HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-16, Page 3THE TIMES*ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16th, 1947 ort Scanning tne By “SCOOP”Twenty-seven competitors, two i seven inches, cheer leaders and about a dozen | put Tom Steiner supporters Saturday morning rep- resented Exeter at the annual WOSSA B track and field meet. Exeter was one of the thirty-five schools represented in what was described by Box, as the annals. Compared _ _____w of but one place in the results the school this year showed much im­ provement with competitors plac­ ing in the top three positions in nine events. , Bill O’Brien was the lone stu­ dent who took a first. That was in the Intermediate 12-pond shot-put. Bill threw it a distance of 37 feet m the organizer, best meet in to last year’s ROBERTSON’S S3 8- Charlie WOSSA standing Condition Powder 3 lbs. - $1.00 9 lbs. - $2.45 Guaranteed no Filler Results considered, you will find this powder unequalled as a tonic for all farm stock. Your Drugs at Phone 50 Exeter I Does the ‘Rad’ Leak Now that you’ll be chang­ ing the water in your car’s radiator and filling it with Anti-Freeze you’ll want to be certain that the radiator doesn’t leak. It may cost you less to have it fixed than what the Anti-Freeze will cost. If the rad in your car leaks bring it to Ed’s. Our boys will take care of it for you. Ed’s Machine Shop Two Blocks East of Main Street on John Street. Business Review These business firms invite your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community POP'S Taxi Service Phone: Grediton ISrll Exeter 357 » —— ■ LOAD AFTER LOAD USE Stewart’s Taxi All Passengers Insured. Out-of-town Trips a Specialty. Reasonable Rates. Stewart’s Taxi is owned and operated by C. J. Stewart Phone 335 Exeter a Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS e A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver GrantorPhone 12 In the junior shot- took second and !- Ron Heimrich third. In the girls’ division Marilyn Pfaff was second in the junior baseball throw. Betty Gaiser won the same standing in the Interme­ diate throw. The two senior basket­ ball speed throw teams won second and third while team came in Hunkin captured ior 75-yard dash. A great deal of gameness displayed by Wanda Stephen who was- running in the Intermediate girls' relay. The Exeter students were in first place when Wanda fell. Although both knees were cut she finished fifth. The local first in the disqualified, According over half the pupils who this year’s events will be to school next year. the senior relay second. Eleanor third in the sen- was the race and came in school also junior relay to coach Art came in but were Campbell placed in returning officers Wuerth Dinney for vice-president was the was and Ray Wuerth Badminton Head The Exeter Badminton Club held their reorganization meeting for the coming season in’ the Town Hall, Tuesday night. A fair repres­ entation was present. , The new slate of drawn up with Ray new president. Bob nominated Ann Whitten for secretary-treasur­ er. Elected to the executive were Barbara Dinney who will head the entertainment committee, Doug Pryde the and Merle committee. Drysdale, Margaret Taylor were appointed to act on the membership committee to make a drive for new players. The fees this year will be the same as last year, three dollars per member or five dollars per couple. The club will again play in the Arena gymnasium. The regular nights have as yet not been decid­ ed but it is expected the club will again play two nights a week. An executive meeting was held Wednesday night to make prepara­ tions for a grand opening night .Tuesday, October 21st. committee, membership committee Mode Gord Irvin the -tournament Farrow, Jack Armstrong and Board Discusses on for E. New School The Exeter District High School Board met in the High School Monday evening, October 6, the regular meeting. Absent, Chambers. Mr. E. M. Cunningham, of Sarnia, interviewed the Board on behalf of Remington Rand. Moved — onded by purchase take the Carried. The minutes meeting, and the special meetings of Sept. 25, and 29, were read and adopted. Correspondence from the Strat­ ford Board of Education regarding the Cadet Movement was read. No action. Principal Sturgis read his report for September. The enrollment re­ mains at 280 with an average at­ tendance and field Friday, attended Mitchell. Marys and Mitchell High Schools our students secured the highest total of points and won four out of six championships. Next Satur­ day, selected contestants will com­ pete at W.O.S.S.A. in London. Some of the repairs necessary for chang­ ing rooms have been completed. A new time-table is being adopted to provide for a ten-period day and a half-hour period from 3:30 to 4:00 for