HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-23, Page 2P«« 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23rd, 1947
Clines established 1873; Advocate established 18$ 1
amalgamated November 1324
On Independent Newspaper devoted to the
or tne Village of Exetei and surrounding
ter but we are quite certain that more depends
on the youngs tex1 himself than on any other fac
tor. An ounce of mother is worth a ton of al
most any other factor, and we don t mean by
"mother’’, home training, but the human nature
of the youngster himself. It is difficult to make
a bilk purse out of a sow’s car. It it isn t in the
boy to up and dust not much can be made of
him. If he is fur off from the normal in the way
of well doing, he simply has to be eared for. If
he | ’ ’ ...........
persists in his erring abnormalities he must
Member of the Canadian
N ewspapers* 4 ssocMAon;
of the <
Ontario-Quebec Division of
the CWNA
x * x- *
an ominous sound. We used
Must be
Noon on
All Advertising Copy
Later Than
$2.00 a year, in advance;
three months
in Our Hands Not
i Tuesdays
six months. $1.00
On the Spot
Dr, Taylor in his fine address lust Tuesday
before the Huron Presbytery made n statement
that is startling. It was to the effect that the
rulers of India have intimated to the Christian
church that the church must make good in India
or get out of India. During the period of test
ing the Indian people will offer the church every
facility within their power to make good the
church's claim that it has the remedy lor allay
ing- sti’ife within the country. Should the church
Tail to make good its claim it will be invited to
get out of the country. As far as India is con
cerned the church is squarely on the spot. All
the world will note this state of affairs with
India is not the only country where the
church is asked to make good or to get off the
map. A great many folk are saying that we have
plenty of church gatherings but that precious
little issues therefrom. They point to one man
who goes to church regularly and to a second
man who does not go to church and tell you
that they see little difference in the lives of the
two men. 'These .same people urge that unless
the church’s work issues in better life and con
duct than the life seen in the non-church peo
ple, that the church will need to wake up or
abandon hex- high professions. All this is xnter-
■esting. The church need have no diffidence in
accepting the challenge of her critics. At the
same time she must be out on hex- right of way
and be really making good. In this practical age
the church cannot shelter herself behind hex
sanctity. Further, she cannot look for any
power visible or invisible to do the work her
King and Head expects her to do in her own
behalf and in behalf of the race. She is to be.
in the world as one who serves.
A Real Occasion
We were talking to an American about the
observance of Thanksgiving Day in the United
States. We learned that everybody goes to
church in the morning of that day. Church at
tendance is looked for on the part of everyone.
Ordinary workaday duties are laid aside.
■Church attendance over, there is a gathering
in the home of one of the relatives where' a
splendid dinner is provided. Aftei’ dinner the
older people recall the early days of the family
and of the settlement. The younger people in
dulge in games while the children play to their
heart’s content. As evening comes on, the fam
ilies gather and sing folk songs after which the
patriarch of the gathering read from the Bible
and prays and the gathering disperses refresh
ed and happy and stronger for the well-spent
* * x- «•
Fed Up
The taxpayers of this province arc not sat
isfied when they hear of the large number of
criminals who escape from custody. Even less
are they satisfied with the slackness of the
police in capturing the escaped felons. There
is something plainly wrong when this sort of
thing prevails. Those prisoners were caught
originally aftei* the police had dealt leniently
with them and the public had given them every
opportunity to prove themselves good citizens.
On their capture authority gave them a fair
trial and every opportunity to prove their in
nocence. Finally those offenders were given
-every opportunity to reform and to begin life
over again on their being released. In some cases
the felon simply remained a felon. On escaping
from custody, he was still a criminal enemy to
.society. The public is anything but satisfied
with the conduct of any institution that cannot,
or does not, control the criminals committed to
its care, and with any police orginazations that
allows itself to be outwitted by the criminal
Has It Been Overstated?
Every once in a while when we have, some
unusual outbreak of lawlessness, we hear some
judge or some other party or person in a high
place, announce with an air of profundity "the
-cause lies in the home.” If the, erring one had
had a good home, it is declared, the delinquent
would not have emerged. It is not for to dispute
dicta so solemnly given. At the same. time, we
venture to say that this sort of thing has been
overworked. Two youngsters from the same
home differ as much as a child born in Aus
tralia differs from a youngster bom in Tipper
ary, /\11 of u« have heard that there is likely to
be a black sheep in every flock. One child in a
family turns out a genius while another child
emerges as a blockhead or a criminal. All of us
have seen the, veriest ragamuffin and local ter
ror under a school master who knows how to
manage a youngster, turn out a geninelv normal
citizen. We are not disposed to argue the mat-
Arthritis has
call the affliction rheumatism, either inflam-
oi’ muscular’ when it affected the muscles.
