HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-09-25, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1947 Page S Church Services JAMES STREET UNITED Dev. JI. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, AAV-ChM, Musical Director 10 a.in.-—Sunday School 6 t 11 a.m. D.S.T.—-Woman’s Associa- , (ion Anniversary and Harvest Home service. Minister: Rev. Harold J. Snell. Anthem: “Sing Oh Heavens.” Guest Soloist: Mr. Clark Loft, of Ilderton. 7 p.na. D.S.T.—Public Worship. Soloist: Mrs. Frank Creech. MAIN STREET UNITED Rev. Harry J. Mahoney, B.D. Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 11 a.m.—'Rev. W. J. Moores, of Belgrave. 12 noon—Sunday School. 7 p.m.-—Rey. XV. J. Moores. Sun. Oct. 5—Baptismal service and Holy Communion at 11 a.m. TR1V1TT MEMORIAL — Anglican —• Rector, Rev. C, L. Langford B.A., M.A* Organist—Robert Cameron Harvest Thanksgiving 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a,m.—Harvest Service. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE JI. T. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 pan.—'Prayer service. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Special speak­ ers: Rev, and Mrs, K. Reed. Sat., 9 p.m,—Open air (weather permitting). Sun., 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 6upt. Mr. E, Cudmore. Sun., 11 a.m.—Speakers, Mr. and Mrs. Reed. Sun., 7:30 p.m.—Praise and testimony. 8 p.m.—Speaker, Mr. K, Reed. We invite you. ZION EVANGELICAL- UNITED BRETHREN Crediton >1. E. Reuber, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs, F. W. Morlock. Organist 10 a.m.—Holy Communion, Rev. Burn preaching. 11 a.m.—'Church School. 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship and Communion. The Minister preach­ ing. Sun., Oct. 12—Anniversary serv- ices* Mon., Oct. 13—“Davie” Concert. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Minister Miss Norma M. Knight, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School, Rally Day. 11 a.m.—Public Worship. Sacra­ ment of Baptism. Mon., Sept. 29, 4:15 p.m.—Mission Band in the Primary Room. Mrs* Emma Windsor, Brown City, Marks Birthday The following is copied from the Port Huron Times-Herald: “Mrs. Emma Windsor, Brown City, mother of Mrs. Bert A. Mann, 902 Ontario Street, was 88 years old on Wednesday, September 10th. Mrs. Mann enterained her mother ■here Sunday. Three of Mrs. Wind­ sor’s brothers, John Rowe who is in his 90th year, Robert N. and Harry T., all of Exeter, attended. Another brother, Samuel Rowe lives in Galt, Ontario. Mrs. Windsor was born near Exeter, Ontario, Septem­ ber* 10th, 1859, and following her marriage to Mr. Windsor went to Brown City where she now lives with her son Roy. One of twelve children, Mrs. Windsor is the last of seven sisters. She enjoys good health and takes a great interest in her flower garden.” ELIMV1LLE Mrs, M. Routly, of Kirkton, is visiting with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis, of London, spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coul­ tis. Earl continues his studies at the Agricultural College at Guelph. Mr. Elgin Skinner, who is teach­ ing at Milton, spent the week-end at his home here. Congratulations to Mr. Harvey Sparling, teacher, and the scholars of Winchelsea school on winning first prize at Exeter Fair for marching and drill. Mrs. Jackson Woods, Jim, June and Bobby were Sunday visitors with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gollings, of Granton. Next Sunday morning the Rally Day service will be observed in the church here with a combined ser­ vice of church and Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. standard time. Mr. Melville Skinner, Mr. Frank­ lin Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner, Ruth and Laverne visited friends at Lambeth Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym and family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym, of Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mi’S* James Cottle, of Thames Road. i Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong and Billie visited over the week end with the former’s sister at St. Thomas. : Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gilbert, Miss Clara Pollard, of Tilsonburg, Mrs. Hattie Sherwood and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McArthur, of Ingersoll, visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns. KIRKTON Miss Kay Smith, of Guelph, spent the week-end with her cousin, Miss Norma Tufts. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hofschild and daughter, of Baden, visited with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall this week. Mr, and Mrs. G. H. Burgin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burgin and daughter, of London, and Mr. Geo. Burgin, of New Brunswick, spent a day at Niagara Falls this week. Mrs. L. Funnel and little son, Dannie, of Woodstock, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Tru­ man Tufts. Mrs. A. Lingley and son Barrey, of Winnipeg, are visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Francis, and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Routley. Mrs. Mary Gallop is spending a month at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lome Hodge, at Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge left this week for a month’s holiday at the coast and other western towns. Mr. Maitland Hammond enrolled at the Western University Saturday as a third year student. A storm Sunday afternoon up- looted apple trees and overturned buildings. Shingles were ripped from Mr. iF'letcher’s house and at Mr. C. Routley’s home, rafters and shingles on his -barn were carried away. GREENWAY Rally Day service will be held in the United Church on Sunday at 2:45 p.m. Standard Time. We extend our sympathy to the relatives of Mrs. Jos. Hickey. Mrs.