The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-16, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16th, 1947 Anniversary Soloist Cpl. Kiel M. Morton will he the soloist at Caven Presbyterian Church at the Anniversary service to he held Sunday, Oct. 19th, 19 47. Cpl. Morton is employed tv an a<- couxitant at the Ri’AF Station, Centralia, Ont., and is at present a resident in Exeter. >I 1 a retired his home his 75 th Woodham ’ n » J oa Surviv-{ Eliza t V Home From the West Messrs. Wm. EUerington. of borne, and Sheridan Bevington, of Lucan, returned last Thursday fol­ lowing a trip to the West where they purchased a number of head of cattle. Woodham Native Dies William Easterhrooke, C.N.R. carpenter died, at in London Saturday, in year. He was born near and had lived in London for years. He retired in 1938. ing are two sisters. Mrs. ***«.«-■. Martin and Mrs. Gordon Coupland. [ both of London, and one brother, j James of East Nissouri. Interment j was in St. Marys Cemetery. COMING EVENTS FOR SALE Us- The Hurondale W.I. will Wednesday, October 22 instead, of .’October 29, at the home of Mrs. {Albert Etherington, in the evening. .. iLome Passmore, of Ushorne, is| attending the International Plow­ ing Match at Kingston and is a competitor open tractor class. ___i_ meet I FOR SALE—Three to four tons of steel rods for construction. Ap­ ply Exetex' Co-Op. 25c REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED Give Portraits For Christmas BAZAAR AND TEA—The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a bazaar and tea in the Parish Hall on Friday afternoon, Nov. 21st. Watch for further par­ ticulars. FOR SALE—100 acres gravel loam, bush, young orchard, large barn, water pressure system, electric grinder, crusher, henhouse, silo, driveshed, 7-room brick house, Lpcan; fall possession. Pearce, Exeter. WANTED—Help wanted to assist in general housework. Apply to Miss Stella Southcott, Exeter. W. C. 16* AUCTION SALES STRAYED STRAYED—Onto the farm of Art Baker, four miles west of Dash­ wood, a dark red steer. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying expenses. Phone 52rl3 Dashwood. 9:16:23c STRAYED FROM Lot 17, W.B. Fullarton Twp., a red steer with white hind feet, weight 800 or 900 pounds. Finder please noti­ fy Victor Grinney, R.R. 1, Science Hill or phone 68rl3, Kirkton. 16* WANTED WANTED—Part time employment, by experienced stenographer. Ap­ ply Box D, Times-Advocate. 16* I WILL BUY some close up spring­ ers. Phone 83, G. J. Dow. 16* WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter­ ans. too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. WANTED—25 cattle, rough feed­ ing by month, for winter season, straw, hay and ensilage. Clifford Weido, R.R. 1, Zurich, phone 99rl8 Zurich, 3% miles west and 1% miles north of Hensail. 16:23c FOR RENT FOR RENT—A Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. FOR RENT------Comfortable rooms, for single man or woman. Apply at Times-Advocate. 16* LOST CAN GIVE YOUR PORTRAITONLY YOU Jack Doerr REAL ESTATEPHOTOGRAPHERX Exeter FOR SALE—Storey and a half, six- room white brick house on An­ drew street; almost immediate possession. Apply at . Times-Ad­ vocate. A Convenient Appointment will be Gladly Arranged Phone 343 It is Suggested that You Make Your Appointment Early MISCELLANEOUS put on. $4.00 per hundred. NETUHA USER HA TCHBRlES 81 King Street, LONDON, Ontario. LOST—Seven months old collie dog, light brown and -white in color, answers to the name “Bush” Lost in the vicinity of Grand Bend. A liberal reward is offered. Kindly notify. Phone 45J, Crediton. 16* I FOR SALE—Purebred Collie pups, guaranteed heelers. Phone Nel­ son Stanlake, Dashwood 36r2, 2:9:16* FOR SALE—Automatic record play­ er. Phone 311J Exeter. 11* FOR SALE—Wintei’ apples. Orders left with B. M. Francis or Cecil Rowe. Frank MacKenzie, Px’op. 2tfc FOR SALE—-,Boy’s balloon tire bicycle, suitable for a motor. Phone Exeter 171r22. 16* FOR SALE—250 Barred Rock pul­ lets, ready to lay. Apply Benny Morrissey, phone 30rll Crediton. 