that
Mrs.' Jim Morley is at present un-
der the Doctor’s care. We hope for
a speedy recovery.
Messrs. John L. Hodgson, Karl
Pickering, Murray Dixon and Wil-
ford Dixon went on a hunting trip
to the north country.
Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Fenton, Bil
lie and Jackie spent Sunday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs, Lin Crav
Showers for Bvidcs-EIect
Mrs. Beatrice Dixon held
shower in honor of Edith Hotson,
only daughter -of Mr. and Mrs.
John L. Hotson in West McGilliv
ray Hall on Friday afternoon last.
A short program was provided af
ter which Miss Hotson was escort
ed to the platform by her cousin,
Miss Dona Hotson. Mrs. Wes Wat
son read the address. Miss Hotson
received many useful gifts after
which she made a suitable reply.
Lunch was served by the ladies.
Following is the address:
Dear Edith;
We, your friends and neighbours
have gathered together here this
afternoon to express in soine tang
ible way our good wishes for
every happiness in your future
wedded life. We have known you
all your life and could not let
this opportunity pass without let-
"Say, what is the matter with
that dog of yours? Every time I
come near the
“Oh, he won’t
“Then what
“He is probably a little sore be
cause you drink out of his cup.”
Tune In
is he
cooler, he
Hear Chas. Fuller on Station CKLW, Windsor, 12-12:30
E.S,T. Sunday noon.
Chas. E. Fuller P.O, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California