’ go any further in nam
ing this affliction, for it lias many designations
of one sort and combination or other as there
were colours in Joseph’s coat. Nor is it oui* prov
ince to talk of treatment- for this ill. There are
a few things that it is our duty to mention. For
one thing, tile sufferer is well advised who avoids
all alleged cures. The fact that a sufferer re
covers from this disease aftei’ he has taken a
certain treatment does not prove that he has
come upon a cure. He may have been lucky.
More likely he is one of a class
who would* have recovered anyway. Next, the
sufferer is wise when he consults his doctor
early. Delays in the early treatment are fright
fully dangerous. Further, the sufferer should
not regard himself as inevtiably doomed to dis
figurement or uselessness. He will be advised
to avoid all excesses and we mean just that.
But all of us are wise to keep what the Scotch
call the "cap o’ the cassie,” We’ll* do more and
better work by heeding the New Testament in
its exhortation, "let your moderation be known
to a,ll men." Whatever treatment is followed
every phase thereof needs a strong admixture
of common sense. It is encouraging to know that
the government of the country, both provincial
and federal, is putting- its back into the war
against a disease that has more under its sway
than any that afflicts mankind in the western
world. We are not informed is to the ravages
of this malady in the
# *
A mere layman must not
Commentators on
of sufferers
Mr. J. A. Stewart last week liad
an acetylene gas plant installed on
his premises to light his store. The
entire outfit is a perfect piece of
mechanism. He has had about 20
lights placed throughout the store.
The Basket Social and musical
entertainment held in the basement
of the Main Street Methodist church
Tuesday evening was a great suc
cess. The program was well re
ceived and those taking part were:
instrumental solo, Miss N. Martin;
violin solo, J. Davidson: solo, Jos.
Senior; solo, Miss Ida Johns; in
strumental duet, J.
Miss L. Howard:
Miss L. Johns. Mr.
was chairman.
A severe electrical storm,_ .accom
panied by a heavy fall of rain, pass
ed over this section Tuesday night.
Mr. Matthew Finkbeiner, of
Stephen, has his collar bone broken
one day last week by being crushed
in a stall by a team of horses.
during the past week in
Huron County
* *
the state of affairs in
Britain have a good deal to »ay about the busy
ness of the British people. Everyone over there
is expected to be engaged in some form of pro
ductive industry. This is altogether to the good.
Of course .there are a few lounge lizards, but
they are not well thought of. There are a few
devoted to the miserable sport of degracing but
they are in the black -books of self-respecting-
folk and so on down the whole line of time
wasters. The day was when we spoke of "Merry
England." That day is past and may not return
for a number of years. The activity we refer
to is not mere occupation but genuine, produc
tive industry. There is no resting- on the job,
no mere working when there is nothing else
to do but real sweating on the job. Britain,
whatever crokers may have to say about it, is
coming- to the top once more. The coming- is
bound to be slow for many a year.
* * * *
Has Unionism Failed?
Unionism his done a great deal to improve
the conditions of the workingman. It has se
cured a better place for him to work. Tt has
secured better wages for him. It has done not
a little to give the workman self-respect. It
has enabled him to speak with effectiveness
when his rights are witheld or invaded. We can
not but wonder, however, if unionism has not
been'going too far in the postwar period. Has
it been in the right in keeping needed food from
the tables of the people? Britain was doing her
utmost to get on her feet economically. Extra
ordinary tasks were laid upon her workers. At
this period unionism called a strike that re
duced the workman’s food below the amount
needed for sustained effort. Did unionism do
right by making the workingman’s con
dition so difficult? People are drawing their
conclusions. Sane men among the unions have
their quiet thoughts. We do not say that union
ism has failed. We do not say that unionism
should be abandoned. What we do urge is that
unionism should take on activities that will
meet the necessities of the
* x- x-
present day.
who has the sense
Better Hang
He is a fortunate man
to hang on to a fairly good tiling. That is a
true saying but it has a good deal of sense in
its few words. We have just heard of a business
man who sold his business only to find himelf
so out of everything that he had to be commit
ted to an asylum. We can recount the experi
ence of a good many who were bitten by the
speculative bug who made paying deal after
paying deal, who lost everything in the last
deal. Some men have done fairly well by specu
lating. Admittedly they have. Yet we urge our
readers to take a quiet moment to make a list
of those who have been ruined by speculation.
