HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-10-02, Page 5«**THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 2nd, 1947 Page 5 I CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY (Continued from page 4) JAMES STREET UNITED Rev. H. ,T. Snell, Xyster Mr. Lawrence Wein, AAV.C.M. Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. REAL. ESTATE . . I11 a.m.—-World wide Communion. Anthem “Teach Me O Lord." 7 p.m.—Public Worship by the Minister. Solo, Walter Cutbush. Church Anniversary will her 26th. Rev. W. E. of St, Marys, will he preacher, conducted be Octo- Al d worth, the guest MAIN STREET UNITED Rev, Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist ‘11 a.m.—World-wide Communion, Make this communion a time of re-dedication and prayer for the church throughout the world. 12 noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m,—“Keeping the Glow." ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton M. E, Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. F. W. Morlock. Organist 10:30 a.m,—Rally Day Service (combined service). Evening Service withdrawn in favor of the United Church Anniver­ sary. Oct. 12th—Anniversary services. Oct. 13 th—Davie Concert. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and daughter Shirley, and Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Squire were pleasantly entertained at a fowl supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone, Kirkton, on Thursday eve­ ning last. Mr. Twp., last week then has remained tion. His for the best. TRIVITT MEMORIAL Anglican —- Rector, Rev, C. L» Langford B,A„ M-A. Organist—-Robert Cameron a.m.—Holy Communion, a.m.—Sunday School. 10 II 7 p.m.'—Evening Prayer. Monday, Oct. 6—T.M. Club, Parish Hall PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE H, T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m,—prayer service. Fri., 8 p.m.-—Y.P.S. Special speak­ er; Mrs. Blanchard. Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. Supt, Mr. E. Cudmore. Mission­ ary Sunday, Sun. 11 a.m.—Communion Service Sun., 7:30 p.m.—Praise and testimony. Sun, 8 p.m.—Evangelistic. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Norma M. Knight, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Tues., Oct. 7, 3 p.m.—The Caven Congregational Circle meets at the home of Mrs. Hatter. Prayer Meetings Commence in Exeter Oct. 1—Caven, Rev. H. J. Mahoney. 8—Main St., Rev. C. L. Langford. Trivitt, Rev. H. J. Snell. James St., Rev. K. MaoLean. Langford. Caven, Rev. H. J. MacLean, Mahoney. critical as he has unconscious condi- triends will hope J. Snell. MacLean. Main St., Rev. K. Trivitt, Rev. H. J. James St., Rev. C. L. Langford. Main St., Rev. H. Trivitt, Rev. K. James St,, Rev. H. J. Mahoney, Snell. Caven, Rev. C, L. Stoves and Heaters JS> Chris Dinney, of Stephen suffered a stroke Friday of and his condition since been in an many Our stoves and heaters are moving fairly rapidly. Fortunately we had a large stock in preparation for the com­ ing season and you still may have a good’choice in Quebec heaters of sev­ eral sizes; Oil heaters, Air-Tight Heat­ ers and Cook Stoves of various makes. GRASS FARM FOR SALE—Lot 14 8*4 15, Con. 18, Stephen Twp., 115 acres cleared, 10 acres wood­ land. Apply to Charles Cronyn, administrator for John Sullivan Estate. 2:9c FOR SALE — One floor, 4 room new house, range wired, bath­ room, automatic water heater, furniture if desired; early pos­ session, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 25* FOR SALE—,1| storey house Cred­ iton, hard and soft water, built- in cupboards and sink, electric­ ity, part cellar, barn and hen­ house. Price lowered for quick sale. Early possession. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 25* FOR SALE—Two residential lots, Andrew Street, Exeter. Apply to W. G. Medd, Address Box K, Exeter, Ont 2tfc FOR SALE—100 acre farm, lot 3 con. 2, Tuckersmith Twp., frame house with asbestos shingles, bank barn, 90 acres tillable land. Apply to Box 218 Exeter. 25tfc CREDITON Present and former members of the .Crediton United church ■ar: asked to bear in mind the Old Home gathering in the church Monday evening, October 6th fj.au o'clock in commemoration of the church’s 25th birthday. A pot inch supper will Im served includ­ ing the large. Birthday cake. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs M. E. Reuber on the arrival of a son in day. Rally in the School service was led by the superinten­ dent, Mr. Jas. Mawhinney. A story “Church of the Friendly Heart" was ably told by Mrs. S. Smith, A dramatized conversation on “The Crusade in our Church School" was presented by several members of the school. Scripture was read by Delores Pfaff and a quartette was sung by Misses Joyce Cham­ bers, Ila Tilley, Edith Hill and Delores Pfaff. The offering was in aid of a fund toward the purchase of a new. boat for the Pacific .coast Mission work, Mr. who spent several Alberni, B.C., gave a very and interesting talk on the uro on at London Hospital on Mon­ Day was fittingly observed United Church £ on Sunday morning. Sunday . The FOR SALE—Immediate or spring possesion, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter, C V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, FOR SALE—Block of 4 or 5 lots, centrally located in Exeter, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, FARM FOR SALE—143 acres, west of airport, 7-room brick house, bank barn, frame barn with hay­ loft, hydro, hard and soft water in house, water pressure system in barn, 20 acres fall wheat in, 35 acres of fall plowing, 4 0 acres of hay, rest in pasture; river runs through pasture. Apply at Times- Advocate. 2tfc FOR SALE—1'50 acres, frame house and large hank barn, close to town; % mile to Public School, productive clay loam, 10 acres bush, never failing water supply, B mile off County Road, hydro passes gate, Let us show you this property if you a-re looking for a farm that will carry a lot of cattle and hogs. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FOR SALE—>100 acres productive clay loam, vicinity of Exeter, 8 room brick house, L-shaped barn 40x40, driveshed garage, failing water supply, 5 Immed- Hunter, 2* 60x4 0, never acres hard wood bush, iate posesssion, R. D. phone -113w, Exeter. FOR SALE — John Street, vacant lot, cellar dug, drains in, town water in, old house included. W. C. Pearce. 25* DOMINION AMMUNITION hunting favorite > Hardware FARM FOR SALE Tenders will be received by undersigned until Wednesday, 25 th day of October, 1947, for purchase of Lot 24, Con. 7, Hunting Needs ■ See our stock of goods. With your sport at hand you’ll want the best in equipment. RIFLES SHOT GUNS FARM FOR SALE — 100 acres choice, well drained land in a prosperous farming community on highway in Exeter district. Mostly pasture at present, some newly seeded.. Never-failing water sup­ ply, 4 acres young bush. Bank barn, strong timber frame, 60x36, with 10-foot lean attached. Mod­ ern hen house, 40x15. 1*4-storey brick house, recently decorated and painted, insulated, 4-piece bath, hardwood floors, built-in-' cupboards, both hard and soft running water, hydro and garage. Garden, young fruit trees, good raspberry patch. Immediate pos­ session. Write Box 33 0, Exeter. 2* YOU OUGHT TO KNOW ABOUT Purina Chek-R-Ton PULLETS, layingGROWING hens, and growing turkeys often need a "lift" about now, to keep them coming full speed ahead. Mixing Purina Chek-R-Ton in their mash, a "flock treatment" for one week, gives them that lift. It's easy to administer—since all you have to do after mixing is to give them their feed as usual, It's economical — costs only about %Yz cents per bird. And it makes a real difference in the way they take hold. Knocks out large round­ worms. Improves appetites, Regulates bowel action. Adds Vitamins B and G. Helps birds snap back after aoccidiosiS, enteri­ tis, or blackhead—-noi a cure, but helps speed up recovery. Ed. Lamport, years at Port vivid work of the West coast Missionary. Rev. Hann also spoke briefly on and West coast Missions and a very fine address on the Book of Ecclesiastes to the Adult class. The program was convened by Mi’S- J. Galloway and Mrs. Nel­ son Lamport. Several from here attended an­ niversary services at Shipka on Sunday. Aniversary services will be held in the Crediton Church next Sunday. Miss Susan M. Barber has return­ ed to her home in Chicago after visiting with her cousin, Mrs. E, M. Grant, and Mrs. Fraser Brown. A public meeting will be held in the 'Council Chambers on the evening of Oct, luth regarding the advisabilty of opening a library for the fall and winter months, good attendance is requested. and Mrs. Ed. Yearley, spent the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. East gave Bible A ELIMVILLE Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skinner were Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Margison and Bobby of London, Mrs. Edward Johns, of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. John Miners and Jo Ann. We all congratulate Mr, Sparling and his pupils for splendid work They won 1st prize for drill 2nd for dress in the school parade. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tate and family have returned home after spending two weekta’ holidays at Ottawa. Miss Donna McFalls, of spent Anna Mr. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Philip March visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Murch and family, of London, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge/ Bruce and Fred, of Winchelsea, and Mr. Crediton, Mr. and Misses red Miller, of London, week-end Messrs. Stephen, week-end Several tended the Kirkton Fall Fair. Miss Bessie Bell, of Long Island New York, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos. Bell, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coward, of Salem, Oregon, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Watson, of St. Marys, vis­ ited with the Bell family on , Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Gollings, of Gran­ ton, Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lloyd Shiers, of Brynston, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gollings, of Toronto, and Mr. Jack Gollings, of England, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. The latter has been in England for fifteen years. Mrs. Reginald McDonald is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey their at Kirkton Fair, and the week-end with and Grace Routly, and Mrs. Norman and Shirley, of Zion, Exeter, Misses Jaques, and and Mrs. and Fred i'. and Mrs. Russell King, of visited on Sunday with Mrs, Bruce Cooper. Florence Bell and Mild- , . spent the. with Mrs, Thomas Bell. Laurie and Murray of London, spent with their parents, from this community the at- DASHWOQO Russell Tieman had the misfor­ tune to fracture his ankle while at. Grand Bend on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwalm, of Sebwaing, Mich., called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and family spent the weekend with ’ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hewitt of | Collingwood. I Rev. J. W. Siebert and his moth- ‘ er, Mrs, jr. Siebert, of Cbesley, vis-1 ited with Mrs. Witzel on Thursday 1 afternoon. j Mr. Gordon Eagleson, of Mont-i real, is spending a few days_ with ; his parents, Mr. and Eagleson. Anniversary services on Oct. 19th in the Church, 25th Wedding Anniversary Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Haugh, of the 14th Concession, Hay Township, on the occasion of their 12 5 th wedding anniversary. Rela­ tives and friends from Stratford, Bad Axe, Pigeon and the commun­ ity gathered at their home to sur­ prise them on the eve of then* wed­ ding day. The events of the evening consisted of a charivari, music and speeches. Beautiful gifts were pre- 1 seated to them on behalf of the. assembly by Mrs. M. Merner fol­ lowing the reading of an address by Alvin Walper. Both Mr. and Mrs. Haugh very capably express­ ed their thanks. Lunch was served from a table centred with a beau­ tiful three-storey wedding cake. J flanked by tall tapers in silver ■ candle holders. It is sincerely hoped that Mr. and Mrs. Haugh will be privileged to celebrate many more anniversaries. Mrs. Henry will be held Evangelical st1 13 Everett Skinner. Fpr the/ car and truck to be fotind come to us Snell Bros. & Co. General Motors and Case Dealers Phone 100Exeter If You Want TURKEYS For Thanksgiving ORDER NOW R. E. POOLEY Phone 120 Exeter I !» r BK Mr. Windsor, the home Yearley. Mr. and ed over the week-end in Mrs. H. Rapley, who visited the past few weeks, them, on way to ietta, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Elaine don, spent the home of Mr. and ner. Misses Norma aine London Normal the homes of the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. of ak Thos. Mrs. F. W. Clark visit- Detroit, here accompanied in Mar-her home Fahrner of Lon- at the K. Fahr- Fahrner Mitchell, who are School visited their and El- attending at parents over Forest Taylor at­ tended a wedding last week. Mr. visited Mrs. and Mr. Rev. family, Brown Ricker, ed the Royal Gaiser. Mrs. H. M. Faist and Lewis spent the week-end in Detroit, the guests of Mrs. Josephine Hill and Mr. and Mrs. D. Geil. Mr. William Woodall, of Wind­ sor, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodal. The sympathy goes out to Mr. family, and to brother in the sad and sudden sing of Mrs. Royal Gaiser. in Mt. Clemens and Mrs. Over the Falirner’s sister, Berg in Detroit, and Mrs. Fred Faist of and of Owendale, Mich., attend- funeral of the late Mrs Herb, week-end Mrs. C. SAINTSBURY The Harvest H«me services were held on Sunday, Sept. 28th and Rev. Pierce, of Thorndale, deliver­ ed an inspiring message. Mrs. Gor­ don Maines, of Lucan and Mrs. Ings, of London, were soloists. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels, of Aylmer, visited with friends in the community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, of London, visited with Mrs. Fred Davis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Amy and Donnie, of Exeter, ed with Mr. and Mrs. James er recently An enjoyable at the home .of r-ice McDonald neighbors surprised them on I wedding anniversary. After a Fahrner | ty lunch Helen and Maurice with I presented with a lovely tablecloth. Berg'‘ ' Charlie Fisher, visit- Turn- evening was Mr. and Mrs. when friends spent Mau- an d their dain- were Milverton, Mrs. daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. and Otto N. of the community Royal Gaiser the parents and and pas- Maurice replied in a few well chosen words. