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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-30, Page 13
TOE TIMES-AD VO CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30th, 1347 Page 3 Canada Has Gained a World- Wide Market for Her Seed "TO ALL MARKETS OF THE WORLD”—Seed processed, in Exeter is shipped all across Canada, to Europe and the U.S.A. Above, is part of a shipment destined for Norway. Hardiness of Northern Grown Seed, Rigid Grading Standards of Quality, Purity apd Germination Reasons for Enviable Reputation One of the chief reasons Canadian seed is marketable practically the world over, is because if its hardi ness and ability to produce plants which will thrive under the most rigorous climatic conditions. A specified requirement” of the order for seed shipment to Norway, part of which is shown in the ad joining picture, was that it must have been produced “North of the Great Lakes.” Another reason for the easy mar ketability of Canadian seed is the rigid control standard enforced by the Federal Department of Agri culture, pertaining to quality, pur ity and germination. During the war years, Canada was one of the chief suppliers of Permanent Pastures Considered Best Means to Reduce Costs Traquair’s Hardware SALUTES Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. Their Modern Plant is a Valuable Asset to This Community and We Are Pleased to Have Supplied the “PUNCH” WELLS, popular truck driver for the firm. Of recent years Permanent Pas tures have come more and more into prominence as an efficient means of reducing production costs. Specially adapted seed mixtures are available which under normal crop conditions will provide pas tures, which will double the graz ing term and similarly increase the amount of livestock which may he grazed per acre. Such pastures have an average life of from 8 to 10 years or more. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co., have specialized in the preparation and distribution of scientifically prepared Pasture Mixtures and for the past several years have been among the largest importers of im proved strains and varieties of grasses. New varieties and strains of grasses are constantly being devel oped and selected and as they are proven, as to adaptability, palata- bility, nutritive and other qualities will be incorporated into the stan dard mixtures prepared and dis tributed by the company. In addition to the standard mix tures which are distributed by Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co., large stocks of all ingredient grasses are always available, so that mixtures may be prepared to suit the special needs of the individual grower. The company welcome inquiries regarding pasture problems and will gladly provide estimates and information on request. Lowe Bros. Paint For All Interior Surfaces Forage Crop Seeds to the United Kingdom and to the Allied count ries of Europe. The superior qual ity of Canadian seed which was sent to practically every country in Europe, created a demand which still exists and can be maintained provided our grading standards and quality of production are held at present high levels. The only thing that is preventing a large move ment to Europe this year, being the shortage of funds and the small crop of many seed items in Can ada. The authorities which control the export of Canadian seed will permit only crop surpluses to leave Canada, as in order to maintain production, enough seed must he held for the home market. In order to provide for the pro cessing of seed to these high stan dards and to handle efficiently an increasing volume of seed produc tion, Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co., found it necessary to expand their handling facilities. Crop Inoculation Legume Crops are considered one of, if not the best, rotations for soil restorative purposes. A characteristic of any Legume Plant, such as Clovers, Peas, Beans, Soy Beans, etc., is that it gathers the free Nitrogen Bacteria from the air and stores it in nodules which form on the plant roots. The use of inoculant speeds up and increases this natural plant process, resulting in increased soil fertility, greater yields and earlier maturity. Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co., are Ontario Distributors for “LEGUME-AID” which is the prod uct of Agricultural Laboratories I Inc., of Columbus, Ohio, one of the I leading manufacturers on the North I American continent. Since acquiring the distribution agency, they have distributed many thousands of units and the utmost in satisfactory results have been obtained., TO ANOTHER MODERN BUILDING IN EXETER We are Proud to be Able to Say We Played a Part in Erecting Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co.’s MODERN NEW PLANT By Supplying Lumber, Mill Work and Builders’ Supplies | Huron Lumber Company - ——«— ----- - ----- -— All Success to the Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. TO--------- Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. Western Ontario Agriculture will benefit from the modern and efficient processing and marketing facilities you have provided. A. E. McKenzie Co. Ltd. WHOLESALE SEEDSMEN TORONTO, ONT. BRANDON, MAN. Branches at Winnipeg, Moosejaw, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary SIB SC A SECTION OF THE RETAIL STORE—A full line of Grass and Clover Seeds as well as Seed Corn, Pasture Mixtures, Root Seeds, etc. is available in the well stocked Retail De partment of Jones, MacNaughton Seed Company. —Photos by Jack Doerr NEWLY INSTALLED TIMOTHY GRADER is shown above with Mr. Percy Webber, mill operator, who is completing his twenty-fourth year with the Company. This unique piece of equipment is the most efficient available and is one of six leased in Ontario this year. AND ITS STAFF © was done by SAM LAWSON Creditor! ■ Ontario Our Heartiest Congratulations Jones, MacNaughton Seed Co. AND YOUR STAFF on Your Modern New Seed Plant e IT IS OUR PLEASURE to be of Service to You