- Hickey passed away on Sunday morning after a lengthly illness. Mrs. R. L. Sheppard is visiting with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson, of Toronto, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock. Mrs. Lloyd Stewardson is visit­ ing in Windsor with her daughter, Mrs. Hugh Larkins and infant son. Mr. Harold Brophey had the mis­ fortune to have his hand hurt in the well digging machine and is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs,^Emerson Woodburn and Leona visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris, of Brins­ ley. Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her moth­ er, Mrs. XV. T. Ulens. ZION Mr. and Mrs. ,Glen Hunter and baby, Miss Gerta Hunter, of Lon­ don. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern. Miss Barbara Hunter, of Eden, visited over the week-end with Irene and Anna Brock. Church service will be held on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. East­ ern Standard Time. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. . Hilliard Sparling and Clare, of Walkerton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith on Sunday, the occasion be­ ing the 59th wedding anniversary of Mi’, and Mrs. Smith. Mr. and .Mrs. John Smith, of Stephen on Saturday last marked the 5 9th anniversary of their mar­ riage. A family dinner was served at the home of the honored couple on Sunday with all members of the family present. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are both enjoying fairly good health. Mr. Smith, who is an ardent sport ,fan, rarely misses a baseball or hockey broadcast. The Times-Advocate join with their many friends in extending congrat­ ulations and best wishes for tho future. ——-------— — James Street W.A. Anniversary and Harvest Home Sunday/ September 28th Service at 11 a.m. (D.S.T.) SPEAKER—REV. HAROLD J. SNELL Soloist—Mr. Clark Loft, of IWerton ’ HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paterson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Paterson. Mrs. D. Chelew, Caroline and Robert, who have spent the sum­ mer mouths with Mrs. Cheiew’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, left on Sunday tor their home in Los Angeles, California. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Bil­ lie and Bobbie, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Louise Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lome McNaughton. Miss Margaret Glenn and Miss Barbara Michie spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and Jackie at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Moir and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Luker visited recently -with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Brucefield, Miss Helen Swan spent the past week visiting with friends in God­ erich. Miss June Murdock, of Bruce­ field, who has been a student at Parsons School of Design in New York for the past two years has been appointed to the staff of the International Varnish Co, as inter­ ior decorator and consultant. Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. Louise Simpson are spending two weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Neeb, of Tavistock, visited last week with their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Brown. Mrs. R. H. Middleton visited with relatives in Toronto this week. The ladies of Chiselhurst United Church are holding a bazaar and home-baking sale in Hensall on Saturday, October 18th, (Further particulars will appear next week. Mr. Mervyn Stephan left this week to relieve in Hespeler at the C.N.R. depot. Sunday, Sept. 2 8th, Rally Day services will be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church. The Sunday School will meet at 10.3 0 a.m. and will attend the regular morning service at 11 a.m. standard time. The Sacrament of Baptism will be observed 'at this service. Holy Communion service will be held on .Sunday, Oct. 5th at 11 a.m. in Carmel Church conducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson. Miss Helen Moir, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is much improv­ ed and expects to return home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Keyes and sons, of Perth, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore. Rally Day service was held on Sunday in Hensall United Church when Mr. Edison Forrest, Sunday School superintendent, presided. Mr. Bill Mickle read the scripture lesson and Miss Lenore Norminton told the story, in keeping with the service. The Junior classes sang a chorus and Rev. R. A. Brook ad­ dressed the Sunday School. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Passmore, who have been visiting for the past two months with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, have left for New York where Mr. Passmore is taking a post graduate course at the Union Theological Seminary. Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary The Arnold Circle Evening Aux­ iliary of Carmel Presbyterian Church met at the home of Miss Jean McQueen on Monday evening. Mrs. M. Glanville was co-hostess and there were 3 0 members in at­ tendance. The president, Miss Jean McQueen, presided and opened the meeting by singing “Lead, Kindly Light”, followed by brief medita­ tion on “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”, by Miss McQueen. The scripture lesson, Psalm 23, was read by Mrs. D. Farquhar. Hymn, “Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Soul,” was sung. The roll call was answered by a Missionary. The business followed and it was de­ cided to hold a corn and weiner roast at Riverview Park in Exeter Friday, Sept. 26. Mrs. XV. Brown favored with a vocal solo accom­ panied by Mrs. C. Forrest. The topic, “Indian Leadership for Our Church, in India,’’ was most ably presented by Mrs. Roy Bell. The meeting closed by singing “Spirit Divine, Attend our Prayers,” and prayer by Miss McQueen. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. McQueen, Miss McQueen, Mrs. Glanville, Mrs. Glenn Bell and ^Irs. A. W. Kerslake. A hearty vote of thanks is due Mrs. McQueen and Miss Jean McQueen for the delight­ ful evening. XV alkei'—Wasson Indian Road Baptist Church, To­ ronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding recently when Dulice Claire Wasson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Wasson, of Chipman, N.B., was united in mar­ riage to Donald John Walker, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Hensall. Rev. C. Harris perform­ ed the double ring ceremony in a setting of gladioli and roses. Dur­ ing the ceremony two delightful solos were rendered by Miss Irene Stuart. Escorted down the aisle by Mr. Lloyd Hawkes, the bride wore a gown of white satin and lace and her floor-length veil was caught by a headdress of orange* blossoms. She carried a cascade bouquet of American Beauty roses and bouvar- dia, Mrs. Agues I-Iubley was her sister’s matron of honor and Miss Annie Potter was bridesmaid wear­ ing gowns of pink and blue satin damask with nylon net. They wore picture hats of moire and carried bouquets of pink and yellow roses. George A. Gould, brother-in-law of the groom, was best man. Allan and Ross Ferguson were ushers. At the reception at Runnymede Lawn Bowling Club, Mrs. Lloyd Hawkes BRINSLEY The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late James Wesley White in their recent sad bereavement. Mr. Wm. Hodgins is at present visiting relatives in the West. Mrs. Beatrice Dixon, who has been visiting friends in England for the past couple of months, has returned to her home here. Mrs. Dixon flew by plane and reports a very enjoyable trip. St. Mary’s Anglican Church, -Brinsley, held the annual Thanks­ giving service on Sunday last. Rev. Jennings, of London, was the guest speaker. Mrs. Slack* who has been spend­ ing a few weeks with her son Lor­ aine, of Pontiac, Mich., has return­ ed to her home here. Mrs. Vic Manquin, of Buffalo, is spending some time with her fath­ er, Mr, Wm. Morley. Mr. Earl Morley is building a new cement silo replacing the one which burst open while filling last fall. Hilton and George Amos, of Lieury, spent Sunday evening with Mr. j. L. Amos. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gower over Sunday were Mr. Florne Bishop, of Park­ hill; Mr. and Mrs. Frank McLellan and family, of Strathroy; and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kuhn and family, of Crediton. Gerald and Roy Lewis, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Steeper, of West McGillivray, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Lee. Mr. and Mrs. James Trevethick spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Hess, of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sholdice and family spent Sunday last in Lon­ don. Rally Day service was held in Brinsley United Church on Sunday last. Mr. Alvin Faulder, who has been confined to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for an appendix operation, has returned home. James Wesley White Dies The funeral of the late James Wesley White was held from his late residence, West McGillivray, on Thursday last to St. Marys Ang­ lican Church, Brinsley, for service. Rev. Parker, rector of the Parish, officiated, assisted by Rev. R. S. Skinner, of London, a former rec­ tor of the Parish. Mr, Charles Dagger, of Lucan, rendered a solo entitled “God Will Take Care of You.” The pallbearers were; Erwin Scott, Cecil Ellwood, Geo. Mercer, Alex Hodgins, John Lewis and Russell Schroeder. Interment was in St. Mary’s Anglican Cemetery, Brinsley. Stranger-—“Well, how are things around here?” Native—“They must be improv­ ing, stranger. All the farmers wish they could get Government jobs, and all the Government men seem to wish they could be farmers.” WINCHELSEA Quite a number from this com­ munity visited the peach orchards recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas and family are spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pym and Byron, of Toledo, Ohio, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. Corn picking is the order of the day in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe and baby, of Anderson, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns recent­ ly. