HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-16, Page 1Seventy-Fourth rear Single Copy 5 centoEXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16th, 1947 Crediton Church Anniversary Ideal weather conditions prevailed on Sunday when large congregations attended the 92nd anniversary ser­ vices in the Evangelical U.B. church. Rev. M, E. Reuber, pastor of the church, presided at both services and Dr. W. R. Montgomery, of Dayton, Ohio, was guest speaker. Choosing as his subject in the morning, “The Four Fundamental Facts,” namely Jesus Christ, Church Universal, De­ nomination and the Local Church, Dr. Montgomery emphasized the truth, that to be loyal to Jesus Christ, we must be loyal to the local church, In the evening Dr. Montgomery spoke on “Prayer, a Mighty Force in the World,” and related many sterling instances of answered prayer. The lovely Chan­ ce! was further beautified with many floral bouquets, The choir was un­ der the leadership of Mr. D. Gill, and contributed two anthems in the morning, and one at the evening service. Mr. Gill favored with a solo in the evening. The organist, Mrs. Freeman Morlock, was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. E. M. Fahrner. A very liberal anniversary offering was received. A concert of classical music was presented in the church on Monday evening by the Davies, Delightful Weather Delightful weather has throughout the month of fine sunshinny days nights. Fanners have been able to do much in the way of harvesting their roots, lifted prevailed October, with cool beans and corn, also the Sugar beets are now being and shipped to Chatham. Wedding Anniversary35th Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welsh recent­ ly celebrated their 35 th wedding­ anniversary. Their daughter, Mrs. Lyle Roberts, held a family din­ ner in their honor at her home in London north. During the evening a nunjber of their friends called to offer best wishes and congratula­ tions. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh received a number of gifts, among them be­ ing a Duncan Fife lamp table from their family. I sasfl sauaswocMynatsaffl Fire Brigade Called Jn spite of Fire Prevention Week the Exeter fire brigade had a run to the residence of Mr W. Williams Saturday siren sounded about evening and the fire soon on the scene. Fire had caught in the rafters above the furnace the Th< the . and Mrs, B, evening. The 7,30 in the brigade were pipes in the basement and house was filled with smoke, fire was under control when firemen arrived. Organize Male Chorus It is hoped that a Male Chorus may be organized in Exeter soon. Anyone interested in singing in this chorus is requested to leave their name with either W. G. Cochrane, phone 14 of Lawrence Wein, phone 234 on or Wednesday, October 22nd. before a well- and an Clifford McAvoy Mr, Clifford H. McAvoy, known Wingham druggist Exeter old boy, died Wednesday of last week in Victoria Hospital, London, in his 55th year. He had been in hospital for a few weeks suffering from complications. Born in Exeter he received his early edu­ cation here and began his career as a druggist with Mr, W. S. Cole. He served overseas in the First Great War. For the past twenty years he has conducted a success­ ful drug business in Wingham where he was keenly interested in sports. He was a member of the Wingham Bowling, Golf and Curl­ ing clubs and was a member of the Masonic Order. He was never mar­ ried. Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Amelia McAvoy and aunt, Miss Annie L. Sanders, of town, whom he visited on frequent occasions. The funeral, private, was held from the R. C. Dinney Funeral Home Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Langford and assisted by Rev. Mr. Lancaster, of Wingham. The bearers were Dr. G. W. How- R. W. O. the were London, son, J. H. Crawford and A. Doval, of Wingham, and M. Telfer, F. G. Forrester and T. Southcott. Exeter present Ripley, Wingham, Thorndale and Grand Bend. Interment was in cemetery. Friends from Otterville, IWKasnaaKOCSBBS Monarch Dove Yam We have just received a shipment of the very popular Monarch dove yarn. We have a good range of colors. Please act promptly if you re­ quire yarn. 1 oz. ball 27c Ladies* and Misses’ Plastic Raincoats Just right for rainy days. This is a better quality plastic in assorted colors. For Ladies and Misses, sizes 12 to 18 For Girls, sizes 8, 10, 12 ©. Small Girls’ ® Ladies’ and Raincoats at $1.95 $1.95 Capes, 4>, 6 and 6x $1.50 each Misses’ fawn shade Gabardine greatly reduced prices. A at Rev. MacLean Addresses South Huron M inisterial Worship was the theme of an address given by Rev, Kenneth Mac- Lean at a well attended meeting of the South Huron Ministerial As­ sociation in the Presbyterian par­ sonage last week. Several new min- with their the meeting the retiring of Crediton. Asters of the district 'wives were present at and were welcomed by president, Rev. J. Burn, Rev. K. MacLean was elected presi­ dent for the ensuing year and Rev. William Mair, vice-president, with Rev. Gordon Weir continuing as secretary-treasurer of tion. Rev. MacLean gave lustrations of the worship in the home and in the church and reasserted the view widely held, that only a return to God would solve our international and economic problems. And fur­ ther, a return to God would mean both the re-incorporation of religion in home life, and the participation of parents and children in the cor­ porate worship of the church. A social half hour was spent follow­ ing the meeting when tea was serv­ ed by Mrs. MacLean assisted by Miss Brown. The November meeting of the Association will be held in the United Church parsonage in Grand Bend. the associa- numerous il- influence of Baptismal Service At the J'aihes Street United church on Sunday morning the rite of baptism was performed when the following children were baptised: Richard Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott; Dav­ id Armstrong, son of Mr. aud Mrs. Victor Pyette daughter of Bonnallie. Mrs. J. Hodgert sang a very acceptable solo during the service. There was a ,splendid con­ gregation including a number of visitors in town for the holidays. and Sheila Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Glen House to Howse Canvass A house to house canvas for the Salvation paign will canvas of the town and good Stove Explodes, Woman Struck When a jacket heater exploded shortly after nine o’clock Thursday morning in the apartment of Mrs. Wm. Abbott, Mrs. Abbott was struck by some of the flying pieces of iron while other pieces did dam­ age about the room and fire threat­ ened the sounded scurrying dent but been extinguished before rived. Mrs. Abbott, who lives in the up­ per apartment with Mr. * '* David Kestle below, had fire in a jacket heater there was no water. When became overheated it exploded with such a concussion that the noise was heard over a block away. The stove was blown to pieces. One of the pieces struck Mrs. Abbott beside the head while another -bruised her arm. One piece went through the radio. Two windows in the room ■were broken. Live coals were scat­ tered about the room and threaten­ ed the house with fire while smoke and smut filled the place. Dr. Dunlop was called and dress­ ed the wounds of Mrs. Abbott. Death of Infant Being Investigated The death of a one and one-half month old baby which died near Crediton on Sunday, October 5th, suspected of being starved to death, is being investigated by provincial police. The body of the’ infant was examined by a provincial patholo­ gist in London. What action will be taken in the case will depend on the findings of Dr. J. II. Fisher, of London, who was called by Coroner Dr. J. G. Dunlop. His report has yet to be received by Crown Attor­ ney D. E. Holmes, of Goderich. Dr. Dunlop took charge of the body when the question arose over the issuance of a death certificate. Army Red Shield eam- be made next week. A the business section of has already been made returns are reported. regular meeting Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter was held in the Town Hall on Monday8, October 6th, Reeve Tuckpy and Councillors lison, Caldwell, Cochrane Sweitzer present. Communications were read dealt with as follows: Wartime Housing Ltd., re rected plan. It was moved and ended by Councillors Sweitzer Cochrane that the revised plan be confirmed and Wartime Housing Ltd. so advised. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, re reconstruction work. Chief Constables Office, London, re Taxi By-Law. Dudley E. Holmes, Clerk of the Peace, re Selection of Jurors. Hydro-Electric Power Commis­ sion, re Hydro Conservations—all filed. Mr. Chas. MaeNaughton waited on Council and advised them that the basement of Jones, MacNaugh- ton Seed Co.’s new building was being flooded. Council promised at­ tention to the matter. It was moved and seconded by Councillors Sweitzer and Caldwell that the Property Committee study and report on material to be em­ bodied on Taxi By-Law. Councilloi’ Cochrane reported on behalf of the Finance Committee re their visits to the other Councils of the Municipalities in the High School District for consideration of division of cost of Debentures for New High School Building. It was moved and seconded by Councillors I that By-Law a third and reading was Law finally of Councillors Allison and Coch­ rane. By-Law No. 14, 1947 to Amend Wein Drain By-Law No. 194 6 was given its three readings and finally passed on the motion of Council­ lors Allison and Caldwell. -It was moved and seconded by Councillors Sweitzer and Caldwell that the Clerk he instructed to se­ cure the services of Mr. Elmer D. Bell in regard to Wartime Housing Edward Brady mission to build his Dry Cleaning Plant, granted on the motion of Council­ lors Sweitzer, and Cochrane. were read motion of Caldwell: lighting hydrants Miss L. with , Al­ and and cor­ se c- and Twin Daughters Rev. C. W. and Mrs, Down received word from Toronto they are the grandparents of daughters, born to Mr. and J. R, Down, of Toronto, on Satur­ day. Congratulations! have that twin Mrs.building. The siren was which sent the to the scene of fortunately the firemen the acci- fire has they ar- I I Undergoes Operation Mrs. J. H. Harrison is ill in the Stratford General Hospital having undergone an operation for the re­ moval of a cataract from one of her eyes. Her many friends will hope for a speedy return to health. Ladies’, Misses and Girls* Fall and Winter TS Film Council Has Sweitzer and Caldwell ■ No. 10, 1947, be read final time. The third accepted and the By­ passed on the motion represent- first was depicting communi- the issuance of Debentures, applied for per- an extension to Permit street i c large range to choose from very attractive prices. Brown Rubber Stair Treads Brown rubber stair treads stock again, size 10” x 18”, with turned edge. A real value at 40c each @ Rubber Mats in same, 18” x 30”, at $1.25 each. in size Men’s Double Breasted Suits Just received — All sizes in young men’s double breasted worsted suits, colors brown and navy. The follow4 ag accounts and ordered paid on the Councillors Cochrane and Exeter P.U.C., $235.59; Exeter P.U.C., and town hall 3 62.00; Jeckell, treas. Exeter Library Bo. 400.00; Fred Huxtable, re tractor 37.99; R. C. Dinney, Venetian blinds, T. Hall 32.00; Laing’s Gar­ age, battery, etc., for fire truck 18.45; Twp. of Usborne, grading streets 45.00; Huron -Lumber Co., 238 sacks cement 178.50; Chas. P. Dietrich, rental bulldozer, housing property 152.00; Chas. P. Dietrich, balance tender on Wein Drain 600.00; Elmer D. Bell, premium tax collector’s bond 8.00; County of Huron, hospitalization 56.25; W F. Jennison, shovel and bulldozing, fill, gravel on streets for housing property 3,002.60; W. F. Jennison, sand for Victoria Park 12.00; Re­ ceiver-General of Canada, tax de­ ductions 6.65. Relief—Cook’s Grocery, groceries 13.20; Chambers and Darling, meat 5.00; R. G. Seldon and Son, fuel 6.00; Harvey’s, groceries 14.00; James Bowey, fuel* 7.00; Broom’s Meat Market 6.00; Exeter Dairy, milk 9.50. Time Sheet — John Stire, labor, drains 69.28; Wm. Laverty, labor, drains and garbage 49.20 Edward Coombes, drains 42.12; Gerald Cornish, labor, rd. maint. and gar­ bage 59.06; Edgar Mawliinney, drains and garbage 23.32; Walter Penrose, drains and garbage 7.3 2; Richard Davis, cleaning streets and supplies, town hall 5 6.05. All motions were carried, journment on the motion of Coun­ cillor Allison. C. V. Pickard, Clerk. Twenty Reels At a meeting of the Exeter Film Council in the Legion rooms last Friday