HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-09, Page 5JHE TIMES-APVOCATE. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9fh, 1947 Pag« 5 S3 S3 ♦ J * A > < ) r J r V *Service 23/4% ORDERS TAKEN October 6thz 1947 and Following $1,000 ONLY ALLOWED EACH PERSON E. D. BELL 0 EXETER by the Tone and Performance of the B You Will Be Amazed Portable Phonograph at $54.95 and for your Favorite Records CHRISTMAS DREAMING (A Little Early This Year) Frank Sinatra ......................... Col. No. 8055 price .75 SMOKE, SMOKE, SMOKE (V.R.) CRAWDAD SONG (V.R.) Phil Harris Vic. No. 20-2370 price .75 TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony No. 6 in B Minor (Op. 74<) (“Pathetique”) RCA Victor Album No. DM-1105 ............................................... price $9.10 Snelgrove Tire & Electric Andy Snelgrove, Prop.Exeter Jh '0 Prices Slashed on Durolave Paint There’s nothing like fresh, sparkling pew paint to give drab, shabby walls a brand new lease on life. This is your oppor­ tunity to do all this and do it very cheaply. Durolave pro­ duces a flat velvety finish eight colors: Ivory - Nile Green - Biscuit - Cream on walls and ceilings. There are Apple Green - Melon Pink - Rose - Aladdin Blue WASHABLE SO EASY TO CLEAN Regular $1.00 per qt. now 69c STOP ... Feed Waste With Chek-R-Ton It pays to mix Chek-R-Ton with your chicken Chek-R-Ton helps them laxative, tones petites and expels worms. in ash. keep up ap- round- For the removal and destruction of large roundworms from poultry and large roundworms and hookworms from dogs and foxes use.......... Purina Tetsules They do the Trick NO CATCHING NO HOLDING To Worm Pigs Just Mix With the Feed Wormy pigs can’t make the best of feed , < * they become unthrifty because worms get so much of their feed. You can’t afford to feed worms.......... Use Pigtab Granules Hardware I — AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction on Lot 12, Lake Road, Hay Township 3 miles west of Exeter, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER »th, 1917 at 2 p.m., the following: HORSES — Belgian gelding, 5 years old; Percheron mare, 12 years old. CATTLE-—Cow due time of sale; 6 cows due July and August; 2 fresh cows; 3 yearling heifers; 3 yearling steers; black heifer rising 3, in calf; g spring calves, 2 brood sows. 20 tons of mixed hay. •CASH ED. PENHALE, Prop,GEORGE LAWSON,Scierk, FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. TERMS- AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE AND HOGS W. E. Naira, auctioneer, will sell by public auction on Lot 10, On. 13» Hibbert Twin 2% miles south of Cromarty, on" TUESDAY, OCT. 14th, 1947 commencing at 1:30 p.m, the fol­ lowing: CATTLE—3 Durham cows with calves at side; 24 Durham and Hereford steers, 2 years old, weigh­ ing 700 to 800 lbs.; 1 fat cow; 8 Hereford yearling steers; 7 Here­ ford spring calves. HOGS—23 store hogs, 90 lbs, each. Also 19 29 Ford coach in good condition. NO RESERVE — TERMS CASH FRANK HARBURN, prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. on Sunday HEADQUARTERS e MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J, Mahoney, B.I). Mrs. A, Y. Willard, Organist Harvest Thanksgiving Services 11 a.m.—“You may be Richer than You Think”. Anthems: “Thanksgiving Song,” “All Loves Excelling.” 12 noon—Sunday School promotion service. p.m.—“The Four Anchors.” Anthem: “Prayer of Thanks­ giving.” 