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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-23, Page 1
J Seventy-Fourth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23rd, 1947 Large Congregations Attend Caven Anniversary Services Large congregations were pres ent morning and evening at Caven Presbyterian church on Sunday on the occasion of their anniversary. Rev. W. A. Young, of Fergus, a former minister of the Hensail Presbyterian church was the speak er and received a hearty welcome from many old friends. The minis ter, Rev. K, MacLean presided ovei' the services. Special music was provided throughout the day. The anthem at the morning service was “Lead Us O Father” with Dorothy Davis and Gerald Skinner taking solo parts. A mixed quartette “In Dreaming Hours” was sung by Misses Dorothy Davis, Helen Dig- nan, Gerald Skinner and W, G. Cochrane. A solo “Just For To day” was sung by Cpl. Neil Mor ton. The music for the evening service was provided by the Hen sail Presbyterian choir. They sang an anthem “I Was Glad”. Mrs. W. Drown and Mrs. ,C- Kennedy sang a duet “How Lovely are Thy Dwellings” and a solo was sung by Mrs. Young, of Fergus. Mr. Young .was welcomed to the pulpit by Mr. MacLean and in res ponse Mr. Young stated that it was one of life’s rare moments to meet his old friends again on the occasion of the anniversary. His text was taken fxpm the fourth chapter of Luke “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has annointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruis ed.” The speaker said that is was a great day when Jesus returned to his home town and stood up to preach in the church where he had been brought up. Jesus was preaching his anaugural message and. outlining his ministry. Three things are emphasized: Joy, Free dom and Vision. The gospel is good news. There is no place in religion for gloomy people. The Christian life should be a radiant life. The message of Christ is a Honored at Bridge I Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Ted i Davies in a farewell bridge party the members of the Exeter Bowling Club spent a pleasant evening in the club house Monday with nine tables of bridge in plqy . The high scores were won by Miss Marion Bissett and T. 0, Southcott. An auction sale of concealed articles was held much to the amusement of those present, adding to the treasury of the ladies club. A dain ty lunch was served. Mr, W. G. Medd, a past president, paid tri bute to Mr, and Mrs. Davies who are leaving Exeter to make their future home in Forest and Mrs. Howey, on behalf of the club, pre sented them with a handsome Ken wood blanket. Mr. Davies spoke of their regret at leaving Exeter and thanked the club for their very fine gift. cissa KScmsea 11 A ■ ffl Due to late correspondence and advertising news items have been left over until next week. message of salvation freedom from sin. But freedom from sin alone is not enough. The Church should be interested in people, in fellow ship. If there were ,a true fellow ship in the Church there would be an interest in each other's welfare. The Church needs a vision. Paul lost his sight but vision was res tored to him. The hearts of many people are with the church but what is needed is a vision to see what should be done for the church, for humanity and for the world. The church must prove that she is interested in all of life. The sad part of the story by Luke is that Christ came unto his own and his own received him not. Beware lest we fail to hear the word of God and refuse to accept him. The message of joy, freedom and vision must be the message of the church of to-day. At the conclusion of the evening service the choir from Hensall were entertained to refreshments in the school room. Kippen Church Anniversary (Kippen Correspondent) Very successful anniversary ser vices were held on Sunday last in St. Andrews United Church here, Perfect weather prevailed through out the day and the congregations, especially in the evening, were the largest in several years. The vices were conducted by the ister, Rev, A. Hinton, who tribute to the deep loyalty generous support given to the un dertakings of the church during the past year by the congregation? of Kippen and Hillsgreen. The speaker at the morning service was the Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, B.A., B.D., of Clinton, whilst the eve ning preacher was the Rev. R ,R. Connor, B.A., a former pastor and .now of King