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elston, of California, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elston, of Detroit, are visiting in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shoebottom, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins on Friday eve­ ning. Lumley, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Miss Kathleen Hay, of Exeter, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Buy or sell, twice as well, through The Times-Advocate Want Ads. the the the and East one-quarter of Lot 24, Con. 8 (less school part), Township of Hay, County of Huron. The Farm consists of 125 acres, more or less. Fifty acres are grass lands, and the balance under culti­ vation, all well drained. On the said Farm is said to be erected a brick house and bank barn, both in good condition. There is a plenti­ ful supply of good water piped to both house and barn. Hydro avail­ able. Location: 4% miles from Hensail and 334 miles from Zurich on County Highway. School on premises. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to the under­ signed. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of September, 1947. H. W. FORREST, R.R. Zurich. WM. BLACKER, R.R. Clinton, Executors of John B. Forrest Estate, By their Solicitor, F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario. 25:2:9c KIRKTON Mrs. S. Tufts, who spent the past, month with her son Harold in To­ ronto returned to her home Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Baldwin, of New York city, and Miss M. Anderson, of St. Marys, spent the Week-end with their sister. Mrs. Wes. Hodge Mrs. Hiscock (nee Edith Doupe) of Cleveland, spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. A. E. Doupe, Mrs. A. Holmes, of Stratford, spent the week-end with her daugh­ ter, Mrs, Dee Patil. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Switzer speilt the weekend with relatives at Wel­ land and Wainfleet. Mr.; and Mfs. I. N, Marshall at­ tended a birthday party at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Beecher Harrison, Granton, in honor of their cousin, Mr, Lome Lankin, of Toronto, on Monday evening. CENTRALIA Leonard Abbott, of Detroit,Mr. visited over the week-end with Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Kershaw. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills and Mari­ lyn, of Burlington, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. H, Mills, who returned home with them for a vis­ it. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden during the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elston, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elston, of California, Miss Sarah Neil and Mrs. Frank Smith,' of London. Miss Margaret Cook, of Kitchen­ er, spent the week-end at her home. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Lome Hicks were Mr. Walden, of Kincardine, and Jean Taylor, of Lucknow. Mrs. Clara Collins, Mr. and R, Bishop and son, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. Bow­ den and with Mrs. T. Boyes and Mt. and Mrs, Elmer Wilson. Mrs. John Essery and Mrs. Duf­ field returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker at Grand Bend. Mr. Gordon Baynham left this week for Winnipeg where he has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner were at Lambeth on Monday of last week attending the funeral of the late Mrs, Donald Young (nee Elsie Skin­ ner), Mrs. W, Bowden is nursing Mrs G. Earl in Exeter. Miss Ada Mitchell, R.N.. supt. of the Jane C Ohio, spent parents, Mr chell. Mr. and Mrs. Hess. With Ml’, t on Sunday Mr.ami Glen Miss Mrs. use Hospital, Delaware, the week-end with . and Mrs.Norman her M St­ andMrs. John , of Hensail. and Mrs, Norman Mitchell Stewart were guests She: lures." He: run ar Men are contemptible crea- "Yes, I know, that’s why I 'OUnd with women.’’ WINCHELSEA Silo filling is the order of the day in this community. Mr. Dave Clarke, of Centralia, and Mr. Albert Dobbs visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Mrs. Wm. Walters spent Friday- last with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance, of Thedford. > Mr. and Mrs. Edd. Alexander, of I MAKE MONEY QUICKLY! CUTS WOOD FAST—WITH LITTLE EFFORT Low initial cost and low operating cost make the Hornet the ideal power chain saw for the farmer and wood lot cutter. Light-weight. . . rugged , , . easy to operate-—the Hornet is the easiest and fastest way to cut wood! Pays for itself in no time, CHECK THESE IMPORTANT FEATURES! MANY USES—Fells, bucks and limbs any size tree, any kind of wood, in shortest possible time. SPEED—The chain saw slices through the job like a hot knife through butter. BLADE TURNS to Cut at any angle, while motor remains Upright. PROFIT MAKER—Low initial cost—low operating cost­ does the work of many men. CONVENIENT—Easy to handle—one man can operate it. RUGGED—Built to do the toughest jobs under the roughest handling—day in and day out for years. COMPACT—Weighs Ohly 60 pounds—a mafl can carry it anywhere. easy Budget Terms Phone, write, or call on us now for fuIl ^rvTtlOn 3 free de«1^stration. We ean-y a complete stock of replacement parts and guarantee prompt reliable servicePAsk about our easy budget terms. ' Ak Massey-Harris Sales * Service Rhone 8Sw imamrm