HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-09-18, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES.AnVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18th, 1947”’W"n lA/uAi rrK) i Miss Mary Johnson returned,the trousseau tea of Miss Doris} VVilAL-home on Thursday from Fillmore, Sherwill, of Wesley, on Thursday? Adelaide Parkinson, of | Sask., where she spent several: evening. I i« snendiii" a week with'Aweks with friends. I Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConnellm spending a week wiur 4 .............._ ^-Und carol AnUt also Messrs. Bob Currie and Ken Johnson, of Wing­ ham, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Hilton Ogden and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Millson and Ronald, of London, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. G. Millson. Mr. Thus. Morley aqd Mr. La- i verne Morley are. leaving this week on a trip thi-ough the Western Provinces and Berkely, California. I Mr. and Mrs. Hazelwood were in London on Sunday and spent the day with Mrs. Kemp and Mrs. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, and Ronald were Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack near Lucan. Miss Granttfn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. •Miss Evelyn Wynne and Mr. ’and : Margaret Mrs. Andy Langton, of London.;'".... were Sunday visitors with Mr. and < Mrs. Bert Duffield. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire visited On Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins, near Gran- i i Miss Audrey Arksey and Miss *' t Westman, of Granton, I spent the week-end at Tobermory j and the Manitoulin Islands. ‘ Miss Mary Dayman and Mr. and | Mrs, Geo. Squire visited on Sunday | with Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Dayman, ■ of Kippen. 1 Mrs. Wm. Morley and Elva. also ’ Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins attended • local Confederation Life repre­ sentative to [explain it fully, dr write for further particulars. It is the most complete Life Insurance protection to be had in one policy. The Four-Fold Protection consists of— A monthly income for your dependents if you die before reaching retirement age. A monthly income for your dependents doubled if you meet with accidental death. A monthly income for you in the event of Total Disability through sickness or accident. A monthly income for yourself at retirement. This Four-Fold Protection is Ami ik^udc the most modern form of Life Insuranceprotection. Askyour Confederation Life HEAD OFFICE AsSOCiatiOTL TORONTO Family Income ZION COMING EVENTS - Mrs. C. L. Langford, Memorial Rectory, will NOTICE Trivitt „ receive for the first time since coming to Exeter, on Thursday afternoon, September 25th,, from 3 to 6 p.m. e WEINER ROAST—South Huron Jr. Farmers and friends in River­ view Park. Exeter, on Wednes­ day, Sept. 24th, at 9 p.m.. In case of unfavorable weather it will be held in the Arena. Everyone 'bring roasting sticks. 0 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Grafton visitors Dickins. Total Disability Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visit­ ed recently with friends and rela­ tives in London. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning, of visited on Friday of last Mr, and Mrs. Ross Hern, Kyle, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Have You Heard About Confederation Four-Fold Life Insurance Protection? A. W. MORGAN Representative Hensall SHORT COURSE AT HENSALL The Short Course, ’’Let’s Can Ontario’s Foods,” will be presented in Hensall Town Hall on Wednes­ day, Oct. 1st, conducted by Miss B. Broadfoot. This is a community service not restricted to Women’s Institute members alone. All wo­ men of the district are urged to attend Wednesday, October 1st. 18:25c STRAYED Exeter, week with Mrs, L. on Friday ris Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock, Anna and Tom visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter, of Eden. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mills, of Lon­ don, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Rally largely Norms n ducted the service. Rev. Laing the address. Jean Brock read the scripture. Anna Brock told the Rally Day story. Miss Margaret Anderson, Thames Road, spent the week-end with and Mrs. Ward Hern. Mrs. John T. Hern, Kenneth Jack visited on Sunday with and Mrs. M. Dobson, of Kirkton. Keep in mind the date Tuesday, Oct. 7th, for the annual bazaar which will be held in Zion church shed. Mrs. Gerald Hern, -Day service was quite attended on Sunday. Mr. Brock, superintendent, con- gave NOTICES Mr. an fl Mr. WILL HAVE AN OPEN DAY, Fri­ day. September 19th, for deliver­ ing honey at Clandeboye. Bring your own containers. W. F. Ab­ bott. 18* FOUND FOUND—In Exeter a lady’s gold necklace. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advt. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. STRAYED—From part lot 7 and 8, con. 6, Hay township, 2 two-year- old head of cattle, I white steer and 1 red heifer, 2 holes punch­ ed in right ear. Apply to Wm, Fischer, Dashwood. 18:25* WANTED WANTED — Lady for housework, half day a week. Box 180S, Times-Advocate, * FOR SALE’—Four to six tons of steel rods for consti’uction. Ap- ply Exeter Go-Op.__________11c FOR. SALE—1940 Ford coach de- ' lux© model, fair .condition. Alvin Gingerich, R.R. 3, Zurich, phone 84r3 11:18* FOR SALE—Peaches, yellow flesh, free stone at Sunnidale Fruit Farm, Lake Road, Forest. Vance Bros. Phone 611-14. 11:18:25* FOR SALE—Hen house, 500 hen capacity; 250 pullets, Rock x Leghorn hybrid. Apply Ray Pep­ per, Brucefield.11* FOR SALE — Safe, size 32 %” x 23” x 23”, Phone Ida Zimmer, 28, Dashwood.18c FOR SALE — Three-burner New Perfection oil cook stove with two ovens, excellent condition, used only one year. Apply Tom Walker, Exeter, 18c FOR SALE—125 Red Rock pullets, six months old, laying. Bruce Walker, Zurich, R, 1,18* FOR SALE—.Mixed dry wood (mostly elm and soft maple) $4.00 per single cord, 12 inch, delivered, 15 cents per cord for orders under ten cord. Cordwood $11.00 per cord delivered, 50 cents per cord extra for orders undei’ three cords. Apply Geo. Keen, phone 57 Ailsa Craig. 18:4t* WANTED—A logging chain about sixteen feet long. Apply at Times- Ad ,’ocate. WANTED—Men and women to pick corn. Sandy Elliot, phone 64W. ISc MIDDLE-AGED Christian widow would like a housekeeper’s posi­ tion, gentleman preferred. Apply at Times-Advocate. WANTED — Furnished or unfurn­ ished houses, suites or house­ keeping rooms required immedi­ ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. Tht«e are veter­ ans, too, and deserve your as­ sistance. Phone 31t) and ask for Housing Officer.- • WANTED — By fully experienced young farmer, a farm to work on shares or rent, references if re­ quired. S. H. McNeil, R.R. 2, Alvinston. 4-4tp i WANTED—Young man from town or country to work as tinsmith. Apply Box T. Exeter Times-Advo­ cate. c HEW FOUR-POINT DRIVER COMFORT: L The cab that ''breathe^/' 2. Driver's compartrnenf is wider and deeper—more leg taorri. 3. Wider, deeper, more comfort­ able seats are fully adjustable. 4. Larger Windshield and windows give 22% better Visibility. 11 MT*- &cc/«s/te —greatest contribution to driver comfort and safety in truck history! FOR SALE — Good frame barn, 36x70, on lot 10, con. 7, Us- borne. I^or particulars apply to Harold Bell, phone Kirkton 25rl4, 11* FLEXI-MOUNTED CAB - rubber-cushioned against toad shocks, torsion and vibration. Stronger, sturdier FRAMES. LONGER WHEELBASES. INCREASED LOAD SPACE in pick-ups and panels. VALVE-IN-HEAD TRUCK ENGINES-world's most economical for their size. HYDRAULIC TRUCK BRAKES — with ex­ clusive design for greotei1 brake-lining 4 contact—assure quick, safe stops. A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS J NOW IN PRODUCTION—today’s newest trucks, with the cab that “breathes”—that “inhales” fresh air and “exhales” used air -—keeps glass,clear and free from fogging. This line of advance-design trucks, with new increased load space, longer-than-ever wheelbases and a host of other improvements is destined to make Chevrolet even more highly preferred by truck buyers. *Fresh-oir heating and ventilating system optional at extra tost CT-1478 CHOOSE CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR TRANSPORTATION UNLIMITED Snell Bros. & Co,, Exeter FOR SALE—Girl’s fall Tweed coat also Paddy green winter coat, both size 8, in good condition. Apply at Timee-Advocate. 18* FOR SALE—Seed wheat and seed rye. Cann’s Mill Ltd. 18c FOR SALE—1’2 York pigs about 65 pounds. Apply to Joseph Ferguson, phone 8Or2 Hensall. 18* FOR SALE — One floor, 4 room new house, range wired, bath­ room, automatic water heater, furniture if desired; early pos­ session. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 18* FOR SALE—Frame barn, 32 x 50, one house with hydro and run­ ning water on No. 4 Highway, with land or without, Immediate possession. Apply to John Cald­ well, phone 13rll Exeter. 18* FOR SALE — 100-acre farm, Ste­ phen township, clay loam, well tile-drained, bank barn 72x45, Stone stable, brick house, nearly new; % mile from highway, 3 miles from Crediton or Mt. Car­ mel, terms can be arranged, pos­ session first of November. For further particulars, apply to Frank H. Glanville, Exeter. _________________________21-5tp FOR SALE — Highway, 125 acres with reasonably good buildings. Some bush, abundant water sup­ ply. Location between two busy villages. Worth considering. W. C. Pearce, Exeter.18* FARMS WANTED—If you have a farm for sale in the Centralia district oi* in other areas adjoin­ ing Exeter contact us. We have buyers for fall or spring posses­ sion. C. V. Pickard, Exeter, Ont, FOR SALE—150 acres, frame house and large bank barn, close to town, B mile to Public School, productive clay loam, 10 acres bush, never1 failing water supply» a .mile off County Road, hydro passes gate. Let ns show you this property if you are looking for a farm that will carry a lot of cattle and hogs. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. FARM FOR SALE—100 acres, ,14 miles to London, brick house, bank barn, 40x80, driveshed, henhouses, electricty, early pos­ session. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 18* FOR SALE — John Street, vacant lot, cellar dug, drains in, town water in, old house included. W. O. Pearce. 18* FOR RENT FOR RENT—A Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. MISCELLANEOUS WE ARE now making arrange­ ments for fall whitewashing jobs, big or small, with spray motor machine. Wm. Watson, phone 35-rl9 Dashwood. 7-l'2tp CUSTOM Combining $3.50, Plow­ ing $2.50, One-Way Discing $1.50 per acre. Phone Leon Triebner. 171r24, Exeter. 15tp FOR SALE—Six pigs, six weeks old. Apply to Milton Keller, Wil­ liam St., Exeter. 18* FOR SALE—Choice quality amber honey on and after September 18, in customer’s own containers. Darrell Parker, Cromarty. 18c ---------------------------------------------i FOR SALE—225 Leghorn, New IHampshire pullets, 5 months old.) started to lay. Roy T. McDonald, Box 179, Exeter. 18* FOR SALE—700 bales of wheat straw; 3 young York sows, due shortly. John Wein, Dashwood, phone 57r7. 18:25c FOR SALE—About 25 bus. of Daw­ son seed wheat, grown from reg­ istered seed, cleaned and treated. Russell Morley, phone 176rl2 Exeter. * FOR SALE — 1928 model Chev. coach, in good running condition. Phone 41r23 Kirkton. 18c FOR SALE —• 1938 Hudson Terra­ plane black sedan, with heater, in excellent condition. Apply to Robt. Cook, Hensall, phone 63. c PERSONAL FOR SALE—Immediate or fall pos­ session, 100 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter, C. V. Pickard, Realtor. Exeter. FOR SALE—Block of 4 or 5 lots, centrally located in Exeter. „C- V. Pickard, Realtor. JAMESWAY METAL NESTS Mite and liceproof; easy to clean; sloping non-roost top; folding hard­ wood perches keep hens out of nests at night; made of heavy galvanized material. Last a lifetime. Simply hook on the wall. Can be used out­ side in the summer and fall. NEUHAUSER HATtTIERIES 81 King Street, LONDON, Ontario. 18c “FOR FEET that feel like wings of song, use Lloyd’s Corn Salve j right along.” 5 0c at Robertson’s Drug Store. Nervous, rundown men need VIG- ORINE—the ‘pep’ tonic, for new vitality. 15-day treatment $1.00. At Robertson’s Drug Store. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED — Woman want­ ed part time for cleaning also WAITRESS. Apply in person at I Rether’s Coffee Shop, Exeter. 11c AGENTS WANTED WE ARE constantly receiving re­ quests for our guaranteed prod­ ucts in youi’ locality. Why not handle the agency and derive an income of $35. to $60 weekly? Exclusively assured. 'If you have selling ability, start NOWS FAMI- LEX, Dept. B, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The Estate of the late Charles Ttcanran, at WAGNER’S CORNER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1047 at 1:30 p.m. Situated 2% miles north of Zur­ ich or 1U miles east of Blake, be­ ing part lot 20, concession North Boundary, Township of Hay; 1?£ acres of land, 2-storey frame house in good condition, covered with new asphalt shingles, good-sized kitchen and cellar; barn and hen house, fruit trees, never-failing water supply, hydro available, on county road and school bus con* venience. Will be sold subject to reserved bid. Terms; 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, (Household Effects to be adver­ tised in next issue.) ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer. NClll MAN VINCENT, GEORGE BULLOCK, Executors. Investigate The Advantages Automatic Heating with a (Livingston Automatic Stoker A LIVINGSTON AUTOMATIC STOKER will not only cut down the work of keeping your home warm this winter, i but it uses a fuel which is economical and in good supply. See the new LIVINGSTON AUTOMATIC STOKER now. Exeter Home anil Auto Supply George M. Racey, Prop. | Phone 342 Exeter I Lnnm»nraranusnoi»nnana»namasaraiinBuBnS3»u>uisinsa»Bnai^^ rosw a MONARCH parts a service The Ford Tractor — at the — EXETER? KIRKTON or ZURICH FAIRS good Used Truck you need ... we have it. AH prices to choose from. L; See TIR The Rotary Plough IT’S NEW! IT’S DIFFERENT! ES Good news! Tires are down. Trade off your old broken down tires to Us. We’re suckers and wiH allow you more than they are worth. * If it’s a Wagon Tire you toeed, see our stock of used tires. t Phone 64W SANDY ELLIOT Exeter A