Street United church in London. Both of the addresses were of a high order and were a shining challenge to those present to continue dedicated to the great demands of the Christian faith. A happy touch was given to the morn ing service when the minister, Rev. A. Hinton, baptized the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hinton, of Drummondville, Quebec, the baby receiving the name of Peter Stan ley. The travelling involved in or der that the grandfather might perform the baptismal rite for six weeks old child was over thousand miles. Pleasure was given the congregations by beautiful solos sung at both serv ices by Miss Dorothy Chandler, of Parkhill, a daughter of a former minister, while the choir of thirty voices including singers from Hills green rendered fine leadership in song morning and evening i____ the direction of Miss Jean Ivison, organist of the church. Ber ni in paid and I Single Copy 5 cents |Champions Declared in Exeter (Public School Field Meet Male Chorus There will be an organization meeting of all those in Exeter Dis trict interested in forming a male chorus on Wednesday, Oct. '29 th, at 8:00 p.m, in the choir room of James St. Church. Boys’ Suits b-. - -u81ii SSWWW W School Secures Legion Rooms After considerable difficulty the Exeter Public School Trustees have succeeded in securing an extra room some of the rooms. The Exeter Legion granted them the use of rooms for the accommodation couple of classes in the first second grades and Miss Margaret Taylor, staff last year, has been re-engaged to teach. in securing to relieve the congestion in i overcrowded class- have their of a and who was on the teaching Ascension Honours Rector Honoring the Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Cunningham on the occasion of their 20 th wedding anniversary, under/' 2^0 members of the congregation Dance Pays WOSSA Expenses The Athletic Society of Exeter High School Thursday evening of last week held a sweaterswing in the Exeter Arena with 200 people in attendance. During the evening novelty dances were held and win ners of prizes were: Pat Hay, Joyce Mousseau and Doug Cook, The proceeds from the dance helped to pay for the athletes’ trip to the W.O.S.S.A. meet in^London. I l\ Tweed Suits in all sizes, colors of grey, brown and fawn, sizes 26 to 34, all 'with two pairs of trousers. Men’s Suits and Overcoats We have a nice range of Men’s Suits in both double and single breasted styles. The new Winter Overcoats are also arriving each week. Come in and select your overcoat and we will lay it away for you if you wish. 0 Van Kirk and Morgan Hats In all the new fall colors and styles. You will like them, price is $1.95 each. The Fleece Lined Underwear Men’s and boys’ fleece-lined Underwear now in stock. Men’s in two piece and combinations; boys’ available in combinations only. of the Church of the Ascension gathered at the church for a sur prise party. Mrs. Cunningham was gowned in black crepe, the skirt styled with a side drape, and Miss Betty Cun ningham wore a trimmed. Entering the honored guests the singing of “For They Are Jolly Good Fellows,” before being es corted to their seats. Mr. Arthur L. Mason, people’s warden, was chairman for the evening. Mr. John Webb and Miss Doro thy Webb, in a black dress trimmed with pale blue and wearing a small pillbox hat, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mason, the latter wearing an aquamarine dress featuring em broidery on shoulders and pocket and wearing an off-the-face hat, received the guests. Miss Margaret Weller, in charge of registration', was attractive in a tailored gray suit and a small black hat. A program was enjoyed, with Mr. James Murray as master of cere monies. The boys’ choir, diretced by Mrs. J. H. Marsden, sang a group of three numbers, and Miss Marie Nicol, accompanied by Mr. Marsden, delighted the audience with two solos. Boy Chorister Fred Sorrell sang the “Anniversary Song.” Following the presentation of Marionettes by Mr. Jim Muir and Miss Barbara Brown and of skits by Mr. Clifford Musson and Mr. Jack Holmes the entertainment was climaxed by a mock wedding with Mr. Jack Holmes as the minister, Mr. Alex Stocks as the father, Mr. Musson as the bride, Mr. Charles Cheshire as the bridegroom, Mr. Cyril White as best man, Mr, Wilf Harrison as bridesmaid, Mr. Al Jemison as flower girl and Mr. Dick Souliere as soloist, singing “Because.” The bride’s 'table was laid with a white cutwork