HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-08-28, Page 10Page W THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28th, 1947 Monday next will be 'Labor Pay and a public, holiday. Miss Joan Cruikslumk is. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Pardon Farrow.8 TH LINE BLANSHARD SOUTH HURON Junior Farmers and Junior Institute ; * will meet at EXETER ARENA Wednesday, September 3rd at 8:30 pan. sharp Girls please bring sandwiches or cookies. Keep this, date in mind and plan to attend. for ZION WEST CEMETERY ZION UNITED CHUBCH at 2:30 p.nt, Guest Speaker —• Mr. Thos. i’ryde, of Exeter. Special Music. Leavitt’s Theatre Previews Its Coming Attractions WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY August 27th, 28th »— Two Features — 1 Blondie’s Holiday’ ® The Bumsteads 'Swing the Western Way' ® Hoosier Hotshots Lois Hodgins, of Glendale spent a few days last week wiW her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford. Mrs. Orville Bleckley and baby, of Gormley, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Jack Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Langford and family, of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. Hiriam Langford and family, of Lucan, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Langford- Mr, and Mrs. Vic Sawyer, of Toronto, visited with the* latter’s brother, Mr. M. Hooper and Mrs. Hooper on Saturday. Mrs. T. Waugh, of London spent the week-end Mrs. Leonard Thacker. The Hooper last Monday evening at of Mrs. Edgar Hooper. Those attending were, Mrs. Morris Hern, of Zion, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Camin, of Wood­ ham, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper Mr. and Mrs. .Gladwyn Hooper, and Claire, of Woodham, Mrs. W. Urquhart, Miss Mary Urquhart, Messrs. Roger and Jack Urquhart, of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. V. Saw­ yer, of Toronto, Mr. Norman Saw­ yer, of Toronto, Mrs, Earle Cole. Julie Ann and Richard, to Miss Norene Walkonx week-end at her home dale. Miss Kathleen Mossey is ing this week at Mrs, Young's of St. Marys. with her Thacker daughter, and Mr reunion wag held the home St. Marys. Mr. and of Toron- spent the at Russel- spend* W. B Mr. and Mrs. Albert Etherington Mr. and Mrs. Archie Etherington and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen, were in Hamilton Saturday attend­ ing the wedding of the former’sItems of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Town The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish items of personal interest. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends . . Phone 3IW Dr. and Mrs. C. McAlister, of Fort Wayne, Ind,, spent the week­ end with Mrs. D. A. Anderson. Mrs. Anderson accompanied them to Fort Wayne for a few weeks va­ cation. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston vis­ ited over the week-end with Mrs Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald. Gail returned home with her parents after spending a few holidays in Exeter. Fit. Lieut. E. L. Howey, wife and baby, of Winnipeg, are visiting the former's mother. Mrs. L. F. Howey. Fit. Lieut. Howey has just taken, a two week’s course at Ot­ tawa. Mrs. Howey and baby flew down from Winnipeg a week ago. DASHWOOD memorial service at the Evan- Iff FRIDAY and SATURDAY — August 29th, 30th Saturday Night Show commences at 7 p.m. 'The Trouble with Women’ ® Ray Milland ® Brian Donlevy ADDED: Laurel and Hardy “CHICKENS COME HOME”for Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston MONDAY and TUESDAY — September 1st, 2nd — Two Features — | 'Cross My Heart’ ® Betty Hutton ® Sonny Tufts I 'Seven were Saved’ e Richard Denning ® Russell Hayden g ---------COMING--------- | “Mom and Dad” “The Hucksters” I “Sea of Grass” ? The first show commences at 7.30 ! Phone 135 Exeter, Ontario | ROLLER SKATING RINK Thurs., Aug. 28 Flannigan’s Orchestra THE HURON LUMBER LIMITED announce a Monstrous CO. DANCE For the Opening of Their New Offices and Show Rooms 'AKEVIEW DASINO L GRAND U BEND Dancing Nightly 1 ---------------- ------------------------—-------s Big Midnight Dance September 1st, 12.05 a. m. Last Dance Labour Day Night! Sunday, Aug. 31st, 9 p. m. Variety Entertainers THE LAST SHOW OF 1947 SEASON! Labour Day, September 1st LADIES’ Softball Tournament Games at 1:30 and 3:30. Final at 6:30 p.m. Teams — Forest, Goderich Legionettes, Dashwood, Lucan. You are promised the best games of the season. Come out and support your town’s team! Only a few dance nights left. Drop in and say “S’long” to Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra. When you are in . Toronto, from Sept. 8th