HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-30, Page 10s Theatre Previews Its Corning Attractions 8 Prizes will be awarded ALDON THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY — October 31st, November 1st — Two Features — Wild West’ — in cinecolor — ® Eddie Dean ® Roscoe Ates Items of Social and , Personal Interest . , , In and Around Town The Times-Advoeaie is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phone 31W Mr. and .Mrs. Win. Murdock, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Murdock’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wood. 'Beat the Band’ © Francis Langford ■W* WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — October 29th, 30th 'Cry Wolf’ • Errol Flynn © Barbara Stanwyck MONDAY, November 3rd — ONE NIGHT ONLY 'The Ghost and Mrs. Muir’ ® Gene Tierney ® Rex Harrison • George Sanders TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — November 4th, 5th The Amazing THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30th, 1947 Hallowe’en Night GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 31st, November 1st ‘Ahiline Town’ © Randolph Scott ® Ann Dvorak ‘When the Wife’s Away, ® Hugh Herbert Also: Short Subject “RESCUE1 DOG” © A SPECIAL MEETING for the benefit of all farmers will be held Wednesday, Nov. 5th at 8 p.m., at the Royal Hotel Mitchell, — Park- dale Poultry. © THE EXETER JUNIOR FARM­ ERS and Junior Institute will hold their monthly meeting in the Exetei* Arena on Wednesday, Nov. 5tli at 8:30. This will be a special meet­ ing with the Clinton and Blyth As­ sociations as guests The program will consist of a Public Speaking Contest at which time the winner for Huron County will be chosen. All members and anyone interested are invited to attend. Girls please bring lunch. 1 ® BAZAAR — St. Paul’s Anglican Church are holding their annual Bazaar in Kirkton Aberdeen Hall, Friday, Nov. 7th, commencing at 8 p.m. Good program; Country Store, Mystery Booth, Fancy Work Booth, Candy Booth, Apron Booth, Home Baking, Knitting Booth, Fisli Pond, Tea Room. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard and family spent the week-end with relatives in Galt. The pupils of the Exeter Public- School last week contributed $18.68 to the Navy League. , Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter of Kippen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney. Mrs. John Leary, of Munro, spent several days visiting with relatives in Exeter and community. Mrs. Norm Hockey and Wayne spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. J, Waldron, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLaughlin, Gowanda, N.Y., were week-end visi­ tors with Mrs. Ben Makins. Winston Shapton, who is attend­ ing the O. A. C. at Guelph spent the week-end at his home. Mr. Allan Hobbs, of Galt, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, T. O. Southcott over the week-end. Mrs. James McIntyre, of Fingal, was a week-end guest of Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Anthony, Andrew sereet. ■Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Crocker, of Toronto, were in Exeter one day last week renewing acquaintances. Mrs. William Ratz and daughter Gertrude, of Crediton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Westcott. Mr. and and Ruth their aunt, Waterloo. appliances are out to Mrs. M. McAvoy and Miss Anne Sanders returned Saturday from a few days’ visit in Wingham, the guests of Mrs. Nellie Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCreath returned to Kincardine on Saturday after visiting for a week with the latter’s sister, Miss May Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trevethick, of Crediton, . spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Kestle and were present at the - James St, anniversary services. They’re Plugging For You Sure, these bright and shiny home make housework easier for you, and they know how because' they are made by General-Electric. ® ELECTRIC IRONS © WAFFLE IRONS • ELECTRIC KETTLES « ELECTRIC MIXERS ® ELECTRIC TOASTERS R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. -ALSO Jones Jt Men’s We ar i Blankets Woodham Orange Hall £> Handbag Friday, October 31stz 1947 I Mrs. Norman Kleinfeldt attended the funeral of Mrs, Elizabeth Stahl' at • Rose and. $4.50 each $4.75 each November 24th, 25th, 26th “GONE WITH THE WIND” A Medium 4 0c B 32c Pullets 3 6c B 28c C 18c. Group Com- A. F. KENWOOD FAMOUS—Plain colors oi blue, rose, cedar, peach and green; ends bound with extra wide satin ribbon; size 72x84 $10.50 each REVERSIBLE ESMOND green, blue and rose With border MONDAY and TUESDAY November 3rd, 4th Parade from the South End of town at seven