activities such as glee club, or­ chestra, suggested that the buses leave by 4.10. Some supplies needed. Moved by E. L. Mickle and onded by Jas. McAllister that Principal’s report be adopted the supplies authorized. Carried. Per A. W. Morgan and G. Hess that Mr. Jones and Mr. Wilson be authorized to secure equipment to suit their needs. Carried. Miss Taylor’s requisition approved oh motion of A. W. gan and E. R. Hopper. The accounts for the month by E. R. Hopper and sec- J. H. three place Jones that the Board new Remingtotis to of rented machines, of the regular Sept. of 92%. The local track meetdias been held and on October 3, the students a three-school meet at In competition with St, drama, and cadets. It is could are see­ the and was Mor­ were presented and approved as read motion of Jas. McAllister and H. Jones, Considerable time was spent on summarizing the discussions to date oh two important points of a new school: the financial arrangements and the site. Definite word on the former is awaited from the muni­ cipal councils* Adjournment per J. IL Jones at 12.30 a.m. E. D. Howey, Secretary on J A short action story—-a need—a want ad—results. If the enthusiasm of the reorgan­ ization meeting of the Badminton Club is carried throughout the year’s membership of activity. * * slate headed son this see plenty sea- will) # * of officers by Ray Wuerth met Wednesday wasA new drawn up and the executive night to make preparations for the opening night next Tuesday at which all former and new members are urged to attend. * * * * A drive for new members is be­ ing headed by Doug Pryde and his membership committee. The club this year is going to give the new members a better chance to learn Badminton and in this way hope to have those wishing to be * a larger membership. All to play are invited next Tuesday*night.on hand * IN TRAINING Already a couple ambitious chaps are to brass tacks in preparation for the tine the jog * * of the .getting more down hockey season. Besides a rou- of exercises the lads' are up at track .practically every night to the mile. * * * * BASKETBALL There is talk of another Basket­ ball league in this district again this season. Members of the local cage team are working out at the arena during the evenings and we hear the Airport is also getting a team in shape. WHALEN and Mrs. Russell Brock of I Page 3 death Ross, FOR YOUR PROPERTY FOR YOUR BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF Dies in California ) Mr. John Stewart, tn"lived word icently {of his cousin, Mr 'aged 87, a (for 42 years, an illness of five months, raised Usborne 24. ,1860. DASHWOOD Anniversary services will be held in the Evangelical r.jj. church on Sunday, Oct. 19th. The guest speak­ er will be Iley. Walter w. Arnold, of Gilford* Mich., Director of Christian Education for the Michi­ gan Conference of the Evangelical ] U.B. church. The soloists for the day will be Miss Lily Hoffman, of London, and Mr. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood. The local choir will also assist with the services. On Friday evening. Oct. 24th, the Metropolitan choir uf London, der the direction of Mr. T. C. Chat­ toe will give a musical program in the Evangelical church. Mr. and Mrs. Rout. Hopcroft and son Bobbie, of Port Colborne, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Kleinstiver spent the week-end holiday with hex' parents at Bowmanville. Mr, and Mrs, Donald Restemeyer of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Rest­ emeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer, of Windsor, spent a few days friends here. One of the largest auction ever held in this community place Saturday afternoon, the erty and household effects of the late William Zimmer. The property was< purchased by Mr. Arthur Wil- lert, of Exeter. Col, and Mrs. E. E. Tieman and family, of London, spent the week­ end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Tieman. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Wolfe and Mr. Sheldon Wolfe, of Clifford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher. Mrs, Steckley, of Detroit, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft last week. Mr. Gordon Eagleson, who spent the past week with his parents, has returned to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce, of Wind­ sor, Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beavis, of Toronto, spent Thanks­ giving with their mother, Mrs- Bertha Hayter. Mrs. Beavis and daughter will remain for a week’s holidays. Week-end visitors with ,Mrs. E. Kleinstiver were Mr. and Mrs. J. Cudmore and Miss Shirley Smith, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Zimmer, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. William Willett, of Centralia, here Mrs un- with sales