16c FOR SALE—Peaches off the tree, 60c a basket. Mrs. Geo. Arm­ strong, Huron St. East. 16c FOR SALE — Baby carriage, play pen and cot, good condition. Ap­ ply Gilbert Trailer, behind hydro office. 16* TENT FOR' SALE—Size 8x8, used 3 months, Nylon mosquito net­ ting on door and window; per­ fect condition. Phone Exeter 351. 16* FOR SALE—Boy’s winter overcoat, size 12-14, in good condition. Phone 29r33 Crediton. 16c FOR SALE — 1935 Chev. %-ton truck. Edgar McBride, phone 100r25 Hensail. 16* FOR SALE — Large 2-room cabin. Apply E. Jeffrey, Parker Con­ struction, Carling St., after 6 p.m. 16* FOR SALE — Two bedroom suites, one dining-room suite, six tons chestnut and furnace coal. Arthur Gardiner, Kirkton. 16* FOR SALE—Small upright coal or wood heater, iron pump with pip­ ing complete foi’ well. Apply Wm. Sweitzer or phone 257 Exeter. 16c 'FOR SALE — About 150 Leghorn,, pullets, ready to lay. Silas Stan­ lake. Exeter. 16* FOR SALE—Three sows due next month; also some young pigs; a team of horses, gelding and mare. A. E. Oestreicher, phone 5 7.rl0 Dashwood. 16:23c $475 Buys 193 6 Ford coach. Owner leaving town. Phone 139 Hensail for particulars. 16c FOR SALE—100 acres, good house with large barn on wall; hydro throughout; water in barn; good stabling; litter carrier, bush; school close; price $6,400. Terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. maple FOR SALE—-New house, all mod­ ern conveniences, on Gidley St., in first block off Main St. Open for inspection Friday and Satur­ day, Oct. 17 and 18. 15* FOR SALE—iTwo residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont Mfc FOR SALE—100 acre farm, lot 3 con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., frame house with asbestos shingles, bank barn, 90 acres tillable land. Apply to Box 218 Exeter. 25tfc FARM FOR SALE—100 acres of land, seven acres bush, drilled well, bank barn, and good house. Apply Alvin Grube, Mitchell, R.R. 4, Ontario ’ 9:16:'23c .FOR SALE-—Immediate or spring possesion, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter. C. V. Pickard, Realtor. Exeter. farm FOR SALE—143 acres, west of airport, 7-room brick house, bank barn, frame barn with hay­ loft, hydro, hard and soft water in in 35 of house, water pressure system barn, 20 acres fall wheat in, acres of fall plowing, 40 acres hay, rest in pasture; river runs through pasture. Apply at Times- Advocate. ' 2tfc FOR SALE—15 0 house and large to town, 5 mile productive clay bush, never failin_ ft mile off County Road, passes gate. this property if you are looking for a farm that will carry a lot of cattle and hogs. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. acres, frame bank barn, close to Public School, loam, 10 acres g water supply, hydro Let us show you FOR SALE—An Indian pony, black quiet and reliable. Apply to Tom Brock, % Wellington Brock, Granton, Ont. 16* FOR SALE—,100 acres productive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn 60x40, 40x40, driveshed never failing water supply, acres hard wood bush, iate posesssion. R. D. phone 113W, Exeter. garage, 5 Immed- Hunter, 9c FOR SALE — 10 cords elm cord­ wood, 4 ft. long. Will sell entire or single lots. David McLean, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone. Seaforth 660r31. 16c FOR SALE — 7-room cottage on John street, 3-piece bath, auto­ matic hot water heater, new double garage, immediate pos­ session. Apply at Times-Advoc­ ate. 16:23* Special Selling PULLETS FOR SALE -^40 Leg­ horn; 75 Rock x New Hamp., laying 20 per cent. Edgar Cud- more, phone 171rl4 Exeter. 16c DRESSED CAPONS—These chick­ ens range from 6 y2 to 8 % lbs. dressed. Try one and put some in your locker. Orders for the week-end taken up to Saturday noon. Edgar Cudmore, phone 171rl4 Exeter. 16c Lounge Chairs FOR SALE — McClary range with oil burner attachment, in Al condition as only used one sea- Apply at Times-Advocate. 