HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-30, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30th, 1947 w ,1 lops in Good Eating Hearty appetites call for bread that’s tops in good eat­ ing—and tops in wholesome nutrition. Here you can de­ pend on getting bread that’s oven-fresh, and baked to a crisp golden-brown, It’s bread at its best. Try a loaf today, MADE HERE—BAKED HERE FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU. Phone 8 FREE AIR THAMES ROAD Mrs. Jas. Hodgert spent a few days last week visiting in Lanark. Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Roy re­ turned home on Saturday last af­ ter visiting for seven weeks with relatives in the west. Rev. Moores and Marilyn, of Bel­ grave, visited at the Manse on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardiner and family moved to their new home in London Friday of last week. Mr. Wm. Allison, of Regina, is visiting with relatives in this com­ munity. Mr. Allison motored from the West. Rev. Wm. Mair took services at Belgrave and Grand Bend on Sun­ day last. Mrs. Kenneth Johns spent a few days attending the W.I. Convention in London this week. Mrs. Chas. Johns returned home on Sunday after spending a few days with her brother, Mr. W. Hern in Goderich. Miss Kathleen Robb, of Stratford attended the Passmore-Duncan wed­ ding at Thames Road Church on Saturday and visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan. We are sorry to report that Mr. J. W. Stewart is confined to his bed with a heart condition. Miss Reta Cottle was admitted to Victoria Hospiial last week, wish her a speedy recovery health again. Misses Nona and Lois Pym tended a meeting in Guelph on Fri­ day of last week in connection with Junior Institute. Sunday services will be usual hour on Sunday: School at 10.15 a.m. and service at 11:15 a.m. Several from this community tended anniversary services Elimville on Sunday last. The Y.P.U. met with the Caven Young People on Friday evening in Caven Presbyterian Church, Exeter, All report a good time. We are sorry to report that Mr. Orval Beaver is confined to his bed with illness. Mrs. Keeley, nee Shirley Duncan, of Almaville. P.Q., is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan. Mr. John Allison, Mr. William Allison, of Regina, Mrs. G. Wise­ man and Mrs. Chas. Allison motor­ ed to Shallow Lake Friday of last week and spent the week-end visit­ ing with Mr. Walter Rydall and Mrs. Robert Kydd. WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SALE LOST We to at- WANTED—Elderly, convalescent or semi-invalid person to be careo for in private home, practical care. Apply at Times-Advocate. 30* WANTED — Two or three rooms, furnished or unfurnished for middle age couple. Apply at Times-Advoeate. 30* WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. WANTED — Split beans and bean cleaning, any quantity. Edgar Cudmore, phone 171rl4 Exeter. 30c WANTED—Help wanted to assist in general housework. Apply te Miss Stella Soutlicott, Exeter, FOR SALE—Three to four tons of steel rods for construction. Ap­ ply Exeter Co-Op. 25c WANTED—Girl or woman for gen­ eral housework in Crediton. Phone Crediton 36rl5 or apply at Times-Advocate. 30* WANTED—Man to take full charge of stock room in garage carrying large stock of parts and acces­ sories. This is a good position for the right man. Write P.O. Box E, Exeter, giving age and experience if any. 30c DRESSED CAPONS—These chick­ ens range from 6% to 8% lbs. dressed. Try one and put some in your locker, Orders for the week-end taken up to Saturday noon, Edgar1 Cudmore, phone 171rl4 Exeter. 30c FOR SALE — 10 choice young Shropshire ewes, priced for im­ mediate sale. R. D, Hunter, phone 113W, Exeter. 30* LOST — Between Lucan and Wes. Coleman’s farm, a Michigan li­ cense plate for truck. Finder please leave at Scott’s Elevator, Lucan. 30c FOR RENT FOR RENT—3 nice large rooms in country home, 1% miles from Exeter, hydro and water, private entrance. Phone 176rl2 Exeter. 