7 AUCTION SALE The Estate of the Late William Zimmer Lot 5, Main Street, Dashwood SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1947 REAL ESTATE — 1-5 acre of land, good frame house, front ver­ andah, sun porch with verandah built over top, large woodshed, double garage, plenty of soft and hard water, best of garden land, fine shade trees. Terms of Real Estate: 10% day of sale, balance in 20 days; will »e sold subject to a reserved bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Full set of garden tools; lawn mower, like new; 4 long ladders; 2 step­ ladders, large and small; wheel­ barrow; quantity of lumber; four single cord of wood in garage, more or less; large quantity of best hard­ wood in woodshed—this will not De offered till after property has heen sold; 2 lawn benches; 2 lawn chairs, hand made; beautiful bird house; strong work bench; work bench tools; new 5 gal. coal oil can; pails; hoes, spades, etc.; lin­ oleum rug, 9x15 ft,; linoleum rug 9x1 ft.; large linoleum in kit­ chen; a number of rugs and mats, various sizes; clothes hanger; hat rack; 3-piece chesterfield suite; studio couch; 3-leaf extension table; 2 oak tables; 2 centre tables; numerous flower stands, 2 oak; 2 wicker chairs; 2 oak rockers; 3’ other rockers; 9 strong kitchen chairs; 9 dining-room chairs; 1 set­ tee; 1 wooden bed; 6 steel beds, all with springs and mattress; 1 innerspring; dressers: wash stands: 2 toilet sets; 3 lamps; pictures and picture frames; kitchen clock; Do­ herty kitchen stove, like new; din­ ing room heater; electric toaster; electric iron, like^new; 2 steel fry­ ing pans; 1 aluminum frying pan; numerous kitchen utensils; silver­ ware; fancy glassware and dishes; baking cabinet; cupboard; kitchen sink; large cabbage cutter; quantity of sealers and jugs; washing ma­ chine; clothes basket; 2 wringers: beautiful flower plants with con­ tainers; and many other articles too numerous to mention. This is a large sale, so come early, Starts at 1 p.m. sharp. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk, IDA ZIMMER, HERMAN ZIMMER, Executors. 2:9c farm sold CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from HAROLD WEBB to sell by public auction at Lot 15, Con. 20, Stephen Township 2 miles south of Grand Bend on Highway 81 THURSDAY, OCT. 16th, 1947 4 at 1 p.m. CATTLE—Hereford cow, due No­ vember 14, 6 years old; roan cow, due Dec. 8, 6 years old; black Here­ ford, due in March, 6 years old: red cow, veal calf at foot; red Dur­ ham heifer, with calf at foot,- 3 years old; red Nov. 23; roan fat; 5 heifers, ling steers; 2 spring calves. HOGS—4 chunks, around 70 lbs. SHEEP—11 ewes, no older than years; ram; 5 spring ewe lambs; late lambs. POULTRY—40 yearling Rock x Leghorn hens; 100 Rock x Leghorn pullets, laying good; 10 ducks; col­ lie dog. « IMPLEMENTS- drill; M.H, 5 ft. ■ der; tor; roller flat rack; buzz saw; 2 steel pig troughs; Clinton fanning mill; grass seeder; 2000 lb. scales; wheel­ barrow; weighing platform; walk­ ing plough; 2 iron gates; M.H. 10- inch chopper; 50 ft. endless belt; Maple Leaf 8-inch chopper: set of bop sleighs; cutter; electric fencer; set of double harness; brooder, 500 .size; chicken shelter and coops; Viking cream separator; anvil and drill; grindstone; 60 ft. barn cable; hay fork; sling ropes and pulleys; chains, forks, shovels, barrel, and numerous other articles. FEED—8 loads of hay; 300 bus. of mixed grain. TERMS OF SALE—CASH J. R. McLEAN, Auctioneer R. R. 2, Parkhill, ISAAC BESTARD, Clerk. Durham heifer, due steer, coming three, coming two; 5 year- yearling heifers; 5 3 3 -1-1-hoe fertilizer McD drop head hay loader; binder, 6 ft. out; M.H. mower, cut; M.H. dump rake; hay ted- 3- section spring tooth cultiva- 4- section drag harrows; land rubber tired wagon, 600x16: buzz saw; Clinton electric PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H« T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Prayer service. Speaker, Mrs. R. McDonald. Thurs., 2:30 p.m.