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hern and baby visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Art Cann and Howard, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Johnson. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Elva and Bill and Janey French were in Stratford on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Gord­ on Morley. Mr. K. Freeman, of Science Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Mr. Clare Hazelwood, of St. Thomas and Miss Reyson, Of Lon­ don, .visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hazelwood. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil have moved on the farm they recently purchased from Mr. Wm. Brooks. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Millson, of Prospect, also Mrs. Geo. Mardlin, Fred, Lloyd and Miss Isabel Bain, of Wesley, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. ■ Mr. Geo. Millson celebrated his 86th birthday last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Millson’s guests were; Mrs, John Hodgson, Mrs. XValter Gunning, Mrs. Laverne Morley, Marion Morley and Mary Ogden, < The Rally Day service was held on Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Bert Duffield at the piano. Lead­ ers were Mr. J. Hazelwood and Mr. XVm. Hodgson. The story “The Church of the Friendly Heart” was given by Ivan Johnson. The scripture lesson was read by Mary Ogden and Rev. Weir gave the , address, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Fran­ ces and Keith visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen. < Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Foster vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heywood, Elimville. W.A. and XV.M.S. Meeting The September meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Khlare on Thursday afternoon with nineteen members, three visitors and six children attending. The president, Mrs. Wm. Morley, had charge of the W.A. The meeting opened with singing followed by .the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. E. Foster led the responsive reading. Read­ ings were given by Mrs. E, John­ son and Mrs. Cecil Squire. During the business plans were made for a bazaar which is to be held on October 15th. Cards of thanks were read from Miss Mary Dayman Mrs. Walter Gunning, Miss Marion Morley, Mrs. Edgar Squire, Harry and Ronald Squire. At this time Mrs. (Rev.) Weir introduced, her husband’s sister, Miss Jessie XVeir to the ladies. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Morley closed the meet­ ing. | Mrs. Earl Johnson, president of the W.M.S., was in the chair for their meeting. The Theme of the meeting was “The Bible for all the World.” A hymn was sung and Rev. Weir offered prayer. Mrs. Duffield read the Scripture Les­ son. Mrs. Hazelwood gave a read­ ing and Mrs. Frank Squire sang a solo. It was decided to have a special day for the W.M.S. late in October with Mrs. L. A. Ball, of St. Marys, as the guest speaker. Mrs. Johnson closed the meeting. Miss Elva Morley conducted a con­ test for the ladies. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her assistants. SAINTSBURY Don’t forget the Harvest Thanksgiving service to be held on September 28th. Morning service at 11 o’clock standard time, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll and Ronald silent the week-end in De- the 25th wedding and Mrs. G. is a son of Carroll, of troit attending anniversary of Carroll, Mr. G, Mr. and Mrs. Saixrtsbury. Mr. Ivan Davis, Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence and Cameron spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lambourne, of Mr. and Mrs. E. Atkinson, rene .and Anna, Miss A. Zavits and Miss Helen Earhart and Mr. Stan­ ley Lucker, of London, were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, H. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbs visited recently with Mr. and Noels and Mr. and Mrs. of Aylmer, Mr. Fred Dobbs leaves day for a trip to Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. M. Elston and Mrs. F. Davis visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Needham, of London Township. XVhile preparing to blow out the radiator of his tractoi* on Saturday last -Mr. H.. Davis received a bad burn from steam. He will be con­ fined to the home for a few days. Mr. Carroll Hugh XV. J.Davis Davis with Birr. May- Mrs. H. B, Noels, on Thurs- “What the average woman wants is a strong, inflexible man. who can •be wrapped around her finger.” Your Car Will LOOK Like New , g KIPPEN and Mrs. Fred Parsons and of London, visited on Sun- Mr. Walter, day with Mrs. G. E. Thompson and Will. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visit­ ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Love and family, of Hills- gi een. Mr. Exeter, visited on Sunday with and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter. and Mrs. J. Ferguson of Chiselhurst, and of Thamesford with Mr. anc and Mrs. XVm. Horney, of Mr. After an- all-round POLISH TREATMENT and ENGINE TUNE-UP by our Trained Technicians Snell Bros. & Co. General Motors and Case Dealers Phone 100Exeter Our complete stock of 98’s Cotton ROBINHOOD and PURITY FLOUR will go on sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26th AND 27th. 'This stock will clear at per bag for 2 days ONLY. The amount is limited, is not returnable and must be picked up on those days as above mentioned. No mail or phone orders please. Now is the time to fill your flour bins for winter baking. Ontario ■ I Stoves u and Heaters If you are going to need either a heater or a cook stove this winter and haven’t as yet made arrangements for one we strongly advise that you do so immedi­ ately. We still have a fairly good range to show you but it will not be as com­ plete later with replacements very dif­ ficult to fill. QUEBEC HEATERS Several sizes in Beach, Findlay and McClary models. These are sturdy, well- built heaters and should give years of service. AIRTIGHT HEATERS Four sizes are available in burning heaters. They $•1.50 to $7.50. are these wood- priced from g S received, for the bride wearing a gown of dusky rose, matching hat and corsage of Talisman roses, as­ sisted by the mother of the groom wearing a French grey crepe en­ semble with corsage of red roses. Following the ceremony the bridal couple left on a wedding trip to Avon Tea Lodge, Port Sydney, Ont. For travelling the bride chose a suit of powder blue wool with brown and tan accessories. The bridal couple will reside in Toron­ to. Mr. < family, Howard visited Mrs. A. Quite tended last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, visited over the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and Mnfc. S. Beattie, and fam­ ily, of Wingham, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Rolit McBride. •Hillsgreen Church Anniversary j The congregation of Hillsgreen {United Church held their animal 1 fall anniversary oil Sunday last i Beautiful bouquets of flowers ad- ' orned the alter which added to the 'pleasantness of the day. Xrery in- Ferguson, on Sunday Parsons. a number Exeter and from here at- Seaforth Fairs OIL HEATERS Several sizes in These oil burners very satisfactory, you’ll have a good heater. COOK Three Beach, sented have several Findlay Condor models. STOVES of the leading manufacturers Findlay and McClary are repre­ in our wood and coal ranges. We Findlay and Coleman, have proved themselves When you buy either (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee, of Fen­ ton, Mich,, and Ml'S. Catharine Dev­ lin visited recently With Mrs. Edna Corbett and Ed. Mr. and Mrs. Coulter and Mr, and _ Mrs. Rutherford, of London, visited i spiring messages were delivered by recently with Mr. and Mrs. O. Twit-[the guest speakers, Rev. E. Stan­ ched. ’way. of Brucefield, and Rev. H. Mr, Robinson, of London, talent-I Snell, of James St., Exeter, in the ’ ’ - - ’...’■•*’ A-,'d ~ ‘ [evening. Special music was furn- jished by Kippen choir assisted by 'several young people from Hills- j green. Solo parts in ! were taken by Miss IClinchey, of Kippen, and Rev. Mr ■Hinton. . Prayer” J sung by t of the weather both services was very good. | Rally Day Next Sunday i On Sunday next. September Rally Day Will lie observed in ed band leader, addressed a meet­ ing of the Women's Institute in the Town Hall. Hensall, on Monday evening in the interests of organ­ izing a boys’ and girls’ band here. Mr. Robinson will meet with child­ ren interested in this community at the town hall on XVednesday, Sept. 24th, at 4’15. > Mr. and Mr family visited recently with the for­ mer’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Kers­ lake at Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Lee, Fenton, Mich., and Mrs. Catherine Devlin visited recently with their niece, Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Donald. Mr. A. Pearce, of ’Toronto, visited with friends here recently. Mr. Delhi, cently, Mr, visited recently wi-th his uncle, Mr. Harry Anderson, who is Hl at Mrs. Saundercock’s nursing home. A, XV. Kerslake and and Mrs. (Fred Hayton called on ihiehds here of re- A. J. Hun kin, Thames Road annual the anthems Berniece Me- The and ‘ Rev. M: solos 'The Holy City' The Lord’s were Hinton. Tn spite the attendance at 28 St. [Andrews United Church at Til a.m. (Standard time with Hillsgreen con- Igregation also to unite with Kippen for the special service being pre­ pared by the teachers and pupils oh the Sunday School of both church­ es. A junior choir will b« in charge of the service of song, A cordial in­ vitation is extended to both congre­ gations and neighboring friends to ' attend this service, STOVE AND FURNACE PIPES AND ELBOWS - STOVE BOARDS - COAL HODES - FURNACE CEMENT - STOVE LINING CEMENT. Worm. Calendar TODAY: Pullet picks up worm egg. TOMORROW: Egg hatches in pullet’s intestines* 40 TO 50 DAYS LATER: Worm lays 250,000 eggs daily. 100 DAYS LATER: Worm dies after laying 25 million eggs. For No Worms Next Winter . . * Worm Pullets TWICE Chek-R-Toh (s’eatmeht final week before housing in a clean house (Purina Ihsect Oil and Chek-R-Fect). Chek-R-Ton treatment again 6 weeks after housing. 1. 2*