30* Howdy Folks! “You are charged,” magistrate, “with having voted eight times. What have you to say for yourself?” “Charged?” ' ‘ ‘ ' oner. “Wrhy, I was expecting to paid!” exclaimed the pris- get at the Sunday church FAMILEX is the easy way to big cash profits. If you have selling ability, a small capital and a de­ sire to business Products for their door to Products year. Details and catalogue free on request. FAMILEX, Dept. D, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. a profitable own, join us! over from time, the establish of your known the world quality. Sell direct door full or part sold throughout STRAYED oneJoe: “Do you know what cigarette said to the other?” Bob: “No, what?” Joe: “I hope I don’t get lit night and make an ash of myself. to- In the ninth grade English class the teacher was discussing eti­ quette. When she finished, she ask­ ed Bobby how he would ask a girl to dance. Bobby replied: ‘.'Come on, worm, let’s wiggle!’’ at- at Alex Irvine spent the week- Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Rathburn. Harold returned STRAYED—Onto lot 16, con. 3, Usborne Twp., a 2-year-old heif­ er. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. Ed. Westcott, phone 176rl4 Exeter. 30:6:13c FOR SALE—Harris Tweed topcoat, dark grey, medium weight, ex­ cellent condition; also boy’s 3- piece winter outfit. 6 years old. Phone 50 Exeter. 30c FOR SALE—C.C.M. bicycle in ex­ cellent condition. Apply Bruce Rivers, phone 79, Exeter. 30c FOR SALE—Plate glass, 4’ x 7’. Apply to C. F. Pfile, Dashwood. 30:6* FOR SALE—Rogers cabinet radio, in good condition, less batteries. Apply Allan Jaques, R.R. 1 Gran­ ton, phone Kirkton 3 5rl0. 30* FOR SALE — Two purebred Hol­ stein bull calves, from good plus dams. Priced for grade herds. Ross Marshall, Kirkton, phone 63r3. 30* FOR RENT—A Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—One lot, 50x100, on Albert St., Exeter, Apply to John Prout, Exeter. 30* FOR SALE—1%-storey brick house full basement, built-in cupboards, town and soft water, one piece bath, barn, large garden; early possession. W. C. Pearce. 30* HOUSE FOR SALE — -2 bedroom house with town water and hydro. Over an acre of land. Apple trees. This is a low price house. Quick possession. C. V. Pickard, Main St. Exeter. You’ll want your car to more than wiggle out of the garage when colder weather strikes, time to bring it to us class winterizing job. weather can’t last too first- fine KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone and daughters Donna and Marlene spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Frank Routly and Mr. Wib Kirkby attended the plowing match at Kingston this past week. Mrs. D. Roger is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. B. McClowd, at Lon­ don. Mrs. end in Harold with her. He has bought property in the village and intends taking possession shortly. Mrs. John Cluff is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Cluff at Guelph and with Mr. and Cluff at Toronto. Miss J. M. Hanson, of Sask., spent part of with Mr. and Mrs. and also visited old Pleasant. W’e welcome Mr. of Toronto, bought the property Hazelwood. Doupe is holidaying PERSONAL Mrs. G. H. Langham, past weekthe I. N. Marshall friends at Mt. and Mrs. Har- to our Men use “VIGORINE” if weak, run­ vitality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At Robertson’s Drug Store down, nervous. Get renewed pep, BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUMACAPS two-way action attacks the cause, relieves the pain. At Robertson’s Drug Store. FOR SALE — Registered Hereford bull, 16 months old, priced to sell. Hirtzel Bros., Crediton, phone 3 6r3. 30* FOR SALE—Black and tan hound pups. H. Schoch, Zurich. 30:6* South End Service Station RUSS AND CHUCK SNELL Exeter Phone 328 The interior of the Exeter town hall has been redecorated. The col­ or scheme is cream and brown. The halls, auditorium, council chamber and firemen’s room have all been gone over and now present a very attractive appearance. The work was done by Peter Durand. The one thing lacking is the seating accom­ modation for the auditorium. old Rathburn, village, having of Mr. Walter Mrs. Garnie with her brother, Ernest Roy, at Red Deer, Alta. Mr. Bob Robinson is assisting Mr. Lome Marshall at the store and his brother Jack Robinson is the bakery business with Humphreys. