HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-16, Page 2THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16th, 1947
(Exeter ^imeg=^ijbocate
Times established 1873; Advocate established 1881
amalgamated November 1924
An Independent Newspaper devoted to the interests
the Village of Exeter and Surrounding District
Member of the Canadian Weekly
Newspapers’ Association; Member
of the Ont-ario-Qyebeo Division of
the CWNA
411 Advertising Copy Must be in Our Hands Not
Later Than Noon on Tuesdays
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That Rift
There is the nearest rift in the world in
British American relations. Be it known that
this rift has not appeared in any way, shape or
form between the governments of the two na
tions. Newspapers have had no headlines deal
ing with the topic. Still the rift is there, though
we. hope that it may not grow' till it spoils the.
international harmony. It grew., partly from
the remark attributed to an American, “They
are saying ’There will always be an England’.’
Well, we can afford it.” This remark was bit
terly resented and is on the lips of a great many
Britishers. The solid people of the United
States are no fellow' to the unfortunate effusion
of their thoughtless citizen but these same peo
ple cannot get the sting out of the sentiment.
Along with the feeling presented in the unfor
tunate phrase goes the deeper resentment at
the way in which the British government has
stood hat in hand in the presence of American
millionnaires craving a share in American
bounty. The genuine Britisher has felt all along
that the motherland was able to regain her
business prestige on her own power. Should
the old country not be able to do so. she might
well appeal to her sister nations in the common
wealth of nations. Such an appeal would have
been heeded. The response would have been
generous beyond all telling. The appeal would
have solidified the British commonwealth of
nations to a degree that would have been the
estonishment of the world. With Mr. Churchill
to give voice to this appeal the world w'ould
have stood with uncovered head at the result.
That Deadly Poison
The deadly venom of Communism is sting
ing every phase of modern civilization, All one
need do to realize this is to note the steady
trend of even Canadian public life towards to
talitarianism. How this deadly work has been
given place we cannot say. This we know. Cana
dians are not thinking seriously about public
life. They are too busy making money or in
making their meagre savings stretch to meet
the strangling serpent of the high cost of liv
ing, to pay attention to what is being done by
our lawmakers and our law' administrators. We
passed many a quiet hour hugging the belief
that w'e must not offend Russia, the nerve of
Communism. Along with this sort of thing has
gone an easy tolerance that has permitted re
marks to be made over the radio and in certain
pages of the press that pave the way for Rus
sia’s influence. Some people tell us that Russia
is not altogether evil. No one said that she is.
Some go so far as to say that half a loaf is
better than no bread and that we will do well
to eat the poisoned loaf of communism. When
the half we get from- the Communistic loaf is
poisoned we are not likely to become fat there
on. Our Empire is passing through a desparate
struggle but she is bound to wrestle out of the
slough of despond if she will but trust in her
own efforts and in the God that steeled the
sword of Cromwell and who gave us the Eng
lish Bible. Scotland has given the world more
great men than any other country in the world.
This she has done by keeping her manhood
about her, a manhood that has been nourished
on the Bible, Pilgrim’s Progress, The Shorter
Catechism and Kernv oatmeal. Sustained by
such a diet Scotland never has lowered her flag
to anyone. We need this sort of diet if Com
munism is not to bedevil everything that decent
men respect and civilization holds dear.
* « * »
Just What is Wanted
So far the fall weather has been everything
that could be desired. The first week in October
saw "that fall pass with but little frost, though
the corn and beans were nipped by such frost
as came in September. Garden work is being
well done though homemakers fear that the
cellars are over warm for the good of vegetables
and fruit. Farmers are well on with their fall
plowing. Fall wheat is doing well, a good growth
for winter being in evidence. Apples are being
gathered and other farm work is getting into
hand. Cattle are on good pasture and are in
fine condition. So far the feed problem has not
arisen, as far as cattle are concerned, much to
the relief of the farmers.
* * * *
Watchfulness Required
We were standing the other day near one
of our busy corners and were entertained by
the actions of a two-year-old. We were wonder
ing what the youngster •would do next when the
innocent toddled off the sidewalk and steered
straight for the centre of the. busy highway.