—W.M.S. Speaker Miss D. Peart. Roll Call, Prayer. MrsFri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S, Speaker, P. R. Durand. Sun,, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. E. Cudmore. Sunday morning and evening ices—Missionaries to India China, Mr. and Mrs. Schell and Miss Fair, will he the speakers. Watch this space for a great an­ nouncement in the coming weeks Supt. serv­ ant! CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Norma M. Knight, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship “Thanksgiving.” Fri., Oct. 10, 8:30 p.m.—Y.P.S. will meet in the schoolroom and will entertain the Y.P.S. of Thames Road. Thurs., Oct. 16, 8 p.m.- will meet in S.S. room. Sun., Oct, 19'—-Anniversary ser- ices will be held. Speaker, Rev Wm, A. Young, of Fergus W.M.S 1 SEVENTH ANNUAL SALE OF REGISTERED HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell by pub­ lic auction for STUTT BROS. 2 miles north-east of Forest, U mile east of Highway 21 SATURDAY, OCT. 18th, 1947 33 HEAD • around one year old Bred Heifers Open Heifers Accredited and Blood to sell Lot 16, 2 miles FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions from THOMAS ISAAC by public auction at Con. 22, Stephen Twp. west, 1 mile north of Greenway, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 15th, 1947 at 1:30 p.m. HORSES — Horse, 6 years old, about 1800 lbs.; horse, 5 years old, about 1400 lbs.; two-year-old geld­ ing; aged horse. CATTLE — 2 Durham heifers, due in January; cow, milking, due in April; farrow cow; steer, com­ ing three; steer, coming two; 3 heifers, coming two; 6 spring calves IMPLEMENTS — M.H. manure spreader; M.H. fertilizer drill, 13- disc, nearly new; M.H. bean scuff­ le? and puller; 4-section harrows; M.H. riding plough; McC. mower; hay loader; hay rake; 14-plate disc; cultivator; F. & W. binder; walking plough; steel tired wagon; steel roller; fanning mill; light wagon with pig rack; new set of sleighs; scales; cutter; buggy; 10- hoe M.H. seed drill; 2 sets of har­ ness; and numerous other articles. TERMS OF SALE—CASH J. R. McLEAN, Auctioneer, R.R. 2, Parkhill. 9c .17 Bulls 10 6 Herd Fully Tested Open Heifers Vaccinated Offering sired by our Crapo Bred Sires: Ellis Domino 18th C.F. 152208; Repeat Domino 18th C.F. 120823. The Bred Heifers are mated to our new Herd Sire M.B. Emblem 2D 4586913, purchased from Meadow Brook Farms, Rochester, Mich. pan. Sharp on request. E. M. LESTER WHITE W.S. Sale at 1 Catalogue O’NEIL LING. Auctioneers 1047 No of 7 10 20 15 35 20 AUCTION SALE OF 100 HORSES on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15. 12:30 sharp Sale to be held at RUS-MAR FARM 3 miles south of Arkona, on Highway, in the township Warwick. Shetland Ponies—7 weanlings 3 mature ponies. Registered Clyde Mares—from the herd of Mitchell Hepburn. Weanlings—by Briar Hawk and Haytime, thoroughbred crosses (hunter type). Weanlings—Clyde, Belgian, Per- cheron. Useful Mares — a number of them with foal, Horses will be sold as listed. NO RESERVE TERMS: CASH i RUS-MAR FARMS, -LESTER BROS, FARMS.1 E, M, LESTER, Auctioneer.2tc AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND FARM STOCK The undersigned has received in­ structions to sell by public auction at Lot .16, (’on, 4, Stephen Township WEDNESDAY, OCT 22ud, 1047 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES —Clyde mare, 6 years old; black mare, 12 years old; black mare, 7 years old; one-year- old filly. CATTLE—Holstein cow, due Dec. 11; Hereford cow, due time of sale; Hereford cow, due in Feb.; Here­ ford cow, due in January; brindle cow, due in February; Jersey cow due in February; 3 cows with calves at foot; Hereford heifer due in December; brindle cow due in January; 4 steers rising 3 years old; 5 heifers rising 3 years old; 4 heifers rising 2 years old; 4 year­ ling heifers; 4 yearling steers; 4 fall calves; baby calf; 4 spring calves. 