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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-09-11, Page 4
W! THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1947 SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Robertson’s Drug Store. .Page 4 AUCTION SALES HELP WANTEDFOR SALE FOR RENT PERSONALEXETER, ONTARIO radio. 11*sell by public auc- DANCE MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE ■ The Huron Lumber Co.FOR SALS’—Four to six tons of steel rods for construction. Ap ply Exeter Co-Op. 11c FOR SALE—11 hoe Massey-Harris fertilizer drill, Apply at Times- Advocate. 11c FOR SALE—19 40 Ford coach de luxe model, fair .condition. Alvin Gingerich, R.R. 3, Zurich, phone 84r3 11:18* FOR SALE—Victor electric phono graph, plugs into any polished wood case, $25. Apply to P. Fraser, Ann Street. HELP WANTED — Woman want ed part time for cleaning also WAITRESS. Apply in person at Kether’s Coffee Shop, Exeter. 11c SATURDAY, at 1:30 p.m.,WE ARE now making arrange ments for fall whitewashing jobs, •big or small, with spray motor machine. Wm. Watson, phone 3 5rl9 Dashwood. 7-l-2tp CUSTOM Combining $3.50, Plow ing $2.50, One-Way Discing $1.50 per acre. Phone Leon Triebner, 171r24, Exeter. 15tp . . . announce a » , FOR SALE — Singer sewing mach ine, 5 drawers, drop-head. W. Martin, Exeter South, 11* 1 i AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the late William Mawliinney Mr, Frank Taylor has received instructions to tion at Andrew FOR RENT—A Webster paint spray outfit. Beavers Hardware. FOR THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW OFFICES AND SHOW ROOMS Saturday, September 13th Dancing 9 to 12 Flannigan’s Orchestra ADMISSION: 1 BOOK OF LIONS CLUB TICKETS purchased from The Huron Lumber Co. on the night of the dance. Tickets will be on sale at the door. © This dance is sponsored by Lions of the Exeter Lions Club in aid of the Exeter and Community Hospital Fund. COMING “The Davies Canada’s Newest Concert Discovery and Most Unique Musical Family Dashwood Evangelical Church Mon., Sept. 22 nd, - 8 p. m. “The Concert Find of This Decade” ADMISSION:ADULTS 40c CHILDREN 25c FOR SALE—Peaches, yellow flesh, free stone at Sunnidale Fruit Farm, Lake Road, Forest. Vance Bros. Phone 611-14. 11:18:25* FOR SALE—Large baby crib, waterfall design. Phone Exeter 340w. ,11c FOR SALE—Holstein cow, fresh 3 weeks, cow, due in Feb., 2 cows due in March. Cecil Camm phone Kirkton 22rl5. 11* :FOR SALE — About 9,00 0 used brick. John Willis, phone 141, ’Exeter. 11* FOR SALE—1928 Essex sedan, Al condition, good tires. Apply at Times-Advocate. 11* FOR SALE—Iron safe, 4S” high Apply Box 327, Exeter. 11c FOR SALE—A stack of good oat straw. Harvey Perkins, phone Exeter 172r25. 11* FOR SALE—Collie pups; also a used pump jack. Apply to How ard Kerslake, R.R. 1, Centralia. 11*----------------------------------------------i FOR SALE—Singer Sewing Mach- I ine, drop-head, long bobbin, in j good condition, $40.00. Apply at Times-Advocate. 11c FOR SALE—Exeter Creamery Co. Ltd offers butter milk for sale in whole churning or half churn ing quantities. For terms apply to W. G. Medd at the office of the Company. lie FOR SALE—Deering corn binder, in good working order. Apply to Ward Hern, Woodham. 11* FOR SALE — 19 3 7 Dodge sedan, new paint job, in A-l condition, tires nearly new. Phone 40r2 Dashwood. 11* I Kirkton Fair WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 and 25 Running Race - Purse $30 Shetland Pony Race Freak Outfit Calf Race LIBERAL PRIZES in all departments I Musical Chairs on Horseback Foot Races BAND Public IN ATTENDANCE School Parade and Drill MUSICAL PROGRAM BY RADIO AND LOUD SPEAKER Admission 25c; Automobiles 25c; Children under 12, 10c ALVIN CRAGO, Pres.HUGH BERRY, Sec’y-Treas. i FOR SALE—Canary -bird with cage and stand. Apply at Times- Advocate 11* FOR SALE—Corn binder. Apply at Times-Advocate, 11c FOR SALE — A baby’s English pram, maroon, $15; also an automatic record player, plays 10 records, like new $5 0. Shorey, phone 323. ,11c FOR SALE — 19 31 Studebaker roadster, fair condition, 5 good tires, sealed beams. Apply Al and Walt’s Barber Shop, Exeter. 11* FOR SALE—Hay loader, for beans $45; auto trac §100; plow $60; disc ’$10; rubber-tired wagon $45. W. B. Thompson, Clinton, 3 miles west. 11* FOR SALE — 125 pullets, Sussex and New Hampshire crossed, 5% months old. Apply to John Far quhar, phone Hensall 121J. 11c i FOR SALE — Good frame barn, 36x70, on lot 10, con. 7, Us- borne. For pa^'ticulars apply to Harold Bell, phone Kirkton 25rl4. 