Fortunately the police were on the job and the.
little one was brought to safety, You see, the
mother was in the store, shopping while the child
in all innocence was left on the street. Had an
accident occurred we know the wailing that
would have followed. We have seen baby after
baby left in its little perambulator while mother
was’ in the Post Office chatting in the friend
liest manner, or shopping with prudent care in
one of the stores. If a kidnapper had happened
along, we know the fuss that would have been
made and that would very properly have been
made. Mothers simply are not as regardful in
this matter as the circumstances of the time
require. An unprotected baby invites all man
ner of mischief. We hope that the Mothers*
Protective Club will give this matter every con
sideration and that the mothers of the village
will see to it that the club has nothing to do,
» * ■» *
What About It?
Fears are expressed that there will be a
shortage of hog, cattle and poultry feed for the
coming winter, Several reasons may be offered
for this feed shortage. Scarcity of farm labour
made sowing and planting difficult. Unfavor
able weather in the sowing and planting season
added to the difficulty of seeding. Further,
farmers have got into the way of securing cereal
grain from the western provinces and now
those provinces are themselves on the anxious
seat as they face the winter’s feed situation.
What makes the situation worse is the call for
grain for the relief of a very hungry Europe.
Some farmers are planning to make their ani
mals more than usually comfortable, thus re
ducing the need for grain. Another method is
to make the best use of available feed in the
regular feeding of the stock together with
watchfulness that the animals waste none of
their feed. Still another method is the exercise
of the best of care in balancing the rations of
fered. Farmers are watching carefully for deal
ers who run up the price of grain and feed gen
erally on the plea that the feed is scarce. Far
mers do not like to be. made the vicitims of a
situation that keen dealers create. The caprices
of nature farmers find difficult enough.
Why Not?
Sensible people are not only asking that
labor and capital get together to get prices on
a reasonable basis but they are making a de
mand for that very thing. Labour is so organized
that it can speak with one voice and in tones
and with authority that command respect. Its
action and demands can no longer be put off
with an easy shrug. Labour has not only a hand
but a mind, a soul. Capt. Capital is seen to be
not only so many contracts and agreements and
so many offices, but real flesh and blood and
is coming to have something of an understand
ing heart. Labour and capital, moreover, have
felt each other and know something of the
others hitting or building power, as the case
may be. Each, too. sees the. utter folly of end
less bickering and seeking advantage in the.
busy world. Each sees clearly that labour and
capital must get over their mutual blindness
or both will fall into the ditch. In one way and
another, in some form or other labour and
capital make up our kingdom. History tells us
what both labour and capital know right well,
that a kingdom divided against itself cannot
stand. Why, then, in the name of common
sense, do not labour and capital get together
and get down prices ? Unless they do ruin or
some form of ruin will overtake civilization.
Prices cannot come down till labour and capital
get together and pull on the same end of the
rope, instead of pulling everlastingly and de
structively against each other? Now’s the day
and now’s the lioui’ for that very thing. Such
a getting together can be accomplished as it
ought to be and must be carried out.
* * * «
The Pen Mightier Than the Sword
“The pen is mightier than the sword.”
Cardinal Richelieu, the mighty leader of the
France of his day, was credited with saying. In
any case these words set forth the principle
that now moves Russia. Let it be clearly seen
that Russia aims at the domination of Europe,
to say the least of her ambitions. Should she
accomplish her purpose, she will lay every man
jack on the continent under absolute control.
Along with this intention goes her other aim
of not going to war. War, she knows, has un
certainties, and Russia does not like uncertain
ties. Her method this hour is to surround her
self with a ring of subordinate states so under
her will that when she says to any of these
states “Come,” those states jump at her bidding.