cloth and centred with a three-tiered wedding cake topped with a tiny bouquet of sweet peas. Mr. Mason presented the Cun ningham’s with an attractive set of black dress, sequin darkened hall the were greeted with dinnerware, the gift of the congre gation. Pouring tea, at a table laid a cutwork tablecloth, centred an arrangement of bronze yellow chrysantemums and sweet, flanked by silver candelabra witn burning white tapers, were Mrs. A. L. Jorgeiison and Mrs. E. G. Dymond. Co-conveners , for the aftair, as sisted by members of church organ izations, were Mrs. H. D. Hanna and Mrs. W, J. Lawrencp. The and Junior A.Y.P.A. and W.A. served the : Senior Junior meats. Axminster Rugs only exceptionally nice patterns in Axminster rugs, size x 9’ — a real value at $49.00 each. 3 6’9” We also have a new range of Axminster and Smyrna scatter rugs. © Silence doth—1 web only heavy silence cloth, 54” wide, at $1.65 yard. ® Children’s fleece lined sleepers, ages 2, 4 and 6 years very scarce lines, in pink and bine with feet in them, good value at $1.85 each. Missionary Speaks at Rally Special Values for Thursday, Friday & Saturday Carnation Milk Tall tins, special value Cottage Boneless Chicken Convenient and tasty .. Garden Valley Pork and Beans New pack, 20 oz. tins ............... each Mother’s Ready 2 for 25c 7 oz. tins 43c Mincemeat to use. in bulk 17c per lb. 22c Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon Top quality ........................... % lb. tin 39c King Applest combination grade Well colored, clean stock, per bus. $2.85 Aylmer Prune Plums New pack, 30% sugar, ... 20 oz. tin 20c Texas Grapefruit Juice Grade A, large 48 oz. tins . each 26c I Phone 32 Your Superior Store I The pupils of Exeter* Public School took advantage of the ideal weather last Friday afternoon to run off their field and track meet. In each class individual champions were declared with Donald Kirk taking the senior boy honors, win ning three events and placing third in another. Bill Maybee was runner- i up and Grant Cudmore third. In the intermediate boy’s events Gary Middleton won three firsts to head that class with Jim Stur- gis second and Bev Lindenfield and Don Wells tied for third. In the junior events Doug Wein won the championship with two firsts. Ron Crawford was second and Jim Rus- sei and Cyril Blommaert* tied for third. In the girls’ divisions Jean Tay lor won the senior championship with Julia Dunlop second and Mary McKnight third. Jean won the dash and the softball throw. The Inter mediate championship fell to Bar bara Brintnell with two firsts and a third. Marilyn Skinner and Marie Hodgson were second and third respectively. Jeanette Taylor match ed her sister's record by winning the junior championship, winning eight out of ten points. Ann Mur ray was second and Gwen Shorey was third. Complete results will appear in the next issue Hospital Fund to Receive Nearly $2,800 At the. Lions Club supper meet ing in the Central Hotel Friday evening secretary James P. Bowey announced that the gross returns from the Exeter Lions Club Frolic were $4,30u and turns would be This- sum is being sinking fund for for the Exeter Sturgis, who was in charge of frolic, expressed appreciation the fine spirit of cooperation, was decided to again, hold a Hal lowe'en party for the youngsters .in the Exeter Arena with the Boys and Girls Committee under Lion W. G. Seldon in charge. Mayor Bill Turkey, of Exeter Teen-Town was present and thanked the Lions for their contribution to Teen-Town. He outlined the activities carried 011 during the past year and gave a refresh-!stateiuen<- Gieir finances. Lion W. G. Cochrane reported on the grant received from Mie provincial government by the Recreation Council. that the net re- around $2,800. ear-marked as a a new hospital district. Lion with with and bitter Crediton Couple Charged With Manslaughter Following the report of Dr. H. Fisher, provincial pathologist London, that the infant son Ernestien and Doreen Whiteford, Crediton, had died of malnutrition on Sunday, October 5th, Mr. and Mrs. Whiteford were placed under arrest Tuesday afternoon by Pro vincial Constables J. Ferguson and ( Wm. Gardiner and taken to Goder- , ich and lodged in the county jail charged with manslaughter. At the same time a representative of the Children's Aid Society at Goderich took charge of the four Whiteford children. The case will come up be fore Magistrate J. W. Morley at Goderich on Thursday. J. of of of H. the of It I.O.O.F. Team Makes Rounds D.D.G.M, Clark Fisher and his installing team, have made the rounds of the Oddfellow lodges in the district installing the various officers. They have visited Hensall, Seaforth, Brucefield, Goderich and Clinton and will conclude their of ficial duties when they install the officers of the Exeter lodge next Tuesday evening. The installing team includes D.D.G.M. Clark Fish er; D.D.G. War., Albert Keys; D.D.G. Mar., G. Hicks; D.D.G. Fin. Sec., Ted Walper; D.D.G. Rec. Sec., Wm. Sims; D.D.G. Treas., Wm. C. Allison; D.D.G. I. G-, Wm. J. Ker- ■nick; D.D.G.