6 pigs weighing 90 pounds. 200 White Leghorn hens. Terms of Chattels—Cash. LAWRENCE HILL, Prop. GEORGE FRANK REAL li time there real estate of Lot 3, Con phen, 50 acres of land more or less (25 acres of pasture and 25 acres of crop land), owned by the estate of the late W. R, Hill. Terms of Real Estate — 10% down, balance in 30 days. LEONA HILL, -CZAR WILSON, VERNON WILSON, LAWRENCE HILL, Executors of W. R. Hill Estate, ; LAWSON, Clerk, TAYLOR, Auct. STATE — At the same will be offered for sale known as the south-half 5, Township of Sic- b* JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. .T. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, AAV.C.M. Musical Thanksgiving i a.m.—Sunday . a.m.-—Church ......._______ Spirit of Thankfulness.” Anthem; “Sing to the Lord of Harvest.’’ Solo: Mrs. John Hodgert. p.m.—Evening Worship. Duet: Margaret Melville, Barbara Dinney. W.M.S. meets on Thursday, Oct. 9 at 3 p.m. Church Anniversary, Oct. 26th — Rev. Ed. Aidworth, of St. Marys. 10 11 7 Director Day Services School. Worship “The Trucks ALL MAKES « Snell Bros. & Co General Motors and Case Dealers Phone 100 a TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector, Rev. C. L, Langford B.A., M.A. Organist—Robert Cameron a.m,—Sunday School. -Evening service Exeter 11 7 p.m.. The Best ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Dr. IV. R. Montgomery Director of Adult and Brotherhood Work of Dayton, Ohio, special speaker Services at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Church School at 11 a.m, Monday, 8 p.m.—“Davie” Concert. M. zClip Joints* In Town Al and Walt BARBERS “AL” TOMLINSON “WALT” BENTLEY Make that bank account bigger— J use The Times-Advocate classified i WE OFFER — Subject to Prior Sale $309,00# Barber Shop in cbnnection with Bus Depot New Issue The Western Ontario Motorways Limited (Incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario) 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference Shares (Par Value $20.00 per share) These preference shares are preferred as to both capital and dividends. Cumulative dividends at the rat.e Of $1.00 Per share per annum will accrue from the First day of June, 1947, and will be payable quarterly on the First days of September, December, March and June. Preference shares are redeemable in whole or in part at the Company’s option at $21.00 on or before the 31st day of December, 1952. No bonds may be issued ahead of these preference shares or any stock created which would rank equally with them. A sinking fund of at least ten per cent of the net earnings of the com­ pany will be set up commencing on the first day of June, 194S. No dividends may be paid on the common shares when the payment of such dividends would reduce the working capital of the company to an amount less than $45,000.00. The proceeds of the sale of this issue of both preference and. shares will be paid into the Treasury of the Company. common ft CAPITALIZATION (After completion of present financing) Authorized 5% Cumulative Redeemable Sinking Fund Preference shares, par* value $20.00 per share ... Common shares, no par value. 50,000 shs. ... 100.000 shs. Transfer Agent and Registrar THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY London, Ontario $20.005% Preference Shares With the privilege of purchasing one common share each preference share at $1.00 per share The right is reserved tc allot a smaller number of shares than To Be Issued per Share with applied for. A prospectus describing these shares may be obtained from your invest­ ment dealer or broker, or from the head office of the Company, George W. Lawson * Insurance EXETER, ONTARIO