HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1947-08-28, Page 3—- Jfen .». THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28th, 1947 H——- - I LETTER BOX a Airmen Edge Locals in Scanning the Exhibition Tilt The Exeter Intermediates and the Centralia airmen put on a fine exhibition ball game at Community Park last Friday evening with the visitors edging the locals 5-3 at the end of seven innings. The airmen squeezed all their runs across the plate before the lo­ cals had scored. In foy^’ of the first five frames Berner and Naugler were setting the Exeter batters down in order. Brintnell’s single in the third was the only base hit un­ til the sixth. Moore did likewise for the first two frames. In the third an infield bobble started a rally and Berner’s Hi « Howdy Folks! Constable: "No swimming al­ lowed in this lake.” Young (Lady; '"But why didn’t you tell me before .1 undressed? Constable: against "There ain’t no that.” law And friends othei* all work out, have not then who his As been friends —o—• there were agreed to faults. But a matter two the the tell it didn’t of fact, they since. service hasWe hope that our pleased you hut if you find some fault with our workmanship do not hesitate to tell us. We are mighty anxious to satisfy you in every pos­ sible way. That is how we make friends. South End Service Station HARRY SNELL, RUSS SNELL CHUCK SNELL, CHUB EDWARDS Low Rail Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AT TORONTO AUG. 22 - SEPT. 6 FARE AND ONE THIRD For the Round Trip Good Going Thursday Aug. 21 to Saturday Sept. 6 inclusive Return Limit — Sept. 10 Full Information from any Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL Business Review These business firms invite«your patronage. Dealing with them gives satisfaction and helps to make this a better community H POP’S Taxi Service Temporary Phone - 296 Stewart’s Taxi Phone 335 Exeter Highland Cedar FENCE POSTS A. J. CLATWORTHY We Deliver Phone 12 Granton Friday Night short grounder scored 'Coleman. Two singles, one by Burns and the other, Rimer, combined with an­ other error gave Centralia two more runs and a 3-0 lead in the fourth. Penhale, making his start on the mound, went in to pitch in the fifth and in that frame and the sixth one run in each were scored, In the seventh the Exeter twirler pitched to but three batters, striking out the first man while the second two grounded out. Robinson scored Exeter’s first jun getting to first on a single and scoring from second on Farrow’s long single. In the seventh Reavley and Brintnell added two more be­ fore the side was retired. Each side bagged four hits with McNabb, Mesier, Burns and Rimer singling for the winners and Robin­ son, Farrow, Brintnell getting one Exeter. CENTRALIA McNabb, rf ............. Phillips, c ................ Mesier, 3b ............... Burns, 2b, cf ........... Rimer, lb ............... Thayer, If ............... Coleman, ss ............. Robertson, 2b ......... Berner, p ................. Long, c ..................... McDougall, If ........... McNiff, cf ................ Naugler, p ............... ■M By “SCOOP” Har. Holtzman and base hits for EXETER Hennessey, lb ......... Robinson, ss ............ Farrow, cf ............... Elson, If, c ............. Reavley, rf ............. How. Holtzman, 3fo .. Brintnell, 2b ........... Hughes, c ............... Moore, p ................. Penhale, p ............... Har. Holtzman, If .. a Dinney AB 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 0 1 0 27 AB 4 3 3 3 3 3 .2 1 1 1 1 1 26 H 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 R 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 H 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 E 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 4 a batted for Penhale in the 7th. Umpires, H. and G. Score by innings: Centralia 001 211 Exeter 000 001 If Friday night’s effort means anything Exeter may have a new mound "prospect in Em. Penhale. The big lad from Winchelsea in his first chance showed plenty of speed on the ball. With some experience he may be a big help to the local pitching staff. * * * * Before the paper reaches its sub­ scribers local fans will have seen the deciding game between Lucan and •St. Marys, weather permitting. Dur­ ing the regular season the .Lucan team barely made the playoffs. To date they have upset the Centralia airmen and after losing the first game at home, went on to tie up the series against the league-leading St, Marys team, * * * * Another big ladies’ softball tour­ nament will be staged Labor Day at Grand Bend. Teams are entered from Forest,' Goderich, Dashwood and Lucan. These tournaments have created a good deal of interest at the resort. * * * * According to the dailies the Pitts­ burg Pirate training camp was a real success. We hear that several of the"Zurich and Hensail Juveniles took it in.