She had little difficulty in accomplishing this
aim. Her only fear was the action of Italy and
France. France and Italy may put in their oar
at an unfortunate time for Russia, she fears,
and set askew her best laid plans. Hence her
untiring efforts by hook or by crook to have
Italy and France afraid to call their souls their
own unless Moscow so wills. Russia wants these
countries to look constantly, and it may be fear
fully to Moscow rather than to London or to
Washington or even to Ottawa. Anyone sees
that Russia is using her pen and her gold to
have France and Italy and the United States
and Canada thoroughly Russianized. To this
purpose she does her very utmost to make use of
every difficulty in the western countries mag
nified away beyond its importance, meanwhile
trying to have every inhabitant of any of the
western lands believe that while the western
countries sweat and deny themselves everything
is Edenic in Russia. While the Western coun
tries debate, Russia sends in food and clothing.
Along with the propaganda among the people
Russia is exerting her arts of delay and argu
ment to the very utmost at the international
assemblies so' that no conclusion in the interest
of peace shall be reached, till Russia dictates
the terms of the peace, while the other countries
sign on the dotted line of an agreement that
surrenders every right the •western powers hold
dear. It is high time that the western powers
were opening their eyes to Russia's aim and
——-------- ------■
As the
Go By
«. .......................... ...,IS—------ja
Mr. Ed. Bissett has purchased
the butcher business from Mr-
Chas, Snell.
Frank Willis and Harry Sanders
took part in the Commencement
sports held in connection with the
Collegiate Institute at Clinton on
Friday last. 'Frank Avon first prize
In the hundred yard race and first
in the hurdle race.
Mr. W. W. Harrison has purch
ased the Exeter steam laundry.
The James Street Methodist
Church choir took part in the pro
gram at the anniversary tea meet
ing in connection with the Nursery
Church, Clandeboye, on Friday
Grocery prices as advertised at
Johnston’s are as follows: corn
starch 5c; can corn 5c; can salmon
10c; 4 lb. Christie’s ginger snaps
25c: 6 bars comfort soap 25c.
Hibbert Council
The Hibbert Township Council
met in regular session on Monday,
Oct. 6th, in the Staffs Township
Hall with all members present with
the exception of Mr. Edgar Hutson
who is at present on a trip in the
west. The Reeve, Mr. Joseph At
kinson, presided. The Clerk read
the minutes of the previous meet
ing which were adopted as read.
The report on what is known as
the Lannin Drain was read and
was referred back to the engineer.
The Court of Revision on the Klein-
feldt Drain was held at this meet
ing and it was adjourned to meet
at a later date. By-Law No. 15.
1947 on the Darling Municipal
Drain was given its third and final
readings and passed. Mr, Campbell
Dow was awarded twelve dollars
for sheep killed by dogs.
Tlios. D. Wren, Twp, Clerk.
The members o£ James Street
choir provided the music for the
anniversary of the Methodist
church at Kippen on Sunday after
The Public Utilities Commission,
of town, have purchased from Mr.
p. Frayne, the building on Main
Street at present occupied by Mr.
A. M. Quance as a harness shop.
Mr. Quance is selling out and is
returning to work for W. J. Beer.
Early Tuesday morning ’the barn
of Mr. Paul Masse, of Hay Town
ship, north of Dashwood was com
pletely destroyed by fire together
with the season’s crop and a team
of horses. A lighted lantern was
overturned by a cat.
Mr. Tlios. Johns, who drives the
oil truck for Mr. H. T. Rowe, while
driving on the Lake Road, turned
out to meet a car. The truck skid
ded on the grass and upset in the
ditch. The door to the cab was on
the bottom and Mr. Johns had tn
crawl out through the windshield.
A piece of falling glass severed the
main artery in Mr. Johns’ right,
While Mr. Ernest Luxton was
crushing oats at the home of Mr.
Alf Coates, he got his hand caught
in the crusher and as a result will
lose the four fingers from his right
Mr. T. Nelson has taken a posi
tion at the Huron Garage with Mr
Bert Doyle. .
Miss J. Murray and Mrs. W. C
Pearce were in Brookville last
week attending the Provincial con
vention of the W.C.T.U.
W. E. Quinn won the Thanks
giving Day Lions Club six milp
marathon at Goderich on Monday.
