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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-08-28, Page 9
THE TIME5-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28th, 1947 CHESTERFIELDS and OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired and Re-covered Free Pick-up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Co. 42 Brunswick Street STRATFORD Phone 579 We rebuild mattresses, also, Enquire at Hopper-Hockey Furniture Store Exeter ACTION DISPLAYS £ $ Scores of nations invite you to see how they live and work and play. The worldls finest music . . . advanced techniques of agriculture, Education and Science ... beauty and art and industry are at the C.N.E. And there’s fun, sports, fire works and thrills for every one ia this exhibition. BIG CROWDS AT “EX” PROM ALL THE WORLDS I & t WOODHAM of Exeter, and Flor- thls week and Lloyd at Grand Misses Shirley Brock, Lorene and Viola Jaques ence Kirk are spending at Grand Bend/ Messrs. Jack Stephens Jaques spent last week Bend. Miss Gwen Dobson, of Kirkton, is visiting with her cousins, Misses Merle and Ruth Hazelwood for a few days, Mrs. Earl Cole and daughter, of Toronto, are visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm. Miss Verna Pridliam, of dale, is visiting with her Miss Betty Mills for a few Mrs. George Hern, of St. Mr Russel- cousin, days. Marys, Arn- National ELWOOD A. HUGHES General Manager J. A. SCYTHES President Canadian Exhibition world-famous is visiting with her son. old Hern " Miss F spent the ents, Mr, Masters ens, with their cousins. Marilyn Brine. Mrs. Basler and Hubert, of Lon don, .(ire visiting with Mr. and Mrs Whitfield Switzer. Miss Mona- Stacey, of Rannock, is holidaying with Miss Annie Jean Spence. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Laing, of Guelph, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. Laing. Mrs. Frank Chatten and Archie, of St. Thomas/ spent the week-end with Mrs. Chatten Sr. Archie is spending this week with his grand mother. Master Gary Denham has re turned to Fort Erie, after having spent the past three weeks with his cousin, Ronnie Chatten. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaugh ton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McNaughton at New Liskeard We are very sorry to report that Mrs. Wilson Black is quite ill and is under the doctor’s care. We hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Janie Rutledge, of Berkley, Mich., is visiting her cousin, Miss Donna Copeland. Miss Donna Copeland visited for a few days last week at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Darling, of Brown’s Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCurdy, of Plugtown, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy.' Mrs. Mitchell Willis and Evelyn returned home on Sunday after having spent several days last week with relatives in and around Exeter. Mrs. Orville Steckley and son Larry Grant, of Gormley, are visit ing with the former’s mother, Mrs. John Thomson. We are sorry to report that Miss Edith Rodd is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, suffering infec tion from an insect bite. Rev. and Mrs. John Wheeler and Mary, of Wellburn, visited on Sun day evening with the former’s brother, Mr. George Wheeler and Mrs. Wheeler Church Service The Women’s Missionary Society had charge of the church service Sunday evening which was well at tended. Rev. Mr. John Wheeler, of Wellburn, was the guest speaker. Miss Mary Urquhart, of Kirkton, .g a solo. and Mrs. Hern- 'em Rodd, of week-end with and Mrs, Edgar Keith and Wayne 'Steph- of Anderson, are holidaying their cousins, ' Donald and London, her py,r- Rodd. “Is the boss in?” “No; he’s gone out for lunch.” “Will he he in after lunch?” “No, that's what he’s gone out after.” Business Directory ELMER D. BELL, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR ARTHUR FRASER Successor to J. W. Morley Income Tax Reports, Bookkeeping Service, etc. EXETER, ONT. Dr. H. H. Cowen, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Main Street,'Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P.O. or RING 138 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College. Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton P.O. or Phone 43-2 ..................................... ........................'...............»■'■................... . ALVIN H. WALPER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron County FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. PHONE 571’2 DASHWOOD, R. 1 j E. F. CORBtETT licensed auctioneer Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. EXETER, R.R. 1 Phone Zurich 92r7 CENTRAUIA Mrs. 0. R. Young, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited last week with Mrs- H. Mills. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Geo. Flynn were Mr, and Mrs. T, Flynn, of London, Miss Marjorie Flynn and Mr. Geo. Lowe, of Welland. Mr. J. Marshall, Mr. ' F. Marshall and family, Mrs. R. Wells and Mrs. of Londesboro, Fit. Sgt. Andrew and Georgia, of Lon- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks Joanne were Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. .George Hicks. Miss Helen Essery spent the week-end with her parents and at tended the Harris-Pfaff wedding on Saturday. Mastei’ Benny don, is visiting parents, Mr. and ton. Mrs. Lammie, iting with her son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie. Mrs. Lorne Hicks and her sister, Miss Wilda Pollock, of Kitchener, are attending the Exhibition in To ronto this week. Mrs. Geo. Hay, of Exeter, visited with Mrs. H. Mills on Friday of last week, Miss Barbara Jamieson, of Avon, visited for the past couple of weeks with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G. R# Andrew.Bill Elliott attended ington-Hooper wedding ton on Saturday and week-end in Toronto, taking in the Exhibition. Mrs. Kerr, of London, visited the past week with her niece, Mrs. William Essery, W.A. Meeting The monthly meeting of the W.A. was held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday, August 7, with 20 members and one visitor present. The president was in the ehair for the opening exercises. Af ter the singing of a hymn the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in uni son. Several sick visits were report- Mrs. W. Bawden took the chair the program part of the meet- and a few verses of some of the familial’ hymns were sung. Mrs. entitled Good Lord’s Work”, after J. L. don, and with and Mrs. of Blyth, A. Wells, and Mrs. Harlton, of Lon- with his grand Mrs, Albert Harl- of Hensall, is vis- the Ether in Hamil- spent the —• By SGT. J. G. MacKAY . . . since now Many Months Have You Driven Car? ed. for ing old Bowden gave a reading “The which the meeting was favored with a travel talk on her trip to the east coast this summer by Mrs. Harold Murray, which in her usual happy and descriptive manner of presenting such a trip, made one almost imagine they had gone the whole trip with her. With the sing ing of a hymn the meeting was closed by all repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served by Mrs. N. Mitchell, Mrs. W. 'Essery, Mrs. M. Elliott and Mrs. N. Baker. We find it very difficult to re tain the role of reporter in this column. To be a proper reporter one should report, rather than de liver rambling discourses of per sonal opinion. However to report factually on what has happened at the airfield in the past week would make rather dull reading to any one other than those involved, and would in all probability get me into a mess that only the Security Coun cil of the United Nations straighten out. We might take the style Broadway columnist and “What Senior NCO has a red face from being caught late for par ade,” or “what kind of a fighting man would let his wife keep him from coming to the station stag parties”, but that sort of thing is no so good either. In spite of the from time to time at our airport ball that it is about time to hand out a few bouquets. The games that we have seen have been well han dled and properly contested. We think that the sportsmanship of the players was somewhat better than that of the spectators. Prob ably we have all been too well conditioned, by professional sport spectacles where winning is more important than the game itself. Throughout the airforce it has become a practise to make Wednes day afternoon of each week a could of the * say, bit of chiding in this column team, we think Experimental Farm News and im- sports day where every one par ticipates in a sport of his own choice, Last Wednesday the pro gram got properly under way at Centralia with everyone on the camp turning up in sports clothes to play ball, soccer as they wished, out for chess or settle for P.T., followed and a swim. A challenge between the officers and ended with the NCO’s “Noblesse oblige”. or volleyball Those who held bridge had to by h run ball game the NCO’s The station is losing a very per sonable officer in F/L Paul Ray mond. F/L Raymond has been with the Instrument Flying School for some time and leaves these to devote his time to the Air in Halifax. On Tuesday evening the personnel were out in a body for another swim meet and stag party. An innovation was the contest to pick metal plates from the bottom of the pool in one plunge. “ Mahoney and LAC Dove tied ten apiece. Since the plates scattered around the pool in hazard order, this meant staying under water for something ovei’ a minute. • The front wheels were cleaned and repacked? Your crankcase was drained? The complete chassis was lubricated? Transmission and differential was drained? Your Spark Plugs were cleaned? cannot answer the above questions then you are in Your Texaco Service Station If you < need of our SERVICE, GRAHAM ARTHUR station. duties Cadets F/‘L with were hap- Prospects are that the next big station entertainment will be a dance some time in September. Un doubtedly there will be some lobby ing by the wives and girl friends in favor of a dance rathei’ than a stag. A Balanced Ration Means Increased Hog Profits Extra $$$ can be yours if you balance your home grown grains with SHUR-GAIN Hog’ Con centrate because you can (1) Raise more hogs to bonus grades. (2) Ship your hogs