* * * * The Exeter Intermediates are planning a benefit ball game in the near future with a team in a Lon­ don league. The proceeds will de­ fray expenses that several of the in­ jured players had this season. * * * re­ Considerable agitation for an In­ termediate OHA hockey team in Exeter has been under waj? the past few weeks. George Shaw, a favorite of hockey fans in this district when he played for the Centralia Flyers a few seasons back, is one person who is keenly interested if he could get started in the poultry business this season. George has,bought the Moore but at property on the Lake 'Road present is working in Sarnia. Schenk. r : 0—5 2—3 H 4 4 E 2 4 of of Stephen Council The regular monthly meeting the Council of the Township iSteplien was held in the Council Rooms, Crediton, on Tuesday eve­ ning, August IXh, 1947, with the following members present: Roy Ratz, Reeve; A. J. Amy, Deputy Reeve; and Councillors J. H. Dal­ ton, Henry Beaver and Willis Gill. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and adopted on mo­ tion of J. H. Dalton and Harry Beavers. Carried. Moved by Harry Beavers, sec­ onded by J- H. Dalton, that M. K. Either be appointed as acting clerk in the absence of 'L. B. Hodgson who is on vacation. Carried. Mr. W. H. Hodgson, of Exeter, was present asking for the renewal of the Municipal Liability Policy. Mr. Hodgson pointed out to the Council the need of more insurance and protection and on motion of Willis Gill and J. H. Dalton it was decided to increase the Insurance from 5000/10000 for Legal Liabil­ ity and 1.000 property damage to 25000/50000 for Legal Liability and 5 000 property damage. Correspondence was read from Mr. Frank Donnelly, Township Solicitor, re road grader. The mat­ ter was discussed and ordered filed. ■Correspondence from the Hydro Electric Power Commission re placing of Hydro Poles on the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 which is considered necessary to al­ low for road building and paving on Highway No. 83, Exeter to Dashwood. Moved by A. J. Amy, seconded by J. H'. Dalton, that the Council approve of the location of the Hydro Poles between lots 20 and 21 on the road allowance with the guarantee that tflie poles will he placed 28 feet from the centre of the travelled portion of the road ■and the work ifo be done under the supervision of the road superintend­ ent. Carried. Correspondence from Mr. J. A. Coombs, Municipal Engineei’ of Municipal Roads granting approval of gravel contract to place approxi­ mately 3200 yards of gravel from Moody’s pit and 300 yards from Statton’s pit on the roads in the Township of Stephen. On complaint of Jos. Regier re •a condition in connection with the O’Rourke Municipal Drain, the Council have instructed the Drain­ age Inspector, Mr. George Eilber, to make an inspection of the Drain and report to the Council. On mo­ tion of Willis Uill and A. J. Amy. ■Carried. The Clerk whs instructed to write to War prices on tractor. Moved by Harry 661 Ibe passed, which is a By-Law to enter into a contract with Chas. Dietrich for the repair of the Ship- ka Drain. Carried. Moved by Willis Gill, seconded by J. H. Dalton, that By-Law 6 62 be passed, which is a By-Lhw to enter into a contract with Charles Diet- Assets Corporation for a 1500 truck or artillery by A. Amy, seconded Beavers, that By-Law No. CROMARTY are at present visited with aWe spell of unusually hot weather. The thermometer registered around the ainety-five degree mark. This is the longest heat wave to be experienced in these parts in the memory of some of the older people. A large crowd wended their to Staffa both 'Thursday and day evenings to witness the games between Clinton and Staffa. Staffa were the winners Thursday night ibut Clinton took home the laurels Friday, night. There was a very large crowd present. At time of writing James Scott Jr. is not very well. Mr. John Scott, who has made his home with his sister, Mrs. Ken McKellar, has returned to his home in Hamilton, much improved in health. Miss Mary Currie has returned from Seaforth Hospital after ing ing a slight operation and is much better. way Fri- ball hav- feeJ- Vacational Bible School Conducted at Bend The Grand Bend Church of God conducted a vacational Bible school during the week of August 4 th. This Bible School was un-denomina- tional. The attendance was between 40 and 50 children representing six different clrurch denominations. The teachers under the leadership of Mrs. Glen Beach, Were able each morning to have a Bible story, Bible choruses and Bible verses. Each child also made a Bible story book. A scripture text in a wooden plaque and a Bible picture in a wall plaque. It was a very enjoy­ able week and plans are under way for next year, when the Vacation Bible School will be conducted for at least two weeks and will accom­ modate more children. Mrs. Beach has had a good deal of experience in Vacation Bible Schools, having conducted them before. She is very much