HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-11-06, Page 10Piage 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE> EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6th, 1947 BADMINTON’ will be Friday eve­ ning this week. Next Tuesday evening there will be a Round Robjn tournament. © :«■ I i Leavitt’s Theatre Previews Its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY, November 5th — LAST NIGHT Walt Goodie Family’ — ALSO — 'Alexander’s Ragtime Band’ • Tyrone Power ® Alice Faye ® Don Ameche (Admission 60c including tax) THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — Nov. 6th, 7th, Sth Saturday Night Show commences at 7 p.m. 'The Hucksters’ — M-G-M Feature — © Clark Gable ® Deborah Kerr ® Keenan Wynn • Sydney Greenstreet MONDAY and TUESDAY — November 10th, 11th 'Pursued’ • Teresa Wright ® Robert Mitchum WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY November 12th, 13th — Two Features — 'Honeymoon’ © Franchot Tone © Shirley Temple 'Banjo’ » Sharyn Moffet • Walter Reed ® Banjo, the dog November 24th, 25th, 26th “GONE WITH THE WIND” The first show commences at 7.30 Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario ——————------------ ---—— -------——— J EXETER AND USBORNE Unveiling and Dedication Service of Memorial Plaque TO BE HELD AT EXETER Sunday, November 9th, 1947 11 a.m.—Service in Main St. United Church. Rev. H. J. Mahoney, speaker. 12.15 p.m.-—Service at War Memorial. Anyone wishing to place private wreaths, please contact B. W. Tuckey by Saturday evening, November 8th. “GOD SAVE THE KING” Remembrance Day Church Parade and Dedication Service MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 9th. 1947 at 11 a.m. Service of Dedication AT WAR MEMORIAL 12.15 a.m. SERVICE AT HURONDALE at 3 p.m. All Legion members and veterans wishing to take part this service will meet at the Legion rooms at 10:15 Dress: Berets and Medals R. E. Pooley, Pres. A. M. Easton, Sec’y-Treas. m BAZAAR AND TEA — The W.A. and Evening Auxiliary of Main St. Church will hold a bazaar and tea in the Legion rooms on Saturday afternoon, Nov. Sth, commencing at 3 o’clock. The various booths will be Novelty, Gift, White Elephant, Apron, Children’s Wear, Fish Pond and Baking. Tea served 3 to 6 p.m. 30:6 HOCKEY CONDITIONING for the Intermediates will commence next Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Arena. All interested in trying for the Exeter team are asked to come out. CONCERT AND BAZAAR — Tues­ day, Nov. 11th, under the aus­ pices of the Elimville W.A. and W.M.S., there will be a concert and bazaar in the Elimville Church at 8 o’clock. Concert will consist of readings by Miss Anna Brock, songs by the Brock twins of Zion; one half hour of fun with Mr. Tyndall, the magician, of Exeter; Scotch songs by Mr. R. Switzer, of Kirkton; musical numbers Walters program in the booths will be novelty and gifts, aprons, children’s wear, white elephant, home baking and a fish pond. Admission, adults 25c, children 15 c. 6 c by John Ridley, June and others. After the the bazaar will be held basement. The various The Times-Advocate is always pleased to-publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phone 31W S. J. Sweitzer spent Sunday at Clinton. Mr. Nathaniel Corbett is serious­ ly ill at his home. Mr. J, Head, of London, was a recent guest at Mrs, Hedden. Mrs. D. A- week-end with Irwin, of Sarnia. Mrs. I. M. Willis and mother spent a few weeks in Detroit visit­ ing friends and relatives. Verna Coates in Detroit, Smith visited the week-end. the home of Mr. and Misses Betty and spent the week-end Mrs. M. Hewlett at Melbourne over Mr. and Mrs, F. G. Forrester are spending a few days in Niagara Falls. Misses Patsy and Joan Hopper spent Hallowe’en with relatives at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hedden vis­ ited his brother and Mrs. Hedden on Sunday. Anderson Rev. and spent the Mrs. A. B. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mountain, of Downie, were the guests of Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Anthony last week. Mr. W. H. Morloek, of Chicago, Ill., has returned home after visit­ ing with his sister, Mrs. Lydia Sweitzer. Mrs. Lillie Greenlee has return­ ed to her home after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. Hedden. Mrs. Lloyd Cushman has return­ ed from the Goderich hospital is visiting her parents, Mr. Mrs. R. E. pooley. Mrs. Hector Taylor and Mrs. Stanley, of Lucan, spent the week­ end in Sarnia visiting with Mr. Mrs. Grant Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Hedden daughter’ Carol visited with former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hedden the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Love and Mr, and Mrs, Urban Pfile and Mrs. Wm. Haugh, of Dashwood, attended a funeral at Bad Axe, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Art Broderick and Joan and Mrs. Ethel Mousseau have returned home after spending the 'past week in Sarnia and Detroit. Mr. John McAllister, of Usborne, on Monday was taken to St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital in London where he underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis. Mr. moved Exeter sidence with the latter’s brother, Mr. L. Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Currie and Jacquelin, of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Alkin Rann, of Brussels, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hoppei- on Sunday. Rev. A. B. and Mrs. Irwin, Mrs. Gillis and two children, of Sarnia, called on friends in Exeter on Sat­ urday. Mrs. Gillis and son spent the week-end as guests of Mr. Sheldon Wein. and and Roy and and the Rev. and Mrs. White, formerly of Elimville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley over the week-end. Miss H. Sweet, of London, visited in Exeter on Friday. Miss Sweet is sporting a new Austin automobile. Mr. William McLaughlin and daughter Margaret and Miss Jean Hurd, of Brantford, visited Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. Mrs. M. Amy, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire‘ and and Mrs. Howard Anderson daughter Shirley attended Kirkton United Church anniversary on Sun­ day last and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone. •Mrs. Mary Hannigan spent the past few days in Sarnia owing to the death of her cousin, Mrs. Har­ ry Lorris. She also visited with her daughter Mrs. G. Mattingley, who is a patient tai. Mr. W. has been this community left Monday for his home. Pie was accompanied by Messrs Charles and William C. Allison who will spend a couple of weeks in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crawford and two daughters, Patricia and Mar­ lene, of Belmont, and Miss Doris Penhale, nurse-in-training at St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Penhale on Sunday, who were celebrating their 35 th Wedding Anniversary. We ex­ tend congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Penhale, Those who attended the funeral of the late Lucinda Harness were Mr. and Mrs. W. Luker, London; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hedden and son Ronnie, Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. Eber Hedden, London; Mr. John Head, London; Mr. Harness, Gran­ ton; Mr. William and Alex I-Iodgins, McGillivray township; Mrs. Tom Wilson, London; also friends from Ailsa Craig, Crediton and Denfield. and Mr, and in Sarnia General Hospi- J. Allison, of Regina, who visiting with relatives in a- Insist on General Electric For Your Next Radio When you buy your next radio you should take into con­ sideration the craftsmanship behind General Electric models. General Electric has become famous for the pioneering they have accomplished in radio. Take for instance the speaker on the new GE. They are now made of a metal known as “alnico 5”. These speakers are two and a half times as powerful as the pre-war ones. Don’t be influenced by the beauty of the radio alone but remember that the name General Electric assures you of the latest in radio research. PORTABLE MANTEL CONSOLE RADIO-PHONOGRAPH COMBINATIONS $28.95 and up R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. and 'Mrs. With the Sick t®for appendicitis.m Immunization Clinic oper- ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND Usborne, L 9 Band © OPERA HOUSE, EXETER ‘Cry Wolf’ Errol Flynn ® Barbara Stamvyclc £ and 'Mrs. Alf Andrus have from the south boundary of and have taken up their re- and is with a taken