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur NOTICES X FOR SALE — 3-leaf dining-room “table; kitchen table and four chairs; small square table; buf­ fet; kitchen cabinet; papering table, 8 feet long; occasional chair, gramaphone and about 100 records; china cabinet. Ap­ ply to Mahlon Watts, Huron St, West. 30-6tp BARM FOR SALE—Lot 13, conces­ sion 13, 1% miles west of Zurich and 1% miles south, 120 acres, frame house covered with asphalt shingles, steel roof bank barn 66x44, drive shed 22x14, never failing water supply, 17 acres of fall wheat, 35 acres of fall plow­ ing done, 15 acres of bush con­ sisting of finest cedar trees, suit­ able for hydro poles, also 50 acres ectly never acres Jacob Alvip productive clay loam dir- opposi-te, good orchard, failing watei’ supply, 16 fall plowing done. Apply Ortwein, R.R. 3, Zurich or Walper, auctioneer, 30:6c the I J* learning Mr.- R. Your Christmas Gift Problems Solved GIVE THE GIFT OF LASTING REMEMBRANCE A subscription to any or all of your favorite magazines at Special Holiday Rates . . . LIFE . . . READER’S DIGEST . . . TIME . . . LIBERTY . . . CHATELAINE . . . LOOK . . . Etc. . . . Etc. Let me call on you with Rates and Samples and the benefit of my Experience. Niel M. Morton I Box 188 Exeter Fletcher and son, of London spent the week­ end with Mr. Harry Fletcher and Mrs. Thos. Foley. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray, of Toronto, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis. Miss Velma Doupe, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Doupe, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitchell, who have been residents of the village for some time, moved to London for the winter months where Mr. Mitchell is employed. Mrs. A. Heard, of St. Thomas, and Miss J. Washburn, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Washburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Batten are holidaying with friends at London. Special W.M.S. Meeting At the morning service in the Kirkton United Church a special W.M.S. meeting was held with Miss Edith Sparling, of St. Marys, a re­ turned missionary from China, as guest speaker. A choir of W.M.S. ladies from the congregation led the singing. A trio composed of Goodger, Mrs. Alex Crago and Mary Urquhart sang. At the close of Miss Sparling's address a sacramental service was observed, conducted by Rev. W. D. Goodger. I Mrs. W. D.Mrs. f RCA Victor Little Master THE PERFECT SET FOR EVERY ROOM! In In In In In In In Brown Plastic Ivory Plastic Walnut Wood Maple Wood ..... Mahogany Wood $34.95 $35.95 $46.50 $46.50 $46.50 THE MASJER LINE Brown Plastic ..............$58.50 $59.95Ivory Plastic V-16 Record Flayers ......$19.95 VR-54 Radio-Phono .....$109.50 VRA-54 Automatic Radio- Phonograph Combo. $159.50 Only RCA Victor Makes the Victrola THE RADIO-PHONOGRAPH -WORLD-FAMED FOR TONE! Before buying a radio-phonograph, remem­ ber that it is experience that counts and only RCA Victor offers you forty-eight years of ex­ perience in building the Victrola. Beautiful styling, plus the incomparable Golden Throat, makes the new Victrola radio- phonographs the finest ever built by RCA Victor. Listen to them . . . whether it be a console or a table model . . . and you will understand what this thrilling 3-way matched acoustical system . . . the Golden Throat . . . means in achieving a tone fidelity ‘‘jewel sharp” in clarity and startlingly lifelike. For almost a half century, more Victrola phonographs and radio-phonographs have been sold than any other make. During this time the “Victrola” has become universally known and recognized as the mark of distinction in the musi­ cal home. When buying a radio-phonograph, insist on the instrument world-famed for tone . genuine Victrola. a I and for Glorious Entertainment , . * see the LARGE LIBRARY of RECORDED MUSIC at i Snelgrove Tire and Electric VILLAGE OF EXETER COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that Court of Revision of the Assess­ ment Roll of the Village of Exeter for the year 1947 will hold meeting in the Town Hall, on Monday, the 3rd day of her, 19 47, at § o’clock p.m. C. V. Pickard, Clerk. Dated at Exeter, October 28, 19 47. 