HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-30, Page 14THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30th, 1947 on of Seed are Congratulations they require for spring in their respective ter- has always been con­ obligation on the part of seed. In order to lot must be carefully weighed on arrival, the lot must be care- and identified and a ass seeds, delivered are pro- on either ■ket. CONVENIENT FACILITIES — Incoming lots handled quickly and efficiently from farmers by experienced handlers. Above. Win. Fraser and Howard Holtzman arc receiving a lot of .seed from Jas. Heenan of Biddulph Twp. New Cleaning Plant and Warehouse is Designed To Provide the Utmost in Service and Efficiency Mr JHIM Depicted pictorially throughout the pages of this issue are some of the many steps involved in the handling of Clover and Gr from the time they are by the grower, until they cessed and graded for sale the domes tic or export niur The processing and distribution of Forage Crops Seeds, is a special­ ized industry and one which re­ quires not only efficent processing equipment hut also a thorough knowledge of regulations governing the preparation and sale of the various seed crops. The first requirement is to in­ sure that proper facilities are avail­ able for the receiving, storing and final cleaning of each individual farmer’s lot do this each checked and Each bag of fully tagged proper record kept until such time as the grower has received his ulti­ mate settlement. In the new plant and warehouse of the Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. adequate facilities have been pro­ vided to insure that all of the fore­ going is carefully carried out. A staff of well trained men are em­ ployed and every effort is made to give service and satisfaction in this regard. For many years now a large roup of dealers have come to rely n the .Jones, MacNaughton Seed 'o.. as their main source of supply j of the seed I distribution I ritories. It I sidered an j of the Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. 1 to have available throughout the trading season, sufficient stocks of all lines of seed of the highest qual­ ity, purity and germination and at a price that will enable them to dis­ tribute to their customers and competitive prices. The erection of the new plant and warehouse and stallation of the best equipment available was made with a view to and Success to Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co on the completion of their NEW SEED CLEANING PLANT Woods Manufacturing Co. Ltd COTTON AND JUTE BAGS Toronto S5- 50- THANKSi <! Jones, MacNaught Eff Seed Company for the Privilege of Being Able to SERVE YOU We Congratulate You modern the in­ UP-TO-DATE CONVEYORS are used for elevating. Mr. C- S. MacNaughton is shown above, putting Mr. Heenan’s seed up to the second storey for storage. Similar chutes arc used for distributing seed throughout the warehouse and for load- all making for quick and efficient handling. at fair Ontario Best Wishes Jones, MacNaughton Their New, Modern SeecLPIant center Work Ontario “CANADA’S MOST COMPLETE FARM SERVICE” May we continue, through them, to supply the farmers of Western Ontario with the best in all kinds of Western Canada grown Forage Crop Seeds. Seed Co. McCabe Grain Co. Limited HEAD OFFICE — WINNIPEG, MANITOBA On Your Fine Efforts on This the Occasion Of Your Formal Opening was done by May We Say BINS AND ELEVATORS practically eliminate manual hand­ ling. Mr. Jaques is shown dumping farmer’s lot of seed for elevation to bin from where it will be run over Super 1)29 Clipper for initial processing. —Photos by Jack Doerr Exeter —- Branches *— Fort William, Ont. - Brandon, St. Boniface, Man. - Regina, Saskatoon, Sask. Edmonton, Brooks, Alta. •w maintaining and improving these high standards of service. The com­ pany is constantly on the alert for new methods of handling and dis­ tributing which will achieve this result. Close touch is kept with all markets and crop only in Canada but in all countries where seed required for the Cana­ dian market is produced. At this point the company wish to thank both the growers who have supplied them with seed over so many years and also the Dealers who have so loyally supported them auditions not with their orders. A continuance this patronage is hoped for and both management and staff pledge themselves to the same high stan­ dard of service and satisfaction which has prevailed in the past, i “Thank You” The management and Jones, MacNaughton Seed to thank the advertisers operated in making’ .possible special edition of The Times Ad­ vocate. staff Co. wish who co- this I i I ”<j , Illi AND THEIR COMPETENT STAFF on their Madera New Plant Was Completed By 'EACH FARMER’S LOT OF SEED is carefully weighed prior to storing, pending cleaning. In addition insurance is carried on all stocks of grower’s seed and every precaution is taken to insure against loss from vermin, etc. —Photos by Jack Doerr WeCongrato/ate Congratulations Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co ON THE ERECTION OF Sixty Years —Continued From Page Two ficient mill of the Clipper line. Mr. Geo. Jaques, another employee of many years, is seen standing be­ side one of the many features of the new mill, an automatic baggei' which delivers any quantity of seed desired and simultaneously weighs the same. In addition Boby Cylinders, made in England have been installed for finishing and grading Alsike and a Specific Gravity cleaner for mak­ ing- a separation by weight of all light impurities from Clovers. Mr. Jack Fulcher, of Brandon, has recently come to the employ of the firm and is in charge of the office routine. Included among the pictures is one of Nelson “Punch” Wells, popular and well-known truck driv­ er for the old and new firm, with a splendid record for courtesy and safe driving. Two other employees seen in pictures are Howard Holtz­ man and Wm. Fraser. As an in­ stance showing^ the wide ramifica tions of this firm is the picture of a shipment of seed being prepared for export to Norw.ay. The new firm recognizes the bondage and reputation of sixty years of sound business principles and service and is pledging itself to a continuance of these principles which has won for them an ever increasing patronage. The Electrical Contract