again nurse Mrs. Hu- Joseph’s three an o- And- many RED CROSS PACKING DAY—Fri­ day, November 14 th, at the Town Hall (upstairs). AU articles to be in by 2:30 p.m. c that Joan her home MONDAY and TUESDAY November 10th, 11th Clifford Hill, of ill in St. Joseph’s having undergone Stephen Hospital, an PRESENTS .FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS Gerald, son of Mr. and bert Cooper, is ill in St. Hospital, London, following an o- peration Also “FOX POP” in technicolor and two short subjects Exeter Public School FRIDAY, NOV. 7th, 1947 Fifth Scarlet Fever Serum and Third Diphtheria Serum. Mrs. T. O. Southcott was ill Tuesday evening confined to her bed in attendance. DANCE — Nov. 21st at Exeter Arena to the music of Ted Pud- ney. Admission 75c (dress op­ tional). Sponsored by Exeter Girls Softball Club. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY November 12th, 13th Mrs. Twp., is London, ation. It’s a Wonderful Life’ © James Stewart © Donna Reed On same program; “FIGARO AND FRANKIE” FRIDAY and SATURDAY November 7th, 8th Beat the Band’ Frances Langford © Gene Krupa’s — ALSO — ‘Girl of the Limberlost’ Ruth Nelson ® Dorinda Clifton Scarves Legion Bingo McKNIGHT’S HALL i Phone 1615 ROUNDS FOR CHICKEN 10 ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS Special Door Prize will be a Turkey Leather Coats See these soft, light but extra warm horsehide jackets for sportwear—-zipper fronts. For quality and value here’s a buy. BAZAAR AND TEA will be held by the Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Mem­ orial church in the Parish Hall on Friday afternoon, Nov. 21st, commencing at 3 p.m. The booths will consist of white elephant., home baking, fancy work, novel­ ty and gift, including quilts. Exeter Markets Wheat, $1.49. Oats 65c Barley, 75c Creamery Butter 6 2c Eggs, A Medium 40c Eggs, B 32c Eggs, Pullets 3 6c Eggs, B 28c Eggs, C 18 c. A very nice selection of scarves is at hand. This is an attractive Christinas gift which we would be glad to lay away for you. These include plain shades in wool of white, beige and yellow, and silk materials in polka dots and paisleys—colors are wine, yellow and blue. Ray Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, underwent an oper­ ation for appendicitis in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London. Mr. Wm. Sanders “Water Will”, is in st. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having undergone an operation. Mr. Laurence Dunn, who was with appendicitis, underwent an peration in Victoria Hospital. We are sorry to report Broderick is confined to suffering from tonsilitis. Mrs. Hugh Berry, of returned to her home in an ambu­ lance Monday after being ill in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, for weeks where she underwent peration. Her daughter, Mrs. erson, is caring for her. Her friends will hope to see her around again soon. Saturday Night DANCING Sat., Nov. 8 FRANKIE TRAHER (formerly of the Casa Royal Orchestra) featuring LES. GLENNIE on vocals and JOE BADALATO, pianist Dancing- 9 pan. to 12 p.m. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 Thursday, November 6th at 8:30 p.m. . Men’s Winter Overcoats Treat yourself, this winter season, to a handsome, fine qual­ ity topcoat. Warm, sturdy, long-wearing and very good looking. Choose it from a wide range of browns, blues, heather mixtures and greys in elysian cloth. All sizes — priced from $32.00 to $42.00 All-Wool Sweater Coats For something really warm and dressy a sweater coat is your answer. We have several designs and many colors in­ cluding check and two-color styles. Priced from $4.00 to $7.50 We also have some heavy jumbo knit sweaters at $3.95 Child ren’s Snow Suits Bundle up the kiddies in one of these snow suits in the cold weather. You can be sure they’ll be warm in them. Colors are red, brown, wine, blue and green. Sizes 3 to 14<X. $7.59 to $12.50 Bunting Bags To keep young infants warm we have two styles of bunting - - - — - are safjn the chin- bags. They come in colors of blue and pink. Both bound. The eiderdown is priced at $2.50 while chilla design with arms and legs is $5.95. Ski Pants A good .quality, warm piece of clothing in sizes Colors are navy, blue and brown. $4.50 6 to 11.