- Chap., C. Sweet. Paper Drive Yields 8 Tons Over eight tons of scrap paper and magazines were gathered on Saturday by the Boy Scouts under their leader Ted Buswell. The Scouts are grateful to the citizens who made the contribution possible and to Messrs. R. E. Russell, R. C. Dinney and Beavers Hardware for the use of their trucks in gather ing the paper. ‘ Pentecostal Church Opened i Five splendid services marked the : opening of the Pentecostal church | in Exeter on Sunday and Monday, October 19th and 20th. ' Record crowds were in attendance and the spiritual tide ran high throughout the two days. J At ten o’clock on Sunday morn ing, Sunday School assembled with a large number present. A trio, “Softly and Tenderly”, by Marion Triebner, Mrs. Don Jolly and Jenny Jolly, was a special number. At eleven o’clock the congrega tion assembled in the body of the church for the first service. Rev. H. Kendrick opened the service and Mrs. Blair, of Hamilton, wife of the District Superintendent, gave the message, taking as her theme “Memorials.” As Abraham and others erected altars and other memorials reminding themselves and others of their faith in God, so we, in our Christian experience, have an opportunity and need to erect memorials to establish our selves and encourage others in faith. Salvation is the first and es sential memorial. Others follow as we journey. “The Lord’s Prayer" was sung by Jenny Jolly and a very pleasing duet was rendered by Jean and Dorothy MacDonald. In the evening Mrs. Blair took as her text “This man was born there.” Ps. 87:6. David’s prophecy was fulfilled in Christ, who came to fulfill God's place of redemption i for a lost world. The Triebner I quartette sang “Pass Me Not, O' Gentle Saviour.” Mrs. ( Marjorie, “Pray On sung by Kendrick. On Monday Johnstone, of to a large crowd of workers, mostly from out of town. He showed that the blood of the sacrifice applied to tlg.e ear, thumb and great toe of the priest, signified a listening attitude to God, a strong grip on the sword-—the Word of God-—and a perfectly balanced walk. At this service Evangelist Wynn sang “The Upper Window.” Mr, Hord and son gave a duet. In the evening the church was filled to capacity. Duets were sung by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of Both well, and Pringle, of sang quest LovO Jolly of U.W.O., provided the music for all the services. A little child was dedicated to the Lord and also a prayer of dedication of by Rev. H. Blair. Mr. of St. Thomas, moved thanks to the ladies for ous supper. As a gestur elation and gratitude to Rev. and Mrs. Kendrick for their untiring efforts and sacrifice in the Build- 1 •—.Please Turn to Page Seven > ! Berries in October Mr. E. J. Pym, of Usborne, has been enjoying some ripe black berries growing in his garden. On Tuesday he brought into the office two stems that were well laden with berries, some of them ripe and others just about to ripen. The berries are even better than they were in the spring. He also brought in a winter pear that tips the scales just ovei* the pound. They are on /exhibition in the Times- Advocate window. On October 12th Mr. W. F. bott picked a ripe strawberry, the 16 th he picked four and following day three more. Ab- On the Taylor, M.A., B.D., ionary-teacher on fur- Indore Christian Col- Dr. Wm. Ph.D., a mit lough from lege in India, was the speaker on Thursday evening at a missionary and maintene United Churc troduced by field secretai and maintenance fund. The speaker said he was spend- lough year not only in the p Baptismal Service A baptismal service was held in the James Street United Church on Sunday morning when three child ren were baptised. They were Ron ald David Motz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz; Nancy Jane Me- Tavish, daughter Gordon McTavish ard Kerslake, son Howard Kerslake. of Mr, and