o’clock headed by the band. FLANNELETTE — All white in color these,- flannelette blankets cannot be duplicated; size 70x95 $3.25 per pair children 15 years of age and under are invited to guests of the Lions. Parents will please arrange to pick small children at nine o’clock. © DANCE on Nov. 21st at Exeter Arena to the music of Ted Pudney. Admission 75c (dress- optional). Sponsored by Exeter Girls Softball Club. Walt Goodie Family Americas most versatile family of coloured artists in person on the stage — Singing, Dancing, Music (classi­ cal and popular tunes) and Comedy. Program to please young and old. Alexander’s Ragtime Band © Tyrone Power © Alice Faye © Don Ameche (Admission 60c including tax) C-O-M-I-N-G — November 6th, 7th and 8th M-G-M’s “THE HUCKSTERS” • Clark Gable ® Deborah Kerr ® Keenan Wynn © Sydney Greenstreet KENWOOD RAMCREST — Plain colors of rose, blue, green, cedar, peach, with 4” satin ribbon; size 72x84 ■ $8.95 each Fri., Oct. 31st at 9 o’clock — Special Door Prize — Sparton Radio Fun for everyone. All are welcome.’ Refreshments. Tickets on sale at the door. ADMISSION 50c “Dear Ruth” “Fiesta” “The Great Waltz” “I Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now” “Forever Amber” Scarves Exeter Lions Club All Phone 16 ExeterADMISSION FREE PRIZES FOR COSTUMES TREATS GAMES KIDDIES! ATTEND THE ® BAZAAR AND TEA—The ladies Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a bazaar and tea in the Parish Hall on Friday afternoon, Nov, 21st. Watch for further par­ ticulars. © BAZAAR AND TEA—The W.A. and Evening Auxiliary of Main St. church will hold a bazaar and tea in the Legion rooms Saturday af­ ternoon, November Sth, commenc­ ing at 3 o’clock. The various booths will be Novelty, Gift, White Ele­ phant, Apron, Children’s Wear and Baking. Tea served 3 to 6 o’clock. 30:6 ‘Long Shot’ ® Marsha Hunt © Gordon EUCHRE IN THE PARISH HALL MONDAY, NOV. 3rd, at 8 P.M. Everyone Welcome Admission 25 c PRIZES LUNCH Trivitt Memorial Club WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY November 5th, Oth. Notorious’ © Cary Grant @ Ingrid Bergman (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) On Same Program: “SLEEPY TIME DONALD” in teclmicolor, and “FLICKER FLASHBACK” I MSSMEEW’EWSraSS By kind permission of Captain M. D. Lister, manding Officer R. C. Station, Centralia, Hallo we’en Legion Bingo McKNIGHT’S HALL The first show commences at 7.30 Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario - -' ....Z...1,1 ’W CONCERT Wednesday, November 5th at 8:30 p.m. by the ARMSTRONG STUDIOS, OF LONDON ' Gordon Knapp—Comedian Kathie Ayers1—Dancer Erma Clewlow—Reader The Barnas—Songs of the Range Josephine Knapp—Soprano Soloist Reg. Fudge and his Musical Saw Maybelle Smith—Accompanist ADMISSION 40c and 25c - RESERVED SEATS 50c Plan df Hall at Mill’s Store A REAL NIGHT’S ENTERTAINMENT Lloyd Hern, W.M. Hallowe’en Party EXETER ARENA Get Ready, Kids, for the best and biggest night of all! Saturday Night DANCING OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Sat., Nov. 1st FRANKIE TRAHER (formerly of the Casa Royal Orchestra) featuring LES. GLENNIE on vocals and JOE BADALATO, pianist Dancing 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Admission 50c The Canadian Legion, Exeter Branch 167 with music by Exeter Markets Wheat, 51.49. Oats 65c Barley, 75c Creamery Butter 62c Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, ■ '% w .;±$*1: W!' A very nice selection of scarves is at hand. This is an attractive Christinas gift which we would be glad to lay away for you. .These include plain shades in wool of white, beige and yellow, and silk materials in polka dots and paisleys—colors are - wine, yellow and blue. Eric Scott His Trumpet and Orchestra will be held in the DRILL HALL R.C.A.F. Centralia Saturday, November 1st DO YOUR GOOD DEED AND BUY AN APPLE FROM THE SCOUTS Thursday, November 6th at 8:30 p.m* , 15 ROUNDS FOR CHICKEN 10 ROUNDS FOR TURKEYS Special Door Prize will be a Turkey Half-Size Dresses We have jus£ unpacked a ship­ ment of half-size dresses. These are wool and crepes of plain colors with three-quarter length sleeves, trimmed with sequins or beads. $10.95 to $17.95 Insure yourself against cold nights this winter with one of these cozy soft blan­ kets. Here are several designs and weights from which you may select a blanket. It’s not a bad idea to be think­ ing about your Christmas list, either. Here’s the answer to one or more of your problems. Compliment your wardrobe with one of these neat looking handbags made of plastic calf leather. There are numer­ ous designs in­ cluding the shoul­ der strap model, colors are brown, black, red and patty green. From $2.95 to $6.50