took prop- >f the Wm. Logie resident of California who died following He was on the ,3rd concession of where he was born June Before leaving this dis­ trict he taught school at Hurondaje end the White school east of Hen­ sail. In 1905 he left here for Emer­ son, Man., and from there went to California where he operated an orange grove until his retirement several years ago. He was president of the California Fruit Groweis Exchange board of directors for many years and was an active member of the First Methodist church at Porterville. Survivors in­ clude his widow, Mrs, Eva M, Ross sons, Rusel and of Porterville; Ethel Allen FORSIGHT Secure adequate insurance protection and the counsel and service of this office. i four and Phones: Office 24 Residence Exeter. Ontario members during was then served, dressed for Hal- by tea cup read- closed with the CONFIDENCE Place your insurance with a dependable institution with a good record of progress and payments. 162 J SECOND series Herman The Insurance Man of Plano; two James Ross, daughters, Mrs. Mrs. Florence Koop, of Porterville Mrs. Belle McDegitt, of Toronto and Mrs, Violet VanAlstine Placerville. going to Oregon, to make her home with her brother, Alfred, Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. was held in the basement of the church, October 9th. The basement was decorated for Hallowe’en. Each member was requested to bring a guest. These were met at the door by a ghost and a witch. The meet­ ing opened with a prelude by Mrs. M. Klumpp and hymn “Take My Life and Let It Be” followed by scripture readings by Mrs. S. Cur­ rie and Mrs. M. Haugh. A solo by Mrs. R. H. Taylor. The meaning of Evangelism was read by Mrs. M. Haugh after which Connie Klumpp favored with a solo. Biog­ raphies of missionaries were read by Mrs. Getz and Mrs. H. Keller­ man. A musical selection was given by Billie and Connie Klumpp and Ken Currie, A questionaire was conducted when each member an­ swered the question “Why Am I a Member of This Society.” The program closed with a hymn. Mrs. J. M. Tieman then presided for the business when four new members joined the Society. There were 101 visits made, 14 bouquets and five dainties sent to the month. Lunch the waiters being lowe’en, followed ing. The meeting Mizpah Benediction. FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY especially a premium on chickens from two pounds and up For additional information regarding other prices telephone 245 Mitchell, or apply to the PARKDALE POULTRY MITCHELL, ONTARIO and were Mr. family, Thanksgiving Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Mr. Will Hodgson returned- home on Friday from St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood were in London on Sunday visit­ ing Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hazel­ wood. Mr. Audrey visitors Thomson, of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lewis family, of Ingersoll, visited the week-end with Mr. and Frank Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Miss Jean Ogden, of London, was a week-end home. Recent Earl Johnson Wm. Raymond, and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mr. Ashton and Miss Evelyn Morn- 1 Burgessville, and and with Mrs. Jean i Mr. Usborne. Mrs. visitors George Arksey, were Sunday and Mrs. Wm. visitor at and over Mrs. her try Burdock Blood Bitters? For Burdock Blood Bitters is a favourite remedy for minor intestinal disorders. It helps to regulate the digestive organs, tone up the liver and aid the natural action of the bowels. As a result, there may be an improvement in the general health. , For the past 60 years Burdock Blood Bitters has helped thousands of Canadians. It should do the same,for you. Burdock Blood Bitters is sold at all drug counters. Price . . a bottle. The T. Milburn Co.,’Limited, Toronto, Ont, Mrs. Cudmore is remaining fqy a week with her mother, Kleinstiver. Thanksgiving visitors with and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen Mr. and Mrs. H. Dark and daugh­ ter, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Steinhagen, of Clifford, and Berty Taylor, of London. Mr. Alex Getz and Mr, of Oshawa, spent the with their brother, Rev. H. Getz 'and family. Mr. Myrta, visitors Taylor. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. of Windsor, were with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and daughter, of Ingersoll, were holi­ day visitors with her parents, Mr and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook and daughter, of Windsor, spent the holidays here and at Hensail. Mr. Carl Heppler, of Waterloo, and Miss Alda Bolton, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry HoffmaD Ray Snell, Grant Wildfong, and Ross Haugh accompanied Gordon Eagleson to Montreal for the week­ end. Quite a number of relatives from here attended the funeral of the late Jacob Diechert in Zurich on Sunday afternoon. Miss Myrtle Gaiser, of Preston, and Lois, of London, were week-end visitors at their home here. Mr. Murray Wolfe, of Toronto, and Miss Gloria Swanson, of Lon­ don spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Car and fam­ ily and Miss Thelma Weber, of Sarnia, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shannon and daughter June, of Woodbridge, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. George Tomlinson, of Detroit, and Miss Joan Smith, of Windsor, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stelk and and friend, of Bradford. and Mr were Czar Mrs. Fred Getz week-end and Mrs Jack Taylor and sister, of London, were week-end with Dr.and Mrs. R. H. and Mrs.Harry Guenther Ervin Guenther, holiday visitors and and Jack with Mr. were, Mr. Margaret, Thames Road, Cann, of Lloyd Ashton, Mrs. Mrs. and Mr. Bill ingstar, of London. Mr. : London, with Mr. and Rev. and and Dale, of Monday with Duffield. Mr. and Mrs. N. ter, and Mr. Thos. more, Sask., were with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield and Betty attended Woodham anniver­ sary an Sunday and visited with Mrs. Wynne. Mr. Geo. Millson is under the doctor’s care. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Chapman, Doreen and JinTmy visited on Sun-' day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Kennedy/ of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Elston, of the Base Line, were ~ with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. French. Recent visitors Mrs. Geo. Millson were Mrs. Fred Davis, of Saintsbury, Mi’s. Mervln Elston, of Centralia, Mrs. Bilyea, of London Twp., Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beckett and Sandra Lee, of Kitch­ ener. Mr. and Mrs. Archer, of near London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, of Exeter, spent Thanksgiving • with Mrs. H. Ogden. W.M.S. and W.A. Meeting The W.M.S. October meeting was held at th© home of Mrs, Ern­ est Foster on Thursday afternoon with eighteen members in attend­ ance. The Devotional part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs* Duf­ field. The meeting opened with singing a hymn. The Scripture Les- Gunnin. fared ] sung Mrs.> Mrs. “Transformation of Mike, business meeting Mrs, Duffield closed with prayer, Mrs. Wm the W.A. were made of thanks were read den and Marion Morley, was sung and Mrs, Morley closed the meeting, A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants, and Mrs. Harold Bell, of , visited over the holiday Mrs. F. Parkinson. Mrs. Lambeth, visited Mr. Allen Duffield on Bertand Mrs. Exe- Fill- Ogden, of Ogden, of recent visitors F. Squire. Sunday visitors with Mr. and was led ig and prayer, by Mrs. Kill are Wm. Hodgson Mrs. Melleville Hazelwood of- vocal duet was Mary. ; and story short and by Mrs A Johnson and : gave a reading read a A was held the meeting Morley meeting, for the presided over Final plans Bazaar, Cards from Jean Og- A hymn Patsy _ . were holiday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Ed. Stelk. Visitors over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Allemand were Fred Stark, of Toronto, Mr. Mrs. Arol Bowes, and Mr. and Mrs. Scanlon, of Lon­ don. Mr. Thos. Ogden, of Fillmore, Sask., who has been visiting in this vicinity and has been on the sick list for some time is spending a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Schatz and Mrs. Bender spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk in Guelph. , Mr. and .Mrs. chener, spent her mother and Becker. Honored Before Last Wed lies 30 friends and Ida Zimmer , as a surprise and presented her with, a plastic purse and umbrella. The evening was spent in playing progressive euchre, points going to Mr. the lowest to Mrs. was followed by a delicious lunch. We understand that following the sale of their household effects and property on Saturday Ida intends with Mrs. and of New Liskeard, 0. Kinipel Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. of Kit- with Aniiel Leaving day evening neighbors of Miss athered at her home about the highest Al Jem and and McTsaac. This Whatever the weather, whatever your wor­ ries, you’ll feel happier, more secure, if you have a nice little nest-egg of Canada Sav­ ings Bonds tucked away. If you need money quickly they can be cashed at any time at their full face value plus interest. You can buy up to $1,000 in any one name (but no more) in the same convenient ways — for cash or 'Ln easy instalments. Take advantage of this fine opportunity without delay. Buy Canada Sav­ ings Bonds today 1 ON SALE OCTOBER 14th at banks and through investment dealers, or through your Company’s Payroll Savings' Plan