30c its first Exeter, Novem- COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP A Court of Assessment Roll Usborne for the held at the Township Hall, ville, 1947, at 3 p.m. H. H. G. Strang, Clerk. 23:30c OF USBORNE Revision of the of -the Township of year 1948 will be Elim- on Saturday, November Sth, COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN A Court of Revision of the As­ sessment Roll of the Township of Stephen for the year 19 48, will be held in the Council Rooms, Credi­ ton, on Friday, Nov. 7th, 19 47, at S:30 o’clock p.m. L. B. Hodgson, Clerk. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR WOOD Sealed tenders will be received by the Secretary until November 15, 1947, for the following hard wood to be delivered and piled at the listed school sections in the Hay Township School Area, on or before April 1, 194 8. Wood must be sound body wood, maple or beech or mix­ ed, the S.S. s.s. S.S. s.s. S.S. s.s. s.s. s.s. s.s. s.s. to meet with the approval of board before payment is made. 2’ wood 2’ wood 2’ wood 2’ wood 2’ wood 2’ wood 1’ wood 1’ wood 1' wood 1’ wood for or FOR SALE—Good York hog, one year old; general purpose geld­ ing, six years old; DeLaval cream separator in good condition. Clar­ ence Routly, phone 34-2 Kirkton. 30* FOR SALE — Studio couch, wash stand, inner spring mattress, wood stove. Apply E. Geffs, An­ drew St. 30c FOR SALE—Clare Jewell coal wood range with oil burner tachments, good as new, used season. Phone 200 Exeter. and at­ one 30* FOR SALE—Cockshutt riding plow in Al shape; also 14-plate out- throw disc. Gordon Ratz, phone 24r31 Crediton. 30c FOR SALE—A good Cockshutt rid­ ing plow; 24 ft. 1% in. galvan­ ized steel pipe. Apply to Ray Broderick, Exeter. 30* FOR SALE—From $1.25 up, dif­ ferent grades, different prices, McIntosh, Spy and Delicious; bring your container, fresh grad­ ed, good hand picked apples. Stewart Middleton, Clinton. 30:6 13c FOR SALE — 200 Hybrid pullets, laying, priced reasonable. J. M. Finnie, R.R. 7, St. Marys, phone 259w4. 30* FOR SALE—A tongued and groov­ ed barn, size 24% by 14% feet. Can be torn down and rebuilt or moved. Apply to Mrs. Pearl Stephan, Hensail, Ont., phone 159J. 30:6c FOR SALE—100 acres, good house with large barn on wall; hydro throughout; water in barn; good stabling; litter carrier; maple bush; school close; price $6,400. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont 2tfc FOR SALE—100 acre farm, lot 3 con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., frame house with asbestos shingles, bank barn, 9 0 acres tillable land. Apply to Box 218 Exeter. 25tfc FOR SALE—Large brick house, in town, 4 bedrooms, hot and cold running water, 3-piece bathroom, built-in cupboards; can be used for 3 apartments; garage, large lot. Apply at Times-Advocate. 23tfc HOUSE FOR SALE—In Exeter, 1| storey, extra land. Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Real­ tor, Main St., Exeter. FOR SALE—Immediate or spring­ possesion, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter. C ’V. Pickard, Realtor. Exeter. FOR SALE—100 acres productive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn 60x40, 40x40, driveshed never failing watei’ supply, acres hard wood bush, iate posesssion. R. D. phone 131W, Exeter. garage, 5 Immed- Hunter, 30* weeks old; 4 sows, due in Nov. and Dec.; purebred York hog; 20 chunks. HENS —130 Rock and Leghorn pullets laying good. IMPLEMENTS—John Deere trac­ tor on rubber, B.R. in good shape; International 2-fprrow plow; Mc- Cormick-Deering 11-hoe fertilizer drill; McCormick-Deering binder with trucks; International 14-plate tractor