through tile winter season, drop in to hear them at “The Club Top Hat”, near Sunnyside. /Many Thanks FOR YOUR VISITS TO “THE BEND”! Season 1917 has been grand, and “The Bend” is offering*, and will continue to offer, the newest and best in every­ thing, making it “tops” amongst the leading Resorts. Our aim —~ “Ontario’s Finest”! Sat. Sept., 13th -Dancing » - 12 Flannigan’s Orchestra — ADMISSION — 1 Book of Lions Club Tickets This dance is sponsored by Lions of the Exeter Lions Club in aid of the Exeter and Community Hospital Fund. A gelical cemetery (Goshen Line) on Sunday, Aug, 31st, at 2:15 p.m. Rev. G. L. Gross, of Listowel, will be the guest speaker and special music will be rendered by the Strat­ ford Boys Band under the leader­ ship of Mr. Brett. A cordial invita­ tion is extended to all. Misses Sarah and Annie Siebert, Home Missionaries of Detroit, spent a few days with their Wit2ell, last week. Rev. and Mrs. Win. Pennsylvania, visited brother, Mr. and' Mrs. Vern Schatz. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader and Mrs. Jaco-b Willett and Gustave Miller motored to Clifford, Han- ovei’ and Chesley on Sunday. Herbert and Harold Luft of Kit­ chener, were week-end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. E. Merner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and daughter Elsie, Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Siebert and two daughters, all of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Witzel. Mrs. Dr. Spellman and family, of Kitchener, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoff­ man last week. Dr. Spellman spent Sunday with them returning to Kit­ chener on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dark and two daughters, of Windsor, were Sun­ day visitors -with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Edgax’ Restemeyer are on vacation this week and are also attending the Toronto Exhibi­ tion. Mrs. Murdoff, of Bowmanville, is visiting with hex’ niece, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kleinstxver. Miss Blanche >Edighoffer, of Mit­ chell, visited with friends here over the week-end. Rev. P. Gra-upner and daughters, Clara and Martha and granddaugh­ ter, Helen Meyer, of Detroit, spent Sunday visitixig friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Guenther are spending theix* vacation at Coney- Island, N.Y. Mr. Sproule Currie motored to Meaford and visited with friends on Sunday, Mrs. J. V. McAree, of Mimico, and Mrs. Leslie Inwood, of Mont­ real, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Harry Hoffman. Miss Amelia Willert, of Detroit is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Wil­ lett. Mr. and Mrs. D. Deken and Mr. and Mrs. H. Sariiiger, of Kalida, Ohio, spent a few days with Mrs. Wm. Musser and family. Miss Gloria Gerner, of Toronto, is spending a week’s holidays with Marilyn Bender, of Exeter. Mrs. H. F. May has returned to Toronto after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. Shorey, who is convalescing after an opera­ tion. Mr. and Mrs. John Prout, who have been making their home in Port Huron, Mich., are spending a couple of weeks at their home in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Snyder, of Montreal, and Mrs. Percy Gillies, of London, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Harvey during the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Moon, Jr., of Ann Arbor, Mich., who are va­ cationing at Oakwod, and Mr. E. S. Moon, Sr., of Detroit, were visit­ ors at the home of Mr, t and Mrs. E. C. Harvey during the week. Miss Mary Westlake, an em­ ployee at Cole’s Drugstore, under­ went an operation for appendicitis at Victoria Hospital Tuesday after­ noon. Hex’ many friends will hope fox- a speedy recovery. son, Richard Etherington to Miss Daisy Hooper. Don Traquair is hobbling around with a cane. A window frame fell on his toe while working on the new house his father is erecting on John Street. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Haas, Harold and Lois, of Buffalo, N.Y., visited on Monday with Mrs. Haas’ par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Herb Ford, after spending their holidays on a motor trip. sister, Mrs. Schatz, of with his Maud word their Brother Passes in Whitby Mrs. Horney and Miss Horton of town, received Wednesday of the death of brother James Horton, who passed away in hospital in Whitby, The deceased since last March had been living in Oshawa with his brother, J, C. Horton. Previous to that lie resided in .Exeter with his sister. He had not been well for some time. The regains are being brought to Exeter' and --------- meats to -be completed at the time of writing. arranae- for the funeral have still Swap it! Sell it! Rent it! Buy it! Use the Want-Ads. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.42 Oats 65c Barley, 75c Creamery Butter 54c Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND PRESENTS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS FRIDAY and SATURDAY August 20tfi, 30th ‘Fun on a Week-End’ ® Eddie Bracken ® Priscilla Lane — with —- Musical Short, “Gene Krupa and His Orchestra” and “Dumbbell of Yukon” Cartoon SUN. MIDNITE, MON. and TUES. Sept, 1st, 2nd Antonio’ in technicolor • Errol Flynn ft Alexis Smith — with — “Bathday” Cartoon £ * WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Sept 3rd, 4th ■yx • — A Big Double Bill — ‘It’s a Joke, Son’ Kenny Delmar, e Una Merkel and - ‘Danny Boy’ Robert (Buzz) Henry e Sybil Merritt 4P M rs. Martin Receives Letter of Thanks The Marie Curie Hospital Patron: Her Majesty Queen Mary President: H.R.H. The Dxfchess of Gloucester 66, Fitzjohn’s Avenue, N.W.3, 31st July, 1947, Mrs. Wilbert Martin, Box 195. Exeter, Ontario (Canada). Dear Mrs. Martin, I am afraid that this is a very- belated letter to thank you for your very kind gift of honey. It is extremely kind of you to have thought of the Hospital and to have sent us such a delightful pres­ ent, and I send my most sincere thanks for your kind thought. 1 would have replied sooner, but I have been away on leave and have only just returned. I expect you know that the Hos­ pital was almost completely de­ stroyed In the bombing of 1944, when tlie original Hospital receiv­ ed a direct hit, and when we re­ opened here in May of last year we had no food stores and very little of anything except the bare necessities. Without the help Of the various Red Gross Societies and in particu­ lar*' of the Canadian ‘Red Cross th® difficulties of reconstruction and starting again daring the past strenuous year would have been much greater. We do feel, indeed, that we owe them a debt Of grati­ tude that can never be re-paid for the extraordinary kindness atid generosity that we have received from them, and their magnificent gifts. I ata sending you one Of our Annual Reports for 1945, and wilt let you have one for last year a little latei’ on. With again m.y most grateful thanks for your very kind And wel­ come gift. Yours sincerely, M. Beatty, Matron, Miss Connie Conklin and Mr. Billie Bettis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Triebner, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook have returned home after week at st. Thomas well. Mr. Thos. Edwards roy, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Windfall, Indiana, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lawson for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gunn, of London, who have been holidaying at Grand Bend, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor Wednesday of last week. holidaying a and Pt. Bur­ an d son, Le- Legg, of Protect Your Eyes the ing Caution — you only have one pair of eyes to last a lifetime, Make sure the light is right when yon read, sew, write or work. Avoid “spot lighting” that causes glare, Use reflectoi’ type lamps to diffuse the light and be sure the bulbs are strong enough to give proper amount of light. Remember, better light means better sight. Avoid eyestrain. All Types of Lighting Fixtures Fluorescent Lighting * R. E. RUSSELL Phone 109 Exeter, Ont. Give Your Looks a Break . , . Wear a Morgan Hat To be well turned out, it is important to have a hat to suit you — in style and shade. Select your early fall model from our grey, brown or blue shades in Morgan styles. FALL TOPCOATS ARE ARRIVING A Large 44c A Medium 41c Pullets 32c B 27c C 22c Flannelette Unpacked • KENWOOD Blanket Club ® MOHAWK ® STRATHDOWN © OTTAWA VALLEY We invite you to join our new Club. It’s the easy way to buy yourself a new blanket. You pay SQ cents a week and before you know it you own one of the popular Kenwood, Ottawa Valley, Strathdown or Mohawk blankets, Make your choice of any of the beautiful designs that are now being shown. Here is your opportunity to purchase some very fine white flannelette. This last shipment comes in two qualities. The cheaper flannelette is a nice weight while the other is a love­ ly heavy weight. The material is a yard wide and you may pur­ chase as much as you wish. Per yard 35 and 45 cents We have just unpacked a very nice shipment of fine china this week. This-includes many lovely odd cups and saucers, odd dish­ es of many various designs as well as tea and dinner sets. We have a splendid garment for summer made by Kayser. They come in medium and large sizes. Special at $1.59 Phone 16 Exeter