HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-16, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16th, 1947 Page 5 i JAMES STREET UNITED Bev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Musical Director MAIN STREET UNITED Kev, Harry J, Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A- Y» Willard, Organist 11 a.m.-- Rev. Andrew Laing, B.A., of Woodham,'Ont. Women's Missionary Society Thank Offering. 12 noon—Sunday School. Lantern Slides of Indian Missions in Northern Manitoba. The evening service is withdrawn in favor of Caven Anniversary. I 10 a.m.—Sunday School, 11 a.m.—The Sacrament of Baptism. Anthem: “Great Peace Have They.” The Male Quartette will sing, p.m.—-Public Worship. Solo; Selected. Anniversary services will be held on October 26th at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Ed. Aidworth of St, Marys will be guest preacher, 7 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Norma M. 10 a.m.—Sunday 11 a.m. and .7 services will Rev, W. A. Young, of Fergus. Mon., Oct. 20, 4 p.m, and 8 p.m.—■ Y.P.S. Rally for Huron-Maitland Presbytery will be held in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. 4Jli5 p.m.—The Mission Band meets in the Primary Room. Tues., Oct. 21, 6.30 p.m.—Caven congregation meets for a Pot­ luck supper in the S.S. room. After the supper a congregation­ al meeting will be held. Thurs., Oct. 16, 8 p.m.—Caven Auxiliary W.M.S. will meet in the School room. Knight, Organist School. p.m.—Anniversary be conducted by TRIVITT MEMORIAL —• Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L. Langford B.A., M.A. Organist—-Robert Cameron Family and Children’s Day a.m.—Sunday School.11 7 p.m.—Evening Service. Junior Choir. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has been strueted to sell by public auction the household effects of the late Miss Emaline Johnson in the Village of Hensall on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22nd, 1017 at 1 p.m. sharp. Heintzman piano; chesterfield suite; dining-room suite with wal­ nut cane seat chairs; 3 bedroom suites; chest of drawers (cherry); writing desk, antique; small writ­ ing desk; occasional chairs; plat­ form rockers; Morris chair; odd chairs; arm ehair; singer sewing machine; 3-burner electric stove; coal and wood stove, nearly new; radio; rugs; electric radiator heat­ er; hall mirror and other mirrors; drop-leaf table (walnut); drop-leaf table; scatter rugs; curtains; bed­ ding; quilts; linens; pillows; cush­ ions; glassware; dishes: sealers: electric heating pad; antique oil lamps; garden tools: lawn wash tubs and wringer; vacuum cleaner; and other too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH MRS. iFRED HAYTON, Executrix, ED. CORBETT, Auctioneer. in* mower; Hoover articles HENSALL I! STH line blanshard and i Sunday visitors in the community ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton M. E. Reuber, B.A,, B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.—“Redemption in Christ Jesus." 11 a.m.—Church School, Evening service withdrawn in fav­ or of Dashwood Evangelical U.B. Anniversary. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE II. T. Kendrick, Pastor SPECIAL SERVICES Sunday and Monday Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.— Mrs. Blair, of Hamilton. Gospel Singer, Tom Woof, Detroit Sunday School at 10 a.m. Monday—A great rally at and 7:30 p.m. Afternoon Speaker: Rev. Jonnstone, of St. Thomas. Supper will be provided for out- of-town workers. Evening Speaker: Rev. H. Blair, of Hamilton, District Supt. Dedication Service—Special singing and music. 3 p.m. H ■ffl i® Caven Presbyterian Church Anniversary Services Sunday, October 19 th AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions from the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 20, South Boundary, Stephen Township, at Mt. Carmel, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1947 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: 4 complete bedroom suites; 1 bureau; quilting frames on legs; new Williams sewing machine; 2 bed steads; 2 cwt. flour barrel, gal­ vanized; 3 small tables; Bell piano in good shape; love seat; 3 rock­ ers; bedroom set dishes; dining­ room table, buffet and 6 chairs; kitchen table, cupboard and 5 chairs; a good cream enamel cook stove in good shape; General- Electric battery radio, nearly new; summer drawers; heater; good cook oven; new, quantity hard dry wood; 1 hard stove coal; 1 ton stove coke; 4 bags potatoes; toilet bowl; fork; hoes; spade and other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. JOSEPH MAHONEY, Prop. G. W. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. kitchen table;, 5 odd chairs; electric condition; stove, New washing wringer; washing coal oil Perfection; machine, 2 tubs, 2 chest of coal oil machine, 3-burner single nearly pails; ton of Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Conducted by Rev. W. A. Young, of Fergus, formerly of Hensall. Music for the morning service will be provided by the choir of Caven Church. Anthem: “Lead Us O Father” Mixed Quartette: “In Dreaming Hours” Solo: “Just for To-Day” by Mr. Neil Morton Special music for the evening service will be provided by the choir of the Presbyterian Church, of Hensall. Anthem: “I Was Glad” (Adam Geibel) Duet: “How Lovely are Thy Dwellings (Samuel Liddle) by Mrs. W. Brown and Mrs. G. Kennedy Solo: Mrs. W. A. Young, of Fergus Th ames Road Church Anniversary Services Sunday, October, 19th at 11:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The special speakers will be: Rev. Enoch R. Stanway, of Brucefield, at the morning service. Rev. Harry Mahoney, of Main Street Church, Exeter, at the Evening Service. The Music will be a special feature at the evening service. You Are Cordially Invited To These Two Services. I This is Your Special Invitation To Come to the opening of the new Pentecostal Church IN EXETER On October 19th and 20th Sunday Speaker: Mrs. Blair, Hamilton—11 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Gospel Singer, Tom Woof, of Detroit Sunday School at 10 a.m. Monday—A Great Rally at 3 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Afternoon Speaker: Rev. G. Johnstone, of St. Thomas —- Supper will be provided for out-of-town workers — Evening Speaker: Rev. H. Blair, of Hamilton, District Supt Dedication Service — Special Singing and Music Come with your burdens leave with a sdng PASTOR H. KENDRICK J At Ypur Library Wood finishing today is a com­ mercial art. With the greater ap­ preciation of interior decoration has come the realization that in­ terior wood trim constitutes the frame of the picture, so to speak. Consequently the selection of or and texture of the finish. wood trim same care artist who painting. The wood finisher, whether be house painter and decorator, furniture worker or an amateui’ in the home is confronted with an array of finishes calculated to con­ fuse even the most .experienced un­ less his working methods are based upon most nishes book, Decorative," only such materials and as are equal to present mands for both practical tistie finishes. There are dealing with preparation of old and new surfaces, stains, wood fillers, shellac, lacquers, wax finishes, and repairing damaged finishes. Read “Wood Finishing” by F. N. Vander- walker. Mickle _ __¥ .........„ ........ ....visited rec-1 were as follows: Mrs. E. L. { Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins, I Lois and Lorene, of Glendale, Mrs. ! E. Hooper, of St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford. Mr. ’ - - Zion, Mr. of Zion, Spence and with Mr. family. Mr. and David, of Zion, with Mr, and Will Thomson. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Melville, of Monkton with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins and Jimmy, of Granton, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford and John, of Saintsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker, Orrie and Elizabeth with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattison. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Leibler, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Leibler, of Mit­ chell, with Mr. and Mrs, Milton Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Paynter and Raymond, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jones and family, of Glen­ dale, Mr. Alonzo Knowles, of St Marys, Mr, and Mrs. Carman Rinn and Gail, of St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson. Those spending the week-end in the community are as follows: Rev, and Mrs, Stuart Miners and Ethel, of Fordwich, with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Langford, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ladbrook, of Toronto, Mr. Jack Thomson, of To­ ronto, with Mr. Fred Thomson and Mrs. Jack Thomson Mrs. W. B. Young, of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stephens and Maxine, of Anderson, Mr. Mrs. Bill Hyland and Bill, of ronto, with Mrs. Jas. Mossey family. Miss Rosalind Adamson, of and Mrs. Sidney of London, home![ II I f Mr. and Mrs. George family, of Ridgetown, ently with Mi** dnd Mickle and family. Miss Amy Lammie, spent Thanksgiving at her here. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hedden and family, of St. Catharines, visited - - ■ • ----- -- Fred AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TBe undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot 4, Con. 6, Usborne Township on FRIDAY, OCT. 31st, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES—Black mare, 1'2 years old; grey gelding, 11 years old; saddle pony, quiet, for children. 'CATTLE-—-Holstein cow, due in January; Holstein cow, due April 1st; Holstein cow, due April 15th; Holstein cow, due March 21st; Holstein cow, due April 30; Hol­ stein cow, due Apr. 30; Jersey cow, bred Aug. 1; cow, just bred; Here­ ford bull; 12 yearlings; Holstein heifer, due Feb. 20; red heifer, due March 20; 3 fall calves; 7 spring calves; 6 Hereford yearlings. PIGS—24 chunks about 70 lbs.; 13 smaller chunks; sow with litter of 10; sow with litter of 9, six weeks old; 4 sows, due in Nov. and Dec.; purebred York hog; 20 chunks. HENS — 130 Rock and Leghorn pullets laying good. IMPLEMENTS—John Deere trac tor on rubber, B.R. in good shape; International 2-furrow plow; Me- j Cormick-Deering 11-hoe fertilizer I drill; McCormick-Deering binder I family, of St. Catharines, * with the latter’s father, Mr. Kennings over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and D. W. Foss, Of Toronto, week-end visitors with Mr. Mrs. Basil Edwards. Miss Wilma Dinnin, of Sarnia, was a week-end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dinnin. The Ladies of Chiselhurst Unit­ ed church are holding a Bazaar and home baking sale in the school room of the Hensall United church on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 18th. Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey spent Thanksgiving at Blyth. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. G. Broderick acted as host­ ess for the monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary on Tuesday eve­ ning, October 14th. She was as­ sisted by Mrs. W. Jones. Miss Michie presided. After the Theme song, the hymn “Come Ye Thank­ ful People Come” was sung. The Lord’s Prayer was repeated in un­ ison. The minutes were read and the collection taken. In answer to the Roll Call each member res­ ponded as follows, “What I am Most Thankful For”. The devotion­ al exercises consisting of scripture Psalm 138, prayer and comments pertaining to Thanksgiving prepar­ ed by Miss Violet McClymont were read by Miss Ellis, Mrs. W. Jones and Mrs. B. Kyle respectively. In the absence of Mrs. J. Corbett the Study was presented by Gladys Luker. ‘ Business discussion took place. Further mention was made re the annual Bazaar which will be held in November. Members are asked to procure boxes of Christ­ mas cards from Miss Violet McCly­ mont, The hymn “For The Beauty of the Earth” was then sung. The November .meeting will be held at the Mrs. Ellis Miss study, orable The social committee is Mrs. Kyle Mrs. Shaddick, Mary Goodwin and Edna "Walsh. Hymn “Sing to the Lord of Harvest” and the Mizpah Benediction concluded the meeting. The hostess and her assistants provided tempting refreshments. The event was immensely enjoyed by Mr. were and I I and Mrs. Gerald Hern, of and Mrs. Melville Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Elaine, of Metropolitan, Harvey Parkinson Mrs. Edgar Baker and and Mrs. I is being done with that is exercised by chooses a frame for COh for the the his he a sound knowledge of the modern stains, fillers, var­ an d other materials. In his “Wood Finishing, Plain and the author has cited methods day de­ an d ar* chapters (to patient): “Are you my instructions with re­ Whatever Make Of Car You Drive Our Service Department is equipped, staffed and stocked to provide every service operation on every make of ear or truck. Drive in Today Snell Bros, & Co. General Motors and Case Dealers Phone 100Exeter home of Mrs. B. Kyle with E. Shaddick assisting. Miss will give the Devotional. McClymont will give the The roll call to be a mem­ incident of World War 2. all. CENTRALIA Thank-Offering services will be held in the church on Sunday, Oct. 19th, at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. R. Bates, of Motherwell, will be the guest speaker. The choir will provide special music and will be assisted by a quartette from Wing­ ham. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Smale and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smale, of De­ troit, visited over the week-end with their sister, Mrs. and Mr. L. B. Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dadswell. of To­ ronto, were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gates. Miss Margaret Cook, of Kitchen­ er, spent the holiday at her home Mr. and Mrs. C. Rowe, of Toron­ to. spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. Essery. Sunday visitors Mrs. Frank Hicks Mrs. Wm. Lee, or uiancieboye, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Martin and Judy, of London. Mr. and Mrs. J. Forest, of Al- bemie, B.C., were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mrs. H. Mills returned with trucks; International 14-plate I Saturday after spending Massey-Harris ' hay-| of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and Marilyn in Burlington. Miss Wilda Pollock, R.N., of Kit­chener, visited over-the week-end] with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Miss Pollock had just re­ turned from a vacation in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of London, were wee*k-end visitor1? with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham. Miss Mildred Elliott, R.N. nf London, spent the ^week-end at her home ' Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden and Harold were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rosenberger in Lon­ don on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paisley and fam­ ily and Mr. Elmer Dunn, of To­ ronto, and Mrs. Dunn, of Usborne, called on Mr. and .Mrs. Ray Lammie on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. William Bieber and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Northcott and family, of Exeter, were Sunday vis­itors ’ with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lightfoot. Choir members are reminded of practise in the church on Friday evening at 8 p.m. sharp. Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Essery were Mr, and Mrs. Rowe, of Toronto, Mr. and Alvin Essery and Bill, Mr. and Harold Lightfoot, and family.Mr. and Mrs. Ken HodginsJ eanor Mae and Kieth spent Thanks, giving with Mrs. Sarah Steeper family at Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie Bobbie visited with Mr. and G. Dunn in Usborne on Sunday with sister ning. Mr, Wayne visited Wilfred Leitch day. Visitors on tractor disc; loader; M.H. mower, 5-foot; dump rake; Cockshutt side rake, nearly new; Cockshutt 1-horse” scuffler; Bissell 9-foot packer; M.H. spring- tootli cultivator; Cockshutt riding plow; Fleury walking plow, No. 21; set of sleighs and flat rack; 4 sec­ tion harrow; farm wagon; good rubber-tired wagon with 32-6 tires; hay rack with sliding rack; root pulper; Rite-Way milking machine, nearly new;* 2 single units; McCor­ mick-Deering cream separator, 750 lb. capacity with clutch pulley; % h.p. electric motor; Clinton fanning mill; 2-wheel trailer and rack; cutter; set of scales, 2000 lbs.; grass seed sower; 3 6-foot extension ladder; wagon emery electric coal brooder; bushel measure; post hole auger; sledge; cross-cut saw; logging chains; forks; shovels; corn planter; set of double harness; single harness; collars; whiff le- trees, sling ropes; set of rope stret­ chers; belting; buffalo robe; gal. fuel drums; 2 20-gaI. d electric fencer pulleys; a quantity of planl? good sacks HAY AND GRAIN good hay; 6 ton of falfa; 45 bushels of bushels of .Russian seed; Cartier oats, i of mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD Kitehen cabinet; Singer machine, in good condition sion table; table; studio washstand: dresser; 2 beds; new box; stand; brooder. t 3-ton jack; double large grind stone; 2 range shelters; ■, 500-chick size; 2 4o- 2 20-gal. drums; steel fence posts; ISO rubber-tired buggy. — 10 ton of second cut al- field peas; 35 barley, fit for seed; quantity FURNITURE — sewing exteh* couch; springs and mattresses; Doherty range; 3* burner gas stove and ove«i; Quebec heater and pipes; 2 linoleums, 1'2x13^; congoleum rug 9x15. TERMS—CASH HARRY COLE, Prop, GEORGS LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct and Mrs. Alvin with Mr. and were Mr. and Mr. Lanunie’s in Hensall on and Mrs. Lamport, home on a couple mother Monday Harrison and Fred With Mr at Penfield on .......... Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. B, D. Field Mr. and Mrs. R. Field, Mrs. were ..................... . Mar­ garetFletcher, Mr. Doug, Fletcher Doctor following gard to drinking?” Patient: “Yes, doctor, four whis­ kies a day.” Doctor: “Four whiskies? But 1 only said two.” Patient: “I know; but another doctor allows me two.” CREDITON The Crediton Women’s Institute will meet in the Council Chambers on Wednesday evening, October 22. Mrs. Lloyd’ Taylor, of Exeter, will be guest speaker. i Mr. El- Malcolm Sunday C. Mrs Mrs Leslie, of St. Thomson, of Clif Knowles, Saturday with Mr. and Klein, Master St. Marys, with j, Mr. and Mrs. Marys, Fenlon of St. Foster, cliener, with Mr. i Adamson. Miss Elizabeth Francis Klein, of their grandparents; Andrew Knox. Miss Annie Whitby, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. N, Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion and Grant were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chit­ tick, of Prospect Hill • Mr. Milton Hooper and Mr. Glad- wyn Hooper attended Erin Fair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Omen Spence and family, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins’ and family, of Al­ derson, Mr. and Mrs. Spence and Elaine were evening dinner guests with Mrs. R. N. Spence. Thursday visitors with Mrs. Fred ^Thomson were Mrs. Clif Knowles, of St Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Thomson, of St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Percy of St. Marys. Mrs. Levi Mr. Gordon Falls, Mr. Marys, spent Mrs. Fred Thomson. Mrs. Harry Danard^and Paul, of St. Marys, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Knox. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson on the arrival of a baby girl at St. Joseph’s Hospital. London. Another Grand Champion Congratulaltions to Mr. M. E. Hooper and Son who exhibited their Hunter and Saddle Brood Mare “Jean” at Erin Fair on Thanksgiv­ ing Monday and carried off top hon­ ors in this Class. This mare has won this class five years in succession and in 1946 and 1947 was award­ ed the Bronze Statue Model Horso which is sponsored by the Thor­ oughbred Light Horse Improvement Society and also has been the per­ sistent winner in Wagon and Ex­ press Brood Mare class. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie. Miss Hettie Sweet, of London, and her brother, Mr. Sweet, of Windsor, called on Mrs. Clara Ab­ bott on Sunday. Babies baptized during church j service Sunday morning were the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith and sons of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hirtzel and Mr. and Mrs. L. Cam­ eron (nee Marie Buswell). The Neodult Club will hold their next meeting in the form of a Hal­ lowe’en party on Wednesday, Oc*. 22nd at 8:30 p.m., costume option­ al. All young adults are invited. Mrs. F. Hall (nee Dorothyj Hicks) who has been visiting at j her home here for two weeks dur­ ing the bean and corn harvest re- turnd to Toronto Tuesday. ( Hall spent the Thanksgiving holi-1 days at the homestead. We Buy OLD SCRAP BATTERIES AT $1.00 EACH ALL KINDS OF IRON AND STEEL NEW AND USED DUCK AND GEESE FEATHERS HORSE HAIR For additional information regarding other prices telephone 245 Mitchell, or apply to the PARKDALE POULTRY MITCHELL, ONTARIO —------- Ml®WiS*We Have A Good Stock of RANGES PIPES, ELBOWS HODES, SCREENS POTATOES $2.00 per Bag (75 lbs.) Place Orders