16c FOR SALE—Dairy and poultry farm 9 7 acres choice level well drained land, all tillable on No. 8 High­ way, 3 miles west of Stratford. School is on the Farm and Toron­ to milk route goes by the door. Large steel roof bank barn with steel staunchions, steel calf pens and water bowls, good implement shed and garage, large silo and room for 500 hens. Good red brick house with bathroom and new furnace, hydro and water in all buildings. 12 acres fall wheat, field of turnips, mow of hay and mow of straw all go with the place for $11,000. You can have im­ mediate possession and terms if desired. Apply at once to Sandy Elliot, Exeter. PERSONAL Snyder Sandman - DeLux Lazy Boy - Waysagless Lounge All with Matching Ottomans Here is your opportunity to purchase a comfortable reserved seat for long winter evenings just ahead. Enjoy the comforts of these spring-filled lounge chairs and match­ ing ottomans at these very special values. What is your preference? We have grand selection of coverings in Mohairs, Vel­ ours and Homespuns. Colors include wine, dusty rose, blue, rust and plaids. You’ll find the chair you’ve been looking for at these attractive prices. Regular Prices $65 to $112 Now Reduced from $35 to $59 Hopper PHONE 99 urn it lire btore EXETER NOTICE — Will do sewing of all kinds. Mrs. Arthur Bierling, Exe­ ter North. ■ 16:23* Nervous, rundown men need VIG- ORINE—the ‘pep’ tonic, for new vitality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At Robertson’s Drug Store. E ARE now making arrange­ ments for fall -whitewashing jobs, big or small, with spray motor machine. Wm. Watson, phone 35rl9 Dashwood. 7-12tp CUSTOM Combining $3.50, Plow­ ing $2.50, One-Way Discing $1.50 pei- acre. Phone Leon Triebner. 171r24. Exeter. 15tp HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all disabled horses. Will also pay cash for any dead horses or cattle over 600 lbs., free from medicine or disease and absolutely fresh. Ross Francis, phone collect 34r8 Kirk­ ton. lGtfc WRECKING 1930 Ford coupe, parts for sale. Roy Hamilton’s Service Station, Lucan. 16c CUSTOM CORN PICKING DONE. V. L. Becker, phone 60W, Dash­ wood. 16:23* HEN SPECS Stop picking; prevent cannibalism in its worst forms, including pick- outs and feather eating. Put hen specs on your layers and Increase egg production. Change backward hens and bosses into producers. Easy to 16c Buy or sell, twice as well, through The Times-Advocate Want Ads. i } IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relieved after the first dose. At your Druggist. AGENTS WANTED WE Are constantly receiving re­ quests for our guaranteed prod­ ucts in your locality. Why not handle the agency and derive an income of $35. to $60 weekly? Exclusively assured. If you have selling ability, start NOW! FAMI- LEX, Dept. B, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tn the matter of the Estate JAMES WESLEY WHITE, late the Township of McGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Fanner ceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said James Wesley White, are required to file their claims duly verified with the under­ signed before November 1st, 1947, and that after said date the Execu­ tors will distribute the estate, hav­ ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED this 30th day of Septem­ ber, A.D. 1947. douglas & mccallijm, 383 Richmond Street, LONDON, Ontario. 2:9;16e Solicitors for Executors. of Of (10 file their AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE AND CAFE EQUIPMENT The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction in EXETER (The Contents of Wong’s Cafe) on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1947 at 1:30 p.m,, the following: Cash register; Orange Kist cool­ er; 2 show cases; counter; alarm clock; 32 chairs; set of scales; typewriter, in good condition; card table; 3 electric fans; clock; 2 tables; mirror; cupboard; 200 wat­ er glasses; sealers; 5 tables; 11 frying pans; I table cloths; large kitchen saucers; plates and all kinds dishes that are used in a cafe large beds; small racks; sealers; pots; pans; pails; 50 utensils; and of 2 3 3 2 hall kitchen