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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-23, Page 9
THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER,-ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23rd, 1947 Page 9 “Did you notice Laura is getting a double chin?" “Yea, I guess it was too much work for one." Doan’s Kidney Pills Help Bask Ailments Backache is frequently caused by disorders of the kidneys. Conse quently, if you suffer from backache, Doan’s Kidney Pills may be helpful to you. Because of their stimulat ing action on the kidneys and uri nary passages, Doan’s Kidney Pills assist in the elimination of wastes from the body. Safe, dependable and quick-acting, Doan’s Kidney Pills can be used, by both young and old. Backache and rheumatic pains as well as minor urinary and bladder ailments may be quickly relieved by this time- proven treatment. Sold at all drug stores. The T. Milburn Oo„ Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Business Directory Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUWjDING, EXETER Telephone 273 ZURBRIGG OPTOMETRICAL OFFICE D. B. Tindall, R.O. - O.D. Phone 336 JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN ST., EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. Ann Street, EXETER, Phone 355W WM* H. SMITH licensed auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College. Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton P.O. or Idione 43-2 E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Terms Reasonable, satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 02r7 SMILES . . . . Jimmy—“Daddy says there isn’t another woman in the world like you, Mamma.." Mother—“That’s very flattering of him.” Jimmy—"And he says it’s a good thing, too.” "And how did you meet your second husband?" Mrs. Drake' ask ed her maid. "Ah, that was something, Mrs. Drake." the maid replied. “I was walking across the street with my first husband, and along came my second husband in an automobile and ran over him. That was the be ginning of our romance.” 0------o “Where you going?” asked the rariner of his hired man, who had just borrowed a lantern. "Courting.” "Carrying a lantern is a waste of money. When I went courting I went in the dark." “Yes, and look what.you got." ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Successor to J. W. Morley EXETER, ONT. GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS — SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p.m. FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER Foi* Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE 57r2 DASHWOOD, R. 1 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres.................... WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice-Pres........... ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, R. 1 WM. A. HAMILTON .... Cromarty JOHN MCGRATH .... Dublin, Ont. MILTON MCCURDY .. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS Mitchell THOS. SCOTT ...... Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham secretary-treasurer B. W. Beavers ...... Exeter SOLICITORS Gladman A Coeiiraue, Exeter HENSALL Rev. W. A. Young, Mrs. Young, Dian and Nora, of Fergus, spent the week-end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle and family spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle in Ridgetown. Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Mac.Laren, of Goderich, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. R, Y. MacLaren. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale spent a few days last week in Mt. Clements. Mr. ’J« W. Bonthron, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bonthron and Bryan yisited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Greer at Orchard Beach. Mrs, Bonthron accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter and daughter Caroline, of London, vis ited recently with the latter’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. G. Bell. Miss Edna Butt, of Toronto, and Mrs. Edgar Butt, Seaforth, visited recently with Mrs. Alda Simmons. Dr. Harry Joynt, Mrs. Joynt and Judith Ann, of Toronto, visited re cently with the former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. & The choir of Carmel Presbyterian Church attended the anniversary service in Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, on Sunday evening and led in the service of song. Rev. W. A. Young, of Fergus, former minister of Carmel Church, Hen sail, conducted the services assist ed by Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Hen sail, Rev, Kenneth MacLean and Rev. Snell. Mrs. W. A. Young sang a solo entitled "God Hath Not Promised." The choir sang an an them "I Was Glad." A duet was sung by Miss Alma Bell and Mrs, H. C. Bell; Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs, W. Brown sang a duet "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings, Lord." Mrs. Malcolm Dougall presided at the console throughout. Hensall Council The regular meeting of the Village Council was held Tuesday evening, Oct. 7th, at 8 p.m. in the Co.uncil Chamber with all members present. The minutes of the two special meetings and the last regular meet ing were read. Brown and Parke, that the minutes be adopted as read. Carried Mr. Appelby appeared as a dele gate from the Legion as regards se curing a wreath for Remembrance day. Twitchell and Middleton, that we order a wreath from the Cana dian Legion at $6.50, Carried. Miss C. Mitchell appeared com plaining about her taxes and As sessment as being too high. A delegation from the Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion ap peared consisting of E. L. Mickle, W. O. Goodwin and A. Clark, asking for a grant for the local branch, to alter and maintain the building recently purchased by them. Middleton and Twitchell, that a By-law be drawn up by our Clerk for a Memorial Grant for the boys who fought in the second Great War authorizing a grant of $2,000. to the Hensall Legion, payable in four instalments starting in 1947 with $500.00 and $500,00 each fol lowing year until the grant is paid. The grant in the years 1948, 1943 and 1950 to be payable the first of May each year. Carried. Parke and Middleton, that we pro claim a half holiday in the fore noon on Remembrance Day, Nov. 11th, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. for the purpose of attending the services at the monument at the Town Hall. Carried. P. L. McNaughton, Assessor, re ported re the 1948 Assessment as made by him in 19 47 the totals be ing 684001 and 387625 buildings 24919 business or a total assess ment of 480,944 showing a slight increase, also stating that the popu lation was 697 showing an increase of 48 over the previous xear. Parke and Brown, that the As sessment roll as handed in by the Assessor be accepted, and the salary for the same be paid. Carried. Parke and Brown, that we hold Court of Revision on the 1948 As sessment roll in the Council Cham ber on November 4th at 8 p.m. Car ried. J, A. Paterson, Tax Collector re ported as having collected $5,974.68 to date of the 1947 taxes.' Middleton and Twitchell, that W. Brown be allowed a credit of $27.37 on his taxes being the balance of the Transient Traders license fee paid by him in 19 45, also that the taxes of Dr. F. H. Scherk be struck off. Carried. Correspondence read as follows: Karl Hensel, Dept, of Highways, Crown Attorney D, E. Holmes, In ternational Water Supply, Dept, of Mines, F, Trailer, C.N.R., Blyth Lions Club, Ontario Bean Growers Mkt. Board, McColl-Frontenac Oil Oo., National Sewer Pipe Co., A. Cope and Sons, Concrete Pipe Co., Hamilton Cement Products, Bell Telephone Co., Municipal World Ltd. Surplus Disposals Co., Dept, of Municipal Affairs, London Hosiery Mills Ltd., War Assets Corporation: same considered and filed. Twitchell and Brown, that per mission be granted the Bell Tele phone to erect a telephone booth west of the main entrance of the Town Hall. Carried. Parke and Twitchell, that we authorize the Treasurer and road superintendent to sign the interim road expenditure report for the grant. Carried, Bills and Accounts read as fol lows: Ontario Municipal Board, ap proval of By-Law $10.00; F. G. Bonthron, postage of By-Law 2'5.41; Provincial Treasurer, insulin C. Mitchell 1.16; County of Huron, hospitalization 0. Mitchell 7.85; E. Little, paitlng signs, hall 2.50; Bank of Montreal, payment of loan 1,007.- 75; J. A. Paterson, salary and rub ber stamp 126.50; T. Kyle, salary 73,80; Bell Telephone, service 3.69; Gladman & Cochrane, transferring deed 9.10; A Spencer & Soil, cement sidewalks 225.00; T» Huddlesoh, Huron Hamlet Perpetuates Name or Pioneer Merchant Ry A, S. Garrett fu Corbett, on of the hamlets of tlm old Huron Tract that has survived until the present time although dwindled to scarcely more than a cross-roads corner, lias for its lo cale the conjunction point of con cessions 22 of McGillivray and 18 of Stephen with the boundary line separating these townships. Local tradition substantiates the fact that the community was named in compliment to John Corbett, an early settler of McGillivray, who came from Ireland in 1843. He was township treasurer in 1851 and reeve intermittedly from 1852 until 1876, The southeast corner farm, at Corbett, was owned by him, and there he operated a sawmill and latei- a grist mill, both well pat ronized in the early days. The Corbett family eventually owned other property in the vicin ity. John Corbett was appointed justice of the peace and later bought the general store which is said to have been built about 70 years ago by John Macey. He was also the community’s first post- -master, tri-weekly mail being brought from Parkbill. Ownership of the original Cor bett homestead, south of Brinsley, passed to William L. Corbett, also reeve of McGillivray and warden of Middlesex. His son, Harold M. Cor bett, is the present reeve of Lucan Village. James Brophey, who also came from Ireland in 1843, was an old resident in the Corbett vicinity. James Hawker, ‘emigrating from England in 1861, farmed and op erated a sawmill on lot four, con cession 22. O. F. McPherson is claimed to have located on lot 42, N.B., at an early date. The old Corbett hotel, a frame building is said to have been built London Free Press by Janies Nelson and was exten sively patronized during the team ing era. Alonzo Hall kept hotel there in the late seventies and J. IL Ryan was the proprietor at a latter date. Situated on. the north west corner, the hotel remained as a landmark of Corbett's bygone days, .until recently. Another tavern on the southwest corner, was built by the Macey fam ily and kept by Richard Macey, It disappeared years ago. According to an account of the late 1880‘s. Corbett then claimed to have a population of 40 or there abouts, with the following business personnel: Brown and Young, mer chants; John Corbett, postmaster and flour-mill proprietor; J. R, McPherson, wagon-maker; ‘ J. H. Ryan, hotel-keeper; James Hawker, lumber dealer and W, J, Pollock, blacksmith. The latter is claimed to have been still in business during the first decade of the present cen tury. More recently, the Corbett store was kept by James W- Pollock, who was born in Quebec but grew up just a half mile from Corbett. He beoanie postmaster in the fall of 1907, according to one authority, upon the death of John Corbett. The well-known carriage and wag on manufacturing business of J. R. McPherson and Son was established in 1873 and still operating during the early years of the present cen tury. The old Corbett Presbyterian Church was demolished in 1925 when church union came into ef fect, The present brick school build ing, built in 1901, stands on a sight taken from the southeast corner farm. Still Carrying On Mr. Harold Whyte, who did such excellent work as Scoutmaster with the Exeter Boy Scouts, has contin ued his activities since moving to Lucan. He organized the Lucan troup and in a recent Apple Day drive the gross receipts were -over $90.00 with one of the boys sell ing $22.00 worth. On Thanksgiving Day the Boy Scouts of Lucan plant ed approximately 5,400 walnut trees and 830 Butternut trees on the farm of H. M. Corbett, one mile south of Brinsley. CENTRALIA Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Anderson, of Long Beach, California, visited last week with their niece, Mrs. A. Proc tor, and with Mr. A. Brooks. Sunday visitors at the home of I Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight were Mr. and Mrs. Davies, of Exeter, Mr. and | Mrs. Sawyer, of Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Sweitzer, of Woodham. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodg son and Mrs. J. Hodgson, Whalen, Mrs. Edith Hodgson, of Saskatoon, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hodgson, of Ridgetown. Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Wilcox, of London, have been visiting during the past week with their niece, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden. Miss Betty Walker was able to return from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Monday. I-Ier young friends hope to see her out again in the near future. -* Guests with Mr; and Mrs. Lome Hicks on Sunday were Messrs. Gor don Bridge, Jack Harrison, Earl Osborne, Carman Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Orma Pollock, of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ireland, of Tees- water, and Miss Wilda Pollock, of Kitchener. The services in the church will be withdrawn on Sunday, Oct. 26, in favor of the anniversary services in the Whalen church. Mr. and Mrs, Orland Squire and daughter, of Thames Road, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Squire’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown. Rev. Robert Bates, of Motherwell was guest speaker at the annual thankoffering services held in the church on Sunday, Baskets of aut umn flowers made* a very attractive decoration for the occasion. Very fine music was provided by the choir assisted by a male quartette of Ripley. Rev. Weir was present and assisted at the evening serv ice. labOi* streets 20.00; P. L. McNaugh ton, salary and postage 76.40; Hen sail District Co-Operative, coal hall 22.90; J. Pfaff, teaming’ streets 1.50; A. Clark, material and labor, hall and streets 15.35; Hensall Hyd ro Commission, hydro hall 12.20; R. E. Shaddick, painting hall 39.85 N. Jones, labour and material, rink 6.35; Brown’s Hardware, supplies hall 4.54; total $1691.85. Twitchell and Brown; that bills and accounts as read be paid. Car ried. Parke and Brown, that By-law No. 18-1947 Hensall Main Drain Improvement, be given first and sec ond readings. Carried. Middleton and Twitchell, that By law No. 19-1947 Nomination and Election be given first and second readings. Carried, Brown and Parke, that By-law No. 19 be given third and final read ing, Carried. Parke and Brown, that wo adver tise lots Nos. 459-460-461 Moirs Survey for sale by tender and ten ders to close November 1st, 1947. Brown and Middleton, that wo I now adjourn* IAS a.tn. Curried. SAINTSBURY The Senior W.A. met on Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Hodgins with a good attend ance. After a short prayer service, , the roll call was answered with "What I Am Thankful For." The afternoon was spent piecing quilt blocks and the hostess served a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis spent the Thanksgiving holiday at Wiar- ton and Midland visiting friends. Mr. Fred Dobbs returned from Western Canada last week. We are sorry to report that Mr. W. Culbert met with a painful ac cident last Thursday while thresh ing clover. The team crushed him against the barn and broke several ribs. We all hope for a speedy re covery. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickins spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. )F. Squires, of Whalen, celebrating the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Squire’s mother, Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis and family attended the anniversary service at Zion church on Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Mr. and Mrs. I. Needham and Mr. and Mrs. M. Colbert, of London Township, visited recently with Mrs. Fred Davis. Rev. and Mrs, M. H. Elston had charge of the Thanksgiving service at the Dundalk church on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. Davis and Cam eron spent Sunday evening with Mrs. F. Davis. We are sorry to hear that Mr. G. Isaac is suffering from a break- ■ down and is confined to bed. Billy (studying spelling lesson) : “Mamma, what does a trousseau mean?" Mamma: “It means the clothes a bride wears for five or six years after she is married." -AS., , A*...... Aa.A as./*' —4, tuacDWtifflor St $ OS»dfe...©1ST I jtee & n®®«ferw ,A2z The whole family can get behind youi* plans to make your dreams come true with Canada Savings Bonds. Consult your bank or investment dealer today. Ytm’H xuever be SoH'i’ wii gaved/ f SECOND SERIES -a./s'-a-vv.-a, ISWhAT WOMAN doesn’t want to improve her home ... whether she lives in city or country? ... Kitchen, bathroom, living room, playroom, verandah . . . there is always something that can be done to make work easier, life more comfortable. But such plans take money — and most women want to be sure they can be properly carried through before they start. That means savings, and that’s where Canada Savings Bonds come in. You may purchase up to $1000 in any one name. They are as safe as Canada, and may be cashed at your bank at full face value any time. They pay 2%% interest for good measure, and are registered in. the owner’s name for protection in case of loss. They may be bought for cash or on easy instalments. Confederation Life Association, which I represent, has Month ly Income Policies for sale, These policies provide a guaranteed monthly income at retirement age. At your request I shall be glad to explain the details of a policy that will best suit your requirements. Before you insure, consult Confederation. Life Associate® HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Representative A. W. MORGAN Hensall