evening, Mr. Duerkop of the National Film Board stressed that the projector and films should be used for educational purposes rather than for entertainment. That, he said, was the object of the National Board in setting up lib­ raries in the various centres such as Exeter now has. Mr. Duerkop pointed out that when a film was shown by an or­ ganization a discussion on the topic should follow. In this way the mem­ bers would derive more than just entertainment. Before and after his remarks a film was shown to the members of the various organizations ed at the meeting. The "Our Shrinking World” how transportation and cation had brought people closer together and how this affected their lives. The other reel was “Ski Th the Valley of the Saints” showing­ skiers gathering in the Laurentians for a winter holiday. Wednesday, October 29 th, was reserved for the training of opera­ tors from the various district or­ ganizations. Mr. Duerkop will be present to conduct the training. Twenty Films Two blocks of ten films each will be on hand at the Council’s library located at James Bowey’s office. These blocks will be changed every two months. The Lions Club projector and the National Films are available to any organization for a small fee. The list of twenty films may be obtained at Mr. Bowey’s office and besides those listed reels from other raries can be secured. lib- Town Topics Miss Phyllis Kerslake, of London, visited over the week-end at her home here. Owing to the holiday on Mon­ day the Times-Advocate is a day late this week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Butler, of Loudon, spent Sunday with Mrs, Cudmore of town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook visited over the week-end and Port Burwell and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Verylon Gylmore and Lindenfield spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. man Floody, of Windsor. of ladies at- of Rev. M. A. the Anglican Friday after- of last week. in Tillsonburg with relatives E. Lindenfield, Arnold holiday Nor- Ad- Special Values for Thursday, Friday & Saturday Undergoes Operation Miss Marjorie Richards under­ went an operation for appendicitis at Victoria Hospital, London, Fri­ day of lust week and is making a satisfactory recovery. Campbell’s Vegetable Soup Always popular ................ Club House Peanut Butter The homogenized kind ... Garden Valley Pork and Beans New pack, 20 oz, tins ............... each 17c Nabob Coffee Good buying 2 tins 21c 16 oz. jars 39c Catelli Cooked Spaghetti In tomato sauce and cheese...per tin 13c Macintosh Apples Well colored^ nice stock ..... , Snyder’s Tomato Catsup In good supply, 12 oz....... j King Oscar Sardines Top quality, imported fish ... per tin 28c 2 lbs. 19c per bottle 25c Iper* lb. 55c Superior Store Moves Into New Home Mr. : moving Main St has erei and Mr moving week on Usborne Council Usborne Township council met in regular session in the township hall, Elimville, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 11th, with Reeve Berry presiding and Councillors Tuekey, Simpson, Ellerington and Brock present. Minutes of the last regular meet­ ing of Sept. 13th were adopted as printed and the minutes of the special meeting of Oct. 1st as read, on motion of Councillors Brock and Simpson. The Wildfong Drain report from the Township of Hay was read and provisionally adopted on motion of Councillors Tuekey and Ellerington. -It was agreed that the Court of Revision should be held on Dec. 16 at the hour of 4 p.m. at Elimville. The Road Superintendent report­ ed that he had been in conversation with Claude Smith of London, hold­ er of the tow'nship gravel contract, and that Mr. Smith had promised to be ready to start his contract in the Township of Usborne days. The Clerk tabled the Roll for 19 47 showing taxes to be collected in ship of $57,448.04 for all purposes. Roll was accepted by the Council on motion of Councillors Brock and Simpson and referred to the Auditor and Collector. Date for the Court of Revision on the 19 48 Assessment Roll was set for the next November Sth p.m. The Road directed to charge ratepayers the usual ten cents per yard over the contract price for