interested in children. At present, her sister, Miss Grace Van- gundi is a missionary, working among the Mexican children in Mexico. rich for the work of the Centralia Drain Extension. Carried. Moved by J. H. Dalton, seconded by Willis Gill that the Road Ac­ counts be paid for the month of July as follows: Township of -'Ste­ phen $7 22.87; Grand Bend 331.35; total $1,054,22. Moved by Harry Beavers, onded by A. J. Amy, that the lowing general accounts be paid for the month of July: Centralia Farm­ ers Co-Operative, cement $4.20; George Eilbei’, making tile 43.00; Hugo Schenk, 26 sacks cement 19.50; Geo. Love, relief for VRn- steenkist 8.00;. Mrs. T. Kenny, re­ lief for Milton Kenny 9,00; County of Huron, hospitalization 77.60; L. B. Hodgson, O.A.P. applications 30.00; Municipal World, 50 dog tags 2.77; total $194.07. Moved by J. 5-1. Halton, seconded by Willis Gill, that the meeting be adjourned. The next Council meet­ ing will be held on Tuesday, (Sept, 2, 1947, at one o’clock sharp. L. 3B. Hodgson, Clerk, P.V. sec- fol- 0 Exeter, August 22, 1947 The Editor, Times-Advocate. Dear Sir:— Probably the most profitable in­ vestment this village has eyer made is the small sum expended some years ago in planting shade trees along our streets. Even as fuel they are worth many times their cost and the citizens would not permit the removal of the trees for many times that value. Exeter is opening up new streets and while it is not practical to plant trees at the present time it is not too early to make plans. The writer would suggest that to facilitate the setting out of the trees in the early part of 1948, the following questions he settled, 1. Has any variety of tree been found more suited to the purpose than the hard maple? 2. Once the variety of tree is selected, have our town planners definite knowledge of the correct spacing? Opinions seemed to differ widely in the minds of our former citizens. 3. Having decided upon the in­ tervals has an estimate of the number been made? 4. Can these be obtained from a Department of Forestry, or will some other source have found? 5. Are the trees to be planted so that the roots will cause minimum of interference with drains? 6. Are the trees to fight it out with hydro and telephone wires or has some plan been made to avoid this? This is in no way offered in a spirit critical of a council which has the writer’s continued respect. Thanking you for the use of this space. to be the the Wood B. Helpful. Pentecostal W.M.S. The August meeting was held Thursday, August 14th, with a fair attendance. The meeting opened with hymns, "Let the Lower Lights Be Burning,” and "Lead Kindly Light.” Mrs. Thos. Jolly then led in prayer. 'Roll Call was answered by a verse of scripture on "Light.” The business period followed. Miss 'Dorothy McDonald favored with a solo, "Send the Light.” Hymn, “Wonderful Peace,” was sung, Mrs. Cleason Gingerich brought the ad­ dress for the afternoon. Her scrip­ ture was Is. 42 which was read al­ ternately. She brought out many wonderful truths regarding "Light.” How the light was brought into this world through the gospel and this wonderful light of salvation is for both Jews and Gentiles. Mrs. R. McDonald read a very touching story, "Andrew’s last night on earth.” A session of prayer took place with many requests as we know that God hears and answers prayer. Mrs. Cleason Gingerich dis­ missed the meeting with prayer. on Henry Krueger Henry Krueger, a resident Dashwood for nine years, died sud­ denly early Sunday. While return­ ing from the barn to the house he was stricken with a heart attack. Dr. J. P. O’Dwyer, of Zurich, was called. He was born on the 14th con­ cession, Hay Township, farming there for many years before retir­ ing to Dashwood. He is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Miller; two daughters, Mrs. Wil­ liam Zinkharm and Mrs. Carl Piel- lusch, both of Kitchener; and one son Heret, of Zurich. He was in his 8*0th year and was a member of the Lutheran Church, Dashwood. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood, and funeral service was at Zion Lutheran Church on Tuesday. Rev. L. Higenell officiated. I-nterment .followed in the Lutheran Bronson Line Cemetery. of CREDITON EAST Miss Grace Penhale, of the Lake Road, spent the week-end at the home ®f Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil. Mrs. Racheal Sims, of Exeter, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Roland 'Motz and Ronald, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis spent the week-end in In’gersol with the latter’s sister, Mrs. " Emma. Ed­ wards. Mrs. Young, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. H. Mills, of Centralia, visited Sundav at the Anderson home Miss Marlene Cliffe, of London, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Motz SHIPKA Rev. Mr. Burn, of Crediton, ■preached in the United Church on. Sunday last and gave a very inter­ esting message. The Women's Association will have charge of the service on Sun­ day next, August 3'lst at 10.30 Everybody welcome. Sunday follow. Mrs. Rendall, of New spending this week at ____ of Mr, J. Clarke and L. Clarke.