The. list is a surprisingly long one. Paper pros
perity is a deceptive condition at best. If any
one has a fairly good thing he had better hang
right on to it. Just now the tip regarding "a
dead sure thing" is to be avoided as one would
avoid the cholera.
* * x X-
Note and Comment
t\ family cannot be raised by remote con
X- * X- X-
That big fall fair pumpkin has not, arrived
the editor’s desk.
* 4 -X- »
And what a Thanksgiving Sunday we had!
Then that fine, rain on Thanksgiving Day morn
ing put the farm land in condition for plowing.
Spackman and
II. N. Creech
are being bought for
barrel for good winter
Tuesday of this week theOn
Exeter Times purchased the Hensail
Observer printing plant.
The first snow of the
on Wednesday but soon
The hot fowl supper
the ladies of the Trivitt Memorial
Church in the Dome Rink on Wed
nesday evening of last week was
a decided success. Following the
supper the clioir of the Presbyter
ian church, Seaforth, put on a
musical entertainment of a high
Caven Presbyterian Church held
successful anniversary services on
Sunday last. The church was fill
ed in the morning and the evening
service was held in the Trivitt Mem
orial church. A union choir, com
posed of members from the differ
ent choirs of town furnished some
splendid music. Rev. C. E. Evans,
B.A., of St. Marys, conducted the
services and preached two very ex
cellent sermons.
Rev. C. W. Down, of the Saskat
chewan Conference, was a delegate
to General Conference in Toronto.
During the past week several im
portant Sunday School Conventions
have been held throughout South
Huron, one at Kippen, on at Zion
and one at Centralia. Rev. AV. P.
Fletcher, B.A., Toronto, was pres
ent at all conventions and gave
inspiring addresses. Mr. W. G.
Medd accompanied Mr. Fletcher.
season fell
served by
Huron County was well represent
ed at the Big International Plow
ing Match, which was held at King
ston last Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, Those plow
ing in the Senior Classes with
horse-drawn plows were Mr. Jas.
Hogg, R.R. 5, Seaforth, and Mr.
Norman Pocock, R.R, 2, wingham.
Those representing the County in
the Senior Tractor Classes were Mr.
William Rogerson, R.R. 3, Seaforth,
Mr. Ken Rogerson, R.R, 3, Seaforth,
Mr. Lome Passmore, R.R. 3, Exeter,
Mr. Allan Walper, R.R, 3, Parkhill, Mr. - - - -
Goderich, Mr. William Coutes, R.R.
3, Brussels, and Mr, Glen Huether,
R.R. 3, Brussels.. In the Inter
County competitions, Mr. John Clark
R.R. 5, Goderich and Mr. Art Bell,
R.R. 2, Goderich, represented Huron
County in the horse-drawn classes,
and Mr. Gerald Dustow, R.R. 1,
Port Albert, and Mr. Bill Robertson,
R.R, 5, Goderich, represented Huron
County in the tractor classes. The
final results of these two Inter
County classes for tractors have not
as yet been received, but in the
horse-drawn class the Huron County
team was eighth in standing.
On Wednesday, the first day of
the open classes at the Internation
al, Mr. James Hogg, of Seaforth,
was second in a class of thirty-two.
Mr. George Robertson, of Goderich
5, was fourth in the open Utility
Class with tractors and Mr. Lome
Passmore, of Exeter, was fourth in
the Open Tractor Class with two-
furrow plows. On Thursday, Mr.
William Rogerson, of Seaforth, was
second in the Utility Class for Trac
tor plowmen. Mr. Allan Walper,
R.R. 3, Parkhill, won the Ford Mo
tor Company Specials, open to com
petitors using Ford-Ferguson
Fordson Tractors.