stove; cups tables; sofa; refrigerator; springs and mattresses; tables; electric iron; large dresser; 2 double boil­ ers; heater; ice box; pie cage; cake dishes and many other articles. TERMS—CASH WONG SUN END, Prop. GEO. LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT, FURNITURE The Estate of Mrs. Alary Curtis McGillivray township 1»4 miles west of Mount Carmel, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1917 FURNITURE-—2 kitchen stoves; 6 kitchen chairs; dining-room table; 6 dining-room chairs; camp chair; 2 rocking chairs; 2 wooden beds, mattresses and springs; 2 couches; dresser; sideboard; ,2 stands; toilet set; lamps; battery radio; 2 small tables; ironing board; eight-day clock; quantity of dishes, including dinner set; forks, knives and kit­ chen utensils; quantity of quilts; blankets; cushions, pillows, etc.; about 8 cords of dry wood. HOUSE AND LOT—At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the following property, sub­ ject to a reserve bid: being part of Lot 27, Con, N.B, McGillivray Twp., consisting of three quarters of one acre, moro or less, on which is erected a frame house and small barn on low foundation 20x40. TERMS—Of property, 10% down balance in 30 days. Chattels, cash. Possession first day of November, SALE AT 1:30 p.m. J. R. McLEAN, Auctioneer, JOHN AND WM. TWEDDLE, Executors. 16c 4 t > 1 I AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS By direction of The Public Trust- ees of Ontario the foliowin, Estate Patrick for sale Wm. H. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22nd, 1947 at 2:00 p.m., at MOUNT CARMEL REAL ESTATE, (Sold reserve bid)—Parcel No. lot 24, north' boundary, of McGillivray (Mount County of Middlesex, quarter acre more or less. Parcel No. 2: East half lot 17, north boundary, Township of Mc­ Gillivray, County of Middlesex, con­ taining 50 acres more or less. CHATTELS—Old table, old in­ valid chair, galvanized tub, old dresser, 7 chairs, old kitchen table, iron bed, 3 cords of hard wood. TERMS—CASH ■For further particulars apply WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer, Box 165, Phone 43-2, Crediton, Ontario. A. RACINE, K.C., Public Trustee Osgoode Hall, Toronto 1, Ontario. ,g Real and Chattels owned by McCarthy will be offered by public auction by Mr. Smith on subject to 1: Part of Township Carmel), containing to: CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HAY The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction for WM. I-I. EDIGHOFFER at Lot 13, Con. 15, Hay Township 2% miles west of Zurich and iy2 miles south, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES—Bay horse, black mare; grey mare (all good work horses). CATTLE—These cattle are most­ ly Durham, in good condition, con­ sisting of 10 cows in calf, reds and roans; 4 heifers in calf; 4 yearlings; 8 spring calves, Durham; 2 Dur­ ham baby beefs. HOGS—11 stockers. About 20 ton good hay. IMPLEMENTS—l.H.C. binder, 7- ft. cut, nearly new; Deering mower, good as new; Deering fertilizer drill; 1-horse dump rake; 2-horse dump rake; M.H. spring-tooth cul­ tivator, nearly new; 4-section drag harrows; 3-section stubble harrow; wagon; 12 ft. Clinton wheel- 3-drum steel roller; trjick 2 wagons; flat hay rack; wagon box and stock rack; fanning mill; grass seeder; barrow; disc harrow; bob sleighs; walking plow; McC.-D. walking plow, nearly new; cutter; grind­ stone; Emery stone; Magnet cream separator; Regal heater; sling ropes; 1-horse scraper; spades; forks; doubletrees; and many other articles. TERMS—CASH W. H. EDIGHOFFER, Prop. WILLIAM S. JOHNSTON, Clerk, OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer. 16c. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on John Street, Exeter 3 blocks east of Jones & May corner on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25th, 1947 at 2 p.m., the following: 2-piece suite; 3-piece chesterfield suite; davenette; 3-piece sofa bed suite;. electric refrigerator; several bed springs, coil and cable; quantity window frames and sash with glass; 8-piece dining suite; quantity door frames; quantity of wood trim and base board; buffet, table and 6 chairs; kitchen cupboard; large kit­ chen sink with drain board attach­ ed, porcelain; baby pram; dresser with oval mirror; 3 studio couches; 6 occasional chairs; rangettes and hot plates; scfeen doors; play pen; house doors and combination doors; other articles too numerous to men­ tion. TERMS—CASH HOPPER-I-IOCKEY, Prop. GEORGE LAW-SON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct, I AUCTION SALE OF REAL' ESTATE AND FARM STOCK The undersigned lias received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot .16, Con. 4, Stephen Township WEDNESDAY, OCT 22nd, 1947 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES — Clyde mare, 6 years old; black mare, 12 years old; black mare, 7 years old; one-year- old filly. CATTLE—Holstein cow, due Dec, 11; Hereford cow, due time of sale; Hereford cow, due in Feb.; Here­ ford cow, due in January; brindle cow, due in February; Jersey cow due in February; 3 cows with calves at foot; Hereford heifer due in December; brindle cow due in January; 4 steers rising 3 years old; 5 heifers rising 3 years old; 4 heifers rising 2 years old; 4 year­ ling heifers; 4 yearling steers; 4 fall calves; baby calf; 4 spring calves. 6 pigs weighing 9 0 pounds. 200 White Leghorn hens. Terms of Chattels—Cash. LAWRENCE HILL, Prop. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. REAL ESTATE — At the same time there will be offered for sale real estate known as the south-half of Lot 3, Con. 5, Township of Ste­ phen, 50 acres of land more or less (25 acres of pasture and 25 of crop land), owned by the of the late W. R. Hill. Terms of Real Estate — down, balance in 30 days. LEONA HILL, CZAR WILSON, VERNON WILSON, LAWRENCE HILL, Executors of W. R. Hill Estate. acres estate io% W. sell CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, FEED AND IMPLEMENTS E. Nairn,- auctioneer, wilt by public auction at Lot 19, Con. 3, Blanshard miles east of Anderson, 4 miles, northwest of Rannoch, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1917 at 1 o’clock, the following: HORSES—2 geldings, years old; aged mare. CATTLE—30 Durham sisting of 2 fresh cows, Dec., 2 due in Jan., 3 due in April; heifer due in Feb. 4 yearling steers; yearling heifer 8 spring calves; 2 fall calves; ham bull, 14 months old. HOGS — 29 chunks; sow bred; 4 pigs, 15 0 lbs. SHEEP—4 breeding ewes, folks. FOWL'—100 Rock pullets; Sussex roosters; 75 yearlings Rock hens. FEED—24 ton hay, alfalfa and timothy; 4 ton second cut alfalfa; quantity of straw; 800 bushels of mixed grain; 400 bushels turnips and mangels in pit. IMPLEMENTS — Farmall H. tractor on rubber with starter and lights, 3 years old; Goodison threshing machine 28-46 with grain, thrower and shredder; 120 ft. 7” 4-ply drive belt, nearly hew; 2- furrow M.H. tractor plow; 3-sec­ tion spring tooth harrow; M.H. hay loader; M.H. mower; side rake; dump rake; M.H. 7-ft. binder; M.H. seed drill, 13 spout; 2 rubber tired wagons with 600-16 tires; horse spring tooth cultivator; 4- section harrows; 2-row corn culti­ vator; steel land roller; Quebec sulky riding plow; 2 walking plows; 14-plate disc harrow; McC.-D. corn binder; hay rack with one man rack; root pulper; cutter; set of sleighs with flat rack; 2 sets heavy doubletrees; wheelbarrow; -2 sets double harness; 1 set single har­ ness; Little Beaver grain grinder with 3 li.p. motor; Melotte cream, separator; Viking cream separator with motor; Moffat Electro-pail; DeLaval Sterling milking machine, 2-unit; electric fencer; 3 2 ft. ex­ tension ladder; pump jack; steel water tank, 28 barrel capacity; colony house 10x14; chicken shel­ ter; Oil burner brooder stove, James way- chicken feeders and water fountain, etc. Positively no reserve: farm is sold. iy2 7 and 8 cattle con- 1 due in 1 due in Mar., Dur- just Suf- 100 TERMS—CASH JAS. STBPJIEN, JR., Prop. W. E. NAIRN. Auct. 16c More Auction Sales on Page 5 * * > ✓ z 1 I 4 4 ► J r V ¥ r ¥ f V 1