HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-11-06, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER Sth, 1947
Sunday and
Evening Service
One garage will tie open in
Exeter on Sundays and dur-
; ing the evenings throughout
the week.
Open this Sunday and During
< the Evenings throughout the
These business firms invite your
patronage. Dealing with them
gives satisfaction and helps to
make this a better community
31 ———
Taxi Service
Phone: Crediton 18rll
Exeter1 357
,5 | ~-------------------------------------_H
Stewart's Taxi
All Passengers Insured.
Out-of-town Trips a Specialty.
Reasonable Rates.
Stewart’s Taxi is owned
* J and operated by
C. J. Stewart.
Phone 335 Exeter
»- ——* ....... -.... m
Highland Cedar
Anthracite Coal and Coke
We Deliver
Phone 12 Granton
Messrs. H. G. Beaver and H, K.
Either were in London on Thurs
day of last week attending the an
nual meeting of Group 4 of the
Mutual Fire Underwriters’ Ass’n.
Mrs. Clifford Hill, who under
went an operation in London hos
pital, is, we are glad to report, pro
gressing favorably.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Hanna, of De
troit, visited over the week-end with
relatives here. Mr, and Mrs, Geo,
JSilber who visited in Detroit, re
turned home with them.
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Bennett, of
Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs, Reming
ton, of Windsor, spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert King.
Mrs. Ed, Finkbeiner visited re
cently with friends in Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morlock
spent a few days recently with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morlock
and Mr. and Mrs. H. Young.
Several from London spent the
week-end at their homes here:
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fahrner
and Miss Elaine Fahrner with Mr,
and Mrs. E. K, Fahrner.
Miss Elaine Mitchell with Mr.
and Mrs. H, Mitchell,
Miss Norma Fahrner with Mr,
and Mrs. E. M. Fahrner,
Mr. Ed. Schenk with Mr. and
Mrs. H. Schenk. ;
Mrs, Wm. Gaiser, ’ Mrs. Maurice
Beaver and Mrs. John Wade at
tended the Women’s Institute Con
vention in London last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Unger, of To
ronto, are visiting this week with
Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Clark.
Mr. Byers, of Montreal, is visit
ing with his son, Mr. Jas. Byers
and Mrs. Byers.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe and
son, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Wuerth spent
a few days recently at Belle Ewart.
Mrs. Ken Baxter who visited a week
with her parents, returned to her
home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Frazer Brown, who
disposed of their home a few weeks
ago, moved this week to the home
formerly occupied by Mrs. Eva
Mr. Eugene Finkbeiner, of Ham
ilton, and Mr. Denny Davis, of
Waterdown, spent a few days this
week with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. Finkbeiner.
Former Crediton Boy Honored
This week we are proud to report
an account of honors conferred up
on a former Crediton boy in the
person of. Mr. Fred Eilber, of De
troit, Mich. Fred has been connect
ed with the Prudential Insurance
Co. of America, in Detroit, for 20
years. To mark the event a banquet
was given in his honor when the
company presented him with a
Hamilton wrist watch. Fred has
been a general favourite with his
business associates, who at the
same time made the presentation
of a brief case. His own staff, know
ing his favourite pastime, presented
him with a fishing reel. For several
years Fred has 'been assistant Dis
trict Manager of the Company, He
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
King, of Crediton. We extend our
heartiest congratulations and wish
es for continued success.
Mr, and Mrs. Win. Skelton and
Donald, of Lucan, were Saturday
evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
A. Proctor.
Mrs. Geo. Flynn visited last week
with her son, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil
Flynn at Port Colborne.
Mr. John McAllister was taken to
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on
Sunday for an operation for ap
pendicitis, His many friends wish
him a speedy recovery,
Misses Blanche and Shirley Rol
lins spent the week-end with their
grandmother, Mrs, w. Lewis.