Mrs. and James How- of Mr. and Mrs. Greene and j of Brantford, sang a duet j ,” “How About Mrs.Durand nee rally in James St. h. Dr, Taylor was in Rev. Jack ■y for the Thompson, missionary ing this f telling . about the missionary work being done in ’ „ ' _ ‘ spiration to return to his work next year. In imagination he took his audience the aboriginal tribesmen, the Bhils, the earliest inhabitants of India, now driven into the hills gles—and the other with dus of the upper caste. In he pointed out the customs its of the people and door is open now, as for the establishment in India. Unless church now. in a may close. Rev. Turner, missionary and for the Presbytery, was Chairman. The scripture was read by Rev. H. Snell and Rev. Mahoney led in pray er At the close of the meeting slides on the work in India were shown pie here at home Indi but in gaining in imagination he took his to two meetings—-one with and jun- the Hin- this way and hab- that thealso never before, of the church can help the door we few years the convenor of maintenance the fund Mrs. Annie Hicks Mrs. Annie Hicks died home near Greenway. She her 74tli year and was a at her was in highly respected resident of the commun ity. Her husband, Mr. James B. Hicks, of Centralia, predeceased her 39 years ago. She had been in failing health for some time, but hope was held for her recovery. She was well and favorably known and will be greatly missed. She was a faithful member of Greenway United church, where her funeral service was conducted by her pas tor, Rev. K. M. Wood. The crowded church and the beautiful floral tributes bore silent testimony to the love and esteem In which ceased was held. A due+, the Sunset,” was rendered Evelyn Curts and Morley She is survived by her two sons, Mr, Nelson Hicks, of Parkhill, and Mr. Will Hicks, of Greenway; nine grandchildren and five great grand children; also one sister, Mrs. Roht. Pollock, and two brothers, Mr. Dave Eaglesen and Mr. William Eagle- son. of Greenway. Interment was made in Grand Bend cemetery. the de- '‘Beyond by Miss Pollock. I Win Honours in Medal Contest At the medal contest in singing and elocution sponsored by the W.C.T.U. in the Main St. United church last Friday evening Evelyn Desjardine carried off the gold med al in elocution, Peggy Coburn the silver medal and Bdb Harvey, the bronze medal. In the vocal contest the silver medal was won by Shirley Harness and the bronze medal by Jeanette Taylor. Rev. H. J. Mahon ey presided ovei* < the program. A few remarks were made by Mrs. E. Geiger, president of the W.C.T.U. and Mr, Lawrence Wein, musical director, who trained most of the soloists. The contest was in three groups. In the first group nine years and under for which bronze medals were awarded the soloists were Douglas Wein, Jeanette Taylor, Calvin McKerral, Donald Hale, Bar- ' bara Sears, Beverley Sturgis, and i Beverley McLean. Those giving ' recitations were Bob Harvey, Phyl lis Mahoney, Nancy Boyle, Betty I Brady, Douglas Barnett and Gary Jeannette You,” was and Rev. Mr. Geo. jafternoon St. Thomas, spoke Mr. Funk and Strathroy. Jennv “The Lord’s Prayer and Mrs. Durand sang of God' Mrs. Jolly by re- 'The by request. Norman ! the church J Johnstone, | a vote of ' a sumptu- -e of appre- Miller. Winners were Taylor and Bob Harvey. In the second group and 12 years, the vocal were Shirley Harness, Marilyn Skin ner, Beverley Lindenfield and Joan Witmer; for elocution, Kathleen Armstrong, Peggy Coburn, Norma Keller, Marie Hodgson, Trudy Pick ard. Winners, Shirley Harness and Peggy Coburn. In the third group over 13, there were no contestants in the vocal contest for gold medal; for elocu tion, Patsy Armstrong, Leo Witmer, Betty Mair, Evelyn Desjardine and Barbara Hunter. Winner, Evelyn Desjardine. Among others taking part in the program but not contestants were Michael Farrow, Mary Ford, Trudy Pickard, Patsy Hopper, piano solos; Margaret Willard, Elaine Kernick, vocal solos. The judges for the vocal contests were Mrs. Freeman Morlock, Mrs. A. Y, Willard .and Miss Irene Beaupre; for elocution, Mrs, Wil- 1 son, Mrs. Gordon Farrow and Rev, ; Harold Snell. The presentation of I the medals and awards was made by Miss Howell, wearing a medal she herself won in a similar eon- tost. contestants not winning a prize were presented with a photo graph album, Mrs, Chas. Down moved a vote of thanks to all who had assisted in any way In making the contest a success, for 10, 11 contestants IA