gravel or seventy-, two cents this year, while road gravelling was in progress- A report from C. P. Dietrich that he had completed his contract on the Cann-Mitchell and Wurm Muni­ cipal Drains and also the repair work on the Down Drain as direct­ ed, was tabled and payment author­ ized pending aerification by the Engineer. Correspondence from the Town­ ship Engineer re the request of Rav Cottle that the upper portion ot the Elimville Drain should be re­ paired this fall. Engineei’ agreed that a certain amount of work on that portion of the Drain might very well be done of Councillors the Clerk was lished in the Tender Call for bids for the con­ tract for the whole of the repair work on the Elimville Municipal Drain as per the Engineer’s Report. The upper open portion of the work from station 56-85 on the Exeter sideroad to station 3-25 on Alvin Cottle’s farm to be completed this fall, the balance of the work early next summer. Tenders to be opened at Elimville on October 30th at the hour of 9 p.m. Further aorreepondence was tab­ led and dealt with as follows: S. W. Archiballd, notice of re­ pair work to be done in Tucker­ smith Township on the Geiger Drain, and work in both townships on the Mitchell Drain but without an Engineer’s Report. Contents noted and letter filed. From the County Clerk of the Peace directing that the required number of Jurors should be select­ ed and list forwarded. Arrange­ ments were made for the Reeve, the Assessor and the Clerk to act as Local Selectors of Jurors and make up the required lists to be forwarded. From the Township solicitors, Gladman & Cochrane, re the com­ pletion of the legal forms in con­ nection with the land purchased by the Township to widen the narrow road. Referred to the Road Super­ intendent for settlement from the Roads and Bridges account. From the Department of High ways, acknowledgement of applica­ tion for the interim road subsidy for the amount of $4165.78. Filed From the Unemployment Insur­ ance Commission, Toronto, accept­ ance of certification of permanent Township employees, without as­ sessment. Filed. The Treasurer reported receipts for the period since the last meet­ ing of $4406.91 including the in­ terim roa<d subsidy of $4165.78 Balance of cash $293.13. Road vouchers to the amount of $1324.64 were presented for pay- ment by the Superintendent; fur- of last week ther hills to the amount of $822.68 wore authorized for payment on ’ motion of Councillors Ellerington, and Brook, and orders drawn on the Treasurer for payment of the same, Alt motions were unanimously carried and Council adjourned to meet again in regular session on! Saturday afternoon, November Sth, i in the Township Hall. Eilmville. I H, H. G. Strang, Municipal Clerk i within ten Collector’s a total of the Town­ regular meeting on at the hour of 3 Superintendent was this fall. On motion Simpson and Tuckev directed to have pub- Commercial News, a and Mrs. started a in which the stove Giant Cactus Reaches Ceiling Even the plant kingdom is hav­ ing a housing shortage, it seems, and with winter coming on Mrs. Herman Powe, of Centralia, is be­ ginning to wonder what will hap­ pen to her great Arizona cactus plant which has outgrown the room in which it has been proudly kept for 10 years. - Mrs. Powe is the second Ontario woman to express anxiety over the future welfare of a cactus. Last week Mrs. Henry Burnell, of Win­ terbourne, sent out a call for help as the little tulip-sized plant her brother had given her over a dec­ ade ago had stretched up to the eight-foot ceiling and was threat­ ening still higher aspirations. Both owners of these unusual refugees from the desert lands to see just how high plants will grow, but to cut a hole in their need someone 1 witli more altitude. Nine Feet' High The Centralia falla specimen is over nine feet high and still grow­ ing with prolific fertility. One of the root-like stocks is beginning to creep along the ceiling, but Mrs. Powe says a stock like this grows up every year only to be broken off when coming in contact with the ceiling. The cactus, although a confirmed outdoorist, cannot live without plenty of warmth, so an exiction into the out-of-doors would prove