disc; Massey-Harris hay­ loader; M.H. mower, 5-foot; dump rake; Cockshutt side rake, nearly new; Cockshutt 1-horse scuffler; Bissell 9-foot packer; M.H. spring­ tooth cultivator; Cockshutt riding plow; Fleury walking plow, No. 21; set of sleighs and flat rack; 4 sec­ tion harrow; farm wagon; good rubber-tired wagon with 32-6 tires; hay rack with sliding rack; root pulper; Rite-Way milking machine, nearly new, 2 single units; McCor­ mick-Deering cream separator, 750 lb. capacity with clutch pulley; % h.p. electric motor; Clinton fanning mill; 2-wheel trailer and rack; cutter; set of scales, 2000 lbs.; grass seed sower; 36-foot extension ladder; wagon emery electric coal brooder hole auger; logging chains; forks; corn planter; set of double harness; single harness; collars; whiffle- trees, sling ropes; set of rope stret­ chers; belting; buffalo robe; 2 45- gal. fuel drums; 2 20-gal. drums; electric fencer; steel fence posts; pulleys; a quantity of plank; 150 good sacks; rubber-tired buggy. HAY AND GRAIN " ' good hay; 6 ton of falfa; 45 bushels of bushels of Russian 1 seed; Cartier oats, ! of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD Kitchen cabinet; Singer machine, in good condition; sion table; table; studio washstand; dresser; 2 beds; and mattresses; Doherty range; 3- burner gas stove and oven; Quebec heater and pipes; 2 linoleums,. 12x13%; congoleum rug 9x15. TERMS—CASH HARRY COLE, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. 3-ton jack; double large grind stone; 2 range shelters; brooder, 500-chick size; ; bushel measure; post sledge; cross-cut saw; chains; forks; shovels; new box; stand; r __ io ton of second cut al- field peas; 35 barley, fit for seed; quantity furniture — sewing exten- couch; springs AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CATTLE AND HOGS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from CLEMENT BOLAND to sell by public auction at N.B. McGillivray Township mile east of Mount Carmel, on OCTOBER 31st, 1947 one FRIDAY, HORSES — Percheron mare, 7 years old; Clyde mare, 7 years old; this team weighs around 1600 lbs.; yearling colt. HOGS—2 sows with 18 pigs, 5 weeks: sow, due at time of sow, due in December; pure boar; 2 chunks. IMPLEMENTS — Quebec riding plow; Maple Leaf twin plow; spring tooth cultivator; steel water trough. CATTLE'—New milk cow, 6 years old, bred, with calf by side; cow, 6 years old, due in Dec.; cow, 4 years old, due in Dec.; cow, 5 years old, milking, bred again; cow, 7 years old, milking, bred again; 2 aged cows, milking, bred; register­ ed Hereford bull, 2 years old; 7 three-year-old steers; 7 two-year-old 6 and heifers; 5 sale; bred sulky heifers; 2 two-year-old steers; yearling steers spring calves. POULTRY — hens. TERMS OF About 40 yearling SALE—-CASH Sale at 2 p.m. J. R. McLEAN, Auctioneer, R.R. 2, Parkhill. TOM DIXON, Clerk. FOR SALE—Dairy and poultry farm 9 7 acres choice level well drained land, all tillable on No. S High­ way, 3 miles west of Stratford. School is on the Farm and Toron­ to milk route goes by the door. Large steel roof bank barn with steel staunchions, steel calf pens and water bowls, good implement shed and garage, large silo and room for 500 hens. Good red brick house with bathroom and new furnace, hydro and water in all buildings. 12 acres fall wheat, field of turnips, mow of hay and mow of straw all go with the place for $11,000. You can have im­ mediate possession and terms if desired. Apply at once to Sandy Elliot, Exeter. FOR SALE — Brock range, enamel front, large oven, voir and warming closet, reasonable. Phone Kirkton Mrs. Thos. Bell. 23:30ccream reser- priced 25rl0, 30c AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from HENRY HOPF to sell by public auction on the premises of Thomas Hopcroft in the Village of Dashwood on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1047 at 1 p.m. 3-piece chesterfield suite; bur­ eau; beautiful combination china cabinet and bureau; 2 large oak dining-room tables, 6-leaf; cherry kitchen table; kitchen cabinet; oak parlor