HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-02, Page 7THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2nd, 1947
Red Cross News
Next executive meeting will be
held on Monday, Oct. 6tli, at 3
p.ni. in the Canadian Legion rooms.
Packing Day will be Friday, Oct.
10th, in the Canadian Legion room.
All articles to be in by 2 p.m,
Would all ladies endeavour to have
their knitting completed tor this
Highest Cash Prices
Bashwood Thedford
2: 9: 1'6: 23c
Yon can keep the old bus in
smart shape, and save your
self both time and money by
having fender dents and small
body jobs attended to prompt
ly. We guarantee first class
workmanship on all jobs.
Ed’s Machine Shop
Two Blocks East of Main
Street on John Street.
Snell Bros. & Co.
Extra Mileage...
plus extra safety
. . . make Good
year tires the
choice of thrifty
motorists. You,
too, can enjoy
these extras . . .
get long-wearing
Goodyears to
BBT T/Rf 87 M£S K
General Motors Dealers
Phone lOo Exeter
Help Hature To
Eliminate Waste
! A combination of valuable vegO'
table remedies, blended together
under rigid standards of purity,
Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills are often
valuable in the relief of constipa
tion and other disorders of the liver,
stomach and bowels. *
They help the eliminatory organs
••and clear the system of waste which
is often, the cause of constipation,
•sick and bilious spells, headaches
-and heartburn. Once tried, you’ll
be delighted by the renewed feeling
x>f well-being which they help to
Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills are on
gale at all drug counter®.
Who T. Milburn Co., itf.( Toronto, Ont
Birth, Dentil and Mnrrinare
lYptHce* nre inner te<l tree wt
charge, Ca?d of Thanks (5<>e. Ip
Aieniorinid x<>tjye« 50c for sips?!?
verse, 2Se extra for eaeij addi
tional verse. Encaisem ents She
BOWERS—At Mrs, Hunter’s Nurs
ing Home on Monday, Septem
ber 29, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs,
Sam Bowers, of Exeter a daugh
ter, Joyce Elizabeth.
BROWN—Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Brown, of Motherwell, announce
the birth of their daughter at
Stratford General Hospital, on
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1947.
DESJARDINE — To Mr, and Mrs.
Ross A. DesJardine, Grand Bend,
at Victoria Hospital, on Tuesday,
September <23, 1947, a baby boy,
James Edward.
FINKBEINER— At Mrs. Hunter’s
Nursing Home on Wednesday,
September 24, il>947, to -Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Finkbeiner of Steph
en, a son, Gerald Franklin.
HANRAHAN — At Dr. Fletcher's
Hospital, on Saturday, Septem-
. ber 27, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs, E.
M. Hanrahan, of Exeter, a
daughter, Patricia Ann.
STRANG — In Victoria Hospital,
London, on .Tuesday, September
30, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Strang, of Usborne, a son,
SIGSWORTH-—Mr. and Mrs. James
Sigsworth, Lucan, announce the
birth of their daughter (Helen
daughter at Woodstock General
Hospital, on Wednesday, Septem
ber 17,
There will he no church service
Church next
owing to an-
spent a few .,J| ... Granton.
Mrs.. Wm. Luther and Mrs. Lillie
Garrod is at present spending some
time with relatives in the West.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, of
St. Marys, Miss Verna and Viola
Kennedy, of Toronto, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Watson.
Mr, Norman Amos, of Guelph,
spent the week-end at his home
A large number from the neigh
borhood attended Ilderton fair on
Wednesday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Ansell Lee spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo, Lee, of Alisa Craig.
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Amos and chil
dren spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Rosser, of Ailsa Craig.
Miss Lois McCallum, of Parkhill,
spent the week-end with Miss Gert
rude Amos.
in Brinsley United.
Sunday, October Sth,
niyersary services at
Mrs. Fraser Dixon
days with friends in
Corbett spent the
her son-in-law and
and Mrs. Harold
Algeria will enter the North
American market for supplies of
oak, Douglas fir, plywood and
handles for tools-
at fit. Joseph’s Hospital,
Sept. 26, 1947.
— Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Bright, Ont., formerly of
announce the birth of a
— In Victoria Hospital,
on Monday, September
1947, Lily Oke, beloved
29 th,
w'ife of the late Herman Billings,
in her 77th year.
EASTON—In Usborne Township on
Tuesday, September 30th, 1947,
Jane Ewart, 'beloved wife of the
late John
Easton, in her 83rd
Kathleen Morlock, beloved wife
of Royal Gaiser, in her 40th year.
Stephen Township on
September 127, 1947.
The engagement is announced of
Gloria ^Patricia Isabel, youngest
daughter' of Mrs. Swanson and the
late George Swanson, of London,
to Charles Murray Wolfe, of Toron
to, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes
ley Wolfe, Dashwood; the wedding
to take place at King Street United
Church, London, October 25, at 3
p.m. ' x
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bayley, of
London, announce the engagement
of their eldest daughter, Beverley
Arline, to Arthur William Cunning
ham, younger son of Mr. and M-rs.
Alvin Cunningham, Clandeboye,
Ontario. The wedding to take place
October 25, 194 7. x
Miss Etta Mae Brintnell wishes
to thank her many friends for tlio
beautiful floral tributes, cards and
treats she received while a patient
in Victoria Hospital, especially her
fellow workers of Canadian Gun
ners Ltd., and Rev. Mr. Snell who
helped to shorten the hours she
spent away from home. u
JVIr. Royal Gaiser and family wish to’' thank friends and neighbors for
their sympathy, flowers, and many
acts of kindness during their recent
■bereavement and also to Rev. M. E.
iReuber and Rev. and Mrs. Fred
Feist, Milverton. *
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Dickey and
Mary’wish to thank all who remem
bered Mary in any way while she
was a patient in Victoria Hospital
’ c
Mrs. Jas. Kirkland wishes to
thank her friends and relatives for
the flowers, cards and treats she
received while a patient in Victoria
cHospital, London.
CORBETT—In loving memory
dear husband and father,
Corbett, who passed away
years ago, Oct. 5th, 1945.
October comes with deep regrets,
A month we Will never forget,
Till memory fades and life departs,
I-Ie'll live forevei’ in our hearts.
—‘Ever remembered by wife and
family. c
KERSLAKE—In loving memory of
Holland Bulbs
of a
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kipfer are
holidaying with the latter’s parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Green at Port
Miss Barbara Shepherd, of Clin
ton, spent the week-end at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smale, of
Seaforth, were recent visitors with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs
Geo. Smale.
Mrs. Donaldson, of London, visit
ed at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Annie Saundercock last week.
Mrs. Rumball, of Clinton, visited
over the week-end with her son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 3.
G, Rennie.
Mrs. Geo. Thomson, of London,
was a recent visitor with Mrs. Alda
Mrs. Harold Shepherd, of Toron
to, is spending two week’s vaca
tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Smillie.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston have
moved into their apartments over
the welding shop.
Miss Helen Swan returned home
from a pleasant visit with friends
in Goderich.
Mrs. Edna
week-end with
daughter, Mr.
Mrs. Catharine Hedden, of Clin
ton, visited recently with relatives
and friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton England, of
St. Thomas, visited recently with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Matthew England.
Mr, and Mrs. Lome Elder and
little son have returned to Hamil
ton after spending the past week
with Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore,
The ladies of Chiselhurst United
18 th.
don, is
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Miss ’Gladys Luker, Mrs. Hedden,
Mrs. H. McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Sherrittj Mr. Jarvis Horton assist
ed with the musical numbers at the
Chiselhurst anniversary services
Ferguson, assisted by
Tinney, Sunday School
ent. A junior choir of
pleasing number and
choir sang the anthem,
Glad.” The infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Campbell was bap
tized at this service. Rev. P. A.
Ferguson gave an interesting dis
of the
held in
on Sunday, Oct. 5th at 11 a.m. Pre
paratory service will be held at 8
p,m. Friday evening.