Messrs, Jas. Cook, Stan Maquire
and Mr. and Mrs. F, Harrison visit
ed over the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Garfield Neil at Rose City,
Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham
visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Bayn
ham in Crediton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot,
Donald and Gwendolyn visited with
Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker at Grand
Bend on Sunday,
Mrs. Fred Huxtable, of Exeter,
was a Sunday visitor* with Mr. and
Mrs, Wilfred Huxtable.
Mr. and Mrs. Borden Smyth and
family, of London, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks, and
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks visited
with Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry in Lis-
towel on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson
were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Thompson in Preston on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Merner and
family, of London, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton, of
Greenway, visited Monday with Mr.
Jack Appleton.
Mrs. Alex Hamilton and baby
son, of Grand Bend, spent a couple
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Lewis.
Mrs, Sam Baynham spent a cou
ple days in Exeter last week with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. H. MacDonald.
Mrs. Clifford Hill,'who was oper
ated upon last Tuesday in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital, is as well as can
be expected.
Business Directory
Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Main Street, Exeter
Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J
Closed Wednesday Afternoons
Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Telephone 273
D. B. Tindall, R.O. - O.D.
Phone 336
Chiropractor and Optometrist
Open Every Week Day Except
Wednesday. Phone 348
Income Tax Reports,
Bookkeeping Service, etc.
Ann Street, EXETER, Phone 355W
Successor to J. W. Morley
at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m.
For Huron and Middlesex
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction
For Huron County
Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction
$60,000 Program Approved;
For Port Franks Improvement
Misses Marion and Muriel Steph
ens and Jean Copeland, of St.
Marys, spent the week-end at their
homes here.
The South Perth Regional School
was held in Woodham United
Church on Wednesday evening of
last week with quite a large num
ber in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb, Donna
and Ronnie, of Grand Bend, and
Mrs. William White and Randy, of
Toronto, spent Tuesday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb.
Mrs. Fred Doupe, Mrs, Ira Mc
Curdy and Bessie, spent Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. Luther’ Row-
cliffe, of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Doupe, 'Grace.
Mrs. Ira McCurdy and Bessie, at
tended the church service held in
Central United Church, Stratford, on
Quite a large number from this
community attended church ser
vices held at the Kirkton United
Church on Sunday. Among those at
tending and staying for the day
were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills and
Betty with Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Morrison; Misses Dorothy and Rho
da Thomson with Mr. and Mrs.
Hiram Hanna; Mrs. G. Copeland,
Mrs. M, Copeland’and Jean, Miss
Marian Mills, Messrs. Kenneth and
William Mills with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Switzer; Rhea Mill with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby.
Mr. Harry Pettibone, of Sudbury,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson.
Mrs. Pettibone and daughter, Mary
Gay returning home with him after
having spent some time here ow
ing to the housing shortage.
For Huron and Middlesex
Special training assures you of your
property's true value on sale day.
Graduate of American Auction
Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction
Crediton P.O. of Rhone 43-2
Head Office, Exeter, Ontario
Pres...................... WM. H. COATES
Vice-Pres. ....... ANGUS SINCLAIR
R.R. 1, Mitchell
JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1
WM, A. HAMILTON .... Cromarty
JOHN McGRATH .... Dublin, Ont.
MILTON MCCURDY .. Kifkton, R. 1
On Sunday, Nov. 9th, the W.A
will be in charge of the service in
the United Church. Mrs. Rev. Hann
will give the address. Everyone is
invited to attend at 10.00 o’clock
in the morning.
Mi*, and Mrs. Edgar Webb and
Mr, and Mrs. Webb, Jr., and little
daughter of St. Catharines, spent
the week-end at the home of Mt.,
and Mrs. Cliff Russell.
Mrs. Harry Sheppard spent a
few days last week in Stratford at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. Dun
Mr. Lome Divine spent the week
end in Kitchener.