to markets from 6 to 8 weeks earlier. A Hidden Menace To The Poultry Flock The harmful effects of lice mites on. poultry not being mediately visible, tlieir presence is often not detected until large num bers of them exist. At the 'Dominion Experimental station at Harrow, Ont., frequent examination of the birds and fix tures for the pests have proved that eradication is fairly simple when carried out during the early stages of infestation. The common body its the area around the bird and usually ters of the insects can be seen ad hering to the base of the abdom inal feathers of the birds. Mites prefei’ to spend the day on the under side of the roosts or in cracks or nail holes in the build ing, making nightly visits to the resting fowl to feed. Because of the different habits of the para sites, methods of control must vary accordingly. A smear of nicotine sulphate, a half inch wide along the top of the roose put on before dark, will rid most of the birds of lice. Of course, to delousing the roost, require a small quantity of blue ointment smeared on the skin around the vent of the bird is an effective treatment, though taking more time. Blue ointment should not -be used when eggs hatching, into the way of poisonous cides requires cautious handling Slow drying, oil bearing sprays are usually recommended as a treatment against the so-called red mite. Crude carbolic, used motor oil, or any disinfectant having a creosite base, diluted with kerosene should be sprayed forcibly into the places where ing. Because rapid rate, a advised. louse inhab- the vent of the egg clus- B in Remember that grain alone does not supply the proteins, minerals and vitamins that your hog needs. SHUR-GAIN Hog Concentrate contains all these essentials and insures stronger, heal thier, more profitable hogs. McGillivray W. I. The ■McGillivray W.I. held their picnic on Wednesday, August 20 at the home of Mrs. Mac Allison A very enjoyable afternoon was spent. The 1st vice-president, Mrs D. Lewis, was in charge of tbo meeting. The president, Mrs. Dixon is spending some time England. Mrs. James McCarthy is the secretary-treasurer. After the business part of the meeting sports were held with the convenor, Mrs. Mac Donald and her helpers, Betty Allison, Margaret Boland, ~ Thompson and Irene charge, were as follows, Wayne .Brest; young girls, Hamilton; clothes pin race, Lewis; walking to music, McCarthy; dropping clothes pins in bottle, Mrs. M. Prest. After the sports lunch was served with the convenor, ,Mrs. Melvin Allison, tn charge. The September meeting will be held in McGillivray following a flower show. Rubv Neil, in The winners of the races 1 to 4 years. Elaine Helen Mrs. J. SHUR-GAIN Hog Concentrate is economical, too! — Save 450 lbs. of grain per hog. — Cut your feeding cost. MAKE MORE PROFITS Poliomyelitis The Incidence of Paralysis It has ‘ been estimated that the chances of a child in the 0-9 age group developing even slight paral- usis are about one in six thousand, and death one in nineteen thous and. The chance of developing par alysis in the older age group is still more remote. In crippled persons in Ontario, less cent of persons crippling cause to Poliomyelitis. The Age Group Most Affected The great majority of cases cur in children in the 5-9 age gri Children in not nor age that velop Poliomyelitis, our attempt to control the disease should ’be dir ected towards the age groups most susceptible. All attempts to control Poliomyelitis by such radical steps as the curtailment of community life, closing of all schools and mov ies, have proven of little value. How Parents May Help Do not use unsafe milk or water. See that the children do not swim in polluted water. In the event of an outbreak in your municipality, it should be the parents’ responsibility to see that their children do not attend parties, frequent swimming pools, movies or public gatherings. What We Should Do When Poliomyelitis Invades Put youi’ child to bed. On the first sign not become panicky. Let your physician ately. Isolate him until makes, a diagnosis. Only a very few from paralysis. Make $ure you kill all flies. You should protect all food from flies. Eliminate their 'breeding places. Let us pay. more attention to sani tation and Cleanliness. Insist upon knowing your child's whereabouts. Tell your children not to play too strenuously,1 oi’ swim in polluted waters. Invitations to parties, movies, baby shows, should be declined for children 0-14. Sick playmates should be avoided. i Ann Street, EXETER, Phone 355W Dr. J. W. Corbett, D.D.S., L.D.S DENTAL SURGEON BELL BUILDING, EXETER Telephone 273 GLADMAN and COCHRANE BARRISTERS — SOLICITORS EXETER, ONTARIO at Hensall, Friday 2 to 5 p,m. JOHN WARD Chiropractor and Optometrist MAIN ST., EXETER Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday. Phone 348 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ontario Pres.WM. H. COATES Exeter Vice-Pres.......... ANGUS SINCLAIR R.R. 1, Mitchell DIRECTORS JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton, WM. A. HAMILTON JOHN McGRATH milton McCurdy .. R. 1 .... Cromarty Dublin, Ont. Kirkton, R. 1 AGENTS ALVIN L. HARRIS ........ Mitchell THOS. SCOTT ......... Cromarty THOS. G. BALLANTYNE, Woodham SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F, Beavers .............. Exet’er SOLICITORS Gladman & Cochrane, Exetor Hal) by FEEDING THE SHUR-GAIN WAY a recent survey of in a sample area than twenty per suffering from a disability attribute Canada Needs the get the benefit of the every bird must be on Heavy infestations may repeat application. A hos- meet Min- tabl- develop do the group. adults oc- oup. the 0-4 age group do the disease as readily, children in the older While it is also true may occasionally de- of illness, do know immedi- the physician cases suffer A clergymen at a dinner had lis tened to a talkative young man who had much to say on Darwin and his “Origin of the Species.” “I can’t see," he argued, "what difference it would make to me if my grandfather was an ape." "No," commented the clergyman, "I can’t see that it would. But it must have made a great difference 'to your grandmother." are required for Sodium fluoride dusted feathers, is still another exterminating lice. The nature of these insecti- •to* the mites are lurk mites multiply at a thorough coverage is Young Women become a Reg. N*l Here is an opportunity for young women to train as Registered Nurses*. The Course lasts three years with two of them at one of the centres below. Monthly allowances ranging from $25 to $50 are granted during the full period plus free Room, board, laundry and uniforms. Students have three weeks’ vacation each year. Secondary School Gradua tion Diploma is requiredfor enrolment. Ex- Service women require only 4Middle School subjects (8 papers). Registration closes September 30, 1947 ... apply now to:— The Superintendent ONTARIO HOSPITAL at any one of the following centres LONDON NEW TORONTO WHITBY BROCKVILLE HAMILTON KINGSTON or the Dlroclor, Ontario Hospitals, Parliament Buildings, department of health PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 8,700 Nurses Canada needs 27,000 more pital beds and 8,70 0 nurses to present requirements, Health ister Martin said in a return ed in the house of commons for W. G. Blair (PC^Lanark). The return showed that a short age of hospital beds has existed foi’ many years in mental hospi tals, tuberculous institutions, hos pitals for the chronically ill and convalescent hospitals. But the shortage of hospital facilities for acute diseases, now rated at 8,000 beds, has become acute only since 1940. Present needs in hospital bed capacity in Canada were listed as follows: acute diseases hospitals, 8.000; convalescent hospitals, 5,000; chronically ill, 3,000; tuber culosis, 5,000, and mental hospi tals, 6,000. Figures at December 31, 1945, showed a total of 121,- 758 beds, including 58,9 40 for acute diseases, 800 for convales cents, 3,280 for chronically ill, 13,614 for tuberculosis, and 45,124 mental. The return said that national health insurance could be imple mented only by a considerable ex pansion in hospital. facilities throughout the country. In the Dominion proposals out lined at the 'Dominion-Provincial conference in August, 1945, it had been proposed that the federal gov ernment should provide loans to the provinces entering health in surance agreements for necessary expansion of hospitals. Regarding nursing services need ed in the Dominion, the return showed hospital requirements of 7,000 nurses, private duty require ments of 1,200 and public health requirements of 500. Ration of population per doc tor was another item of the return, which showed that in cities of 150,000 and over, there are 665 persons for each doctor. In cities of 30,000 to 150,000 there were 669 persons, in cites of 10,000 to 30,000 857 persons, and in com munities of 10,000 and under, 1,- 300 persons. Population per doctor, by prov inces, was 1,243; Nova Brunswick, 1 Ontario, 843; katchewan, 1. and 'British Columbia, 938. Prince Edward Island, Scotia, 1,262; New ,597; Quebec, 1,068; Manitoba, 1,042; Sas- ,504; Alberta, 1.222, HNU7 Russell T. Kelley Minister “What did one moth say td the other?" “Gee, it’s good t© get back in civilian clbthos again-!"' CANN’S MILL LTD Shur- WHALEN CORNERS Kirkton 35rlS I I Follow the lead of more than a million , Canadians who Save for tomorrow... open your B of J.vf account today EXETER w i MiuoH amt>HK liBfiT Bank of Montreal working with Canadians in tv try walk of life since 1817 Feel Stuffed and Upset Enjoying a Meal? If you suffer from dyspepsia, sour stomach, biliousness, headaches, minor liver or kidney com- plaints-—uso Burdock Blood Bitters. Thia is a popular preparation that will help tone up the stomach, kidney and liver, aid digestion and bring quick relief from indigestion and. constipation. Safe, effective and dependable, B.B.B. contains no harmful ingredi ents nor habit-forming drugs. You’ll be agreeably surprised how quickly B.B.B. aids digestion, assimilation, elimination, and how much bettor you feel. Ask for it by name—Burdock Blood Bitters—-on sale at drug counters everywhere. ** + Tlio T. Milburn Oo., Limitwl, Toronto, Ont.