HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-16, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16th, 1947 Page T KIRKTON Mr. Walter Hazelw.ood, a life­ long resident of Kirkton and vicin­ ity, soW his property to Mr. Harold Rathburn, of Toronto. Mr. Hazel­ wood left this past week to make his home with his son Chester, of ■Detroit. Walter will be greatly missed in the village as he always had a cheery asnile foi’ all, old and young alike. Mr. Geo. Burgin, of New Bruns­ wick, who spent the past two months with lijs sons, Mr, G. H. Burgin aud Mr. Gordon Burgin, of Rondon, returned to his home this week, Mrs. Russell Morrison, Kirkton's public librarian, is taking a special four weeks’ course on library work at the public library, London, leav­ ing Monday morning. Miss Noreen Walter, of Munro, is supplying in her absence. ■< t■ IK. Autumn Weddings Are the successor to Victory Bonds and War Savings Certifi­ cates. They are your country’s pro­ mise to return your monpy to you at any time and pay you interest at an attractive rate. During the war Canadians learned the it by buying Victory War Savings Certificates, A recent survey shows 82 per cent, of them want to on saving by similar plan. 1 is a limit of $1000 for each dividual, but each member of family may hold Bonds up to limit. millions of savings Bonds hab- and that • keep There in­ flict the- Carr’-Turkh^im A pretty October wedding of in­ terest in Stratford took place in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur­ ich, Monday afternoon, Oct. 6, at 4:00 o’clock when Irene Alice Turk­ heim, Reg.N., youngest daughter of Mrs. Anne Turkheim, Zurich, and the late Mr. Ernest Turkheim, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Carr, son of Mr, Alexander Carr, 470 Albert st., Stratford, and the late Mrs. Carr. Rev. E. Heim- rich officiated at the ceremony. The bride, giveix in marriage by her brother, Mr. John Turkheim, wore a pale blue gabardine suit, navy picture hat, accessories in matching nayy shade and corsage of American Beauty roses. Mrs. Edwin Gascho, Zurich, was matron of honor for hex' sister, wearing a pale rose crepe ensemble with black accessories and corsage of Bettei* Times roses. Mr. Edwin Gascho was best man and ushers were Mr. Wilfred Carx’ and Mr, Herbert Turkheim. The Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin was the wedding music and Miss Grace Me- Kellar, Stratford, sang “The Lord’s Prayer” and “Because” during the signing of the register. A recep­ tion and buffet supper were held at the home of the in-law and sister, Edwin Gascho. Mr. Will reside at 12 Stratford. bride’s brother- Mr. and and Mrs. Somerset Mrs. Carr dr., For further information call B. M. FRANCIS TheRunning a Classified in Times-Advocate is like writing to 8,20 0 potential customers. r Men Wanted Carpenters Laborers Highest Wages Paid Apply Looby and Looby CONSTRUCTION OFFICE We Can’t Make a Model out of1947Z" Present CarYour do the next best operate at peak thing . . . efficiency. BETWEEN EXETER AND DASHWOOD Sensation THE NEW 1948 ADMIRAL MANTLE RADIO 1 1 Big in Performance ...... Big in Size Small only in Price . . * . . $29.95 1 We can make it _ Specially trained mechanics can tune up or overhaul youx’ motor . . . reline brakes, check the electrical system, in fact perform practically any need­ ed service, GRAHAM ARTHUR Your Texaco Service Station Used Radios Marconi Battery Radio, 5-tube mantle model $15.95 Sparton Mantle Radio, smart walnut veneer Cabinet —aii exceptional buy! $17.50 Rogers Majestic 7-tube Console Model $12.50 Bicycles and Accessories See the new Firestone Pilot—the smartest bike of them all! Now available in both men’s and ladies’ models—streamlined balloon tired bikes complete with head light, chain guard and kick-stand. - 1 $59.95 We carry a complete line of Bicycles, Head Lights, Speed­ ometers, Handle Grips, Seat Covers, Pedals, etc. 28” x V/z*’ Tires and Tubes —• Also a few 26” x V/z” Tubes WOOPHAM Misses Fern Rodd, Marion Edith Rodd, of London, spent .. . holiday week-end at their homes here. Misses Jean Copeland, and Muriel Stephens, of St, spent the holiday at their here. Miss Ethel Wilson, of St. spent the week-end with hex’ ther, Mr. Wilfred Wilson and Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Louch Franklin, of Hamilton, spent and the Marlon Marys homes Marys bro- Mrs. and the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Whit­ field Switzer. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Trott, Joanne and Betty and Mr. John Trott, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie De­ war. Miss Ethel Copeland, of to, spent the week-end home here, Miss Beverley Veitch, of London spent the holiday with Miss Ethel Copeland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Law and Charlene, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Wesley Shier. Mrs. Ira Shier, Ronnie and Larrie, of Ingersoll, spent the holi­ day week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc­ Naughton, Mr. ,and Mrs. Victor Chatten spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denham, of Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Coultis, of Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Coultis, of Toronto, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe. * Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and family visited on Monday with Rev. and Mrs. John Wheeler, of Well burn, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb, Joanne, Janice and Douglas visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. El­ gin Webb, of Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. William Ladbrook of Toronto, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thom­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johns and Dorothy, of Ildevton, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stephens. Miss Carrie Wynne, of London, spent the week-end with her moth­ er, Mrs. W. Wynne. Mrs. Oligney, of London, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. David Spence. Anniversary Services A large crowd attended services held in Woodham United church at which Rev. Stuart Fordwich, was guest Among those attending ing for the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small, ma and Wilbert, Mr. and George Ball, of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger Shirley, of Kirkton, with Mr. Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Switzer, of St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and family, of Kirkton',' with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mr. and Mrs. William Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. Doube. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pridham, Verna and Murray, of Russeldale, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morrison and Ray of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mills, of Scottsville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray .Mills. Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hopkins, of Townline Fullerton, with Miss Ada and Mr. Herb. Hop­ kins. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Tufts family, of Kirkton, with Mrs. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brine Nancy Jane, of St. Marys with and Mrs. Oscax* Brine. Mr, and Mrs. Reg. Mills, of Tor­ onto, with the former's grand­ mother, Mrs. Jas. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. Toron- at her Miner, of speaker, and stay- Vel- Mrs. with of Ira and and Bert Gordon, of William and Mrs. of Glendale, with Clarence Mills. Mrs. E. Hooper, DU Announcements Dirt lu Death anti Marriage Notices are iBHcrteil free uf eharg-e. Card of Thank# 50c. In Aleinoriam Notice# 5(>e for Hinj-ie verHc, 25c extra for each addi­ tional verae. Engn^ein ent# 50c B BIRTHS MILLER— At Dr. Fletcher's Hos­ pital on Friday, October 10, 1947 to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller, of Granton, a daughter. OSLER- Home on 11-947, Osler, the gift of Sandra Ellaine. RELPH—At Mrs. Hunter’s nursing home on Thursday. 19 47, to LAC. and Mrs. Relph, a .daughter, SKINNER—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hos­ pital on 1947, to Skinner, and and and De- and Gordon. Scott, of . Thus. and Roy and Mr. •At Mrs. Hunter’s Nursing Thursday, October 9, to L.A.C. and Mrs. E. E. a daughter. October 1G, Cyril Wednesday, October 15. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin of Exeter, a daughter. DEATHS McAVOY — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Wednesday, October Sth, 1947, Clifford H. McAvoy, of Wingham, in his 55 th year. SMITH — In Usborne Township on Sunday, October 12th, 1947, Priscilla Penwarden, beloved wife of the late William Smith, in hei’ 81st year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Alex H. Duncan, of Kirkton, wish to announce the en­ gagement of their daughter, Mary Leone, to »Mr. Kenneth Charles Passmore, of Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, of Hen- sall; the wedding will take place at Thames Road United Church on Saturday, Octobei' 25th, at 3 p.m. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John Morlock to thank all their friends neighbors fox' their kind expres­ sions of sympathy and cards dur­ ing theii' recent bereavement. * The mother and family of the late Clifford H. McAvoy wish to thank friends for kindness and remembrances during his illness and their bereavement. Rev. and Mrs. D. W. Williams, of Wallaceburg, with Mr. Wilbert Young and Miss Sophia Young. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn, of Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. Rnfus Turnbull .and Donna, of Grand Bend, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and Jean, of Toronto, Mr. Mrs. Russell Pollock, Margery Peter, of London, with Mr. Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mi*, Seibourne English, of troit, with Mrs. R. English Mrs. R. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bullock, of Arkona, Miss Evelyn Bullock, of Woodham, Misses Ina and Rita Bullock, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bullock. Mr. Claude Dettloff, of Detroit, with his aunt. Mrs. A. Pollock. ■Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Poore and David, of Riverside, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robej’tson, of Wheatley, Mrs. Roy Sherritt and Granton, Mrs. (Rev.) J. cliffe, Mrs. Archie Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb and Mrs. Sol Pollock, of Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Broph- ey, of .Tilbury, Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, and Miss Eleanor Curts with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson and Mr. J. B. Nichol, of Hamilton, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray and Brian, of St. Thomas, Miss Lillian W. Forsyth, of (Rev.) D. D. with Mrs, Bayfield Pastpr Enters Hospiul Because of ill health, Rev. La­ verne Morgan, pastor of Trinity Anglican Church, has resigned, and will enter Queen Alexandra Sana­ torium for treatment. At the close of the evening service on Sunday, the wardens of the three churches of which Rev. Mr, Morgan was In charge, presented him with a purse of money, Lloyd Dake, of Huron College, will take charge of the parish during the winter months £ VARICOSE VEINS ' t(se . j.n.cnoucHMANs S LINIMENT Bill, of F. Sut London, and Mr. Ulens and Mr. Windsor, and Mrs. Thompson, of Parkhill, Ulens. * K. M,. Wood Louise and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. I. of Parkhill, with Mr. Sold at All Drug Stores in Canada ORDERS TAKEN October 6th, 1947 and Following $1,000 ONLY ALLOWED EACH PERSON — 1947 OUNCES E. D. BELL EXETER ❖ (Par Value $20.00 per share) dear lives the for- Hol- With Bur- and Tor- Chid Good- . and and of Grand ■C. Mrs. wish and Mr. William Stanlake wishes to thank the neighbors and friends who so kindly remembered him with cards and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital. Lon­ don. * Sharpe wishes to who remembered gifts, treats and who visited him in War Memorial c Master Glenn thank all those him with cards, especially those while a patient Children’s Hospital in London. Mrs. Lin Craven wishes to thank all those who remembered her with cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, al­ so to the nurses of third floor, west wing. Special thanks to Rev. Hann and Rev. Parker. c IN MEMORIAM treasured and loving of a deal' husband, BOYES—In memory father and grandfather, Thomas William Boyes, who passed three years ago, 1944. Octobei’ We have only Dad, your memory, To remember through, our whole But the sweetness will linger ever, of St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford. Rev. and Mrs. Stuart Miner and daughter, of Fordwich, with the latter's sister, Mrs. Kenneth Lang­ ford and Mr. Langford. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore and Alice, Miss Annie Simpson, of Thames Road and Miss Lois Ford, of Exeter, with Mr. and bert Scott and Audrey. Mrs. Verda Gunning, of with Mr. and Mrs. James Miss Rhea Smith, of St. with Misses Muriel and Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greenfield Miss Donna Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and Donna, of Embro with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Rundle. Mr. and Mi's. Clarence Switzer and family, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodgins, of Granton, with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson. Bell, of Gordon ■Munro, Parkin- Mrs. Al- Granton Miller. Marys, Marion Mr. and Mrs. Harold London, Mr. and Mrs. Docking and family, of with Mr, and Mrs. Frank son. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Plaine, of Longwood^ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ken- Mrs.nings, of Benfield, with lesse laques. away 17 th, As we treasure the memory of you, And we who dearly loved you, Who’s passing has brought many tears, Will cherish your memory forever, To brighten the —Sadly missed membered by and family. passing years. and lovingly re- his wife, daughter GREENWAY We extend sympathy to the ily and Hicks, who day. Mr. and are visiting West. Congratulations Stanley Hartle On the arrival daughter last Friday. Thanksgiving visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Byron Brown Steven, of Toronto, Mr. and Parry Thompson Mud Creek, at the home of W. J. Brown. Miss Marjorie Oliphant, of lington, with Mrs. A. Ridley othei* relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. Prance, of ter, and don, Mrs. Mr. family and Miss London, Mr. and. relatives passed Mrs. with fam- of Mrs. Annie away on Satur- Don McGregor relatives in to Mr. and Mrs. of a and family, Mrs. Mr. Earl Gardner, of Sarnia, Mr. Bruce Gardner, of with Mrs. T. Bullock J. Gardner. and Mrs. Phone 342 V- Democracy explained simply by the Virden, Man., Empire-Advance . . > likens it to a small boy watch­ ing a ball game—-cartoon of the Prime Minister—a Church of all nations—a town meeting—a small­ town golf club—workers calling the boss by his first name—money for Greek relief—a group of Rods dis­ cussing Marx’s theories—car driv­ ers stopping to ask if you need help •—bundles for Britain. W. T. Rev. Wood, Bend, hand, Mrs. Carman Woodburn and Mar­ ion. Mrs. Ed. Mason, Miss Devina Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ware­ ham, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eagleson of Sarnia, Rev. and Mrs. J. Fos­ ter, of Parkhill, Mr. Joe Foster, Mr.’ and Mrs. E. Switzer, of Varna Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Thompson of Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock and Morley. Miss Laura Leask, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Steeper. Why be ‘’cash out” when you can “cash in” with Times- Advocate Want Ad? WE OFFER — Subject to Prior Sale $300,000 “How much nicer it would be if we could have that gentle crank case service offered by Exeter Motor Sales!” Exeter Motor Sales Dodge & DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 200 Tom Coates Fred Dobbs New Issue The Western Ontario Motorways Limited (Incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario) 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference Shares These preference shares are preferred as to both capital and dividends. Cumulative dividends at the rate of $1.00 per share per annum will accrue from the First day of June, 1947, and will be payable quarterly on the First days of September, December, March and June. Preference shares are redeemable in whole or in part at the Company’s option at $21.00 on or before the 31st day of December, 1952. No bonds may be issued ahead of these preference shares oi* any stock created which would rank equally with them. A sinking fund of at least ten per cent of the net earnings of the com­ pany will be set up commencing on the first day of June, 1948. No dividends may be paid on the common shares when the payment of such dividends would reduce the working capital of the company to an amount less than $45,000.00. The proceeds of the sale of this issue of both preference and shares will be paid into the Treasury of the Company. CAPITALIZATION (After completion of present financing') Authorized 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference shares, pax’ value $20.00 per share ... Common shares, no par value ....... 50,000 shs. Transfer Agent and Registrar THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY London, Ontario Price $20.00 common. To Be Issued 15,000 shs. 65,000 shs. W. Curts Viola Curts, ______t Mrs. Kenneth Smithers, of parkhill with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts. Mx\ Chas. Wilson, of Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar land and family, of Benfield, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steeper. ■Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hartle Howard, of Sarnia, Mr, and Cecil Hartle and Leslie, of Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer lin, of Wheatley, with Mr, Mrs. Henry Hartle. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gunning, Granton, with Mr. and Mrs. Klton Curts. and Mrs. West Mel- 5% Preference Shares With the privilege of purchasing one common share each preference share at $1.00 per share with The right is reserved to allot a smaller number of shares than applied for. A prospectus describing these shares may be obtained from your invest­ ment dealer or broker, or from the head office of the Company, George W. Lawson - Insurance EXETER, ONTARIO