table; library table; 10 din­ ing-room chairs; arm chair; oak rocker; leather rocker; book stand; organ stool; paper rack; mirror; 2 wooden beds, springs and mattress­ es; dresser; trunk; Renfrew kit-, clien range, nearly new; Wingham kitchen range, in good condition; electric stove; 2 electric hot plates; electric fixtures; toilet set; mats; wringer screens; stove pipes irons; mops; boiler; 2 galvanized tubs, trie combination water heater washing machine small, crocks; sealers can; 2 iron pots; dishes; sausage grinder and press; 2 small frying liafis; numerous ■ kitcheh utensilst pails; storm doors; lawn mower; garden scuffler; 30 gal, steel bar­ rel; spades; hoes; scythe, like new; small scales; many other articles too numerous to mention. Pure-bred German Police pupv 4 % months old, Very intelligent. TERMS—CASH ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer, MILFORD MERNER, Clerk, HENRY IIOPF, Prop. 30:Go single single single single single single single single single single be received cords cords cords cords cords cords cords cords cords cords No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. No. Tenders will tire, or partial amounts, stated sections. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Sec.-Treas. Hay Tp. School Area, Zurich, Ontario. 30:6c 11:12 3:12 6:12 4:10 8:10 15:12 2:10 10:8 12:8 7:4 en- for MISCELLANEOUS WE ARE now making arrange­ ments for fall whitewashing jobs, big or small, with spray motor machine. Wm. Watson, phone 35rl9 Dashwood. 7-12tp CUSTOM Combining $3.50, Plow­ ing $2.50, One-Way Discing $1.50 per acre. Phone Leon Triebner, 171r24, Exeter. 15tp HIGHEST PRICES Paid for old or disabled horses. Will also pay cash fresh. Ross Francis Fur Farm, phone collect 341*8 Kirkton. IGtfc for any dead horses or cattle “over 600 lbs.” frde from medi­ cine or disease and absolutely FOR SALE FOR SALE—1928 Chrysler, in good shape, new tires. Apply Norval Reid, Exeter. 30* FOR SALE—Massey-Mafris 10-inch ball-bearing grinddf with speed­ jack and belts, good as new. Call 176rl2 Exeter. 30* FOR SALE — Boy’s sport jacket, brown tweed, size 16. Apply at, Times-Advocate. 30* FOR . SALE—A large sized, fully white enamelled' Wingham cook stove, 3 years old, with reservoir, enamelled oven, in good condi­ tion. Apply to Douglas Gill, Grand Bend, phone 33r2 Dash­ wood. 30c FOR SALE—19 28 Model A Ford, 4 new tires, mechanically good; 100 roosters and 50 pullets, 5 months old; sun visor for 19 47 Studebaker. Apply Lloyd Lippert, Dashwo o d. 30* AUCTION SALES FOR SALE—Black 16, good as new, than half price. Hockey, Exeter, Seal coat.,size a bargain,less Apply Mrs.N. phone 239.30c FOR SALE—1937 Buick sedan, in good running shape, 5 good tires, radio and heater, 2 spot lights. D. Parker, Staffa. 30* FOR SALE—3 rose velour drapes, 2% yards long, lined and inter­ lined; quick 2-plate electric stove on stand with shelf. Apply Box 181 Hensail. 30c FOR SALE*—‘1929 Pontiac coach. Apply to Edwin Miller, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 44r2 Kirkton. 30c FOR SALE — Large roomy buffet, $12.00. Phone Exeter 274. 30* FOR SALE ■— 10% inch Vessel grain grinder, good as new; also a heifer due to freshen November 18, W. J. Thomson, Centralia, phone Kirkton 48rL 30c AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 4, Con. 6, Usborne Township on FRIDAY, OCT. 31st, 1947 at 1 pan., the following: HORSES—>Black mare, 1'2 years old; grey gelding, 11 years old; saddle pony, quiet, for children; CATTLE—Holstein cow, due in January; Holstein cow, due April 1st; Holstein cow, due April 15th; Holstein cow, duo March 21st; Holstein cow, due April 30; Hol­ stein cow, due Apr. 30; Jersey cow, bred Aug. 1; cow, just bred; Here­ ford bull; 12 yearlings; Holstein heifer, due Feb. 20; red heifer, dtie March 20; 3 fall calves; 7 spring calves; G Hereford yearlings. PIGS—24 chunks about 70 lbs.; 13 smaller chunks; sow with litter of 10; sow with litter of 9, six 2 lamps; lantern; window set of wooden Brantford flat tub; elec- and 2 B'-gal. crocks; large lard