The Clinton Citzen’s Band pre
sented an outstanding band concert
in the Town Hall, Hensall, on
Sunday evening under the band
master, Mr. A. C. 'Robinson, of Lon
don. The program was as follows:
“O Canada” by the band; “March
Invercargill”, comet solo; “Just A-
Wearyin’ for You” R. Mathews,
aged 10, accompanist Miss Irma
Watt at the piano; Waltz Mello
Moon”, band; comet solo “Air
Varie”, Jimmy Miller, aged 14,
Ingersoll (gold medalist), accomp
anist Miss Irma Watt; selection
“Land of the Shamrock”; clarinet
solo, “Elena Polka”, by Miss Ina
Robinson; Hymn, “Sun of My
Soul” band; “March of the Thund
erer” band; comet duet, “Chums”,
Misses Irma and Marjorie Watt,
Blyth, accompanist Miss ilna Robin
son; selection “Southland” band;
tional Anthem.
Hensall Women's
meet in the United
room on Wednesday
Sth. Miss Lammie
wards will be hostesses,
esting program will be
including the showing of
der the direction of Mrs. A. E.
Munn. The roll call will be answer
ed as follows “A hook I have read
recently and enjoyed. Mrs. Goodwin,
Miss Lammie, Mrs. 'Cross, Mrs. Hess,
Mrs. Slierrit, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs.
•Drysdale and Gladys Luker form
the social committee. A large at
tendance is urged at this meeting.
Bride-Elect Honored
Miss Katie Scott, was hostess lor
the Bell Telephone staff on Monday
evening in honor of Miss Margaret
MacGregor, bride-elect, who was
the recipient of a beautiful tri-light
lamp. The guest of honor made a
fitting reply. Refreshments were
Ibra-Nuptial Shower
Miss Margaret Shepherd enter
tained at her home on Tuesday eve
ning, Sept. 30th, in honor of Miss
Margaret MacGregor, popular >bride-
will hold a bazaar and home
sale in the Hensall United
on Saturday afternoon, Oct,
Goldie Cross, R.N., of Lon-
holidaying at the home of
Day services were held
conducted by
Rev. P.
Mr. George
girls sang a
the Senior
“I was
on the subject, “The Lord
Harvest.’’ The service was
Communion service will be
Carmel Presbyterian church
selection “Southland'
; solo, “The Lost Chord’’ by
Miller; hymn
band; march,
“Abide with
“Lead Kindly
Me”; the Na-
Institute will
Church school
night, October
and Mrs. Ed-
An inter
films un-
A. E.
They should be planted immediately for best results, You
can have blooms for Christmas if planted, inside now.
We have small pots of Maiden Hair and Boston Ferns,
Gloxinia, Cycleman and Branching Ivy.
Ralph Bailey And Family Phone 276
elect. Arrangements of streamers in
pink and white and lovely bouquets
provided a pretty setting. During
the evening bingo was played, prize
winners being as follows: Jean
Alexander, Ellen Bell, Gladys Luk
er. Margaret Glenn, Mrs. Finch,
Alma Bell, Gladys Kerslake, Helen
Sanders, Phyllis Glenn, Helen Far
quhar. Miss Edna Saundercock and
Miss Margaret Shepherd then made
the presentation of many beautiful
gifts to the guest of honor who re
sponded fittingly. Dainty refresh
ments were served by the hostess }
assisted by Mrs. Shepherd. Misses
Edna Saundercock and Erma
Son of $3000 Shorthorn Bull
Wins at Mitchell Fair
John G. Kinsman, of Kippen,
won first place in Mitchell in the
Calf Club and also stood first in
open Baby Beef Class with Maple
Emblem Indemnity, first son of
■Klaymore Indemnity, the $3000
animal owned 'by W. A. Culbert &
Sons, of Dungannon. John purchas
ed this calf from Culbert & Sons in
April of this year and since won
first place in Beef Calf Club. He
will now enter in King’s Guinea
Class at the Royal Winter Fair at
Toronto in November.
Mrs. Chas. Kerslake, who passed
away October 1, 1944,
Today recalls sad memories
Of a dear mother gone to rest,
And the ones who think of her to
Are the ones who loved her best.
-—Ever remembered by her husband
and family. *
XILER—In loving memory of my
deai' brother, Daniel E. IZiler, who
passed away three years ago,
F/e/d Day
—Continued From Page One
Junior Boys
100-yard dash — Ron Heimrlch,
Charles Cowan, Bob Wade.