-Miss Mary Rendall has spent the past five weeks is returning home with them. a.m. School will Mr. and York, are the home Miss who here short action story—a need—aA want ad—results. CREDITON Rev. Burn conducted service in the United Church on Sunday eve­ ning. Service next Sunday evening is being withdrawn. H. Delbridge visited the United Church Sunday School on Sunday morning and spoke in the interest of leadership training. A sale of the household effects of Mr. Jos. W. Lawson was held on Saturday. A large crowd was in attendance and good prices were realized, Mr. Lawson has disposed of his property to Mr. Alvin Sims, and is making his home with his son, Sanford and Mrs. Lawson. Mr. Douglas Hill, of London, spent last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hill. Miss Mary Chambers and Misses Joype and Patricia Chambers are visiting with relatives in Hazleton, Pa. Miss Melita Schenk and Misses Delores and Jeannette Schenk and Dorothy Finkbeinei* are visiting in Hamilton and Waterdown and at­ tending the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Pearl Gaiser, of Toledo, spent the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Morlock and other relatives. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Morlock’s condi­ tion is much improved. Miss Elaine Fahrner has accepted a position with the London Life Insurance Co. in London and com­ menced her duties on Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Brown, of Royal Oak, Mich., who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Brown's father, Mr. <C. Kienzle, were called home on Monday ow­ ing to the death of their grandson. Gary Brown. Next Monday, being Labor Day, the stores and' business places will be closed. School will re-open next week with a new teaching staff, Mrs. K. R. Kerr will be in charge of the Primary room and Mrs. Stanley Kayes, the senior room. The school has been re-decorated, both inside and outside. Mr. and Mrs, son, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. E, Mr. Grover C. panied by his son Roger, of Ann Arbor, Mich., visited on Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Edward Mor­ lock, and Mr. Morlock. Mrs. Mildred Cora and daughter Sandra, of Detroit spent a few last week at the home of Mr. Mrs. Clarence Fahrner. Mr. Lewis Faist attended tures in Toronto last week. Mrs. Barbara Lochner and daugh­ ter, of Port Huron, called on friends in town recently. Mrs. Edward Morlock and daugh­ ters, Misses Lula and Ella Morlock visited last week at Pandora, Ohio. Mrs. Jno. Hirtzel and son Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Renney and son Maurice, of Detroit, and Mrs. Harry FinWieiner visited recently at Fenwick and Niagara Falls. Mr. X MMI -f so WHEN YOU VISIT UNIVERSITY OF EXHIBIT AT THE MOTIVE BUILDING Iec- days and Herb Haist and are visiting with M. Fahrner. Grismore, accom- THE C.N.E. DON'T MISS THE TORONTO’S SAFE DRIVING WEST END OF THE AUTO- (LOOK FOR A TENT) AT THE It’s fun finding out and makes for your own and others future safety. as a TORONTO Goderich Grand Monday, September 1st, 1947 Grand Parade Starting at 10 a.m. from Victoria Park All parade events open to the entire county of Huron. Several Hundreds of Dollars in Prizes for Parade: A little boy and his sister took the family clock apart one day to see what made it tick. After exam­ ining each part carefully, they put it back together. During the night it struck 33 times without stopping. Their father sat up in bed with a start, shook his wife and said, "Mother, we better git up—I never knowed us to sleep so late before.” Industrial Floats Decorated Cars Bicycles and Tricycles $35 $15 $ 5 Published in the public interest by John Labatt Limited $25 $10 $ 3 $15 $ 5 $ 2 Merchants Floats Farmers Display Comic Floats $25 $25 $20 $15 $15 $10 $10 $10 $ 5 Special Prize for Best Clown in the Parade, $25 All entries to be on hand at 9 a.m., at Victoria Park for placement in the parade. Prominent speakers will be heard from the bandstand on The Square immediately follow­ ing the parade. Afternoon and Evening Program A sparkling variety program at the grandstand will consist of: Magicians Comedians, 'Dancing Girls Musicians Ventriloquists Balancing Acts Impersonators Male Quartettes Singing Cowboys A Tug-of-War between Goderich and a team selected from the Townships, There will be 11 full acts at the evening show by artists outstanding in their respective fields. DRAW FOR VALUABLE PRIZES will’take place in front of the grandstand at Agriculture Park after the evening show. HURON'S BIG DAY OF THE YEAR SPONSORED BY THE GODERICH TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL. Nelson Crich, Chairman of Parade and Floats Committee.