Miss Reta Ratz, R.N., and friend
of Toronto, spent the week-end at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ratz,
■Congratulations to Mr. Gerald
Mason who was married on Satur
day to Miss Joy Desjardine, of
Grand .Bend, Rev. Mr, Burn, of
Crediton, officiated.
Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction
Phone Zurich Mr7
THUS, SCOTT ............... Cromarty
B, W. F, Beavers . ........ Exeter
Gladman & Cochrane, Exeter
They are blazing a trail for the
They aye building for time and
With all the hazards and chances,
There’s never a curse or a frown.
Oh, ‘this empire is marching on
They are laying it out on the sod,
Timber, cement and wallboard,
For the goodness and glory of God.
—The Chiseler.
Mrs, Alex. MacK enzie
The death of Mrs. Alexander
MacKenzie, Brucefield, occurred at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. An
drew Moore, Egmondville, in her
80th year. Bom in Scotland, she
was married at Brucefield in 1892,
Before her marriage she was the
former Mary Ann Proudfoot. She
is survived by two daughters and
one son, Mrs. Harry Collins, Lon
don; Mrs. Andrew Moore, Tucker
smith: Ronald MacKenzie, Detroit;
one brother, James Proudfoot,
Philadelphia; two sisters, Mrs,
Robert Townsend, Florida; Mrs.
Montgomery, Sault Ste. Marie. She
was a member of the Brucefield)
United Church. A public funeral
service was held in the Brucefield
United Church Tuesday conducted
by Rev. Gardiner, Burial was in
Baird’s Cemetery, Brucefield.
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
Gordon Allison is at present a pa
tient at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon
don. We hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Archie Webb, of London,
spent a few days last week with Mr.
J, L. Amos,
Wedding bells are ringing in
Mrs. Beatrice Dixon and Mrs.
Wes. Watson attended the Institute
Convention at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Watson, Eddie
and Bonnie, and Mr. and Mrs. Liu
Craven spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Gamble, of Sparta.
Miss Aggie > Northgrave spent
Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, of
St. Marys, spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs, Wes. Watson.
Mrs. Mary Carter spent Tuesday
afternoon with Mrs. Emerson Glenn. I
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richman, of j
St. Catherines, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Hodgson and Mrs. Turner spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Lin Craven.
Mrs. Vic Manquie and Sandra are
spending a few days at their home
in Buffalo.
McGillivray township is a’t present
widening the 11th concession north
of Brinsley for a mile and a quarter.
The Aux Sable Conservation
Authority today approved a $60,000
improvement pcherne for the mouth
of the Aux Sable at Port Franks,
and appointed a committee to seek
Government assistance in carrying
it out.
At a meeting in the town hall at
Parkhill, 13 members of the au
thority representing the municipa
lities in the watershed accepted .a
report by s* W. Archibald, O. L. S.,
outlining a scheme to protect valu
able summer resort property at
Port Franks.
The scheme in brief calls for
dredging the mouth of the river at
that point, and diverting its chan
nel away from the .summer cot
tages, some of which have either
been seriously damaged or complet
ely destroyed in spring floods along
the Aux Sauble.
Many Complained
This will be the first scheme to
fee carried out under the direction
of the recently-appointed authority.
During a summer tour of the water
shed, .where a Government survey
was in progress, its members re
ceived a barrage of complaints
from residents of the resort, sever
al of them from the United States.
Improvement of the river mouth
is regarded generally as the most
pressing job in the watershed. Oth
ers will be undertaken further up
stream in the future.
Appointed to interview officials
of the Ontario Department of Plan
ning and Developement with a view
to obtaining provincial aid in car
rying out the scheme were: W. A.
Sutherland, Middlesex County clerk
and chairman of the authority;
John E, McPhee, of West Williams
Township (Middlesex.); Roy Ratz,
of Stephen Township (Huron);
Freeman Hodgins, of McGillivray
Township (Middlesex); Victor Ful
ler, of Bosanquet Township (Lamb
ton); and Oliver Amos, secretary of
tho authority.