On Friday evening of last week
at the Main Street United Church,
the girls of the softball team, to
gether'with their gentlemen friends,
partook of a sumptuous goose sup
per, which was provided by the
girls. There were 32 present. Mr.
manager, gave a short ad-
Tliose taking part in the pro-
were Dorothy Sims, Gladys
Ryckmau, Evelyn Grainger, Verduu
Wells, Harry Stanlake, Garnet
Hicks and Harold McDonald. The
remainder of the evening was spent
in games conducted by Mr. Medd
The Exeter Main
six games out of
Audrey, little
and Mrs. Nelson
quhar, had- the misfortune on Mon
day morning to get the centre fin
ger of the right hand caught in the
cog wheels of a washing machine.
It was necessary to amputate the
finger at the first joint.
Mr. Benson Tuckey, of the Tuck-
ey Transport, has purchased from
Mr. John Taylor, the Taylor Tire
Shop on Main Street, also the resi
dence on the corner of William and
Ann Streets.
Miss Ruby Stone, was last week
made the recipient of a cheque for
ten dollars from the Exeter Board
of Education in appreciation of her
scholarship attainment at the re
cent midsummer Departmental Ex
Mr. R. G. Seldon is -erecting a
new cement building south of the
building used as a coal shed. The
building will be used for storing
Street girls
daughter of
Hunkin, of
George Robertson, R.R.
Mr. Norman Hamilton, of Guelph,
formerly of Cromarty, paid a short
visit to the neighborhood
ed on a number of old
Mr. John Scott arrived
Friday lxight after
couple of weeks
with his son Frank where lie assist
ed in some’ carpenter work.
Mrs. Beattie and Miss Mossip, of
Varna, accompanied by Mr. Stephen
son, of Varna, spent Tuesday last
with Mrs. S. A. Miller of the vil
We are all enjoying this beauti
ful weather to the utmost. Warm
days and cool nights and all the
beautiful autumn tints on the trees.
A walk in the open is very much
to be appreciated.
Two Horses Die
We deeply sympathize with Mr.
John Wallace when he lost a fine
span of horses. It is thought they
got in the corn field and ate too
much of the old corn which was
spoiling. They died in great suffer
ing. Three veterinarians were in at
tendance but nothing could be done
for them.
and call-
home on
spending a
in Carlingford
On Monday evening Wor. M. Bro.
Robt. Johnston and officers of
Maitland Lodge, Goderich, togeth
er with a number of brethren visit
ed Lebanon Forest Lodge and ex
emplified the
degree. The
corned to the
Mas. Bro. W.
Ross Coates, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Coates, of Usborne, frac
tured a bone in his left leg be
tween the ankle and the knee while
playing at the Eden school on Tues
An organization for the playing
of volley ball and basket ball by
the men of Exeter at the Arena
was instituted last Thursday eve
ning. Officers elected were as fol
lows: president, Harry Lewis; vice-
president, Rev. D. C. Hill; secre
tary-treasurer, E. Russell.
work of the third
brethren were wel-
Lodge by the Wor.
E. Middleton.
Before moving to their home in
Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strang,
of Usborne, were surprised by a
number of neighbors and friends
who gathered at their home to
spend a social time together. Dur
ing the evening an address was read
by Mrs. Rufus Kestle and the pre
sentation of an occasional
was made by Mr. Wm. Wood,
bets of the Hutondale W.I.
same evening, presented
Strang with a silver casserole and
Miss Kathleen with a blanket.
The anniversary of Caven Pres
byterian church was observed on
Sunday last with splendid congre
gations present for both services.
The special speaker for the day
was Rev, C. S. Oke, of Knox Church
Stratford. Mrs. Milroy, of London,
was guest soloist.
The work of Levelling the ground
in the ice space at the arena was
undertaken last week. The work
was under the supervision of the I
now manager, Mr. Chas. Triebtier.
, the
•y houses, greenhouses, truck gardens. Convenience alone is
... but savings in time and labour will soon pay for
Lindenfield’s Hardware
ADURO Pump, keeping frosh, clean water before your ccttlo pH
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Huron Lumber Co. Limited
Phone 48 Exeter
The Department of Taxation re
ceived a typed income tax return
from a bacheloi* who listed one de
pendent son. The examiner return
ed the blank with a penciled nota
tion—“This must ‘be a stenographic
error.” Presently the blank came
back with the added pencil nota
tion, “You’re telling me!”
A sentimental lady on a tour of
the Oregon State Forest Preserves
wonderful elm,” she exclaimed, "if -
you could only speak, what would,
you say to me?”
The senior forester, accompany
ing her, suggested, “It would prob
ably say, ‘Pardon me, Lady, but I'm
an oak’.”
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