220-yard dash—Bob Wade, Bill
Gilfillan, Wayne Tuckey.
Running broad — Jack Ifaberer,
Wayne Tuckey, Ken Moir.
Hop, step and jump—Ron Heim-
rick, Bill Gilfillan Ross Coates,
High jump—-Ron Heimricli, Bill
Heywood, Ken Moir.
Shot put — Ron Heimricli, Tom
Steiner, Charles Cowan.
Intermediate Boys
100-yard dash—Bill O’Brien, Bill
Mickle, Fred Wuerth.
220-yard dash — Bill O'Brien,
Fred Wuerth, Bill Mickle.
440-yard dash —- Fred Wuerth,
Gerald Webb, Tom Peters.
Half mile—Fred Wuerth, Grant
Morgan, Gerald Webb.
Running broad — Bill Mickle,
Grant Morgan, Bob Tripp.
. Hop, step and jump—Bill O’Brien
Grant Morgan, Grant Wildfong,
High jump — Bill Mickle, Ralph
Sweitzer, Gerald Webb.
Shot put—Bill O’Brien, Don Web
ster, Paul Durand.
Senior Boys
100-yard dash—Maurice O’Dwyer
Campbell Krueger, Grant Case.
220-yard dash — Murray May,
Campbell Krueger, Bill Elliott.
4 40-yard dash—Maurice O’Dwyer
Uel Schroeder, Doug May.
Half mile — Murray May, Paul
Balkwill, Jim Cann.
Running broad — Murray May,
Paul Balkwill, Maurice O’Dwyer.
Hop, step and jump — Murray
May, Paul Balkwill, Campbell Krue
High jump—Paul Balkwill,
Schroeder, Bill Elliott.
Shot put—'Russell Hopcroft,
Cann, Maurice O’Dwyer.
Half mile open—Jim Cann,
Schroeder, Bill Luxton,
Remember, three things come
The arrow sent upon its track; it
will not swerve; will not delay
its speed—it flies to wound or
The spoken word, so soon forgot by
thee; but it has perished not—in.
other hearts ’tis living still, and
doing work for good or ill;
And the last opportunity that com
eth back no more to thee; in vain
thou weepest, vainly yearn—
those three will never more
Fail Weather is here again . . . time to look after
the laying hen. We have many of the things you
need: Kerol for disinfectant, Oyster Shell, Grit,
Fortified Pilchard Oil, Co-Oi> Worm X-Pel, How
ard's Poultry Stimulator, large Pails suitable for
water, Beet Molasses (an excellent tonic for your
birds), Pratt’s Poultry Regulator.
For Your Hogs * . . Pig Starter, Hog Grower, Co-
Op Hog Worm X-Pel, Raw Linseed Oil, Pratt s
Hog Tonic,
A few' squares of Buff Roll Brick Siding; over
15 squares of 3-in-one Gentry Shingles, clover
Paint prices are rising again. We still have several
5-gallon cans of Special Brown Paint. This is ex
cellent quality at a right price.
Exeter District Co-Operative
Mill 287Ji Office 287w Phones
An Army of Salesmen
z "Ax . *"f-
■fl a.
bettiiigelfbu liked®
them before
X,' ,
When more tharna million Canadians
buy Canada Savings Bonds,, there
must be a good reason! And it isn’t
hard to find! It’s because through
Canada Savings Bonds, they can save
money surely, steadily, systematically.
So because you’ve shown you like this
method of saving, here’s youy chance
to keep it up. You can buy the new
Canada Savings Bonds in the same
convenient ways, for cash or on easy
instalments. The interest is still 2% %>
and you may purchase up to $1000 in
any one name (but no more).
Decide now how much you want to
save during the next twelve months,
then place yonr order without delay*
■ I
On Sale October 14th through your
Investment Dealer, your Bank, or
your Company’s Payroll Savings
Oct. 4th. 1944.
Debrer to us than words can tell,
Was he we lost and loved so well.
With tender love and deep regret,
We loved him too deafly to ever
-—Always remembered by Sister
Louise. *
Bonds B