While it is not known to what
extent either the Provincial or Fed
eral Goveihiment will be willing to
help in financing the project, pre
vious grants (such as on the Grand
River) have amounted to 75 per
cent of the cost, divided equally be
tween the' two, with the benefiting
municipalities financing the bal
Representation to the Dominion
Government, it is expected, will be
made by the Planning and Develop-
3ment Department.
It s Yours
The Lions Club projector and the National Film Board
Films are available at a very small charge to any organisa
tion in Exeter and the surrounding communities.
At the library located at James Bowey’s office there are
twenty films from which you may select a suitable topic
for discussion or entertainment. These films are changed
every two months.
The Exeter Film Council have these facilities for your bene
fit and you are invited to use them.
The Following is the List of
Films for November and December:
Cartier to Confederation
Lessons in Living
Toronto Symphony No. 1
Ballot Boxes
Corvette Port Arthur
Ordeal by Ice
Let’s All Sing, No, 1
Canadian Screen Magazine,
No. 22
Some Like It Rough
Royal Mint
Chants Populates
Food As It Might Be
Housing in Scotland
Gaspe Cod Fisherman
The House I Live In
Valley of the Tennessee
Wings of a Continent
The Policeman
Story of Oil
Sponsored in the public interest by
John Labatt Ltd.
Mrs. Harriet Colclough
Mrs, Charles O’Brien, of Hensall,
■has received word that her sister,
Mrs, H. Colclough, of Woodstock,
died suddenly at her home follow
ing a heart seizure. She was in her
70th year. Bom in Hay Township,
she was the former Harriet Tinney
and was Well-known in this district.
Surviving are two sons, Glenn,, of
Montreal, and Thompson, of Brant
ford; and one daughter, in Detroit.
A sister, Mrs. William Blackwell,
and two brothers, Mathew and Ro
bert, of Hay Township, also suim
Guests at the home of Mr. Vern
Ridley on Sunday were Mrs. M. Dis-
jardine and son Alex, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Disjardine, of the B Line, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Geai’y, of Strath-
Mrs. T. E. Grieve, of Grand Bend,
visited on Thursday afternoon with
Miss Maude Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love spent
Thursday with friends in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love visited
on Friday with Rev. and Mrs.
Cleave at Pt. Edward.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts and
family visited on Sunday at “the
home of Mr. Wm. Love.
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins and mother,
Mrs. Elgin Hodgins, of Parkhill,
visited during the past week at- the
home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins.
Congratulations to Mr. Joseph
Hickey who celebrated his 83rd
birthday on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Stan Kayes and fam
ily, of Crediton, visited at Mr. Man
sell I-Iodgins on Sunday.
The vicar was addressing a moth
er’s meeting.
“It has come to my knowledge,’’
he said, “that a woman who is sit
ting among you today is not carry
ing out hei’ duties as a wife should
do. Instead of preparing a meal for
her husband on his return from a
hard day's work, she spends her
time gossiping. The consequences
are that her husband spends most
of his evenings in the Boar’s Head.
Sooner or later this will lead to
domestic strife. So that you will
know to whom I refer, I will throw
this book at her.’’
They all ducked.
Miss Olive Walker, R.N., return
ed to Tampa, Florida, after holi
daying with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Voth and fam
ily, of Detroit, visited over the
’week-end With Mrs. Voth’s mother,
Mrs. L. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case spent
the week-end in Detroit.
Hensall WAmcn’s Institute
Hensall Women’s Institute will
hold its next meeting at the home
of Mrs. J. Sniillie on Wednesday
night, November 12th, at 8:15 p.m.
sharp. Miss consitt will assist the
hostess. The honored guests on this
occasion will he the grandmothers.
Roll call will be “a contribution
for the Tweedsmulr Village His
Huron Holstein
Prizes Presented
The annual banquet of the
Huron County Holstein Breeders’
Club was held in the Ontario Street
United Church, Clinton, with Presi
dent William Sparks, Bayfield, in
charge and Watson Porter, London,
as guest speaker. Mr. Porter spoke
on his recent trip to Europe, com
paring present and pre-war farm
conditions there. He was introduced
by Agricultural Representative L.