fatal. The plant produced five beauti­ ful flowers this summer to redeem its otherwise ugly appearance. The flowers, which are almost a foot in diameter, are ivory colored with blush-pink’, bell-like petals with a strong and fragrant odor. They are nocturnal, opening with the darkness and, growing limp and lifeless with #he light of morning. The plantDoecame a cumbersome keepsake to Mrs. Powe when it started to reach proportions rem­ iniscent of Jack’s fabulous bean stock, but the never failing annual appearance of the flowers has justified the inconvenience of the plant’s size. * are anxious the homely not wishing ceiling they • to .offer quarters Several car loads tended the reception and Mrs. Hunt at rectory at Mitchell noon and evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boyes and Gayle, Mrs. J. Johns and Miss Lor­ ena Johns, of Toronto, and Mrs. Thos. Boyes, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole for the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. Frank Taylor has disposed of his two race horses “Midnight Express” and “Jimmy Cliillo” to Mr. T. James, of London, and has acquired two other racers in ex­ change. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Butcher, of St. Marys, Mrs. Thos. McLaren, Miss L, McLaren and Mrs. L. Mc­ Cormack, of Niagara Falls, and Miss D, Forrester, of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forrester. Guests with Mrs. L. C. Hicks and Mr. Stanley Hicks during the Thanksgiving holiday were, Mrs. John Essery and Mrs. R, Duffield, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall, of Toronto Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Creech of London. Those who spent Mr. and CpI. and Corbett, Corbett and. Mr, nor and Thanksgiving passed off quietly in Exeter, The long holiday week­ end saw many visitors in town and vicinity. The weather was ideal and the changing colors of the autumn leaves tvas an Ivo for the motorist to Large congregations turned the Thanksgiving services various -churches. Narrow Escape While working on the property of the new Hopper-Hockey funeral home on William street, Archie Noakes, of Hensail, a carpenter, broke through some rotten plank that covered an old fifty-foot well. Hastily clutching the sides of the covering as he went through the plank he was saved from falling through and was assisted out by a fellow-workman, Gordon Parker, The two men were engaged in lev­ elling some ground at the rear of the new funeral home now being erected and it seems that no one was aware of the existence of the old •well. Miss Margaret Ritchie of London spent Thanksgiving with Miss Alice Handford. Mr and ford, Mrs. Fred Hatter is this from an apartment t. into the new residence he d on Gidley street. Mr. Douglas Brintnell are to the apartment vacat- Hatter. •t in ed by Mr. New Store m Brown, of To Build Mr. Adi Lake Fur Company, has the vacant slice Fairbairn, Ing, ace we have underst an erect a u a fur sto in search street but able he t operates and some known in Exeter him 1; Rice . and Mrs. Freeman Farrow Mrs. Beatrice Dean, of Strat- spent Sunday with Mr. and Gordon Farrow. Monday with and Mrs. Nat Corbett and Mr. Mrs, Russell Brintnell were: and Mrs. Robert Wrightson Gary, of Centralia, Mr. Jutson Mrs. William Wirts at Plowing Match Larry Snider, of town, won the war veterans’ class with tractor at the North Huron plowing match, held near Winghatn Wednesday the purchased Mr. Clar- llis build- property of south of to the information able to receive, We Brown intends to w building > in Exeter, of a store as there is as decided a store in Leamington other places and is well Employed with Mr. ,J. W. Powell, of town. ording ■on Mr b d and open up He has been on the Main nothing avail- to build, He Mr. and and Helen, all of London and Mrs. Douglas Trieb- Roy, of town. incent­ travel, out for in the 1 ■Visitor Frond Scotland Miss Bessie Smith, of Scotland, visited with Mr. Arthur weeks, is now 1Smith, * ployed I paid a Glasgow, and past over Mrs. two and Jim em- Rundle for the Miss Smith flew working in London. Mr. who was at one time with Mr. Arthur Rundle ____ visit to his old home In Scot- Hand bis sister returning with him*