11* WANTED DANCE WANTED •— Furnished or unfurn ished houses, suites or housed keeping rooms required immedi ately for married personnel oi RCAF Airport. These are veter ans, too, and deserve your as sistance. Phone 316 and ask for Housing Officer. to the Music of the ! CKNX Golden Prairie Cowboys I OLD TIME AND MODERN > WANTED—Single bed with or without mattress. Phone 113w Exeter. 11 * WANTED—Room and board in private home, five-day week. Bert Watson, phone Exeter High School, Exeter 29 8. 11* LUCAN Friday, September 12th Dancing - 10 to 1 “The Tops in Entertainment” ADMISSION 50c WANTED « By fully experienced young farmer, a farm to work on shares or rent, references if re quired. S. H. McNeil, R.R. 2, Alvinston. 4-4tp WANTED—Young man from town or country to work as tinsmith. Apply Box T, Exeter Times-Advo cate. c 1 LOST LOST--—Sixteen-inch tire and tube, between Grand Bend and Exeter on Sunday. Reward. Phone 99, Dashwood, 11* Street, Exeter on SEPT. 18th, 1947 the following: HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Stove, (coal and wood); coal ail stove; cupboard; sideboard; couch; drop leaf table; organ; chesterfield suite (new); 2 bedroom suites; sewing machine; diningroom table; chairs small table; clock; carpets; bed ding; kitchen utensils; boiler; tub; lawn mower; electric lamp; seal ers; dishes of all kinds; mats; coal; pictures; 2 toilet sets; 2 Congoleum rugs; a number of ether articles. Terms of -Chattels, cash. REAL ESTATE—There will also be offered for sale the residence of the late William Mawhinney on Andrew Street, subject to a reserve bid. Terms—10 per cent, cash, bal ance within 3 9 days; possession when balance of purchase price is paid. WM, SCHROEDER, CHESTER MAWHINNEY, -Executors. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer. GEORGE LAWSON, Clerk AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES AND HOUSE The undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at grand bend at Creskeld Cottage, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1947 at 2 p.m., the Dining-room nut buffet; 6 mattresses; 2 verandah chairs; coal stove; 2 2- burner hot plates; mirror; 2 small tables; couch; 2 verandah awn ings; vanity dresser; assorted pic tures; 2 trunks; 2 bedroom chests of drawers; 2 cabinets of assorted books; 1929 Buick car with good tires, original mileage 52,000. There will also be offered for sale the frame house, 1 -storey. The house will be moved from site by the days. TERMS — house, 10% within 30 days of date of sale. MRS. J. E. MYERS, Prop. FRANK TAYLOR, Auct. SEPT. following: table; ice box; wal- chairs; 4 beds and single iron cots; 5 coal stove; purchaser within the 30 Chattels, cash, cash down, balance On in- AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned has received structions to sell by public auction in The Village of Hensall three blocks north of Main Street on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17th, 1947 at 2 p.m., the following: Oak sideboard; hand-made side hoard; cook stove; sofa; couch; heater; phonograph; kitchen cabin et; odd chairs and rocking chairs; 2 sinks; 2 linoleums, 15x16; quilts; mats; clock; hanging lamp; car penter tools; washing machine; lumber; garden tools and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM DABUS, Proprietor. ED. CORBETT, Auctioneer. a. FREE AIR •» Howdy Folks! Did you hear about the waitress who -kept insisting to a customer that there were no calories in the hash because they had the cleanest kitchen in town. She: “Who was that girl just spoke to?” He: “Nevei’ mind, darling, have enough trouble telling who you are.” you rn her To avoid tire trouble we sxiggest you buy FisHc tires when your pres ent set starts to show signs of wear. That’ll solve your tire worries im mediately. DON’T RISK — BUY FISK The Event of the Year — Our Fair. Let's all be on band. South End Service Station HARRY SNELL, RUSS SNELL CHUCK SNELL, CHUB EDWARDS SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Aver age $45, weekly for man or wo man to supply more than 250 FAMILEX necessities to the peo ple in your neighborhood. Sell part or full time. Write today for complete details of oui’ time- tested plan for fast, easy, direct- to-customer sales. Catalogue free. FAMILEX, Dept. A, 1600 Delor- imier, Montreal. FOR SALE — One floor, 4 room new house, range wired, bath room, automatic water heater, furniture if desired; early pos session. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 11* FOR SALE — John Street, vacant lot, cellar dug, drains in, town water in, old house included. W. C. Pearce. 11* FOR SALE— In Crediton, some houses worth your consideration. On highways, some houses with _ acreages to fit your needs. Perth and cheap list, best to be C. Pearce, 11* Farms in Hu-ron, Middlesex in the others of the very found. Consult W. Realtor, Exeter. FOR SALE—Double lot on Mill St. Priced for quick sale. Apply at Times-Advocate. 11* FOR SALE — 100-acre farm, Ste phen township, clay loam, well tile-drained, -bank barn 72x45, stone stable, brick house, nearly new; y2 mile from highway, 3 miles from Crediton oi’ Mt. mel, terms can be arranged, session first of November, further particulars, apply Frank H. Glanville, Exeter. 21-5tp FOR SALE—Lot 1-5 acre, north west corner at 'Chiselhurst, good well on lot, site of general store that was burned. Mrs. Frank Ryckman, Hensall, Ontario. 7-3tp FOR SALE ■— Highway, 125 acres with reasonably good* buildings. Some bush, abundant water sup ply- Location between two busy villages. Worth considering. C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE—On South Boundary of Stephen township at Mount Car mel, a 6-room house, full base ment, shed, lot, soft and hard water on premises. Mrs. Joseph Mahoney, R.R. 3, Dashwood, Ont. 11* FARMS WANTED—-If you have a farm for sale in the Centralia district or in othei’ areas adjoin ing Exeter contact us. We have buyers for fall or spring posses sion. C. V. Pickard, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE—Block of 4 or 5 lots, centrally located in Exeter. V. Pickard, Realtor. FOR SALE—15 0 house and large to town, i mile productive clay bush, never failing water supply, B .mile off County Road, hydro passes gate. Let us show you this property if you are looking for a farm that will carry a lot of cattle and hogs. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main Street, Exeter. acres, frame bank barn, close to Public School, loam, 10 acres FOR SALE—Immediate or fall pos session, 10 0 acres with good brick house and bank barn, good water supply, 14 acres fall wheat, small bush, close to Exeter. C V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. NOTICES NOTICE THE BOARD OF HEALTH of the TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN are undertaking the immunization of all school children in the Town ship of Stephen, including pre school children and children of Public and High School age up to 16 years. The Immunization will consist of nine treatments com mencing on Friday, September 12th, 1947, at 9 o’clock A.M. Daylight Saving Time. The treatments will be given at Crediton, Dashwood and Grand rural these pense each school have been advised of the time of the arrival of the bus. Parents should avail themselves of this op portunity to have their children immunized against disease. •DR. iR. HOBBS TAYLOR, M.O.H. ROY RATZ, 'Chairman, L. B. HODGSON, -Secretary, BABY CHICKS A-t STARTED CHICKS at reduced prices: sex x White Rock x from blood-tested stock. Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, phone 38-B Granton. 5-tfc Barred Rocks, mixed; Sus- New Hampshire, mixed; Leghorn pullets; Barred White Leghorn pullets. All Goodyear tires last longer ..; cost less per mile of safe service. Come in and choose your size today. good/year DEAltR STARTED CHICKS Mixed chicks and pullets—all varieties. NELHAUSER HATCHERIES 81. King Street, LONDON, Ontario. Open Evenings Sneigrove Tire & Electric Vulcanizing Phone 18w Exeter ab B.rC 1>R|vlr — A/«W!A> Br' Car- Cedar Shingles Can All Slake Exeter’s One of the Biggest and —• Everyone is Going. Gad!—The places I could think of for a honeymoon if we could just borrow his car and a tank full of Sunoco Dynafuel Gasoline.” We Fair Best r or es Phone 200 Tom Coates Fred Dobbs Bend and the children in schools will he brought centres by bus and. the ... incurred will be borne by section. Teachers in each the to ex- A car of Cedar Shingles has just arrived—good quality Red Cedar number one’s and number three’s. ® Three tarps, 11’8” x 8’8”. « POULTRY NEEDS: Oyster Shell, Grit, Cod Liver Oil, Poultry Worm X-Pel. Your pullets will soon be going to the laying pens—use Kerol Disinfectant. TRY OUR CUSTOM GRINDING It’s the Farmer’s Big Show of the Year—Exeter Fall Fair Next Wednesday and Thursday. Why be “cash out’’ when you can “cash in” with a Times- Advocate Want Ad? Office 287w Phones Min 287J *i ierative