He covered the distance in 3 6 min
Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Kerslake. of Usborne, had the
misfortune to fracture his right
arm. He was cranking a car when
the engine backfired.
Mr. Wm. Middleton attended a
bakers’ convention at the Royal
York Hotel in London recently. He
received fourth prize for guessing
the weight of a container of milk
Miss Lily Greb attended a Young
People’s Convention in Niagara
Falls, N.Y., over the week-end.
Messrs. Wm. Balkwill and Frank
Wildfong. representatives from
Main St. Young People’s Society,
were in Chatham Friday, Saturday
and Sunday attending the Confer
ence Y.P. Convention.
Fire which broke out late Sat
urday night totally destroyed the
bank barn of Mr. Frank King, of
Stephen Township. Lost in the fire
were harness, some implements,
two cows, eight calves, a bull, 23
pigs, large quantity of hay and
over 1500 bushels of grain. The
blaze was first noticed oy a passer
by. The origin of the fire is un
known. Mr. and Mrs. King and
family were in Exeter when the
fire broke out.
A most impressive memorial
service was held in Trivitt Memor
ial Church Sunday evening. The
Bissett family presented to the
church, alter lights in memory of
their dear ones. Miss Marion Bis
sett then unveiled and turned on
the alter lights after which the
dedication took place.
Mr. Bruce Rivers has resigned
his position with SouthcOtt Bros,
and intends opening up a grocery
business in the building north of
Leavitt’s Theatre.
The first snow to covei’ the
ground visited this section early
Wednesday morning hut remained
only a short time.
Workmen are busy repairing
some of the hydro lines in the dis
trict. The main line from Lucan
to Dashwood is being reiiisulated.
It is planned to double the carry
ing capacity of the present high
tension lines.
SMILES . . . .
“Do you have much variety at
your boarding house?”
“Well, we have three different (
names for the meals.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brokensliire, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with
the latter’s father, Mr, Eli Lawson.
Mrs. Sam Sims and Mr. Wilbur
Sims spent a few days in London
and Ingersol last week.
■Mr. Harold Glanville and son,
Chester, motored down from the
Manitoulin Island and are visiting
the former’s son here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. MacLean, of
Toronto, and Mrs. Lucy Brown, of
Ailsa Craig, visited Sunday with
the latter’s niece and nephew, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Motz.
Mr. Russell Baynhani and Mr. E.
Matheson, of London, spent the
week-end at the former’s home
Through the years, neither time, effort nor ex
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phone service. Indeed, today’s telephones are actually
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You get more service, too. We’re completing unfilled
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The Reader
I,otters to tlie editor published
hereunder represent the views
of individual persons. We invite
our readers to make use of this
Mr. Editor:
This may be a long story but I
hope at least some of those who
take time to read it will see my
point in writing it.
In 1901 as a young man I was
one of the Exeter Company in the
Huron “3 3’ Regiment, and spent
twelve days under one we all like
now, Major Wm. He am an. Bill
knew every one of his boys by their
first name and took an interest in
every one. Good fellowship between
officer and his men.
I had two boys in the Hussars
(London). One transferred to the
Airforce, got to be an instructor
for two years, then went overseas.
I-Ie was raised to Squadron Leader
and was awarded the D.F.C.
I knew that he hitch-hiked at
times to get home and I never went
by a man in uniform. Have had as
many as six in my car coming out
of London on a Friday night.
The other day around 4:30 p.m.
I was talking to Pop Watson at
his stand opposite the RCAF Station
at Centralia. Two boys came out
of the gate and walked north. Just
before I left an officer came out of
the same gate and went north, alone
in a nice car.
He passed the two RCAF boys
who were walking on the wrong side
of the road, went by them as if they
were a couple of cattlebeasts. I
picked the boys up and they told
me they knew the officer and that
he was on his way to Exeter where
he lived and where they were go
ing. Does that tend to promote good
will and good fellowship between
officer and his men? I think not.
Surely the proper thing for him
to have done was to give his own
boys a ride.
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