E. Brown.
Western Ontario Fieldmen J. E.
Terry presented a Premier Exhibitor
Banner to W. H.” Glutton & Sons,
Goderich. This banner was donated
by the club and was won at the
Annual Black and White Day held
in connection with Blythe Fair.
This is the second year in succession
that this banner has won by Mr.
Special prizes were presented to
Ross Marshall, Kirkton, , for the
three best uddered females and the
grand champion female and to
Leondard Leeming & Son, Walfbn,
for the grand champion male at the
County Black and White Show.
The crowd of 150 was welcomed
by Mayor Andrew MacMurray of
Clinton. Ross , Marshall, - Kirkton,
thanked the guest speaker and
Allen Bettles, Bayfield, voiced ap-j
preciation to the ladies of the
church for the banquet.
tory.’’ Mrs. A. Rundle, of Huron-
dale, will be the guest speaker. Mrs.
R. Elgie will present the motto.
The social committee will be Mrs.
Smillie, Miss Consitt, Mrs. A. D.
McEwan, Mrs. Goddard, Mrs. Orr,
Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. McBeath and
Mrs. R. Broderick. A large attend
ance is urged. The members who
have not contributed to the Legion
flag are asked to do so at this meet
Evening Auxiliary
The monthly meeting of the
Evening Auxiliary (United Church)
takes place at the home of Mrs. B.
Kyle on Monday evening, Nov. 10th
with Mrs. E« Shaddick assisting.
Miss Ellis will conduct the devotion
al period. Roil call, “a memorable
incideht of World War II?’ The
Study will be given by Miss Violet
McCIymont. Social committee: Mrs.
Kyle, Mrs. Shaddick, Mary Goodwin
and Edna Walsh. A full attendance
is requested. Final arrangements
must be completed re. the annual
Auxiliary Bazaar which will be held
in the United Church schoolroom
on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 22nd.
Various booths will be featured in
cluding: novelties —- aprons, hand
knit "items; produce-—home baking,
a mystery table, etc. Tea will be
served under the auspices of the
W.M.S. Auxiliary members are
asked to present at this meeting
all articles and donations for the
Bazaar, In connection with the
mystery table, each member is ask
ed for a contribution,
Parkdale Poultry
! Paying the Following Prices
j 6 lbs. and over 26c 5 to 6 lbs. 25c
I 6 lbs. and over 20c 5 to 6 lbs. 19c I
Insulation .
We Have It . . .
You Will Want It . . .
. . . when you know how you can protect yours and yourself
from the heat of summer and the cold in winter by insulating
your home with the best Insulation on the market.
Huron Lumber Co. Limited
Phone 48 Exeter
Gu aranteed
Trust Certificates
Issued for any amount.... for a term
of five years ... guaranteed both as to
principal and interest .... Interest
cheques mailed to reach holders on due
date, or, at holder’s option, may be al
lowed to accumulate at compound in*
An ideal investment for individuals, com
panies; authorized by law for cemetery
boards, executors and other trustees.
Sterling Tower, Toronto
36 Years in Business
Many People Suffer
From Rheumatic Pain
There are ■people who suffer from rheumatic
pains year In and year out regardless of the season
or the weather.
These pains, whether they be in the joints or
the muscles, may be induced by uric acid,
Burdock Blood. Bitters may bring relief from
rheumatic pain for it helps to cleanse impurities from the body and tones
up the digestive Organs,
It has helped thousands of Canadians who suffer from rheumatic
pains, dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches or mihor complaints
of the liver or kidneys. It should do the same for you,
On sale for more than 60 years, Burdock Blood Bitters is available at
drug counters everywhere.
The T, Mlb urn, Co., Limited, Toronto, OnL ,